Numbers We Use Everyday Yet Always Forget (3/4) › numbersthatmatter › and diet,...


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The Stupid Simple

Numbers We Use Everyday ... Yet

Always Forget (3/4)The Easiest Way To Remember Those

Simple Numbers You’re Sick Of Forgetting

Anthony Metivier

Awesome! I'm super-excited that you're here for the second part of How to Remember the Numbers that Matter Fast!

As a quick review, let's go over what we looked at in the first Ebook from last week.

First up, we noticed that our ability to remember numbers can be explicitly linked to creating a simple set of sound-number associations.

And I told you a funny story about Jonathan Levi and I.

And how even with the most exhaustion going on, we could still both remember numbers that we had encoded into a memory weeks previous.

Isn't that powerful?

It sure is. And it’s all based on a simple principle of associating numbers that you already know with sounds that you already know.

Now, that's just something we did for fun and to challenge each other. And it’s an example of where your memory skills can develop, keeping in mind that growth in skills is never a straight upward line.

Rather, it is an uneven line as you experience steady memory growth.

But because we’re taking In this video, I want to show you the practical applications for using this technique and give you some examples so you can see the Major Method in action. By the end of this video, remembering the numbers that matter should be as straightforward and practical as throwing a few things into a handbag and off you go.

But as I was talking about last time, it is important that you know the Major Method and have a working version going for yourself that works for you. Nearly everyone modifies it - at least a little - and you'll probably do the same.

Memory techniques aren’t magic bullets or anything like that. But if you’re willing to dive in, grab the brush by the handle and learn them by painting a little … these memory techniques the next best thing to real magic.

Which raises an important point:

Before we continue, I want to assume and feel safe in the assumption that you HAVE filled out the videos worksheets from the previous video. You'll get the most out of this free training if you're comfortable with the sound number-association and spent a bit of time playing around with it.

If not ...

No problem. You can still enjoy this free training.

Because as we've seen, it's really easy to make concrete associations between the numbers and the sounds. It's easy to remember why the individual numbers take the sounds they too and make concrete relationships.

So, for example, do you remember the image we talked about for 0?

It was a soft c, s or z.

Sounds like a lot of options, doesn’t it?

For some people, it sure can feel that way.

When first starting out with memory techniques for numbers, I found for myself and for the thousands I've helped with these techniques, an easy solution:

It helps to pick just one sound to associate with the number in the beginning. By doing that, you'll probably remember on autopilot that the other two options also apply.

Remember: Sometimes less is more. In the case of using memory techniques, less is almost always more.

Especially with the Magnetic Memory Method, which is designed to make information stick for the longest periods of time possible with the minimum amount of effort. And once you get rolling, you can always add more detail.

That’s why I started only using S - and in a bit I’ll show you an example of adding Z to how I use S to compound the Magnetic power of these techniques.

And you know, it doesn't have to be a snake. You can come up with other options. You need only be flexible and true to yourself and your imagination. As you use these techniques, you'll learn what works for you and develop a deep and intimate understanding of what kinds of imagery light your memory up.

And the best part is that you get to become more imaginative and imaginative at a higher speed too.

And keep in mind the important lessons from last week about imagery:

We're not talking about HDTV in your mind. You don't need to "see" anything in your mind at all. You just need to think about the words and play with them in ways that are memorable to you.

But let’s face it.

We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. And with the snake, we've probably hit upon a universal image that will work for most people to help us instantly make an association between zero and the S sound because snakes make a hissing sound.

And that’s where the power lies: In harness universal images that you already know and that are brain dead simple for your mind to grasp.

So a hissing snake is very concrete and makes the association easy to remember.

And the whole Major Method does that in a way that will let us remember lots and lots of important numbers and make a huge impact on your quality of life.

Now if you're thinking "hold on hold on hold on ...

I spent a lot of time on trying to remember this and I still don't remember all the associations!"

Don't. Punish. Yourself.

Many people who are new to memory techniques get frustrated far too easily.

The reality is, memory skills require a bit of practice.

That's why were taking things very slowly, and in baby steps.

I don't want anyone to be overwhelmed.

Now, of course, this video series isn't going to be free forever, so if you are still unfamiliar with the material we've already covered, please go back into your email, find the link for the first video, and make sure that you have the material so that you can refer back to it.

The audio version and ebook are my gift to you for being interested in improving the quality of your mind and raising your hand to take advantage of this offer. You're amazing and I honor you for making the decision to improve your memory. Only the elite in society ever do and by being here, you're affirming that you're a person who can achieve any goal.

That means you're inviting prosperity into the life of your memory on your journey to success and are well on your way towards untold levels of victory.

And there are big victories to be had, but sometimes the biggest are also the smallest. So let me show you some applications of the Major Method so you can see how fun and easy it is to use the sound number associations to place really important numbers into your long-term memory fast.

And it's funny how it works, because I was just at the bank the other day ...

And I was talking to the banker about what I do for a living, and he told me about his own memory and how he counts cards.

I find this practice very interesting because counting cards is a skill that allows you to develop a good sense of where individual cards lay in the deck so that you get about the 2% average when playing something like blackjack.

And he was really intrigued by the techniques that I taught you yesterday because they add a whole other level of advantage.

Now, I'm not a gambling man myself. Instead of dumping dollars and time down the toilet, I prefer reading books like Hidden Figures and learning more about the certainty of numbers while practicing my memory.

And I know for a fact that the advantages that you get from having a way of remembering the numbers at that matter exceeds 2% at the Blackjack table.

And we all know that gambling can bring you more headaches than a 2% advantage is worse, so here's my advice:

If you use the memory techniques I've been teaching you to help you in gambling, do so at your own risk.

But understand that I'm here to focus on something far bigger than all of that and I'm confident you will find that you get a 100% increase in your life satisfaction by having numbers like the kind we're about to discuss in your memory.

The first example that I have found really helpful, speaking of banking, is the ability to use these techniques to quickly memorise new PIN numbers.

I don't know about you but I've certainly encountered people who say that a number like 4509 is a brain dead simple number to remember.

But here's the thing:

We all know the process.

You get a new card in the mail.

You go to the bank machine.

You have to enter your PIN, but …

You either struggle to remember it or you’ve forgotten it.

And the reason you’ve forgotten it is because you didn’t do anything to help yourself remember it in the first place.


I'm a memory technique fanatic who has been practicing for years and written multiple bestselling books and courses on the topic.

Without the Major Method in play and a few other essentials like proper rest and diet, it's easy peasy and lemon squeezy to remember numbers.

But if I don't use the techniques, I'm totally comfortable admitting to you that 4509 can slip my mind very easily.

And I don't like that.

I find it frustrating.



And even disgusting.

Because there's really no excuse.

With these incredible techniques, it is easy to remember numbers like these. Forever.

Without having to repeat them over and over again.

Because let's face it: repetition is painful and boring.

It’s like this dark and dirty space where you really have no guarantee that the numbers you need are going to stick.

You’ve just been told that you’ve got to repeat information you want to remember.

But like most people, I’m a stubborn child when it comes to things that bore me. Like mindless repetition.

I just won't do it.

And it’s normal and natural for us to refuse to do boring things.

That's why so many of us fail to learn.

Repetition exhausts our memory.

And the consequences follow you throughout your life.

Because more than just a horrible downward trend …

Not remembering your numbers …

… can lead you into a life shackled by debt.

Or far worse.

Don’t get me wrong.

We do need repetition at a certain level and repetition is part of the Magnetic Memory Method.

But not to the point of dread.

Not to the point of suffering.

With these techniques, we can limit the mindless repetition to the bare minimum by using sounds and words that light up and excite the mind.

And we can do it fast!

It just takes a second to use the sound number system to create an image and then instantly remember that number without ever having to repeat it in my head again

So let's look at the numbers that we have on hand in this example: 4509.

The number four is super simple because, as you now know, four is related to the letter R as I and thousands if not millions of other people use the Major Method.

5 is related to the L sound and knowing this because we've locked these sound-number associations in our mind and Magnetized them into place, we can start to think of words that work here when we combine the sounds of R and L.

So we could have things like "rule." But "rule" is abstract.

If I were to choose a word like "rule," I’d need to make it concrete and see either a law textbook or a judge or maybe both.

Those are great solutions in their way, and might work for you. But for me, they create a blip. I need something more direct.

And we don't want to make it "ruler" because that second R would indicate the number 454 (R-L-R).

But that addition using the Major Method to associate an easily decoded image for the number 454 is pretty neat, right?

You bet it is. And there's a way to see or think of a "ruler" every time you see 454 in your mind so that you can instantly memorize that combination any time you see it in a sequence of numbers.

In fact, with a small amount of effort, you can have images for all the three digit sequences from 000 to 999.

Many people go on to do that because the method is so much fun and useful in many areas of life. It really is like having a mouthful of delicious candy - but the healthy kind that nourishes you and helps you live a better life.

But let’s be clear:

Start with the baby steps. For now, we just want an image for 45.

And for me, that's "rail."

And as you're listening to me talk through the logic behind this choice, keep thinking of all the different ideas that come to your mind.

Maybe you're thinking of a dinner "roll," for example, or even a "drum roll." You could even cheat a bit with "royal," but I don't recommend it because that 'y' can create a glitch in your memory that gets in the way.

Here's the most important thing:

Whatever word you pick needs to be memorable. That means that it needs to be exciting in and of itself or malleable so that you can connect it to something that IS visually interesting and stimulating.

So in this case, I am thinking of "rail" in the sense of a piece of a train railway.

I COULD think about a wooden stairway rail I once saw someone tear off a wall during a fight and then start throwing pieces at me, but ...

I don't like focusing on the negative for my mnemonic imagery - at least not when it draws upon my personal life. I suggest you avoid that as well, even if it some of the material super memorable.

Always think positive.

There’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

And realize that if you really get into memory improvement, there are actually ways you can heal yourself of past trauma using memory techniques.

But let's save that adventure for a different time ...

Because by focusing on the positive and generally being relaxed about things, the right images to use based on the Major Method for remembering numbers will come to you.

When I worked out my number strategy, I saw Superman bending a rail based on a sequence from the Richard Donner Superman movie which I recall very strongly from my youth.

To see how strong my memory of the scene truly is, I went and checked it out. And low and behold, Superman is indeed bending the rail, just the way I remembered it from the movie.

And that's great because all you have to do is find little examples like this that leverage the massive power of the Major Method so that you have "go-to" words you can use to instantly remember numbers.

And please understand the thinking behind this and why it works:

A rail is fine. It's a word that indicates a concrete object.

But it's kind of bland and boring.

But the rail that Superman bends in a movie while saving a train from disaster?


I was just a kid when I saw that movie and now I use it all the time to help me remember numbers in my everyday life.

And your memory is packed with material like this you can use to help you remember numbers. You just have to know how to find the images that belong to your personal mythology and match them to the Major Method.

That in itself will organize them and prep them for use.

But the process of making them Magnetic matters. It’s what makes the difference and the Magnetic Memory Method helps so many people year after year.

So it can’t be just any old rail.

It has to be specific and meaningful.

The same principle goes for a dinner "roll" or a "drum roll."

I wouldn't want to rest on the strength of those images on their own.

Now, to be honest, this level of blandness can and will work. It absolutely can.

But it's not Magnetic.

To make it Magnetic, you rub each image a little - like a balloon. You want to find out how you can get it to stick in place by finding a unique character in the image you choose.

So if I were going to achieve this with a dinner roll, instead of seeing just a plain old generic bun, I look in my mind and I remember times with my dad. We used to get Kentucky Fried Chicken. Not great food for your memory, but the buckets of chicken came with these delectable dinner rolls.

And we'd be in his Blue and Yellow company truck, which belonged to B&K Contractors. He was kind of a star Jack-of-all-trades for them, solving all their construction problems and getting it done so that he had the freedom to pick me up from school and take me to music lessons and stuff.

And that’s where we’d sit eating our Kentucky Fried Chicken with those special dinner rolls.

Lots of em.

So the process is to know the Major Method, look at the numbers, look at the sounds associated with them and have words that are attached to memories.

Profound and personal memories.

These memories are FREE memory "real estate" you can cash in to help make numbers memorable.

Same thing with "drum roll" if I wanted to go that way. It can't just be a drum roll. It has to be a drum roll with some kind of specificity that instantly leaps out at me. As always, a few ideas come to mind.

Why as always?

Because once you start practicing these techniques, you’re never short on ideas. This is great for so much, including boosts in your overall creativity.

And when it comes to creativity, you can lean on others a lot.

For example, if I decide on drum roll for 45, I just have to think back to when I was a kid.

Believe it or not, Green Day came through the town where I grew up long before they got famous. And the drummer, who must have been Tres Cool by that time, did these amazing drum rolls, one of which involved him bouncing the stick so that it flew up in the air and spun around.

So that’s one example.

But more personal to me is the memory of getting to play with a guy named Derren. I was just a kid, but he had been in all kinds of local punk bands and was a legend in the community. He used to have this huge black mohawk and ride his skateboard past my elementary school. And maybe it's just the stuff of legend, but apparently, he only got rid of the mohawk because it fell out one night when he fell asleep with hair dye in it ...

That can't be good for your memory!

Anyhow, Derren also went to my church and somehow his brother, who was the youth pastor or someone rigged it up so that we spent the evening together. It was kind of like giving me a "big brother" experience during a period of hardship ...

... that might have involved that wooden rail I was telling you about ...

A bit of mentoring from an older guy who had seen some things in life and shared like interests. And so we hung out and jammed, which to me was like playing drums with

Lars Ulrich from Metallica because Derren was so legendary in the local music scene.

And it was SO memorable hanging out with him. All of which is to say that if I were going to see a drum roll to help me remember the number 45, it would be Derren performing that drumroll. Because it's specific. Personal to me. Ultra-memorable.

And not something I'm likely to forget because it's free Magnetic real estate already deeply embedded in memory.

And what’s so cool about the internet and memory is you can revisit some things from your past and see the images. And in my case, get to hear Derren playing music again.

"12 Point Buck" is exactly the kind of great band name he was always coming up with and listening to this music makes the memory and the power of the association of a drum roll with 45 even richer. Which means it comes to mind faster and Magnetically binds with that number.

And so this is the level of understanding that will really help you make these memory techniques your own. Your past is full of bridges to the future. Memories you already have that you can use to encode new information and carry across the bridge in to the future.

So always ask yourself, is the word properly sound-coded for the number and is it personal to me? If it isn't personal within 1 or 2 steps of strong association, just relax and let something come.

Make sure it’s a strong bridge from your past into your future and you will remember. With a small amount of practice, equipped with this knowledge of the Magnetic Memory Method, it will be almost impossible to fail.

Back to our scenario, in this case, I'm using Superman bending a rail for the number 45 and you can use that image too if you like, keeping in mind that you want to understand the reasons for that choice:

1) The word is sound-coded for the number.

2) The word creates a strong image.

3) It has personal meaning you already remember so that it’s impossible to forget.

Now you might be wondering, how could Superman bending a rail have more meaning for me than this experience I had with Derren, getting to hang out with a local hero?

And the truth is that Derren passed away at a young age. It hurts to associate him with numbers.

That's why I stick with Superman. For some people, painful memories won't hinder the remembering process when using memory techniques.

It's entirely up to you. Experiment. The map is never the territory and these are techniques you learn by doing.

Having covered all that and settled on the best possible image for 45 and knowing the reasons why, let's move on to 0 and 9.

As we learned, zero can be represented by soft c, s or z

9 can be represented by b or p.

And as I was preparing this video, I realized something cool.

You see, historically I've used a SAAB car for 09. Because 0 is represented by s and 9 by b, it only makes sense to see a SAAB.

But I realized that I had interviewed a great memory teacher and athlete named Brad Zupp on the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast.

And that was a very interesting interview indeed.

So instead of just using a Saab, I decided to use the Magnetic Memory Method Principle of Compounding and add Brad Zupp to the image for 09.

Isn't that cool?

It is, and it raises an important truth about using memory techniques.

They get better over time.

The more you use memory techniques, and the more you explore the potential with them, the more you see potential and possibilities.

Sometimes you make changes.

Other times you compound on additional details that make it even more concrete and memorable.

Because I wanted using just any old Saab, of course. I was using a Saab driven by a friend of mine.

But when I realized that I could connect it to my passion for memory techniques by adding Brad Zupp, now everything is stronger.

And just in case it isn't clear, Brad Zupp works here because 0 can be both s and z and 9 can be either b or p.

I understand that this might seem a bit much if you're just a beginner, but again - baby steps.

And remember: Using memory techniques is never just about the benefit of being able to remember things.

Using memory techniques is always also about improving the quality of your mind and your imagination.

It's about opening your eyes to new potential by constantly drawing your attention to the relationships between things.

You don't need to complete crossword puzzles or download another tedious app in order to get brain exercise. You've got an entire gym already in your head.

And as we saw in the last video, what ultimately ends up happening when you use these techniques is that your thinking gets much clearer. It gets sharper. Brain fog goes away.

And that means you see more opportunity - opportunity that's right in front of your face but unfortunately all too often ignored. And that leads to heightened awareness and so much more personal satisfaction with the quality of your mind and your life.

So now let's put these images together:

We've got Superman bending a rail

And we've got Brad Zupp in a Saab.

If we put the two together we can make the image tell a little story. Instead of seeing or thinking about the two images as independent units, instead we think about Superman wrapping the rail around the Saab, trapping Zupp inside.

And what this accomplishes is pure magic. It puts the two images into relationship. One is acting on the other which helps us remember the sequence of numbers in the right order.

Not only that, we can remember it forwards and backwards because it's Zupp in a Saab being wrapped in a rail by Superman, not the the other way around.

And because we know that 4 is represented by the letter r and we know that 5 is represented by the letter L

Then whenever we see in our minds Superman bending a rail and we see that rail bent around Zupp's Saab ...

Then we know that the number we're looking for must be 4509.

It's really that simple.

And the best part is that we can do this with as many numbers as we want.

And for as many credit cards as we want. As many personal I.D. numbers that we want. For anything that will be useful to have in memory.

You can also use these same techniques to help you learn formulas, remember your times tables and math concepts.

And let me tell you: Images like that have saved me literally hours of my time.

I travel a lot for example.

And one thing I cannot stand is having to look at my train or plane tickets repeatedly to figure out where I'm supposed to sit.

I like to just know where I’m going so I can sit and read or draw out a few new Memory Palaces and use them.

To be perfectly honest, it used to be a big thing with me: I was an unhappy flyer.

I used to find it very, very stressful. It's a longer story how I got to that point, but I managed to fix the problem after some self discovery based on self-exploration.

And part of that self-exploration made me realize that I was obsessing over where I was going to sit on plane. It was all a bit OCD, and a huge part of solving the issue was as simple as removing the stress of having to look at these numbers all the time.

And maybe you're listening to this and sitting there in judgment of me. Maybe you're thinking how pathetic I was for experiencing stress around this and pulling the ticket out of my pocket time and again to check the seat numbers.

And that's totally fine

But if you really think about it, I'll bet that somewhere in your life, you've got something similar going on. We all do.

And it's probably tied to memory and simple numbers that you could master very quickly by putting the skills you've learned in this series to work for yourself. By removing the burden on your mind of one little thing, you'll experience a huge improvement that relaxes you, increases your pleasure in life and impresses the socks off of everyone you meet.

And let's extend this skill to other things.

Like phone numbers. Sure, we don't use them much anymore. But isn't it strange how many times you have to give out your number and come up blank because you haven't even remembered your own?

Or you need to give someone the phone number of someone in your family?

And then take this to remembering the dates of birthdays. You could literally remember their birthdates everybody in your family and never forget important things like anniversaries again.

You can also remember the dates and times of appointments. In fact if you're if you're into using Memory Palaces, you are very capable of storing and placing all of this information and more in an organized manner that lasts because it's been embedded into your long term memory.

And it's really quite exciting when you accomplish this simple feat for yourself.

And so for homework and to make all of this faster for yourself, I'd like you to create images for 00-99.

If you follow the principles I've talked about in this video, it might take you a small amount of time to find the best possible images, but once you do, you'll never forget them.

And then you can look at any sequence of numbers and instantly remember them because you'll have an image for every possible combination of two digits.

Why do this?

First off, it's a great way to get good at using memory techniques in a way that makes a difference to your life.

Second, it's a wonderful brain exercise. If you're as concerned as I am about creating long lasting brain health, using these techniques is a great way to help ensure that you have a brain that lasts.

And let’s face it: Brain health is something you create. You earn it. And it’s so easy and fun to do.

This skill also exercises critical thinking, imagination and logic. It increase your thinking speed and gives you a sense of accomplishment and pride so profound, you'll feel like a whole new you.

Sure, it will take some practice, but you've got all the practical strategies and insights you need to make this skill real for yourself.

And I promise that this the best time you will ever spend developing your mind.

And the best thing about taking up this small task is that this kind of simple mental exercise not only gives you a very valuable skill that increases your memory. It also helps reduce stress in your life and increases your happiness and satisfaction across the board.

We’re all busy beavers and we deserve every break we can get.

Take care of this area of your life and will lead to higher levels of confidence, professionalism and a greater ability to get important things done in life instead of being caught in the rut of constantly forgetting credit card numbers, passwords and other little numbers that you really don't need to be forgetting any more.

So today's worksheets are going to be really fundamental for you in helping you figure this out for yourself.

And I guarantee it will be time well spent.

This exercise will unlock the door to so many other number-based bits of information you'll come across in life.

We're not going to get into it until tomorrow, but you can use what you've just learned to help you remember where the notes are located on a fretted instrument like a guitar. And you can also use these same numbers to help you remember where the notes are on the piano keyboard.

Any time that you can “translate” a space into a number, you can use this simple memory technique to rapidly remember the information. And when it comes to music that means you can skip over large amounts of memory repetition and beeline to the muscle memory repetition needed to shape flawless performances.

Of course, some people will not struggle with learning those things. Some people do just fine without memory techniques.

But if you're like me and struggle with that kind of stuff, why not use these secret formulas to learn all the notes on an instrument within an hour or less if you can? You now have a simple number sound system and none of it is rocket science. It's just sitting down and doing it.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do. So let me show you a little bit of my 00 to 99 and then I'll set you off on your own to complete your own set of associations and enjoy.

So I told you yesterday about how I use Toad for 11.

I always use a Toad for 11. Not just any toad though - but Mr. Toad with specific reference to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride at Disneyland.

Why a toad? Because 1 can be represented by either a d or t. I like to use the best of both worlds as often as possible, so instead of two t's or two d's, I mixed it up, put a bit of thought into it and …

… remembered my favorite ride from Disneyland to come up with the right image for 11, not some new fandangled image out of nowhere.

It's an image that was already memorable to me.

What about 35? I instantly see the mail. But not just the mail in the abstract. It's the mail as carried by Mr. McFeely from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. I've spent hours with that dude, so it's only nature to take the M that stands in for 3 and the L that stands in for 5 and make the word mail. But I take it one step further to make it memorable, and Mr. McFeely is where I land.

And that makes for a “speedy delivery” from Mr. McFeely indeed!

I've got oodles of examples like this, but I think you get the idea. The question is ... what will you do with the idea?

Remember: Nothing happens until you take action. You can enjoy a lifelong adventure of learning and continual improvement …

… or you can do nothing and let your mind rot and die.

And if you'd like to see how you can incorporate everything you've learned so far and take it one baby step further that will unlock even more personal power and fulfillment with your memory, then you'll definitely want to come back for the third video in the series. Keep your eyes open for the email announcement that i’ll be sending you soon so you can reach mastery. No matter what area of study or profession you’re in, there’s a level of genius you can unlock …

… and I’m going to help you find the key you already have in your pocket. So keep your eyes on your email inbox and I look forward to speaking with you again soon!

P.S. ...Make sure you take action on this stuff.

Nothing happens if you don’t.

And I know there are many great things in life for you when you do.

And when you take action, you’ll not only become more than 100% Magnetic.

You’ll enable yourself to reach even higher heights than you ever imagined possible with your memory and intellectual life.

Who wouldn’t want more and better intelligence?

