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Clasa IP3Blănariu Vasilica Lavinia

OFFICE WORKING AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS Acting professionally at work is an important part of any corporate or work environment.  It is also important for your professional and career growth.  Most executive managers agree: professional behavior and attitudes often play an important role in who gets hired and promoted, as well as in who gets fired or demoted.  If you want to have a successful career – you must know how to act professionally.Many of us (so called “professionals”) often behave unprofessionally at work without even noticing it. Under certain circumstances this can have consequences.  For example, it is great to be super-friendly with your boss, joking around the office, playing practical jokes on your co-workers, etc. Your boss may even think that you are the coolest guy/gal they have ever met.  However, would they also think that you can be serious enough to handle an important task when it comes to that promotion you’ve been hoping for? Would they take you seriously? We have asked several professionals if they had to dismiss an employee, would they choose the one who lacks good work habits or the one who lacks appropriate jobs skills. Here is what some of them told us:“I would dismiss the employee who lacks good work habits. I feel that it is much easier to teach job skills than work habit.”“I would choose the person with bad work habit. One bad apple is all it needs to spoil them all.”“I would ask the person to leave who has bad habits as I believe that job skills can be taught to people.” So what can you do? Try observing your own behavior as you interact with your co-workers, your boss and your subordinates. Make sure that you are not guilty of any unprofessional habits and if you are, try adjusting your behavior.  Specifically, try to avoid the following mistakes that many employees often make:

-Arguing or engaging in an open conflict with a co-worker. Disagreeing is Ok but do it respectfully and politely and don’t cross the line. Use good judgment and watch your manners.

-Dressing “too casually”. If you come to work sloppily dressed your looks will portray an image of a disorganized and messy worker. Dress professionally, especially if you your boss is on a conservative side.

-Making comments or jokes that could be offensive to others. Always avoid references to anyone’s personal characteristics such as nationality, race, gender, appearance or religious beliefs at work.

-Raising your voice or acting on emotions.  If you’re an emotional person, try to take a break and calm down before an important conversation.  People often do and say things driven by a spur of the moment that they later regret.

-Lying. Being deceitful or dishonest will tarnish your reputation for life if you get caught. It is just not worth it.

-Acting superior to others, showing your own self-importance or judging others.  Professional behavior is never having a need to prove that you are superior to anyone else.

Your definition of attitude at work determines your career altitude. What is the approach you take towards your career? Is it one of a lackadaisical attitude? Or is it one of positive energy and bursting with enthusiasm?

Attitude is "a way of looking at life".What then is your way of looking at work? What is your definition of attitude at workThis is an important question that needs to be answered sincerely. Your way of approaching work is an important determinant of your career success. Achieving success in your career isn’t just about brains, talents and connection. It is also about attitude, it is about your definition of attitude at work. One of the attitudes I adopt throughout my career is one of "Belief". And one of my favorite quotes on belief is:

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

I further broke "Belief" down to 3 important bite sizes I could work on: 1. Take Personal ResponsibilityBelieve that you have a personal responsibility for your own career success. You need to realize that you are in charge of your own destiny. If something bad happens, do not blame anyone else. Remember each time you point your finger at someone - 3 points back at you. You have 3 times more responsibility to whatever blame you want to assign others. 2. Nothing Is ImpossibleBelieve that nothing is impossible in your career success path. Every position and every project is within reach. If only you set out to do it. Believe you can do it and ask for it. Don’t just sit and talk. People who are successful at their careers are people who believe they can do it. 3. Failure Is The Best TeacherBelieve that as long as you learn from your mistakes then it is not a wasted mistake. There will be setbacks in your career success path. So long as you learn from them then it makes you a better worker. Your attitude towards failure will determine how successful you become in your career. Do not lament over your mistakes. Learn from it and move forward.

Have a clear definition of attitude at work and you would see your chances of succeeding increase! 
