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Assalamualaikum…..wr …wb


OLEH :Sinel : 08001033

Agung Gutama : 10001001

Andi Purwanto : 10001002

Dewi Ratna Sari : 10001010

Ira Yulia Sari : 10001014

Yusna Erlita : 10001027

Defenition Respiratory Sistem

Respiration is the atc of breathing. It involves breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide out of. Breathing is a vital function of the body, because it helps supply oxygenated blood to various organs, and helps elimination of carbon dioxide from the body. Lung disease is any disease or disorder that occurs in the lungs or that causes the lungs to not work properly.

1.Upper Airway






Structure Respiratory System


2. Lower airway

• -Trachea• -Main Bronchi• -Segmental and subsegmental bronchi• -Terminal Bronchioles• -Alveoli

Common Respiratory Symptoms

1. Increased respiratory rate2. Discoloration3.  Snoring4. Nose burning5. . Retraction6. Sweat7. Wheezing

Types of Respiratory Disorders

a. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is also known as Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

b. Chronic bronchitis

Chironic bronckitis is the inflammation and scarring of the lining of the respiratory tract

c. EmphysemaEmphysema is a progressive damage to the alveoli mainly from smoking

Next……d. Asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects many Americans, both young and old

e. Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the major causes of cancer deaths in women and men in North America

f. Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection that occurs in the lungs

g. TuberculosisTuberculosis is a serious disease is highly contagious and caused by bacteria infecting the lungs

Function of Respiratory System

1. Exchange of Gases

2. Oxygen Transport

3. Carbon Dioxide Transport

4. Acid-Base Disturbance


1. Give your head a bit extensions.

2. Give oxygen by appropriate method.

3. Observation rhythm, depth and frequency of respiratory.

4. Observation of skin color.

5. Measure oxygen saturation.



6. Observed signs of worsening respiratory.

7. Report your doctor if there are signs of worsening respiratory.

8. Collaboration in the examination of blood gas analysis

9. Collaboration in the examination of surfactant.

10. Maintaining a patent airway by measures such as suctioning.


11. Encouraging the alternation of active with passive activities and other forms of energy conservation in people with chronic problems.

12. Coordinating activities of daily living with breathing retraining techniques and goal oriented progressive exercise.

13. Helping people incorporate relaxation and stress reduction activities into their daily lives.

14. Providing intensive nursing care for acute ill people.
