of God forever and ever Psalm...


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Sunday 24th July

9am Contemporary & 10:30am Classic — Donald Sarre

John 10:1-10

10:30am Café — Rev Matthew Bond

Amos 8:1-12, Psalm 52, Colossians 1:15-28, Luke 10:38-42

If you require more information please contact the church office or visit our website.

T: 8331 3914 E: admin@burnsidecityuc.org.au W: www.burnsidecityuc.org.au

Prayer Requests: prayer@burnsidecityuc.org.au

384 Portrush Road, Tusmore 5065


Monday 18th July

2pm Communion Service

Tuesday 19th July

9:30am Ladies Table Tennis

7:30pm Finance Committee

Wednesday 20th July

7:45am Prayer meeting

Thursday 21st July

9:30am Craft, Chat n Sew

12noon Thursday Friendship Club

7:30pm Choir practice

Friday 22nd July

6pm Worship & Music Ministry


Sunday 17th July

9am Contemporary & 10:30am Classic — Rev Matthew Bond—God of Trust

Amos 8:1-12, Psalm 52, Colossians 1:15-28, Luke 10:38-42

10:30am Cafe— Ps Linda Driver—Loving God

Luke 10:38-42

Sunday 17th July, 2016


We have Connect Team members to welcome new people at each service who will

introduce you to our church and assist you in any way they can. Please stay for a

cup of tea or coffee, so that we can get to know each other better.

Ministry Team Contacts

Minister: Rev Matthew Bond Ministry Team Leader 0400 777 410

Minister: Pastor Linda Driver Children, Youth & Families

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

Minister in Association: Rev Rob Williams

Available for Pastoral Care as required— 0424 123 171

Youth Coordinator: Ben Randall —0403 369 154

Administrator: Deb Mugford ( On leave)

Relief Administrator: Alvin Ortiz Monday—Thursday 9am—2:30pm

Office Hours - 9am—12 noon Monday to Thursday

A Vibrant Community, Committed to Jesus,

Passionately Engaged in Mission

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.”

2 Corinthians 5: 18

I trust in the loving kindness

of God forever and ever

Psalm 52:8b


Today we celebrate as Piper and Tyndelle re-affirm their baptisms. This is a big step in their Christian faith. Today they publicly declare that what their parents did for them when they were baptised as babies is what these two young women want for their own lives. They are saying that they have decided to give their lives to Jesus and follow Him forever.

The members of Burnside City Uniting Church are asked today to respond by committing to support Tyndelle and Piper in this declaration. We are responsible to assist them to continue to grow in their faith and to provide ways for them to use their Spiritual Gifts to serve God. This is the very core of what it means to be church. Each of us has accepted Jesus into our lives and has been discipled, today we have a strong reminder of our responsibility to disciple others.

Here are some strong words from Jesus on this subject; “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6 NIV) So much for ‘gentle Jesus meek & mild’.

There are so many distractions and reasons for our young people to be drawn away from the church – apathy, boredom, drugs, alcohol, other religions, Sunday sporting events, our busy schedules and on the list goes. We have set our eyes on the goal of creating a welcoming place for children, youth, young adults & their families. Praise God that we are seeing fruit from this labour!

Please join me in committing to support Piper & Tyndelle as they courageously proclaim their faith in Jesus before the church, their friends and the world this day.

Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good

news about Jesus. As they travelled along the road, they came to some water

and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my

being baptized?” (Acts 8:36 NIV)


Please e-mail articles for the BCUC weekly news to Deb Mugford

admin@burnsidecityuc.org.au no later than 12noon on Tuesday

Michael Hawn, Musician in Residence

Music and Worship: Thought-filled

Practice—Monday July 18—Thursday

July 21 at BCUC $150

IMPACT: An Intensive in

Congregational Worship—Sunday July

24—Wednesday July 27 Free for BCUC

See the noticeboard for more


Inside Out Youth Camp—Change of date

August 19-21 at Seeonee Hills. Come and hear guest speaker Josh Scherer talk about our emotions and life, as well as a night hike, bonfire and more! For more information contact Ben Randall, Youth Coordinator.

Anniversary Service

Our Anniversary Service will be a combined service on Sunday August 7 at 10am. The service will include special guest speaker Rev Peter Riggs and the Seymour Choir and Orchestra. We will be providing a light lunch after the service. Please stay and enjoy this time of extended fellowship. We will be serving a choice of soups and a variety of international finger food.

mainly music morning teas Thank you to those who generously help provide morning tea for the parents/carers who attend mainly music at BCUC on Monday mornings. This is such a wonderful witness of your support for them and the program. If you would like to have a turn to provide a plate of food please contact Jennie Harding or Marlene Richards. Food can be brought on a Sunday and put in the fridge ready for Monday morning or else dropped off on Monday morning before 10am.

Needing prayer? If there is a situation in your life that you would like to bring to God in prayer, please email prayer@burnsidecityuc.org.au and our prayer chain will actively pray for you. If someone you know needs prayer, just ask their permission and send in their request. All concerns will be kept confi-dential. No email? Feel free to contact Jenny on 0412 398 842, or mail to 52/7 Liberman Close, Adelaide 5000.

Slight change to Linda’s work days, commencing 27 July:

Due to a change in her study schedule, Linda will work: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed mornings, Thurs afternoons, and Sundays

HizBiz a group for men’ Please join us for lunch at 12 noon on Tuesday 26th July at Marryatville Hotel 239 Kensington Road, Kensington. Please see Rex King for more information.

Deb will be on leave from Monday July

18 until Monday September 5. Alvin

Ortiz will be relieving Deb while she is

away. Please make Alvin feel welcome

while he is here.
