Nutrition: Evaluation and Ways Forward · 2017-12-06 · Nutrition: Evaluation and Ways Forward...


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Nutrition: Evaluation and Ways Forward

Lauren LandisRoundtable – October 2015

1Nutrition Division (OSN) 1

Where We Stand: Global Picture

•3.1 million children under 5 die every year frommalnutrition-related causes

•50 million children under 5 are wasted (thin;low weight for height)

•159 million stunted children under 5 (small; lowheight for age), primarily in Africa and Asia

•Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) rates canat least double, if not more, during the leanseason, with even greater risk in sudden onsetemergencies

Source: 1. Lancet, 20132. UNICEF-WHO- World Bank

Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates, 2015

2Nutrition Division (OSN) 2

Where We Stand: How to solve it

The LancetThe Lancet Copenhagen ConsensusCopenhagen Consensus

If we had an extra $75 billion to put to gooduse, which problems would we solve first?

A group of leading international economists,including Nobel Laureates, found that five of thetop ten most cost-effective solutions fordevelopment are interventions to improve nutrition

• The Consensus found micronutrient (vitaminand mineral) fortification and supplementationto be the #1 priority investment fordevelopment.

• For every $1 invested in reducing childhoodmalnutrition, we have a $45 return.

Source: Lancet (2008 and 2013)Copenhagen Consensus (2012)

Landmark series on ‘Maternal and ChildUndernutrition’ (2008) which found that inadequatenutrition during the first two years of life during acritical window of opportunity –1,000 days fromconception to age two -- leads to irreversibledamage and impairments in physical growth andcognitive development.

• Maternal and child undernutrition is theunderlying cause of more than 45% of deaths ofchildren under five.

• Findings reaffirmed in 2013 series, which alsohighlighted the need to extend the 1,000 focus toinclude adolescent girls.

3Nutrition Division (OSN) 3

Where We Stand: WFP

Global EngagementGlobal Engagement

• Strong platform for WFP Nutrition has been builtover the last 10 years.

• WFP has contributed greatly to the globalevidence base around programmes andnutrients.

• Built an international reputation as a thoughtleader in nutrition.

• Contributed to the development of newspecialized foods.


• Reaching 10-15 million people directly innutrition programmes which use improvedfoods.

• Direct programmes in 59 countries, with manyadditional countries providing policy supportand technical assistance to governments.

• Deep field presence enables programmingwhere other partners cannot deliver.

4Nutrition Division (OSN) 4

Recommendations 1 & 2: Revision and Development


• Do not revise at this time

• Align with the new Strategic Plan

• Provide regular updates to theExecutive Board

• Collaborate with partners under theUnited Nations Global NutritionAgenda

• Develop subject papers to provideguidance on emerging issues

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• Continue to communicate openly regardingthe roll out of the policy and evaluate theevolving global evidence base and dialogue

• Continue and strengthen work with UNpartners

• Complete a series of subject papers on globalnutrition issues

• Accelerate work on nutrition-sensitivestrategies across WFP

5Nutrition Division (OSN) 5


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Nutrition Specific Programmes (treatment of MAM, prevention of acute,prevention of stunting, specialized foods)= 20% Reduction

Nutrition Specific Programmes (treatment of MAM, prevention of acute,prevention of stunting, specialized foods)= 20% Reduction

Education: incorporating nutrition in school feeding programmesEducation: incorporating nutrition in school feeding programmes

Social Protection: innovating modalities, explicit nutrition goals, fullpackagesSocial Protection: innovating modalities, explicit nutrition goals, fullpackages

WASH: improving water, sanitation and hygieneWASH: improving water, sanitation and hygiene

Agriculture: increasing and diversifying productionAgriculture: increasing and diversifying production

Livelihoods, economic empowerment, asset creationLivelihoods, economic empowerment, asset creation

Market/ National Capacity StrengtheningMarket/ National Capacity Strengthening

Behavior change communicationBehavior change communication

Processing: fortification, food safetyProcessing: fortification, food safety


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PREVIEWGetting to Zero Hunger: Nutrition Sensitive

6Nutrition Division (OSN) 6

Recommendation 3: Guidance for Implementation


• Strengthen guidance for WFP staffand management

• Improve gender analysis andmonitoring in line with new GenderPolicy

• Ensure guidance is readily available

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• Improve tools and update guidance

• Continue collaboration with the Gender officeand VAM to strengthen gender considerationsin nutrition programming and analysis, e.g.adolescent girls and nutrition.

• Update webpages and communications toolsfor the field

7Nutrition Division (OSN) 7

PREVIEWImprove targeting: Adolescent girls


• Each year 16 million girls below theage of 19 give birth

• Complications related to pregnancyand childbirth are the leading causeof death among adolescent girlsaged between 15 and 19

• Often these complications areassociated with poor nutritionincluding anaemia, micronutrientdeficiencies, and low stature (stuntedadolescent)

• Pregnancies before the age of 20, areclosely associated to low birthweight and stunting

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• A renewed focus on this particular targetgroup:

• Identify the best channels to reach them• Building on existing strategic

partnerships• Ultimately: adjusting and prioritizing

programming to show impact

8Nutrition Division (OSN) 8

Recommendation 4: Monitoring & Evaluation


• Provide guidance on methodology

• Provide guidance on supportingnational M&E systems

• Ensure consistent prioritization ofM&E and utilization of results

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• Updated guidance on methodologies forreporting against the SRF has beencompleted and disseminated to regionaladvisors in order to support country offices.

• Work with other United Nations agencies andpartners to define a framework for nationalnutrition M&E systems and provide support asappropriate.

• Maintaining and strengthening a focus onM&E remains a cross cutting priority

9Nutrition Division (OSN) 9

Recommendation 5:Operational Research and Knowledge Management


• Develop, disseminate and implementa comprehensive operationalresearch strategy

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• Finalize operational research strategy whichmeets needs of regions and countries

• Strengthen tools and data analysis

• Link improved nutrition situation analysis todecision making on nutrition

10Nutrition Division (OSN) 10



Locally availablefood items

Possible nutritious dietsmeeting all nutrient

requirements of a modelledhousehold, including a child

under two years beingbreastfed

Least expensivenutritious diet

PREVIEWThe Cost of Diet and Filling the Nutrient Gap

11Nutrition Division (OSN) 11

Recommendation 6: Capacity Development within WFP


• Ensure appropriate balance ofcompetencies

• Ensure skills for implementation

• Enable effective advocacy,particularly with nationalgovernments

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• Core competencies for nutrition staff havebeen updated and include a focus onpartnership, advocacy and strategy

• To balance the various needs of differentaudiences, OSN will work with HR to update anutrition capacity development strategy

12Nutrition Division (OSN) 12











PREVIEWCapacity Building: Building Skills

13Nutrition Division (OSN) 13



Training for:•Refining emergencyresponse•Close work withgovernments•Nutrition sensitive


Training for:•Refining emergencyresponse•Close work withgovernments•Nutrition sensitive


Seconding the right staffwith the right skills and

working with partners onsurge capacity and

targeted technical support


Seconding the right staffwith the right skills and

working with partners onsurge capacity and

targeted technical support


When we can’t build orborrow, finding new staff

with the rightcompetencies to grow

with WFP


When we can’t build orborrow, finding new staff

with the rightcompetencies to grow

with WFP


Building, borrowing andrecruiting the right talent

across staffing levelsrequires a new strategyand way of working with



Building, borrowing andrecruiting the right talent

across staffing levelsrequires a new strategyand way of working with


PREVIEWCapacity Building: Skills, Secondment and Recruitment

14Nutrition Division (OSN) 14

Recommendation 7: Collaboration and Multi-sectoral Partnerships


• Continue to work in partnershipacross emergency, transition anddevelopment contexts

• Support cohesive UN Nutritionstrategies

• Strengthen external communicationson WFP Nutrition

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• Continue to support global nutritionmechanisms which support nationalgovernments to deliver improved nutrition

• Strengthen collaboration with key nutritionpartners and ensure coordinated action viathe Cluster

• Update external materials to openlycommunicate WFP’s role in nutrition andserve as an ongoing update to externalstakeholders

15Nutrition Division (OSN) 15


Emergencies Traditional Partners Governments

Workingclosely withUNICEF


Assessment tools,data analysis, and


The right assistance,via diverse platforms

including socialprotection

Community level

Specialized food Referral tohealth care



De-worming Treatment andprevention

Training community workers

Value added to governments todeliver improved nutrition

PREVIEWStrong Partnerships in all Contexts

Strong logistics/ supply chain

Direct deliveryof specializednutritiousfoods,including fortreatment ofMAM

Project deliveredwith governmentand NGO partner

16Nutrition Division (OSN) 16

Recommendation 8: Resourcing Implementation of the Policy


• Continue to implement the FinancialFramework Review

• Improve financial monitoring andcost-effectiveness analysis

• Continue to advocate with donors forlonger term financing for preventionactivities

Ways ForwardWays Forward

• Continue work on Financial FrameworkReview and ensure nutrition considerations

• Explore cost-effectiveness under the value formoney framework

• Update Nutrition Fundraising Strategy, with afocus on the need for funding to betterimplement preventative activities