October 29 th, 2013 Agenda Warm-up Quiz Notes 21.1 Review Assignment OPEN NOTEBOOK and review your...


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October 29th, 2013Agenda

•Warm-up Quiz•Notes•21.1 Review Assignment

OPEN NOTEBOOK and review your notes from yesterday• There will be a short quiz over yesterday’s info to start class!

Industrialization and Imperialism

Homework•No homework

Essential QuestionHow did the “new imperialism” lead European countries to colonize Southeast Asia?

RelevanceThe experience of European domination and colonization in Southeast Asia is what led to future conflicts in the region during World War II and the Vietnam War

State StandardMWH – 5.6 Analyze Asia's relationship with European states through 1900

European Colonization… of the World!

Four Day Outlook• TUEDSAY: Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia• WEDNESDAY: Empire Building in Africa• THURSDAY: British Rule in India• FRIDAY: Nation Building in Latin America

• There will be a quiz everyday on the notes from class so keep them up-to-date!

The New Imperialism

Why Colonize?1. Asia seen as a new market for raw materials• Oil• Tin• Rubber

• European countries expandcolonial rule through imperialism• Direct control over the land

and resources of aforeign place

The New Imperialism

Why Colonize?2. European competition to have the “biggest

and baddest” empire• No room in Europe? Colonize the world!

3. Social Darwinism and racism• Europeans view themselves as superior to

colonized people• Many thought it was their duty to “civilize”

The New Imperialism

Social Darwinism and racism

The New Imperialism

Social Darwinism and racism

Colonization Begins

Great Britain• Takes control of the important trade city of

Singapore and Kingdom of Burma

France• Forces Vietnam to accept French “protection”

from the British Empire

United States• Defeated the Spanish to takeover the


Colonization Begins

Colossus of the Pacific


The Philippines

Colonization Begins


Colonization Begins

What is the Exception in SE Asia?• Thailand remains free from foreign rule during

the era of European Colonization. Why?• Thai leaders build good relations with the

French and British gov’ts• Convinced British and French to leave

Thailand as a “buffer state” to prevent war

Indirect and Direct Rule (p. 651)

Indirect Rule Direct Rule

Provide a positive and negative effect for both types of rule as well as an example

Colonial Economies

No Chance to Grow• Europeans did not allow SE Asian countries to

develop their own industries• Export all raw materials back to Europe

• Working conditions and treatment of laborers a major issue for peasants

Positive Effects?• Europeans built transportation networks

(railroads, highways, etc.)

Resistance to Colonial Rule

Never Without a Fight• King in Burma fought against the British before

being defeated• Vietnamese resist the French but are


Success in the Future?• Over time a new class of SE Asians become

educated in Western-style schools• Use Western laws to organize resistance

movements focused on national independence
