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수의학 박사 학위논문

Development of alternative control

methods using bacteriophages against

antibiotic-resistant Aeromonas salmonicida

infections in Korean salmonid fish

한 연어과 어류에 감염하는

항생제 내 Aeromonas salmonicida에

대한 박테리 파아지 제법 개발

2012 년 8 월

서울대학교 대학원

수의학과 수의공중보건학 전공

김 지 형


A Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Development of alternative control

methods using bacteriophages against

antibiotic-resistant Aeromonas salmonicida

infections in Korean salmonid fish


Ji Hyung Kim

August, 2012

Department of Veterinary Public Health

College of Veterinary Medicine

The Graduate school of Seoul National University


Development of alternative control

methods using bacteriophages against

antibiotic-resistant Aeromonas salmonicida

infections in Korean salmonid fish


Ji Hyung Kim

Supervisor: Professor Se Chang Park, D.V.M., Ph.D.

A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Graduate School of

Seoul National University in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in

Veterinary Public Health

August, 2012

Department of Veterinary Public Health

College of Veterinary Medicine

The Graduate school of Seoul National University


Development of alternative control methods

using bacteriophages against antibiotic-

resistant Aeromonas salmonicida infections

in Korean salmonid fish

한 연어과 어류에 감염하는

항생제 내 Aeromonas salmonicida에

대한 박테리 파아지 제법 개발

지도교수: 박 세 창

이 논문을 수의학박사 학위논문으로 제출함

2012 년 5 월

서울대학교 대학원

수의학과 수의공중보건학 전공

김 지 형

김지형의 박사학위 논문을 인준함

2012 년 6 월

위 원 장 이 병 천 (인)

부위원장 박 세 창 (인)

위 원 조 성 준 (인)

위 원 신 기 욱 (인)

위 원 Mahanama De Zoysa (인)



Development of alternative control methods

using bacteriophages against antibiotic-

resistant Aeromonas salmonicida infections

in Korean salmonid fish

Ji Hyung Kim

Department of Veterinary Public Health

College of Veterinary Medicine

The Graduate School of Seoul National University

Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is the causative agent of

furunculosis in salmonid fish and bacterial septicemia in a broad variety of

fish, and is thus responsible for significant economic losses in the global

aquaculture industry. Recently, the acquisitions of antibiotic resistance in A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida have been recognized as a serious concern,

owing to their potential health risks to humans and animals. However, the

acquisition and prevalence of antibiotic resistance in A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida have not yet been investigated in Korean aquaculture industry.

Therefore, in the first step towards, we collected a total of 16 A.

salmonicida (14 of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and 1 each of A.

salmonicida subsp. achromogenes and subsp. flounderacida) strains from

diseased fish and environmental samples in Korea from 2006 to 2009, and

evaluated its antibiotic resistance against tetracycline and quinolones.


Tetracycline and quinolone resistances were observed in 8 and 16 of the

isolates, respectively, based on the measurement of minimal inhibitory

concentrations. Among the tetracycline-resistant strains, 7 of the isolates

harbored tetA and one isolate harbored tetE. Additionally, quinolone-

resistance determining regions (QRDRs) consisting of the gyrA and parC

genes were amplified and sequenced. Among the quinolone-resistant A.

salmonicida strains, 15 strains showed point mutations in the gyrA codon

83, which were responsible for the corresponding amino acid substitutions

of Ser83→Arg83 or Ser83→Asn83. We detected no point mutations in other

QRDRs, such as gyrA codons 87 and 92, and parC codons 80 and 84.

Genetic similarity was assessed via pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE),

and the results indicated high clonality among the Korean antibiotic-

resistant strains of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.

In order to develop alternative control methods against this fish

pathogen, in the second step towards, we isolated several bacteriophages

(phages) infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida from various

environmental waters or fish in Korea. Among those phages, we fully

sequenced the two T4-like Myoviridae phages (named as phiAS4 and

phiAS5) isolated from environmental waters in Korea. The two phages

showed broad host ranges to other Aeromonadaceae as well as A.

salmonicida, and their biological properties were simultaneously

investigated. Furthermore, the complete genomes of phiAS4 and phiAS5

were sequenced, and final assembly yielded linear double-stranded DNA

genomes of 163,875-bp and 225,268-bp with G+C content of 41.3 and


43.0%, respectively. Genomic analysis uncovered 271 and 343 putative

ORFs, 67 and 69 putative promoters, 25 and 33 terminator regions, and 16

and 24 tRNA-encoding genes, respectively. A high degree of similarity to

the Aeromonas phages 25 and Aeh1 were found in most ORFs of phiAS4

and phiAS5, respectively. The phages were further compared with their

relatives including enterobacter phage T4, and the results demonstrated that

they could be classified as new members of the T4-like group. Moreover,

the functional activity of the putative lysozyme murein hydrolase (orf117)

in phiAS5, which had no holin or holin-like gene, was investigated, and the

result revealed that it may use a dual lysis system during host cell lysis.

Based on these results, we confirmed that the two phages will have the

potential for controlling A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida in Korean

aquaculture and may also advance our understanding of the biodiversity of

T4-like phages.

To search for candidate control agents and to evaluate its therapeutic

potential against A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida in aquaculture, we

selected one novel lytic phage among those isolated Aeromonas phages in

the third step towards. The novel Aeromonas phage (designated as PAS-1)

was isolated from the environmental water and its several biological

properties were preliminarily investigated. The phage showed broad host

ranges to other subspecies of A. salmonicida as well as A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida including antibiotic-resistant strains. The PAS-1 was

morphologically classified as Myoviridae and possessed approximately 48

kb of double-strand genomic DNA. Moreover, partial genomic and


structural proteomic analysis of PAS-1 revealed that the phage was closely

related to other Myoviridae phages infecting enterobacteria or Aeromonas

species. For the therapeutic applications of PAS-1, the phage was

preferentially co-cultured with one virulent A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida strain that possesses the ascV gene, and strong bacteriolytic

activity was observed against the bacteria. The administration of PAS-1 in

rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) demonstrated that it was cleared

within 200 h post-administration, and temporal neutralizing activity against

the phage was detected in the phage-administrated fish serums. The

protective effects of the phage were verified in experimental rainbow trout

furunculosis model therapy, showing increased survival rates and mean

time to death.

Based on these results, it can be concluded that the isolated Aeromonas

phages could be considered as altervative control agents against antibiotic-

resistant A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida as well as typical A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and will also have potential therapeutic or

prophylactic candidate against salmonid furunculosis in Korean


Key words: A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, Aeromoans phages,

salmonid, furunculosis, altervative control agents, Korea

Student number: 2008-30469



Abstract .............................................................................................................. v

Contents............................................................................................................. ix

List of figures ................................................................................................... xii

List of tables .................................................................................................... xiii

Abbreviations .................................................................................................. xiv

General Introduction ......................................................................................... 1

Literature Review

A. Aeromonas salmonicida ................................................................................. 4

A.1. Taxonomy of Aeromonadaceae................................................................... 4

A.2. A. salmonicida and its classification ............................................................ 5

A.3. A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and furunculosis ................................... 6

A.4. Host range and distribution ......................................................................... 7

A.5. Clinical signs .............................................................................................. 8

A.6. Transmission............................................................................................. 10

A.7. Virulence factors ....................................................................................... 11

A.8. Disease control ......................................................................................... 13

A.9. Emergence of antibiotic resistance ............................................................ 14

B. Bacteriophage (phage) ................................................................................ 16

B.1. General description ................................................................................... 16

B.2. Phages infecting Aeromonadaceae ............................................................ 20

B.3. Therapeutic applications of phages............................................................ 22

C. References .................................................................................................... 26

Chapter I

Isolation and molecular characterization of tetracycline- and quinolone-


resistant Aeromonas salmonicida strains from cultured fish in Korea

Abstract ............................................................................................................. 41

1.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 42

1.2. Materials and Methods .............................................................................. 43

1.3. Results ...................................................................................................... 46

1.4. Discussion ................................................................................................ 49

1.5. References ................................................................................................ 51

Chapter II

Isolation, characterization and genomic analysis of the two T4-like

Aeromonas phages (phiAS4 and phiAS5) infecting A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida as potential candidates for furunculosis control

Abstract ............................................................................................................. 61

2.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 63

2.2. Materials and methods .............................................................................. 64

2.3. Results ...................................................................................................... 72

2.4. Discussion ................................................................................................ 79

2.5. References ................................................................................................ 83

Chapter III

Isolation and characterization of a novel Aeromonas phage PAS-1 infecting A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and its applications in rainbow trout

(Oncorhynchus mykiss) furunculosis model therapy

Abstract ........................................................................................................... 133

3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................ 135

3.2. Materials and Methods ............................................................................ 136

3.3. Results .................................................................................................... 143

3.4. Discussion .............................................................................................. 148

3.5. References .............................................................................................. 152


General conclusion ......................................................................................... 166

Abstracts in Korean ....................................................................................... 168

List of published articles ................................................................................ 173

List of conference attendances ....................................................................... 181

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ 189


List of Figures

Literature review

Figure I. Schematic representation of major phage groups.

Chapter I

Figure 1.1. Multiplex PCR assay of tetracycline resistance genes (tetA of 211bp and tetE

of 744bp) in two reference strains and 16 isolates of Aeromonas salmonicida.

Figure 1.2. PFGE profiles of 18 Aeromonas salmonicida strains and UPGMA


Chapter II

Figure 2.1. Electron microscopy of the two T4-like Myoviridae phages infecting A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida: phiAS4 (A) and phiAS5 (B).

Figure 2.2. One step growth curves of Aeromonas phage phiAS4 and phiAS5 in A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain AS01.

Figure 2.3. Genome map of Aeromonas phage phiAS4.

Figure 2.4. Genome map of Aeromonas phage phiAS5.

Figure 2.5. Genome comparison of Aeromonas phage phiAS4 (A) and phiAS5 (B) to

related phages using the Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT).

Figure 2.6. SDS-PAGE analysis (A) and zymogram assay (B) of recombinant phiASL5.

Chapter III

Figure 3.1. Electron micrographs of negatively stained Aeromonas phage PAS-1 virions.

Figure 3.2. One step growth of Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida AS01 strain.

Figure 3.3. Time course of lytic activity against the host cell by Aeromonas phage PAS-1.

Figure 3.4. Fate of the Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in the rainbow trout kidney (PFU/g) and

its aquarium water (PFU/ml).

Figure 3.5. The neutralizing activities against Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in rainbow trout

serum after administration of phage.


List of Tables

Literature review

Table I. Classification and its biological properties of phage.

Table II. Phages that carries toxin genes and their gene products.

Table III. Sources and properties of the sequenced Aeromonas phages up to 2012.

Table IV. The representative use of phages to control bacterial pathogens in aquaculture.

Chapter I

Table 1.1. Aeromonas salmonicida strains used in this study.

Table 1.2. PCR primers used in this study.

Table 1.3. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs), tetracycline resistance (tet) genes,

mutations in QRDRs in A. salmonicida strains.

Chapter II

Table 2.1. Host ranges and EOPs of Aeromonas phage phiAS4 and phiAS5 against all

the bacterial strains used in this study.

Table 2.2. Predicted ORFs and its products of Aeromonas phage phiAS4.

Table 2.2. Predicted ORFs and its putative functions of Aeromonas phage phiAS5.

Chapter III

Table 3.1. Bacterial strains used in this study and infectivity of Aeromonas phage PAS-1.

Table 3.2. Partial and complete ORFs of Aeromonas phage PAS-1.

Table 3.3. SDS-PAGE profile of the PAS-1 virion and their protein profiles by liquid

chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis



MIC Minimum Inhibitory Concentration

QRDR Quinolone Resistant Determining Region

PFGE Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis

CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute

MDR Multi Drug Resistant

PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction

UPGMA Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean

CAMHB Cation Adjusted Muller Hinton Broth

NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information

TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy

EOP Efficiency Of Plating

CFU Colony Forming Unit

PFU Plaque Forming Unit

MOI Multiplicity Of Infection

IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

ORF Open Reading Frame

SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

LC-MS/MS Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry

IM Intra Muscular

OD Optical Density

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

TSA Tryptic Soy Agar

TSB Tryptic Soy Broth

PEG PolyEthylene Glycol

EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid

IPTG IsoPropyl-β-d-Thio-Galactoside

PAS Phage of Aeromonas Salmonicida


TBE Tris-Borate-EDTA


General introduction

Salmonid fish (salmonids) are the most important biological and political fish

resources in the pacific oceans due to the characteristics of transboundary

distributions and economical importances (5). In the recent decades, the scientific

interests in 3 species of salmonids such as chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta),

masou salmon (O. masou) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) were much increased in

Korea due to the involvement to the North Pacific Anadromous Fisheries

Commission (NPAFC). Chum salmon is the most important anadromous salmonid

species in Korea, because it is the only indigenous fish species that migrate from

Korea to north pacific oceans (3). Another salmonid fish, masou salmon, is

distributed in natural freshwaters in Korea, but its natural population is very small

(5). In the middle of 1980s, the enhancement program of anadromous salmonids

has been established in Korea since the foundation of the Cold-water Fish Research

Center (formerly Yangyang inland hatchery) of National Fisheries Research and

Development Institute, and the biological and political interests of salmonid

preservations were also increased (7). However, those two anadromous salmonid

species recently showed rapid decrease in the late return and are now in danger of

extinction in Korea, due to environmental pollutions, global warming, overfishing

and diseases. In additions, rainbow trout, which is not indigenous salmonid species

and was transplanted from Japan and USA approximately 40 years ago, is now

artificially propagated and cultured on a large scale in Korean aquaculture (1), but

it also suffered from several diseases caused by bacterial or viral pathogens (6).

Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is the causative agent of


furunculosis in salmonid fish, and is thus responsible for significant economic

losses in the global aquaculture industry as well as salmonid cultures (4). Recently,

the acquisions of antibiotic resistance in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida have

been recognized as a serious world-wide concern, owing to their potential health

risks to animals and human (4). Therefore, alternative control methods against this

fish pathogen are urgently needed. From the 20th century, phages have received

attention due to their potential as alternative antimicrobial agents for a variety of

bacterial pathogens. In aquaculture, phages have been used as control agents

against several fish and shellfish pathogens, and its applications showed promising

results (8).

In Korea, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was first isolated from cultured

masu salmon in 1986 (2), and more recently detected from rainbow trout farm (6).

However, the prevalence of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida has not been

investigated in Korean aquaculture industry, and the potential acquisition or

spreadness of antibiotic-resistance in this bacterium was not also studied until yet.

Therefore, this study was planed to preferentially provide recent prevalence and

antibiotic resistance of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida isolated from Korean

aquaculture, and ultimately focused on development of alternative control methods

of this fish pathogen using its infectious phages to adopt it in Korean aquaculture



1. Baik, K. K., et al. 2007. Studies on seed production of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus

mykiss. J. Aquaculture 20:85-89.


2. Fryer, J., R. Hedrick, J. Park, and Y. Hah. 1988. Isolation of Aeromonas salmonicida

from masu salmon in the Republic of Korea. J. Wildl. Dis. 24:364-365.

3. Jeon, C. H., et al. 2011. Mornitoring of viruses in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)

migrating to Korea. Arch. Virol. 156:1025-1030.

4. Kim, J. H., et al. 2011. Molecular characterization of tetracycline- and quinolone-

resistant Aeromonas salmonicida isolated in Korea. J. Vet. Sci. 12:41-48.

5. Kim, S., C. S. Lee, and S. Kang. 2007. Present status and future prospect in salmon

research in Korea. J. Korean Soc. Oceanogr. 12:57-60.

6. Lee, C., J. C. Cho, S. H. Lee, D. G. Lee, and S. J. Kim. 2002. Distribution of Aeromonas

spp. as identified by 16S rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in a

trout farm. J. Appl. Microbiol. 93:976-985.

7. Lee, C. S., K. B. Seong, and C. H. Lee. 2007. History and status of the chum salmon

enhancement program in Korea. J. Korean Soc. Oceanogr. 12:73-80.

8. Park, S. C., and T. Nakai. 2003. Bacteriophage control of Pseudomonas plecoglossicida

infection in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Dis. Aquat. Org. 53:33-39.


Literature Review

A. Aeromonas salmonicida

A.1. Taxonomy of Aeromonadaceae

The genus Aeromonas (Superkingdom, Bacteria; Phylum, Proteobacteria; Class,

γ-proteobacteria; Order, Aeromonadales; Family, Aeromonadaceae) comprise a

collection of gram-negative bacteria that are widespread in aquatic environments ,

and have been implicated as causative agents of a number of human and animal

diseases (117). The taxonomy of this genus is in a continual state of flux as new

species are identified by its phenotypic and genotypic classifications, and the

descriptions of the existing taxa are refined (117). In a broad point of view,

Aeromonas spp. could be devided as motile and non-motile species. Up to recent,

approximately 30 motile Aeromonas spp. were identified (such as A.

allosaccharophila, A. aquariorum, A. bestiarum, A. bivalvium, A. cavernicola, A.

caviae, A. diversa, A. encheleia, A. enteropelogenes, A. eucrenophila, A. fluvialis, A.

hydrophila, A. jandaei, A. media, A. molluscorum, A. piscicola, A. popoffii, A. rivuli,

A. sanarellii, A. sharmana, A. schubertii, A. simiae, A. taiwanensis, A. tecta, A.

trota, A. veronii biovar sobria and A. veronii biovar veronii), and those species

have been associated with various human infections including gastro-enteritis,

wound infections and septicaemia (43), and have also been implicated as the

causative agents of various fish diseases (77). A. hydrophila is also associated with

red leg disease in amphibians and infections in turtles (107) and birds (125). In

addition to their role as disease agents, Aeromonas species can be found in non-


pathogenic association with a variety of animals (82, 122, 142). Most Aeromonas

species are opportunistic pathogens, entering through wounds or affecting only

stressed or immune-compromised hosts (43). On the other hand, A. salmonicida is

known as the only a non-motile Aeromonas sp. and is the specific aetiological

agent of a bacterial septicaemia in fish, named as furunculosis (12, 61, 62, 148).

A.2. A. salmonicida and its classification

Furunculosis caused by A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is an important

bacterial disease in wild and cultured salmonids and other fish species, and can

have significant economical losses on worldwide aquaculture operations (62). In

the early of 20th century, this bacterium was initially referred as Bacterium or

Bacillus salmonicida (93), but it was later designated as ‘Aeromonas salmonicida’

by Griffin et al. (52). Isolates of the bacterium initially appeared to be

homogeneous, but an increasing number of studies reported several isolates with

different biological or biochemical properties from those of the typical ones from

the 1960s (127). Since then, the bacteria were classified into two groups as typical

and atypical ones (91), and divided into three subspecies: subsp. salmonicida,

subsp. achromogenes and subsp. masoucida (116). Afterwards, the fourth and fifth

subspecies, subsp. smithia and subsp. pectinolytica were proposed by Austin et al.

(8) and Pavan et al. (111), respectively. In the recent years, the Bergey's manual of

systematic bacteriology (64) recognizes five subspecies of A. salmonicida: subsp.

salmonicida, achromogenes, masoucida, smithia, and pectinolytica, and currently

classify A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida as "typical" and any isolate deviating

phenotypically as "atypical".


The typical isolates form a homogeneous group (7, 36, 47, 102), while the

taxonomy of atypical strains is still ambiguous, regardless of attempts to classify

them into several subspecies (148). In general, typical strains grow well on blood

agar with large colonies, produce a brown diffusible pigment, are β-haemolytic and

do not ferment sucrose (89). Therefore, morphological and biochemical differences

(7, 35, 89, 148), such as pigment production, colony size and growth rate,

haemolysis, and sucrose fermentation, are used to distinguish typical and atypical

isolates. Recently, phylogenetic analyses based on gene sequences (90, 98) or

biochemical analyses based on carbohydrates (143) appear to be better able to sort

out the complex taxonomy and classification of several subspecies in this

bacterium and its related species.

With the recent technical advances in genome sequencing, the complete genome

sequence of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain A449 was determined (117),

and the chromosome was 4,702,402 bp and encodeed 4388 genes, while the two

large plasmids were 166,749 and 155,098 bp with 178 and 164 genes, respectively.

Notable features were a large inversion in the chromosome and the presence of a

Tn21 composite transposon containing mercury resistance genes and an In2

integronen coding genes for resistance to streptomycin-spectinomycin, quaternary

ammonia compounds, sulphonamides and chloramphenicol. Additionally, another

draft genome sequence of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain 01-B526 which

isolated from a brook trout (27), is also available in GenBank database.

A.3. A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and furunculosis

Furunculosis was first reported in Germany at 1894 (41). The name


‘furunculosis’ was given due to its symptom showed furuncle-like swellings, which

were ulcerative at a later stage of the disease. However, the discrepancy in the

taxonomy of A. salmonicida has also affected the nomenclature used for the

diseases caused by this pathogen. In pioneer days, the term ‘furunculosis’ was used

principally to cover all fish diseases caused by A. salmonicida species, even though

it was specifically used for those infections of salmonids which showed the

furuncle-like swellings (92). However, Ljungberg and Johansson (87) suggested

that it was essential from an epizootiological point of view to identify typical and

atypical A. salmonicida infections as two separate diseases. Subsequently, the

diseases caused by atypical isolates in non-salmonid fish have been variously

referred; such as carp erythrodermatitis, goldfish ulcer disease, skin ulcer disease

of flounder, A.S.A. infection in salmonid fish, ulcerative furunculosis, infectious

dermatitis, atypical A. salmonicida infection or atypical furunculosis (62).

Therefore, only infections caused by A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida should be

called as furunculosis (109, 148). However, the taxonomy of atypical isolates is

still ambiguous and the terms used for the diseases caused by A. salmonicida vary

between geographical regions (62). Therefore in this thesis, the term furunculosis is

used for infections caused by A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Other infections

caused by atypical strains are referred to as related diseases, atypical infections or

atypical A. salmonicida infections.

A.4. Host range and distribution

A. salmonicida have an extensively broad host ranges in wild and farmed fish of

all ages, and its infections occurr in fresh water, brackish and marine environment


(148). Furthermore, it has been indicated that almost all the fish species can serve

as a reservoir of infections caused by A. salmonicida (60), and salmonids are

considered to be the most susceptible to furunculosis, especially Atlantic salmon

(Salmo salar L.), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brown trout (Salmo trutta

L.), whereas, rainbow trout (O. mykiss) is considered being relatively resistant to

this bacterium (92).

Typical and atypical infections have been reported in worldwide aquaculture

(148). However, atypical infections mostly occur in the temperate regions of

Canada, USA, Japan and Europe (148). In Korea, A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida was was first isolated from cultured masu salmon (O. masou) in 1986

(46), and more recently detected from rearing water on a rainbow trout farm (84).

The history of atypical infections in Korea is relatively not well documented as

compared to typical ones, and only one case of its infections in the black rockfish

(Sebastes schlegeli) were reported (58).

A.5. Clinical signs

In general, furunculosis is considered as a septicaemic disease which can be

considered as a peracute, acute, subacute or chronic form (62, 92). And its clinical

features were previously reviewed by McCarthy and Roberts (92) as follows:

i) The acute form cause high mortality and is common in growing and adult fish,

which show signs that are typical of an acute bacterial septicemia: darkening in

colour, lack of appetite, lethargy, tachy branchia and small hemorrhages at the base

of the fins. Furuncles may develop, but not continuously, and they may rupture to

release highly infective material. The fish usually die within two or three days.


ii) The peracute form of furunculosis usually occurs in fingerling fish with the

following clinical signs: darkening in colour, tachy branchia, exophthalmosis,

haemorrhages at the pectoral fin base and high mortality.

iii) Subacute and chronic forms are more common in older fish, which are lethargic

and have one or more furuncles on the flank or dorsum. There may be congestion

of the blood vessels at the base of fins, injection of the sclera, slight exophthalmia

and paleness of the gills. The furuncles may be large and when ruptured the fluid is

more viscous and contains more formed, necrotic elements than the furuncles

found in acute cases. The onset of disease is more gradual and mortality is

relatively low as compared to acute form. In addition, a latent form of infection, in

which there is no mortality and no symptoms but the bacterium still isolated, was

reported (60). The latent form of infection was further suggested to be changed to

“clinically inapparent” or “covert” infection by Hiney et al. (61).

In contrast, atypical infections in farmed salmonids also have a septicemic

disease and the bacterium is usually isolated from both skin ulcers and internal

organs (103, 108, 146). The mortalities caused by atypical infections have been

extremely varied from 10% (103) to more than 90% (87). Additionally, Wichardt et

al. (146) found differences in susceptibility among the salmonid species: Atlantic

salmon or rainbow trout was somehow resistant under normal farming conditions,

whereas brown trout or arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) were highly suspectible.

Rintamäki and Valtonen (118) also reported higher mortalities among sea trout

(Salmo trutta m. trutta L.) than in other salmonids at the same farm. The clinical

signs of atypical infections in salmonids were varied; such as emaciation and

paleness of the gills (103), black discoloration, surface ulcers and lesions, ranging


in appearance from a small superficial wound with little necrosis to deep jagged

lesions surrounded by necrotic muscle (108), pronounced dermatitis (146),

haemorrhages and erosion at the base of the fins, skin ulcers and small furuncles in

the musculature (118), lethargy, aimless swimming, respiratory distress, fin erosion

and haemorrhagic cutaneous and muscular ulcers (53).

The clinical signs caused by atypical infection in non-salmonids have been

reviewed by Wiklund and Dalsgaard (148). In most signs of disease outbreaks

among wild or farmed non-salmonid fish, the symptoms manifested ulcerations and

lesions in a variety of locations in fish skin (62). For example, ulcerations or

lesions were found in all over the body surface except on the head (in carp), those

appeared on any part of the body and vary in size and depth (in goldfish), while the

skin ulcers were superficial (in flounder). In case of eels, atypical A. salmonicida

have been reported to cause severe necrosis, lesions in the skin and tissue swelling

on the head (62). In additions, haemorrhage and erosion of the fins, necrosis of the

tail and haemorrhage or lesions in the eyes have also been associated with atypical

infections in non-salmonid fish (62). Septicemic infections have been reported in

naturally infected cod (Gadus morhua L.) (88), and in experimentally infected

turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) (14). However, the mortality rates for atypical A.

salmonicida outbreaks in wild fish are not well presented (62).

A.6. Transmission

The mechanism of horizontal or vertical transmission in A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida is still uncertain and controversial. However, contact with infected fish

or contaminated water and fish farm materials, and trans-ovarian transmission have


all been speculated as possible routes of disease transmission, and carrier fish with

latent infection were also suggested as another possible route for horizontal

transmission of the disease (91). Moreover, the bacteria-contaminated water can be

a possible way of disease transmission to susceptible fish: fish species such as

brown trout easily become infected via bath challenges, but more resistant

salmonids such as rainbow trout need to be abraded before the onset of disease (91).

During infection, gills, skins and wounds were suspected as the main routes of

entry for A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (63, 133). Additionally, bacterial

transmissions through the gastro-intestinal tract via oral (91) or intra-gastric

challenge (120) have been investigated, but those results were contradictory.

Vertical transmission through infected ova has been investigated by several

authors. McCarthy (91) indicated that vertical transmission is not a significant

route for furunculosis, and routine disinfection of eyed eggs is unnecessary.

Bullock and Stuckey (18) investigated vertical transmission following the health

status of the progeny of carrier and artificially infected broodstock, and concluded

that it does not occur. In contrast, Wichardt et al. (146) stated that the spread of

furunculosis between Swedish fish farms occurred through the transportation of

infected fish or contaminated equipment, and also through infected ova.

A.7. Virulence factors

Many fundamental aspects of the host-pathogen relationship between A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and its fish hosts were poorly understood.

Therefore in recent decades, the mechanims of bacterial virulence were extensively

investigated. To date, several proteins and systems in A. salmonicida subsp.


salmonicida have been implicated in its virulence including the S-layer (136)

[vapA], siderophores and their receptors (38) [fstC, fstB and hupA], superoxide

dismutase (9, 33) [soda and sodB] and extracellular toxins (121) [glycerol

phospholipid: cholesterol acetyl-transferase and the serine protease AspA].

However, the nature of its virulence is indeed complex and apparently varies

between strains, and despite the presence of multiple virulence systems, no single

system appeared to significantly contribute to its virulence as shown by the

retention of virulence by strains deficient in any given system (40, 104, 140).

A type III secretion system (TTSS) in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida has

been recently described (21, 23, 131). Gram-negative bacteria utilize TTSSs as a

transmembrane injection apparatus composed of integral membrane proteins and a

needle-like structure to translocate a range of effect or proteins from the cytosol

directly into host cells (34), and it is known as a major virulence factor for several

pathogenic bacteria (66) including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri,

Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium, entero-pathogenic E. coli, as well as A.

hydrophila AH-1 (153) which belongs to Aeromonadaceae. Likewise, the TTSS in

A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida consists of inner- and outer-membrane secretory

pores, a host-cell translocation pore and a number of effector molecules. In

addition, the various genes of the TTSS of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida are

carried both on plasmids and chromosome (22, 131). Moreover, the 2 laboratory-

derived TTSS-deficient strains have been described as avirulent in a rainbow trout

challenge model; One strain was deficient in the 140 kbp plasmid that carries the

TTSS system, and the other was a knockout mutant strain in ascV which forms part

of the inner bacterial membrane pore (20, 22). And ultimately, it was proved that


the TTSS gene in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is responsible for secretion of

the ADP-ribosylating toxin, AexT, and encoded on a thermolabile plasmid, and the

absence of the TTSS gene ascV disabled the bacteria to secret AexT, even though

the strain contained the aexT gene (131). Based on these results, the TTSS is now

considered as a major virulence factors in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, but

things still remains to be proved.

A.8. Disease control

Furunculosis was the first bacterial disease in fish which was treated with

antibiotics such as sulfonamides and nitrofurans (55), and the oubreaks caused by

A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were usually controlled with chemotherapy (29,

92). Although other antibiotics effectively control this disease (60), the U.S. Food

and Drug Administration imposes stringent requirements for the antibiotics used on

aquaculture industry, and only the use of sulfamerazine, oxytetracycline and the

potentiated sulfonamide Ro5-0037 or ROMET® (19) is approved in USA. In other

country, several antimicrobial agents have been used to control furunculosis,

including chloramphenicol, thiophenicol, furazolidone and oxytetracycline,

sulphamerazine, tetracycline and a combination of trimethoprim and sulphonamide,

flumequine, oxolinic acid, florfenicol, amoxicillin and enrofloxacin (59, 60, 70, 71,

92, 95, 130).

On the other hands, several vaccines against typical strains were recently

developed with providing long-lasting protection, and their use is promoted in

commercial aquaculture (29, 39, 86). However, the vaccines were not guaranted

further expression of furunculosis within or transmission of furunculosis from


covertly infected vaccinated carriers (61). Furthermore, the serologic relatedness

among A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains (109) suggests that immunization

of fish against atypical infection is also a realistic possibility. However, Atlantic

salmon inoculated with a commercial vaccine against typical strain or with this

vaccine and another prepared against atypical strain of A. salmonicida subsp.

achromogenes were equally protected against A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

by cohabitation challenge. However, the salmonids vaccinated with A. salmonicida

subsp. achromogenes only were not protected against furunculosis (54).

A.9. Emergence of antibiotic resistance

As early as in 1967, the increased frequency of antimicrobial resistance among

A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was first reported in USA (151). Resistance has

also been reported to sulphonamides (60), oxytetracycline (51, 69, 137), and

combinations of sulphonamide and trimethoprim (51, 137), oxolinic acid (51, 59,

69, 137) and to amoxicillin (51). Furthermore, several typical strains showing

multi-drug resistance have been isolated in recent years (51, 69, 72, 100).

Among the antibiotics utilized in the treatment of furunculosis, both tetracycline

and quinolone resistance have been most widely documented (37, 99). Those

studies indicated that tetracycline resistance in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

was plasmid-encoded, and tetA was predominant among the different classes of

tetracycline-resistant genes. Schmidt et al. (123) reported the isolation and

characterization of oxytetracycline-sulfonamide/trimethoprim-resistant Aeromonas

spp. from Danish rainbow trout farms, and the results indicate that tetE was the

predominant determinant, followed by tetA and tetD. Whereas, DePaola et al. (37)


had determined that 86% of Aeromonas spp. isolated from catfish contained tetA

and the rest harbored tetE. Quinolones are mainly used as drugs of choice for the

treatment of human Aeromonas infections (4, 76), and are also used for the

treatment of other bacterial fish disease as well as furunculosis (48). These drugs

can persist for a long time in the environment (57), which could cause the

emergence of resistant strains in environmental samples. Quinolone resistance in

gram-negative bacteria is mainly due to DNA mutations in the quinolone resistance

determining regions (QRDRs) which consist of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV

that alter the target enzymes for these drugs (3, 4). DNA gyrase and topoisomerase

IV are hetero-tetramers formed by two types of subunits: GyrA, GyrB and ParC,

ParE, respectively (114). Mutations in the gyrA and parC genes in QRDRs also

proved to be related to quinolone resistance in the motile and non-motile

Aeromonas spp. (49). Moreover, an active efflux pump belonging to the resistance

nodulation cell division family that could contribute to its quinolone resistance in A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida also have been presented (48). Additionally, the

plasmid-mediated qnr gene was also known to be associated with low level

quinolone resistance (128).


B. Bacteriophage (phage)

B.1. Genaral description

Phages are bacterial viruses that infect bacterial cells, disrupt bacterial

metabolism and cause the bacterium to lyse. Phages are the most abundant living

entities on earth, and play major roles in bacterial ecology, adaptation, evolution

and pathogenesis (1). Phages are common in soils (approximately 107 to 109

virions/g), and highly abundant in fresh water and marine waters (approximately

107 virions/ml), and its total amount on earth was estimated as 1031 virions (132).

The phages were discovered twice at the beginning of the 20th century in a short

time (25). Frederick W. Twort, an English medical bacteriologist, described a

marked antibacterial activity in Micrococcus by an unknown agent in 1915 (25).

And 2 years later, phages were “officially” discovered by Felix H. d’Herelle, a

French-Canadian microbiologist at the Institut Pasteur. He discovered the

destruction of Shigella in broth culture, and recognized the viral nature of this

phenomenon and suggested the term ‘bacteriophage’ (32). The viral nature of

phages was recognized in 1940 with the development of electron microscope, and

the basis of the present phage classification was proposed by Bradley in 1967 (17)

as six types: such as tailed phage, filamentous phages, and icosahedral phages with

single-stranded (ss) DNA or ssRNA. In 1971, the International Committee on

Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) classified phages into 6 genera (T4, λ, φX174, MS2,

fd and PM2) (145). From that time, new phage groups were added over time, and

the ICTV presently recognize one order, 13 families and 31 genera of phages (25).

Most phages contain dsDNA, but there are other groups with ssDNA, ssRNA and


dsRNA. A few phage types which have lipid-containing envelop or contain lipid as

part of its molecule were also found.

Up to recent, a total of 5500 tailed phages (96% of phages) are now classified

into the order Caudovirales and 3 large phylogenetically related families

(Myoviridae, Siphoviridae and Podoviridae). In contrast, filamentous or

pleomorphic phages comprise less than 190 viruses only (3.6% of phages), and

classified into 10 small families. These results indicated that phages are extremely

diversified by their basic properties and morphology. Therefore, there are no

available universal criteria for its genus and species delineation up to date (25). In

Figure I and Table I, the recently morphologically presented phage and its

classifications are summarized.

Figure I. Schematic representation of major phage groups (24)


Table I. Classification and its biological properties of phages (24)

C, circular; L, linear; S, segmented; T, superhelical; ss, single-stranded; ds, double-stranded.

Briefly, phages are known to have two possible life cycles; the ‘lytic’ (or

virulent) and ‘lysogenic’ (or temperate) cycle (152). Lytic phages rapidly multiply

and kill the host cell at the end of the replication cycle. On the other hands,

temperate phages which undergo the lysogenic cycle persist in a lysogenic state,

whereby the phage genome can exist indefinitely by being inserted in the bacterial

chromosome (known as the prophage state). The lysogenic life cycle of λ phage,

for example, ensures the replication of the integrated prophage along with the

bacterial genome for many generations. When induction occurs through damage of

the DNA (UV irradiation or exposure to mutagens), which signifies the imminent

death of the host, the phage switches to the lytic cycle which results in the release

of new phage particles. Interestingly, some prophages can change non-pathogenic

bacteria to pathogenic one by lysogenic conversion mechanism (94). Several

examples of toxin genes or pathogenic islands insertion of temperate phage to host


bacterium were reported and summarized in Table II.

Table II. Phages that carries toxin genes and their gene products (94).

Phage Gene Gene product/phenotype Bacterial host

933, H-19B stx Shiga toxins

Escherichia coli O157:H7 ΦFC3208 hly2 Enterohaemolysin

Λ lom Serum resistance

Λ bor Host-cell envelope protein

Sfi6 oac O-antigen acetylase Shigella flexneri

Sfll, sfV, sfX gtrll Glucosyltransferase

SopEΦ sopE Type III effector

Salmonella enterica

Gifsy-2 sodC-1 Superoxide dismutase

Gifsy-2 nanH Neuraminidase

Gifsy-1 gipA Insertion element

ε34 rfb Glucosylation

CTXΦ ctxAB Cholera toxin

Vibrio cholera K139 glo G-protein like

VPIΦ tcp Toxin co-regulated pilus

ΦCTX ctx Cytotoxin Pseudomonas aeruginosa

C1 C1 Neurotoxin Clostridium botulinum

NA see, sel Enterotoxin

Staphylococcus aureus Φ13 entA,


Enterotoxin A,


TSST-1 tst Toxic shock syndrome-1

T12 speA Erythrogenic toxin Streptococcus pyogenes

β-phage tox Diptheria toxin Corynebacterium diptheriae

The prevalence of phage-mediated lytic and lysogenic infections in the aquatic

environment is still controversial; Freifelder stated that more than 90% of known

phages are temperate (6), but Cochran et al. suggested that only around 50% of


bacterial strains contained inducible temperate (or lysogenic) phages (30).

Although a large percentage of phages are lysogenic, they are not suitable

candidates for phage therapy since they may not immediately kill the host bacteria.

Therefore, we will only focus on lytic phages in the further section ‘Therapeutic

applications of phages’ in this review.

B.2. Phages infecting Aeromonadaceae

The first phages infecting Aeromonadaceae (Hereinafter referred as Aeromonas

phages) was studied in the electron microscope in 1965 (16). Its host, which was

identified as an Acelobacter sp., was later reclassified as Aeromonas sp. (124).

Subsequently, Paterson isolated nine Aeromonas phages infecting A. salmonicida

from trout ponds and fish hatcheries, and described the characteristics of 4 selected

isolates (110). A halophilic and psychrophilic phage, specific for a marine

Aeromonas spp., was isolated from sea water collected at a depth of 825 m (147).

In 1971, 35 Aeromonas phages infecting A. salmonicida, which isolated from

sewage, surface water, fish hatcheries and lysogenic bacteria, were characterized

by serology and various biological criteria. Sixteen of these phages were studied by

electron microscopy and were divided into three morphological groups (115). At

least 8 additional phages infecting A. salmonicida were described since 1980 (73,

74, 119), and two phages infecting A. hydrophila were recently isolated from

sewage (28). However, those isolated Aeromonas phages have not been classified

in that time. Among the phages of known morphology, all but one had contractile

tails and isometric or elongated heads. The exception is Bradley's phage, which had

a short tail and resembles Salmonella phage P22 (16). Moreover, since physico-


chemical properties of Aeromonas phages were almost completely unknown, their

classification depended largely on morphology and serological data (2). In addition,

many Aeromonas phages were described without accurate morphological

micrographs, until the first morphological characteristics of about 35 Aeromonas

phages, mostly infecting A. salmonicida, were thoroughly investigated by

Ackermann in 1985 (2).

In a recent review of Ackermann in 2007 (1), a total of 43 phages infecting

Aeromonadaceae (especially in A. hydrophila and A. salmonicida) have been

reported, and all of those were morphologically classified as tailed phages

belonging to Caudovirales (33 of Myoviridae, 7 of Siphoviridae and 3 of

Podoviridae). And among the Aeromonas phages belong to family Myoviridae,

most of them were classified into P1-, P2- and T4-like viruses in the VIIIth ICTV

Report (http://www.ictvdb.org/Ictv/index.htm) (42). With the technological

advances in phage research, the morphology and genetic functions of T4 phage and

T4-like phages infecting Escherichia coli or other bacteria were thoroughly

investigated (31, 112), and provided an attractive model for the study of

comparative genomics and evolution of phages. In this respect, recent studies of

Aeromonas phages have also focused on virulent (or lytic) T4-like phages and have

included extensive genomic investigations (31, 83, 101, 110, 113, 134); the

complete genome sequences of 4 T4-like phages (Aeromonas phage 25, 31,

44RR2.8t and Aeh1), and only one exception of the complete genome of P2-like

temperate Aeromonas phage (designated as φO18P) infecting A. media have

already been published in GenBank. And in 2012, we fully sequenced the two T4-

like Aeromonas phages (phiAS4 and phiAS5) infecting A. salmonicida subsp.


salmonicida, and one T7-like Aeromonas phage (phiAS7) which belongs to

Podoviridae and infects A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. The characteristics of

those previously sequenced 8 Aeromonas phages were summarized in Table III.

Table III. Sources and properties of the sequenced Aeromonas phages up to 2012

Phage Family Host Isolation



size (bp) Reference

25 Myoviridae


A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida Fish farm/France 161,475 (112)

31 Myoviridae


A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida Fish farm/France 172,963 (112)

44RR2.8t Myoviridae


A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida Fish farm/Canada 173,591 (87)

Aeh1 Myoviridae

(T4-like) A. hydrophila Sewage/USA 233,234 (28)

φO18P Myoviridae

(P2-like) A. media

A. media O18

strain/Germany 33,985 (11)

phiAS4 Myoviridae


A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida River/Korea 163,875 (79)

phiAS5 Myoviridae


A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida River/Korea 225,268 (80)

phiAS7 Podoviridae


A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida Fish farm/Korea 41,572 (81)

B.3. Therapeutic application of phages

Even though phages were discovered in the early of 20th century, the research of

the past half-century is almost rare on the possible therapeutic applications against

infectious bacterial diseases (6). The poor understanding of bacterial pathogenesis

and phage-host interactions led to a succession of badly designed and executed


experiments. Furthermore, with the advent of antibiotic therapy, the use of phages

became underestimated after the World War II. The discovery of antibiotics

diverted research attention from phage therapy, mainly in the USA and Western

Europe in 1940s. However, the use of the phage therapy has persisted without

interruption in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union, and phages were commercialized

by a number of companies (65). With regards to human health, in the past, phage

was commercialized and administered in Poland and the Soviet Union orally,

tropically or systemically to treat a wide variety of human infections (suppurative

wound, gastro-enteritis, sepsis, osteomyelitis, dermatitis, emphysemas and

pneumonia) in both adults and children with showing promising results (5). And in

the 1970s, previous enthusiasm on the application of phages to prevent and treat

bacterial infections in human was recovered (5, 10); studies of Smith et al. using E.

coli models with mice and farm animals, showed that phages could be used for

both treatment and prophylaxis against bacterial infections (129). From then,

several other Polish and Soviet Union study groups presented successful clinical

applications of phages against drug-resistant bacterial infections in humans as well

as animal models (5). The therapeutic efficacy of phage against infectious diseases

caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (56, 144), Staphylococcus aureus (including

MRSA) (149), E. coli (10), Enterococcus faecium (including VRE) (13),

Streptococcus pneumoniae (75), Helicobacter pylori (26), Klebsiella pneumoniae

(6) and Salmonella enteritidis (44, 135) has been shown in experimental animal

models. However in recent decades, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

has substancially enhanced the interesting phage therapy even by USA and Western

Europe. And nowadays, more than a dozen of companies and universities are


working on phage therapy for human, using current standards of clinical and

microbiological research (15).

Recent studies evaluated phages as biocontrol agents in food (50, 67, 85, 135),

in plants (45), to control cyanobacterial blooms and for wastewater treatment (150).

Additionally, bacterial diseases are a major problem in the expanding aquaculture

(6, 126, 141). The increasing problems related to worldwide emergence of

antibiotic resistance in common pathogenic bacteria, and the concerns about its

spreadings in the aquaculture environments demanded alternative methods to

control bacterial pathogens in fish and shellfish. Phage therapy has been showed a

potentially viable alternative to antibiotics used in aquaculture to control

indigenous and non-indigenous bacterial disease in farmed fish (6). In addition,

some studies of phages were concerned with identifying those phages for use in

bacterial typing schemes or for the characterization of its properties, including their

potential role in virulence. Remarkably, there have been several attempts of phages

to prevent bacterial infections in aquaculture (Table IV), and these previous

experimental applications proved that phage could be useful for controlling

bacterial infections of fish or shellfish. In the same manner, the experimental

applications of phages to control A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida have been

attempted (68, 138), but those studies faced several difficulties with failures

regarding fish protection. Therefore, our goal of this study was to find novel

Aeromonas phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and to verify its

therapeutic efficacy in Korean salmonids against furunculosis.


Table IV. The representative use of phages to control bacterial pathogens in aquaculture (6).

Bacteria Phage Treated

fish/shellfish Effects References




HER 110

Brook trout



The onset of furunculosis

in brook trout was

delayed by 7 days


Vibrio harveyi


phage isolated

from oyster tissue

and from shrimp

hatchery water

Shrimp larvae

(Penaeus monodon) Improved larval survival (78)




phage isolated

from diseased fish

and sea water in

fish culture cages.

Yellow tail (Seliora

quinqueradiata) and

Ayu (Plecoglossus


Protective/curative effect

(increase in the survival






phage isolated

from diseased fish

and sea water in

fish culture cages.

Yellowtail (Seliora


Protective/curative effect

(increase in the survival







and PPpW-3





Reduced infection and

increased fish survival (105)



Myoviridae and


isolated from

diseased ayu and

the rearing pond





Protection against

experimental infection (106)








O, R and B

Atlantic salmon

(Salmo salar L.)

Lower rate mortality but

similar absolute

mortality. No protection

was offered by any of the

phage treatments.


Vibrio harveyi Siphoviridae


Shrimp larvae

(Penaeus monodon) Improved larval survival (139)


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Chapter I

Isolation and molecular characterization of

tetracycline- and quinolone-resistant Aeromonas

salmonicida strains from cultured fish in Korea


The antibiotic resistance of 16 Aeromonas salmonicida strains which were

isolated from diseased fish and environmental samples in Korea from 2006 to 2009,

were evaluated in this study. Tetracycline and quinolone resistances were observed

in 8 and 16 of the isolates, respectively, based on the measurement of minimal

inhibitory concentrations (MICs). Among the tetracycline-resistant strains, seven of

the isolates harbored tetA and one isolate harbored tetE. Additionally, quinolone-

resistance determining regions (QRDRs) consisting of the gyrA and parC genes

were amplified and sequenced. Among the quinolone-resistant A. salmonicida

strains, 15 strains harbored point mutations in the gyrA codon 83, which were

responsible for the corresponding amino acid substitutions of Ser83→Arg83 or Ser83

→Asn83. We detected no point mutations in other QRDRs, such as gyrA codons 87

and 92, and parC codons 80 and 84. Genetic similarity was assessed via pulsed

field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and the results indicated high clonality among the

Korean antibiotic-resistant strains of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.

Keywords: Aeromonas salmonicida, antibiotic resistance, tetracycline, QRDR,



1.1. Introduction

Aeromonas salmonicida is a pathogen that causes furunculosis and bacterial

septicemia in a broad variety of fish, and is thus responsible for significant

economic losses in the global aquaculture industry (35). Recently, antibiotic-

resistant A. salmonicida strains have been recognized as a serious concern, owing

to their potential health risks to humans and animals (31, 32). Among the

antibiotics utilized in the treatment of furunculosis, both tetracycline and quinolone

resistance have been widely documented (10, 30). Tetracycline-resistant strains of

A. salmonicida are suspected as the source of tet gene dissemination in the aquatic

environment because the tetracycline-resistant determinants are generally encoded

on plasmids (1, 31, 32). Quinolone resistance is a potential threat to public health,

since quinolones are also utilized for the treatment of Aeromonas infections in

humans (14, 15). Quinolone resistance in Gram-negative bacteria is primarily

attributable to mutations in the quinolone-resistance determining regions (QRDRs)

consisting of the gyrA and parC genes, which are the subunits of the target

enzymes of quinolones, DNA gyrase subunit A and topoisomerase IV, respectively

(2). The possession of qnr gene or efflux pumps was also known to be associated

with mid to low-level quinolone resistance (5, 29). Antibiotic resistance has been

previously reported in several bacteria isolated in Korean aqauculture, including

Edwardsiella tarda (16), Streptococcus iniae, and S. parauberis (28). However, the

antibiotic resistance of Aeromonas spp. has not previously been addressed.

Therefore, in this study we evaluated the antimicrobial susceptibility and clonal

relationship in A. salmonicida isolated in Korea, from both samples of cultured fish

and from the natural environment. In particular, the genetic determinants of


tetracycline and quinolone resistance were assessed via: (i) the detection of tetA to

tetE, (ii) the detection of plasmid-encoded qnr genes (5), and (iii) the analysis of

point mutations in QRDRs.

1.2. Materials and methods

1.2.1. Bacterial isolation and culture conditions

Sixteen strains of A. salmonicida were isolated from the kidney of various fish

samples and sewage water from two private aquariums and three salmonid culture

farms in Korea, between 2006 and 2009 (Table 1.1). Two reference strains were

purchased from the American type culture collection (ATCC): A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida ATCC 33658 (hereinafter referred as ASS) and A. salmonicida

subsp. masoucida ATCC 27013 (hereinafter referred as ASM). The A. salmonicida

isolates were first screened using a Vitek System®2 (bioMérieux®). All strains of A.

salmonicida were stored in tryptic soy broth (TSB; Difco) with 10% glycerol at -

80°C and sub-cultured for 48 h on tryptic soy agar (TSA; Difco) at 22°C. To assess

purity, single colonies were selected and sub-cultured three times, and the grown

bacterial cells were harvested for further experiments.

1.2.2. Antimicrobial susceptibility test

Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were conducted via broth micro-dilution

methods according to the guidelines of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards

Institute (CLSI) (7). ASS was utilized as a quality control bacterial strain (7).

Seven antimicrobials were diluted in flowing ranges: ampicillin (0.06 to 32 μg/ml),

enrofloxacin (0.002 to 4 μg/ml), florfenicol (0.12 to 64 μg/ml), gentamicin (0.06 to


32 μg/ml), oxolinic acid (0.004 to 8 μg/ml), oxytetracycline (0.03 to 16 μg/ml), and

trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (0.03/0.6 to 2/38 μg/ml). All antimicrobials were

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The antimicrobials were two-fold serially diluted

in cation-adjusted MHB (CAMHB; Difco) and volumes of 100 μl of dilutions were

placed into 96-well micro-titer plates. The inoculations were prepared as follows:

18 strains of A. salmonicida were adjusted to a McFarland value of 0.5 and were

diluted 10-fold with CAMHB. Via the addition of 5 μl of inocula into each of the

micro-titer wells, the final cell densities were adjusted to 5 × 105 CFU/ml. In all

cases, two control wells without antimicrobials or inocula were maintained. After

44 to 48 h of incubation at 22°C, the lowest concentration of antibiotics that visibly

inhibited bacterial growth was defined as the minimal inhibitory concentration

(MIC). The MIC results of A. salmonicida subsp salmonicida were used to classify

the strains as resistant or sensitive, in accordance with the cut-off values

established by Miller et al. (23) and the guidelines of M45-A (7) and M31-A3 (8).

1.2.3. DNA extraction and polymerase chain reactions (PCR)

The genomic DNA was extracted by harvesting the cells with sterile water

followed by 10 min of boiling. After 3 min of centrifugation at 10,000 × g, the

supernatants were collected and 1: 100 dilutions in sterile water were utilized as a

PCR template. All isolates were confirmed as A. salmonicida using Fer-3 and Fer-4

PCR primers (3). Subspecies were determined by A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida-specific PCR with MIY1 and MIY2 primers (4, 25) and also

submitted for 16S rRNA sequencing at Macrogen Inc. (Korea). Two multiplex PCR

procedures were conducted to amplify the tetracycline resistance genes (tetA to


tetE) (26) and to detect the plasmid-mediated quinolone-resistant determinant, qnr

(6). The QRDRs of the gyrA and parC genes were detected using the following

primers: ASGYRA1, ASGYRA2, ASPARC3, and ASPARC4 (10). The primers

used in this study were shown in Table 1.2.

1.2.4. Sequence analysis

Sequencing was conducted by Macrogen Inc. and the sequences were analyzed

with the AlignX tool in the Vector NTI program (Invitrogen). BLAST searches

were conducted using both the BLASTN and BLASTX algorithms provided by the

National Center for Biotechnology Information website (http//www.ncbi.


1.2.5. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

Harvested bacterial cells were diluted with cell suspension buffer (100 mM

Tris-HCl, 100 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) up to an optical density (OD) of 1.0 at 600 nm.

A cell suspension volume of 100 μl was mixed with an equal volume of 1.6%

SeaKem Gold agar (FMC Corporation) and solidified in a 100 μl plug mould. The

plugs were then incubated for 2 h with 1mg/ml of lysozyme at 37°C and subjected

to 1 mg/ml of proteinase K at 50°C for 8 h. The DNA plugs were digested for 18 h

with 30 U of SpeI (New England Biolabs) at 37°C and electrophoresed in 1.0%

SeaKem Gold agarose gel with a CHEF-Mapper III PFGE (Bio-Rad) system. The

running conditions were 6 V/cm at 14°C for 22 h, and the pulse times were 1.5 to

25 s. The Lambda ladder PFG marker (New England Biolabs) was included as a

size marker. The gels were stained with ethidium bromide and photographed under


UV transillumination. The genetic relationships among isolates were analyzed with

Bionumerics software (Applied Maths) and the clusters were determined using the

Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) algorithm with

the 70% Dice coefficient (DC) of similarity (2.0% position tolerance).

1.3. Results

1.3.1. Bacterial identification

The 16 A. salmonicida strains and two reference strains were identified

successfully using a Vitek System®2 and PCR (3). Among the 16 isolates, 14

strains were PCR confirmed as A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (4, 24). The

other two strains were confirmed as A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes (AS03)

and A. salmonicida subsp. flounderacida (AS16), as their 16S rRNA sequences

showed 100% homology with the 16S rRNA gene of A. salmonicida subsp.

achromogenes strain 870626-1/1C (GenBank accession No. AM296505.1) and A.

salmonicida subsp. flounderacida strain HQ010320-1 (GenBank accession No.

AY786177.1), respectively. All strains of A. salmonicida utilized in this study are

shown in Table 1.1.

1.3.2. MICs

The MIC values of the A. salmonicida isolates are shown in Table 1.3. ASS was

used to qualify the MIC quality control ranges approved by CLSI (8). Because cut-

off values had not been determined for all antibiotics, three references (7, 8, 22)

were used for interpretation, as was the case in other previous reports (2, 6, 27).

According to the epidemiological cut-off value for A. salmonicida to


oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid (23), eight oxytetracycline-resistant strains were

detected, and all of the isolates were oxolinic acid-resistant. Enrofloxacin

resistance, however, was noted in only one isolate (AS16), although enrofloxacin is

one of the quinolones, like oxolinic acid (8). Interestingly, ampicillin resistance

was detected only in three isolates (AS03, AS16, and ASM) although there have

been some reports showing that A. salmonicida is naturally resistant to narrow-

spectrum β-lactams (7). Only one isolate showed resistance to gentamicin, and all

strains were found to be susceptible to florenicol and trimithoprim-


A total of nine multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains were observed: seven strains

(AS09 to AS15) that were resistant to oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid, one strain

(AS03) that was resistant to ampicilin and oxolinic acid, and one strain (AS16) that

was resistant to five antibiotics (ampicillin, gentamicin, oxytetracycline,

enrofloxacin, and oxolinic acid). Strain AS16 exhibited high-level resistance to

both enrofloxacin (≥4 μg/ml) and oxolinic acid (≥8 μg/ml) although other A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains were susceptible to enrofloxacin (≤0.03

μg/ml) and showed low-level oxolinic acid resistance (1~2 μg/ml).

1.3.3. Tetracycline resistance (tet) genes in A.salmonicida isolates

The tetA gene (211 bp) was detected in seven isolates (AS09 to AS15) and the

tetE gene (744 bp) was detected in strain AS16 (Figure 1.1). The amplified PCR

products were sequenced and aligned with the tet genes on GenBank. All amplifed

tetA genes showed 100% nucleotide sequence similarity with the tetA of pRAS1, a

drug resistance plasmid of A. salmonicida (GenBank accession No. AJ517790.2).


The tetE gene, which was detected in AS16, showed 100% nucleotide sequence

similarity with the tetE gene of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida A449 plasmid 4

(pAsa4; GenBank accession No. CP000645.1) and A. salmonicida plasmid

pYA90644 (GenBank accession No. DQ366299.1).

1.3.4. Quinolone resistance genes and codon mutations in the QRDRs of

A.salmonicida isolates

No isolate was found to possess the qnr gene, which is associated with the

plasmid-mediated transfer of quinolone resistance (5). However, QRDRs were

detected in all isolates except ASM via the amplification of gyrA (663 bp) and

parC (418 bp). The QRDR sequences and the putative amino acid counterparts

were aligned with the sequences of gyrA (GenBank accession No. L42453.1) and

parC (GenBank accession No. AF473701.1) of A. salmonicida ATCC 14174

(Table 1.3). Among the 16 oxolinic acid-resistant strains, 15 of the strains harbored

a point mutation on the gyrA codon 83 leading to Ser83→Arg83 (AS01 to AS15

except AS03) or Ser83→Asn83 (AS16) substitutions. Additionally, AS16 had a

single nucleotide mutation (AAA→AAG) at the parC codon 80 without an amino

acid substitution. No substitution was detected on the gyrA codon 87 (Asp87) and

92 (Leu92) and parC codon 80 (Lys80) and 84 (His84).

1.3.5. Strain typing by PFGE

All A. salmonicida strains utilized in this study were clustered into four groups

on the basis of the results of PFGE (Figure 1.2). ASM, AS03, and AS16 were

included in group A, B, and C, respectively. The other 14 A. salmonicida subsp.


salmonicida isolates and ASS were classified in the same cluster, which was

designated group D.

1.4. Discussion

Considering the widespread use of tetracycline and quinolones in the

aquaculture industry (12), we focused on the phenomenon of antimicrobial

resistance against those two antibiotics. In this study, tetracycline resistance in A.

salmonicida was strictly related to the presence of the tetA and tetE genes. Those

genes were also detected in other A. salmonicida strains from a variety of fish

species in other countries (23, 34). The nucleotide sequences of tetA and tetE genes

in this study showed 100% similarity to tetA on pRAS1and tetE on pAsa4. Because

the pRAS1 and pAsa4 plasmids can be transferred into or replicate within certain

strains of Escherichia coli (29, 33), it has been suspected that tetracycline

resistance has been disseminated between various bacterial species. Indeed,

recently a specimen of A. hydrophila isolated from Korea was found to harbor the

tetE of pAsa4 (Ji Hyung Kim, personal communication). The location and

transferability of the tetA and tetE genes in strains of A. salmonicida clearly

warrants further investigation.

Despite the high level of activity of quinolones against Aeromonas species (14,

16), a number of quinolone-resistant Aeromonas strains were reported (10, 32). The

acquisition of quinolone resistance appears to be attributable principally to

mutations of the QRDRs, particularly on gyrA codons 83, 87, and 92 and on parC

codons 80 and 84 (10, 11). Interestingly, the mutations on gyrA codon 83 that result

in Ser83→Ile83 and Ser83→Val83 substitutions have, thus far, been reported only in


strains of Aeromonas (2, 11, 26). In this study, 14 A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida strains harbored a point mutation on gyrA codon 83 leading to a Ser83

→Arg83 substitution, and showed low-level resistance to oxolinic acid. Additionally,

one strain of A. salmonicida subsp. flounderacida harbored a Ser83→Asn83

substitution and exhibited high-level resistance to both oxolinic acid and

enrofloxacin. On the basis of these results, amino acid substitutions on gyrA codon

83 may affect the level and spectrum of quinolone resistance in A. salmonicida.

However, AS03 strain which was identified as A. salmonicida subsp.

achromogenes showed low-level resistance to oxolinic acid without mutations or

amino acid substitutions on QRDRs. An important direction for further

investigation would involve determining if this strain is related with the efflux

pump that is generally responsible for low-level quinolone resistance (28).

The genetic similarity exhibited among A. salmonicida strains was consistent

with their subspecies. This genetic heterogeneity between typical and atypical A.

salmonicida strains has been commented on in previous reports (9, 13).

Interestingly, 14 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains isolated from Korea

were found to be discernable from ASS although they were included in the same

cluster; this suggests geographical differences in the distribution of A. salmonicida.

Additionally, the close relationship between the tetracycline-resistant and

susceptible strains appears to imply horizontal transfer of tet genes among isolates

of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. On the other hand, other antimicrobial

resistance was in concord with PFGE groups or subspecies.

Thus far, only a few antibiotics are approved for use in the aquatic industry (17,

22), nevertheless, antibiotic resistance is expected to continue to become more


frequent (18, 19, 20, 21). The detection of MDR in Korean strains of A.

salmonicida suggests that antibiotic resistance in aquaculture can also pose a risk to

humans and animals. Thus, stricter guidelines for the use of tetracycline and

quinolones in aquaculture will be necessary to prevent the dissemination and

acquisition of antibiotic resistance.

1.5. References

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Table 1.1. Aeromonas salmonicida strains used in this study.

Name Source Year Bacterial identification

Vitek System®2 PCR (3) PCR (4) 16S rRNA sequence

AS01 Cherry salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) 2006 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS02 Cherry salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) 2006 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS03 Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) 2006 A.salmonicida + - subsp. achromogenes

AS04 Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) 2007 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS05 Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 2008 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS06 Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 2008 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS07 Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 2008 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS08 Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 2008 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS09† Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) 2008 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS10 Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) 2008 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS11 Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) 2008 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS12 Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) 2009 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS13 Malma trout (Salvelinus malma malma) 2009 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS14 Malma trout (Salvelinus malma malma) 2009 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS15 Cherry salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) 2009 A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

AS16 Sewage water 2007 A.salmonicida + - subsp. flounderacida

ASS ATCC 33658, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) - A.salmonicida + + subsp. salmonicida

ASM ATCC 27013, Masou salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) - A.salmonicida + - subsp. masoucida


Table 1.2. PCR primers used in this study.

Name Sequences (5’ to 3’) Target gene Reference





























Table 1.3. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs), tetracycline resistance (tet) genes, mutations in QRDRs in A. salmonicida strains.


MIC (μg/ml)

tet gene

gyrA QRDR* parC QRDR


83 Aa83


87 Aa87


92 Aa92


80 Aa80


84 Aa84

AS01 2 4 0.12 1 0.5 0.008 2 (R) † - § AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS02 2 4 0.12 2 0.5 0.008 2 (R) - AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS03 32 (R) 2 0.06 1 0.06 0.004 2 (R) - AGT Ser GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS04 0.25 2 0.12 0.5 0.12 0.015 1 (R) - AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS05 0.12 4 0.12 2 1 0.004 2 (R) - AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS06 0.25 4 0.12 1 1 0.004 1 (R) - AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS07 0.25 2 0.12 1 1 0.008 2 (R) - AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS08 0.25 2 0.12 1 1 0.004 1 (R) - AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS09 0.12 4 0.12 2 >16 (R) 0.015 2 (R) tetA AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS10 0.12 2 0.12 1 >16 (R) 0.004 1 (R) tetA AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS11 0.12 2 0.12 1 >16 (R) 0.008 1 (R) tetA AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS12 0.12 2 0.12 1 >16 (R) 0.004 1 (R) tetA AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS13 0.12 1 0.12 1 >16 (R) 0.004 1 (R) tetA AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS14 2 4 0.12 2 >16 (R) 0.004 2 (R) tetA AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS15 4 4 0.12 2 >16 (R) 0.015 2 (R) tetA AGA Arg GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

AS16 32 (R) 32 (R) 0.12 2 >16 (R) >4 (R) >8 (R) tetE ATT Asn GAC Asp TTG Leu AAG Lys CAC His

ASS 0.12 0.25 0.03 1 0.12 0.004 0.008 - AGT Ser GAC Asp TTG Leu AAA Lys CAC His

ASM 32 (R) 0.5 0.12 1 0.12 0.03 0.015 - - - - - - - - - - -

* Nucleotide changes and corresponding amino acid substitutions are shown in bold.

† Resistance (R) was determined with MIC results according to Miller et al., (23) and CLSI guidelines (7, 8).

‡ Abbreviations; AM, ampicillin; GM, gentamicin; SXT, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; FFC, florfenicol; OTC, oxytetracycline; ENR, enrofloxacin; OA, oxolinic acid.

§ Not amplified.


Figure 1.1. Multiplex PCR assay of tetracycline resistance genes (tetA of 211 bp and tetE

of 744 bp) in two reference strains and 16 isolates of Aeromonas salmonicida. Lane M,

molecular mass marker; lane 1 to 18, strains AS01, AS02, AS03, AS04, AS05, AS06, AS07,

AS08, AS09, AS10, AS11, AS12, AS13, AS14, AS15, ASS, ASM and AS16, respectively.

Marker sizes (bp) are indicated.


Figure 1.2. PFGE profiles of 18 Aeromonas salmonicida strains and UPGMA dendrogram.

The vertical dotted line denotes a hypothetical node of 70% Dice coefficient of similarity.


Chapter II

Isolation, characterization and genomic analysis of

the two T4-like Aeromonas phages (phiAS4 and

phiAS5) infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

as potential candidates for furunculosis control


In this study, we report two Myoviridae bacteriophages (named as phiAS4 and

phiAS5) infecting Aeromonas salmonicida, isolated from environmental waters in

Korea. The two phages showed broad host ranges to other Aeromonadaceae as well

as A. salmonicida, and their biological properties were simultaneously investigated.

Furthermore, the complete genomes of phiAS4 and phiAS5 were sequenced, and

final assembly yielded linear double-stranded DNA genomes of 163,875 bp and

225,268 bp with G+C content of 41.3 and 43.0%, respectively. Genomic analysis

uncovered 271 and 343 putative ORFs, 67 and 69 putative promoters, 25 and 33

terminator regions, and 16 and 24 tRNA-encoding genes in phiAS4 and phiAS5,

respectively. A high degree of similarity to the Aeromonas phages 25 and Aeh1

were found in most ORFs of phiAS4 and phiAS5, respectively. The phages were

further compared with their relatives including enterobacter phage T4, and the

results demonstrated that they could be classified as new members of the T4-like

group. Moreover, the functional activity of the putative lysozyme murein hydrolase

(orf117) in phiAS5, which had no holin or holin-like gene, was investigated, and

the result revealed that it may use a dual lysis system during host cell lysis. Based


on these results, the isolated phages have the potential for controlling A.

salmonicida in aquaculture and may also advance our understanding of the

biodiversity of T4-like phages.

Keywords: Aeromonas salmonicida, bacteriophage phiAS4 and phiAS5, lysozyme

murein hydrolase, T4-like phages


2.1. Introduction

From the 20th century, bacteriophages (hereafter referred to as phages) have

received attention due to their potential as alternative antimicrobial agents for a

variety of bacterial pathogens (20, 25). Phages are not only highly diverse in their

species number (approximately 1031 different species in the biosphere), but also

contribute to bacterial diversity through horizontal transfer of virulence and drug-

resistance genes among host bacteria (35). Tailed phages are virtually ubiquitous

among the species examined to date, and Myoviridae, which have contractile tail,

are relatively well-characterized, especially enterobacter phage T4 and its relatives

(T4-like phages). The genetic compositions of several T4-like phages with the

common morphology of Myoviridae and relatively large double-stranded (ds) DNA

genome sizes (ca. 160~250 kb) have been described (24). The majority of

characterized T4-like phages infect Escherichia coli or other enterobacteria, but

some phages infect phylogenetically distant bacterial species such as Aeromonas,

Vibrio, and cyanobacteria (7), and those distant T4-like phages varied significantly

in virion morphology (13, 36).

Aeromonas salmonicida which belongs to the family Aeromonadaceae, is the

causative agent of the fish disease known as furunculosis and is one of the most

important pathogens of salmonid species in worldwide aquaculture (21, 40). The

emerging resistance of A. salmonicida to commercially used antibiotics such as

tetracycline and quinolones (21) has been of great concern, and several therapeutic

applications of phage against this fish pathogen have been attempted in recent

years (17, 38). Furthermore, a number of phages infecting Aeromonadaceae

(especially in A. salmonicida) have been isolated and characterized (2, 4, 6, 18, 19,


26, 29, 31), and most of them were classified into Myoviridae in the VIIIth ICTV

Report (http://www.ictvdb.org/Ictv/index.htm) as P1-, P2- and T4-like viruses (8).

Recent studies of Aeromonas phages have focused on virulent T4-like phages and

have included extensive genomic investigations (7, 22, 24, 27, 28, 36); the

complete genome sequences of four phages (Aeromonas phages 25, 31, 44RR2.8t

and Aeh1) have already been deposited in GenBank.

Here, we describe the basic biological properties and complete genome

sequences of two newly isolated T4-like virulent phages (named as Aeromonas

phage phiAS4 and Aeromonas phage phiAS5) that infect A. salmonicida and other

Aeromonadaceae. We also cloned and expressed the predicted lysozyme murein

hydrolase gene of phiAS5 to investigate its functional activity.

2.2. Materials and methods

2.2.1. Bacterial strains and growth conditions

Seventeen A. salmonicida strains of 3 different subspecies and 26 other bacterial

strains representing 12 different species were used in this study and are shown in

Table 2.1. All bacterial strains were cultured in tryptic soy broth (TSB) or sub-

cultured on tryptic soy agar (TSA) at 20°C for Aeromonas spp and at 37°C for

other bacterial species. All strains were stored at -80°C with 10% glycerol until


2.2.2. Isolation of phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

To isolate phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, various samples

were collected from the fish, sewage and pond water of the rainbow trout


(Oncorhynchus mykiss) culture farms and river waters in Korea. One of the

previously confirmed A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida clinical isolates, AS01

(21), was used as the indicator host strain for phage isolations. The AS01 strain was

co-cultivated with collected samples for 36 h at 20°C and the culture was

centrifuged for 20 min at 10,000 × g. The resultant supernatant was filtered with a

0.45-μm membrane filter. This procedure, from co-cultivation to filtration, was

repeated twice to increase the phage titer. To examine whether the filtrate contained

virulent phages, a conventional double-layered agar method (3) was used with the

filtrate. Several types of phage plaques were respectively collected and inoculated

into TSB containing log-phase AS01 (OD600, 0.4~0.6), and co-cultivation was

performed at 20°C for 36 h. The successive single plaque isolations were

performed at least 3 times to obtain pure cultures that were titered by the double-

layered agar method.

2.2.3. Electron microscopy

Phage suspensions (phiAS4: 1.7 × 109 PFU/ml; phiAS5: 7.3 × 109 PFU/ml)

were concentrated and purified by CsCl density gradient ultra-centrifugation

(gradient-density: 1.15, 1.45, 1.50 and 1.70 g/ml; 250,000 × g; 22 h; 4°C) in SM

buffer (100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris [pH 7.5], and 10 mM MgSO4), and subjected to

transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for morphological analysis. The purified

phage samples were loaded onto a copper grid, negatively stained with 2% uranyl

acetate and dried. The morphology of phages was observed using a Zeiss TEM

EM902 (Zeiss) at an accelerating voltage of 80 kV. Phage sizes were calculated by

the means of at least 5 measurements.


2.2.4. Host range and efficiency of plating (EOP) analysis

The host ranges of the isolated phages were determined by dropping 10 μl of

diluted phage suspensions (phiAS4: 9.3 × 106 PFU/ml; phiAS5: 1.2 × 107 PFU/ml)

in double-layered agar plates inoculated with each of the 17 A. salmonicida strains

and the 26 bacterial strains including 2 motile Aeromonas sp., 3 Streptococcus sp.,

2 Enterococcus sp., 1 Listeria sp., 1 Staphylococcus sp. and 4 Vibrio sp. strains.

The plates were incubated at 20°C for all the Aeromonas strains and 37°C for the

other bacteria strains for 24 h, and checked for the presence or the absence of

plaque formation. For efficiency of plating (EOP) analysis, phage suspensions

(phiAS4: 1.3 × 104 PFU/ml; phiAS5: 1.5 × 104 PFU/ml) were assayed by the

double-layered agar method against each phage-susceptible bacterial strain. The

number of plaques was determined after 24 h incubation, and the EOP was

quantified by calculating the ratio of PFU obtained with each phage-susceptible

strain to PFU obtained with the indicator strain AS01. All tests were repeated three


2.2.5. One step growth

Phage suspensions (phiAS4: 9.3 × 106 PFU/ml; phiAS5: 7.3 × 106 PFU/ml)

were added to cultures of early-exponential-phase host strain AS01 (OD600,

0.1~0.2) and absorbed for 5 min, then centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 30 s. After

supernatants were removed, the pellets containing phages-infected bacterial cells

were suspended in 20 ml of TSB and incubated at 20°C with shaking at 250 rpm.

Aliquots were taken at 10 min intervals for 90 min, and the titers in the aliquots


were immediately determined by the double-layered agar method. This assay was

performed in triplicate.

2.2.6. Thermal and pH stability

For thermo-stability tests, phage suspensions (phiAS4: 9.3 × 106 PFU/ml;

phiAS5: 1.2 × 107 PFU/ml) were incubated at 4°C, 20°C, 40°C or 55°C, and

aliquots were taken at 30 and 60 min. For pH stability tests, 100 μl of phage

suspensions (phiAS4: 9.3 × 106 PFU/ml; phiAS5: 1.2 × 107 PFU/ml) were

inoculated in a series of tubes containing 1 ml of TSB with at pH 3.0, pH 5.0, pH

7.0, pH 9.0 or pH 11.0 (adjusted with 1 M HCl or 1 M NaOH) and incubated at

20°C; aliquots were taken at 30 and 60 min. All of the tests were performed in

triplicate, and the phage titer was determined by the double-layered agar method.

2.2.7. Analysis of genomic nucleic acid and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis


Preparation of phage genomic DNA was performed as previously described (34).

The purified nucleic acids of phages were digested with 10 U of DNase I, RNase A

or Mung bean nuclease (TaKaRa Biomedicals) according to the manufacturer’s

instructions. The PFGE of phage genomic DNA was performed as previously

described (37), with some modifications. Briefly, 500 μl of phage suspension was

mixed with 500 μl of 2% (w/v) NuSieve GTG agarose (FMC BioProducts),

dispensed into plug molds and solidified. The plugs were punched out of the molds

into a small volume of digestion buffer (500 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris [pH 8.0], 1%

[w/v] SDS and 1 mg/ml of proteinase K) and incubated at 50°C overnight. The


digestion buffer was decanted, and the samples were washed three times with TE

buffer and then digested with 10 U of SacII, Sau3AI, MspI, XbaI, NotI, HindIII,

SmaI, SphI, NcoI, HpaII, SpeI and EcoRI (New England Biolabs) for 1 h at 37°C.

The plugs were then washed three times with TE buffer, placed in wells of 1.2%

Pulsed Field Certified agarose (Bio-Rad) in 0.5X TBE and overlaid with molten

0.5% NuSieve GTG agarose. The samples were electrophoresed using a CHEF-DR

III System (Bio-Rad) at 6 V/cm with pulse ramps from 5 to 15 s for 16 h at 14°C in

0.5X TBE buffer and compared to Low-Range PFG Marker and Mid-Range I PFG

Marker (New England Biolabs).

2.2.8. Sequencing and analysis of genomic DNA

Sequencing of phage genomic DNA was performed by Macrogen Inc. (Seoul,

Korea) using standard shotgun sequencing reagents and a 454 GS-FLX Titanium

Sequencing System (Roche). The full-length genome sequence was obtained by

sequence assembly using the SeqMan II sequence analysis software (DNASTAR)

and contig gaps were filled in by primer walking. The potential open reading

frames (ORFs) that possibly encode gene products were predicted using Microbial

Genome Annotation Tools (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/MICROBES

/glimmer_3.cgi). We considered AUG, UUG and GUG as start codons, and UAA,

UGA, and UAG as stop codons of ORFs. The ORFs with a length of more than 25

amino acids were considered. The putative functions of the ORFs were analyzed by

BLASTP at the National Center for Biotechnology Information

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi). Putative promoter regions were

predicted using the Neural Network Promoter Prediction tool of the Berkeley


Drosophila Genome Project (minimum promoter score: 0.9)

(http://www.fruitfly.org/seq_tools/promoter.html). Rho-independent transcription

terminators were identified using FindTerm programs (http://www.softberry.ru

/berry.phtml?topic=findterm&group=programs&subgroup=gfindb) (energy thres-

hold value: -11). Additional characteristics of the putative protein products

(transmembrane domains, signal peptides, pI and molecular weights) were

predicted with proteomic tools at ExPASy (http://us.expasy.org). Putative tRNAs

were examined with the tRNAscan-SE search program (http://www.genetics.

wustl.edu/eddy/tRNAscan-SE/). Phage genome maps were drawn using the DNA

Master program (http://cobamide2.bio.pitt.edu/computer.htm). The genomes of

phiAS4 and phiAS5 were subjected to pair-wise analysis using the Artemis

Comparison Tool (ACT) (5) with T4 phage and its close homologs Aeromonas

phage 25 and Aeromonas phage Aeh1, respectively. The protein-sequences

similarities of the phages were analyzed using CoreGenes3.0 (http://binf.gmu.

edu:8080/CoreGenes3.0) (42).

2.2.9. Expression and purification of the recombinant protein phiASL5

The orf117 of phiAS5, which was predicted as lysozyme murein hydrolase

(phiASL5), was PCR-cloned into the pGEM-T easy vector (Promega) and sub-

cloned into the pET-21a (+) vector (Novagen). The PCR cloning was performed

with sense primer (5’- ATG CTT GCA CAA ATG CTA AAG -3’) and antisense

primer (5’- TCA AAA GCC ATA GGG AGC ATA -3’). For sub-cloning, a sense

primer containing the NdeI restriction site (5’- CAT ATG CTT GCA CAA ATG

CTA -3’) and an antisense primer containing the XhoI restriction site (5’- CTC


GAG AAA GCC ATA GGG AGC -3’) were used. After treatment of the PCR

product with NdeI and XhoI restriction enzymes, the product was cloned into the

NdeI and XhoI sites of the pET-21a (+) vector, thereby constructing the phiASL5

protein expression plasmid encoding a C-terminal 6X-histidine tag. The plasmid

was transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS (Novagen), and the

resultant transformants were cultured in 1000 ml of Luria-Bertani (LB) medium

containing ampicillin and chloramphenicol (100 μg/ml each) at 37°C and 250 rpm.

Induction was performed with 1 mM isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside at an

OD600 of 0.5–1.0, and cultures were further incubated for 8 h at 30°C and 250 rpm

to allow for expression of the phiASL5 protein. Following expression, the culture

was centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 15 min, and the resultant cell pellet was

resuspended in 25 ml of binding buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl, 500 mM NaCl, 5 mM

imidazole, pH 7.9). Cells were disrupted by sonication for 5 min (1 s pulse with 3 s

intervals between pulses). The whole-cell lysate was centrifuged at 18,500 × g for

15 min at 4°C. The supernatant was purified by affinity chromatography using a

Ni-NTA column (Qiagen). The column was pre-equilibrated with three column

volumes of binding buffer, and loaded with the supernatant. The column was then

washed with six additional column volumes of washing buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl,

500 mM NaCl, 80 mM imidazole, pH 7.9), and the recombinant protein was eluted

with six column volumes of elution buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl, 500 mM NaCl, 1 M

imidazole, pH 7.9). All elution fractions were collected, and the purity of the

protein preparation was assessed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-

PAGE). The lysate of uninduced cells was also purified under the same conditions

for use as a negative control in the following activity tests.


2.2.10. Zymogram assay of the recombinant protein phiASL5

The mureinolytic activity of the purified recombinant protein was examined by

a zymogram assay using autoclaved Staphylococcus aureus SA1 cells according to

the previously described method (33). Briefly, the solution containing phiASL5

was separated on a 10% (w/v) SDS-PAGE gel containing 0.2% (w/v) autoclaved

SA1 cells. After electrophoresis, the zymogram gel was washed for 30 min with

distilled water at room temperature, then transferred into buffer containing 25 mM

Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) and 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100, and further incubated for 16 h at

37°C. The zymogram gel was rinsed with distilled water, stained with 0.1% (w/v)

methylene blue in 0.001% (w/v) KOH for 2 h at room temperature, and then

destained with distilled water. The elution fraction prepared from an uninduced

culture was used as a negative control.

2.2.11. Nucleotide sequence accession numbers

Nucleotide sequence data for the phages phiAS4 and phiAS5 were deposited in

the GenBank database under accession numbers HM452125 (NC_014635) and

HM452126 (NC_014636), respectively. All the other phage genomic DNA

sequences are available in GenBank: Aeromonas phage 25 [NC_008208],

Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t [NC_005135], Aeromonas phage 31 [NC_007022],

Aeromonas phage Aeh1 [NC_005260], Vibrio phage KVP40 [NC_005083],

enterobacteria phage T6 [AY262134], enterobacteria phage IME08 [NC_014260]

and enterobacteria phage T4 [NC_000866].


2.3. Results

2.3.1. Isolation and electron microscopy of phages phiAS4 and phiAS5

Two phages infecting A. salmonicida strain AS01 were isolated from river water

samples and successfully propagated; the phages formed different plaque sizes

(approximately 2.0 mm and 0.5 mm for phiAS4 and phiAS5, respectively) on

AS01 lawns after 36 h incubation at 20°C. The isolated phages were named

phiAS4 and phiAS5, and classified by transmission electron microscopic analysis

according to the classification of Ackermann (1). Phage phiAS4 was

morphologically assigned to the order Caudovirales and family Myoviridae

morphotype A2 (icosahedral head and contractile sheathed tails); the tail length and

width were 108 ± 16 nm (n=5) and 17 ± 3 nm (n = 5), and the head length and

diameter were 70 ± 12 nm (n = 5) and 49 ± 6 nm (n = 5) (Figure 2.1A). Phage

phiAS5 was also classified into the order Caudovirales and family Myoviridae

morphotype A2 but displayed different virion morphology compared to phiAS4;

the tail length and width were 98 ± 7 nm (n = 5) and 22 ± 2 nm (n = 5), and the

head length and diameter were 121 ± 4 nm (n = 5) and 71 ± 4 nm (n = 5) (Figure


2.3.2. Host ranges and EOPs of phiAS4 and phiAS5

The host ranges of phiAS4 and phiAS5 were tested on various Aeromonas spp.:

A. salmonicida; subsp. salmonicida (n=15), subsp. achromogenes (n=1), and subsp.

masoucida (n=1); A. hydrophila (n=14); and A. sobria (n=2). Phage phiAS4 was

able to infect all the A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains including subsp.

masoucida and achromogenes, whereas phiAS5 did not infect subsp.


achromogenes. The variable EOPs and production of turbid plaques (phiAS4:

AS05, 06, 07, 08, 10 and 12; phiAS5: AS05, 06, 07, 08 and 10) against 17 A.

salmonicida strains indicate that phiAS4 and phiAS5 have different infection

characteristics, respectively. Interestingly, phiAS4 and phiAS5 displayed broad

host ranges, infecting motile Aeromonas species including A. hydrophila and A.

sobria with forming turbid plaques and relatively lower EOPs than with A.

salmonicida (Table 2.1). However, the phages were not able to lyse the 10 other

bacterial species used in this study.

2.3.3. One step growth and thermal/pH stability of phiAS4 and phiAS5

One step growth curves of the phage isolates were examined to identify the

growth pattern of each phages and the number of progeny phages released by the

lysis of a single bacterial strain. Approximately 87.4% of phiAS4 and 58.8% of

phiAS5 virions adsorbed to AS01 cells within 5min. The latent periods of phiAS4

and phiAS5 were estimated to be approximately 30 and 20 min with average burst

sizes of approximately 395.8 and 68.1 PFU/cell, respectively (Figure 2.2). The

stability of phiAS4 and phiAS5 was assessed by calculating PFU changes under

different pH and temperature conditions. Almost no reduction of PFUs was

observed after 1 h of incubation at pH 7.0, 9.0 or 11.0, but significant reductions

were found at low pH. Phage phiAS4 was stable at pH 5.0 but showed 100%

reduction after 1 h at pH 3.0, while phiAS5 was as extremely unstable at pH 5.0 as

phiAS4 was at pH 3.0. These results suggested that low-pH conditions might affect

the stability of phiAS4 and phiAS5. In thermal stability tests, phiAS4 and phiAS5

were stable for at least 1 h at 4, 20 and 40°C but were not stable at 55°C (data not



2.3.4. Genomic analysis of phiAS4 and phiAS5

Phages belonging to the family Myoviridae usually possess dsDNA as its

genome (1). In this study, the genomes of phiAS4 and phiAS5 were digested by

DNase I but not by RNase A or Mung Bean Nuclease, thus indicating that its

genomes were consisted of dsDNA. In addition, PFGE results revealed that the

genomes of phiAS4 and phiAS5 could be digested with several restriction

endonucleases (phiAS4: SacII, MspI, XbaI and NotI; phiAS5: Sau3AI, XbaI,

HindIII and EcoRI) and that their genome sizes were approximately 160 kb and

220 kb, respectively (data not shown).

Genome sequencing determined that the complete genome of phiAS4 was

163,875 bp with total G+C content of 41.3%. In additions, a total of 67 promoters,

25 terminator regions and 271 ORFs were predicted in its genome (Figure 2.3).

Based on the similarity of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of predicted ORFs,

the closest relative of phiAS4 in the GenBank database was identified as

Aeromonas phage 25. However, the gene arrangement in phiAS4 genome was

differed from Aeromonas phage 25. The similarity of the complete genomic

sequence of phage phiAS4 with Aeromonas phage 25 was approximately 95.0%,

and the ORFs of phiAS4 were mainly comprised homologs of Aeromonas phage 25

ORFs (239 ORFs with amino acid identity ranging from 41 to 100%). Moreover,

23 and 5 phiAS4 ORFs were derived from Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t and

Aeromonas phage 31, respectively. Three phiAS4 ORFs (orf89, orf188 and orf231)

showed no homology to known phage- or bacteria-related sequences in the


GenBank database. Concrete gene information, such as positions, directions, sizes,

molecular weights and putative functions of each phiAS4 ORFs is shown in Table

2.2. The ORFs of phiAS4 genome were not clustered together by functional roles

such as DNA metabolism or phage structure. However, the predicted ORFs of

phage DNA metabolism-related genes were categorized into five groups as follows:

i) DNA replication, recombination and repair, orf4, orf21, orf45, orf46, orf48,

orf49, orf50, orf51, orf75, orf93, orf169, orf171, orf232, orf233, orf234, orf237,

orf238, orf239, orf241, orf243, orf244, orf247, orf250, orf251, orf252, orf260 and

orf262; ii) phage genome modification and restriction or host DNA breakdown,

orf60 and orf68; iii) nucleotide biosynthesis and metabolism, orf56, orf57, orf58,

orf143, orf181, orf214, orf215, orf216, orf222, orf245 and orf256; iv) control of

host RNA polymerase transcription, orf34, orf47, orf61, orf62, orf78, orf79, orf230,

orf236 and orf240; v) genome packaging, orf116, orf117 and orf213. Most ORFs

encoding DNA metabolism-associated genes were highly homologous with

Aeromonas phage 25, thus indicating that phage phiAS4 might use a similar DNA

metabolism system. The predicted ORFs of phage structural genes were widely

scattered across the entire genome. The ORFs encoding phage structural genes and

their functions in the phiAS4 genome are summarized as follows: i) head

morphogenesis, orf94, orf95, orf102, orf105, orf106, orf107, orf108, orf109, orf110,

orf111, orf119, orf120, orf121, orf122, orf123, orf139 and orf 246; ii) tail and

baseplate morphogenesis, orf40, orf41, orf42, orf43, orf44, orf80, orf81, orf82,

orf83, orf84, orf85, orf86, orf87, orf88, orf112, orf113, orf114, orf115, orf118,

orf124, orf125, orf126, orf127, orf128, orf129, orf130, orf131, orf133, orf134,

orf136 and orf142. Furthermore, a total of 16 tRNA genes (including one pseudo-


gene) were identified, including a cluster of two genes containing Ser and Met

anticodon sequences and lone tRNA genes with anticodons for Leu, Asn, Tyr, Lys,

Pro, Thr, Trp, Ile, Asp and Arg.

The genome size of phiAS5 was 225,268 bp, with 43.0% total G+C content. A total

of 69 promoters, 33 terminator regions and 343 ORFs were predicted in phiAS5

(Figure 2.4). Based on the genome similarity analysis, phage phiAS5 showed

approximately 79.1% nucleotide sequence similarity to Aeromonas phage Aeh1

and predominantly comprised homologous ORFs (309 ORFs with amino acid

identity ranging from 26 to 95%). However, several ORFs were most similar to

ORFs in other phages: two in Vibrio phage KVP40 and one each in enterobacteria

phage T6, enterobacteria phage IME08, Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t and

Aeromonas phage 31. Eleven phiAS5 ORFs showed no homology to any reported

phage- or bacteria-related sequences in the GenBank database. Concrete gene

information such as positions, directions, sizes, molecular weights and putative

functions of each phiAS5 ORFs are shown in Table 2.3. ORFs fulfilling similar

functions were broadly dispersed across the phiAS5 genome, as in phiAS4. We

sorted the phiAS5 ORFs largely into two functional categories, nucleotide

metabolism and phage structural proteins, as described above. The predicted phage

DNA metabolism-related genes of phage phiAS5 were further categorized into five

groups: i) DNA replication, recombination and repair, orf34, orf37, orf40, orf43,

orf46, orf106, orf107, orf109, orf110, orf132, orf137, orf139, orf141, orf143,

orf144, orf146, orf147, orf148, orf151 and orf152; ii) phage genome modification

and restriction or host DNA breakdown, orf98; iii) nucleotide biosynthesis and

metabolism, orf99, orf101, orf105, orf163, orf164, orf166, orf167, orf171, orf172


and orf322; iv) control of host RNA polymerase transcription, orf45, orf108, orf119,

orf124, orf145, orf159 and orf291; v) genome packaging, orf10, orf11 and orf176.

Because most of the phage DNA metabolism-related genes were homologous to

those of Aeromonas phage Aeh1, we considered that phage phiAS5 might use a

similar phage DNA metabolism system. ORFs encoding the phage structural genes

of phiAS5 were located at the middle and both ends of the genome, and their

functions are summarized as follows: i) head morphogenesis, orf14, orf16, orf17,

orf18, orf19, orf20 and orf329; ii) tail and baseplate morphogenesis, orf1, orf6,

orf7, orf9, orf12, orf13, orf111, orf112, orf113, orf115, orf323, orf326, orf327,

orf330, orf331, orf333, orf336, orf337, orf338, orf339, orf340, orf341, orf342 and

orf343. Twenty-four tRNA genes (including one pseudo-gene and one unknown

isotype-gene) were also identified, including a cluster of three genes containing

Leu, Phe and Met anticodon sequences and lone tRNA genes with anticodons for

Ala, Gly, Pro, Thr, Arg, Asn, Lys, Asp, Glu, His, Gln, Ile, Cys and Trp. Among the

tRNA genes, the presence of an intron was predicted in the tRNAs with anticodons

for Phe (nucleotide positions 181,036-181,153) and Glu (nucleotide positions


Genomic comparison of phage phiAS4 with the related Aeromonas phage 25

and enterobacter phage T4 revealed that the phages were considerably similar in

gene inventory (Figure 2.5A). However, the genome of phiAS4 differed in two

aspects. First, two remarkable regions of genome inversions (orf4~orf11,

orf12~orf271) were found in phiAS4 with a symmetrical gene order relative to

Aeromonas phage 25 (similar inversions were also found when the phiAS4 genome

was compared to the genome of enterobacter phage T4). Second, there were several


genes scattered throughout the genome of each phage that have no apparent

homologs in the other phages. We were able to find homologs for a considerable

number of inventoried genes among phage phiAS5, Aeromonas phage Aeh1 and

enterobacter phage T4 (Figure 2.5B). However, the genomes showed differences in

gene order, and several genes had no apparent homologs in the other phages. Based

on the ACT comparison result, the genome of phiAS5 can be divided into two

portions (orf1~orf128 and orf129~orf343) that are reserved (a large-scale genome

translocation) relative to the order of Aeromonas phage Aeh1. The genome division

of phiAS5 occurred between orf128 and orf129, which are predicted as membrane

integrity protectors; and the homologs of orf128 and orf129 in phiAS5 are found at

each ends of the Aeromonas phage Aeh1 genome.

2.3.4. Functional characterization of lysozyme murein hydrolase of phiAS5

Similar to other phages of the order Caudovirales, phiAS4 encoded a dual lysis

system as previously described (41). The putative proteins ORF36 and ORF37

were predicted as holin (similar to Phage_holin_T [pfam11031]) and e lysozyme

(similar to lysozyme_like superfamily [cl00222]), respectively, and displayed high

amino acid sequence similarity to enterobacter phage T4 by coregene analysis

(Figure 2.3). In addition, the predicted holin protein contained only one

transmembrane region (amino acids, 35-54). However, in phiAS5, neither holin nor

a holin-like protein was detected by BLASTP search and coregene analysis, and

lysozyme murein hydrolase, which was similar to phage_T4-like_lysozyme

[cd00735], was found solely in orf117 (Figure 2.4). These findings were also

concordant with the genome of Aeromonas phage Aeh1, which encoded no


predicted holin or holin-like protein in it. Thus, to investigate the functional

activity of the orf117 gene product, it was expressed in E.coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS,

and designated as phiASL5. The recombinant phiASL5 protein, which was

successfully expressed in this E. coli-based expression system and purified by

affinity chromatography, showed a molecular weight of approximately 18 kDa

according to SDS-PAGE (Figure 2.6A). However, phiASL5 was mainly expressed

as inclusion bodies at 37°C, and low-temperature (30°C) culture was required for

soluble expression. Purified phiASL5 did not show lytic activity or growth

inhibition against A. salmonicida or the other bacterial species used in this study,

and only weak cell lysis was observed against S. aureus strain SA1 (data not

shown). Therefore, the mureinolytic activity of the purified phiASL5 protein was

confirmed by a zymogram assay showing hydrolysis of S. aureus SA1

peptidoglycan (Figure 2.6B).

2.4. Discussion

According to Ackermann (1), 43 phages infecting Aeromonadaceae have been

reported, all of which were morphologically classified as tailed phages (33 of

Myoviridae, 7 of Siphoviridae and 3 of Podoviridae). Some of these phages (such

as phage Aeh1, phage 25, phage 31 and phage 44RR2.8t) were further investigated

genetically (7, 22, 24, 27, 28, 36), and some others (such as HER10, phage O, R

and B) have been used as therapeutic agents in aquaculture (17, 38). Furthermore,

the potential phylogenetic relationship between Aeromonas phages and

enterobacteria phages (especially phage T4) were firstly suggested by their

morphological similarity (2), and later confirmed by genomic comparison (7, 24,


27, 28).

In this study, phages phiAS4 and phiAS5, which belong to Myoviridae, were

isolated from river water in Korea. These two phages showed differences in several

biological properties, such as morphology, host range, plaque size and burst size.

Although the host strain for phage isolation was A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida,

the phages displayed broad host ranges extending to other Aeromonadaceae strains,

such as A. hydrophila and A. sobria, and to other subspecies of A. salmonicida,

such as subsp. masoucida and subsp. achromogenes. The broad host range of

aeromonoas phages was also previously reported (2). Based on these results, it may

be assumed that several Aeromonas phages, including phiAS4 and phiAS5, might

use common outer membrane protein or lipopolysaccharide in Aeromonadaceae as

receptor during its adsorption to host cells. Remarkably, phiAS4 and phiAS5 were

able to infect tmulti-drug resistant A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains such

as AS09, AS10, AS11, AS12, AS13, AS14 and AS15 (Table 2.1), and showed clear

host cell lysis. To date, antibiotic-resistant A. salmonicida causes critical problems

in worldwide aquaculture (21, 30, 32). Thus, phages with broad infectivity against

antibiotic-resistant A. salmonicida strains may be adapted for control of

furunculosis in aquaculture, and animal experiments are currently in preparation.

According to genomic analysis, phiAS4 and phiAS5 showed very similar

genotypes to other T4-like Aeromonas phages that had been isolated at different

times and from different geographical regions such as Aeromonas phages 25 and 31

(isolated in France), 44RR2.8t (isolated in Canada) and Aeh1 (isolated in the USA).

The genomes of phiAS4 and phiAS5 were very similar to Aeromonas phage 25 and

Aeromonas phage Aeh1, respectively, at the nucleotide sequence level, but their


specific differences in gene inventory, gene order and the presence of several

unpredicted hypothetical proteins clearly indicated that they were distinct from

previously discovered phages. In phage phiAS4, the ORFs mainly comprised those

of phage 25 but with a dramatically inverted genome (Figure 2.5A), and several

ORFs were very similar to phage 31 and 44RR2.8t, showing mosaicism in its

genome. Phage phiAS4 was isolated in Korea, a geographical region distinctly

different from France and Canada. Thus, it may be assumed that Aeromonas phages

with similar gene inventories are distributed worldwide and may transfer genes

horizontally among phages. On the other hand, the genome of phage phiAS5

predominantly comprised ORFs of Aeromonas phage Aeh1 but showed genome

division and rearrangement (Figure 2.5B), and several ORFs had predicted origins

in phages infecting other distant bacterial species, such as Vibrio and enterobacteria

phages as well as Aeromonas phage 31. Interestingly, a probable mobE homolog of

Aeromonas phage Aeh1, which belong to HNH homing endonuclease, was located

in the intercistronic region of a split form of the nrdA gene (9-11), whereas the

freestanding mobE (orf136) of phiAS5 was found between other phage DNA

metabolic genes apart from nrd genes. Moreover, the mobE and nrdA genes of

phiAS5 did not show high homology to those of Aeromonas phage Aeh1 (amino

acid identity of 43 and 88%, respectively). This observation indicates that the

location and functions of mobE may differ between closely related T4-like

Aeromonas phages.

It is unknown why the genomes of phiAS4 and phiAS5 would be arranged with

inverted gene position or translocation as described above. However, it is clear that

these phages with such genome arrangements are fully functional, as they survived


to be detected and sequenced in our analysis. Previous theories of phage evolution

have suggested that evolution by illegitimate recombination usually occurs by

recombination events that will not interrupt the individual modules (14, 15), as was

reported for Burkholderia phage KS10 (12), cyanophage Syn9 (39), and

Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage EL (16). Additionally, 109 and 94 putative ORFs

in phiAS4 and phiAS5 were predicted as coregenes with similar to enterobacter

phage T4 and their relatives, Aeromonas phage 25 and Aeromonas phage Aeh1,

respectively (Figure 2.3 and 2.4). As we expected, nearly all the predicted

coregenes were associated with phage DNA metabolisms or were structural genes.

Consistent with the similarity of their genome inventories to enterobacter phage T4,

phage phiAS4 and phiAS5 contained three sets of T4-like fibrous structures with

distinct functions. Phage phiAS4 contained long tail fiber (orf44), short tail fiber

(orf124) and whiskers (orf123) genes, whereas phiAS5 contained wac fibritin neck

whiskers (orf1), long tail fiber (orf111 and orf112) and short tail fiber (orf343)

genes. The presence of these three structural genes clearly indicated that the two

phages were closely related to enterobacter phage T4 (23), in accordance with their

morphological analysis in this study. These findings suggest that phages phiAS4

and phiAS5 are strongly related to enterobacter phage T4 by genetic as well as

morphological characteristics and might use similar phage DNA metabolism and

morphogenesis systems.

To investigate the functional activity of lysozyme murein hydrolase in phiAS5, a

recombinant plasmid harboring orf117 was constructed by conventional cloning

methods and expressed using an E. coli-based expression system. When

recombinant phiASL5 was expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS, reductions of


cell growth (OD600) or cell lysis were not observed during cultivation. These results

indicated that the expressed phiASL5 was unable to permeabilize the outer

membrane of E. coli and therefore could not lyse the cells by itself. When aliquots

of purified phiASL5 were directly dropped on bacterial lawn-forming plates, it was

not able to lyse or to inhibit the growth of any of the gram-negative bacterial

strains used in this study or A. salmonicida strain AS01, and only slight, weak cell

lysis was observed against S. aureus strain SA1 (data not shown). Thus, the

mureinolytic activity of phiASL5 was confirmed by a zymogram using S. aureus

SA1 peptidoglycan. These results indicated that the outer membrane of gram-

negative bacteria prevents access of phiASL5 to the peptidoglycan layer, and phage

phiAS5 may also use a dual lysis system as previously described (41). However, it

is clear that any holin or holin-like proteins in phiAS5 (or in Aeromonas phage

Aeh1) are not homologous to those of enterobacter phage T4 or other T4-like

Aeromonas phages. Further studies are currently in preparation to investigate the

lytic mechanisms of phage phiAS5 and Aeromonas phage Aeh1 for potential

applications as bio-control agents.

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Table 2.1. Host ranges and EOPs of Aeromonas phage phiAS4 and phiAS5 against all the

bacterial strains used in this study.

Bacterial species Strain Phage infectivity and EOPs a

Source phiAS4 phiAS5

A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida AS01 +++ b (1.00) +++ (1.00) 1

AS02 +++ (0.75±0.08) +++ (0.84±0.07) 1

AS04 +++ (1.25±0.01) +++ (0.63±0.08) 1

AS05 ++ b (0.82±0.07) ++ (2.82±0.05) 1

AS06 ++ (1.18±0.10) ++ (0.21±0.02) 1

AS07 ++ (0.24±0.02) ++ (0.14±0.01) 1

AS08 ++ (0.27±0.04) ++ (1.31±0.06) 1

AS09 +++ (0.77±0.02) +++ (0.39±0.02) 1

AS10 ++ (2.13±0.08) ++ (0.34±0.04) 1

AS11 +++ (0.62±0.05) +++ (0.23±0.04) 1

AS12 ++ (0.53±0.01) +++ (0.37±0.03) 1

AS13 +++ (0.17±0.03) +++ (0.30±0.02) 1

AS14 +++ (0.56±0.06) +++ (0.32±0.01) 1

AS15 +++ (0.57±0.03) +++ (0.35±0.03) 1

ATCC 33658 +++ (1.18±0.06) +++ (0.98±0.04) 3

A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes AS03 +++ (0.21±0.01) - b 1

A. salmonicida subsp. masoucida ATCC 27013 +++ (2.10±0.09) +++ (0.97±0.08) 3

A. hydrophila SNUFPC-A1 - ++ (0.42±0.01) 2

SNUFPC-A2 - - 2

SNUFPC-A3 - - 2

SNUFPC-A4 - - 2

SNUFPC-A5 - - 2

SNUFPC-A6 ++ (0.64±0.13) ++ (0.67±0.06) 2

SNUFPC-A7 - - 2

SNUFPC-A8 - - 2

SNUFPC-A9 ++ (0.78±0.07) + b (0.11±0.02) 2

SNUFPC-A10 - - 2

SNUFPC-A11 - - 2

JUNAH - - 2

SNUFPC-A20 + (0.25±0.03) + (0.27±0.03) 2

ATCC 7966 - + (0.11±0.03) 3

A. sobria SNUFPC-A16 - + (0.75±0.05) 2

Aro - - 2

ATCC 43979 - - 3

Streptococcus iniae ATCC 29178 - - 3

S. agalactiae ATCC 27956 - - 3

S. suis ATCC 43765 - - 3

Enterococcus faecium ATCC 51558 - - 3

E. faecalis ATCC 29212 - - 3

Vibrio vulnificus ATCC 27562 - - 3

V. parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802 - - 3

V. algynolyticus ATCC 17749 - - 3

Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 13301 - - 3

Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19114 - - 3 a The EOP values were shown as mean ± SD.

b +++: clear plaque, ++: turbid plaque, +: veiled plaque, -: no plaque.

c 1: strains from Kim et al. (2011); 2: strains from Han et al. (2011); 3: strains purchased from the American Type

Culture Collection (ATCC).


Table 2.2. Predicted ORFs and its products of Aeromonas phage phiAS4.

Gene Gene product Amino acid

Identity (%) Putative function [organism] (E-value)

Predicted TMH

and signal peptide ORF

No. Range Strand




(kD) pI


1 42-176 + 44 5.3 6.09 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-16) 0 N

2 224-358 + 44 5.4 8.66 65 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-09) 0 N

3 343-561 + 72 8.3 9.47 73 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (7e-12) 0 N

4 653-2476 + 607 68.0 5.79 99 gp39 plus60 DNA topoisomerase II large subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0) 0 N

5 2576-2827 + 83 9.7 5.15 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-37) 0 N

6 2917-3132 + 71 7.9 8.96 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-33) 0 N

7 3134-3382 + 82 9.7 4.77 50 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (3e-13) 0 N

8 3697-3975 + 92 10.5 6.04 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-46) 0 N

9 3959-4225 + 88 10.2 4.73 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-45) 0 N

10 4238-5968 + 576 65.1 7.57 92 protector from prophage-induced early lysis

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

11# 5952 - 6353 + 138 15.9 4.45 94 protector from prophage-induced early lysis

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-72) 0 N

12 6380 - 7318 + 312 35.2 5.28 95 host ATPase affecting protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-176) 0 N

13 7362 - 7661 + 99 11.3 4.97 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-48) 0 N

14 7661 - 8311 + 216 25.0 6.52 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-124) 0 N


15 8373 - 8579 + 68 8.1 7.77 65 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (1e-20) 0 N

16 8576 - 8872 + 98 11.3 4.59 52 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (4e-14) 0 N

17 8948 - 9112 + 54 6.2 6.18 88 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-21) 0 N

18 9125 - 9808 + 227 26.3 5.98 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-127) 0 N

19 9808 - 10044 + 78 9.4 4.32 100 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-38) 0 N

20 10200 - 10670 + 156 17.8 9.84 97 host nucleoid disrupting protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-85) 0 N

21 10680 - 12323 + 547 62.4 5.07 96 gp52 DNA topoisomerase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

22 12433 - 13011 + 192 22.2 9.14 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-109) 0 N

23 13123 - 13392 + 89 10.4 9.26 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-42) 0 N

24 13486 - 14142 + 218 24.4 7.69 88 activator of middle promoters

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-104) 0 N

25 14224 - 15288 + 354 41.2 6.10 99 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 Y

26 15330 - 16406 + 358 41.1 5.37 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

27 16450 - 17496 + 348 40.3 6.84 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

28 17543 - 17923 + 126 14.5 5.02 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-56) 0 N

29 18042 - 19016 + 324 36.2 4.86 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

30 19146 - 19442 + 98 10.9 6.08 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-47) 0 N

31 19486 - 19611 + 41 4.9 4.83 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-14) 1 N


32# 19620 - 19742 + 40 4.8 10.29 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-05) 0 N

33 19726 - 20001 + 91 10.1 6.06 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-34) 2 N

34 20078 - 20269 + 63 7.0 4.39 98 host sigma70-binding protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-23) 0 N

35 20364 - 20627 + 87 9.8 4.27 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-41) 0 N

36 20667 - 21323 - 218 25.4 5.66 97 holin

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-113) 1 N

37 21387 - 21881 - 164 18.4 9.22 98 e lysozyme

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-93) 0 N

38 21893 - 22594 - 233 26.8 9.65 91 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-122) 0 N

39 22609 - 23091 - 160 17.3 9.33 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-70) 0 N

40 23078 - 25801 - 907 94.6 5.76 87 gp36 small distal tail fiber subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

41# 25803 - 26132 - 127 13.8 9.19 85 gp36 small distal tail fiber subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-52) 0 N

42 26152 - 26538 - 128 13.5 7.91 88 gp36 small distal tail fiber subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-59) 0 N

43 26761 - 27903 - 380 42.3 5.52 95 gp35 tail fiber hinge

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

44 27913 - 31578 - 1221 131.0 6.21 96 gp34 proximal tail fiber subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

45 31651 - 32565 + 304 35.1 8.26 99 RNaseH

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-174) 0 N

46 32678 - 32860 + 60 7.1 5.02 100 dsDNA binding protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-27) 0 N

47 32860 - 33114 + 84 9.5 4.99 100 gp33 transcription protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-42) 0 N

48 33122 - 33499 + 125 14.9 9.30 96 gp59 DNA helicase loader

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-64) 0 N


49# 33525 - 33782 + 85 10.0 7.97 98 gp59 DNA helicase loader

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-41) 0 N

50 33852 - 34538 + 228 25.5 8.62 99 gp32 ssDNA-binding protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-127) 0 N

51 34567 - 34737 + 56 5.6 2.99 95 gp32 ssDNA-binding protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-05) 0 Y

52 34853 - 35086 + 77 8.7 4.81 58 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 31] (6e-19) 0 N

53 35098 - 35340 + 80 9.1 5.31 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-28) 0 Y

54 35369 - 35788 + 139 15.9 9.30 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-60) 2 N

55 35880 - 36980 + 366 41.8 4.88 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

56 37164 - 37715 + 183 20.5 6.08 96 dihydrofolate reductase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-99) 0 N

57 37712 - 38233 + 173 19.9 9.38 99 thymidylate synthetase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-85) 0 N

58 38233 - 38550 + 105 11.7 4.94 99 thymidylate synthetase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-54) 0 N

59 38551 - 38853 + 100 11.5 8.87 99 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-52) 0 N

60# 38962 - 39240 + 92 10.5 8.93 94 endonuclease II

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-43) 0 N

61 39263 - 40414 + 383 44.3 5.25 96 RNA ligase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

62 40491 - 41039 + 182 20.4 9.39 97 transcription terminator

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-77) 0 N

63 41068 - 41313 + 81 9.3 9.56 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-38) 0 N

64 41370 - 41549 + 59 6.9 5.15 100 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-27) 0 N

65 41542 - 41880 + 112 12.7 9.37 100 PseT

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-54) 0 N


66# 41944 - 42438 + 164 19.0 4.81 98 PseT

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-93) 0 N

67 42546 - 42788 + 80 8.9 6.16 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-38) 0 N

68 42785 - 43303 + 172 18.9 7.67 97 dCMP deaminase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-94) 0 N

69 43314 - 43631 + 105 11.9 4.81 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-50) 0 N

70 43628 - 44188 + 186 21.1 6.86 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (2e-85) 0 N

71 44198 - 44716 + 172 19.7 4.99 58 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (5e-52) 0 N

72 44790 - 45113 + 107 11.7 5.85 71 gp31

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (2e-39) 0 N

73 45161 - 45352 + 63 7.3 10.91 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-26) 0 N

74 45410 - 46111 + 233 26.9 5.80 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-133) 0 N

75# 46270 - 47631 + 444 50.6 6.08 98 gp30 DNA ligase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

76 47725 - 47991 + 88 10.1 4.97 78 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-34) 0 N

77 48021 - 48917 + 298 34.2 5.46 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-158) 0 N

78 48948 - 50552 + 534 59.9 8.82 86 adenosylribosyltransferase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

79 50557 - 50904 + 115 13.3 5.05 93 adenosylribosyltransferase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-56) 0 N

80 50933 - 51520 - 199 22.2 4.89 98 gp54 base plate-tail tube initiator

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-115) 0 N

81 51679 - 51792 - 37 4.4. 8.19 100 gp54 base plate-tail tube initiator

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-11) 0 N

82 51795 - 52823 - 342 37.7 5.54 98 gp48 base plate protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N


83 52820 - 54517 - 565 63.7 5.33 98 gp29 base plate hub

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

84 54517 - 55044 - 175 19.6 5.69 100 gp28 base plate distal hub sub

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-95) 0 N

85 55041 - 56156 - 371 42.7 5.38 99 gp27 base plate hub subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

86 56156 - 56905 - 249 29.4 5.29 99 gp51 base plate protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-141) 0 N

87 56954 - 57559 + 201 22.8 5.18 98 gp26 base plate hub subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-113) 0 N

88 57556 - 57939 + 127 14.5 4.65 100 gp25 base plate wedge subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-67) 0 N

89 57974 - 58108 + 44 5.0 10.67 - Unknown

0 N

90 58248 - 58721 + 157 17.3 8.80 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-84) 0 N

91 58723 - 58887 + 54 5.8 4.53 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-17) 0 N

92 58923 - 59156 - 77 8.8 4.43 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-36) 0 N

93 59167 - 60654 - 495 56.5 8.96 97 helicase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

94 60706 - 61407 + 233 26.5 4.54 95 minor capsid protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-120) 0 N

95 61451 - 61987 + 178 19.5 4.29 93 large outer capsid protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-89) 0 N

96 62116 - 62874 + 252 29.2 8.86 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-137) 0 N

97 62934 - 63272 + 112 12.5 8.60 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (9e-60) 0 N

98 63277 - 63522 + 81 9.3 5.79 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-39) 0 N

99 63522 - 64007 + 161 18.7 5.52 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-72) 0 N


100 64000 - 64401 + 133 15.5 9.74 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-68) 0 N

101 64469 - 65365 + 298 35.0 9.01 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-89) 0 N

102 65427 - 66659 - 410 44.9 4.66 98 gp24 precursor of head vertex subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

103 66669 - 66965 - 98 10.5 8.77 89 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-35) 0 N

104 66917 - 67036 - 39 4.2 9.63 73 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-07) 0 N

105 67115 - 68704 - 529 56.4 5.37 98 gp23 precursor of major head subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

106# 68724 - 68996 - 90 9.8 4.38 98 gp22 prohead core protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-43) 0 N

107 68956 - 69552 - 198 22.1 4.58 95 gp22 prohead core protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-80) 0 N

108 69542 - 70198 - 218 23.6 4.90 99 gp21 prohead core protein and protease

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-114) 0 N

109 70281 - 70622 - 113 12.3 9.81 89 gp68 prohead core protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-51) 0 N

110 70623 - 70832 - 69 7.9 4.01 98 gp67 prohead core protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-28) 0 N

111 70833 - 72383 - 516 60.4 5.43 98 gp20 head portal vertex protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

112 72425 - 72913 - 162 18.4 4.75 91 gp19 tail tube monomer

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-83) 0 N

113 73142 - 74029 - 295 32.3 5.95 98 gp18 tail sheath monomer

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-156) 0 N

114 74010 - 74138 - 42 4.8 6.52 100 gp18 tail sheath monomer

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-11) 0 N

115 74135 - 74950 - 271 28.6 5.18 96 gp18 tail sheath monomer

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-146) 0 N

116 75003 - 76841 - 612 69.7 5.83 96 gp17 terminase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N


117 76838 - 77287 - 149 16.9 4.28 98 gp16 terminase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-80) 0 N

118 77298 - 78107 - 269 31.5 5.26 98 gp15 proximal tail protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-155) 0 N

119 78107 - 78256 - 49 5.5 4.43 91 gp14 head completion protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-17) 0 N

120 78307 - 78870 - 187 21.8 5.45 97 gp14 head completion protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-99) 0 N

121 78874 - 78999 - 41 4.5 4.29 100 gp13 head completion protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-16) 0 N

122 78953 - 79798 - 281 31.4 6.10 96 gp13 head completion protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-144) 0 N

123 79943 - 81703 - 586 63.3 4.54 96 whiskers

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

124 81700 - 83097 - 465 49.6 5.00 96 gp12 short tail fibers

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

125 83097 - 83759 - 220 24.0 4.97 95 gp11 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-119) 0 N

126 83759 - 85573 - 604 66.3 4.54 95 gp10 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

127 85573 - 86148 - 191 20.7 8.50 95 gp9 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-102) 0 N

128 86441 - 87427 - 328 37.3 4.59 95 gp8 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

129# 87420 - 87653 - 77 8.8 4.78 93 gp7 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-36) 0 N

130 87730 - 89592 - 620 71.4 5.58 95 gp7 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 1 N

131 89564 - 90478 - 304 35.0 4.83 97 gp7 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-173) 0 N

132 90505 - 90918 - 137 14.9 4.31 95 gp6 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-67) 0 N

133 90890 - 91186 - 98 11.3 5.78 87 baseplate wedge subunit

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (2e-42) 0 N


134 91333 - 92127 - 264 29.4 4.69 99 gp6 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-130) 0 N

135 92389 - 92682 - 97 10.5 5.79 100 gp5.4 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-49) 0 N

136# 92773 - 93297 + 174 20.6 4.94 98 gp53 base plate wedge component

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-96) 0 N

137 93306 - 95057 + 583 64.0 5.00 98 gp5 base plate lysozyme

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

138 95061 - 95441 + 126 13.9 4.64 84 gp5.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-56) 0 N

139 95651 - 96007 + 118 14.0 9.48 98 gp4 head completion protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-63) 0 N

140 96007 - 96507 + 166 19.0 10.03 98 gp2 protein protecting DNA ends

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-92) 0 N

141 96507 - 96812 + 101 11.7 10.00 100 gp2 protein protecting DNA ends

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-52) 0 N

142 97082 - 97609 + 175 19.9 4.60 100 gp3 tip of tail tube

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-99) 0 N

143 97612 - 98295 + 227 26.1 5.61 97 gp1 dNMP kinase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-129) 0 N

144 98292 - 98525 + 77 8.3 4.05 96 gp57A chaperone

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-33) 0 N

145 98525 - 98962 + 145 16.9 4.64 99 gp57B

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-79) 0 N

146 99069 - 99275 + 68 7.2 5.08 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-28) 0 Y

147 99325 - 99582 + 85 9.9 9.41 86 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-27) 2 N

148 99650 - 99796 + 48 5.5 3.95 38 hypothetical protein Bxe_C0352

[Burkholderia xenovorans LB400] (5.5) 0 N

149 99875 - 100213 + 112 13.0 4.57 91 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-49) 0 N

150 100182 - 100352 + 56 6.6 4.79 84 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-17) 0 N


151 100368 - 100634 + 88 10.2 9.40 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-40) 2 N

152 100695 - 100907 + 70 8.2 9.26 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-33) 0 N

153 101090 - 101467 + 125 14.1 5.56 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-34) 0 N

154# 101461 - 101727 + 88 10.4 4.75 87 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-34) 0 N

155# 101729 - 101938 + 69 8.1 4.63 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-31) 0 N

156# 102934 - 103074 + 46 6.9 8.16 55 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (3e-08) 0 N

157 103071 - 103454 + 127 14.9 9.40 59 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (1e-37) 0 N

158 104551 - 104907 + 118 13.2 5.03 54 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 31] (7e-30) 0 N

159 105009 - 105194 + 61 6.8 7.81 72 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-16) 2 N

160 106215 - 106664 + 149 16.9 9.44 87 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (3e-69) 0 N

161 106778 - 106987 + 69 8.1 9.86 72 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (1e-23) 0 N

162 106998 - 107192 + 64 7.9 8.01 77 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-13) 0 N

163 107243 – 107533 + 96 11.0 9.87 41 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-14) 0 N

164# 107550 – 107687 + 45 5.5 4.60 39 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 31] (0.30) 0 N

165 107762 – 107932 + 56 6.7 5.82 52 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-10) 0 N

166 107958 – 108371 + 137 15.6 6.57 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-40) 0 N

167 108372 – 109370 + 332 39.0 4.91 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N


168 109424 – 111136 + 570 63.8 6.09 99 ribonucleotide reductase A subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

169 111124 – 111840 + 238 27.2 9.23 98 putative GIY-YIG homing endonuclease

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-136) 0 N

170 112043 – 112270 + 75 8.4 6.11 86 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-29) 0 N

171 112373 – 112822 + 149 17.4 8.99 100 site-specific RNase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-72) 0 N

172 112819 – 113370 + 183 20.8 9.35 77 Vs.1

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (8e-79) 0 Y

173 113442 – 113717 + 91 10.7 4.78 85 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-36) 0 N

174 113762 – 113899 + 45 5.0 4.44 62 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-10) 0 N

175 113896 – 114336 + 146 16.1 4.56 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-74) 1 Y

176 114333 – 114815 + 160 17.7 4.68 79 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-69) 0 N

177 114802 – 114999 + 65 7.3 5.48 59 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-15) 0 N

178 114999 – 115328 + 109 12.8 4.29 64 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 31] (2e-35) 0 N

179 115321 – 115650 + 109 12.9 8.93 56 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (7e-21) 0 N

180 115634 – 115786 + 50 5.9 3.95 56 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-08) 0 N

181 115817 – 116362 + 181 21.7 7.08 68 Thymidine kinase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-49) 0 N

182 116436 – 116699 + 87 10.0 8.01 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-41) 0 N

183 116720 – 117643 + 307 34.0 6.51 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-166) 1 Y

184 117706 – 117933 + 75 8.2 4.87 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-27) 1 Y


185 117934 – 118542 + 202 20.7 8.28 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-99) 0 Y

186 118614 – 118745 + 43 5.0 9.74 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (5e-04) 0 N

187 118729 – 118845 + 38 4.4 3.51 84 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (2e-11) 0 N

188 118846 – 119094 + 82 9.5 4.46 - Unknown

0 N

189 119091 – 120287 + 398 46.8 4.43 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

190 120347 – 120745 + 132 15.1 8.27 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-68) 0 N

191 120726 – 120848 + 40 4.5 4.92 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-12) 0 N

192 120811 – 121107 + 98 11.4 6.71 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-48) 0 N

193 121230 – 121436 + 68 8.2 4.05 88 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-27) 0 N

194 121439 – 121750 + 103 12.1 5.95 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-45) 0 N

195 121862 – 122254 + 130 14.6 5.92 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-69) 0 N

196 122295 – 122663 + 122 14.2 4.80 85 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-53) 0 N

197 122664 – 122897 + 77 9.2 10.16 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-35) 2 N

198 122912 – 123958 + 348 40.2 5.92 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

199 124005 – 124508 + 167 19.6 6.96 54 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (2e-43) 0 N

200 124519 – 125493 + 324 36.7 5.52 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

201 125493 – 125738 + 81 9.6 10.14 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-35) 0 N


202 125801 – 126055 + 84 9.0 9.92 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-33) 2 N

203 126052 – 126366 + 104 11.8 6.26 43 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (7e-19) 0 N

204 126384 – 126677 + 97 11.0 4.53 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-46) 0 N

205 126678 – 127346 + 222 26.4 9.89 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-105) 0 N

206 127420 – 127566 + 48 5.1 7.78 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-17) 2 Y

207 127563 – 128219 + 218 20.0 6.34 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-90) 0 N

208 128222 – 129700 + 492 54.8 6.07 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

209 129746 – 130006 + 86 10.6 7.89 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-40) 0 N

210 129981 – 130187 + 68 8.1 5.42 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-25) 0 N

211 130210 – 130401 + 63 7.2 5.08 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-27) 0 N

212 130398 – 130796 + 132 15.9 4.92 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-63) 0 N

213 130825 – 131298 + 157 18.4 9.24 100 gp49 recombination endonuclease VII

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-87) 0 N

214 131295 – 132053 + 252 28.3 7.73 99 anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-137) 0 N

215 132010 – 132393 + 127 13.9 8.62 98 anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-64) 0 N

216# 132435 – 133121 + 228 26.0 5.98 95 anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-87) 0 N

217 133207 – 133518 + 103 11.8 4.61 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-52) 0 N

218 133530 – 133745 + 71 7.8 3.90 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-31) 0 N


219 133785 – 134690 + 301 34.9 6.83 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-177) 0 N

220 134887 – 135246 + 119 14.2 8.28 89 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (8e-57) 0 N

221 135243 – 135554 + 103 11.9 5.69 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-53) 0 N

222 135547 – 135669 + 40 4.5 4.75 89 anaerobic nucleotide reductase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-11) 0 N

223 135916 – 136266 + 116 13.3 9.52 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (2e-43) 0 N

224 136276 – 136863 + 195 22.3 6.23 69 e.6

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (4e-72) 0 N

225 136909 – 137772 + 287 32.3 6.55 27 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (3e-09) 0 N

226 137852 – 138190 + 112 12.5 8.96 99 gp55.2 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-59) 0 N

227 138255 – 138509 + 84 9.4 6.35 91 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-39) 0 N

228 138574 – 139149 + 191 21.2 6.29 89 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-99) 0 N

229 139146 – 140585 + 479 55.1 5.96 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

230 140872 – 141390 + 172 20.3 5.26 98 gp55 sigma factor

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-96) 0 N

231# 141867 – 141980 + 37 4.3 10.60 - Unknown

0 N

232 142027 – 143094 + 355 40.0 4.96 90 gp47 recombination protein subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

233 143091 – 143621 + 176 19.5 9.45 96 gp46 recombination protein subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-89) 0 N

234 143676 – 144806 + 376 42.6 5.23 99 gp46 recombination protein subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

235 144796 – 144978 + 60 7.1 4.77 93 gp45.2 conserverd hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-25) 0 N


236 145039 – 145392 + 117 13.7 7.95 98 RNA polymerase binding protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-60) 0 N

237 145446 – 146117 + 223 24.4 4.77 99 gp45 sliding clamp protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-124) 0 N

238 146180 – 147145 + 321 35.8 6.03 100 gp44 clamp-loader subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

239 147156 – 147728 + 190 21.8 7.79 96 gp62 clamp-loader subunit

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-104) 0 N

240 147738 – 148094 + 118 13.7 9.30 98 translational repressor protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-62) 0 N

241 148134 – 149708 + 524 60.3 8.35 95 gp43 split DNA polymerase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

242 149687 – 150493 + 268 30.4 9.68 45 GIY-YIG endonuclease

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-61) 0 N

243 150496 – 150669 + 57 6.8 4.78 91 DNA polymerase, C-terminal fragment

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (4e-21) 0 N

244 150879 – 151949 + 356 40.8 5.41 97 gp43 split DNA polymerase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

245 151959 – 152642 + 227 26.5 5.21 99 gp42 dCMP hydroxymethylase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-131) 0 N

246 152735 – 152905 + 56 6.4 5.01 93 gp40 initiator of head vertex

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-16) 0 N

247 152959 – 154269 + 436 49.3 7.06 99 gp41 DNA helicase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

248 154448 – 154639 + 63 6.5 8.79 98 gp61.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-26) 0 N

249 154636 – 154920 + 94 10.6 5.21 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-46) 0 N

250 154904 – 155695 + 263 29.2 9.37 97 gp61 primase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-119) 0 N

251 155806 – 155958 + 50 5.9 8.55 72 DNA primase subunit

[Aeromonas phage 31] (4e-15) 0 N

252 156081 – 156542 + 153 18.1 8.59 98 endonuclease V

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-84) 0 N


253 156532 - 156645 + 37 4.5 6.11 64 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-10) 0 N

254 156642 – 157100 + 152 16.7 5.94 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-70) 0 Y

255 157069 – 157329 + 86 10.6 9.06 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-36) 0 N

256 157523 – 158038 + 171 20.1 4.85 94 gp56 dCTPase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-92) 0 N

257 158038 – 158169 + 43 5.3 4.21 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (6e-15) 0 N

258 158162 – 158353 + 63 7.3 6.70 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-29) 0 N

259 158357 – 158668 + 103 11.8 9.42 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (5e-52) 0 N

260 158671 – 159987 + 438 50.4 7.61 97 DNA helicase

[Aeromonas phage 25] (0.0) 0 N

261 159944 – 160057 + 37 4.3 9.90 95 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-05) 0 N

262 160160 – 160825 + 221 25.7 5.46 99 exonuclease A

[Aeromonas phage 25] (7e-128) 0 N

263 160822 – 161079 + 85 9.6 4.46 82 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-35) 0 N

264 161076 – 161324 + 82 9.7 9.39 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-41) 0 N

265 161321 – 161710 + 129 15.2 10.14 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (1e-69) 0 N

266 161695 – 162174 + 159 18.5 5.67 96 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (2e-84) 0 N

267 162431 - 162682 + 83 9.3 4.17 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-38) 0 N

268 162743 – 162958 + 71 8.2 5.61 100 cef modifier of supressor tRNAs

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-33) 0 N

269 162958 – 163275 + 105 12.1 8.67 98 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (3e-55) 0 N


# The symbolized putative # ORFs did not contained AUG as start codons or UAA as stop codons.

270 163281 – 163505 + 74 8.8 8.57 97 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (9e-36) 0 N

271# 163564 - 163725 + 53 6.2 4.60 94 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 25] (4e-21) 0 N


Table 2.3. Predicted ORFs and its putative functions of Aeromonas phage phiAS5.

Gene Gene product Amino acid

Identity (%) Putative function (E-value)

Predicted TMH

and signal peptide ORF

No. Range Strand




(kD) pI


1# 2-2773 + 923 101.2 5.09 87 Wac fibritin neck whiskers

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

2 2783-4387 + 534 59.6 5.41 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

3 4397-5002 + 201 22.2 4.77 75 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-87) 0 N

4# 5044-5193 + 49 5.7 9.94 79 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-14) 0 N

5 5203-5400 + 65 7.4 6.56 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-26) 0 N

6 5416-6336 + 306 34.2 5.23 88 gp13 neck protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-158) 0 N

7 6339-7136 + 265 30.9 4.46 77 gp14 neck protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-121) 0 N

8 7133-7828 - 231 26.6 9.25 60 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-67) 0 N

9 7934-8755 + 273 31.6 5.35 86 gp15 tail sheath stabilizer and completion protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-142) 0 N

10 8752-9273 + 173 19.2 4.48 84 gp16 terminase DNA packaging enzyme small subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-82) 0 N

11 9257-11158 + 633 73.2 5.22 89 gp17 terminase DNA packaging enzyme large subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

12 11169-13208 + 679 74.0 5.12 87 gp18 tail sheath protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

13 13260-13748 + 162 18.8 5.11 95 gp19 tail tube protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-82) 0 N

14 13824-15389 + 521 60.5 5.58 89 gp20 portal vertex protein of head

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

15 15389-15553 + 54 6.2 4.34 75 hypothetical protein 0 N


[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-15)

16 15600-16076 + 158 18.2 9.90 79 gp68 prohead core protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-63) 0 N

17 16079-16699 + 206 22.4 5.09 85 gp21 prohead core scaffold protein and protease

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-94) 0 N

18 16733-17524 + 263 29.5 4.52 85 gp22 prohead core scaffold protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-120) 0 N

19 17591-19195 + 534 58.0 5.99 94 gp23 major head protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

20 19278-20456 + 392 43.5 4.75 81 gp24 head vertex protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

21 20710-21048 - 112 13.3 5.35 64 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-37) 0 N

22 21086-21523 - 145 17.5 5.45 74 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-58) 0 N

23# 21570-21752 - 60 6.7 4.59 Unknown

0 N

24 21755-22885 - 376 42.0 6.04 49 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-109) 0 N

25 22940-23125 - 61 7.4 9.75 45 conserved hypothetical protein

[Bulleidia extructa W1219] (8.2) 0 N

26 23127-23525 - 132 14.7 9.60 52 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-24) 0 N

27 23551-23778 - 75 8.7 10.33 88 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-30) 0 N

28 23915-24478 - 187 21.6 4.70 70 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-30) 0 N

29# 24525-25229 - 234 26.3 4.77 70 Inh inhibitor of prohead protease gp21

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-92) 0 N

30 25226-25654 - 142 16.9 8.95 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-49) 0 N

31 25644-25832 - 62 6.8 7.88 80 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-20) 2 N

32 25865-26122 - 85 9.7 6.72 35 hypothetical protein 0 N


[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-10)

33 26119-26445 - 108 12.3 6.08 32 hypothetical protein

[Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis HN019] (3.2) 0 N

34 26483-27508 - 341 38.6 5.69 79 RnlB-B RNA ligase 2

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-122) 0 N

35 27510-27809 - 99 11.4 10.17 31 hypothetical protein

[Leeuwenhoekiella blandensis MED217] (2.7) 1 N

36# 27938-28327 - 129 15.0 5.19 82 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-59) 1 Y

37 28457-29968 + 503 57.7 8.89 91 UvsW RNA-DNA and DNA-DNA helicase/ATPase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

38# 29955-30212 + 85 9.8 4.91 87 UvsW.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-34) 0 N

39 30238-30552 - 104 12.5 9.74 75 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-42) 0 N

40 30556-30966 - 136 15.7 5.56 87 UvsY recombination, repair and single-stranded DNA

binding protein [Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-64) 0 N

41 30963-31130 - 55 6.3 4.92 60 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-14) 0 N

42 31131-31601 - 156 17.2 6.60 73 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-58) 0 N

43 31632-32996 - 454 51.3 6.00 84 Dda DNA helicase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

44 32996-33331 - 111 12.8 4.21 64 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-31) 0 N

45 33374-35317 + 647 71.2 6.68 52 Alt RNA polymerase ADP-ribosylase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

46 35345-36832 - 495 56.6 5.72 82 gp30 DNA ligase [Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0)

0 N

47 36888-37277 - 129 13.6 4.97 42 hypothetical protein

[Acinetobacter sp. 6014059] (6e-11) 0 N

48 37279-37689 - 136 15.8 5.71 59 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-37) 0 N

49 37686-38078 - 130 14.8 6.27 49 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-29) 0 N


50 38078-38743 - 221 25.5 6.06 81 gp30.2 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-97) 0 N

51 38727-38969 - 80 9.2 5.47 62 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-20) 0 N

52 38960-39211 - 83 10.0 4.96 40 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-10) 0 N

53# 39223-39699 - 158 18.0 8.48 78 gp30.3 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-60) 0 N

54 39856-40314 - 152 16.9 4.77 46 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (9e-28) 0 N

55 40316-40528 - 70 8.3 4.99 40 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-04) 2 N

56 40577-40996 - 139 15.6 10.75 74 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-52) 0 N

57 41079-41363 - 94 10.5 7.99 74 lysis inhibition accessory protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-34) 0 N

58 41437-41784 - 105 12.8 5.40 87 gp31 head assembly cochaperone with GroEL

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-56) 0 N

59 41898-42227 - 109 12.7 7.77 77 gp31.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-43) 0 N

60 42224-42772 - 182 20.5 8.11 84 Cd dCMP deaminase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-90) 0 N

61 42769-43140 - 123 14.7 7.83 49 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-20) 0 N

62 43140-43397 - 85 10.0 6.39 43 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-13) 0 N

63 43394-43681 - 95 11.1 9.88 73 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-33) 0 N

64 43755-44672 - 305 35.5 6.21 83 PseT polynucleotide 5'-kinase and 3'-phosphatase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-154) 0 N

65 44682-45185 - 167 19.4 4.50 27 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.003) 0 N

66 45226-45747 - 173 19.6 8.95 79 Vs.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-77) 0 Y


67 46026-46343 - 105 12.3 6.10 78 PseT.2 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-41) 0 Y

68 46334-46720 - 128 14.4 9.06 71 PseT.3 conserved hypothetical predicted membrane

protein [Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-47) 1 N

69 46698-47192 - 164 18.9 8.87 75 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-69) 0 N

70 47270-47893 - 207 23.3 4.91 60 Tk.4 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-62) 0 N

71 48080-48739 - 219 26.3 9.50 27 hypothetical protein

[Guillardia theta] (2.9) 0 N

72 49120-49860 - 246 28.3 9.13 28 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-06) 0 N

73 49857-50351 - 164 19.0 6.12 31 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-18) 0 N

74 50394-50750 - 118 13.8 5.09 53 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-31) 0 N

75 50747-50941 - 64 7.4 9.78 41 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-05) 0 N

76 50935-51354 - 139 15.2 6.41 41 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-24) 2 Y

77 51549-52601 - 350 40.9 7.66 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

78 52687-53184 - 165 19.4 8.45 33 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase

[cyanobacterium UCYN-A] (2.4) 0 N

79 53339-53533 - 64 7.3 7.83 63 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-14) 0 N

80 53530-53799 - 89 10.4 5.75 37 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-11) 1 Y

81 53781-54107 - 108 12.6 7.69 29 betaine lipid synthase [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] (1.9)

0 N

82 54134-54559 - 141 16.1 4.70 30 hypothetical protein

[Aedes aegypti] (0.20) 1 Y

83 54556-54777 - 73 9.0 4.88 42 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-04) 0 N

84 54832-55191 - 119 13.8 9.52 28 carbohydrate esterase family 5 protein 0 N


[Schizophyllum commune H4-8] (0.16)

85# 55180-55308 + 42 4.7 4.83 Unknown

0 N

86 55295-55858 - 187 21.1 8.75 93 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-90) 1 Y

87 55920-56981 - 353 40.4 7.55 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-176) 3 N

88 56996-58051 - 351 40.1 5.44 55 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-103) 0 N

89 58051-58281 - 76 9.4 7.80 50 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-15) 0 N

90 58278-58532 - 84 10.0 4.80 30 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-04) 0 N

91 58529-58801 - 90 10.5 6.25 40 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-09) 0 N

92 58798-59025 - 75 8.8 8.64 28 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-05) 0 N

93 59025-59282 - 85 9.6 11.12 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-36) 0 N

94 59377-59631 - 84 10.1 7.89 54 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-16) 0 N

95 59637-59894 - 85 9.7 8.08 32 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-07) 0 N

96 59934-60263 - 109 12.4 8.56 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-51) 0 N

97 60366-61523 - 385 45.0 5.33 82 RnlA

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

98 61486-61923 - 145 17.2 9.75 81 DenA endonuclease II

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-66) 0 N

99 61920-62204 - 94 10.7 8.75 85 NrdA.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-43) 0 N

100 62179-62676 - 165 19.1 4.94 78 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-72) 0 N

101 62640-63473 - 277 31.5 5.89 84 dTMP synthase 0 N


[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-139)

102 63470-63769 - 99 11.3 4.47 71 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-33) 0 N

103 63760-64212 - 150 17.2 6.74 58 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-42) 0 N

104 64213-64698 - 161 18.2 7.71 46 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-19) 0 N

105 64688-65212 - 174 19.7 5.08 67 Frd dihydrofolate reductase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-63) 0 N

106 65267-66172 - 301 34.1 4.89 84 gp32 single-stranded DNA binding protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-149) 0 N

107 66194-66844 - 216 25.2 9.44 89 gp59 loader of gp41 DNA helicase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-114) 0 N

108 66841-67083 - 80 9.2 4.41 70 gp33 late promoter transcription accessory protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-22) 0 N

109 67083-67370 - 95 11.0 5.94 67 DsbA

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-27) 0 N

110 67407-68327 - 306 35.7 6.92 86 RNaseH ribonuclease

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-158) 0 N

111 68405-72118 + 1237 135.4 5.92 83 gp34 long tail fiber proximal subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

112 72129-76046 + 1305 144.6 5.84 70 gp35 hinge long tail fiber proximal connector

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

113 76160-80101 + 1313 142.3 5.56 56 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

114 80201-80572 + 123 13.7 9.57 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-61) 0 N

115 80628-84623 + 1331 141.7 6.15 72 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

116 84672-85199 + 175 20.7 9.81 92 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-92) 1 N

117 85200-85697 + 165 18.8 9.55 80 lysozyme murein hydrolase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-75) 0 N

118 85687-86025 + 112 12.8 4.97 51 hypothetical protein 1 Y


[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-17)

119 86057-86350 - 97 11.2 4.72 86 AsiA anti-sigma 70 protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-43) 0 N

120 86570-86887 - 105 12.3 5.62 42 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-12) 0 N

121 86914-87039 - 41 4.9 10.52 70 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-06) 0 N

122 87049-87483 - 144 16.7 9.20 64 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (9e-45) 3 N

123 87480-87755 - 91 10.6 5.50 76 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-30) 0 N

124 87752-89068 - 438 50.1 6.64 83 gp52 topoisomerase II medium subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

125 89127-89633 - 168 19.3 9.71 68 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-57) 0 N

126 89936-90157 - 73 8.9 5.11 84 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-28) 0 N

127 90159-90725 - 188 21.5 5.65 87 NudE nudix hydrolase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-93) 0 N

128 90827-92125 - 432 47.4 9.50 67 membrane integrity protector

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-160) 0 N

129 92247-94445 - 732 83.5 8.68 68 membrane integrity protector

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

130 94536-94847 - 103 12.4 6.74 79 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-40) 0 N

131 94850-95320 - 156 18.7 9.64 69 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (9e-59) 0 N

132 95370-97214 - 614 68.7 6.22 89 topoisomerase II large subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

133 97279-97773 - 164 18.9 6.06 50 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-40) 0 N

134 97773-97988 - 71 8.6 5.42 82 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-22) 0 N

135 97988-98164 - 58 6.7 4.23 87 hypothetical protein 0 N


[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-19)

136 98219-98962 + 247 29.0 9.84 36 MobE

[Enterobacteria phage T6] (2e-22) 0 N

137 98942-99622 - 226 26.3 5.28 83 DexA exonuclease A

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-111) 0 N

138 99619-100098 - 159 17.5 5.39 80 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-69) 0 N

139 100098-101129 - 343 40.2 8.93 86 gp61 DNA primase subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-178) 0 N

140 101174-101644 - 156 17.3 9.10 88 gp61.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-70) 0 N

141 101676-103130 - 484 54.6 5.49 87 gp41 DNA primase-helicase subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

142 103336-104079 - 247 29.8 9.39 47 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-55) 0 N

143 104154-105386 - 410 45.9 4.87 86 UvsX

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

144# 105497-108256 - 919 106.9 6.27 85 DNA polymerase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

145 108388-108750 - 120 14.4 8.89 87 RegA translational repressor protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-56) 0 N

146 108763-109344 - 193 22.7 5.43 87 gp62 clamp loader subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-97) 0 N

147 109345-110313 - 322 36.5 6.07 90 gp44 clamp loader subunit [Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1-173)

0 N

148 110405-111079 - 224 24.4 5.53 85 gp45 sliding clamp

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-108) 0 N

149 111112-111396 - 94 11.2 5.08 75 RpbA RNA polymerase binding protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-33) 0 N

150 111551-111727 - 58 7.2 4.53 71 gp45.2 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-18) 0 N

151 111729-114038 - 769 87.3 5.31 61 gp46 recombination endonuclease subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

152 114038-115066 - 342 39.9 4.99 73 gp47 recombination endonuclease subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-154) 0 N


153# 115276-116970 - 564 61.0 5.72 47 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-129) 0 N

154 116958-117383 - 141 16.1 6.08 47 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-28) 0 N

155 117392-117508 - 38 4.3 7.95 48 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.078) 0 N

156 117510-118184 - 224 24.9 6.10 77 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (9e-101) 0 N

157 118297-118686 - 129 15.0 6.12 59 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-35) 0 N

158 118679-118930 - 83 9.6 5.18 50 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-12) 0 N

159 118917-119441 - 174 20.7 5.70 76 gp55 sigma factor for T4 late transcription

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-69) 0 N

160 119497-120939 - 480 55.1 8.47 84 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

161 120929-121177 - 82 9.5 5.58 73 gp55.2 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-28) 0 N

162 121255-121761 - 168 19.9 9.38 81 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-76) 0 N

163 121758-122045 - 95 11.4 4.85 74 NrdH glutaredoxin

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-35) 0 N

164 122042-122314 - 90 10.4 5.64 86 NrdC thioredoxin

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-40) 0 N

165 122324-122701 - 125 14.2 5.15 64 Vs.6 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-42) 0 N

166 122698-123177 - 159 18.8 6.83 87 NrdG anaerobic NTP reductase small subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-75) 0 N

167 123215-125326 - 703 80.2 6.54 88 NrdD anaerobic NTP reductase large subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

168 125414-125806 - 130 14.4 8.53 65 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-43) 0 N

169 125873-126145 - 90 10.4 8.28 31 putative glutathione peroxidase transmembrane protein

[Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1] (5.5) 0 N

170 126295-126552 - 85 10.1 6.40 65 hypothetical protein 0 N


[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-29)

171# 126656-127786 - 376 43.6 5.03 83 NrdB aerobic NDP reductase small subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

172 127833-130067 - 744 84.6 6.68 65

aerobic ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase large


[Vibrio phage KVP40] (0.0)

0 N

173 130181-130645 - 154 18.3 8.81 33 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-20) 0 N

174 130703-131104 - 133 15.6 5.40 42 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-19) 0 N

175 131162-131575 - 137 16.4 5.45 43 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-20) 0 N

176 131650-132135 - 161 18.7 8.74 77 packaging and recombination endonuclease VII

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-69) 0 N

177 132176-132736 - 186 21.9 6.97 36 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-25) 0 N

178 132736-133290 - 184 21.4 4.59 40 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-31) 0 N

179 133290-133607 - 105 12.1 6.55 45 hypothetical protein

[Chlorobium chlorochromatii CaD3] (1.4) 0 N

180 133604-134149 - 181 20.6 8.84 48 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-39) 0 N

181 134152-134328 - 58 6.9 10.77 87 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-22) 0 N

182 134510-134971 - 153 17.5 5.64 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-74)0 0 N

183 135012-135227 - 71 8.3 4.49 52 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-13) 0 N

184 135282-135629 - 115 13.6 9.28 49 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-18) 0 N

185 135639-135869 - 76 8.9 4.85 53 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-15) 0 N

186 135869-136249 - 126 14.7 9.45 54 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-34) 0 N


187 136260-136400 - 46 5.3 9.10 Unknown

1 N

188 136475-137056 - 193 22.4 6.80 44 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-40) 0 N

189 137053-137289 - 78 9.4 6.04 60 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-18) 0 N

190 137341-138249 - 302 33.5 9.74 54 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-82) 0 N

191 138358-138654 - 98 11.9 9.82 42 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-12) 0 N

192 138697-139644 - 315 35.2 8.89 88 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-161) 1 N

193 139648-139989 - 113 13.1 5.32 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-38) 0 N

194 140072-140509 - 145 17.1 8.26 78 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-57) 0 N

195 140631-140804 - 57 6.6 8.19 Unknown

2 N

196 140827-141084 - 85 9.8 3.95 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-33) 0 N

197 141143-142084 - 313 35.0 9.09 34 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-29) 0 N

198 142094-142249 - 51 6.0 8.61 40 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8.4) 2 N

199 142249-142512 - 87 10.7 9.33 36 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-06) 0 N

200 142496-142786 - 96 10.9 8.71 Unknown

0 N

201 142786-142956 - 56 6.3 4.43 56 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-08) 0 N

202 143053-143271 - 72 8.4 5.19 47 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-11) 0 N

203 143268-143504 - 78 8.9 7.91 63 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-24) 0 N


204 143504-143692 - 62 7.1 4.08 33 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6.3) 2 N

205# 143712-143828 - 38 4.6 4.19 Unknown

0 N

206 143852-144418 - 188 21.9 8.60 86 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-91) 0 N

207 144402-144662 - 86 9.8 5.21 62 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-19) 2 N

208 144691-144819 - 42 5.0 5.30 44 GF13197

[Drosophila ananassae] (3.8) 1 N

209 144816-144962 - 48 5.4 6.51 Unknown

1 N

210 144959-145240 - 93 11.1 4.92 53 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-23) 0 N

211 145291-145623 - 110 12.4 8.89 50 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-24) 0 N

212 145623-145796 - 57 6.5 4.25 53 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-09) 0 N

213 145796-145987 - 63 7.6 4.89 68 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-09) 0 N

214 146009-146494 - 161 18.8 5.29 86 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-76) 0 N

215 146494-147747 - 417 48.5 5.87 69 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-165) 0 N

216 147731-148435 - 234 27.3 9.78 29 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-16) 0 N

217 148462-148662 - 66 7.6 9.63 89 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (9e-28) 0 N

218 148662-149861 - 399 47.0 5.61 90 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

219 149925-150701 - 258 30.2 9.50 40 uncharacterized protein

[Pongo abelii] (0.070) 0 N

220 150703-151518 - 271 31.5 8.85 26 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-11) 0 N


221 151521-151742 - 73 8.6 4.79 44 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-08) 0 N

222# 151795-152106 - 103 12.2 7.09 40 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-15) 0 N

223 152279-152602 - 107 11.6 4.60 51 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-20) 1 Y

224 152718-152951 - 77 8.9 9.56 62 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-22) 0 N

225 153016-153564 - 182 20.5 5.96 46 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-38) 0 Y

226 153561-153893 - 110 12.6 7.76 40 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-11) 0 Y

227 154012-154542 - 176 18.8 4.38 51 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-41) 0 Y

228 154568-154867 - 99 12.0 7.00 48 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-15) 0 N

229 154864-155331 - 155 18.7 9.39 84 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-74) 0 N

230 155333-155917 - 194 22.8 7.00 29 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-16) 0 N

231 155973-156602 - 209 23.4 9.22 32 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-08) 0 N

232 156735-157139 - 134 15.2 9.60 52 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-35) 0 N

233 157145-157696 - 183 21.5 5.77 55 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-50) 0 N

234 157686-157862 - 58 6.8 8.98 Unknown

2 N

235 157864-158127 - 87 10.0 4.93 89 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-41) 0 N

236 158194-158520 - 108 13.0 9.43 62 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-33) 0 N

237 158517-158996 - 159 18.3 9.82 28 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-13) 0 N


238 159000-159146 - 48 5.4 5.71 Unknown

1 Y

239 159139-159483 - 114 13.0 8.61 46 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-19) 0 N

240 159492-159683 - 63 7.5 9.22 87 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-24) 0 N

241 159852-160298 - 148 16.9 5.72 79 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-64) 0 N

242 160291-160563 - 90 10.8 6.29 54 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-21) 0 N

243 160572-161495 - 307 35.4 8.44 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-121) 0 N

244 161503-161778 - 91 10.6 9.72 33 L-serine dehydratase, iron-sulfur-dependent, alpha subunit

[Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans Z-2901] (1.9) 0 N

245 161778-162251 - 157 18.3 6.85 56 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-38) 0 N

246 162274-162660 - 128 15.0 5.46 36 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-13) 0 N

247 162657-162932 - 91 10.6 6.84 46 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-08) 0 N

248 162922-163203 - 93 11.3 9.81 65 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-28) 0 N

249 163203-163388 - 61 7.0 9.63 85 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-22) 0 N

250 163452-163769 - 105 12.2 5.05 36 hypothetical protein gp198

[Enterobacteria phage IME08] (8e-12) 0 N

251 163859-165301 - 480 53.6 6.04 87 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

252 165425-166096 - 223 24.8 5.00 88 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-116) 0 Y

253 166215-166346 + 43 5.2 4.39 37 hypothetical protein

[Tetrahymena thermophila] (2.4) 0 N

254 166378-166608 - 76 8.7 4.73 75 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-25) 0 N


255 166595-166834 - 79 9.3 5.40 51 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-15) 0 N

256 166831-167784 - 317 37.0 6.50 84 NrdC.11 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-159) 0 N

257 167784-168131 - 115 13.0 8.62 26 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-04) 1 N

258 168128-168598 - 156 17.8 6.43 77 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-41) 0 N

259 168573-168803 - 76 9.0 7.96 67 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-19) 0 N

260 168793-169167 - 124 14.9 9.93 30 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-08) 1 N

261 169169-169420 - 83 9.7 7.95 31 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-07) 0 N

262 169467-169829 - 120 13.9 8.26 70 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-43) 0 N

263 169840-170067 - 75 8.7 10.33 85 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-31) 0 N

264 170146-170436 - 96 11.5 8.79 65 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-30) 0 N

265 170525-174076 - 1183 134.5 6.21 44 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

266 174220-175119 - 299 33.9 5.22 59 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-98) 0 N

267 175181-175795 - 204 23.5 7.79 54 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-55) 0 N

268 175805-176002 - 65 7.7 8.08 84 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-23) 0 N

269 176031-176339 - 102 12.3 9.35 50 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-10) 0 N

270 176371-176892 - 173 19.8 6.31 52 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-43) 0 N

271 176879-177283 - 134 15.9 6.16 57 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-35) 0 N


272 177291-177629 - 112 13.2 7.73 42 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-16) 0 N

273 177653-178267 - 204 22.8 4.69 43 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-35) 0 N

274 178264-178419 - 51 5.8 8.18 Unknown

0 N

275 178538-178816 - 92 11.0 7.83 45 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-13) 2 N

276 178826-179017 - 63 7.1 4.90 42 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-04) 2 N

277 179017-179244 - 75 8.7 6.25 76 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-29) 0 N

278 179249-179800 - 183 21.0 5.98 38 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-25) 0 N

279 179797-180189 - 130 15.6 8.48 44 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-24) 0 N

280 180189-180443 - 84 10.1 4.61 75 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-30) 0 N

281 180523-180705 - 60 7.3 7.91 66 hypothetical protein

[Vibrio cholerae TM 11079-80] (3e-14) 0 N

282 180698-180976 - 92 10.9 8.03 78 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-34) 0 N

283 181445-181903 - 152 17.3 8.80 52 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-36) 0 N

284 181933-182046 - 37 4.5 8.74 63 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-05) 1 N

285 182270-182503 - 77 9.0 4.45 37 predicted protein

[Ostreococcus lucimarinus CCE9901] (6.7) 0 N

286 182517-182744 - 75 8.9 5.76 35 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-05) 0 N

287 182734-183018 - 94 10.9 4.80 57 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-23) 0 N

288 183008-183259 - 83 9.9 6.17 49 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-16) 0 N


289 183261-183662 - 133 15.9 5.18 47 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-26) 0 N

290 183747-185180 - 477 52.7 8.95 87 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

291 185197-185796 - 199 23.0 8.30 86 thymidine kinase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-102) 0 N

292 185847-186191 - 113 13.2 9.26 38 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-15) 0 N

293 186191-186616 - 141 15.9 5.10 91 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-71) 0 Y

294 186618-186821 - 67 7.9 6.00 64 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-19) 0 N

295 186824-187066 - 80 9.1 9.34 60 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-19) 0 Y

296 187063-187287 - 73 8.6 4.88 61 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-21) 0 N

297 187284-187565 - 93 10.6 4.83 55 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-19) 0 N

298 187567-187800 - 77 9.2 4.77 38 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-04) 0 N

299 187897-188277 - 126 15.5 9.30 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-42) 0 N

300 188332-188496 - 54 6.4 9.10 81 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-17) 0 N

301 188606-188866 - 86 10.2 4.63 82 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-32) 0 N

302 188859-189170 - 103 12.6 6.51 80 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-43) 0 N

303 189170-189385 - 71 8.3 4.56 88 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-28) 0 N

304 189522-189914 - 130 15.1 5.76 85 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-58) 0 N

305# 190102-190257 - 51 6.0 4.76 83 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-17) 0 N


306 190245-190466 - 73 8.3 9.55 73 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-23) 0 N

307 190468-190902 - 144 16.8 8.79 28 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] (0.005) 0 N

308 191130-191294 - 54 6.3 4.93 56 hypothetical protein

[Vibrio phage KVP40] (0.004) 0 N

309 192027-192215 - 62 7.1 4.76 44 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-04) 0 N

310 192219-192419 - 66 7.8 4.53 80 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-21) 0 N

311 192403-192828 - 141 16.4 4.77 65 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (9e-48) 0 N

312 193878-194126 - 82 9.2 7.72 78 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-23) 0 N

313 195074-195616 - 180 21.0 9.68 40 PHG31p119nc

[Aeromonas phage 31] (9e-25) 0 N

314 196437-196658 - 73 8.2 5.24 64 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-19) 0 Y

315 196686-196973 - 95 10.9 8.72 86 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-42) 0 Y

316 196970-197275 - 101 11.9 4.53 76 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-41) 0 N

317 197350-198378 - 342 40.3 4.76 66 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-125) 0 N

318 198487-198876 - 129 14.3 6.84 67 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-45) 0 N

319 198886-199104 - 72 8.2 4.84 77 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-26) 0 N

320 199506-200003 - 165 19.3 7.06 81 gp57B conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-76) 0 N

321 200005-200238 - 77 8.8 4.50 72 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-18) 0 N

322 200202-200891 - 229 26.8 5.69 75 gp1 dNMP kinase

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (4e-103) 0 N


323 200899-201471 - 190 21.2 4.99 85 gp3 tail completion and sheath stabilizer protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-87) 0 N

324 201468-203339 - 623 67.8 9.18 58 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-178) 0 N

325 203336-203458 - 40 4.9 4.84 Unknown

0 N

326 203506-204285 - 259 29.0 4.76 78 gp26 baseplate hub subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (8e-119) 0 N

327 204536-205507 - 323 36.0 5.90 81 gp54 baseplate tail tube initiator

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-157) 0 N

328 205553-206551 - 332 38.8 9.94 87 gp2 DNA end protector protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (3e-173) 0 N

329 206548-207012 - 154 18.4 9.65 80 gp4 head completion protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (7e-70) 0 N

330 207065-208132 + 355 38.5 7.61 71 gp48 baseplate tail tube cap

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (6e-152) 0 N

331 208135-208695 + 186 21.8 7.89 77 gp53 baseplate wedge subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (5e-85) 0 N

332 208685-209911 + 408 45.8 5.49 76 hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

333 209911-211731 + 606 66.1 5.23 86 gp5 baseplate hub subunit and tail lysozyme

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

334 211740-212288 + 182 20.4 5.36 77 gp5.1 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-79) 0 N

335 212290-212583 + 97 10.4 7.88 93 gp5.4 conserved hypothetical protein

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-45) 0 N

336 212593-213015 + 140 16.1 5.17 77 gp25 baseplate wedge subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-60) 0 N

337 213015-214970 + 651 72.7 4.88 92 gp6 baseplate wedge subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

338 214970-218461 + 1163 133.8 5.23 89 gp7 baseplate wedge initiator

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 1 N

339 218463-219449 + 328 37.7 5.86 92 gp8 baseplate wedge subunit

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N


# The symbolized putative ORFs did not contained AUG as start codons or UAA as stop codons.

340 219519-220445 + 308 33.6 5.81 93 gp9 baseplate wedge tail fiber connector

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (2e-157) 0 N

341 220445-222598 + 717 78.3 5.07 86 gp10 baseplate wedge subunit and tail pin

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N

342 222599-223573 + 324 35.7 5.80 82 gp11 baseplate wedge subunit and tail pin

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (1e-162) 0 Y

343 223570-224889 + 439 47.5 6.84 82 gp12 short tail fibers

[Aeromonas phage Aeh1] (0.0) 0 N


Figure 2.1. Electron microscopy of the two T4-like Myoviridae phages infecting A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida: phiAS4 (A) and phiAS5 (B). Virions were negatively

stained with 2% uranyl acetate. Scale bars represent 100 nm (A) and 50 nm (B),



Figure 2.2. One step growth curves of phiAS4 and phiAS5 in A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida strain AS01. The latent periods and burst sizes were inferred from the curve

with triphasic patterns.


Figure 2.3. Genome map of Aeromonas phage phiAS4. The + and – stranded ORFs were colored as grey and white, respectively. The coregenes between

phiAS4, Aeromonas phage 25 and T4 phage were colored as green. The predicted tRNAs were indicated with red. Putative promoters and terminators are

indicated by an arrow bent to the right and inverted triangle on a vertical line, respectively.


Figure 2.4. Genome map of Aeromonas phage phiAS5. The + and – stranded ORFs were colored as grey and white, respectively. The CoreGenes between

phage phiAS5, Aeh1 and T4 were colored as green. The predicted tRNAs were indicated with red. Putative promoters and terminators were indicated by an

arrow bent to the right and inverted triangle on a vertical line, respectively.


Figure 2.5. Genome comparison of Aeromonas phage phiAS4 (A) and phiAS5 (B) to related phages using the Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT). Translated

BLAST (TBLASTX, score cutoff: 40) was used to align translated phage genome sequences. Blue and red lines represent reverse and forward matches,

respectively, and color intensity is proportional to the sequence homology. Nucleotide base-pairs are indicated between grey lines for each phage genome.


Figure 2.6. SDS-PAGE analysis of recombinant phiASL5 (A). Lane M, molecular size

markers; lane 1, lysate prepared from un-induced cells; lane 2, lysate prepared from

induced cells; lane 3, purified phiASL5. Zymogram assay of recombinant phiAS5 (B). Lane

1, negative control (elution fraction prepared from un-induced cells); lane 2, purified

phiASL5. An arrow indicates the position of the recombinant phiASL5 protein.


Chapter III

Isolation and characterization of a novel Aeromonas

phage PAS-1 infecting A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida and its applications in rainbow trout

(Oncorhynchus mykiss) furunculosis model therapy


To search for candidate control agents against A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida infections in aquaculture, one lytic bacteriophage (phage), designated

as PAS-1, was isolated from the environmental water, and its several biological

properties were investigated. The phage showed broad host ranges to other

subspecies of A. salmonicida as well as A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

including antibiotic-resistant strains. The PAS-1 was morphologically classified as

Myoviridae and possessed approximately 48 kb of double-strand genomic DNA.

Moreover, partial genomic and structural proteomic analysis of PAS-1 revealed that

the phage was closely related to other Myoviridae phages infecting enterobacteria

or Aeromonas species. For the therapeutic applications of PAS-1, the phage was

preferentially co-cultured with one virulent A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

strain that possesses the ascV gene, and strong bacteriolytic activity was observed

against the bacteria. The administration of PAS-1 in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus

mykiss) demonstrated that it was cleared within 200 h post-administration, and

temporal neutralizing activity against the phage was detected in the phage-

administrated fish serums. The protective effects of the phage were verified in


experimental rainbow trout furunculosis model therapy, showing increased survival

rates and mean time to death. Based on these results, phage PAS-1 could be

considered as potential therapeutic or prophylactic candidate against A.

salmonicida infections in aquaculture.

Key words: A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, phage therapy, PAS-1, rainbow

trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), aquaculture


3.1. Introduction

The non-motile aeromonad, Aeromonas salmonicida is the causative agent of

bacterial septicemia and furunculosis in fish, and it has caused significant

economic losses in worldwide aquaculture operations (38). To date, five subspecies

of A. salmonicida (subsp. salmonicida, subsp. achromogenes, subsp. smithia, subsp.

masoucida and subsp. pectinolytica) are recognized (24), and their resistance to

commercialized antibiotics, such as tetracycline and quinolones, has led to great

concern (9, 28) due to its potential health risks to humans and animals (29, 32). In

addition, we have been able to detect the acquisition of antibiotic resistance in A.

salmonicida isolated from Korean aquaculture in recent years (14). Therefore,

alternative methods to control this fish pathogen are urgently needed.

Theoretically, bacteriophages (phages) can be used to treat infectious bacterial

disease, as an alternative approach to control pathogenic bacteria. In practice,

phages have been used as therapeutic or prophylactic agents against several fish

and shellfish pathogens in aquaculture (18, 19, 22), including A. salmonicida (10,

37). To date, a number of phages infecting A. salmonicida have been isolated and

characterized (2, 10-12, 16, 23, 25-27, 30, 37), and most of them were classified

into Myoviridae in the VIIIth ICTV Report (http://www.ictvdb.org/Ictv/index.htm)

as P1, P2 and T4-like viruses (8).

In the current study, we isolated one lytic Myoviridae phage (designated as

PAS-1) infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and characterized it. The

isolated phage demonstrated a broad host range and efficient lytic activity toward

other subspecies of A. salmonicida including antibiotic-resistant strains.

Furthermore, we investigated the fate of PAS-1 in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus


mykiss) and verified the protective effects of the phage against the fish furunculosis

model to evaluate its therapeutic or prophylactic potential in aquaculture.

3.2. Materials and methods

3.2.1. Bacterial strains

A total of 17 A. salmonicida strains of 3 different subspecies (subsp.

salmonicida, subsp. achromogenes and subsp. masoucida), 20 strains of motile

Aeromonas spp. (10 of A. hydrophila, 5 of A. sobria and 5 of A. media) and 11

other strains of different species were used in this study (Table 3.1). The bacterial

strains were cultured in tryptic soy broth (TSB) or sub-cultured on tryptic soy agar

(TSA) at 20°C for all Aeromonas spp. and at 37°C for other bacterial species. All

the strains were stored at -80°C with 10% glycerol until needed.

3.2.2. Phage isolation and host range determination

The conventional double-layered agar method described by Adams (3) was used

for the phage isolation and enumeration of its plaque-forming units (PFUs). One of

the previously confirmed antibiotic-resistant A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

strains, AS01 (14), was used as a host bacterial strain for the phage isolation.

Plaque morphologies were observed after 18 to 24 h of incubation. Bacterial

cultures in exponential phase were inoculated with environmental water samples of

the final effluent from the sewage of the rainbow trout culture farms in Korea. The

mixtures were incubated for 36 h at 20°C, centrifuged for 20 min at 10,000 × g and

filtered through a 0.45-μm pore size membrane filter. Pure phage strain was

obtained by three serial single-plaque isolations and designated as PAS-1. The


filtered phage lysate was precipitated with 10% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG)

8000 in 1 M NaCl at 4°C for 12 h and collected by centrifugation at 10,000 × g for

10 min at 4°C. The purified phage was prepared by CsCl step gradients ultra-

centrifugation (gradient density: 1.15, 1.45, 1.50 and 1.70 g/ml; 250,000 × g; 22 h;

4°C), dialyzed in SM buffer (10 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris [pH 7.5] and 10 mM

MgSO4) and stored at 4°C until used.

The host range of the phage was determined by the double-layered agar method;

bacteria were inoculated with all the 37 Aeromonas spp. strains and then checked

for the presence or absence of plaque formation. The plaque-forming ability of the

phage against each A. salmonicida strain was measured as the efficiency of plating

(EOP), which was measured against the standard of A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida AS01. To check the polyvalency of the phage, 10 strains of other

bacterial species were tested against the phage PAS-1.

3.2.3. Electron microscopy

The purified phage sample was loaded onto a copper grid followed by negative

staining with 2% uranyl acetate and drying. The morphology of the phage was

observed using a Zeiss TEM EM902 (Zeiss) at an accelerating voltage of 80 kV.

Phage sizes were calculated by the means of at least 10 measurements.

3.2.4. One step growth

The 10 μl of purified phage suspension (9.3 × 109 PFU/ml) was added to 10 ml

of inoculums of the host bacterial strain in early-exponential phase (OD600: 0.2) in

TSB, absorbed for 5 min and then centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 1 min. After the


supernatants were removed, the pellets containing the phages-infected bacterial

cells were suspended in 20 ml of fresh TSB and incubated with shaking at 250 rpm

and 20°C. Partial samples were taken at 10 min intervals for 120 min, and the

titrations from the aliquots were immediately determined.

3.2.5. Thermo- and pH-stability

For the thermo-stability tests, the phage suspension was incubated in TSB (final

phage concentration: 1.4 × 107 PFU/ml) at 4°C, 20°C, 40°C and 55°C for 60 min,

and aliquots were taken at 30 and 60 min. For pH-stability tests, the phage

suspension was inoculated in a series of tubes containing TSB (final phage

concentration: 1.2 × 107 PFU/ml) with final pH of 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0 and 11.0

(adjusted with 1 M HCl or 1 M NaOH), incubated at 20°C, and then titered at 30

and 60 min.

3.2.6. Phage genome analysis

Purified phage genomic DNA (gDNA) was prepared as previously described

(33), and it was subjected to nuclease treatment using DNase I (20 U/μl), RNase A

(5 U/μl) and Mung bean nuclease (20 U/μl) (Takara) according to the

manufacturer’s instructions. In addition, the size estimation and restriction analysis

of phage gDNA were performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis as previously

described (36), with some modifications. Briefly, 500 μl of phage suspension was

mixed with 500 μl of 2% (wt/vol) NuSieve GTG agarose (FMC BioProducts),

dispensed into plug molds and solidified. The plugs were punched out of the molds

into a small volume of digestion buffer (500 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris [pH 8.0], 1%


SDS [w/v] and 1 mg/ml of proteinase K) and incubated at 50°C overnight. The

digestion buffer was decanted, and the samples were washed three times using TE

buffer and then digested with 10 U of SacII, Sau3AI, MspI, XbaI, NotI, HindIII,

SmaI, SphI, NcoI, HpaII, SpeI and EcoRI (New England Biolabs) for 1 h at 37°C,

respectively. The plugs were washed three times using TE buffer, placed in wells of

1.2% Pulsed Field Certified agarose (Bio-Rad) in 0.5X TBE and overlaid with

molten 0.5% NuSieve GTG agarose. The samples were electrophoresed using a

CHEF-DR III System (Bio-Rad) at 6 V/cm with pulse ramps from 5 to 15 s for 16

h at 14°C in 0.5X TBE buffer. The phage genome sequencing was performed by

Macrogen Inc. (Korea). Briefly, phage gDNA was sheared using a nebulizer

(Invitrogen) and blunt-end repaired. DNA fragments of the desired size (2 to 3 kb)

were blunt-end ligated into the pCR4 blunt-TOPO vector (Invitrogen) and

introduced into E. coli DH10B. Partial genome sequences were obtained by

sequencing with primer walking. The potential ORFs were predicted using

GeneMark.hmm (17), and gene sequence similarity was investigated using the

NCBI BLASTP program (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi).

3.2.7. Phage proteome analysis

Phage ghosts were prepared as previously described (15). Briefly, purified

phage suspension (8.4 × 1011 PFU/ml) was re-concentrated by ultra-centrifugation

at 100,000 × g at 4°C for 30 min. They were re-suspended in 10 M LiCl, heated to

46°C for 20 min and then ten-fold diluted with 50 mM Tris/HCl (pH 8.0) in 100

mM NaCl and 5 mM MgCl2, and treated with DNase I (20U/μl) (Takara) for 2 h at

37°C. Prepared phage ghosts were then analyzed by standard Tris-glycine sodium


dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) using SDS

Ready-Gel (4 to 20% polyacrylamide gradient; Bio-Rad), and stained by

PlusOne™ Silver Staining Kit, Protein (GE Healthcare). Protein bands were

extracted from the gels, digested with trypsin, and identified by liquid

chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using the proteomics

platform at the National Instrumentation Center for Environmental Management

(NICEM) at Seoul National University. All MS/MS data were searched using

ProteinPilotTM 3.0 Software (Applied Biosystems) against the GenBank non-

redundant protein database.

3.2.8. Selection of a virulent A. salmonicida strain and lysis test

To prepare host bacterial strain for experimental therapeutic applications of

PAS-1, the presence of the type III secretion system (TTSS) gene ascV was

screened by PCR in all 17 A. salmonicida strains used in this study. A pair of

primers, ascVF (5’-CAG CTC GCT ATA GCT CCC CT-3’) and ascVR (5’-GCC

CTC TAT CTC GAT CTC GG-3’), were designed based on the ascV gene of A.

salmonicida A449 plasmid 5 [GenBank accession number: NC_009350], and PCR

was carried out with using a GeneAmp PCR system 2720 (Applied Biosystems)

with the following steps: a predenaturation at 95°C for 3 min, followed by

amplification for 30 cycles at 95°C for 30 s, 52°C for 60 s and 72°C for 90 s and a

final extension at 72°C for 7 min. The amplified 399 bp of PCR products were

sequenced for final confirmations of the ascV gene in A. salmonicida.

Based on the bacterial screening result, the purified phage and A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida AS05 strain in early-exponential phase (OD600: 0.06, 1.3 × 107


CFU/ml) were co-cultured in 10 ml of fresh TSB at several doses of multiplicity of

infection (MOI): 0, 0.01,1, 100 and 10,000. The preparations were incubated with

shaking at 250 rpm and 20°C. Bacteria inoculated into TSB without phage (MOI:

0) were used as a control. The absorbance dose (OD600) was determined 0, 3, 6, 12,

24 and 48 h after inoculation, respectively.

3.2.9. Fish experiments

All the animal care and experimental procedures were approved by the

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Seoul National

University. Experiments were performed using 3- to 4-month-old triploid juvenile

rainbow trout (avg. body length: 13.1 cm; avg. body weight: 17.1 g) purchased

from a private culture farm in Korea. Prior to the experiment, liver, kidney and

spleen of the fish were randomly sampled and screened for A. salmonicida

infection by PCR assay (4), and the fish were acclimatized at 14-15°C for 1 week.

All the fish were euthanized or anaesthetized by Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate

methanesulfonate (Tricaine methanesulfonate; Sigma-aldrich) before or after the


In advance of the therapeutic applications, the fate of PAS-1 in fish kidneys and

the neutralizing activity of the phage-administrated fish serums against the phage

were preferentially investigated. The fish were treated with 0.1 ml of the purified

phage suspension by intra-muscular (IM) administration (3.0 × 107 PFU/fish), and

the fish kidneys (0.1 g) and aquarium waters were randomly sampled at 0, 6, 24, 48,

72, 96, 120, 144, 200, 240 and 360 h post-administration (pa), respectively.

Additionally, blood samples of the phage-administrated fish were obtained at 10,


15, 20, 25 and 30 days pa by caudal vein-puncture. The serum was collected by

centrifugation (1,500 × g, 30 min), and de-complementation was performed by heat

treatment for 30 min at 45°C as recommended by Sakai (31). Twenty microliters of

prepared serum samples was mixed with an equal volume of purified phage

suspension (1.9 × 107 PFU/ml) and incubated at 20°C for 2 h. The 0 h samples,

which were collected before phage administration, were used as a control in all the

experimental groups, and the phage PFUs were counted by the double-layered agar


The protective effects of PAS-1 against A. salmonicida infection were evaluated

as below. The fish (20 fish in each experimental group) with identical conditions

(as previously described) were challenged with 0.1 ml of the bacterial suspension

in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing fresh culture of A. salmonicida

AS05 by the IM method (2.5 × 102 CFU/fish). Following bacterial challenge, the

fish were immediately given 0.1 ml of the purified phage suspension by the IM

method (2.4 × 106 PFU/fish). The fish given SM buffer without the phage were

used as control. The fish were monitored for 14 days at 20°C, and bacteria from

kidneys of dead fish were re-isolated and confirmed by PCR assay (4).

3.2.10. Statistical analysis

Statistically significant differences in all the experiments were determined using

the student’s t-test. A P value of less than 0.05 was accepted as statistically

significant. The SPSS statistical software package version 13.0 (SPSS, Inc.,

Chicago, IL) was used for all statistical analyses.


3.2.11. Nucleotide accession numbers

The nucleotide sequence data of the RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase, large

subunit terminase, tail fiber, muramidase, head portal protein and one hypothetical

protein gene in the phage PAS-1 were deposited in the GenBank database under the

accession numbers JF342689, JF342683, JF342686, JF342690, JF342687,

JF342688 and JF342684, respectively.

3.3. Results

3.3.1. Morphology and host range of Aeromonas phage PAS-1

One phage, designated as PAS-1, was isolated from environmental water

samples and formed approximately 2 mm plaques in AS01 strains. The phage was

morphologically classified into the order Caudovirales and family Myoviridae

morphotype A1 (an icosahedral head and long contractile sheathed tails), according

to the classification of Ackermann (1) (Figure 3.1). The tail length and width were

123 ± 18 nm (mean ± SD) (n = 10) and 16 ± 2 nm (n = 10), respectively, and the

head diameter was 53 ± 7 nm (n = 10).

To evaluate the host range of PAS-1, it was tested on various motile Aeromonas

spp. as well as A. salmonicida strains. Among the 14 A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida isolates, 9 isolates produced completely clear plaques in double-layer

agar, whereas the other 5 isolates developed turbid plaques. Therefore, all 14 A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida isolates were considered to be susceptible to PAS-

1. The A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ATCC 33658, A. salmonicida subsp.

achromogenes AS03 and A. salmonicida subsp. masoucida ATCC 27013 were also

susceptible to the phage, showing clear plaques. The EOP values varied among the


A. salmonicida strains, and the highest EOP was detected in the multidrug-resistant

AS09 strain (Table 3.1). However, PAS-1 was not able to lyse the other 10

bacterial species or the motile Aeromonas spp. used in this study.

3.3.2. One step growth and stability of Aeromonas phage PAS-1

One step growth of PAS-1 was examined to assess the growth pattern and the

number of progeny phages released by the lysis of the indicator host strain, AS01.

The latent period and the average burst sizes were estimated to be approximately

40 min and 116.7 PFU/cell, respectively (Figure 3.2). The stability of PAS-1 was

assessed by calculating PFU changes under different pH and temperature

conditions. Almost no reduction in the PFUs was observed after 1 h incubation at

pH 5.0, 7.0, 9.0 and 11.0, whereas considerable reductions were found at pH 3.0. In

the thermo-stability tests, the phage was stable at 4°C and 20°C for 1 h but not at

40°C and 55°C (data not shown). These results suggest that low pH and high

temperature conditions might affect the stability of PAS-1.

3.3.3. Genomic and proteomic characteristics of Aeromonas phage PAS-1

In general, Myoviridae phages are known to possess double strand (ds) DNA

genomes (1). Likewise, the gDNA of PAS-1 was completely digested by DNase I

but not by RNase A or Mung bean nuclease; thus, it was presumed to be ds DNA.

In addition, the gDNA was digested by SacII, Sau3AI, MspI, NcoI, HpaII, and its

size was estimated by distinct fragments of NcoI as approximately 48 kb (data not

shown). For the genome analysis of the PAS-1, a preliminary phage genome

database was constructed by random shotgun sequencing. We were able to find 4


partial ORF sequences of phage-related proteins (RNA polymerase, DNA

polymerase, large subunit terminase, tail fiber) and 3 complete ORF sequences

(muramidase, head portal protein, hypothetical protein) by BLASTP searches in the

GenBank database, and the amino acid size, identity and E-values are shown in

Table 3.2. The predicted RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase, large subunit

terminase and one hypothetical protein of PAS-1 showed similarity to those of

enterobacteria phage phiEcoM-GJ1 [GenBank accession number NC_010106], and

the predicted tail fiber and putative muramidase proteins were homologous with

Aeromonas phage phiO18P [GenBank accession number NC_009542] which was

classified as a P2-like Myoviridae phage.

To investigate the structural proteins of PAS-1, purified phage particles were

subjected to SDS-PAGE and LC-MS/MS analysis. At least 14 distinct protein

bands, with molecular masses ranging from 8 to 140 kDa were separated, and 9

major protein bands were subjected to LC-MS/MS for peptide sequencing. From

these results, several partial peptide sequences of structural proteins, such as tail

sheath (140 and 11 kDa), head morphogenesis (52 kDa), wac fibritin neck whiskers

(48 kDa), major capsid (30 kDa) and prohead core (15 kDa) were obtained (Table


3.3.4. Selection of a virulent A. salmonicida strain and lysis test

Among the 17 A. salmonicida strains used in this study, the ascV gene was

detected in AS03 (subsp. achromogenes), AS05 (subsp. salmonicida) and ATCC

27013 (subsp. masoucida). Therefore, the lytic activity of PAS-1 was tested on

early exponential-phase cultures of strain AS05 (Figure 3.3). When the cultures of


the AS05 strains were not infected by PAS-1 (MOI: 0), the OD600 value continued

to increase during the incubations. In contrast, when they were infected with PAS-1,

bacterial growths were apparently retarded at MOI 100 and 10,000 until 48 h after

phage infection. However, at MOI of 0.01 and 1, the OD600 values started to

increase gradually at 24 h after phage inoculation and nearly reached 0.5 at 48 h.

The presences of viable phage-resistant A. salmonicida was determined by plating

the lysates of the 4 phage-inoculated MOI groups (MOI: 0.01, 1, 100 and 10,000),

and several colonies were obtained from all the experimental groups regardless of

their increase in OD600 values. The appearance ratios of phage-resistant colonies

were inversely proportional to the MOI values of the samples, and the resistance

was continuously observed during their successive cultures in TSA plates (date not


3.3.5. Fate of Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in fish

For the evaluation of the fate of PAS-1 in rainbow trout, the purified phage was

administrated by the IM method to fish (3.0 × 107 PFU/fish). The phage in fish

kidneys was detected from 6 to 200 h pa, showing gradual reductions in its PFUs,

but not at 240 and 360 h pa. Moreover, the phage was also detected in the aquarium

waters of phage-administrated fish from 6 to 360 h pa, showing gradual reductions

in its PFUs (Figure 3.4). In addition, significant neutralizing activities against

PAS-1 were observed at 10 and 15 days pa (P < 0.01), and declined by 20, 25 and

30 days pa (Figure 3.5).

3.3.6. Protective effects of Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in fish furunculosis model


To demonstrate the therapeutic potential of PAS-1, the protective effects of the

phage were evaluated using a triploid rainbow trout-furunculosis model. Prior to

the experiments, an optimal challenge dose of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida

AS05 strain was investigated by the IM injection of different numbers of bacterial

cells, which ranged from 2.5 × 102 to 2.5 × 104 CFU/fish. The results indicated that

100% of the fish were killed within 2 days after challenge with 2.5 × 103 and 2.5 ×

104 CFU/fish. In contrast, when 2.5 × 102 cells were injected, 70% of the fish were

killed within 3 days, and the remainder died after 3 to 4 days (data not shown).

Therefore, the lowest dose (2.5 × 102 CFU/fish) was used throughout the

experiments for lethal A. salmonicida infection.

To evaluate the protective effects of PAS-1, purified phage was administrated

into fish at an MOI of 10,000 immediately after bacterial challenge, and the fish

were observed for 14 days. All the fish in control groups, which were administrated

SM buffer without PAS-1, died within 3 days (mean time to death: 2.5±0.3 days),

showing furuncles in the bacterial injection site. However, we were able to find

significant protective effects in phage-administrated groups; the fish in phage-

administrated groups showed 26.7±2.9% survival rates from lethal A. salmonicida

infection, and the mean time to death (3.3±0.6 days) was also increased as

compared to those of control group (Table 3.4). The survived fish did not showed

furuncles in the bacterial injection site and remained healthy until 14 days pa. The

bacteria were re-isolated from all the dead fish, from phage-administrated groups

as well as control groups, thus indicating that the mortalities and protective effects

were caused by A. salmonicida and the phage PAS-1, respectively.


3.4. Discussion

Phages are generally known to live in close proximity to their host bacteria, and

A. salmonicida is primarily a water-born bacterial pathogen in fish. Therefore, we

screened for the presences of phages within the environment in rainbow trout

culture farm waters in Korea, and one lytic phage, PAS-1, was isolated. To date, a

total of 43 Aeromonas phages have been reported and morphologically classified as

tailed phages (33 of Myoviridae, 7 of Siphoviridae and 3 of Podoviridae) (1). In the

same manner, PAS-1 was also classified into the order Caudovirales and family

Myoviridae by morphological analysis. The phage infected all the A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida strains used in this study, including A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida ATCC 33658. Based on these results, the infectivity of PAS-1 did not

seem to be related to the source, year of isolation or antibiotic resistance of the host

A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains. Interestingly, PAS-1 also infected other

subspecies of A. salmonicida such as subsp. achromogenes (AS03) and subsp.

masoucida (ATCC 27013), forming enlarged clear plaques (3~4 mm), which

differed slightly from those of the subsp. salmonicida strains. Therefore, it can be

assumed that PAS-1 might use a common outer membrane protein or

lipopolysaccharide among at least 3 subspecies of A. salmonicida (subsp.

salmonicida, subsp. achromogenes and subsp. masoucida) as a receptor during its

adsorption in host cells. To date, antibiotic-resistant A. salmonicida and several

atypical A. salmonicida have caused critical problems in worldwide aquaculture

(14, 29, 32). With demonstrated lytic activity against antibiotic-resistant strains and

broad host ranges among subspecies, the phage PAS-1 might be a candidate for

controlling A. salmonicida infections in aquaculture.


The PAS-1 possessed approximately 48 kb of ds gDNA which was susceptible

to digestion with different restriction endonuclease, and at least 9 structural

proteins. To date, 7 phages (phage 25, 31, Aeh1, 44RR2.8t, phiAS4, phiAS5 and

phiO18P) infecting Aeromonadaceae have been fully sequenced, and they were

classified into Myoviridae in the VIIIth ICTV Report

(http://www.ictvdb.org/Ictv/index.htm) as T4-like (phage 25, 31, Aeh1, 44RR2.8t,

phiAS4 and phiAS5) and P2-like (phage phiO18P) phages. In general, T4-like and

P2-like phages have the common morphology of Myoviridae, whereas the gDNA

sizes are considerably different, with approximately 160~250 kb and 31~36 kb,

respectively. However, the gDNA size of PAS-1 was quite different from T4-like or

P2-like Aeromonas phages, thus indicating that the isolated phage is novel.

Furthermore, our preliminary PAS-1 genome sequencing data revealed that the

closest relatives, according to similarity in putative amino acid sequences found in

the GenBank database, were the enterobacteria phage phiEcoM-GJ1 and

Aeromonas phage phiO18P. The predicted RNA polymerase, DNA polymerase and

large subunit terminase protein of PAS-1 were similar to those of phage phiEcoM-

GJ1, and the tail fiber and putative muramidase protein were homologous with

phage phiO18P. Interestingly, the phage phiEcoM-GJ1 was reported as the first

member of a new genus in Myoviridae, which possesses a coliphage T7-like

transcriptional system (RNA polymerase) and T1-like DNA packaging system

(large subunit terminase) (13). In addition, a potential phylogenetic relationship

between Aeromonas and enterobacteria phages was suggested by their genomic (6,

20, 25, 26) and morphological similarity (2). Therefore, it can be assumed that

PAS-1 might be genetically similar to phage phiEcoM-GJ1, at least in DNA


replication, packaging and transcription systems. Moreover, the host range of a

phage was determined by its tail fiber genes (35), and PAS-1 showed homology in

its tail fiber and muramidase protein with phage phiO18P, which infects A. media

(5), thus indicating that it might have similar adsorption and lysis systems against

its host cells. Moreover, PAS-1 was also structurally related with other phages;

major capsid protein showed similarity to phage phiEcoM-GJ1, and wac fibritin

neck whiskers and prohead core protein were similar to other T4-like Aeromonas

phages, Aeh1 and 44RR2.8t, respectively. Based on the genomic and proteomic

analysis of the phage PAS-1, it was novel but closely related with other Myoviridae

phages infecting enterobacter or Aeromonas species. Detailed complete genome

analysis and identification of the ORFs will be the subject of future research.

The TTSS gene in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, which is responsible for

secretion of the ADP-ribosylating toxin AexT, was encoded on a thermolabile

plasmid, and the absence of the TTSS gene ascV disabled bacteria to secreting

AexT, even though the strain contained the aexT gene (34). Therefore, we screened

for the ascV gene in all 17 A. salmonicida strains used in this study, and A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida AS05 strain was selected for further experiments.

In the host cell lysis tests using the AS05 strain, the growths of bacteria was

apparently inhibited after PAS-1 inoculations. However, the OD600 values at MOI

of 0.01 and 1 were increased after 24 h post phage-inoculation, and phage-resistant

bacteria were isolated in all the MOI groups. Therefore, it can be assumed that A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida has its own phage-resistant mechanisms and this

resistance can also be achieved at high MOI values (100 and 10,000). However,

bacterial growth was apparently inhibited until 48 h post phage-inoculation at MOI


of 100 and 10,000; thus, a high MOI value was chosen for the further experiments

in this study. The phage-resistant mechanisms of A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida against the phage will also be further investigated in the future.

Furthermore, the fate of PAS-1 and immune response against it in rainbow trout

were also investigated. The phage in fish kidneys was detected until 200 h pa,

showing gradual reductions in its PFUs, regardless of its presences in the aquarium

waters of phage-administrated rainbow trout. Therefore, we hypothesized the

development of potential neutralizing activity in rainbow trout serum against phage

for two reasons. First, despite the presence of PAS-1 in the aquarium water, it was

not detected in phage-administrated fish kidneys after 240 h pa; and second, the

PFUs of PAS-1 were not increased or maintained in the aquarium water while they

decreased in fish kidneys. This data indicates that the excretion from the fish or

leakage from injection-mediated puncture were not the main causes of PFU

reduction in the fish kidney. Based on these results, the neutralizing activity of

rainbow trout serum against PAS-1 was evaluated from 10 days pa, when the phage

was not detected in the fish kidneys. As we expected, the significant neutralizing

activities against PAS-1 were observed at 10, 15 and 20 days pa and declined later.

According to the previous results of neutralizing activity against phage MS2 in

brown trout (Salmo trutta) (21), the primary antibody production was initiated

within the first 7 days pa, and the peak of antibody titer were reached at 14 days pa.

Even though we did not investigate the initiation of neutralizing activity in rainbow

trout, it can be assumed that rainbow trout can also obtain humoral immunity

against administrated phage because of the phage presence in the fish kidney until

200 h pa. This was also one of the reasons why a high MOI value was chosen for


further experiments.

Based on these preliminary results, the protective effects of PAS-1 were

evaluated with an MOI of 10,000 in rainbow trout furunculosis model. Some

therapeutic or prophylactic uses of A. salmonicida phages were previously

attempted, but the studies faced several difficulties with failures in fish protections

(10, 37). Unlike previous reports, the fish in the phage-administrated groups in this

study showed significantly improved survival rates and considerably increased

mean time to death values as compared with the control groups. Unlike other fish-

pathogenic bacteria, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is capable of causing

disease in healthy salmonids at very low levels of infection; estimated LD50 was

lower than 10 CFU/ml by intra-peritoneal injection (7), and bacterial challenge

with the AS05 strain (2.5 × 102 CFU/fish) caused 100% of mortality in rainbow

trout within 4 days (this study). Additionally, clinical furunculosis usually occurs in

fingerling and juvenile salmonids as per-acute form with high mortality within a

significantly shorter time compared to adult fish (38). Moreover, while

administering phages orally in salmonids for therapeutic usage, the fish stomach

could be a critical barrier of phage delivery due to low pH (pH 2.5~4.0). Therefore,

phage administration time after bacterial infection and its administration route

should be considered as the most important factors in phage therapy against

furunculosis, and such considerations may help to minimize economic losses in

worldwide salmonid culture caused by casual as well as antibiotic-resistant A.


3.5. References


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Table 3.1. Bacterial strains used in this study and infectivity of Aeromonas phage PAS-1.

Bacterial species Strain Host range a EOPs b Source c

A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida AS01 ++ 1.00 1

AS02 ++ 0.68±0.06 1

AS04 ++ 2.04±0.02 1

AS05 ++ 0.2±0.05 1

AS06 + 0.87±0.13 1

AS07 + 0.08±0.02 1

AS08 + 0.08±0.01 1

AS09 ++ 3.24±0.26 1

AS10 + 0.98±0.10 1

AS11 ++ 0.31±0.05 1

AS12 + 0.57±0.03 1

AS13 ++ 0.16±0.02 1

AS14 ++ 0.09±0.02 1

AS15 ++ 0.23±0.05 1

ATCC 33658 ++ 0.92±0.10 3

A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes AS03 ++ 0.32±0.06 1

A. salmonicida subsp. masoucida ATCC 27013 ++ 1.35±0.13 3

A. hydrophila SNUFPC-A3 - NDd 1










A. media SNUFPC-A17 - ND 1

SNUFPC-22 - ND 1

SNUFPC-23 - ND 1

SNUFPC-24 - ND 1

SNUFPC-25 - ND 1

A. sobria SNUFPC-A1 - ND 1





Streptococcus iniae ATCC 29178 - ND 3

S. agalactiae ATCC 27956 - ND 3

Enterococcus faecium CCARM 5192 - ND 2

E. faecalis CCARM 5168 - ND 2

Vibrio vulnificus ATCC 27562 - ND 3

V. parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802 - ND 3

V. algynolyticus ATCC 17749 - ND 3

Staphylococcus aureus SA1 - ND 1

Listeria monocytogenes LM01 - ND 1

Escherichia coli DH10B - ND 4 a ++, clear plaque; +, turbid plaque; -, no plaque.

b The EOP values were shown as mean ± SD.

c 1, laboratory collection; 2, obtained from the Culture Collection of Antimicrobial Resistant Microbes (CCARM)

in Korea; 3, purchased from the American Type Culture Collection; 4, purchased from Invitrogen.

d Not done.


Table 3.2. Partial and complete ORFs of Aeromonas phage PAS-1.

No. Amino acid

size Amino acid identity (%)

Putative functions [organism]

E-value GenBank

accession No.

1 80 36/80 (45) DNA polymerase

[Enterobacteria phage phiEcoM-GJ1] 3e-14 JF342683

2 135 86/136 (64) large subunit terminase

[Enterobacteria phage phiEcoM-GJ1] 5e-47 JF342686

3 338 129/352 (37) RNA polymerase

[Enterobacteria phage phiEcoM-GJ1] 1e-44 JF342689

4 136 35/136 (26) putative tail fiber protein

[Aeromonas phage phiO18P] 3e-05 JF342690

5* 153 125/153 (82) putative muramidase

[Aeromonas phage phiO18P] 6e-72 JF342687

6* 431 197/383 (52) head portal protein

[Xanthomonas phage phiL7] 2e-117 JF342688

7* 145 42/148 (29) hypothetical protein

[Enterobacteria phage phiEcoM-GJ1] 2e-11 JF342684

*complete ORFs


Table 3.3. SDS-PAGE profile of the PAS-1 virion and their protein profiles by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis.

MW (kDa)

Amino acid sequence Putative function [Organism] E-value

140 ISLTVFPIR Tail sheath protein

[Listeria phage A511] 9.0

52 LSRIAESARQKVEYAIRDGINSGK Phage head morphogenesis protein [Acinetobacter baumannii AB0057]


48 SVRSFDGQRAVSFALR Wac fibritin neck whiskers [Aeromonas phage Aeh1]


44 MNIEQIMSR hypothetical protein

[Pseudomonas phage JG024] 0.88

30 QLEFIEAQTYDTLYPELEAR Major capsid protein

[Enterobacteria phage phiEcoM-GJ1] 6e-11

15 QIARRAAK gp68 prohead core protein

[Aeromonas phage 44RR2.8t] ] 203

13 IGEKLVCTFNQHSHR hypothetical protein

[Pseudomonas phage LMA2] 0.96

11 YENLSMNSADAR Tail sheath protein

[Lutiella nitroferrum 2002] 0.009


[Mycobacterium phage Nigel] 0.22

250 -

150 -

100 -

75 -

50 -

37 -

25 -

20 -

15 -

10 -





Table 3.4. Protective effects in rainbow trout by PAS-1 from lethal A. salmonicida infection.

No. of



administration No. of survivors/total fish Survival rate (%)

Mean time to

death (day)

1st Yes 5/20 25 3.2

No 0/20 0 2.5

2nd Yes 5/20 25 2.8

No 0/20 0 2.3

3rd Yes 6/20 30 3.9

No 0/20 0 2.8

Total Yes 16/60 26.7±2.9 3.3±0.6

No 0/60 0 2.5±0.3


Figure 3.1. Electron micrographs of negatively stained Aeromonas phage PAS-1 virions.

Arrows A and B indicate the neck and the contracted tail, respectively.





Figure 3.2. One step growth of Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida AS01 strain. The results are shown as means ± standard deviations, and latent

time and burst size were inferred from the triplicate experiments.


Figure 3.3. Time course of lytic activity against the host cell by Aeromonas phage PAS-1.

Pre-exponential cultures of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida AS05 strain were infected

with PAS-1 at MOI of 0, 0.01, 1, 100 and 10,000. The results are shown as means ±

standard deviations from triplicate experiments.


Figure 3.4. Fate of the Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in the rainbow trout kidney (PFU/g) and

its aquarium water (PFU/ml). The 0 h samples were collected before phage administration

and used for controls. The results are shown as means ± standard deviations from triplicate



Figure 3.5. The neutralizing activities against Aeromonas phage PAS-1 in rainbow trout

serum after administration of phage. PAS-1 incubated with PBS was used as the negative

control. The 0 day sample was used as standard for all the time course samples in this study,

and a decrease in the number of PFU obtained after incubation was considered evidence of

neutralization. Significant differences (P<0.01) were observed at 10 and 15 days pa (shown

with asterisks). The results are shown as means ± standard deviations from triplicate




Recently, the antibiotic resistance in A. salmonicida has been recognized as a

serious concern in world wide aquaculture. However, the acquisition and

prevalence of antibiotic resistance in this bacterium have not yet been investigated

in Korea. Therefore, in the first step towards, the acquisitions of antibiotic

resistance and its molecular characteristics in 16 A. salmonicida strains (14 of A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and 1 each of A. salmonicida subsp. achromogenes

and subsp. flounderacida) isolated from Korean aqauculture were investigated. The

bacterial isolates showed high resistant rates against tetracycline and quinolones,

when measured via minimal inhibitory concentration tests. Most of the

tetracycline-resistant strains harbored tetA genes and most of the quinolone-

resistance of A. salmonicida isolates was due to point mutations in the gyrA codon

83 of QRDRs. Additionally, we confirmed the high genetic clonality among the

Korean A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida stains, when compared to other isolates

from different geographical regions.

Therefore in the second step towards, in order to develop alternative control

methods against this antibiotic-resistnant fish pathogen, we isolated several

bacteriophages (phages) infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida from various

environmental waters or fish in Korea. Among those phages, several biological

properties and genome sequences of two T4-like Myoviridae phages (named as

phiAS4 and phiAS5) which showed broad host ranges to other Aeromonadaceae as

well as A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were analyzed. In addition, the

functional activity of the putative lysozyme murein hydrolase (orf117) in phiAS5,


which had no holin or holin-like gene, was investigated, and the result revealed that

it may use a dual lysis system during host cell lysis. Based on these results, we

confirmed that the two phages will have the potential for controlling A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida in Korean aquaculture and may also advance

recent understanding of the biodiversity in T4-like phages.

In the third step towards, to search for candidate control agents and to evaluate

its therapeutic potential against furunculosis in salmonid culture, we selected one

novel lytic Myoviridae phage (PAS-1) which showed the strongest bacteriolytic

activity among those isolated Aeromonas phages against virulent A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida that possesses TTSS-related ascV gene. And the protective

effects of PAS-1 were verified in experimental rainbow trout furunculosis model

therapy, showing increased survival rates and mean time to death.

Based on these results, it can be concluded that A. salmonicida subsp.

salmonicida already acquired resistance against antibiotics used for aquaculture in

Korea, and Aeromonas phages that infect those antibiotic-resistant A. salmonicida

subsp. salmonicida strains could be considered as altervative therapeutic or

prophylactic candidates against salmonid furunculosis in Korean aquaculture.


한 연어과 어류에 감염하는

항생제 내 Aeromonas salmonicida에 대한

박테리 파아지 제법 개발

2008-30469 지

공 보건학 공

울 학 과 학원

연어과 어 창병(furunculosis)과 다양한 어 에 균 증

야 하는 Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida는 지속 계 어

양식분야에 심 한 피해를 야 했 며, 근 본 균 산용 항생

에 한 내 획득 타 산생 뿐만 아니라 공 보건에 잠재 인

우 인하여 심각한 아들여지고 있다. 그러나 한국 어

양식업 경우, 본 균 항생 내 획득 여부는 연구 지


이러한 이 , 본 연구에 는 우 2006 부 2009 사이에

한국 연어과 어 , 타 양식어 양식 경에 분리 16주 A.

salmonicida (subsp. salmonicida 14주, subsp. achromogenes 1주 subsp.

flounderacida 1주) tetracycline과 quinolone 계열 항생 에 한 내 획득

여부를 조사하 다. 조사 16주 A. salmonicida 균주는 tetracycline과


quinolones 계열 항생 에 하여, 각각 50% (8주) 100% (16주) 내

나타내었다. Tetracycline 계열 항생 에 내 보인 8주 A.

salmonicida 경우, 7주는 tetA 내 자를, 1주는 tetE 내 자를 지

닌 것 인 었다. 또한, 본 균 quinolone 계열 항생 에 한 내

작 히 하여, quinolone-resistance determining regions (QRDRs)

gyrA parC 자 돌연변이 여부가 조사 었다. 본 조사 결과, 15

주 A. salmonicida gyrA 자 83번 코돈에 돌연변이가 생하여, 해

당 사 아미노산 산 이 Ser83→Arg83 Ser83→Asn83 변 가

것 인하 다. 그러나 근 quinolone 계열 항생 에 내 야 하는

것 알 있는 QRDRs 또 다른 gyrA 자 87번, 92번 코돈

parC 자 80번, 84번 코돈에 는 돌연변이가 찰 지 않았다. 다

인 항생 내 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 14주 미주지

역에 분리 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ATCC 33658간 체

사도를 하 하여 pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)를 행하

며, 그 결과 해당 균주 14주 모 미주지역에 분리 균과 다른

하나 사한 군집 구분 며, 한국 분리주 간 체 사도가

상당히 높 찰할 있었다.

다 단계 , 항생 내 A. salmonicida를 구 하 한 일 , 분

리 균주 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida에 감염하는 리 아

지 (이후 아지) 분리를 다양한 경 어 샘플에 실시하 다.

이러한 아지 분리 실험 결과 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida를 감염하


는 다양한 아지가 분리 었 며, 이 지역 경 에 분리

2종 T4-like 아지 (phiAS4 phiAS5) 상 체 분 이 행

었다. 미롭게도 본 아지들 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 뿐만

아니라 Aeromonadaceae 분 는 다른 종 균들에도 감염능 나타

내었 며, 이를 통하여 주역 지닌 것 인 었다. 해당

아지 체 체 분 결과, phiAS4 phiAS5 모 double-

stranded DNA 체를 지니고 있었 며, 각각 163,875bp (G+C 함량:

41.3%) 225,268bp (G+C 함량: 43.0%) 분 었다. 아지 phiAS4

체에 는 271개 ORF, 67개 promoter, 25개 terminator 16개

tRNA가 견 었 며, 아지 phiAS5 체 경우 343개 ORF, 69

개 promoter, 33개 terminator 24개 tRNA가 견 었다. 특이하게

도, phiAS4 phiAS5 아지는 각각 존에 보고 었 T4-like Aeromonas

아지 25 T4-like Aeromonas 아지 Aeh1과 높 체 사도를

나타내었다. 상 아지들과 T4 phage 체 사도 분 결과,

phiAS4 phiAS5 아지는 새 운 종 T4-like 아지 분 는 것

인할 있었다. 또한 holing, holin-like 자가 견 지 않 phiAS5

아지 lysozyme murein hydrolase (orf117) 자 능

재조합 단 질 합 법에 라 검 하 고, 검사 결과 해당 아

지는 주 균 포 용해 시 dual lysis system (endolysin + holin) 용

하는 것 인할 있었다. 본 결과를 토 , 한국에 분리

phiAS4 phiAS5 아지는 한국 양식어 A. salmonicida subsp.


salmonicida 감염증 구 할 있는 잠재 인 항생 체 가능 지

니는 것 입증할 있었 며, 또한 해당 아지 체 분 통하

여 T4-like 아지 체 다양 인할 있었다.

마지막 단계 , 앞 시 아지 잠재 인 항생 체 가능

실 증명하 하여, 분리 었 다양한 아지들 A.

salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 균들에 강한 감염능과 용해능 보이는

다른 한 종 아지 (PAS-1)를 별하여 이에 한 효능효과 실험

행하 다. 본 아지는 지개 송어 양식장 출 에 분리 었 며, 항

생 내 균주를 포함한 다양한 아종 (subsp. salmonicida, subsp.

achromogenes subsp. masoucida) A. salmonicida를 감염하는 주

역과 불어 감염능 나타내는 균에 한 강한 용해능 나타내었다.

자 미경 사용한 태학 분 결과 본 아지는 Myoviridae 분

었 며, 체 분 결과 약 48 kb double-strand DNA를 지니

는 것 인 었다. 또한 자 열 이러스 구조 단 질 아

미노산 열 분 결과, 존에 보고 enterobacteria Aeromonas spp.를

감염하는 아지 사 힐 있었다. 본 아지 지개송어

에 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida에 한 구 능 검 하 하여,

근 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 병원 에 가장 하게 이

있는 것 알 진 Type III secretion system ascV 자를 보 하며

항생 내 나타내는 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida AS05 균주를

하 며, 해당 균주에 한 아지 in vitro 용해능 우


하 다. 또한 해당 아지만 지개 송어에 종하여 감 를 조사

한 결과, 종 후 200시간 지 아지가 개체 내에 존재하며 지개 송

어가 종 아지에 하여 항원항체 통한 면역 나타냄

인하 다. 이러한 결과를 토 , 농도 아지를 사용하여

인공 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida AS05 균주에 감염 지개

송어에 한 료를 시도하 며, 아지 료를 시도한 어군에 폐

사 감소 폐사시간 연장 등 결과를 얻었다.

상 같 결과를 토 , 본 연구에 는 한국에 일 생

하는 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 뿐만이 아니라 항생 내 균주에

한 아지 항생 체 가능 인할 있었다. 라 아지

를 사용한 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 구 법 한국 연어과 어

양식 산업에 있어 해당 균에 한 료 한 항생 체

안이 있 것 사료 다.

Key words: Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, 항생 내 , 연어과

어 , 리 아지, 항생 체

Student number: 2008-30469


List of published articles


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Jin Woo Jun, Casiano H. Choresca, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han, Se

Chang Park (2012) Complete genome sequence of a novel marine siphovirus pVp-1,

infecting Vibrio parahaemolyticus. J. Virol. 86:7013.

2. Ji Hyung Kim, Hye Kwon Kim, Van Giap Nguyen, Bong Kyun Park, Casiano H.

Choresca, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2012) Genomic

sequence of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) KLV-

2010-01 originating from the first Korean outbreak in cultured Litopenaeus vannamei.

Arch. Virol. 157:369-373.

3. Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Soo Son, Casiano H. Choresca, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han, Jin

Woo Jun, Do Hyung Kang, Chulhong Oh, Soo Jin Heo, Se Chang Park (2012)

Complete Genome sequence of bacteriophage phiAS7, a T7-like virus that infects

Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. J. Virol. 86:2894.

4. Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Soo Son, Yoon Jae Choi, Casiano H. Choresca, Sang Phil Shin,

Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2012) Complete genomic sequence of a

T4-like bacteriophage phiAS4 infecting Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.

Arch. Virol. 157:391-395.

5. Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Soo Son, Yoon Jae Choi, Casiano H. Choresca, Sang Phil Shin,

Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun, Do Hyung Kang, Chulhong Oh, Soo Jin Heo, Se Chang

Park (2012) Isolation and characterization of a lytic Myoviridae bacteriophage PAS-1

with broad infectivity in Aeromonas salmonicida. Curr. Microbiol. 64:418–426.

6. Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Soo Son, Yoon Jae Choi, Casiano H. Choresca, Sang Phil Shin,

Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2012) Complete genome sequence and

characterization of a broad-host range T4-like bacteriophage phiAS5 infecting

Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Vet. Microbiol. 157:164–171.

7. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Ji

Young Chai, Sang Yoon Han, Se Chang Park (2012) First description of the qnrS-like

(qnrS5) gene and analysis of quinolone resistance-determining regions in motile

Aeromonas spp. from diseased fish and water. Res. Microbiol. 163:73–79.


8. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Se Chang Park

(2012) Isolation, molecular characterization and antibiotic susceptibility of Vibrio

parahaemolyticus in Korean seafood. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 9:224-231.

9. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Ji

Young Chai, Sang Yoon Han, Se Chang Park (2012) Prevalence of tet gene and

complete genome sequencing of tet gene-encoded plasmid (pAHH01) isolated from

Aeromonas species in South Korea. J. Appl. Microbiol. 112:631-638.

10. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Ji

Young Chai, Sang Yoon Han, Se Chang Park (2012) A small IncQ-type plasmid

carrying the quinolone resistance (qnrS2) gene from Aeromonas hydrophila. Lett.

Appl. Microbiol. 54:374-376.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun,

Se Chang Park (2011). Occurrence and antibiotic resistance of Vibrio vulnificus in

seafood and environmental waters in Korea. J. Food Saf. 31:518-524.

2. Ji Hyung Kim, Sun Young Hwang, Jee Soo Son, Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun, Sang

Phil Shin, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Yun Jaie Choi, Yong Ho Park, Se Chang Park

(2011). Molecular characterization of tetracycline- and quinolone-resistant Aeromonas

salmonicida isolated in Korea. J. Vet. Sci. 12:41-48.

3. Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun,

Sang Yoon Han, Se Chang Park (2011). Detection of infectious hypodermal and

hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp cultured in

South Korea. Aquaculture, 313:161-164.

4. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han,

Dal Sang Jeong, Se Chang Park (2011) Isolation and molecular detection of

Plesiomonas shigelloides containing tetA gene from Asian arowana (Scleropages

formosus) in a Korean aquarium. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res. 5:5019-5021.

5. Jee Eun Han, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Ok Jae Koo, Hyun Ju Oh, So Gun Hong, Ji

Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Byeong Chun Lee, Se Chang Park (2011).

Establishment of glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis) fin-derived cells. Cell Biol. Int.

Rep. 18:e00008.

6. Sang Yoon Han, Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2011). Prevalence and different characteristics of


two serotypes of Streptococcus parauberis isolated from the farmed olive flounder,

Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel), in Korea. J. Fish Dis. 34:731-739.

7. Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca

Jr., Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2011). Identification of scuticociliate Philasterides

dicentrarchi from indo-pacific seahorses Hippocampus kuda. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.


8. Dennis K. Gomez, Seong Joon Joh, Hwan Jang, Sang Phil Shin, Casiano H. Choresca

Jr., Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2011). Detection of

koi herpesvirus (KHV) from koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) broodstock in South Korea.

Aquaculture, 311:42-47.

9. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2011). Molecular detection of Edwardsiella tarda

with gyrB gene isolated from pirarucu, Arapaima gigas which is exhibited in an

indoor private commercial aquarium. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 10:848-850.

10. Sang Phil Shin, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun, Se Chang Park (2011). Detection and genetic analysis of

aquabirnaviruses in subclinically infected aquarium fish. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 23:325-


11. Sang Phil Shin, Hyang Jee, Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jin

Woo Jun, Dae Yong Kim, Se Chang Park (2011). Surgical removal of an anal cyst

caused by a protozoan parasite (Thelohanellus kitauei) from a koi (Cyprinus carpio). J.

Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 238:784-786.

12. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil

Shin, Byung Chun Lee, Se Chang Park (2011). Cryopreservation of goldfish caudal

fin explants using glycerol as a cryoprotecant. Cryo Letters 32:57-61.

13. Sang Yoon Han, Bo Kyu Kang, Bong Jo Kang, Jong Man Kim, Jee Eun Han, Ji

Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park

(2011) Protective Efficacy of a combined vaccine against Edwardsiella tarda,

Streptococcus iniae, and Streptococcus parauberis in farmed olive flounder

Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish pathol. 46:108-111.



1. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Toshihiro Nakai, Se Chang Park (2010). Isolation

and identification of bacteriophages infecting ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis

specific Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Vet. Microbiol. 140:109-115.

2. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Toshihiro Nakai, Se Chang Park (2010). Plasmid

profiling of Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates from ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis

altivelis) and other fish species in Japan. J. Vet. Sci. 11:85-87.

3. Jin-Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Sang-Phil

Shin, Jee-Eun Han, Se-Chang Park (2010). Isolation of Aeromonas sobria containing

hemolysin gene from Arowana (Scleropages formosus). J. Vet. Clin. 27:62-65.

4. Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jin Woo Jun,

Dennis K. Gomez, Se Chang Park (2010). Mortality of cultured koi Cyprinus carpio

in Korea caused by Bothriocephalus acheilognathi. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res. 4:543-546.

5. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun

Han, Sang Phil Shin, Se Chang Park (2010). Occurrence of tetracycline-resistant

Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Korean cyprinid loach (Misgurnus

anguillicaudatus). Afr. J. Microbiol. Res. 4:849-855.

6. Sang-Phil Shin, Hyang Jee, Jee-Eun Han, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano

H. Choresca Jr., Jin-Woo Jun, Dae-Yong Kim, Se-Chang Park (2010). Occurrence of

goiter in flowerhorn cichlid (Family: Cichlidae) and its effect on liver. J. Vet. Clin.


7. Jin-Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Jee-Eun Han, Sang-Phil Shin, Dennis K. Gomez,

Casiano Choresca Jr., Kyu-Seon Oh, Se-Chang Park (2010). Isolation of

Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae from the giant grouper, Epinephelus

Lanceolatus. J. Vet. Clin. 27:618-621.

8. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Jee-Eun Han, Sang-Phil Shin, Ji Hyung

Kim, Jin-Woo Jun, Se-Chang Park (2010). Molecular detection of Aeromonas

hydrophila isolated from albino catfish, Clarias sp. reared in an indoor commercial

aquarium. Taehan Suui Hakhoe Chi Taehan Suui Hakhoe 50:331-333.

9. Gun Wook Baeck, Se Chang Park, Ji Hyung Kim, Ki Moon Nam, Sung Hoei Heo, Ju

Myun Park (2010). Reproductive ecology of a goldeye rockfish, Sebastes thompsoni

(Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) in the coastal waters of busan, Korea. Han Gug

Eoryu Hag Hoeji 22:34-40.

10. Sung Hoei Heo, Ju Myun Park, Se Chang Park, Ji Hyung Kim, Gun Wook Baeck


(2010). Feeding habits of 6 shark species in the southern sea of Korea. Fish Aquat. Sci.


11. Gun Wook Baeck, Sung Hoei Heo, Se Chang Park, Ji Hyung Kim, Ju Myun Park

(2010). Seasonal variation in species composition and abundance of fish assemblages

collected by a three-side fyke net in the coastal waters off gori, Korea. Han Gug Eoryu

Hag Hoeji 22:186-194.

12. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Seung Ho Choi, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Se

Chang Park (2010). Bacteria isolated from the mucus of farm-raised adult and juvenile

charm abalone, Haliotis discus hannai. J. World Aquac. Soc. 41:139-144.

13. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Ok Jae Koo, So Goon Hong, Hyun Joo Oh, Dennis K.

Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Byung Chun Lee, Se Chang Park (2010). Effect of dimethyl

sulfoxide on cell cycle synchronization of goldfish caudal fin derived fibroblasts cells.

Reprod. Domest. Anim. 45:E73-E77.

14. Jee-Eun Han, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang-Phil

Shin, Se Chang Park (2010). Isolation of a zoonotic pathogen Kluyvera ascorbata

from egyptian fruit-bat Rousettus aegyptiacus. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 72:85-87.


1. Gun Wook Baeck, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Sang Phil

Shin, Jee Eun Han, Se Chang Park (2009). Mass mortality of doctor Fish (Garra rufa

obtusa) caused by Citrobacter freundii infection. J. Vet. Clin. 26:150-154.

2. Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun

Han, Se Chang Park (2009). Isolation and characterization of Morganella morganii

from Asian water monitor Varanus salvator. J. Vet. Clin. 26:391-394.

3. Jee Eun Han, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca, Sang Phil Shin,

Gun Wook Baeck, Se Chang Park (2009). Isolation of Photobacterium damselae

subsp. damselae from zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum. Taehan Suui Hakhoe Chi

Taehan Suui Hakhoe 49:35-38.

4. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Ok Jae Koo, Hyun Joo Oh, So Goon Hong, Dennis K.

Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Byung Chun Lee, Se Chang Park (2009). Different culture

conditions used for arresting the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle in goldfish (Carassius

auratus) caudal fin-derived fibroblasts. Cell Biol. Int. 33:65-70.



1. Ji Hyung Kim (2008). Bacterial and viral diseases in Korean cultured flounder

(Paralichthys olivaceus). M.Sc. Thesis, Seoul National University.

2. Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se

Chang Park (2008). Molecular detection of betanodaviruses from apparently healthy

wild marine invertebrates. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 97:197-202.

3. Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se

Chang Park (2008). Genetic analysis of betanodaviruses in subclinically infected

aquarium fish and invertebrate. Curr. Microbiol. 56:449-504.

4. Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se

Chang Park (2008). Molecular detection of betanodavirus in 6 wild marine fish

populations in Korea. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 20:38-44.

5. Ji Hyung Kim, Kyong Yeon Kim, Tae Youp Oh, Hwan Jang, Seong Joon Joh, Dennis

K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr. Se Chang Park (2008). Infection of Clinostomum

complanatum in Korean barbell (Hemibarbus mylodon). J. Vet. Clin. 25:307-309.

6. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Hwan Jang, Seong Joon

Joh, Se Chang Park (2008). Isolation of Serratia fonticola from Pirarucu Arapaimas

gigas. Taehan Suui Hakhoe Chi Taehan Suui Hakhoe 48:89-92.

7. Mi Hyeon You, Ji Hyung Kim, Dae Yong Kim, Dennis Kaw Gomez, Tae Sung Jung,

Se Chang Park (2008). Pleuritis and pericarditis associated with Klebsiella

pneumoniae in a Eurasian beaver (Castor Fiber). Taehan Suui Hakhoe Chi Taehan

Suui Hakhoe 48:501-503.

8. Jae Won Kim, Yang Ho Yoon, Hyun Chool Shin, Toru Takita, Ji Hyung Kim, Se

Chang Park, Chan Il Park, Gun Wook Baeck (2008). Reproduction of the goby fish

Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus in mud flat of suncheon bay, Korea. Hangug Susan

Haghoi Ji 41:289-293.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se Chang Park (2007).


Detection of major bacterial and viral pathogens in trash fish used to feed cultured

flounder in Korea. Aquaculture 272:105-110.

2. Ji Hyung Kim, Geun Mo Park, Kyong Yeon Kim, Tae Youp Oh, Dennis K. Gomez,

Se Chang Park (2007). Treatment in gill cover curling of Arowana. J. Vet. Clin. 24:56-


3. Ji Hyung Kim, Gun Wook Baeck, Kyong Yeon Kim, Tae Youp Oh, Dennis K.

Gomez, Se Chang Park (2007). Infectious of Proteus vulgaris in black-spotted

porcupine fish. J. Vet. Clin. 24:42-45.

4. Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Gun Wook Baeck, Se

Chang Park (2007). Selective non digestion of yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor

larvae by Arowana. Taehan Suui Hakhoe Chi Taehan Suui Hakhoe 47:191-195.

5. Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se Chang Park (2007).

Sensitivity between two diagnostic methods for detection of hepatopancreatic

parvovirus (HPV) infection in shrimp Penaeus monodon. Lab. Anim. Res. 23:109-112.

6. Gun Wook Baeck, Dennis K. Gomez, Kyu Seon Oh, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H.

Choresca Jr., Se Chang Park (2007). Detection of piscine nodaviruses from apparently

healthy wild marine fish in Korea. Bull. Eur. Assoc. Fish Pathol. 27:116-122.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Gee Wook Shin, Gang joon

Heo, Tae Sung Jung, Se Chang Park (2006). Pathogenicity of Streptococcus

parauberis to olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish Pathol. 41:171-173

2. Ji Hyung Kim, Kyung Taeck Lim, Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Gang Joon

Heo, Se Chang Park (2006). Fate and survivability of fish bacteriophage inoculated in

BALB/c mice. Lab. Anim. Res. 22:421-423.

3. Gun WooK Baeck, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Se Chang Park (2006).

Isolation and characterization of Streptococcus sp. from diseased flounder

(Paralichthys olivaceus) in Jeju island. J. Vet. Sci. 7:53-58



1. Ji Hyung Kim, Kyung Taek Lim, Tae Sung Jung, Nam Shik Shin, Jae Hak Park,

Gang Joon Heo, Se Chang Park (2005). Characterization of Aeromonas spp. isolated

from Neon tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodl). J. Vet. Clin. 22:114-118.

2. Kyung Taek Lim, Ji Hyung Kim, Jae Hak Park, Nam Shik Shin, Gang Joon Heo, Se

Chang Park (2005). Treatment of Dactylogyrosis in Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus). J.

Vet. Clin. 22:160-162.


List of conference attendance


1. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Ji

Young Chai and Se Chang Park: Quinolone resistance and their genetic determinants

in motile Aeromonas spp. from the diseased fishes and environmental water in Korea.

Aquaculture Europe 2011, Greece (Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

2. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun

and Se Chang Park: Identification of tetracycline resistance gene encoded R- plasmid

in Aeromonas hydrophila from a cherry salmon. Aquaculture Europe 2011, Greece

(Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

3. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Su Jin Kim, Jung Taeck Kang, Bego Roibas da Torre, Ji

Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park:

Transfection of goldfish Carassius auratus caudal fin derived primary cells.

Aquaculture Europe 2011, Greece (Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

4. Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun

and Se Chang Park: Rapid detection and isolation of Salmonella sp. from amphibians

and reptiles. Aquaculture Europe 2011, Greece (Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

5. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin

and Se Chang Park: Isolation, molecular characterization and antibiotic susceptibility

of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Korean seafood. Aquaculture Europe 2011, Greece

(Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

6. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin

and Se Chang Park: Isolation and molecular detiction of Plesiomonas shigelloides

containing tetA gene from asian arowana Scleropages formosus in a Korean aquarium.

Aquaculture Europe 2011, Greece (Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

7. Ji-Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang-Phil Shin, Jee-Eun Han, Jin-Woo Jun,

Se-Chang Park: Molecular identification of infectious hypodermal and Hematopoietic

Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) from Litopenaeus vannamei Shrimp Cultured in South

Korea. Aquaculture Europe 2011, Greece (Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

8. Ji-Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang-Phil Shin, Jee-Eun Han, Jin-Woo Jun,

Se-Chang Park: Antimicrobial resistance and clonal relatedness of Aeromonas


salmonicida isolates from cultured fish in South Korea. Aquaculture Europe 2011,

Greece (Rhodes) Oct., 2011.

9. Jin-Woo Jun, Ji-Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang-Phil Shin, Jee-Eun Han,

Eun-Chae Rye, Se Chang Park Vibrio parahaemolyticus in live seafood and related

environment: 2009 Korea survey. 2011 Korean Society of Veterinary Science

Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

10. Ji-Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang-Phil Shin, Jee-Eun Han, Jin-Woo Jun,

Sang-Yoon Han, Do-Hyung Kang, Se-Chang Park: First detection and genome

sequencing of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) from

Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp cultured in South Korea. 2011 Korean Society of

Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

11. Sang-Phil Shin, Ji-Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Chroresca Jr., Jee-Eun Han, Jin-Woo Jun,

Eun-Chae Ryu, Se-Chang Park: Phylogenetic characterization of Thelohanellus

kitauei about host specificity and tissue tropism. 2011 Korean Society of Veterinary

Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

12. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Ji

Young Chai, Sang Yoon Han, Eun Chae Ryu, Se Chang Park: Detection of new qnrS

gene in motile Aeromonas spp. from diseased fish and water. 2011 Korean Society of

Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

13. Casiano Choresca Jr, Ji-Hyung Kim, Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Eun

Chae Ryu, Byeong Chun Lee, Se Chang Park: Culture of goldfish caudal fin explants:

Influence of storage media, time and glycerol cryopreservation. 2011 Korean Society

of Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

14. Sang-Phil Shin, Ji-Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Chroresca Jr., Jee-Eun Han, Jin-Woo Jun,

Eun-Chae Ryu, Se-Chang Park: Comparison of detection methods of Salmonella sp.

from amphibians and reptiles. 2011 Korean Society of Veterinary Science Conference

and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

15. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Eun

Chae Ryu, Se Chang Park: Prevalence of tet gene in Aeromonas species isolated from

environmental water and cultured fish in South Korea. 2011 Korean Society of

Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

16. Ji-Hyung Kim, Ji-Soo Son, Casiano-Hermopia Choresca Jr., Sang-Phil Shin, Jee-Eun

Han, Jin-Woo Jun, Do-Hyung Kang, Se-Chang Park: Isolation of a novel virulent

Myoviridae bacteriophage PAS-1 infecting Aeromonas salmonicida subsp.


salmonicida. 2011 Korean Society of Veterinary Science Conference and General

Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

17. Jin-Woo Jun, Ji-Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee-Eun Han, Sang-Phil Shin,

Eun-Chae Ryu, Se-Chang Park: Occurrence of Plesiomonas shigelloides infection

containing tetA gene in Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus). 2011 Korean Society

of Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.

18. Casiano Choresca Jr., Su Jin Kim, Jung Taek Kang, Bego Roibas da Torre, Ji Hyung

Kim, Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Eun Chae Ryu, Goo Jang, Byeong

Chun Lee, Se Chang Park: Transient transfection of red fluorescent protein gene in

goldfish caudal fin derived primary cells. 2011 Korean Society of Veterinary Science

Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Chonan) Oct., 2011.


1. Sang Phil Shin, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Detection and genetic analysis of aqua-

birnaviruses in subclinically infected aquarium fish. Aquaculture Europe 2010, Portugal

(Porto) Oct., 2010.

2. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Dennis K. Gomez, Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung

Kim, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Mortality of albino catfish Clarias batrachus

caused by Aeromonas hydrophila exhibited in an indoor commercial aquarium.

Aquaculture Europe 2010, Portugal (Porto) Oct., 2010.

3. Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca

Jr., Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Mortality of cultured koi Cyprinus carpio in Korea

caused by Bothriocephalus acheilognathi. Aquaculture Europe 2010, Portugal (Porto)

Oct., 2010.

4. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han,

Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Occurrence of tetracycline-resistant Aeromonas

hydrophila infection in Korean cyprinid loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Aquaculture

Europe 2010, Portugal (Porto) Oct., 2010.

5. Sang Phil Shin, Hyang Jee, Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr.,

Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo Jun, Dae Yong Kim and Se Chang Park: Occurrence of goiter in

flowerhorn cichlid and its effect on liver. Aquaculture Europe 2010, Portugal (Porto)

Oct., 2010.


6. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Sang Phil

Shin, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Antimicrobial resistance and its genetic

determinants in Aeromonas hydrophila from aquarium-cultured cherry salmon

Oncorhynchus masou masou. Aquaculture Europe 2010, Portugal (Porto) Oct., 2010.

7. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han,

Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Isolation of Photobacterium damselae subsp.

damselae from giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus. Aquaculture Europe 2010,

Portugal (Porto) Oct., 2010.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo

Jun, Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Citrobacter freundii infection of doctor fish

Garra rufa obtusa with mass mortality. The 2nd FASAVA Congress 2009, Thailand

(Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

2. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Jin Woo

Jun, Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Experimental infection of aquatic animals

with low pathogenic avian influenza virus (H9N2) of Korean isolate. The 2nd

FASAVA Congress 2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

3. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jin Woo

Jun, Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Isolation of a zoonotic pathogen Kluyvera

ascorbata from Egyptian fruit-bat Rousettus aegyptiacus. The 2nd FASAVA Congress

2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

4. Jee Eun Han, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jin Woo

Jun, Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Development of fish somatic cell line derived

from fin of glass catfish Kryptopterus bicirrhis. The 2nd FASAVA Congress 2009,

Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

5. Sang Phil Shin, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Morphological and molecular identification of

scuticociliate Philasterides dicentrarchi in Indo-Pacific deahorse Hippocampus kuda.

The 2nd FASAVA Congress 2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

6. Sang Phil Shin, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Surgical removal of anal cyst from koi

Cyprinus carpio koi caused by Thelohanellus kitauei. The 2nd FASAVA Congress

2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.


7. Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Mortality of banded hound shark Triakis

Scyllium caused by Citrobacter koseri in a commercial aquarium. The 2nd FASAVA

Congress 2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

8. Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Molecular detection of betanodaviruses from

wild marine or freshwater fishes and invertebrates in Korea. The 2nd FASAVA

Congress 2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

9. Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Isolation of Edwardsiella tarda from pirarucu

Arapaima Gigas maintained in a private commercial aquarium. The 2nd FASAVA

Congress 2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

10. Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun

Han, Jin Woo Jun and Se Chang Park: Culture of goldfish caudal fin explants: Effect

of storage time, storing media and glycerol cryopreservation. The 2nd FASAVA

Congress 2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

11. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jee Eun

Han, Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Isolation of Aeromonas sobria encoding

hemolysin gene from dragon fish Scleropages formosus. The 2nd FASAVA Congress

2009, Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.

12. Jin Woo Jun, Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Jee Eun

Han, Sang Phil Shin and Se Chang Park: Mass mortality of cyprinid loach Misgurnus

anguillicaudatus caused by Aeromonas hydrophila. The 2nd FASAVA Congress 2009,

Thailand (Bangkok) Nov., 2009.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Se Chang Park, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano. H. Choresca Jr., Gang

Joon Heo: Feeding trash fish can be a source of inoculum for streptococcosis in

cultured flounder. Aquaculture Europe 2008, Poland (Krakow) Sep., 2008.

2. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun

Han, Se Chang Park: Effects on larval settlement of mucus-associated microflora of

charm abalone (Haliotis discus hannai). Aquaculture Europe 2008, Poland (Krakow)

Sep., 2008.


3. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se Chang Park, Byeong Chun Lee, Ok Jae Koo, Dennis K.

Gomez, So Gun Hong, Hyun Joo Oh, Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin,:

Cell cycle synchronization of goldfish (Carassius auratus) caudal fin derived

fibroblasts with different culture conditions to obtain G0/G1 phase somatic cell

population for fish nuclear transfer. Aquaculture Europe 2008, Poland (Krakow) Sep.,


4. Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H, Choresca Jr., Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun

Han, Se Chang Park: Molecular epidemiological analyses of betanodaviruses from

fishes and invertebrates in Korea. 2008 Korean Society of Veterinary Science

Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Gwangju) Sept., 2008.

5. Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun Han, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K.

Gomez, Se Chang Park: Identification of scuticociliate, Philasterides dicentranchi in

Indo-Pacific seahorse Hippocampus kuda using PCR. 2008 Korean Society of

Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Gwangju) Sept., 2008.

6. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis Kaw Gomez, Casiano Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil

Shin, Toshihiro Nakai, Se Chang Park: Isolation and characterization of Ayu

Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis specific Flavobacterium psychrophilum bacteriophages.

2008 Korean Society of Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea

(Gwangju) Sept., 2008.

7. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jee Eun

Han, Se Chang Park: Microflora associated with mucus of charm abalone Haliotis

discus hannai. 2008 Korean Society of Veterinary Science Conference and General

Meeting, Korea (Gwangju) Sept., 2008.

8. Jee Eun Han, Dennis Kaw Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca Jr., Sang Phil

Shin, Se Chang Park: Isolation of a zoonotic pathogen Kluyvera ascorbata from

Egyptian fuit-bat Rousettus aegyptiacus. 2008 Korean Society of Veterinary Science

Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Gwangju) Sept., 2008.

9. Sang Phil Shin, Ji Hyung Kim, Jee Eun Han, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K.

Gomez, Se Chang Park: Isolation of Morganella morganii from Asian water monitor

Varanus salvator. 2008 Korean Society of Veterinary Science Conference and General

Meeting, Korea (Gwangju) Sept., 2008.

10. Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil Shin, Dennis Kaw Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano Choresca

Jr., Se Chang Park: Isolation of Photobacterium damselae spp. damselae from zebra

shark Stegosotoma fasciatum in the aquarium with zoonotic potential. 2008 Korean


Society of Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting, Korea (Gwangju)

Sept., 2008.

11. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis Kaw Gomez, Casiano Choresca Jr., Jee Eun Han, Sang Phil

Shin, Toshihiro Nakai, Se Chang Park: Plasmid profiling as a typing method for

Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates from wild and cultured freshwater fish in

Japan. 2008 Korean Society of Veterinary Science Conference and General Meeting,

Korea (Gwangju) Sept., 2008.

12. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Ok Jae Koo, So Gun Hong, Jee Eun Han, Dennis K. Gomez,

Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Byeong Chun Lee, Se Chang Park: Preliminary study

of storing fish fin explants. 2008 Korean Society of Veterinary Science Conference

and General Meeting, Korea (Gwangju) Sept., 2008.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se Chang Park: Detection

of major bacterial and viral pathogens from trash fish for cultured flounder. 13th

International Symposium for World Association of Veterinary Laboratory

Diagnosticians, Preparing for the Animal Health of Challenges of the Future, Australia

(Melbourne) Nov., 2007

2. Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se Chang Park:

Molecular detection of betanodaviruses from subclinically infected aquarium fishes

and invertebrates. 13th International Symposium for World Association of Veterinary

Laboratory Diagnosticians, Preparing for the Animal Health of Challenges of the

Future, Australia (Melbourne) Nov., 2007

3. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Se Chang Park: Detection

of major bacterial and viral pathogens from trash fish for cultured flounder. 2007

International Symposium of Preventive Medicine (Prevention and Control of

Antimicrobial Resistance and Zoonoses), Korea (Seoul) Apr., 2007.

4. Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Ji Hyung Kim, Casiano H. Choresca Jr. Se

Chang Park: Betanodaviruses from subclinically infected wild marine invertebrates.

2007 International Symposium of Preventive Medicine (Prevention and Control of

Antimicrobial Resistance and Zoonoses), Korea (Seoul) Apr., 2007.

5. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Se Chang Park: Bacterial

flora from mucus of charm abalone Haliotis discus hannai. 2007 International


Symposium of Preventive Medicine (Prevention and Control of Antimicrobial

Resistance and Zoonoses), Korea (Seoul) Apr., 2007.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Se Chang Park: Isolation and

pathogenicity test of Streptococcus parauberis from olive flounder (Paralichthys

olivaceus) in Korea. The 50th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Korean Society

of Veterinary Science, Korea (Tongyeung) Sep., 2006.

2. Dennis K. Gomez, Gun Wook Baeck, Ji Hyung Kim, Se Chang Park: Detection of

piscine nodaviruses from apparently healthy wild marine fish in Korean peninsula.

The 50th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Korean Society of Veterinary Science,

Korea (Tongyeung) Sep., 2006.

3. Dennis K. Gomez, Ji Hyung Kim, Se Chang Park: Detection of betanodaviruses, the

causative agent of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) from several ornamental fishes with

no clinical signs. The 50th Anniversary of the Korean Society of Veterinary Science

and the 30th Anniversary of the Korean Society of Veterinary Public Health – 2006

International Symposium (Roles and Contribution of Veterinary Medicine to

Preventive Medicine), Korea (Seoul) Apr., 2006.


1. Ji Hyung Kim, Kyung Taek Lim, Ji Hun Choi, Tae Sun Kim, Geun Mo Park, Bo Gyu

Kang, Dennis K. Gomez, Se Chang Park: Isolation and characterization of

Streptococcus sp. from diseased flounder in Jeju isalnd. The Korean Society of

Veterinary Science, The 49th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Veterinary

Science, Korea (Jeju Island) Sep., 2005.

2. Kyung Taek Lim, Ji Hyung Kim, Ji Hun Choi, Tae Sun Kim, Geun Mo Park, Dennis

K. Gomez, Nam Shik Shin, Se Chang Park: Fate and survivability of bacteriophage in

mice. The Korean Society of Veterinary Science, The 49th Annual Meeting of the

Korean Society of Veterinary Science, Korea (Jeju Island) Sep., 2005.



I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Se Chang Park for my

encouragement, creative advice and guidance during my master and doctoral

courses. His abilities to guide unique and creative ideas along with his vast

technical experience for inspection have been of enormous impression for me. And

my thanks should be extended to the committee members of this doctoral thesis,

Prof. Byeong Chun Lee, Prof. Gee Wook Shin, Prof. Mahanama de Zoysa and Dr.

Seong Joon Joh for their valuable comments and advices.

Additionally, I express deepest thanks to the all the members of Laboratory of

Aquatic Animal Medicine in SNU (Mr. Casiano H. Choresca Jr., Mr. Sang Phil

Shin, Ms. Jee Eun Han, Mr. Jin Woo Jun, Mr. Sang Yoon Han, Ms. Yeon Hee Kim,

Ms. Eun Chae Ryu and Mr. Moon Sup Kim) for providing the support extended in

carrying out laboratory maintenances, many experimental advices and helps. And I

really wish to express my thanks to Dr. Dennis K. Gomez, who was a previous old

lab member and the one who gave me valuable advices, guidance and experiences.

And I wish to cherish the memory and pray for the deceased experimental animals

during my study. Also, I wish to thank all of my friends in College of Veterinary

Medicine in SNU including epidemiology, immunology, microbiology, avian

disease, veterinary public health, etc. and I really wish to gratitude to all the

members in virology Lab (especially my old mate Hye Kwon Kim, Hyung Joon

Moon, Sung Joon Park and Nguyen van Giap) who have shared difficulties

together for many years.

My doctoral courses and study would never been completed without the belief


from my family. I wish to give the biggest and greatest thanks to my mother, father,

grand-parents, brother and his wife. And I am also thankful to all of my relatives

and old buddies. I really would like to share this moment with my dearest love, Ms.

Hye Kyung Yeum, who has been looked for silver linings in every cloud for me.

And I express deepest thanks to the staff of Department of food and animal

science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) in SNU for molding me

into what I am now. Also, I'm really much obliged to Dr. Jee Soo Son for his efforts

and passion, and I wish to cherish every moment that we have investigated together

in the 1st floor at CALS.

Also, I wish to express my deep thank to Dr. Do Hyung Kang, Dr. Chulhong Oh,

Dr. Soo Jin Heo, all the lab colleagues and Indian Ocean research team in Korea

Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) with their helps and advices.

And still, there are far too many people to be thanked, and my thanks and gratitude

are too numerous to list completely. I wish to express lively sense of gratitude to

everyone to be thanked.

All my study were financially supported by the Brain Korea 21 Program for

Veterinary Science in SNU, by a Korean Research Foundation Grant and by the

Basic Science Research Program through National Research Foundation of Korea

funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.

April 23. 2012.

Ji Hyung Kim
