Our Lady of Humility Parish · Book Fair Ahoy, Maes! Everyone is invited to the “BOOKANEER”...


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10655 Wadsworth Road, Beach Park, IL 60099 • (847) 872-8778 • www.Ourladyo!umility.org

October 16, 2016 • Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time

Our Lady of Humility Parish

Parish Mission Statement Mass Schedule As a branch of the one vine, as the family Weekday Masses: 8:00AM – Monday, Tuesday,

of our Lord Jesus, it is our mission to Thursday, Saturday

follow the way of the Lord, by extending Friday Mass: 8:45AM (During School Year)

welcome, embracing in healing love, and 8:00AM (During the Summer)

sharing the good news of the Gospel. Sunday Masses: 5:00PM Saturday

7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM Sunday

2 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Monday, October 17th

8:00AM +Phyllis Schlafly

Tuesday, October 18th

8:00AM +Ted Jurista

Wednesday, October 19th

Thursday, October 20th

8:00AM +John Halle

Friday, October 21st

8:45AM +Jane Ylescupidez and

+Maddie Kwok

Saturday, October 22nd

8:00AM +Fr. David Mulvihill

5:00PM +Edward Ridgway and

+Edward W. Ridgway, Jr.

Thir!eth Sunday In

Ordinary Time, October 23rd

7:00AM +Leon Dela Rosa

9:00AM +Audrey Wiedner

+Tony and +Marie Bruno

+Diane Ptasienski

+Valen#n Patawaran,

+Jane Ylescupidez, and

+Maddie Kwok

+Purgatorial Of Our Lady

Of Humility

11:00AM +Marilyn Engelking

+Joseph Dietmeyer

+Lore$a Zaker

+Camille Pudelek

People Of Our Lady Of


Please Support Our

Adver!ser For The Weekend

Please Remember In Your Prayers

Paule$e, Joe Rushforth, Emily, Marie Mirr, Janice Kleinschmidt, Ruth Jinkens, CJ Loffredo, Judy and

Joe, Jessie and Fela Navarro, Craig Nellis, Jr., Gina Tetner, Carol B., Gail Eschenbaugh, Judy Micke,

Roger, Ben LaFaye$e, Kit, Bri$ney Kindy, Gerri Marqui, Corrine Bauter, Pat Winn, Vivian Blain,

Jean Krapf, Joann M., Brenda and Jim, Gerrie Holmes, Rose Liecht, Barbara and Bill, Patrick, Ka#e,

Victor Figueroa, Ed Reno, Dick and Janice Hyde, Doug D., Barb Halle, Jerry and Marie Pope, Pa$

and Ma$hew Heiny, Erica Heiny, Charlo$e Heiny, John Shebenik, Baby Piper Ann Marie, Margaret,

Sco$ S#ckel, Dorothy R., Chet Spli$, John Peters, Margaret Alfaro, Be$y Robbins, Josiah Hughes,

Pat Benne$, Byrd Heisler, Peter Popit, Tom Quivellon, Roselyn Po$ala, Jan Grigu#s, Baby Sawyer,

Jim Wiedner, Dorothy Klawonn, Luana Pe$a, Baby Katherine Marie Schultz, Rachael Chianelli,

Florence Cutler, Margie Perez, Tomasa Alfaro, Kevin Junge, Kathy Sivia, George Lux, Jackie Videlka,

Joan Grzeskowiak, Bob Grazier, Marge Berzin, Sandy Kramer, Ginny Merkel, Vicki Sturtevant,

Ma$hew McPhee, Donald Engelking, Bob Whiteside, Shauna Whiteside

For The Deceased:

If someone is in need of healing prayers, please call the Rectory at (847) 872-8778 Monday

through Friday between the hours of 9AM and 3:30PM. Thank you!

Readings For The Week Of October 16, 2016 Sunday: Ex 17:8-13/Ps 121:1-8/2 Tm 3:14–4:2/Lk 18:1-8

Monday: Eph 2:1-10/Ps 100:1-5/Lk 12:13-21

Tuesday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Ps 145:10-13, 17-18/Lk 10:1-9

Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Is 12:2-6/Lk 12:39-48

Thursday: Eph 3:14-21/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19/Lk 12:49-53

Friday: Eph 4:1-6/Ps 24:1-6/Lk 12:54-59

Saturday: Eph 4:7-16/Ps 122:1-5/Lk 13:1-9

Next Sunday: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18/Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23/2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18/

Lk 18:9-14

©Liturgical Publica#ons Inc

Liturgical Roles: Saturday, October 22nd, and

Sunday, October 23rd Saturday Confessions: 3:30-4:30PM Fr. P. Stemn


5:00PM Fr. P. Stemn Deacon Greg

7:00AM Fr. P. Stemn Deacon Jim

9:00AM Fr. P. Stemn Deacon Mike

11:00AM Fr. E. Pelrine Deacon Mike

Eucharist Ministers:

5:00PM C) S. Frank D) J. Farris

F. McGrath, V. Placa, M. Adamek, B. Brothman

7:00AM C) P. Duncan

J. Tomkowiak, I. Pelle#er, M. Bell

9:00AM C) B. Dermody D) L. Nurczyk

M. Bruno, P. Miller, L. Mercure, F. McFarlin, S. Ochsner

11:00AM C) B. McGowan D) P. McGowan

Ja. Jones, Jo. Jones, V. Sanchez, D. Ianson, M. Florczyk


5:00PM (1) J. Frank (2) S. Spaulding

7:00AM (1) B. Dickson

9:00AM (1) M. Marek (2) C. Nurczyk 11:00AM (1) G. Askew (2) P. Reid

Altar Servers:

5:00PM E. Brockway, E. Giannopoulos

7:00AM D. Alaniz, A. Bjorn

9:00AM T. Bransky, M. Dermody, A. Gonzalez

11:00AM J. Habacon, M. Herrera, A. Leva

LWC Prayer Leaders: 9:00AM M. Franco 11:00AM W. Steffen

M.W. Med. Center: M. Kaczala

October 16, 2016 • Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time 3

A Note From The Pastor… Congratula#ons to our Archbishop and Cardinal-Elect

Blase Cupich on being named a Cardinal of the Church!

Cardinals assist the Pope with governing the Church.

Being a member of the Sacred College of Cardinals, he

also par#cipates with other Cardinals (under the age of

80 at the #me of the Pope’s death or resigna#on) in

elec#ng the next Pope. Cardinal-Elect Cupich will

formally be raised to the rank of Cardinal in Rome on

November 19th.

Unfortunately, we will no longer have an 8AM

Communion Service on Wednesdays. Although we are

very blessed to have four Deacons here at Our Lady of

Humility, two of them work in the mornings, leaving the

other two with the responsibility among their many

other du#es. In addi#on to this challenge, the

U.S. Bishops have noted regarding Communion Services during the week:

“Whenever possible, the Mass schedule of nearby parishes should be available to

parishioners. If a nearby parish is celebra!ng Mass on a given weekday, serious

considera!on should be given to encouraging people to par!cipate in that Mass rather

than the parish scheduling a Liturgy of the Word with Distribu!on of Holy Communion.”

On that note, here are the Wednesday Mass Times of some of our nearby parishes:

St. Patrick’s in Wadsworth has a Wednesday Weekday Mass at 7:30AM; St. Dismas in

Waukegan at 7AM; and St. Anastasia in Waukegan at 8:30AM (a School Mass).

This weekend we will have a Second Collec#on at all of the Masses in support of World

Mission Sunday. World Mission Sunday gathers support for the pastoral and evangelizing

programs, and needs of more than 1,150 Mission Dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific

Islands, and remote regions of La#n America. The funds gathered on World Mission

Sunday are distributed in the Pope’s Name by the Society for the Propaga#on of the

Faith — a Pon#fical Mission Society.

Let us pray for all Missionaries, and for an increase of voca#ons to the priesthood and

religious life.

God Bless,

Fr. Paul

4 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Religious Educa!on Teacher Is Needed We are in need of a Seventh Grade Teacher for Sunday

mornings from 10:30AM un#l 12 Noon. If you are interested,

and feel called to pass on the Catholic Faith to the young

people, you can call the Religious Educa#on Office at (847) 746-3744.




Ahoy, Ma!es!

Everyone is invited to

the “BOOKANEER” Book

Fair at Our Lady of

Humility School!

Come aboard to browse a

wonderful selec#on of children’s

books, plus a few things for


We will be set up in the School

Library this Sunday,

October 16th, from 7:30AM un#l

12:30PM. This is a Donut

Sunday, so relax with a cup of

coffee and a donut, then sail on

down to the Book Fair!

For your convenience, the

Book Fair accepts Visa,

MasterCard, Discover, and

Secured Debit Cards.

We always appreciate

your kind and

generous support.

8th Grade Pumpkin Sale – This Sunday,

October 16th, 9:30AM – 12:30PM Do you need a Pumpkin for the Fall Season, or for

your Halloween decor? The Our Lady of Humility

Class of 2017 will be selling Pumpkins in the parking

lot south of the School this Sunday, October 16th, from 9:30AM un#l 12:30PM.

The 8th Graders will be happy to help carry your Pumpkins to your car! Thank

you in advance for your support!

October Rosary To honor our Blessed Mother Mary during the month of

October, The Legion of Mary is sponsoring a Daily Rosary.

We will be praying for Our Lady’s Special Inten#ons.

The Rosary will be prayed in the Church at the following #mes during this

month of October:

Sundays: 8:00AM (Immediately A-er the 7AM Mass)

Mondays: 7:30AM (Before the 8AM Mass)

Tuesdays: 8:30AM (Immediately A-er the 8AM Mass)

Thursdays: 8:30AM (Immediately A-er the 8AM Mass)

Fridays: 8:00AM (Before the 8:45AM School Mass)

Saturdays: 7:30AM (Before the 8AM Mass)

Since the Communion Service on Wednesday mornings has been

discon!nued, the Wednesday Rosary will be prayed at The Legion of Mary

Mee!ng at 7PM in the Holy Child Center.

We invite everyone to join us in Praying the Rosary, and giving praise to our

Blessed Mother Mary.

Sanctuary Light Inten!ons — 10/16/16–10/22/16 +Herbert D. Siemens

Donut Sunday This Sunday,

October 16th, is Donut

Sunday hosted by our

Knights of Columbus. Join your

fellow parishioners for some

delicious treats, and the even

be$er treat of community and


If October is your birthday

month, please come and enjoy a

complimentary drink and donut

of your choice with your friends

and The Knights. (Pick up a

complimentary birthday card

from the Grand Knights Table at

the beginning of the donut line.)

Free Coffee Refills! We hope to

see you there!

First Reconcilia!on Parent Mee!ngs There will be a First Reconcilia#on Parent Mee#ng on

both Sunday, October 23rd, from 10:30AM un#l 11:30AM

in the Parish Center, and on Monday, October 24th, from

6:45PM un#l 7:45PM also in the Parish Center. Parents who have

children or young people preparing to receive First Reconcilia#on this

December, are expected to a$end either mee#ng. The schedule for First

Reconcilia#on and First Communion will be given out as well as materials

parents can use in the home to help prepare their child for the Sacraments.

8AM Wednesday Communion Service Please note that there will no longer be an 8AM Communion Service on

Wednesday mornings. The Legion of Mary Rosary will also not be prayed on

Wednesday mornings any longer star#ng this week, but will be prayed at their

evening mee#ng on Wednesdays at 7PM in the Holy Child Center.

October 16, 2016 • Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time 5

Week At A Glance Sunday, October 16th

7:30AM-12:30PM–Fall Book Fair (Sch Lib)

7:45AM-12:30PM–Boy Scouts’ Popcorn Sale/OLH Women’s

Club Raffle Ticket Sale A-er All Masses (Outside or PC)

7:45AM-12:30PM–Donut Sunday (PC)

8-8:30AM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary A-er The 7AM Mass (C)

9:30AM-12:30PM–8th Grade Pumpkin Sale (Parking Lot –

South of the School)

10-10:30AM–Religious Educa#on Students Gather (PC)

10:30AM-12 Noon–Religious Educa#on Classes (AS)

7-9PM–Christ First (PC, TC)

Monday, October 17th

7:30-8AM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary Before The 8AM Mass


9-11:30AM–The Legion Of Mary Mee#ng (HCC)

6:30-8PM–Religious Educa#on Classes (AS)


Tuesday, October 18th

8:30-9AM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary A-er The 8AM Mass (C)

3:15-4:15PM–Girls’ 5th Grade Volleyball Prac#ce (PC)

6:30-7:30PM–Brownies/Daisies/Junior Girl Scouts (H)

6:30-7:30PM–Girls’ 7th Grade Volleyball Prac#ce (PC)

7-10PM–Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Mee#ng (HCR)

Wednesday, October 19th

2:10-2:50PM–Junior Choir Prac#ce (C)

5:30-9PM–Basketball Prac#ce (PC)

5:30-7PM–Choir Prac#ce (C)

7-9PM–Choir Prac#ce (C)

7-9PM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary and Mee#ng (HCC)

Thursday, October 20th

8:30-9AM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary A-er The 8AM Mass (C)

1-6PM–Eucharis#c Adora#on (C)

3:15-4:15PM–Girls’ 5th Grade Volleyball Prac#ce (PC)

5:30-6:30PM–Girls’ 8th Grade Volleyball Prac#ce (PC)

6:15-8:15PM– Principal’s Advisory Council Mee#ng (HCC)

6:30-7:30PM–Girls’ 7th Grade Volleyball Prac#ce (PC)

7-8:30PM–Boy Scouts – Troop 66 (H)

7-9PM–Knights Of Columbus General Mee#ng (HCR)

Friday, October 21st

8-8:30AM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary Before The 8:45AM

School Mass (C)

6-8PM–OLH School Open Gym (PC)

7-9PM–Helping Hands Mee#ng (HCR)

Saturday, October 22nd

7:30-8AM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary Before The 8AM Mass


9-10:30AM–Girls’ 6th Grade Volleyball Prac#ce (PC)

3:30-4:30PM–Reconcilia#on (C)

4:30-11PM–Bingo (H)

6-6:30PM–Boy Scouts’ Popcorn Sale/OLH Women’s Club Raffle

Ticket Sale A-er Mass (Outside or PC)

Sunday, October 23rd

7:45AM-12:30PM–Boy Scouts’ Popcorn Sale/OLH Women’s

Club Raffle Ticket Sale A-er All Masses (Outside or PC)

8-8:30AM–The Legion Of Mary Rosary A-er The 7AM Mass (C)

10-10:30AM–Religious Educa#on Students Gather (PC)

10:30AM-12 Noon–Religious Educa#on Classes (AS)

10:30-11:30AM–Parent Reconcilia#on Mee#ng (PC)

11AM–RCIA Rite Of Entrance At The 11AM Mass (C)

12 Noon-2:30PM–RCIA Potluck A-er Rite Of Entrance (HCR)

7-9PM–Christ First (PC, TC)

Our Lady Of Humility’s Food Pantry Is in need of Assorted Canned Soups, Corn Muffin Mix, and


Non-perishable food can be dropped off at the Rectory

Monday–Friday, 9AM–3:30PM, or brought to the northwest

ves#bule of the Church on Saturdays or Sundays before Mass.

Thank you for the con!nued generosity!

Thanksgiving And Christmas Food Baskets The Holiday Season is coming soon. For the

upcoming holidays, the Food Pantry is in need of:

Jell-O Instant Mashed Potatoes

Canned Fruit Canned Pumpkin

Canned Sweet Potatoes Pie Crust

Dressing Bo#les/Cans of Turkey Gravy

Non-perishable food can be dropped off at the Rectory Monday–Friday,

9AM–3:30PM, or brought to the northwest ves#bule of the Church on

Saturdays or Sundays before Mass.

Thank you for helping those in need have a Happy Holiday!

6 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Knights Of Columbus –

2016-17 Raffle Winner

10/10/16 – Beth Dermody –

Pick 3 #307


Note: If you see your name printed in the

bulle!n as a Raffle Ticket Winner, and have not

received your check, please contact Richard at

(847) 249-4813.

Rosary Making

Workshop The Legion of

Mary will host one

more Rosary

Making Workshop this Sunday,

October 16th, at Donut Sunday. We

invite anyone who is interested in

learning to make a Kno#ed Cord

Rosary to Donut Sunday, this Sunday,

October 16th. Our teacher will be

available from 9AM-12 Noon to

demonstrate the technique. (An

experienced person can make an

en#re Rosary in approximately one

hour.) We also invite those who

joined us last #me to come again, and

make more Rosaries. We have ten

different kinds of twine available. We

will be dona#ng all the Rosaries made

with Christmas twine to the Our Lady

of Humility Women’s Club for their

Holiday Bazaar. Rosaries you make for

us will be donated to various groups

and individuals who request them.

However, you are also welcome to

make Rosaries to give away to people

you know personally. Our Lady is

pleased when we teach others to Pray

Her Rosary. She wants to shower the

world with graces, but needs our

prayers in order to be able to do so.

And what a be$er way to encourage

people to Pray the Rosary, then by

giving them a Rosary you made with

your own hands.

If you have any ques#ons or need

more informa#on, please call Mari at

(847) 596-2150.

Knights Of Columbus Rosary Service The Knights of Columbus are hos#ng a fi-h Sunday of the

month Rosary Service on Sunday, October 30th, following

the 9AM Mass. All are invited to join us in praying for “A

Greater Respect For All Human Life”. Mark your calendars now.

The Recita#on of the Rosary is granted a Plenary Indulgence (under the

usual condi#ons) if it is recited in a Church. The gaining of the Plenary

Indulgence is regulated by these norms:

· Five (5) decades of the Rosary must be prayed con#nuously.

· The prayers of the Rosary must be prayed vocally, and one must

meditate upon the Mysteries of the Rosary.

· If the recita#on of the Rosary is public, the Mysteries of the Rosary

must be announced.

If the above condi#ons are not fulfilled, the indulgence is only par#al.

October 16, 2016 • Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time 7

Our Lady Of Humility Women’s Club News The OLH Women’s Club have gently used Cookbooks on display in the Parish Center this Sunday,

October 16th, at Donut Sunday. Please stop by and see if there is a Cookbook for your lifestyle. A free

will offering is appreciated. *************************************************************************************************

As November is quickly approaching, plans are underway for our Holiday Bazaar which will be held

on Saturday, November 19th, and Sunday, November 20th, in the School Lobby. We are s!ll in need of

new or gently used Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday items.

We are asking our generous parishioners from our Parish and School to donate their delicious baked goods for this

event. Please drop off your baked goods at the School Lobby on Saturday, November 19th, between 9AM and

12 Noon. Our Bake Sale is always a big hit!

We are s#ll in need of dona#ons for our gi- baskets. Items needed to fill the following five gi- baskets are for:

1. A Movie Basket 4. A Gi- Card Basket

2. An Italian Basket 5. A Handyman’s Basket

3. A Spa Basket

Our gi- baskets depend on the dona#ons we receive.

Please bring your donated items to the Rectory. Once again, your Sisters in Christ thank you for your dona#ons,

and all of your efforts in assis#ng us to con#nue contribu#ng to Our Lady of Humility Parish and School. May God

con#nue to bless you and your families today, tomorrow, and always!


Our November OLH Women’s Club Mee#ng will be held Thursday, November 3rd, at 6:30PM in the Hayes

Community Room. We will be having a demonstra#on of The Beauty of Holiday Decora!ons presented by

Kathy Estep, a Hor#culture Specialist from Gateway Technical College Hor#cultural Department. Kathy shares many

crea#ve ideas as she creates beau#ful holiday and casual centerpieces which are raffled off at the end of the mee#ng.

Though you feel you are not crea#ve, Kathy shows us just how simple it is to create a centerpiece so effortlessly!


The OLH Women’s Club meet on the first Thursday of every month (except January) at 6:30PM in the Hayes

Community Room. Our Mission Statement: Through the effec!ve u!liza!on of our God-given talents, we shall

endeavor to provide friendship among the membership, while assis!ng the Parish with designated Chris!an social,

service, and spiritual ac!vi!es. All ladies from the Parish (Church and School) are invited to join our Women’s Club.

Annual Membership Dues are $10 per person. If you would like to join the Women’s Club, yet haven’t had the #me

to, you can join at any #me. Your Sisters in Christ welcome you!


DID YOU KNOW…...that when you purchase items online from Amazon Smile, they will donate 0.5% of your

purchase price to charity? I have listed the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as my charity. Just use the link:

h$ps://Smile.Amazon.com and select the charity you would like to have your 0.5% of your purchase donated to. I

tried to list Our Lady of Humility and was not successful as the charity has to be listed with Amazon Smile. It is an

excellent way to make dona#ons to your charity!


The OLH Women’s Club are selling their Annual Holiday Bazaar Raffle Tickets. Raffle Tickets are 6 for $5.00, or

1 for $1.00 with cash prizes of $300, $200 and $50. The drawing will be on Sunday, November 20th, at 1PM and the

winner does not need to be present. We gratefully and graciously appreciate your con!nued support.


8 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church

Catholic Women’s Club Of Lake County On Thursday, November 10th, 2016, the Catholic Women’s Club of Lake County

will gather at Prince of Peace Church for the Annual Memorial Mass in honor and

celebra#on of the lives of our beloved members who have died in the past year.

We begin with the Rosary at 10:30AM; Mass at 11AM; followed by a catered

Luncheon. The Luncheon Price is $15 Per Person. Reserva#ons and money are due

by Thursday, November 3rd. Please make your checks payable to: Catholic

Women’s Club of Lake County, and mail them to: Sandy at: 38763 N. Oakcrest

Lane, Wadsworth, IL 60083. If you have any ques#ons, please call our Parish

Representa#ve, Marijo.

A Prayer —

Eucharis!c Adora!on Lord Jesus, please

touch my indifference to

You in the Holy Eucharist.

Touch my faith and deepen it more

than ever before. “I believe.” “Help

my unbelief.” Let me experience the

power of Your love from this most

holy of sacraments. “To whom shall

I go, You have the words of Eternal

Life.” Heal my sense of rou#ne, and

make me appreciate this “Pearl of

Great Price.” Amen.

O Sacrament most holy,

O Sacrament Divine!

All praise and thanksgiving be

every moment Thine!

O Crucified and Risen Jesus,

You are “the image of the

Invisible God, the first born

of all creatures.”

Through the sanc!fying grace of

Your redeeming sacrifice,

We have “become heirs in hope

of Eternal Life.”

Renew us in Your divine image

as we strive to be frui&ul branches in

the Mys!cal Body of Your Church.


Do something special this Fall,

please consider coming to Eucharis#c

Adora#on on Thursdays at 1PM,

where you will have an opportunity

to spend #me with the Lord Jesus, in

the Blessed Sacrament each week

where we can ASK HIM anything.

Come, bring your whole family,

spend some #me with the Lord, and

receive His blessings! He is wai#ng

for you!

We are in need of commi$ed

Adorers for every Thursday from

1-2PM and 3-4PM. If you are able to

commit to these hours, please let

Marijo know.

The Best Catholic Content — All In One Place As you have read in the last couple of bulle#ns, our Parish

has subscribed to an exci#ng new online plaXorm: Formed.org.

Some of the great things this Program offers are:

· 24/7 access to the truth, beauty, and meaning of the Catholic Faith

any#me, anywhere… with FORMED.

· Use it on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

· Informa#ve and inspiring teaching from renowned speakers:

Dr. Sco$ Hahn, Dr. Edward Sri, Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. Tim Gray,

Fr. Michael Gaitley, Teresa Tomeo,...and many more.

· Mul#ple programs to address mul#ple Parish needs:

– Adult Faith Forma#on, Marriage Prepara#on and Enrichment,

Scripture Study, RCIA, Sacrament Prepara#on, Small Group Teen

Discipleship, and much more!

Here’s how easy it is:

· Go to Formed.org.

· Enter our PARISH CODE QHVFMY on the homepage.

· Create a personal account with your User Name, E-mail, and Password.

· Start enjoying the best Catholic content all in one place!

IMPORTANT: Do not sign-up as an individual. Our Parish Access Code

provides more content than an individual subscrip!on.

If you have any ques#ons, please contact Fr. Paul at:


Elec!on Prayer

By The Servant Of God — Father John A. Hardon, S.J. LORD JESUS CHRIST, You told us to give to Caesar

what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.

Enlighten the minds of our people in America.

May we choose a President of the United States,

and other government officials, according to Your Divine Will.

Give our ci!zens the courage to choose leaders of our Na!on who respect

the Sanc!ty of Unborn Human Life, the Sanc!ty of Marriage,

the Sanc!ty of Marital Rela!ons, the Sanc!ty of Family,

and the Sanc!ty of Aging.

Grant us the wisdom to give You, what belongs to You, our God.

If we do this, as a Na!on, we are confident You will give us

an abundance of Your blessings through our Elected Leaders.


October 16, 2016 • Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time 9

Spiritual Works Of Mercy Cur#s Mar#n is the author of this ar#cle. He is the Founder

and CEO of FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University

Students, and the author of “Made For More”.

All alone in the suffoca#ng summer heat of India stands a

young girl. Her energy is failing as she swats at the flies

swarming around the dozens of open wounds on her body, the

result of untold insults to her innocent life. The crowds press

on without taking the slightest no#ce of her appalling condi#on, un#l a small group of college students come

around the corner, and encounter her in her poverty. These eight students are on a Catholic Mission Trip. Not

quite sure what to do, they look around to see if a mother or father might be nearby, and it quickly becomes

apparent that the girl is by herself.

They offer her some water. The young girl appears to be disoriented and frightened by these newcomers, but

her thirst triumphs, and she accepts the water, gulping it as if she were drinking for the first #me in days. As they

sit with her, they are distracted by the mul#tude of open wounds on her #ny body. One of the students is a

nursing student with some basic medical supplies. As they clean and dress the wounds, a crowd begins to gather

filled with curiosity. In a na#on where beliefs in reincarna#on, and Karma are prevalent, the idea of helping

someone in distress is an oddity. The convic#on that we ought to comfort the afflicted is a unique hallmark of

Chris#anity, which all too o-en we may take for granted. Most of us know that we are not who we are meant to

be. We deceive ourselves, and it is almost as if we think we need a spiritual workout, or a spiritual aspirin. Yet

Jesus reveals from the cross that we are radically broken, and in need of profound Mercy. As Cardinal Ratzinger

wrote: “In the end, evangeliza!on means to set out with Christ in order to pass on the gi* we have received, to

transform poverty of every kind.” –Submi$ed by Irene Halteman

2016 Fireside Theater Christmas Show Our Lady of Humility Co-Ed Seniors offers a trip to the Fireside

Theater in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin to see “The 2016 Fireside Theater

Christmas Show”. The Fireside Number One choice for Christmas

entertainment for hundreds of thousands of people from near and far,

as we present an all new edi#on of “A FIRESIDE CHRISTMAS”. Join us for

a fun-filled day, featuring a wonderful gourmet meal, fantas#c

entertainment, gi- shops, and an excellent bakery shop.

The date is: Saturday, December 17, 2016. The deluxe coach

departs Our Lady of Humility Church Parking Lot promptly at 8:30AM.

The Cost of the Trip is: $90.00 Per Person (special price for children),

which includes deluxe coach to and return, a Gourmet Meal, and a

Fantas#c Show to set the Christmas Season right. This trip is open to all

ages (discount for self-drivers).

To sign-up, please see the SIGN-UP SHEET in the Ves#bule between

the Church and Parish Center. (The sign-up deadline and final payment

is due by Sunday, November 13, 2016.)

For more informa#on, or if you have any ques#ons, please

contact Richard at (847) 249-4813.

Sacrament of Reconcilia!on: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30PM

Sacrament of Marriage: An appointment, at least 6 months in

advance (Diocesan Policy), is made

with the Pastor prior to se\ng a date.

Catholic persons will have to obtain

new Cer#ficates of Bap#sm.

Sacrament of Bap!sm: Baptisms are scheduled the 1st Sunday

of every month. Attendance is

required at a Preparation Session.

Please call the Parish Secretary for


Sacrament of the Sick: Please no#fy the Rectory if a member

of your family is in the hospital or sick

at home, and wishes to receive the

Anoin#ng of the Sick. Phone the

Rectory for home communion calls.

Welcome New Parishioners: We would like you to become a

parishioner. Registra#on packets are

available at each Church door.

The Rosary: Prayed on Sunday a-er the 7AM Mass.

Handicap Accessibility: There is an access ramp on the west,

and a li- on the east side of Church.

Handicap parking is available.

Quinceaneras: Call the Rectory 9 months prior to

se\ng a date.

Eucharis!c Adora!on: Thursdays 2-6PM.

Our Lady of Humility Parish 10655 Wadsworth Road, Beach Park, IL 60099

Rectory: (847) 872-8778; Rectory Fax: (847) 872-8780

School: (847) 746-3722; School Fax: (847) 731-2870

Religious Educa!on: (847) 746-3744

Parish Office E-mail: olhoffice@ourladyo&umility.org

Web Site: www.Ourladyo&umility.org

Please E-mail all Bulle!n Ar!cles, Flyers, or Announcements to:


Deadline for all Bulle!n submissions is 4PM on Wednesdays 11 days before you

want the Ar!cle to appear. (For example: Wednesday, January 12th, for

Sunday, January 23rd)

Sunday Masses: 5:00PM Saturday, 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00AM Sunday

Weekday Masses: 8:00AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Friday: 8:45AM (During School Year) 8:00AM during Summer

All Are Welcome!

Our Lady of Humility Staff Contact Informa!on

Pastor: Rev. Paul Stemn – FrPaul@ourladyo!umility.org

Deacons: Jim Askew, Marcelino Hernandez, Greg Krame, Mike Mercure

Principal: Patrick Browne – pbrowne@olhschool.org

Director of Religious Educa!on: Diana Jurista – djurista@ourladyo!umility.org

Director of Liturgy and Music: Rita Byrd – rbyrd@ourladyo!umility.org

Business Manager: Laura Jones – ljones@ourladyo!umility.org

Pastoral Ministry, Bookkeeper: Laurie Mercure –


Parish Secretary: Sandra Buegeler – sbuegeler@ourladyo!umility.org

RCIA: Kelly and Gerard Metoyer – olhoffice@ourladyo!umility.org

Religious Educa!on Secretary/Bulle!n Editor: Margaret Richter –

mrichter@ourladyo!umility.org and bulle#nar#cles@ourladyo!umility.org

Youth Ministry: Deacon Greg Krame

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Parish Finance Council (FC) Principal Advisor Council (PAC) Rev. Paul Stemn, Pastor Rev. Paul Stemn, Pastor Bre$ Tweedie, President

Terri Rusek, Chair Phil Tobin, Chair Patrick Browne, Execu!ve Officer

Bill Dermody, Jr. Shelley Benne$ Rev. Paul Stemn, Pastor

Ann Ennesser Michael Bruno Anamaria Colon

Leslie Hazinski Randy Bukan#s Marco Figueroa

Howard Jones Steve Johnson Janna Ostrolencki

Pat McGowan, Secretary Richard McFarlin Sharon Ross

Mia Pryor Noreen Paulsen, Secretary

Larry Savage LeRoy Shea

Joan Tomkowiak

Winnie Webber, Vice Chair

Any Ques!ons or Ideas for PPC, FC, or the PAC?

ppc@ourladyo$umility.org fc@ourladyo$umility.org office@olhschool.org

10 Welcome to Our Lady of Humility Catholic Church
