NMMUN’15 Report - SVKM's...


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NMMUN’15 Report

The seventh edition of NMMUN was held in MPSTME, NMIMS, Shirpur Campus

from 2nd October to 4th October 2015. It was a 3 day conference and was attended

by 132 delegates of which around 32 were external and 10 IPC members. The

Executive Body comprised of highly experienced individuals many of whom had an

international level MUN experience. This year, the organizing team did a brilliant

job and took NMMUN to a much higher level. The conference was a huge success

and was enjoyed by all throughout.

There were five councils in NMMUN this year namely ECOSOC, DISEC, UNSC


However the success of this event would not have been possible without the support

of Chancellor of our esteemed NMIMS University Mr. Amrish Patel and Director of

NMIMS, Shirpur Dr R.S.Gaud.



(NMMUN) was held on the auspicious evening of 2nd October 2015. The delegates

and dignitaries were invited at the ever spectacular auditorium. The delegates were

briefed about NMMUN and its proceedings.

The SARASWATIVANDANA was played followed by the lightening of the lamp.

After the same Dr. P P Raichurkar delivered a few motivating and encouraging

words to the delegates and wished the delegates good luck for the coming

discussions. The delegates were informed about their forthcoming agendas. The

entire event was carried forward by Sagarika Singh. The podium was then taken

over by Aman Johri, the Secretary General of NMMUN'15. He officially declared

the NMMUN open by saying "I officially declare the NMMUN'12 OPEN!" and

opening the poster of NMMUN by the senior faculty. The dignitaries were then

thanked for spending their valuable time and attending the ceremony.

Disarmament and International Security Council

The First Committee deals with disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace

that affect the international community and seeks out solutions to the challenges in

the international security regime.

It considers all disarmament and international security matters within the scope of

the Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any other organ of the United

Nations; the general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international

peace and security, as well as principles governing disarmament and the regulation

of armaments; promotion of cooperative arrangements and measures aimed at

strengthening stability through lower levels of armaments.

Agendas to be discussed in this particular committee were as follows:

From the time of World War I till the present times, the basic rights of Kurdish

people are still under question. Kurds are the largest stateless minority in the world

and are suffering a constant threat to their existence with no place to go to. They

have been ousted from their homes which have led to increase in the number of Kurd


Turkey has been refusing them of their promised lands, whereas the committee is

concerned The Delegate of Turkey continued to refuse them and accused the Kurdish

people of killing their citizens and being involved in many illegal activities. While

the delegate of Lebanon suggested that the Kurds must be given a state of their own.

After a lot of discussion and a few unmoderated caucuses the representative of

Kurdish people concluded by saying that their problems will be solved if they are

provide with a separate state.

The committee did a commendable work and has raised the expectations of I.P.C

and the EB in terms of debate .They were able to come up with a working paper and

has strategies to address the other agenda as well.

United Nations Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations

system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all

human rights around the globe.

The UNHRC council saw maximum number of delegates. The council went under

discussions for three days, i.e. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. UNHRC was lead by Abhradeep

Mukherjee (Chairperson) and Shailee Rajak (Co-chairperson). The agenda chosen

on Day to be discussed was “Assessment of the Rohingya genocide and protection

of the minority right in Myanmar”.

Human Rights are the fundamental need of a person and depriving them of their

basic rights is a moral and a criminal offence. The state of Rohingya Muslims has

been a matter of major concern because of serious human right violations. The

victims have faced violence, humiliations and their right to be heard and express

their opinions has also been suppressed completely.

Day 1:

The delegates of every country paid prime attention to citizenship. While the

Myanmar government coming under scanner and a lot of accusations towards their

handling of this serious issue still the delegate of Myanmar resort to suffer and

remained silent. The other nations took control until it got represented by the Co-

Chairperson of ECOSOC who very strongly declared about ZERO Rohingya

Muslims in their state.

The council had an amazing deliberation with four moderated caucus taking place

and GSL was filled with opinions of various countries. The council has taken up

really good suggestions and the council came up with a working paper.

The Executive Board expressed high expectations of even better debate for the next

day. UNHRC can be called the committee of the day.


The NMMUN is one of the most awaited competitions of university which consists

of five councils discussing about the recent world issues. This time the ecosoc

council consisted of 26 delegates representing different countries from all over the

world. The agendas for ECOSOC council was “Present situation pertaining to the

currency wars and adhering to a comprehensive solution for the same”. The

council went under discussions for three days, i.e. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. UNHRC was

lead by Saurabh Andhare (Chairperson) and Vishesh Tulsiyan (Co-chairperson).

As they are one of the major problems affecting the world, all the delegates with

immense amount of knowledge were ready to accept the challenge and find practical

and feasible solutions to the problem. All the proceedings of the council were done

in a diplomatic and professional manner by the chairperson and co-chairperson.

Day 1 :

Initially, the debate wasn’t going so well. The Delegates made similar statements in

monotony, and then an un-moderated caucus within the first hour of the session came

to the rescue. Post the un-moderated caucus the Delegates were energised and

surprised the Executive Board.

The kind IPC World Bank gave away an amount of donation to all the delegates of

the committee to donate to the nation that ‘needed’ the most. Some delegates gave

it away to the Delegate of Switzerland may be confusing the entire nation with the

Swiss Bank. While the Delegate of Pakistan bagged maximum donations from other

Nations including $50,000 from Delegate of India.


UNODC is mandated to assist Member States in their struggle against illicit drugs,

crime and terrorism. In the Millennium Declaration, Member States also resolved to

intensify efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions, to redouble the

efforts to implement the commitment to counter the world drug problem and to take

concerted action against international terrorism.

The UNODC council consisted of 26 delegates from all over the country. The

Executive Directors of the UNODC council were Mr. Abdullah Parkar and Anand

Banerjee. The main agenda was “Illegal narcotic drug trafficking in Latin America”.

The delegates put forward their views and showed a lot of enthusiasm.

Day 1 :

From the very beginning of the council had started coming up with solutions

regarding the agenda such as the people should be educated about how the drugs

affect them biologically and come up with skill building programs to help people

identify their skill and work upon them to overcome unemployment .

Some Delegates made remarkable statements such as the delegate of Italy “Some

of the drug cartels in Latin America make more money than many

transnational companies.”

One after another, be it formal or informal debate, the delegates were emphasizing

on poverty of farmers which is the major reason of their cultivating illegal crops

and education of youngsters on harms of drugs.

Overall the E.B. was quite impressed by the efforts of the delegates of Day 1. The

E.B further motivated by mentoring the first time MUNNERS

United Nations Security Council

Under the Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility for the

maintenance of international peace and security. It has 15 Members, and each

Member has one vote. Under the Charter, all Member States are obligated to comply

with Council decisions.

The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the

peace or act of aggression. It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle it by peaceful

means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement. In some

cases, the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorize the

use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security

It had Jaideep Sood and Roopam Mishra as the Chairperson, both very experienced

MUNNers with each having done more than 50 MUN’s. The council started on 2nd

October with the ever enthusiastic participants as the Diplomat of their respective

countries. All the participants gained MUN experience through this council. The

agenda discussed was Threat posed to international peace and security by ISIS.

Day 1:

The council witnessed the growth of alliances such as Venezuela-Yemen, whilst the

discussion saw USA-Venezuela, USA-China & Israel-Saudi Arabia in complete

opposition. The council went around in constant and monotonous loops of blame

games with countries trying to safeguard their interests. The solutions provided by

countries such as France and Venezuela had a lot of potential but the discussions

became very mundane. A lot of topics related to the agenda were overlooked which

needed attention and later were pointed out by the Executive Board. The motions

had a very narrow scope and the deliberation could have been better with thorough



The United Nations General Assembly is one of the six principal organs of

the United Nations and the only one in which all member nations have equal


The General Assembly meets under its president or Secretary-General in regular

yearly sessions the main part of which lasts from September to December and

resumed part from January until all issues are addressed (which often is just before

the next session's start). It can also reconvene for special and emergency special

sessions. Its composition, functions, powers, voting, and procedures are set out

in Chapter IV of the United Nations Charter.

General assembly took place after all the agendas of all the councils were resolved

in the Seminar hall on the 4th October. The best thing about general assembly was

that all the delegates and the chairpersons from all the councils came together and

discussed about the crisis. The delegates from all the countries were highly excited.

Though the crisis’s given to them were challenging but the delegates brainstormed

their heads to find the solution to the problem. The chairpersons and co-chairs from

all the councils came together to discuss common issues. The coming together of

delegates in the general assembly helped in increasing competition and interaction

between the delegates. General assembly was considered as the best part and also

most informative of the NMMUN’15. It was chaired by the Secretary general along

with the Chairs for UNSC. The remaining Executive Board members sat as delegates

in the GA and the delegates were given an opportunity to witness an participate in a

very informed, experienced debate showcased by them.


Closing Ceremony was held on the evening of 4th October 2015, the event was hosted

by Jai Gupta (Deputy Secretary General) The event started with a welcome note

addressing the delegates and all the dignitaries. The event was the followed by the

speech of our honorable Associate Dean, Dr.M V Deshpande, followed by other

dignitaries. Presentation was shown to all which included the special moments of

the event. Certificates for the most outstanding delegates of the respective council,

the head, the best chairperson, the best IPC and the participation certificates were

given. The event ended on an emotional note by Secretary General Aman Johri “The

NMMUN 2015 is ends”.

NM MUN 2012 | Committee List

Name Committee Year

Sagarika Singh Director General BTech CS, Fourth Year

Rachit Kapoor Charge d’affairs BTech CS, Fourth Year

Sarthak Sahgal Deputy Director

General MBA(Tech) IT, Third Year

Raman Arora Deputy Director

General BTech EXTC, Fourth Year

Jai Gupta Deputy Secretary

General MBA(Tech) IT, Third Year

Ila Singh Deputy Secretary

General MBA(Tech) IT, Third Year

Krunal Joshi Chief Relations

Officer BTech IT, Fourth Year

Nandan Kothari Chief Relations

Officer BTech MECH, Fourth Year
