Nursing Assesment


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ASSESSMENTNursing process is a systematic method that directs the nurse and

patient’s together to accomplish the following.

(i) Assess the patient to determine the need for nursing care.

(ii) Determine the nursing diagnosis for actual and potential health


(iii) Identify expected outcomes and plan care.

(iv) Implement the care.

(v) Evaluate the results.


The Nursing process is used to identify, diagnose and treat human

responses to health and illness. (By ANA)

Nursing Process an Overview:

AssessmentGather information about client’s condition.

EvaluationDetermine if goals met and outcomes achieved.

DiagnosisIdentify the client’s problems.

ImplementationPerform the nursing actions as per the planning.

Planning Set goals of care and

desired outcomes. Identify the

appropriate nursing actions.

Nursing process is a continuous process which involves the following

five series of steps.

(i) Assessment

(ii) Planning

(iii) Diagnosis

(iv) Implementation

(v) Evaluation.

Nursing Assessment

It is the first phase of nursing process.


Nursing Assessment is the systematic and continuous collection,

validation and communication of patient’s data.

Nursing Assessment is the gathering of information about a patient’s

physiological, psychological, sociological and spiritual status.

Purposes of Nursing Assessment

o To gather data about the individual, family or community.

o To establish the base line information about the client.

o To determine the client’s normal function.

o To determine the presence or absence of dysfunction.

o To determine the client’s risk for dysfunction.

o To determine the client’s strengths.

o To identify the actual and potential health problems.

o To provide data for the diagnosis phase.

Types of Nursing Assessments

(i) Initial Assessment

It is performed shortly after the patient is admitted to the hospital.

Here the nurse gathers the information about all aspects of the patient’s

health status. This information is otherwise called Base line data. It tells


about the patient’s condition before investigations begin and it serves as

the basis for identifying the problems.


It is done to establish a complete data base for problem

identification and care planning.

The nurse collects data related to all the aspects of patient’s health.

(ii) Focused Assessment

The nurse gathers data about a specific problem that has already

been identified. It is used to gather information that is specific to determine

the status of an actual or potential problems. It is an ongoing assessment,

helps to identify an actual or potential problems. The nurse has to perform

periodic focus assessment to monitor the status.

The questions may be

What ate the symptoms?

When did they start?

What makes the symptoms better or worse?

Whether the client takes any remedies (Medical/Natural) for the



The purpose of the Focused Assessment is to identify new or over

looked problems.

Guidelines to be followed while performing focus assessment

1. Are these observable signs and symptoms that demonstrate that the

problem exists right now? Are these symptoms getting better, worse

or staying the same?

2. Are there factors contributing to the problem that can be reduced,

controlled or eliminated to alleviate or prevent the problem?

3. How does the patient feel about managing or preventing the



(iii) Emergency Assessment

This is performed by the nurse when there is a physiological or

psychological crisis

(e.g. violence). Emergency assessment takes place in life threatening

situations when the preservation of life is in the top priority.

It is done for the patients

1. Who have difficulties involve Airway, Breathing and circulation

2. Suicidal thoughts

Emergency assessment focuses on a few essential health patterns and it is

not a comprehensive assessment.


To identify life threatening problems.

(iv) Time Lapsed Assessment

It is performed to compare a patient’s current status to base line data

obtained earlier.

It is done mostly to the patients in residential settings and those who

received nursing care over a prolonged period of care. It is used to detect

the changes in all functional health patterns. There is a several months

gaps between the two assessments.


To re assess health status and to make necessary revisions in patient


Uniqueness of Nursing Assessment:

When nurses performing assessment they should not duplicate the

medical assessment.


Medical Assessment

Targeting data pointing out to pathological conditions.

Nursing Assessment

Focus on the patient’s responses to actual or potential health


Steps in the Nursing Assessment

(i) Collecting data.

(ii) Validating data.

(iii) Organizing data.

(iv) Identifying patterns.

(v) Communicating/Recording data.

(i) Collecting data

Gathering information about patient or client. Data collection begins

when the client approaches the health care system in first time. This could

be collected from the out patient department it self. At the time of

admission, a comprehensive nursing assessment is accomplished, and

pertinent data are documented in the chart.

Characteristics of data


The nurse should identify the purpose of the nursing assessment

(comprehensive, focused, emergency, time lapsed) and gather the data.


The nurse should collect the complete data needed to understand the

patient health problem and to develop the nursing care plan.

Factual and Accurate

While collecting the data the nurse should continually verify what she

hear, with what she observe, using other senses and validating all

questionable data. The nurse should check the data provided by the patient


or care giver is reliable. It is best that the assessor should document the

observed behaviour rather than the interpreted behaviour.


Observed behaviour - Patient frequently observed lying with his face to

the wall. Attempts to engage him in conversation

fail. He refused lunch today and ate only soup for


Interpreted behaviour - Patient is depressed


During collection of data the nurse should determine what type of

data and how much data need to be collected from the patients.

Resources for Data Collection

Patient/client (primary source).

Family/significant members.

Nursing records.

Medical records.

Verbal/written consultations (with other health care professionals).

Records of diagnostic studies.

Relevant literature.

Nurse’s experience.

Types of data

(a)Subjective data

Information perceived only by the affected person.

E.g. Feeling of nervousness, nausea, pain;

(b) Objective data

Observation or measurement made by the observer.

E.g. Wound assessment, identification of temperature,

localized body rash, etc.


The measurement of the objective data is based on an

accepted standard.


Fahrenheit or Celsius thermometer.

Centimeter on measuring tape.

Blood pressure.


It is the first step to collect the subjective information from the client.

Interview is an organized conversation with the client to obtain the client’s

health history and information about the current illness.

Advantages of an interview

1. Nurse can explain her role and the role of others during the care to

the client.

2. Establish a sense of carry for the client as an individual.

3. Establish a therapeutic relationship with the client.

4. Gain insight about the client’s concerns and worries.

5. Determine the client’s goals and expectations of the health care


6. Obtain cues about which parts of the data collection phase require

further in-depth investigation.

Phases of Interview

1. Preparatory/orientation Phase:

2. Working Phase

3. Termination Phase

1. Preparatory / Orientation Phase


Before starting interview, the nurse prepares to meet the patient’s by

reading current and past records and reports.

Nurse should approach the patient’s with open mind and to be

sensitive to the human needs.

Ensure that the environment is private and relaxed.

The seating arrangements and the distance between the patient and

nurse should be adequate.

The nurse should initiate the interview by stating her Name & Status

and the purpose of interview.

Assure the patient about the confidentiality.

2. Working Phase

During this phase the nurse gathers all information about the client’s

health status. In this phase the nurse should use a variety of

communication skills such as listening, paraphrasing, focusing,

summarizing and clarifying and her critical thinking skills.

3. Termination Phase

Nurse should give clue that the interview is going to end.

Summarize all the important points and check with the client that the

summary is accurate.

Interview should be completed in a friendly manner.

Tips for an successful Interview

To establish a rapport

Ensure privacy

Use the person’s name

Explain your purpose

Use good eye contact

Don’t hurry

To observe

Use your senses


Notice general appearance

Notice body language

Notice Interaction Patterns

To ask questions

Ask about the person’s main problem first

Use the terminology that the person understands

Use open ended questions

Use reflection

Don’t start with personal or delicate questions

Use an organized assessment tool to prevent omissions

To Listen

Be an active listener

Allow the person to finish sentences

Be patient if the person has a memory block

Give your full attention

For clarification, summarize and restate what has been said

Components of Data Collection

Nursing history.

Physical/psychological examination.

Nursing History

Nursing history is a data collected about the client’s current level of

wellness, including a review of body systems, family and health history,

socio cultural history, spiritual health, mental and emotional reactions to


Taking nursing history prior to the physical examination allows a

nurse to establish a rapport with the patient and helps to gain the

confidence of the patient.


Dimensions for Health History

Client Health History

Physical and developmentalo Perception of health status

Past health problems/therapies Risk factors. Activity and coordination. Review of systems. Developmental stage. Growth and malnutrition. Occupation. Ability to complete activities of daily living (ADL).

Intellectual Intellectual performance. Problem solving. Educational level. Communication patterns. Attention span. Long term and recent


Spiritual Beliefs and meaning. Religious experiences. Rituals and practices. Fellowship. Courage.

Emotional Behavioral and

emotional status. Support systems. Self concept. Body image. Mood. Sexuality. Coping mechanisms.

Social Financial status. Recreational activities. Primary language. Cultural influences. Community resources. Environmental risk

factors. Social relationships. Family structure and



Components of a Nursing History

I. Biographic data

1. Name :

2. Age : …………………Year

3. Sex : Male / Female

4. Ward :

5. IP No :

6. Marital Status : Single/Married/Separated/


7. Education : Illiterate/primary/High School/College

8. Occupation :

9. Income :

10. Religion : Hindu/Muslim/Christian/Others (Specify)

11. Language Known : Tamil/Hindi/Malayalam/Kannada/Telugu

English/Others (Specify)

12. Address :

13. Diagnosis :

14. Date of Admission :

15. Date of Surgery :

16. Nature of Surgery :

17. Post O.P. Day :

18. Date of Discharge :

19. Informant :


II. Introduction

III. Socio Economic Background

Write whether patient is from a village/town/city. Is he/she living in rented

house or own house/ No. of rooms, doors, windows/water facility/electricity

facility/toilet facility/income of the family/bread winner of the family/drainage

facility, kitchen garden and pet animals.

IV. Family Health History


S. No Name Relationship

to patient

Age Sex Education Occupation Health


(a) Family Composition

(b) Family Medical History

To ascertain risk factors for certain diseases the ages of siblings, parents,

and grand parents and their current state of health or (if they are deceased) the

cause of death are obtained. Particular attention should be given to disorders such

as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, allergies, arthritis,

tuberculosis, bleeding, alcoholism, and any mental health disorders.


V. Personal History

(a) Personal Habits

The amount, frequency, and duration of substance use (tobacco chewing,

cigarette smoking, alcohol, coffee, cola, tea)

(b) Diet

Number of meals and snacks/day

Vegetarian/Non Vegetarian

Allergies to any food item

Nutritional assessment 24 hours recall and recommended diet plan (for

patients on therapeutic diet)

Likes & Dislikes of food

(c) Sleep/Rest Patterns

Usual daily sleep/number of hours per day & night, wake times, difficulties

sleeping, and remedies used for difficulties.

(d) Activities of daily living

Any difficulties experienced in the basic activities of eating, brushing,

bathing, grooming, dressing, elimination, and locomotion.

(e) Elimination

Bowel habits - Number of times per day

Bladder habits - Number of times during day and night

(f) Hobbies/Interests

Reading books/Watching TV/Playing/Listening to music/Others (Specify)


(g) Menstrual History

1. Puberty attained on :

2. Duration of cycle :

3. Amount of flow :

4. Regular/Irregular :

5. Any abnormalities :

6. Any pain :

(h) Obstetrical History

Number of pregnancy, number of delivery, abortion, still birth, number of

live child, number of death, any complications.

VI. History of Present Illness

(a) Present Medical History

When the symptoms started

Whether the onset of symptoms were sudden or gradual

How often the problem occurs

Exact location of the distress

Character of the complaint (e.g., intensity of pain or quality of sputum,

emesis or discharge)

Activity in which the client was involved when the problem occurred

Phenomena or symptoms associated with the chief complaint

Factors that aggravate or alleviate the problem

(b) Present Surgical History

Date and type of procedure performed, name of surgeon, client’s reaction,

events and its outcome.


VII. History of Past Illness

(a) Past Medical History

Previous hospitalization (medical/surgical)

Any communicable disease/genetic disorders

On treatment for any disease

Immunization if any

Allergies: H/O any drug allergy

(b) Past Surgical History/Present Surgical History

Nature of Surgery

Date of Surgery

Name of Surgeon

Physical Assessment

The physical examination is a systematic data collection

method that uses the senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch to detect

health problems.

Physician Physical Assessment - To identify pathologic conditions and

their causes.

Nurses Physical Assessment - Focuses primarily on the patients

functional abilities.

eg. Neurological deficit.

Techniques of Physical Assessment


Inspection is the systematic, deliberate visual examination of the

entire body region. Inspection gives information about size, shape, color,

texture, symmetry, position and deformities. Inspection should be

conducted in a well lighted setting. It is enhanced with special instruments


such as penlight, otoscope, opthalmoscope, various specula (nasal and

vaginal) etc. tongue plate, marking pen, tape measure, skin fold, calipers

and eye charts)


It is one method of physical assessment performed by use of touch.

During palpation, exert varying amounts of pressure to determine

information about masses, pulsation, organ size, tenderness or pain,

swelling, tissue firmness and elasticity, vibration, temperature and

moisture. Palpation is also done to assess masses for position, size, shape,

consistency and mobility. The patient should be placed in a comfortable

position. Before palpating, ask the patient to indicate tender areas, palpate

tender areas last.

Levels of Palpation:

Light Palpation:

Depress the underlying tissue approximately 1 to 2 cm.

Deep Palpation:

Depress the underlying tissue approximately 4 to 5 cms, proceeding

cautiously, prolonged pressure can cause injury to the internal organs.

Bi-Manual Palpation:

Place one hand lightly on the client’s skin (the sensing hand) place

the other hand (active hand) over the sensing hand to apply pressure. The

sensing hand does not apply direct pressure and remains sensitive to

underlying organ characteristics.

1. We can find out the variation by positioning one hand or stabilizes on

organ while other hand palpates. By using this method the nurse can

able to identify the variations in liver, spleen, kidney, breast and



2. The nurse can trap the structures that move between the two hands.

Example palpation of kidney while respiration.


Do not palpate the carotid or arteries simultaneously because there is

a possibility of restricting the blood flow to the brain.


This is used to assess tissue density with sound produced from

striking the skin. Percussion of body structures containing a, fluids and

solids produces various sounds, depending on density.

Types of sounds:

1. Flatness

A soft, high pitched, short sound produced by very dense tissue such

as muscle.

2. Dullness

A soft to moderately loud sound of moderate pitch and duration. It

produced by less dense mostly fluid tissue such as liver and spleen.

3. Resonance

It is a moderate to loud, low pitch sound with long duration results

from the air filled tissue of the normal lungs.

4. Hyperresonance:

It is a very loud low pitched sound with longer duration than

resonance produced by the over inflated, air filled lungs of the person. E.g.,

pulmonary emphysema.

5. Tympany:

It is a loud, high pitch long sound with a drum like musical quality

results from enclosed, air containing structures, such as the stomach

(gastric bubble) and bowel.



Auscultation is listening to internal body sounds to assess normal

sounds and detect abnormal sounds. The sounds produced by heart, lungs,

abdomen and vascular system are commonly assessed by using


Characteristics of Auscultation sounds:


The number or frequency of sound wave cycles per second. High

frequency results in high pitched sound, where as low frequency produces

low pitched sound.


It is the amplitude of a sound wave. The greater amplitude results the

louder sound where as the lower amplitude results softer sound.


It may be long, medium or short.


It is the description of a sound’s character such as gurgling, blowing,

whistling or snapping.

Abnormal (Adventitious breath sounds):


1. Crackles in general.

Soft, high pitched, discontinuous popping sounds that occur during


E.g., Chronic bronchitis.

2. Coarse crackles.

Discontinuous popping sounds heard in early inspiration; harsh, moist

sound originating in the large bronchi.

E.g., Pulmonary oedema.

3. Fine crackles.

Discontinuous popping sounds heard in late inspiration; sounds like

hair rubbing together; originates in the alveoli.


E.g., Chronic bronchitis, emphysema.


1. Rhonchi.

Deep, low pitched rumpling sounds heard primarily during expiration;

caused by air moving through narrowed tracheobronchial passages.

E.g., COPD, Cystic fibrosis, pneumonia

2. Stridor.

Continuous, musical, high pitched whistle like sounds heard during

inspiration and expiration caused by air passing through narrowed or partially

abstracted air ways; may clear with coughing.

E.g., Croup syndrome, epiglottitis.

Pleural Friction Rub:

Harsh, cracking sound like two pieces of leather being rubbed together.

Heard during inspiration alone or during both inspiration and expiration.

It may subside when patient holds breath.

E.g., Pulmonary infarct, pneumonia.

Abnormal Cardiac Sounds


If the blood filling the ventricle is impeded during diastole, as occurs in

certain disease states, then a temporary vibration may occur in diastole that is

similar to, although usually softer than s1 and s2.

Third heart sound (s3).

Extra heart sound, low pitched, ending in early diastole, similar to sound of

a gallop.

E.g., Left ventricular failure, mitral valve regurgitation.

Fourth heart sound (s4).

Extra heart sound, low pitch ending in late diastole.


E.g., Left ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary stenosis.

Cardiac Murmurs.

Turbulent sounds occurring between normal heart sounds.

E.g., Cardiac valve disorder.

Friction Rub.

A harsh, grating sound that can be heard in both systole and diastole is

called friction rub.

E.g., Pericardits.

Guidelines for Performing Physical Assessment

Provide Privacy

Establish Rapport and use good interviewing techniques rather than

working in silence.

Don’t relay on memory – takedown notes for better accuracy

Use the assessment tool available in the organization

Physical Assessment Format

General Appearance

Nourishment : Well nourished/Moderately Nourished/Malnourished

Body Build : Thin/Moderate/Obese

Hygiene and

Grooming : Clean/Neat/Dirty/Unkempt (not combed properly)

Activity : Active/Dull

Health : Healthy/Unhealthy

Posture : Normal posture/Lordosis/Kyphosis/Scoliosis

Movement : Coordinated movement/Tremors/Uncoordinated



Mental Status :

Consciousness : Conscious/Semiconscious/Unconscious

Behaviour :

Look : Anxious/Depressed/Happy/Pleasant/Sad/Alert


Attitude : Cooperative/Withdrawn/Hostile

Affect/Mood : Appropriate to situation/Inappropriate to situation

Speech : Clear/Rapid/Slow/Slurring/Stammering/Relevant/


Orientation : Oriented to time place and person

Vital Signs

Temperature : …………..oC/………….oF

Pulse : ………………beats/minute

Respiration : ………………breaths/minute

Blood pressure : ………………mm of Hg

Height and Weight

Height : ……………….cms

Weight : ……………….kgs

A. Head

Shape : Normal//macrocephalic/ hydrocephalic

/micro cephalic

Scalp : Clean/presence of dandruff/pediculi

Face : Pale/flushed/puffiness/fear/anxiety/enlargement

of parotid Glands/ symmetric

Subjective Symptoms :


B. Hair : Evenly distributed/thick silky hair/alopecia/very

thin hair/ Brittle hair/excessive

oily/lice/nits/excessive hairness


Texture : Normal/dry

Colour : Black/brown/red/gray etc

Grooming : Not groomed/well groomed

Subjective Symptoms :

C. Eyes

Eye brows : Hair equally distributed/symmetrical/

asymmetrical/scanty etc

Eye lashes : Equally distributed/unequal

Eye lids : Skin intact/edema lesion/etropion

(eversion)/entropion (inversion)/

Redness/lids closed symmetrically

/asymmetrically/ incompletely/painful

/ptosis (drooping of eyelids)

Eye balls : Sunken/protruded

Pupils :

Colour : Black/cloudiness

Size : 3 – 7 mm in diameter

Shape : Round/Oval/Irregular/pinpointed etc

Reaction to light : PERLA->Pupils equally reacting to light and


Corneal reflex : Present/absent

Conjunctiva : Pale/normal/yellowish/purulent/conjunctivitis


Sclera : White/jaundiced (yellow)/reddish etc

Lens : Opaque/transparent

Vision : Client can see objects/myopia (short sight)

hyperopia(Long sight)

Extra ocular muscle test : Normal/nystagmus/cross eye or squint

Subjective Symptoms : No complaints/pain/itching/increased or

decreased production of tears etc

D. Ear

Position : Normal/placed/low set ear

Cerumen : Absent/present

Otorrhoea : Absent/purulent/serous/blood

Subjective Symptoms : No complaints/otalgia/tinnitus/vertigo

Hearing :

Response to Normal voice tone : Normal voice tone audible/not


Watch tick test (2cm – 3cm distance : Able to hear ticking in both ears

(weber negative)/not audible

Turning fork test (weber test) : Sound is heard in both ears/sound

is heard better in impaired ear

Rinne test : Sound heard better in ear with out

a problem

AC>BC(+ve Rinne) BC=AC or


(-ve Rinne conductive hearing loss)

Subjective Symptoms :


E. Nose

External Nose : Symmetric & symmetric/discharge

(present/ not present)/crusts

Nasal Septum : Midline/deviated

Patency of Nasal Cavity : Air moves freely as the client breaths

through the nares/obstructed

/nasal polyp

Frontal & maxillary sinuses : Normal/painful/render/sinusitis

Smell : Normal/absent(anosmia)

Rhinorrhoea : Absent/watery/purulent/mucoid/epistaxis


Subjective Symptoms :

F. Mouth and Pharynx :

Outer lips : Pink/pale/ability to purse

lips/asymmetry/symmetry/ soft/

moist/smooth texture/or scales

Inner lips : Pink(freckled brown pigmentaion in dark

skinned client)/moist/smooth/

soft/excessive dryness/pale/

leukoplakia(with patches)/ulcerations

Teeth : Smooth/shiny tooth enamel/32

teeth(adult)/missing teeth/yellowish/

stains/ill fitting denture/brown/black

white/dental caries/tooth ache/plague

Gums : Pink/bleedingswelling/pus


Tongue : Central position/deviated from

center/pink colour/


coating/smooth red tongue/dry tongue/


Movement : Moves freely/no tenderness/restricted


Palate : Light pink/smooth soft palate/lighter pink

hard palate/discoloration

Uvula : Positioned in midline of soft

palate/deviation to one side from tumor

or trauma/immobility

Tonsils : Smooth/pink/pale/painful/enlarged/not


Odour of mouth : Foul smelling

Pharynx : Gag reflex(present/absent) sore

throat/infections/ dysphagia,


throat pain etc

Voice : Clear/harsh/aphonia/dysphonia

Subjective Symptoms :

G. Neck :

Range of motion : Possible/painful/absent etc

Thyroid gland : Enlarged/not enlarged/removed etc

Trachea : Midline/displaced etc

Lymphnodes : Palpable/not palpable/painful etc


Jugular Veins : Distended/not distended

H. Chest : Barrel chest/pigeon chest/funnel

chest/transverse diameter is twice

the anterior posterior diameter/


Expansion of the chest : Symmetry/asymmetry/delayed/shallow


Palpation :

Tactile fremitus : Symmetry/asymmetry/decreased/


Thoracic excursion : Resonance/hyper resonance

Auscultation :

Apical pulse : ………. beats/mt

Breath sounds : Normal vesicular sound/normal bronchial

sound/ normal broncho vesicular

sound/crackles/stridor/ rhonchi/

wheezing/pleural friction

rub/bronchophony egophony/

whispered pectoriloguy

Cough : Absent/if present(dry/whooping/

productive/ aggravating/factors etc

Sputum : Absent/if present(bad odour/frothy/



stained etc

Subjective Symptoms : No complaints/diaphoresis/breathless/

giddiness/palpitations/chest pain/shoulder


pain/exercise intolerance etc

Heart : S1, S2 heard/murmur/gallop sounds

I. Breast & Axilla :

Symmetry : Symmetrical/asymmetrical

Areola & nipple : Colour/retracted/inverted/dimpling/erect


Discharge : Absent/milky/yellowish/purulent etc

Lesions/masses : Absent/ulcerations/nodes/swelling/moving/

painful/tender etc

Auxiliary nodes : Not palpable/palpable/moving/painful etc.

Hair distribution : Well distributed/scanty etc

J. Abdomen :

Inspection : Skin rashes/scar/hermia/ascites/flat/abdominal

pulsation seen/linea nigra/umbilicus

clean/infected/ everted etc.

Palpation : Liver/(Palpable/not palpable)/spleen

(palpable/not palpable)/tenderness/soft/masses


Percussion : Presence of gas/presence of fluid/mass

/detected/not detected.

Auscultation : Bowel sounds heard/not heard

Abdominal girth : ……….cms

Inguinal Lymphnodes : Not enlarged/enlarged/movable/painful etc

Appetite : Normal/anorexia/bulimia nervosa/anorexia


Subjective Symptoms : No complaints/nausea/vomiting/heart burn/

abdominal pain/abdominal cramps/flatulence/


poly phagia etc.

K. Skin :

Colour : Fair/brown/dark in complexion

Texture : Dryness/wrinkling/excessive moisture/normal

Temperature : Warm/cold and clammy/hot

Lesions : Macules/papules/vesicles/wounds

Turgor : Normal/decreased

Discoloration : Absent/yellowish/cyanosis/pallor/increased


L. Upper extremities :

Symmetry : Symmetrical/asymmetrical

Range of motion : Possible/if impossible (specify)

Peripheral pulses : Brachial, radial pulses (normal rate, rhythm,


Reflexes : Biceps, triceps, brachio radialis normal if


Oedema/Swelling : Absent/if present (specify area)

Cyanosis : Absent/if present (specify area)

Joints : Stiffness/swelling/tenderness/crepitus etc/absent

Deformity : Absent/if present (specify)

Lower extremities :

Symmetry : Symmetry/asymmetry

Toe nails : Capillary refill …..sec

Range of motion : Possible/not possible (specify)

Peripheral pulses : Dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial artery, popilitial

artery(normal rate, rhythm, volume) if



Reflexes : Patellar, ankle jerk, planter (normal) (kneejerk)

if abnormal

Oedema/ Swelling : Absent/ if present (specify area)

Cyanosis : Absent/ if present (specify area)

Joints : Stiffness/ Swelling/ Tenderness/ Crepitus/ etc.

Deformity : Talipes equino varus/ Talipes equino valfum/

bow legs/etc/ absent

Subjective symptoms : No complaints/pain while walking or doing

daily activities/musclecramps/myalgia/problems

with flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,

external and internal rotation etc.

M. Nails

Shape : Convex curve (schamroth’s window test)/

spoon shape (Koilonychia)/ Clubbing

Texture : Smooth/excessive thickness/ excessive thinness/

presence of grooves or furrows/ Beau’s line

(Transverse white lines or grooves on nail may

result from severe injury or illness

Nail bed color : Pink/ cyanosed/ pale etc

Tissues surrounding nails: Intact epidermis/ hang nails/ paronychia

(inflammation of the tissues surrounding a nail)

Capillary refill : (Blanch test) …………..seconds


N. Genitals and Rectum

Hemorrhoids : Present/ not present

Vaginal Discharge : Present/ not present

Enlargement of prostate gland : Enlarged/ not enlarged

Testis : Descended into scrotum/ undescended


Labia majora & Labia minora : Labia minora is covered by labia majora/

Labia minora is not covered by labia

majora/ ambuigous/ umambiguous

Psychological Assessment

Client’s Perception

It includes the perception of the patient about the referral service

assessment, the gain achieved by the patient from the meeting with the nurse.

Emotional Health

It includes the mental health status stress and coping styles of the


Social Health

It includes accommodation, finances, relationship, genogram, employment

status, ethnic background, culture, values of the society, traditional beliefs, and

support networks etc.

Physical Health

It includes the assessment general health, illness, previous history, appetite,

weight, sleep pattern, diurinal variations, alcohol, tobacco, drugs etc.

Spiritual Health:

It includes the patient’s belief about the religion, the importance of

religion, in what way it provides a sense of purpose etc.


Intellectual Health:

It comprises cognitive functioning, hallucinations, delusions,

concentrations, interests, hobbies, etc.

Validating Data

It is a act of making sure that to know which data are actually fact and

which data are questionable.

Validating data helps to avoid

1. Missing pertinent information

2. Misunderstanding Situation

3. Jumping to conclusions or focusing in the wrong direction

CUES : -

The subjective and objective data identified by nurse act as cues.


The cues help to make judgment called inference.

E.g., Subjective data; patient states “I just started taking penicillin for a tooth


Objective data; fine rash over trunk.

Cues; the above objective and subjective data’s act as cues.

Inference; the patient is having allergic reaction to penicillin.

Identifying of correct inferences it will influenced by nurse’s

Observational skills.

Nursing knowledge.

Expertise in clinical practice.

Values and beliefs.


Methods for the validation of cues and inferences


Identification of Cues

Make Inferences About Cues

Validate Cues and inferences

Guidelines for Validating data

Be aware that data that can be measured with an accurate scale of

measurement can be accepted as factual.

Keep in mind that data that someone else observes to be factual may or

may not be true. When the information is critical, you verified it directly

observing and interviewing the patients.

If data are questionable use the following techniques.

Recheck your own data

Look for temporary factors that may alter the accuracy of your data

Ask someone else ( experts, peer group)

Always double check data that are extremely abnormal

Compare Cues to Knowledge Base of Normal Function

Refer to Textbooks, Journals, Research Reports

Check Consistency of Cues

Clarify Client’s Statements

Seek Consensus With Peers and Colleagues About Inferences


Compare your subjective & objective data

Organizing Data

Clustering the data into groups of information that will help the nurse to

identify patterns of health or disease.

After validating the patients data the nurse has to organize them into

categories of information that will help to identify patients strengths, and actual

and potential health problems.

Data can be clustered according to

1. Human needs

2. Functional Health Patterns

3. Body System

Organization Assessment Data According to Human Needs (Maslow)

1. Physiological needs.

2. Safety and security needs.

3. Love and belonging needs.

4. Self-esteem needs.

5. Self-actualization needs.

Organization of Assessment Data According to Functional Health Patterns

1. Health-perception-health-management pattern.

2. Nutritional-metabolic pattern.

3. Elimination pattern.

4. Activity-exercise pattern.

5. Cognitive-perceptual pattern.

6. Sleep-rest pattern.

7. Self-perception-self-concept pattern.


8. Role-relationship pattern.

9. Sexuality-reproductive pattern.

10. Coping-stress-tolerance pattern.

11. Value-belief pattern.

Clustering Data According to Body Systems

1. Cluster together a brief client profile.

2. Respiratory system.

3. Cardiovascular system.

4. Nervous system.

5. Musculoskeletal system.

6. Gastrointestinal system.

7. Genitourinary system.

8. Integumentary system.

Identifying Patterns and Filling in the Gap

Making an initial impression about patterns of information, and gathering

additional data to fill in the gap to describe more clearly what the data mean.

Once we clustered the data into groups of related information we can able

to identify pattern and filling in the gaps of missing data. This can be done by

using puzzle analogy. The nurse can examine many pieces of information and put

some of the pieces of the picture together. Because the nurses have quite a few of

the pieces together, she can now more readily identify key missing pieces. Nurse

can get some initial impressions about the presents of certain patterns when

cluster the data. This initial impressions are often helpful in identifying gaps in

the data collection.


The nurse should be comprehensive in this process. By this the nurse is

Less likely to

Miss problems.

Identify problems that are not there.

Miss label problems.

Identify interventions that are not likely to work.

More likely to

Identify client strengths.

Identify all the problems.

Label the problems correctly.

Identify appropriate individualized interventions.

Communicating Data

Reporting or recording significant data to expedite treatment and completing the


The data can be communicated through

1. Verbal Communication

2. Written Communication

Verbal communication of significant findings (E.g., Abnormal vital signs,

pain, problems with breathing or circulation) should be given priority over

completing nursing database records.

Guideline for recording the data:

1. Use ink and write or pint legibly.

2. Followed precisely hospital policies and procedures for recording the data.

3. Follow an organized method of recording data.


4. Document the name of any person contributing to the history other than the


5. Be clear when you record what you observe.

6. Write patient’s statements using the patient’s own words.

7. Chart whom you notified if you have reported significant data.

8. Chart the most critical data first. (E.g., Vital signs, medications, allergies)

so that if the nurse leave the unit for some reason, the data will be readily



ExperiencePrevious client care experience.Validation of assessment findings.Observation of assessment techniques.

Attitude PerseveranceFairnessIntegrityConfidenceCreativity

Critical Thinking in Assessment Process

The nurse must apply the principles of critical thinking when performing

client’s assessment. Critical thinking is the active, organized, cognitive process

used to carefully examine the clinical decision making of assessment.

Knowledge Underlying the disease process. Normal growth and development. Normal psychology. Knowledge on physical and social

sciences. Normal assessment findings. Assessment skills. Technical skill. Health promotion.

StandardsStandards of nursing practice.Ethical norms.Standards of measurement

(i) Use evidence based assessment techniques and instruments to collect data.

(ii) Use analytical models and problem solving tools)

Nursing Assessment


Assessment and clinical nursing judgment


Yes No

Assessment of client’s health status Client, family, health care resources comprise database Nurse clarifies inconsistent or unclear information Critical thinking guides and directs line of questioning and

examination to reveal detailed and relevant database

Validate data with other sources

Is additional data needed?

Interpret and analyze meaning of data

Cluster data Group signs and

symptoms Classify and organize

Begin formulation of nursing diagnosis