October 2011 report.pdf · Arval fuel card All vehicles carry an Arval fuel card. The fuel cards...


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October 2011

Environmental Policy & Sustainability Report


A message from The Director 3

Our vision 4

Our commitment 4

Vehicle information 5

Our promise 6

Looking forward 6

Conclusion 8

2 BSS Sustainability Report 2011

A message from The Director...

3 BSS Sustainability Report 2011

Being focused on the effect we have on the environment can be extremely rewarding. Putting measures in place to provide a brighter tomorrow for our future generations is key to our role in the industry. Matthew Bowler Founder & Director

Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists has enjoyed years of remarkable success as a scaffolding company, playing a critical role in delivering temporary structures to people throughout the UK and beyond. We plan to sustain our success for future generations by building a brighter, greener tomorrow. We are continuously looking for new ways to improve the impact we have on the environment by giving as much back as possible. That’s our sustainability vision – how we propose to continue delivering our services responsibly to all who deal with us.

sustainability is detailed throughout the report as well as information on our implementation of a new code of practice in which Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists and its employees can make a real, fundamental difference to the planet. We recognize that opportunities for growth bring real social responsibility challenges. When society changes, business must be proactive in changing along with it. We are doing so, moving beyond dialogue to action. This report details how.

Progress in the scaffolding industry suggests potentially massive future growth for Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists. However, it also demands we play a changing role: This 2011 Environmental Policy & Sustainability Report illustrates how we actively expand our role in the world. We are broadening partnerships with suppliers, vehicle and equipment manufacturers, and local concerns to co-actively tackle some of the world’s largest problems. Changes already made as well as plans on how we intend on improving our

Our Vision

BSS Sustainability Report 2011 4

At Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists we realise that safeguarding the environment by significantly reducing our carbon footprint is crucial to creating a sustainable future. It is our aim to look to new ways in improving our methods of eliminating needless wastage of energy and resources by the using government information and research. We therefore plan on achieving a greener environmental output each year, consistently gaining information on how we can help the environment and putting measures in place to reach our goals. It is our vision to play a pivotal role in combating climate change, reducing waste, enhancing biodiversity and promoting healthier living. Ultimately it is our duty to do our bit to help provide a better future for our children and the planet.

Our Commitment We have developed and formalised our environmental objectives through the publication of our Environmental Policy. Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists are committed to reducing the impact of our operations on the environment by: Re-using our undamaged scaffolding equipment. Ensuring all timber boards we use are FSC accredited and supplied by an approved ODA supplier. Cutting damaged timber boards down to size and re-using them. Recycling canvas and steel banding after use. Using BSS wagons to transport equipment and staff to site together, thus reducing vehicles used Choosing a company premises with good access routes. Ensuring that all company vehicles are licensed with current environmental legislation. Not using dangerous materials such as Asbestos. Re-using off-cut scaffolding tube. Regularly servicing all machinery, site equipment and power tools to ensure smooth and clean

Re-fuelling machinery in the correct area of the site, using a drip tray with a spillage kit nearby. Implementing new and improved operation and environmental systems. Continuing to invest in cost effective ways of producing and energy efficient products.

per contract.

operation. Thus reducing emissions to the air and reducing our contribution to global warming, acid rain fall and the local air quality.

Vehicle Information

BSS Sustainability Report 2011 5


All of our company vehicles were registered as new by the DVLA after 1st October 2011. They therefore comply to a standard of Euro V meaning each vehicle meets the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) emissions standards

Arval fuel card

All vehicles carry an Arval fuel card. The fuel cards monitor the quantities of fuel being used by each vehicle. Careful monitoring allows Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists to record the emissions given out by each vehicle, monitor fuel costs and driver trends. To ensure the emissions are kept to a minimum, the vehicles are regularly serviced and maintained to the highest level. The Arval card system also reduces paper waste as all fuel costs are produced on a single VAT receipt.


Drivers are assessed by Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists prior to using company vehicles. We ensure that amongst many other things, they have the competency and skill to adhere to our regulations regarding the impact our vehicles have on the environment. Our drivers are advised to: Change gear between 2000-2500rpm Anticipate road conditions and drive smoothly, avoiding sharp acceleration and heavy breaking Use air conditioning sparingly, significantly reducing fuel consumption. leave engines running idle for as minimal period. As possible Stick to speed limits to make fuel go further. Driving at 70mph rather than 85 saves 25% more Plan journeys to find the shortest route and avoid congestion. Check tyre pressures often. Driving on under inflated tyres is dangerous and can increase fuel Switch off the engine when at a standstill for long periods of time to save fuel and reduce Remain on specified vehicle routes whilst on site, complying with the site management system.

to save fuel, tyre wear and reduce accident rates.


consumption by 3%.


Our Promise

BSS Sustainability Report 2011 6

Looking forward With all factors taken in to consideration, Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists understands that improvements can be made continuously to improve sustainability. In order to achieve a lighter carbon footprint we set challenging but achievable goals which we aim to achieve between assessment periods. Using BS 8901 “Specification for a sustainability management system for events”, we have set the following objectives: Zero waste to landfill We intend on rapidly decreasing the amount of waste produced, thus maximising

landfill diversion. Whilst using low carbon solutions, ongoing measures are in place for leasing and recycling unused equipment and we also propose to donate materials to the local community.

Reducing emissions By using alternatives to diesel powered equipment, we can significantly lower our

emissions. We currently use battery powered only tools and intend on expanding our responsibilities by implementing power alternatives such as gas generators and fuel cell technologies.

Material alternatives Finding replacements for materials which have a negative effect on the environment

is key to our sustainability policy. By avoiding the use of materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs), we can ensure that unnecessary carbon output is kept to a minimum. We will also continue to research materials and the effects they have on the environment.

In order to ensure effective management of this policy Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists will: Set key performance targets and objectives stated in our Conduct an audit every three months to review the

management programme.

performance of the team and discuss how the environmental system can be improved. Inspect vehicles regularly, only taking what equipment is needed rather than overloading

Encourage operatives to take part in driver training schemes. Ensure all operatives working on behalf of Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists are

and where feasible making one journey supply multiple sites.

following the environmental policy at all times.

BSS Sustainability Report 2011 7

Becoming energy efficient By extending the role of our Operations Co-ordinator with the addition of vehicle

and logistics management, we will record the usage of our vehicles accurately. Using our records we can make further improvements on our energy usage and efficiency. Implementing new software that uses technical drawings to calculate the exact amount of equipment needed for each project will allow us to eradicate journeys to site with excess equipment, thus saving on fuel and resources.

Becoming paperless Installing a program, accessible through

our website which allows staff to price and invoice projects which are automatically sent to customers will significantly reduce the amount of paper used by the company. We also want to reduce our customers’ unnecessary energy usage by requesting that documents are sent via email rather than post.

Assessing suppliers’ sustainability Moving forward we will look at the way our suppliers conduct their business in great

detail with regards to sustainability, Choosing only to work with companies that adhere to our environmental policies. Materials will continue to be sourced locally.

Accreditation & certification The way in which we conduct our business with regards to sustainability already

goes beyond legislation. However, by applying for ISO 9001 “Quality Management”, ISO 14001 “Environmental Management System” and OHSAS “Occupational Health & Safety Management System” standards, we can become certified in these practices, giving customers and clients the assurance that we’re doing our bit to help the environment.


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It is our ultimate aim to become Britain’s greenest scaffolding company. We understand that in order to achieve this we not only need to maintain our strong ethos regarding sustainability and the environment, but look to ways of improving year after year. With the continued training, our staff will not only be aware of the effect their activities have on the environment but also know how to actively do their bit to reduce energy wastage and emissions. By following the plans laid out in this policy, we are confident that we can become the industry leaders in environmental practices with consistency being the key to ensuring that we uphold a strong mentality. The challenge of maintaining a greener work ethic is one we embellish and look forward to with open eyes, after all it is our duty as a company and citizens of the planet to provide a better tomorrow for future generations.

For more information, visit our website: www.buckinghamshirescaffolding.com or email: info@buckinghamshirescaffolding.com

Buckinghamshire Scaffolding Specialists Ltd Ridge Hill Farm

Little Horwood Road Nash

Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire

MK17 0EH United Kingdom

0800 8 247 400

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