NPCC Workforce Representation Workforce... · 6 Tactical Work Stream Each force to formulate a...


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NPCC Workforce Representation

Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit 2018-2025

NPCC Workforce Representation

Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention

Toolkit 2018-2025

The NPCC/APCC Policing Vision 2025 states that (by 2025) policing will be a

profession with a more representative workforce that will align the right

skills, powers and experiences to meet challenging requirements.

“To create a culture that values difference and diversity” “….Attract and

retain a workforce….(that) will better reflect its communities” and

“Continuing work to build a culture which values difference….”

The delivery plan is a template for Chief Constables to provide leadership

and cultural change in order to deliver NPCC/APCC Vision 2025. It should

ultimately be the framework for which Mayors/PCC’s hold Chief Constables

to account for delivery.

The delivery plan sets out the key components to successfully achieving the

vision by focusing on:

Leadership and Culture




Wellbeing and fulfilment

Exit from service with dignity

There are key interdependencies that the service also has to consider

through the lived experience of our communities and Staff in order to

achieve the vision and success on the delivery plan.

Use of force

Tackling hate crime


Stop and Search

Conduct and Performance

This requires leadership to ensure disparity especially on the grounds of

race is tackled across these interdependencies.


Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit

Leadership and Culture Work stream Action Action Owner Updates of Action Work Stream Status

Police and Crime Commissioners should be asked to consider the importance of workforce representation and underrepresented groups within Police and Crime Plans

PCC’s are seen as key advocates of diversity related issues

Consultation with public and key stakeholders

To include aspirational objectives for each Constabulary for all who are underrepresented within policing and reflect this in their accountability processes

To ensure delivery of this key objective by Chief Constables

Appoint a NPCC lead in each Constabulary (DCC/ACC/ACO)

Chief Constable to clearly articulate a vision in respect of those who are underrepresented within Policing, recruitment being seen as a force priority and clear benefits for doing so

To appoint a Chief Officer Lead

Establish a GOLD group – Given the critical nature of diversity (ARRP)

To consider key stake holders staff associations and community representation

It is recognised Gold groups invariably relate to critical incidents. In this context the Gold group would be to ensure NPCC direction and oversight on a longer term critical issue

Each Gold group to allow the six key strands as standing agenda items

To consider task and finish principles ensuring tangible outcomes

Ensure oversight of the Gold Group is a standing agenda at Chief Officer group meetings

Police leaders need to ensure that they create an inclusive culture within the organisation

Leaders to undertake regular cultural audits of teams and departments to eliminate discriminatory attitudes

Leaders to develop inclusive and culturally sensitive team/units

Leaders to understand and respond to workforce surveys that seek to highlight concerns as to practices internally

Leaders should ensure the desired culture is aligned to that of the Forces Vision, Mission and Values as set by the Commissioner/Chief Constable

Leaders to encourage peer learning and journey sharing within teams

Police leaders should through their continuing professional development seek out opportunities to understand issues that affect underrepresented groups and address them through strategy and action planning

Leaders within Forces should consider quarterly action learning sets based upon key themes, one of which should include under representative groups

Leaders should have an explicit PDR objective to deliver a commitment to the ARRP of all protective characteristics within their operational command

Police leaders to take responsibility for all staff progression with HR support

Selection to Senior and Chief Officer posts should ensure values based selection frameworks (VQF)

Police leaders should consider the use of ‘reverse mentoring’ to be more engaged with their workforce

Leaders to develop better relationships within their command and ensuring increased confidence within the workforce

A two way process of ensuring that senior leaders and less senior colleagues develop emotional intelligence in terms of their own thinking, foresight and knowledge of their working environment

Feedback will be provided following the CoP reverse mentoring pilot


Police leaders should ensure they have policies and procedures in place to identify why Staff who are underrepresented in policing leave the service

Effective exit interviews for early leavers and those at the point of retirement with a Chief Officer/Police leader should be used to identify any opportunities to improve the service

Leaders should explore every opportunity to identify and utilise those exiting the service as advocates for recruitment. As well as being retained within the organisation as a member of Police Staff or a volunteer

These need to be shared across the service and there needs to be greater transparency in this area

Police leaders should develop a cultural where staff feel confident to disclosure their Protective Characteristics

Leaders should develop an internal communications campaign that seeks to encourage all staff with protective characteristics to self-declare

Consider surveys, academic research to better understand what would increase willingness to self-declare and increase confidence in this area

Staff in making a determination to self-declare should understand the clear benefits of ensuring greater integration, engagement with all communities resulting in enhanced trust and confidence


Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit

Attraction/Recruitment Work stream Action Action Owner Updates of Action Work Stream Status

Strategic Work Stream Complete a national ‘cradle to grave’ review of all recruitment processes

NPCC and College of Policing to jointly develop a singular approach (either through one national recruitment campaign or regional campaigns, but to an agreed national standard) from advertisement through to appointment that seeks to minimise the various stages and ensures a quicker process. Yet maintains quality, thus leading to a wider diverse talent pool.( See CoP Leadership review recommendation 5)

NPCC/CoP aspirationally moving to a national recruitment campaign with singular agreed processes. But allowing local flexibility around the underrepresented areas forces need to address

To ensure best practice from private/third sector

To actively consider community advocates to support the selection process

To actively consider technological solutions to ensure efficiency

To actively consider awarding greater marks to candidates with language or cultural skills

NPCC to review vetting approach to diversity ARRP, with a priority to BME

NPCC Vetting lead has published new vetting guidance

To undertake analysis to identify any unconscious bias in terms of vetting approach to BME selection

To ensure wide and representative membership of force vetting appeals panels

Final decision on BME vetting should be made by Chief Officers to allow forces discretion in line with the Vetting APP

Each force to consider external supportive scrutiny of BME associated matters

Each force to consider its ethics/scrutiny boards as having key oversight of BME ARRP

Each to consider ethic/scrutiny board membership to allow credible local representation and meaningful oversight

Each Force to undertake a detailed analysis of workforce data

Forces to commission work that seeks to understand its current workforce, key ethnicity data, working with trade unions and staff associations

To undertake a gap analysis set against the local demographics.

Forces to develop a narrative with staff associations and the workforce in order to capture ethnicity and associated data in a transparent manner, with a clear aim of better understanding the workforce demographic and how this could inform targeted recruitment

Forces to acknowledge and work with the official police work publication – Home Office which provides a rich source of data

NPCC and the College of Policing to establish a national standard of recruitment

NPCC and CoP to scope benefits of national recruitment campaign

To review Police Now/Police Scotland campaigns and establish identifiable best practice

Consider Armed Services campaigns and synergy of approach

Develop an attraction strategy for all potential opportunities within policing to include Cadets, Specials, Police Staff, PCSOs, Apprenticeship’s and Officers


Tactical Work Stream

Each force to formulate a Silver Group to lead on proactive diversity recruitment with a priority focus on BME ARRP

To appoint a practitioner lead with detailed understanding of the diversity landscape

To construct a truly representative practitioner lead team that can authentically engage with all communities and understands the principles of community cohesion and engagement. This will lead to greater legitimacy with the public

To utilise neighbourhood policing teams as a conduit to feed ongoing recruitment

Regularly review best practice in respect of recruitment used by external partners and the private sector

The practitioner lead team to identify and regularly brief community ambassadors of the importance of their role in ensuring attendance of potential applicants at recruitment events

Utilise more up to date methods in recruitment

Using telecommunications systems and internet multi-media forms of communications (Skype interviews) to assess competencies of candidates

Use of online pre application vetting

Use of Virtual careers fairs

Forces to consider open ended lines of recruitment

Forces to ensure all year recruitment capability that seeks to reduce demand on recruitment teams

Forces being able to offer up excess candidates to regional counterparts in the eventuality of over demand

SEARCH Assessors to reflect the communities the Constabulary serves

Forces to ensure that their SEARCH assessors reflect the communities that the Constabulary serves

Forces must equip selection panels with unconscious bias training for all those involved in the recruitment process

Forces to consider this for all internal and external processes

Practitioner lead recruitment teams to host community based recruitment overview sessions

Recruitment teams to use wide ranging community located venues to ensure greater access for communities

Recruitment teams to demystify and talk openly about forms, processes and share officer experiences utilising the existing workforce

Role model from all diverse backgrounds to be invited to each session and talk of their journeys

To invite members of the vetting units to recruitment sessions to provide a greater insight to the vetting process

Practitioner lead themed workshops to provide coaching/mentoring at key stages such as application stage, assessment centre support and interview support


Consider longer term engagement with schools and colleges in arranging work shadowing, placements and experience in order to attract and nurture future recruits

Local policing teams in partnership with recruitment teams to develop relationships with intuitions such as schools, colleges and universities to better understand the talent pool

Bespoke partnerships to be formed to encourage and target females within Education

Conduct focus groups to understand the barriers to recruitment

Utilise role models in the planning and running of events for recruitment, including universities, colleges, fairs, and at community/religious events

Set up processes for feedback for unsuccessful applicants and promote development plans to provide support for future applicants

One to one feedback sessions between the recruitment team and the failed applicant to seek feedback on the recruitment process

Recruitment team to provide bespoke and meaningful feedback to the unsuccessful candidate, with greater emphasis on what the candidate could do differently to be more successful

To shorten the wait period to for a failed candidate to reapply (reduce failed SEARCH from 6 to 3 months)

Each force to understand the operational interdependencies of their diverse communities and the opportunities of Officers being better equipped with cultural and language skills brings in mitigating this risk

Consider where the gaps are in the organisations before recruiting officers to try and meet any potential gaps, such as culture and language skill gaps within the force

Heads of departments should seek to utilise positive action initiatives such as short term secondments, where an under represented colleague expresses an interest in a specialist role. This will allow a ‘come and see’ style approach to support an applicant

Where no potential BME applicant is available for a specialist post. Heads of department should be allowed to advertise nationally to fulfil their operational requirements. In keeping with the leadership reviews, recommendation number five

To communicate a clear vision of this approach to the wider workforce and ensure better understanding and support

Making best use of internal staff association to act as advocates in support of targeted recruitment


Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit

Retention Work stream Action Action Owner Updates of Action Work Stream Status

Strategic Work Stream

Forces to undertake an evolution of retention figures and determine rationale for colleagues leaving prematurely

To understand if retention indicators are associated with changes to terms and conditions, pension reform, working conditions and wider private sector employment opportunities

Forces to undertake annual workforce surveys

To capture workforce morale, contentment and foresight

Data to be published to increase transparency

To ensure procedural and organisational fairness at all levels

To ensure surveys feed into force planning cycles and force management statements

Forces are encouraged to recognise good work, bravery, innovation and community engagement

Forces are encouraged to create and promote a program of recognition for all areas of the organisation

Forces are encouraged to recognise internally and externally sustained community cohesion activities are praise worthy, where BME candidates can prove to be of greater value

Forces to invest in training and development of Police leaders

Forces to undertake a review of their leadership training and development programs

Forces to ensure delivery of training and development programs for all its leaders to better equip them to lead and develop their staff

Forces to be transparent with their recruitment, progression and Exit from Service data in respect of all staff who are underrepresented in Policing

Forces to publish annually their recruitment data for both Police Officers and Police Staff. To include numbers of applicants, numbers sifted, number progressed to SEARCH, numbers appointed and numbers failed at final stage of recruitment

Forces to publish annually their internal progression data, both upward and lateral

Forces to publish annually their data in respect of those exiting their employment (outside of discipline and ill health)

Forces to publish lessons learnt from discipline and grievance procedures involving all underrepresented groups

Tactical Work Stream

Review flexible working practices together with cultural/religious observance

Forces to demonstrate enhanced inclusivity through flexible approaches to cultural/religious observance

Recognition of health and wellbeing effects within certain BME communities linked to religious observance i.e. fasting

Forces are encouraged to promote and utilise cultural exchange programs within law enforcement to enhance community cohesion

Forces to review established relationships and look to develop new ones to add opportunities for increased use of cultural exchange scheme

Forces are encouraged to understand and create support programs for all staff

Forces to consider the creation of support programs to assist those older female staff experiencing the menopause


Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit


Work stream Action Action Owner Updates of Action Work Stream Status

Strategic Work Stream HR colleagues responsible for progression should be encouraged to understand the connectivity and interdependencies of a diverse workforce and cohesion leading too improved legitimacy with communities

Facilitating joint meetings between local policing teams and HR colleagues, that allows the progression towards patrolling riding schemes and community engagement

Better understanding of the Equality Act legislation and the practical implementation of positive action

HR colleagues to be mindful of the timings of promotion and interview processes in respect of cultural issues such as days of the week and times of year

Engaging with Equality staff and staff support networks to utilise positive action and equality legislation

NPCC/CoP to develop a national talent management program for upward and lateral development

Each force to develop a talent management strategy that seeks to identify future leaders or those seeking to diversify their talents and skills laterally

Each force to ensure effective marketing and exposure of their strategy

Each force to ensure alignment of fast track and direct entry programs into this strategy

Each force is encouraged to support BME colleagues who are talented and have expressed a clear commitment in this regard

Forces to review lessons learnt from any existing talent management programs

Forces must seek to appoint diversity champions from specialist posts who are willing to promote their roles to external communities

Forces should appoint diversity champions to positively encourage BME colleagues to actively consider lateral development into specialist posts

Diversity champions should act as a formal/informal mentors to the aspiring candidate ahead of and throughout any appointment

Diversity champions within specialist posts should seek to develop a peer support group to share best practice and ideas that can inform force policy via the Silver group

Diversity champions should also be encouraged to support all processes of ARRP within the organisation

Forces should make use of awareness days, shadowing opportunities and talent spotting to increase lateral and upward progression of officers who are underrepresented in Policing

Forces to ensure mentoring/coaching and support mechanisms are in place to support staff who are underrepresented in Policing

Review of existing formal and informal processes with a view that all police leaders should be encouraged to support, mentor and inspire officers with protected characteristics seeking progression or specialism

Make full use of in house mentors and coaches by stipulating that part of their work must be with staff who are underrepresented in Policing

Identify staff with who are underrepresented in Policing and offer them 1:1 career conversations with senior police leaders who can support and signpost them for progression and specialisms. Long term tracking and regular reviews of these individuals will measure the program’s success.

Use of the tools found on the College of Policing website –


Professional Development Programme pages is suggested

Forces to review their promotion and lateral progression policies and procedures

Force should consider the removal of line manager support for all advertised roles or promotion opportunities

Ensure acting and temporary promotion policies are reviewed to ensure they meet the forces demand profiles and that they are fair and transparent across all departments within forces

The timing of all promotion exams should be reviewed to ensure that they are inclusive to all and allow for all staff partaking in them have a fair opportunity to adequately prepare

Forces to provide support to officers with disabilities and consider support meetings in respect of study tips and guides to exams

Forces to provide relevant preparatory information to Officer and Police Staff seeking progression from underrepresented groups preparing for exams

Tactical Work Stream

Staff who are underrepresented in Policing should at the commencement of their service be sign posted to support groups to seek early guidance should it be required

All forces should ensure that all early training programs cover the wide ranging specialist support groups available

Forces should at the conclusion of selection processes, grievance procedures and misconduct related procedures specially review any learning in respect of disadvantages or barriers relating to protected characteristics

Forces should as part of their ‘What Works / Lessons Learnt’ forums ensure all learning is understood and applied to policy. HR would need to be a key component of any such meeting

Lessons learnt from this forum should also be reported into the Gold group

Leaders should ensure support is provided around the capability of staff, rather than looking a discipline as a default

Forces to utilise positive action principles to proactively contact BME officers and staff within two years of them exiting the organisation and encourage them to return

The contact will be within two years of their exit from the organisation contained within Policing Regulations

An offer of return would be subject to no previous misconduct matters and vetting

The BME candidate may have attracted further skills or specialist skills that allows them to be selected for a specialist role upon their recommencement of service


Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit

Wellbeing and Fulfilment

Work stream Action Action Owner Updates of Action Work Stream Status

Strategic Work Stream All forces are encouraged to develop a local plan that incorporates. Health and Safety, Wellbeing and fulfilment

Forces should look to incorporate health and safety, wellbeing and fulfilment into an overarching plan to assist in reducing sickness levels across the force. Support staff with physical and mental wellbeing and improve HR and Occupational Health Units efficiencies

Forces should be mindful of complimentary NPCC work being undertaken in respect of Wellbeing and with the Blue light wellbeing framework when setting local plans. The Oscar Kilo website provides evidence base resources and guidance

Forces should conduct full consultation in the development of wellbeing plans, by including staff support networks and associations

Forces should ensure that their leaders are equipped to identify and address mental health within the organisation

Forces should ensure that awareness training is given to all police leaders to make them aware of early indicators and suicidal behaviours

Forces should ensure that all police leaders are trained in Mental Health awareness ( e.g. trauma awareness and mental health first aid)

Tactical Work Stream

Forces should focus on their staffs mental health and embed supportive and preventative policies and initiatives

Forces should develop and implement new specialist role screening tools that will identify individuals at risk of psychological distress

Forces should scope and implement an effective suicide intervention tool to identify those at risk of suicide and ensure that they receive the help they require

Forces should promote the use of post-incident diffusion processes (e.g. TRIM) to ensure early identification and support for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Forces should consider training opportunities for all staff and the implementation of peer support networks

Forces should focus on their staffs emotional health and happiness and implement wellbeing initiatives to improve people’s quality of life whilst at work

Forces should seek to support individuals who wish to promote wellbeing by offering training and /or time to practice wellbeing initiatives within their workplace

Forces should look to recognise and celebrate culturally focused events e.g. Black History Month and major religious festivals within the workplace

Organise and deliver wellbeing masterclasses on a range of topics including menopause, sleep and relationships etc

Forces should scope options for a Healthy living campaign to improve healthy eating and health checks to improve overall staff health


All forces should review their current HR policies to maximise the support that is given to all staff who are underrepresented in Policing

Flexible and agile working arrangements to be supported by Forces to aid disabled workers and religious observance (e.g. breaks for prayer, support for observance of Ramadan, Lent, Hanukkah etc)

Occupational Health Units and police leaders to increase their awareness of health issues faced by different sections of their workforce e.g. Type 2 diabetes and enhanced risk from stroke in African/African Caribbean communities, those of south Asian descent (particularly of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin) have a higher risk of heart disease


Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit

Exit from Service with Dignity

Work stream Action Action Owner Updates of Action Work Stream Status

Strategic Work Stream

Forces are to undertake a review of their current exit from service procedures

Forces to undertake a review of what steps are currently in place to capture exit information from all those leaving the organisation

Forces to review how the gathered exit information is shared around the organisation and what learning/organisation change occurs as a result

NPCC/COP to consider what national policies are required to allow exit and re-entry into the organisation

NPCC and CoP to scope the full range of changes that will be required to allow forces to consider the use of short term contracts 10/15/20 years

NPCC and CoP to scope the full range of changes that will be required to allow Police Officers and Staff to exit from service options allowing flexible opportunities for pension provisions

NPCC and CoP to scope career transition services for those wishing to exit the Police Service early

NPCC and CoP to scope the creation of Police Reservists to allow police service leavers to serve in a reservist capacity for a period of time

Tactical Work Stream

Forces to scope partnership working opportunities and /or secondments outside of the organisation

Forces to work with community and statuary partners to identify opportunities for short and medium term secondments and joint working initiatives to enhance and build new skills

Forces to design clear secondment outcomes in the form of plans that candidates debrief upon their return to the organisation

Forces to widely advertise re-joining options

Forces to ensure that re-joining options are advertised and all those who have left the organisation within two years are provided with information regarding their options

Forces to undertake a review of what roles within their organisation could most benefit from greater flexibility in staff entering and exiting

Forces to identify areas within their organisations which may benefit from enhanced flexibility around staff entering and exiting the service, such as Cybercrime, CSI, Community Safety etc


Representation, Attraction, Recruitment, Progression and Retention Toolkit

Evidence Base and Consultancy
