Operation and Maintenance Contract Proposal


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1. Operation & Maintenance


 The Scope of Services shall include maintenance of EMPLOYER XXXCorporate Headquarters building and facilities and critical plants,equipment and systems, providing housekeepers and cleaning servicesincluding garbage collection and disposal, hospitality services,landscaping and gardening services and managing of ComputerizedMaintenance Management System (CMMS).


 The CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, supervision, equipment,machinery, tools and test equipment, vehicles, materials, spares,

consumable, supplies, and whatever other items considered necessaryfor satisfactorily performing all the services for the entire buildings andfacilities and in the area within the walled perimeter of the officebuilding unless otherwise stated herein as being furnished byEMPLOYER.

Contractor should survey the small Camp at XXXX and submit separateproposal.

 The Contractor shall be responsible for the payment of all bills forelectricity, water, newspaper and other utilities and services on a costreimbursable basis.

Payment for all reimbursable items including the supplies forhospitality services and spare parts shall be made to the Contractor onsubmission of receipts / invoices from the source without any mark-up.No retention shall be applied against any cost reimbursable items.

Contractor responsible to supply any additional manpower forcategories not originally included in the contract on as- needed basis.

21Housekeepers and Cleaning Services

 The CONTRACTOR shall perform housekeepers and cleaning services

for all buildings and facilities and also in the area within the walledperimeter of the office building.

2.1.1 The CONTRACTOR will carry out housekeepers and cleaningservices in accordance with the detailed Scope of Servicesspecified in Clause 3.1 of this schedule.

 The number of manpower including housekeepers and cleanersshall preferably not be less than the recommended manpower inthe table included in XXXXX of this schedule. Hours of work forthis labor group will be as required by the nature and duration of work.

22Garbage Collection and Disposal 

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2.2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the collection anddisposal of garbage on a daily basis from the office building andfacilities and the open areas attached to the building inaccordance with the detailed Scope of Services specified inXXXXX of this schedule,

 The CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for the cleaning of all roads and grounds within the walled perimeter of the officebuilding.

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2.3 Landscaping and Gardening Services

 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all landscaping within the walledperimeter of the office building which will generally include but not belimited to, watering, trimming, pruning, fertilizing and horticultural

services in accordance with the detailed Scope of Services specified inXXXXX of this schedule.

24Hospitality Services

 The Contractor shall be responsible for the payment of all bills forcaterings and functions on a cost reimbursable basis.

 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for serving tea, coffee,beverages and food to office occupants and guests as required,

CONTRACTOR shall employ XXXX customs and traditions in serving

beverages and hot drinks; compliance with appropriate food handlingand hygienic standards is mandatory.

Hours of work for the manpower of this group will be as required by thenature and duration of work.

 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to clean all utensils inaccordance with food handling methods and procedures.

25Building Maintenance Services

 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing maintenanceservices for all the assets within the office building including the criticalequipment and systems listed under XXXXX of AppendixXXX, and allfacilities and the area within the walled perimeter. This shall includebut not be limited to electrical, mechanical, civil, HVAC,instrumentation and any other discipline necessary to fully maintainthe building.

 The CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, supervision, equipment,tools and test equipment .vehicles, spares, materials, consumablesupplies and whatever other items required unless stated otherwiseelsewhere in the contract for the performance of maintenanceServices for the buildings and facilities.

For the purpose of this contract, spares are defined as those parts of amachine/system/installation/ which because of wear and tear, usage,breakage or due the end of their useful life require replacement.

 The CONTRACTOR will forecast the spare part requirements for sixmonths particularly for "moving items "and will submit it to theEMPLOYER for approval and further procurement action by him.However, the CONTRACTOR shall be eligible for payment of only thosespare parts that have been actually utilized during the maintenancework.

Except spare parts all consumables, supplies and materials areincluded in the contractor's prices.

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 The contractor shall maintain adequate stock of all consumables in thestore in the Employer office building. EMPLOYER will have the right toinspect these stores.

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If the EMPLOYER finds that the stock is inadequate, the EMPLOYER hasthe right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to,procurement of the consumables, at the contractor's expense, nomatter how expensive they are. In addition, suitable penalty, asdeemed appropriate by EMPLOYER shall also be imposed.

 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for supply and implementationof Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) as per theattached technical specification and completion schedule.


3.1 Housekeepers and Cleaning Services

 The Scope of Services includes Interior and exterior cleaning of all theelements as described in the above definition. The CONTRACTOR shallprovide all the Labor, Supervision, Tools, and Equipment, Cleaning

Materials, Consumable and supplies and whatever items required forthe performance of housekeepers and cleaning and Services with noexceptions.

 The contractor shall provide a list of all consumables, supplies andmaterials with their brand names that the contractor shallutilize/supply during the performance of these services with priorapproval of XXXX. All consumables should be of good and acceptablequality.

 The contractor shall maintain adequate stock of all consumables in thestore in the XXXX office building. EMPLOYER will have the right to

inspect these stores.

If the EMPLOYER finds that the stock is inadequate, the EMPLOYER hasthe right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to,procurement of the consumables, at the contractor's expense, nomatter how expensive they are. In addition, suitable penalty, asdeemed appropriate by EMPLOYER shall also be imposed.

 The Services shall be performed on a scheduled or preplanned basisand shall include but not be limited to the following:

■Clean all internal and external areas of the building from wall to

wall, and ceiling to floor.

■perform any and all other tasks required to maintain a satisfactorylevel of housekeepers and cleaners service

■Sweep vacuum and mop all non-carpeted areas as necessary

■Fill all soap and paper towel dispensers

■Empty all wastebaskets and trash receptacles and remove trash

from building

■Vacuum all carpeted areas; spot clean all carpets and Shampoocarpets once every 3 months.

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■If spots and stains are not removed by routine or deep cleaning of carpets and upholstery, etc., the CONTRACTOR shall engage aspecialist subcontractor/firm at his own cost to steam cleaningsuch areas to remove the stains/spots to the satisfaction of EMPLOYER..

■Clean and dust all furniture and fixtures and office equipment

■Clean work desks and public service desks

■Clean all hand/finger marks, stains, spots and dirt from doors and


■Clean break room tables, counters and sinks with productsapproved for food service areas

■Polish marble and granite once every 3 months.

■Dry clean all curtains quarterly.

■Clean all glass inside and outside of the building.

■Remove dust from computers, printers, and electric office

machine surfaces

■Empty ashtrays, waste bins

■Check and clean equipment

Hose down and disinfect refuse bins■Hose down and disinfect collection points

■Floor cleaning, washing, scrubbing, stripping, sealing, waxing and


■Cleaning of all interior walls to ceiling/roof height includingwindows, drapes, blinds, doors and frames.

■Clean all interior and exterior windows, wall dividers, doors andassociated frames, and components as frequently as dictated by

climatic conditions and other phenomena. The CONTRACTORshall be responsible for carrying out inspections to determineclimatic effect and perform the required services for therestoration.

■Clean, wash, strip, seal, wax and polish stair walls, servicestaircases and all stair walls.

■Clean, wash and polish elevators

■Clean all interior walls partitioning of whatever nature.

Clean all toilets and ablution areas including, without limitation,urinals, stools, partitions and doors, washbasins, footbaths and

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faucets, soap dispensers, mirrors, towel dispensers and disposalwall bins.

■Apply disinfectant on a daily basis to water traps, door handles,toilets and all similar sites to enhance the effectiveness of the

Services provided and to reduce the possibility of bacterialtransmission at these sites.

■Clean all sinks, faucets, unit kitchens exposed pipes and drinkingfountains and modular wall units.

■Provide and install wastepaper basket and trash can liners.

■Clean electric light fixtures, chandeliers, crystal, flexi glass andassociated switch plates.

■Clean H.V.A.C. supply and return registers and grills.

■Clean all interior open type drains and associated grill covers.

■Spot clean furniture, drapes, furnishing, and wall fabrics asdetermined by inspections or as required by XXXXX

■Clean all public seating and prayer areas not less than once daily.

■Dry clean all curtains drapes, upholstery and linings, asdetermined by inspections or as required by EMPLOYER.

■Provide tissues and air fresheners in all offices in the building.

■Remove all graffiti, unauthorized posters and stickers of whatevernature.

■Remove any debris found on landscaped areas within thebuildings on a daily basis.

■Perform other general housekeeping and duties as directed.

■Perform Pest Control inside and outside of the building monthlybasis and as per requirement of the Employer's.

■Inspect on a continuous basis the buildings and facilities to

determine any custodial deficiency and immediately implementremedial action.

■Inspect on a continuous basis the building and facilities to identifyany O&M deficiency particularly in bathrooms and toilets andreport immediately to Help Desk for the concernedCONTRACTOR to take immediate remedial action

■Implement within one (1) hour after receipt of EMPLOYER'S serviceinspector's deficiency Reports, all remedial actions requiredtherein. This does not absolve the Contractor from hisresponsibilities to carry out regular inspections and take timely

corrective actions as appropriate

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■Collect and bag litter or waste

■Sweep up blown sand and dispose

■Straighten and tidy furniture

■Spray with air freshener

■Wash and polish windows

■Complete Services Record Card

■Check and clean equipment

■Provide and replenish all consumable materials for toilets andrestrooms including, without limitation, hand soaps, handtowels, toilet paper and disinfectant dispenser and refills.

■ The actual requirements shall depend upon use conditions andmay require additional duties or more frequent application inorder to maintain the building in a clean and sanitary condition.

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3.2 Garbage Collection and Disposal Services

3.21 The CONTRACTOR shall perform Garbage Collection and DisposalServices within the walled perimeter of the office building

3.22 The CONTRACTOR shall devise and implement a trash andgarbage collection system throughout the office building andfacilities and also in the area within the walled perimeter of theoffice building,

3.23 The CONTRACTOR shall patrol all exterior area, includingroadways parking lots, and pick-up all trash and debris at leastonce every twenty-four (24) hours, six days a week includingholidays. All grounds, whether landscaped or bare, shall be keptfree of trash and debris. The CONTRACTOR shall schedulecleanup crew to continuously inspect and clean all area, payingparticular attention to areas around buildings and any other

places where debris may be trapped. Any trash or debris whichmay create a safety or health hazard shall be picked-upimmediately.

3.24 Trash containers shall be located at various points throughout theoffice building and facilities and also in the area within thewalled perimeter of the office building.

3.25 The CONTRACTOR shall locate additional units as and whenrequired and relocate existing units as directed by EMPLOYER'S

Representatives. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for

garbage from all containers and all areas. The pick-up locationshall be cleaned after each collection leaving the area neat andclean from spillage.

3.26 Trash containers shall be emptied and trash disposed at leastonce per day, six (6) per week including holidays. TheCONTRACTOR shall actively seek to minimize the incidence of flies, etc., at trash pick-up points. If necessary, and at thedirection of EMPLOYER'S Representative, the CONTRACTOR shallspray such sites with an approved insecticide. Garbage shall bewrapped and sealed in the appropriate heavy duty plasticgarbage bags supplied by the CONTRACTOR. Raw garbage

should not be deposited in a trash pick-up point in an exposedstate.

3.27 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for locating a disposal areafor trash collected, and shall obtain approval from theappropriate Municipal authorities for utilizing such disposal area,all costs of which will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.No trash or debris shall be dumped or burned in the perimeter of the office building.

3.3 Landscaping and Gardening

3.3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall provide general landscaping services whichshall

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include, but not limited to, daily watering., pruning, fertilizing,mowing, removing weeds, spraying insecticides, replacing deadtrees, plants and shrubs, training vines and shrubs, andsupporting leaning trees.

3.3.2 Landscaping services will be performed in all locations asdirected.

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3.3.3 The irrigation system installed shall be maintained on a regular basis.All

pumps will be inspected and repaired or replaced as required,emitters and filters shall be cleaned monthly and tubing flushedas directed by EMPLOYER'S Representative.

3.34Rock mulch maintenance shall be carried out by raking andremoval of litter.

3.35CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the beautification of thelandscaping

inside and outside the building.

3.36CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper Ocaring andwatering of the

plants and flowers.

3.37All areas will be free of plant debris at all times.

3.38Irrigate and feed newly planted trees, shrubs, bushes and flowers

3.39Keep plants flower beds free of pest.

3.310Cleaning and watering of all indoor plants.

3.311Perform weed control activities in all landscaped and

hardscaped areas.

3.312Prune and maintain all plants in a neat and uniformappearance. Shrubs andplants shall be pruned back to be two feet from any sidewalkand one foot from any common area wall or as space allows.

3.3.13All plants and shrubs will be fertilized as needed throughout the yearto

promote vigor and health.

3.4 Building Maintenance Services

 The maintenance services shall comprise the following:

a]General Maintenance of the entire office building and facilities.

b]Contractor responsible in all maintenance work to be risk assessedbefore commencement. If risk is identified then no work is toproceed until those risks have been eliminated or reduced by theapproval of the XXXX representative.

c]Contractor to maintain the existing paints and color of the building.

d]Contractor responsible to replace the existing paints.

e] The maintenance of all the critical equipment listed in Appendix

XXX. The contractor shall be fully responsible for all types of maintenance of these critical equipment and systems.

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f] The maintenance shall include but not be limited to plannedpreventive maintenance (PPM), reactive maintenance and repair.

g] The performance of the contractor shall be measured byemploying appropriate KPIs and return -to- service- times (RTST)

that are referred in Appendix XXX in Schedule XXX.

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Performance below the minimum acceptable levels as comparedto the KPIs and RTST shall make the contractor liable for penaltyas specified in Appendix XX and/or as considered appropriate bythe employer under the circumstances and the consequencesthereof.


□CONTRACTOR shall provide a comprehensive maintenanceserviceincluding, but not limited to, performing planned preventivemaintenance (PPM), Reactive Maintenance services,CorrectiveMaintenance and Situational Maintenance, etc.

□ The planned preventive maintenance (PPM) program shouldbe developed/ derived considering the equipment

manufacturers recommendations and modified if necessaryconsidering the actual operating circumstances and context.

 The PPM shall be time-based, use based and condition-based as appropriate considering the nature and type of equipment and measurable parameters

□CONTRACTOR shall maintain all equipment and systems toensure compliance with applicable laws, codes, standards,policies and good industry practice to achieve agreedminimum acceptable performance levels.

□ The maintenance tasks and frequencies shall be continuously

reviewed and improved based on maintenance performanceanalysis.

□Every effort shall be made by the contractor to not only meetthe agreed minimum acceptable performance levels but toexceed them by employing optimum maintenancestrategies and resource planning.

□Non compliance to the minimum acceptable performancelevels and RTSTs as described in Appendix XXX will makethe CONTRACTOR liable to penalties that will be final andbinding on the contract.

□Contractor should submit their Crisis Management Plan andBusiness Continuity Management Plan for the building,including protection and recovery of all documentations,manuals, drawings etc. soft and hard copies.

□Contractor responsible to coordinate all suppliers any repair of employer assets within the building.

□Contractor should submit energy conservation plan and reportmonthly.

□Contractor shall provide 24/7 support and immediately, butnot more than specified in RTST response and restoration of 

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major/critical equipment, services and utilities.

□Contractor responsibility to create, update and re-printdrawings and plans authenticated by engineering firm forany building modification and as per employer requirement.

□Contractor responsibility for relocations and moving all assetsand any other items within the building includingdismantling and re-installation.

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□Contractor responsible to re-paint the walls in the internaland external of the building as required.

□CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain a helpdesk withinthe building that shall be the primary point of 

communication for all requests for maintenance and repair.

□CONTRACTOR inspections shall be made in accordance withthe latest revised edition of the National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA), National Electrical Code (NEC) andBuilding codes.


□ CONTRACTOR shall submit a Preventive Maintenance Schedulefor approval within 30 days of award. PM schedules willconform to manufactures requirements and will include but

not be limited to:

■Checking of all Control Panel and associated equipment

■Checking of the operation of all equipment

■General services and equipment lubrication.

■Visually inspection all storage tank and cleaning.

■Check all pumps condition.

■ Tighten wiring terminal & check all motor condition.

■Check all equipment and verify that all cable connection is


■Check and verify operation of all valves.

■Check all belts tension.

■Installing and pulling all types of communications andelectrical cables etc.

■Checking and calibration of Voltmeters, Ammeters,

mechanical gauges and thermometers.■Visual checking of all insulations

■ Tighten loose terminals in every circuit.

■Check mechanical strength of the lighting conductor

■Check down conductor attachment.

■Check earting system resistance and submit inspection


■Cleaning of all Air Filters.

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■Check for oil, fuel, cooling and exhaust leaks.

■Check cooling system

■Cleaning of all equipment.

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■Replacing of all type of lighting inside and outside thepremises.

■Check compressor oil level, suction, discharge pressure,superheat & cooling and sight glass condition.

■Generator Load Testing planning and coordinate to theaffected department.

■Perform Fire Extinguisher Hydrostatic Testing as per NFPAStandard

■All doors sets (Doors, frames, linings etc) must be keptfunctional and maintained in good working order.

■All windows must be kept functional and maintained in goodworking order.

■All fixtures, fittings, and door furniture must be keptmaintained in good working order.

■CONTRACTOR shall give the EMPLOYER authorizedrepresentative, Supervisor and manager at least three (3)day's notice prior to the commencement of any test of theequipment in the building, and notify the authorizedrepresentative when the test is complete.

■ The CONTRACTOR shall provide all safety equipment andsignage to be used by his personnel and take suchprecautions as necessary to protect life and property at alltimes,

■Safety shall be the first priority on all the jobs. Personalprotection planning and implementation shall beconsidered for all workers on all tasks. Also, consider thesafety of other people in the work area.

■When in doubt about the application of any safety rules, theoperation of any device or the correct procedure for safecompletion of a task, discuss the situation with theemployer before proceeding.

■It is the responsibility of the contractor of each employeeunder his contract or sub-contract to avoid creating safetyhazards both in the method of the work performed andwhile doing the work.

■CONTRACTOR shall maintain the PM and correctiveschedules in a Computerized Maintenance ManagementSystem (CMMS) Database which will be available throughlocal monitoring and compliance by EMPLOYER personnel.

■CONTRACTOR shall take the all assets and be responsiblefor tagging as per XXXX tagging system and procedure.

 The whole assets should enter into the CMMS for assetmanagement and historical tracking of changes. Including

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maintenance, updating, relocation, managing etc.

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Assessment regarding the satisfactory performance of the Servicesshall be based on inspections by EMPLOYER'S representative.EMPLOYER'S representative determination with respect to the quality,

quantity and conformance/compliance or otherwise the agreed KPIsand return -to- service- times (RTST) as specified in Appendix XXX of Sched. XX.

 The method of assessment shall be as follows:

 The EMPLOYER shall evaluate the acceptability of the contractor'sperformance based on several factors including but not limited to

□Random inspections of facilities,

□EMPLOYER will provide the deficiency reports to the CONTRACTOR,who shall acknowledge receipt thereof, a copy of each inspection

Report for each facility so inspected and the CONTRACTOR shalltake timely corrective actions and submit to EMPLOYER for re-inspection.

□Review of progress in each phase of the maintenance workcommencing from work request/work identification to final workexecution,

□Periodic written performance reports from the contractor andEMPLOYER staff 

□KPIs and RTST reports, and

□Complaints from the building occupants.

 The contractor's performance shall be regularly discussed in weeklyprogress/ performance review meetings, the causes for deficientperformance shall be analyzed and corrective actions shall beidentified and implemented in a timely manner.


51 The recommended manpower is based on the past experience of EMPLOYER. The personnel requirement identified in this Clause areprovided for guidance and information purposes.

52EMPLOYER does not guarantee that the manning specified in the

minimum acceptable manpower table is adequate for carrying out theScope of Services. It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to ensurethat adequate additional number of manpower with requisite skills,experience and qualifications are available to ensure effective andefficient completion of the work to the satisfaction of the EMPLOYERand also to comply with the Labor Laws concerning leave and days of rest and maintain the necessary coverage in accordance with theguidelines to be provided by EMPLOYER in this respect.

53In case of unsatisfactory work caused due to inadequacy of manpower orskill or experience or qualification, EMPLOYER reserves the right to

direct the CONTRACTOR to mobilize additional and or replacementmanpower as considered necessary. There will be no separate or

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additional payment for providing such personnel. The CONTRACTOR isdeemed to have correctly determined, prior to bidding, the actualrequirement. The EMPLOYER will not be responsible for the bidder'sfailure to determine the requirements prior to bidding. The asterisk (*)mark in the manning table indicate that, these positions will be filled

later when the female section becomes operational.

 The manpower for the maintenance of equipment /systems listed atsi.no.10 of Appendix -XX is not included in the table below.

Recommended Manpower

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6.1 General

As specified elsewhere in this document, the CONTRACTOR shall be

responsible to provide all equipment, machinery, and tools and testequipment necessary to performing the services. But, in case, anyequipment is provided by EMPLOYER during the contract, the followingconditions shall apply:

□All equipment furnished by EMPLOYER is generally indicative of theequipment that will be in the care and control of theCONTRACTOR solely for the purpose of enabling him to performthe services and operate and maintain the facilities described inthe Contract. The CONTRACTOR should provide, at his ownexpense, any other additional equipment needed to perform theservices. The type and quality of such material has to be

approved by EMPLOYER prior to its acquisition.

□All equipment and other things provided by EMPLOYER herein orwhich may be provided during the Contract will be theresponsibility of the CONTRACTOR who shall take all reasonableprecautions to safeguard such items and to maintain them during,the Contract period. Upon completion of the Contract theCONTRACTOR shall deliver up to EMPLOYER all such items as arein the care and control of the CONTRACTOR, in good condition(fair wear and tear excepted), and shall replace any missing,broken, or damaged articles at his own risk and expense, with

acceptable quality to be examined and approved by EMPLOYER.


71 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that his personnel working on the sitemaintain a high standard of personal cleanliness and hygiene.Uniform and safety shoes for CONTRACTOR personnel shall beprovided by the CONTRACTOR and approved by EMPLOYER priorto start of the services.

72Uniforms for the CONTRACTOR'S personnel will be changed at least everytwo (2) days.

73 The CONTRACTOR will ensure that he has adequate personnel on the siteto perform the Services, who may be required to operate a shiftsystem appropriate to the working conditions and operationalrequirement of the plant/equipment

74When carrying out their duties, the CONTRACTOR'S staff shall take everyreasonable precaution to avoid disturbing other personnel.

75CONTRACTOR'S supervising personnel working in connection with theperformance of the services or in connection with any obligationarising under the contract shall be fluent in English language. All

other than the above supervising personnel working in connectionwith the performance of the services shall be able to

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communicate in the English language to the extent necessary fortheir respective particular duties.

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a]CONTRACTOR personnel shall be conversant in English.

b]CONTRACTOR shall present copies of Iqama of all personnel to be

supplied. All personnel must be under the sponsorship of theCONTRACTOR.

a Project Manager

Qualified Project Manager should have minimum (4) yearseducational background, Bachelor Degree holder or minimum ten(10) years relevant experience in managing similar projects,

□Senior Maintenance Engineer

Qualified Electro Mechanical Engineer should have minimum four(4) years educational background, and minimum five (5) yearsexperience in supervision and maintenance in similar projects.

a Janitorial Supervisor

Graduate from high school and Five (5) years experience inperforming supervision of janitorial works in similar projects.

□Electronic Technician

Qualified technician should have minimum three (3) years educational

Diploma holder and minimum four (4) years experience in the field of 

electronics Analog and Digital. Experience in all electronics

equipments and capability of repairing board level and trouble

shooting of circuit boards. Telephone Technician

Qualified technician should have minimum two (2) yearseducational background Diploma holder and three (3) yearsexperience in Voice over Internet Protocol System. Experienced intelephone main distribution frame and capability of board levelrepair and trouble shooting of circuit boards.


Qualified technician should have minimum two (2) yearseducational background Diploma holder and four (4) yearsexperienced in Low Voltage and High Voltage.

□HVAC Technician

Qualified technician should have minimum three (3) yearseducational background diploma holder and five (5) yearsexperience in maintenance Chillers System and relatedequipment.

□Instrumentation Technician

Qualified technician should have minimum three (3) yearseducational background Diploma holder and four (4) yearsexperience in the field of controls (analog and digital withexperience in Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC) repair, and troubleshooting.

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□Elevator Technician

Qualified technician should have minimum three (3) yearseducational background Diploma holder and four (4) yearsexperience in the field of Controls Analog and Digital. Experience

in Elevator repair and trouble shooting.a Mechanical Technician

Qualified technician should have minimum three (3) yearseducational background Diploma holder and four (4) yearsexperience in overhauling and maintenance of pumps and relatedequipment.


Graduate from high school and considerable experience inperforming civil work; or any equivalent combination of experienceand training which provides the required knowledge, skills and


Graduate from high school and considerable experience inperforming plumbing work; or any equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the required knowledge,skills and abilities.


Graduate from high school and considerable experience inperforming masonry work; or any equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the required knowledge,skills and abilities.


Graduate from high school and considerable experience inperforming grounds maintenance work; or any equivalentcombination of experience and training which provides therequired knowledge, skills and abilities.

a Housekeepers

Graduate from high school and considerable experience inperforming housekeeping work; or any equivalent combination of 

experience and training which provides the required knowledge,skills and abilities.

a Janitors/janitress

Graduate from high school and considerable experience inperforming janitorial work; or any equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the required knowledge,skills and abilities.

□Tea boy/Tea girl

Graduate from high school and considerable experience inperforming hospitality work; or any equivalent combination of 

experience and training which provides the required knowledge,skills and abilities.

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a Chef 

Culinary graduate or equivalent qualification Minimum 6 yearsexperience in the classic and modern Arabic and other Cuisine andthree years as Head Arabic Chef.

□Assistant Chef Culinary graduate or equivalent qualification Minimum 5 yearsexperience in the classic and modern Arabic and other Cuisine andthree years as Assistant Chef.

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Headquarters Building Operations and Maintenance

Schedule X, Appendix 1 Technical Data & Information for

Headquarters Building

1.Number of Toilets, Bathrooms, Ablution Rooms at each


a)Ground Floor Toilets 15

b)First Floor Toilets 31

c)Second Floor Toilets 14

d) Third Floor Toilets 8

e)Ablution 6

2. Total Area at each Floor in Square Meter

a)Basement 2657.19 SQM

b)Ground Floor 4194.05 SQM

c)First Floor 6162.48 SQM

d)Second Floor 3840.94 SQM

e) Third Floor 1686.67 SQM

3. Total Carpeted Area in SQM in each Floor

a)Ground Floor 3048 SQM

b)First Floor 5621 SQM

c)Second Floor 3575 SQM

4.Area of Hallways and Corridors etc.

a)Ground Floor 1223.91 SQM

b)First Floor 1038.99 SQM

c)Second Floor 781.12 SQM

d) Third Floor 1686.67 SQM

5.Area of Glass to be Cleaned at each Floor

a)Ground Floor 110.05 SQM

b)First Floor 144.25 SQM

c)Second Floor 470 SQM

d) Third Floor 46 SQMe)CONTRACTOR should provide all special cleaning

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6. Area of Curtains

a) Ground Floor 110.05 SQM

b) First Floor 144 SQM

c) Second Floor 470 SQM

d) Third Floor 46 SQM

7. Landscaped Area

a) 199.934 Meter Approximate number of 

Light Fixtures and Supply Air Grills

a) Fluorescent Light 10620

b) Spot Light 200

c) Supply air Grills 650

d) Exhaust air Ceiling Grill 110

9.Number of Equipment to be Tagged approximately 1500

10.List of critical systems and equipment for maintenance by the


a)Chiller -3 units / 316 Tons each with associated equipment

b)Fire Alarm System -1 unit with associated equipment

c)Security System - 2 units with associated equipment

d)Data Center -1 unit with associated equipment (to besubcontracted to the authorized in-kingdomsuppliers/agents/dealers)

e)Ramp Barrier Arrest - 2 units with associated equipment

f)Vehicle Arm Barrier - 5 units and with associated equipment

g)Caterpillar Generator - 1 unit / 625 KVA / 500KW withassociated equipment

h)Elevator Mitsubishi ( ELENESA) - 4 units / Capacity of 1050 KGwith associated equipment

i) Elevator Fuji - 2 units with associated equipment

 j) Building Management System - 1 unit with associated


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k) VOIP Telephone System -1 unit with associated equipment

I) Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)- 2 unit / 100 KVA each withassociated equipment

m) Access Control System with associated equipment

n) Auditorium Audio & Visual Equipment with associatedequipment

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Key Performance Indicators and Return-To-Service Times

Following KPIs and RTST shall be used to measure the acceptability of theCONTRACTOR'S performance and shall be the basis for deduction from theCONTRACTOR'S monthly invoice if the performance falls below the minimumacceptable levels.


Reference to the Headquarters Building Operations and Maintenance,Schedule Appendix X, it was mentioned that KPI and RTST will bedeveloped and included later.


As per the contract, the performance of the following services shallbe measured through KPI's and RTST's.

 The target performance level for these services is mentioned below. The contractor shall be entitled to full payment if his performancescores equals or exceeds the below target performance level.



1. Janitorial, Cleaning & Garbage

Collection Services


2. Landscaping and GardeningServices


3. Hospitality Services 85%

4. General Maintenance Services

(a) Preventive Maintenance

(b) Corrective Maintenance





5. Maintenance of Critical and Major


(a) Preventive Maintenance

(b) Corrective Maintenance





6. Availability of CMMS Generatedreports as per the list attached


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3.1. Janitorial and Cleaning Services

Ref Performance Indicator

PROCEDUREContractor to develop and implement comprehensive planned cleaning proceduresand schedules to cover all facilities and areas within the walled perimeter of the site toinclude completion of Service Record Cards. The cleaning report shall include but notbe limited to the following:

1-Dust Bins Empty ail dust bins from workstations, closed offices, toilets

2-Dusting &Cleaning

Dusting of all office furniture, fixtures and office equipments

3-Carpet Vacuum all carpeted areas



 Toilet bowls, Urinals, seat and lid, tap and faucets, chrome finish, marble

top, Spouts, power points and light switches

5-Check &Replenish

 Towel holder, 2 Ply tissue roll. Hand soap and air freshener cartridges


Empty all waste bins, Clean furniture, mop floors, and clean outside glass


Cleaning of outside Entrance central marble area, lobby marble area,Elevators, Staircases

8-Sweeping Curbstone areas, outside interlock parking, lower & upper level parking



Unforeseen, emergency and ad-hoc cleaning carried out within 1 hour of 



Cleaning of interior and exterior glasses as required

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4.1. The maintenance contractor will be monitoring the performance of everyequipment, installation, plant and system included in this contract by

measuring several KPI's and RTST's in relation to Preventive, Predictive,and Corrective Maintenance as well as the breakdown, emergency worksencountered and other works executed and generated through the ServiceOrders that has been forwarded to CMMS/Help Desk.

As per the contract addendum:

a. The target performance level for Preventive Maintenance performancelevel should be 95%

b. The target performance level for Corrective Maintenance performance

level should be 85%

KPI Formula for:

a)% Preventive Maintenance = No. of PM Completed in time X 100

(No. PM Planned + Backlog)

b)% Corrective Maintenance = No. of CM Completed in time X100

(No. CM Planned + Backlog)

4.2. In general maintenance, the contractor will be required to re-schedulethe back logged and noncompleted preventive maintenance request to the succeeding month for

completion which will begiven priority depends on category status.

4.3. The time for completion of various types of service orders for CM are shownin table (1) on page (1).

For Service order that are late, penalty or action as deemed reasonable byXXXX shall be applied based on the criticality of the Service Order.



a.Preventive Maintenance = 50 %

b.Corrective Maintenance = 50 %

 Target Performance levels for full payments are:

a.Preventive Maintenance = 95 %

b.Corrective Maintenance = 85 %

As per the Contract, the billing amount for General maintenance services isSR 33,301.00 per month.

Assume that in any month the actual score of PM completed in the time be90% and the CM be 80%. Then considering the above weights the amountfor:

PM Services is 33,301 X 0.5 = SR 16,650.50

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CM Services is 33,301 X 0.5 = SR

16,650.50 The calculation for performance based

payment will be as follows:

PM = 16,650.50 X 90 = 15,774.16 and for CM = 16,650.50 X 80

= 15,670.06 95 85 Therefore the Net payable to Contractor = SR

15,774.16 + 15,670.06 = 31,444.22 Deduction = 33,301 -

31,444.22 = 1,856.78

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5.1. Score Calculation Procedure for Janitorial & Cleaning Services, GarbageCollection & Disposal, Landscaping & Gardening Services and HospitalityServices shall be as follows:

Score = Number of Inspected items found acceptable

 Total Number of items inspected

Example: Janitorial & Cleaning Services

Score - 9 - (accepted inspected item) = 90%

10 - (total item inspected)


1.) If in case the contractor's performance level goes below the agreed targetpercentage for

categories like 1) Janitorial, Cleaning and Garbage CollectionServices, 2) Landscaping and Gardening Service 3) HospitalityServices, 4) General Maintenance Services, 5) Maintenance of Criticaland major equipment, and 6) CMMS, client shall give adequate timein writing for corrective action with the list of outstandingdeficiencies prior to deduction. If the contractor completes theoutstanding deficiencies within the time frame deduction shall not beapplied.

2.) Deduction will be applicable only against the individual service category like1) Janitorial,

Cleaning and Garbage Collection Services, 2) Landscaping andGardening Service 3) Hospitality Services, 4) General MaintenanceServices, 5) Maintenance of Critical and major equipment, and 6)CMMS, and not against the total contract value.

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1 Breakdown of Chiller 48Hrs

2 Breakdown of Chilled Water Pump 24Hrs

3 Breakdown of Fan Coil Unit and related equipment 48Hrs

4 Breakdown of Central Air-Conditioning 24Hrs

5 Breakdown of Package Air-Conditioning 24Hrs

6 Breakdown of Window Air-Conditioning 12Hrs

7 Breakdown of Split Air-Conditioning 48 Hrs

8 Breakdown of Emergency Generator 48Hrs

9 Breakdown of Elevators 48 Hrs

10 Breakdown of Fire Pump 12 Hrs

11 Breakdown of Automatic Sliding Doors 48 Hrs

12 Breakdown of Automatic Sliding Gates 48 Hrs

13 Breakdown of Hydraulic Road Blocker 48 Hrs

14 Breakdown of Vehicle Arm Barrier 48 Hrs

15 Breakdown of Close Circuit Television (CCTV) 48 Hrs

16 Breakdown of Building Management System (BMS) 48 Hrs

17 Breakdown of Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) 48 Hrs

18 Breakdown of Fire Alarm System and related equipment 48 Hrs

19 Breakdown of FM200 System and related equipment 48 Hrs

20 Breakdown of Security Access Control system and related equipment 48 Hrs

21 Breakdown of Data Call Manager system and related equipment 48 Hrs

22 Breakdown of IP Telephone 24 Hrs

23 Broken Pipe and Leakage 24 Hrs

24 Breakdown of Electrical Panel Circuit 24 Hrs

25 Breakdown DDC Pane! 24 Hrs

26 Breakdown of Jockey Pump 48 Hrs

27 Breakdown of Submersible Pump 48 Hrs

28 Breakdown of Domestic Pump 48 Hrs

Priority 2

1 Breakdown of Kitchen Appliances 48 Hrs

2 Breakdown of Electrical Archive System 48 Hrs

3 Breakdown of Expansion Tank 48 Hrs

4 Breakdown of Chemical Feeder Unit 48 Hrs

5 Breakdown of Water Softener 24 Hrs

6 Brea kdown of Tim er Ca bin et 48 Hrs

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7 Breakdown of Water Heater 48 Hrs

8 Breakdown of Motors 48 Hrs

9 Breakdown of Public Address System and related equipment 48 Hrs

Priority 3

1 Valves 24 Hrs

2 Hand Dryer 24 Hrs

3 Breakdown of Exhaust Fans 48 Hrs

4 Breakdown of Fresh Air Fans 48 Hrs

5 Breakdown of Master Antenna Television (MATV) 24 Hrs

6 Breakdown of Roller Blinds 48 Hrs

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71.In case the contractor fails to restore the failed equipment within the RTSTplus the 25 % grace period time, the contractor will have to provide awritten explanation explaining in detailed the causes for the delay.

72.Ma'aden will review the explanation provided by the contractor and if reasons are found beyond the control of the contractor no penalty will beimposed.

73.In case the explanation is not satisfactory and the causes of delay can beattributed to the negligence or lack of resources on the part of thecontractor. Ma'aden will be authorized to impose penalty that it deemsappropriate. And the decision of Ma'aden in this regard shall be deemed tobe final and binding on the contractor.

74.It will be desirable to review based on experience all KPI's and list of RTST'sincluding the restoration time and based on contractual agreement, if necessary modification, addition, deletion and refinement shall be done andapproved by both the concerned party.


1.Weekly Reportsa.Daily Call Logs Summaryb.Service Order Summaryc.Service Order Recordsd.PM Work Order Summarye.PM Work Order Recordsf.Preventive Maintenance Schedules

2.Monthly Reportsa.Monthly Call Logs Summaryb.Daily Call Logsc.Corrective Maintenance Summary (with graphical analysis)d.Corrective Maintenance Records

e.Other Services Requested Summary (with graphical analysis)f.Other Services Requested Recordsg.PM Work Order Summary (with graphical analysis)h.PM Work Order Recordsi. Copy ofSO's and PM's

3.Annual Reports

 This will be an overall summary of all Service Orders and PreventiveMaintenance Works for the whole year. This shall include details,highlights and analysis of rendered maintenance activities.

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2. Work for Catering Services(Optional)

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THE CONTRACTOR undertakes to provide XXX with the following Cateringservices:

THE CONTRACTOR will provide a Lunch Service for the XXX employees as

per an agreed upon frequency and meal times. Should there be a demandfor Breakfast and Dinner these meals will be provided to the XXXemployees.

Menus shall be established that will cater for a diverse mix of nationalities,which includes Arabic, Western and Eastern employees, in accordance withthe Meal specifications, times and nationality split to be provided by theXXX.

THE CONTRACTOR will provide Beverage Services (Coffee / Tea / Water/Carbonated Drinks) to offices as per an agreed upon frequency.

THE CONTRACTOR will provide Special Meal Services as and when requiredby the XXX. Special Meal Services may include Function catering, BBQ's,etc.

THE CONTRACTOR will ensure that there is available an adequate supplyof snack foods and beverages, including bottled water, for the XXXX

personnel to purchase at market related prices.

Method of Service

Method of dining service shall be Cafeteria / Buffet style. Food handlers shallbe used to assist in expediting the service.

THE CONTRACTOR shall provide personnel for the bussing of serving trays,dishes and silverware.

Menu Specification

THE CONTRACTOR shall attached sample Menus along with the proposal,upon which the catering services meal price element of this proposal isbased.

 This Menu cycle will be revised monthly in consultation with the XXXX

representative, whilst maintaining the same varity and quality.

Function Menus

Special function menus can be provided upon request such as for National

days, get-togethers, and barbeques.

 The rates for these periodic events do not form part of this propsal andpricing place by THE CONTRACTOR and the XXXX.

Optional Service

Beverage Services 

THE CONTRACTOR may provide Beverage Services (Coffee / Tea / Water /Carbonated Drinks) to offices and meeting rooms if required. THE

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CONTRACTOR would charge the cost of these Beverages back to XXX atagreed cost.

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Division of Responsibility

THE CONTRACTOR Responsibilities:

Specifically, THE CONTRACTOR offers to provide

the following: Personnel

THE CONTRACTOR shall provide highly skilled trained staff that willperform the duties and work required.

THE CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the employment requirments of its personnel and costs related to this.

THE CONTRACTOR shall secure all licenses, permits, visas, medicalexaminations, inoculations and records necessary for their operations.

Caterine Services

THE CONTRACTOR will ensure adherence to the specifications of thecatering services detailed in this offer.

THE CONTRACTOR will carry out all preparation, production of food in hisdesignated central kitchen where all cooking and food is done.

THE CONTRACTOR shall transport the food from his central kitchen to theXX cafeteria to be served to the XXXX personnel as per the XXX approvedmenus.

THE CONTRACTOR shall monitor use of catering facilities to ensure thatonly the XXX personnel and authorized people are being provided meals.

THE CONTRACTOR to strictly adhere to the use of non-disposable tableutensils when serving food for eating and to use environmental friendlymaterial instead of polystyrene/plastic take-away utensils.

Equipments maintenance and repairs to keep it in a good working condition.

Materials Procurement & Supply Dining Furniture & KitchenEquipment

Procurement of  all Dining furniture and fixture. Kitchen equipment, foodproducts, expendable operating supplies and cleaning supplies.

Contractor responsible for purchasing of all supplies, additional equipmentand services including without limitation all utensils/implements, glass,crockery and cutlery.

Deliver all foodstuffs, potable water, cleaning materials, supplies used forthe contract to the location.

All provided dining and kitchen equipment and furniture accesories andfixtures will be owned by Maaden after the completion of the contractorcontract.

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Catering service shall conform to all sanitation requirements of the SaudiArabian government, and up to the XXXX satisfaction. Sanitary standards shallbe maintained at all times by THE CONTRACTOR personnel involved.

Sanitary handling and storage of garbage and food waste for collection and the

washing and sanitizing of dishware, appliances and all other kitchen and dinerequipment.

Comprehensive cleaning of the dining hall/faciliteis, including all foodpreparation, cooking and production areas.

XXXX Responsibilities:

Contractor Payment Provisions

Remunerate THE CONTRACTOR according to the agreed schedule of rates,according to the provisions of the Financial Proposal (Schedule of Rates) within

30 days of the invoicing month,Services

Provides THE CONTRACTOR with communications facilities (telephone andfax) as may be reasonably requested to communicate with the THECONTRACTOR support base and the billing cost to be paid by THECONTRACTOR.

Special Meal / Beverage Services

 The rate indicated in the schedule of Rates is not inclusive of Special MealsServices and are subject to independent agreement between the THE

CONTRACTOR and XXXX site Authorized Representatives.

 These Special Meals Services shall be invoiced and will be subject to the samepayment terms as the agreed schedule of rates.

Beverage Services (Coffee / Tea / Water / Carbonated Drinks) would besupplied to offices as per an agreed upon frequency. The cost of thesebeverages would be charged back to the XXXX at the agreed cost.

Materials & Utilities

Provision of all utilities (electricity, potable water for cooking, drainage and

sewage) required by THE CONTRACTOR to undertake the scope of work.

Health & Safety at Work (Loss Prevention)

Provides THE CONTRACTOR with all personnel and vehicle I.Ds if required bythe XXXSchedule of Rates

THE CONTRACTOR would provide the catering services to the XXXXon a'Meal Rate + Lump Sum' Basis and as per the following Rates:

Description Unit Rate ForEmployee

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LUNCH, Option 1One Choices of Main Course.Choice of Rice or Pasta. OneChoice of Veg. or Dal. Onechoice of varieties Salad.Sweet or Seasonal fruits.


LUNCH, Option 2 SoupTwo Choices of MainCourses. Choice of Rice orPasta. One choice of Veg. orDal. Z choices of varietiesSalad. Sweet or Seasonalfruits.

LUNCH, Option 3Open Buffet.Monthly Lump Sum (payable by x)

Terms & Conditions for Catering

Agreement Commencement Date & Mobilization:

 The Agreement is understood to require mobilization on, oraround,

 ____________________, or within a period of 30 days from the finalization of thecontract

process, or the receipt by THE CONTRACTOR of the 'Notice to proceed

/Letter of Intent'.

Agreement Duration:

 The duration of the agreement is understood to be thirty six

(36) Months. Termination:

 This Agreement can be terminated by either party with thirty (60) days writtennotice to the other party of the intention to do so.


THE CONTRACTOR shall advise the XXXXof the Proposal validity period.

Meal Rates would be payable by XXXX employees whilst the Monthly 

Lump Sum and subsidy Amounts would be payable by the XXXX.

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3. Mail Management Service(Optional)

 The contractor shall fully responsible for the overall management of internal and external mail service for Ma'aden. The services include thefollowing:

I.Post Office Mail:

Incoming Mail:

1.Mail collection from post office.2.Mail processing including registration for all kind of incoming mail

including ordinary mail. Registration will include data entry for

information of the origin.3.Mail Delivery to Mailroom.

4. Mail Delivery to concerned

Departments in Ma'aden.

Outgoing Mail:

1.Mail Receipt from the Departments of Ma'aden.

2.Mail Processing including Registration.

3.Delivery to Post Office.

II.Hand Delivery & Courier Mail:

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Incoming Mail:

1.Receipt from Delivery Representative.

2.Mail Processing including Registration.

3.Mail Delivery to concerned Departments in XXXX.

Outgoing Mail:

1.Mail Receipt from the Departments of XXXX.

2.Mail Processing including Registration.

3.Courier mail will be delivered to Courier Representative.

4.Hand Delivery mail will be hand delivered.

Internal Mail Service:

1.Distribute Mail to Departments in XXXX.

2.Collect Outgoing Mail from Departments in

XXX. External Mail Service:

1.Pick Items and instructions from departments in XXX HO building.

2.Deliver / Pick up / Wait for items to be processed (according to giving


3.Return the items / receipt to the designated individual in theDepartments in XXXX.

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 The contractor shall:

Provide XXX with the necessary resources to performthe tasks and manage the staff.

Develop and obtain XXX approval on Mailroomprocedures and work instructions.

Adhere to Applicable XXX Policies and Procedures.

Provide the required stationeries for the mailroom operations like(barcode stickers. Staplers, Pens, Rubber band).


 The contractor shall provide adequate manpower to perform the mailmanagement service and to ensure the smooth delivery of the services.


 The contractor shall provide fully automated system for the mailmanagement, which including the electronic tracking system and to keepthe records.


 The contractor shall provide weekly and monthly reports with the status of each mail request and the statistics of mail transactions on needed basis.


It is the responsibility of the contractor to maintain properacknowledgement system for each transaction of the mail service internallyand externally / collection and delivery.

Office Equipments:

 The contractor shall provide the office equipments such as computers,

scanners, printers and copier machines.

Reproduction Unit:

 The contractor shall provide the service of reproduction including binding onneeded basis. An advanced heavy-duty copier and binder machines to be

arranged in the mail room.

Mailroom Space:

XXX will provide adequate space for the mailroom

with furniture. Personal Mail:

 The contractor shall process the requests of XXX employees for personalmail services either by collecting the cash from the requestor or advisingAdmin. Services to recover the cost through payroll.

Invoices of Courier Services.

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