NGCOA CANADA NGCOA Canada President • Reto Steiner …€¦ · The golfer has changed over Rules...


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Through The GreenNGCOA Canada President • Reto Steiner

Rules were headline news again this year at the Masters, from the most experienced to the youngest amateur. It can be a complex game for the best of the best, but it does not need to be that way for the average golfer coming out to enjoy the game. It is a fine line between having some fun and playing to the rules, when it comes to the public golfer. With that in mind Golf Canada with the support of the NGCOA Canada and some dedicated courses across the country have begun a pilot project to make the game more fun and competitive for the average golfer. The “Play To Your Number” program is being developed to introduce the Handicap/Index System (HIS) in a simple fun manner to the public golfer.

The golfer has changed over the last 25 years and when we recently asked the question - how many people use the HIS?, the answer surprised us all. There are approximately 6 million golfers in Canada and only 5% of them use the HIS. That means some 5.7 million golfers have never appreciated the greatest part of the game, competing on a level playing field with anyone, regardless of age, gender or skill level. What other game offers this unique tool? Everyone in the industry has forgotten to develop promote and introduce the HIS to these players. It would be easy to blame the keepers of this system - Golf Canada. I am going to suggest that everyone in the industry is to blame. The HIS is the most underutilized tool in the game of golf. What we all need to do is reintroduce the vocabulary of the HIS back into the game

At the time of writing, the season is attempting to come into play across the country but winter still seems to have a grip on things. Lots of work has been done over the winter and the NGCOA Canada has been in full swing developing programs and initiatives to help us start our season off on the right foot. Seventeen Spring Warm Up meetings were held across the country with a focus on saving you money through the Golfmax Purchasing Program and educating you on various key issues such as the ongoing lobbying efforts for making golf an allowable entertainment expense, and marketing ideas for the upcoming season. Then there was the Masters Tournament, which has wet everyone’s appetite to play the game we love.

What’s Your Number?and change the way the average golfer plays. I am challenging everyone in the golf industry, from course owners, pros, equipment suppliers, and all the related organizations, to motivate players to get “their number”. It is the greatest tool the game has to offer and Golf Canada with the help of the NGCOA Canada are developing a simple and fun way to bring the thrill of competition back into the game. There is lots of work to do and we need everyone in the industry to help bring back the competitive advantage our game has to offer. We will have more information available on this program as it is developed in 2013 and we encourage everyone to share their ideas on how to bring “your number” back into this great game.

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A total of 17 Spring Warm Up events took place this spring at member facilities across Canada. These annual meetings underwent a facelift in 2013 and the new dynamic curriculum resulted in higher attendance numbers from 2012. The NGCOA Canada Scorecard focused on delivering timely, relevant, and educational information on various national and regional association initiatives designed to help grow members’ business. The meeting curriculum focused on answering the question “What’s in it for me?” and demonstrated to members how to best use the resources available to

them to directly benefit their operation. For example, those in attendance learned how to use the recent Canadian Golf Consumer Behaviour Study to market their course more effectively; how to save $1,000s on their bottom-line through the Golfmax Purchasing Program; how to make more money with Get Golf Ready; and practical tips on how to help influence MPs on the issue of tax fairness for the industry. In addition, during the town hall and roundtable, members were able to table issues affecting their facilities. Most importantly, members were able to network, share best practices, and build relationships with fellow operators.

The NGCOA Canada would also like to extend a special thank you to all of our educational

speakers and Golfmax Suppliers for their dedication to making our 2013 Spring Warm Up events a great success. Special thank you to management and staff of the 17 NGCOA Canada Member Clubs that did a tremendous job hosting.

Finally a BIG thank you to all of you that took the time to come to these meetings. Without

you, these meetings would not be possible. We invite you to join us at next year’s Spring Warm Up

events. To learn about other upcoming NGCOA Canada events, please visit

2013 Spring Warm Up Events Help Members Learn, Network, and Save!

Date Location CityMarch 13 Paradise Valley Golf Course Medicine Hat, ABMarch 14 Lethbridge Golf & Country Club Lethbridge, ABMarch 18 Valley Ridge Golf Club Calgary, ABMarch 20 Balmoral Golf Course Red Deer, ABMarch 20 Georgian College Barrie, ONMarch 21 London Hunt and Country Club London, ONMarch 25 Highlands Golf Club Edmonton, ABMarch 26 The Dunes Golf and Winter Club Grande Prairie, ABMarch 26 University Golf Club Vancouver, BCMarch 27 Anderson Links Golf & Country Club Ottawa, ONMarch 28 St. Paul Golf Club St. Paul, ABApril 8 Eaglequest Grandview Golf & Country Club Dartmouth, NSApril 9 Bel Acres Golf & Country Club Winnipeg, MBApril 10 Minnedosa Country Club Minnedosa, MBApril 10 Sussex Golf & Curling Club Sussex, NBApril 11 Sherwood Forest Country Club Regina, SKApril 12 Greenbryre Golf & Country Club Saskatoon, SK

ThankYouThe NGCOA Canada would like to thank our Platinum Partners presenting sponsors of our 2013 Spring Warm Up Events.

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Action item reported to the NGCOA Canada Board in November 2012 identified the formulation of a briefing document for submission to the government to provide suggestions aimed at enhancing golf industry pesticide use practices. The following recommendations were well received by the NGCOA Canada National Board at the January 2013 meetings:

Mandatorypesticideapplicatorcertification:Only permit-restricted and restricted class pesticides currently require an applicator certificate for purchase and all uses. The golf industry would support enhancing applicator certificate requirements to include commercial and domestic class pesticides; including applications made to private land.

Enhancedapplicatorcertificationpart1: Pesticide applicator certification is currently based on a comprehensive multiple-choice open book test. A passing grade of 75% is required to achieve 5-year certification. The golf industry supports this methodology but suggests enhancing applicator certificate training by mandating a minimum four-day recognized training course as a pre-requisite to test writing.

Enhancedapplicatorcertificationpart2:There is not currently a system in place to ensure pesticide certificate holders have sufficient ‘hands-on’ competency to properly mix, load, apply and dispose of pesticides. The golf industry suggests that hands-on competency based requirements, such as formal applicator equipment operation and testing, be included in the certification/re-certification process.

Environmental Department Update

Enhancedapplicatorcertificationpart3:Currently certificate holders may renew their credentials through a system of ongoing education points rather than re-writing the test. The golf industry suggests that all pesticide applicators should be required to satisfy ongoing education requirements as they currently exist and to re-write the exam every 5 years to fully renew their certificate.

Mandatoryindustrygroupmembership:Golf industry organizations such as those affiliated with NAGA encourage membership in their respective associations. Membership services and policies vary amongst NAGA affiliates but generally members are required to adhere to specific codes of conduct, ethics,

professionalism and best management practices. The golf industry would suggest mandatory individual

membership in one of the NAGA affiliate organizations as a prerequisite to pesticide use at a golf facility.

Voluntary3rdpartyfacilityaccreditation: Eighty-four golf courses in Canada have been certified by the Audubon International

Society Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses; a voluntary environmental

stewardship program with standards that go beyond current government regulations that apply

specifically to golf courses. Other similar programs exist such as the Golf Environmental Organization (GEO) and International Standards Organization environmental achievement designation (ISO 14001). The golf industry suggests government encourage and incentivize golf facilities to participate in a recognized environmental achievement program.

MandatoryIPMcertification:Some provinces have enacted legislation that requires facilities to become IPM accredited through a mandated program: PlantHealth Atlantic or IPM Council of Canada. The golf industry suggests that while creating a policy where two separate certificates are required to complete one task may unnecessarily add to bureaucracy, there is potential to further integrate IPM certification into the existing framework.

Commitmenttoresearchingalternatives: In partnership with government and other stakeholders, the golf industry suggests a cooperative funding approach to research viable zero-risk pest control alternatives.

During the 5-week period from late February to the end of March, tens of thousands of Canadian golfers lined up to kick start the 2013 golf season at local golf shows; including the Ottawa-Gatineau GOLFEXPO, TVA Sports / GOLFEXPO Montréal and Atlantic Canada GOLFEXPO which are all owned and operated by the NGCOA Canada. Kicking off the 2013 consumer golf show season was the London Golf Show & Sale at the Western Fair District. The show saw its best season yet with over 5,300 golfers in attendance. There was strong representation of local golf courses which included 20 NGCOA Canada member facilities. The Play Golf Ontario (PGO) Tour Card was featured again this year and proved to be a good draw for participating exhibit booths. The Southwestern Ontario edition of the Golfer’s Red Book continued to be extremely popular with golfers and produced a 69% increase in total revenue over last year. The following weekend, over 20,000 golfers headed to the Metro Convention Centre for the Toronto Star Golf & Travel Show. The NGCOA Canada Play Golf Pavilion, featuring 30 NGCOA Canada members, served to generate the strongest and most consistent traffic of the entire show. Over the same weekend, the Vancouver Golf & Travel Show was experiencing similar success. The NGCOA Canada – British Columbia Chapter firmly met their goal of increasing sales of the Golfer’s Red Book in 2013; the dedicated sales team exceeded sales by 62% and surpassed last year’s total books sold by 250 copies!

2013 A Great Year For Consumer Golf Shows

There was lots of excitement in store for the 8,500 avid golfers in attendance at the 19th annual Ottawa-Gatineau GOLFEXPO held during the following weekend. With over 120 exhibitors, including 40 NGCOA Canada members, plenty of show features and activities, and the most successful seminar stage yet; the show was jam-packed with things to see and do. Up next on the consumer golf show circuit was the 12th annual TVA Sports / GOLFEXPO Montréal. The show was a huge success with over 14,000 golfers in attendance. Of the 41 NGCOA Canada members exhibiting, many were able to use the opportunity to sell pre-packaged green fees for the 2013 season. Some facilities reported $5,000 to $90,000 in revenue at the show.

Following the Montreal show, the Atlantic Canada GOLFEXPO took place at the Casino New Brunswick

for the second year running. Exhibitors were very pleased with the event. In fact, many ran out of handout materials early Sunday due to the increase in attendance of approximately 20% over 2012. The strong showing this year allowed the show to secure Lexus of Saint John as presenting sponsor for the

next three years! The Alberta Golf Shows were held over

two weekends in March, with the early show in Edmonton followed by the Calgary event.

Approximately 9,000 avid golfers attended these two golf shows with over 125 exhibitors, including 21 NGCOA Canada members.

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Per Student spend after the lessons: $907And knowing where your students are spending their dollars will help you target your marketing to what you know they want.Breakdown of the $907 spend per student: $55 – Range Fees $355 – Green Fees $110 - Additional Lessons $250 – Equipment $137 – Apparel

So what do all these stats mean?• Perhaps your messaging should be targeted towards

women• Perhaps creating an incentive program with past

students who introduce a friend to Get Golf Ready would be a good idea

• Maybe you should be carrying a few ‘beginner’ sets• Have you thought of bringing back all of your past students for a reception to thank them and ask them to bring a friend

For more information or to Regisiter online for the Get Golf Ready program please

contact Sarah Allen at 866-626-4262 ext. 32 or visit to get started today.

What is it? A nationally branded adult player development program offered jointly by the NGCOA Canada and the PGA of Canada. This program targets a market that is able and willing to spend immediately!

What do I have to do? It’s as easy as running a series of affordable group instruction under the Get Golf Ready banner. The curriculum and marketing materials have already been developed for you – it really is that easy!

Why Register? This FREE NGCOA Canada/PGA of Canada member program will help you immediately increase golfer participation and revenues at your facility. Did you know that? • the average spend per student (excluding the

lesson fees) is: $907• 100% of the students said they would

continue to play• 100% of the students said they would

recommend the program to a friend• 78% of students are female

What does this mean to me?• If I put 50 students through the program, make

them feel welcome and invite them back, I could potentially increase my bottom line by: $45,350

• 100 students could potentially increase my bottom line by: $90,700

• And….175 students = $$113,375 to my bottom line

And you don’t even have to spend time or money developing a curriculum or marketing materials….it’s all done for you!

Take A Kid To The Course

Register Your Course Today for this FREE NGCOA Canada Junior Grow Your Business program! July 8-14, 2013

What is it? A week-long national grow your business initiative geared to encourage junior and family golf at NGCOA Canada member facilities. We want to put MORE golfers on your courses! What do I have to do? Offer one free round of golf to every child under the age of 16 who is accompanied by a paying adult during the week of July 8-14, 2013. All the marketing materials are developed for you – all you need to do is welcome families to your course and start developing your future core customers. Why register?• Last year 654 NGCOA Canada courses took

part in the program• 34,000 kids came out to the participating

courses but more importantly 34,000 ‘paying’ adults accompanied them

• There are no costs in developing marketing materials: we provide you with a banner, several posters, tent cards and we run a national Grand Prize draw to further encourage golfers to come out to your course.

We have heard from families who now plan their holidays around Take A Kid To The Course. We use both social and traditional media to get the message out to golfers. As you can see…..It’s an easy decision…..REGISTER TODAY for this fun and friendly junior and family grow the game program!

For additional information and to regisiter online, please visit contact Sarah Allen at 866-626-4262 ext. 32

Get Golf Ready: Grow YOUR Bottom Line!

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ATlAnTIc NovaScotia14 Wing Greenwood Golf ClubAmherst Golf ClubDigby Pines Golf Resort and SpaEaglequest GrandviewLost Creek Golf ClubRiver Oaks Golf ClubThe Lakes Golf ClubThe Links at MontaguePrinceEdwardIslandBrudenell River Golf CourseBelfast Highland GreensDundarave Golf CourseEagles View GolfGlasgow Hills Resort & Golf ClubMill River Golf CourseThe Links at Crowbush CoveNewBrunswickGage Golf & Curling ClubGilridge Golf ClubMountain Woods Golf ClubSt. Ignace Golf CourseSussex Golf & Curling ClubWelsford Golf Course

QuebecCentre de Golf Le VersantClub de Golf de Murray Bay Inc.Club de Golf Le Grand VallonClub de Golf Le Manoir Richelieu Golf de la MaskinongeGolf Gray RocksManitou Golf CourseMont Tremblant ResortOwl’s Head Golf Club

eASTeRn OnTARIO/OuTAOuAISOntarioAnderson Links Golf & Country ClubArchie’s Family Golf CentreArnprior Golf CourseBay of Quinte Golf and Country ClubBlue Heron Golf Club

Brockville Highland Golf ClubCamden Braes Golf & Country ClubCanadian Golf & Country ClubCasselview Golf & Country ClubCedarhill Golf & Country ClubCloverdale Links Golf CourseClub de Golf NationColonnade Golf and Country ClubCopperdale Golf Course Emerald Links Golf & Country ClubEquinelle Golf ClubFalcon Ridge Golf ClubGlen Lawrence Golf ClubGlen Mar Golf & Country ClubGreensmere Golf & Country ClubKingston Par 3 Golf ClubMadawaska Golf CourseManderley Golf ClubMapleview Golf and Country Club Mattawa Golf & Ski ResortMetcalfe Golf & Country ClubNationView Golf CourseOak Hills Golf ClubPicton Golf & Country ClubPine View Municipal Golf CoursePoplars Golf ClubRenfrew Golf ClubRideau Lakes Golf & Country ClubSandy Mountain Golf CourseSummerheights Golf LinksSunnidell GolfThe Meadows Golf & Country ClubThunderbird Golf CourseTimber Run Golf & Country ClubWellington on the Lake Golf CourseWestbrook Golf Club and Driving RangeQuebecAuberge et Club de Golf HéritageClub de Golf Le Château MontebelloClub de Golf Le SorcierMont-Cascades Golf ClubNorway Bay Golf ClubPine Lodge Golf Club

cenTRAl OnTARIO4 Seasons Country ClubActon Golf ClubAllandale Golf CourseAngel’s View Golf CourseBeaverbrook Golf CourseBig Cedar Golf & Country ClubBonaire Golf ClubBuck Ridge Golf CourseBushwood Golf ClubCaledon Country ClubCanterbury Golf ClubCardinal Golf ClubCarrickmacross Golf CentreCarruther’s Creek Golf & Country ClubCedar Green Golf ClubCedarhurst Golf ClubCFB Borden Golf ClubCider House Golf CourseCobble Beach Golf LinksCrestwood Golf CourseDeer Creek Golf & Banquet FacilityDeerfield Golf ClubDerrydale Golf CourseDufferin Glen Golf ClubDunsford Golf & Country ClubDuntroon Highlands Golf ClubEagle Lake Golf CourseEganridge Inn & SpaGlen Cedars Golf ClubGrand Highland Golf ClubGranite Ridge Golf ClubHarmony Creek Golf CentreHeron Landing Golf ClubHidden Lake Golf ClubHomestead ResortKedron Dells Golf CourseKettle Creek Golf CourseKing’s Bay Golf & Country ClubLiftlock Golf ClubLionhead Golf & Country ClubLyndebrook Golf CourseMarkdale Golf & Curling ClubMarvel Rapids Golf CourseMeadow Land Golf Club Inc.

Meaford Golf CourseMill Run Golf ClubMuskoka Highlands Golf LinksMuskoka Woodlands Golf CourseNobleton Lakes Golf ClubNottawasaga Inn Golf CourseOakville Executive Golf CourseOrangeville Golf ClubOrchard Beach Golf & Country ClubOsprey Links GolfPebblestone Golf CoursePine Grove Golf ClubRedCrest Golf CourseRoyal Ontario Golf ClubRoyal Woodbine Golf ClubSalem Ridge at The Deer Creek Golf AcademyShelburne Golf and Country ClubSilver Brooke Golf ClubSilver Lakes Golf & Conference CentreSouth Muskoka Curling & Golf ClubStoneHill Golf Club Inc.Stoneridge at Elliot LakeStreetsville Glen Golf ClubTimberwolf Golf ClubWatson’s Glen Golf CourseWestview Golf ClubWindermere Golf & Country Club

SOuThwESTONTarIOAinsdale Golf CourseAmbassador Golf ClubArrowdale Public Golf CourseBeaverdale Golf ClubBrant Valley Golf CourseBrookfield Golf ClubBurford Golf LinksBurlington Springs Golf ClubCalerin Golf CourseCarlisle Golf & Country ClubCedar Creek Golf ClubCentury Pines Golf ClubChippewa Creek at Mount HopeCobble Hills Golf and Ski ClubConestoga Country Club

Copetown Woods Golf ClubCornerstone Golf ClubDeer Run Golf CourseDundee Country ClubEast Park Golf GardensEden Golf ClubExeter Golf ClubFanshawe Golf CourseFergus Golf ClubFlamborough Hills Golf ClubForest Glen Golf CentreFox Glen Golf ClubFoxwood Country ClubGoderich Sunset Golf ClubGrey Silo Golf CourseGreystone Golf CourseHoliday Inn Golf ClubIndian Hills Golf ClubIndian Wells Golf ClubInnerkip Highlands Golf ClubIronwood Golf ClubLlyndinshire Golf & Country ClubMaitland Country ClubMillcroft Golf ClubMount Elgin Golf ClubMystic Golf ClubNorthern Dunes Golf ClubNorthridge Public Golf CourseOxley Beach Golf CourseOrchard View Golf Course Paris Grand Country ClubPuslinch Lake Golf Course Ltd.Ridgetown Golf & Curling ClubRiver Road Golf CourseRiverEdge Golf ClubRockway Glen Golf Course & Estate WinerySauble Golf & Country ClubSavannah Golf LinksSawmill Golf CourseScenic Woods Golf & Country ClubSeaforth Golf & Country ClubSomerhill Golf ClubSouthern Pines Golf & Country ClubSpringfield Golf & Country ClubSpringview Farm Golf Course

Sundrim Golf ClubThames Valley Golf CourseThe Bridges at TillsonburgThe Greens at RentonTilbury Golf ClubVictoria Park ValleyWardsville Golf ClubWaterloo Golf AcademyWhisky Run Golf Club

PRAIRIeSManitobaBel Acres Golf & Country ClubBlack Bear GolfGranite Hills Golf CourseHeritage Golf CourseLa Vérendrye Golf CourseLarters at St. Andrews GolfMinnedosa Country ClubNetley Creek Golf & Country ClubPoplar Ridge Golf CourseRossmere Country ClubSelkirk Golf & Country ClubShooters Family Golf CentreSouthport Golf ClubSouthside Golf CourseTuxedo Golf CourseWinkler Centennial Golf ClubSaskatchewanCooke Municipal Golf CourseDakota Dunes Golf LinksDeer Valley Golf & EstatesElk Ridge ResortEmma Lake Golf ClubKatepwa Beach Golf ClubRolling Pines Golf & Country ResortThe Legends Golf ClubThe Willows Golf & Country Club

AlbeRTABalmoral Golf CourseBashaw Golf & Country ClubBlack Bull Golf ResortCollicutt Siding Golf ClubCoyote Creek Golf & R.V. Resort

Eagle Rock Golf CourseEaglequest DouglasdaleFairview Golf ClubFawn Meadows Golf & Country ClubFox Hollow Golf CourseGleniffer Lake Resort & Country ClubGoose Hummock Golf Resort Inc.Gull Lake Golf CourseHeatherGlen Golf CourseHeritage Pointe Golf ClubHinton Golf ClubJasper Park Lodge Golf ClubMcCall Lake Par 3 Golf CourseMcKenzie Meadows Golf ClubPineridge Golf ResortRedTail Landing Golf ClubRiver Bend Golf and Recreation AreaRiver Ridge Golf & Country ClubRiverbend Golf & Country ClubSandpiper Golf & Country ClubSilver Creek Golf CourseThe Fairmont Banff Springs Golf ClubThe Links of GlenEagles Golf CourseThe Ranch Golf and Country ClubTooth of the Dogpound Creek Golf CourseWhitetail Crossing Golf ClubWintergreen Golf CourseWoodside Golf Course

bRITISh cOlumbIAArbutus Ridge Golf ClubArdmore Golf CourseArrowsmith Golf and Country ClubBelmont Golf CourseBig Sky Golf Inc.Cedar Ridge Golf CourseChilliwack Golf & Country ClubComox Golf ClubCopper Point Golf ClubCordova Bay Golf CourseCreekside Golf CourseEaglequest CoquitlamEaglequest Coyote CreekEaglequest NanaimoFurry Creek Golf & Country Club

Glacier Greens Golf CourseGlen Meadows Golf & Country ClubGreenacres Golf CourseHazelmere Country ClubHighland Pacific GolfJuan De Fuca Par 3 Golf CourseKelowna Springs Golf CourseLangley Golf and Banquet CentreMayfair Lakes Golf & Country ClubMountainside Golf CourseNico Wynd Golf CourseNk’Mip Canyon Desert Golf CourseOlympic View Golf ClubQuesnel Golf CourseRedwoods Golf CourseRevelstoke Golf ClubRoyalwood Golf & RV ResortSpur Valley GreensSquamish Valley Golf & Country ClubStorey Creek Golf & Recreation SocietySun Rivers Golf ResortSunshine Coast Golf & Country ClubSwan-e-set Bay Resort & Country ClubThe Fairmont Chateau Whistler Golf ClubValemount Pines Golf Club & RV ParkWildstone Golf Course

Northwest TerritoriesYellowknife Golf Club

“Take A Kid To The Course participating members as of April 25, 2013”

Are You On The 2013 List?

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Golfmax Supplier List

FOOD SeRVIceSOntrak Procurement

Rockway Vineyards*

OPeRATIOnSClub Car, LLC www.clubcar.comGM Canada Insurance Plans www.mooremcleaninsurancegroup.comLenbrook Canada www.lenbrook.comMoneris Solutions www.moneris.comNEBS Business Products www.nebs.caNEBS PAYweb

TuRF & mAInTenAnceBrettYoung* www.brettyoung.caECHO Power Equipment (Canada) www.echo.caJacobsen www.jacobsen.comKubota Canada Ltd. www.kubota.caMTS Environmental Holdings Inc.* www.mtsenvironmenal.caNAPA Canada www.napaonlinecanada.comRain Bird www.rainbird.comSmithCo

Acklands Grainger IncAgropur, Division Natrel*Canadian LinenCintasCoca-Cola Refreshments CanadaCourtney’s DistributionCourtney’s WholesaleEcolab InstitutionalEcolab Pest ControlFresh Start Foods*

Gordon Food ServicesHendrixHubertISO Cleaning Solutions (Swish, Wesclean, Larose)MacGregors*Purolator Courier LtdSherwin WilliamsStaples AdvantageSyscoWeston

PRO ShOPDollco, The Lowe-Martin Group www.dollcogolf.comGolf Course Golf Shop www.golfcoursegolfshop.comTTG Course Guide

FuRnITuRe & FIXTuReSD&E Industries

TechnOlOGYGolf EMS www.GolfEMS.comRICOH Canada

Tee-On Golf Systems Inc.

TRAVel & leISuReMerit Golf

bulK FuelAltaGas Ltd*

Levac Propane*

MacEwen Petroleum* SONIC (La Coop fédérée)* www.lacoop.comSparlings Propane* www.sparlings.comSuncor / Petro-Canada

unIQue PRODucTS AnD SeRVIceSBurnside www.rjburnside.comGolfmax Inc. www.golfmax.netiGotcha Golf Network* www.iGotchaMedia.comPEI Vapour Systems Ltd. www.vapordragon.caStarting Time (My mini Golf)


Are you frustrated with the lack of retail revenue generated by your facility? If the answer is yes, you are not alone!

The NGCOA Canada, TTG and Synergy Golf are pleased to announce that we have a solution. GolfCourseGolf is a turnkey software solution designed to drive online retail sales to complement the pro shop sales of golf courses big or small. Course Golf Shop is an out-of-the-box customized e-store that is being offered to each NGCOA Canada member facility with their annual membership. The e-store will complement their existing course web site to create the appearance it has been a part of the retail operation for years. The platform is completely managed by GolfCourseGolf including inventory, shipping and sales reporting. NGCOA Canada members will simply collect a 19% commission on all sales each month.

howdoclubsparticipate?GolfCourseGolf works with your website host to create a link on your existing website that will lead your customers to a customized e-store that features your clubs branding. Participating clubs never have to see, feel, touch or pay for any of the inventories that are a part of the e-store yet profit from a revenue stream 365 days a year for their retail sales.

whatwillconsumersfindonyoure-store?Each NGCOA Canada member’s e-store will feature in-line products, available close outs as well as any ongoing specials and promotions from partnered manufacturers. GolfCourseGolf has launched with 10 manufactures, and over 500 unique items for sale. Pricing is set based on advertised retail pricing in the general market (internet based). Courses will also have the option to have purchased product shipped directly to the customer or to their own golf shop for customer pick up. “The NGCOA Canada is very excited to partner with TTG and Synergy Golf to offer each NGCOA Canada member an e-commerce solution that will allow them to generate incremental revenue 365 days a year. Many operators struggle to move

hard and soft goods in their retail environments. GGolfCourseGolf is an amazing tool

that will assist each member in increasing the profit they generate through retail,” said Jeff Calderwood, CEO, NGCOA Canada.

For more information on the GolfCourseGolf, please contact Cedar Nisbet, Director,

Golfmax & Business Development for the NGCOA Canada at 866-626-4262 ext. 14 | cnisbet@ngcoa.

ca. Or, visit

Golf Retail Made Easy

*Regional programs not available in every area across Canada

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NGCOA Canada is pleased to announce that it has partnered with MTS Environmental Holdings Inc. Through this partnership, NGCOA Canada members who are purchasing MTS product will earn a 10% rebate on their purchase. MTS Environmental provides 100% natural solutions to agriculture, municipal, residential, recreational, and industrial organic waste and water environmental issues — with a radically different approach. Nutrient contamination, odours and solid build-up are not the problems — they are the symptoms of microbial and nutrient imbalance. MTS has developed a unique product exclusively for the turfgrass industry. Pro Turf Gold Soil and Foliar product works to restore a natural balance of microbial life, activating the natural bio-digestion system to create healthier soil, and healthier turfgrass. Their products are safe and certified by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Additionally, the base ingredients for the MTS product line are Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) certified. The net result of applying MTS’s Pro Turf Gold Soil & Foliar product is a: • Reduction in fertilizer costs• Reduction in fungicide, herbicide and

pesticide costs• Reduction and/or elimination of current

surfactant use• Reduction in the amount of time spent record

keeping for IPM records

Healthier Turf with Fewer Inputs

“The NGCOA Canada is very pleased to partner with MTS Environmental. The testimonials that we received from NGCOA Canada member facilities that are applying Pro Turf Gold are astonishing. Superintendents who applied the Pro Turf Gold to problematic greens, tees, and fairways that have historically struggled with disease and stress, saw significant improvements in the quality of turf, and were able to reduce watering, inputs, and control product. I would encourage all of our members to have their superintendents explore the benefits of this 100% natural solution to healthier turf,” says Cedar Nisbet, Director, Golfmax & Business Development, NGCOA Canada To review the testimonials from golf course superintendents, please visit

For more information on this Golfmax Program, please contact Cedar Nisbet, Director, Golfmax & Business

Development at 866-626-4262 ext. 14; or by email at

NGCOA Canada Platinum Partner, Ontrak Procurement Services, is pleased to announce a sample of the cur-rent ‘Added Value Promotions’ that are available to NGCOA Canada members registered with Ontrak. The 2013 special offers began in April, just in time for the start of the new season, and will run through to June 2013. These promotions are available to you through the Ontrak program simply by ordering qualifying products from an Ontrak approved food service distributor. All you need to do is focus your purchases on the selected products to qualify. No need to send proof of purchase. Ontrak takes care of the rest. A portion of the Ontrak promotions for 2013 include:

Giveaway offers on selected products …

FRee barbecue utensil set offer from OlymelPurchase a minimum of 40 cases of any combination of selected Olymel chicken and/or turkey products between now and June 3, 2013 and receive a FREE barbecue set.

FRee barbecue utensil set offer from KelloggPurchase a minimum of 10 cases of any combination of selected Garden Burger, Morningstar Burger or Kellogg snack products between now and June 30, 2013 and receive a FREE barbecue set.

FRee salad dressing squeeze bottle & ladle offer from heinz and Richardson FoodsPurchase a minimum of 10 cases of any combina-tion of selected Renée’s salad dressing or Richard-son Foods salad dressing products between now and June 30, 2013 and get 2 FREE salad dressing squeeze bottles and 2 FREE ladles.

Full promotion details are available on the member’s only section of the Ontrak website at questions or more information about Ontrak, contact Karyn Tindall, Account Manager, Inside Sales & Value at 416-805-6760 or

Ontrak 2013 Spring Promos

Green untreated Green treated

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NGCOA Canada Membership What’s In it For You? Purchasing Power

• Save on all aspects of your operation with the Golfmax Purchasing Program

• Preferred pricing with over 220 suppliers. Opportunity buys use the buying power of NGCOA Canada members to provide one time deep discounts/ rebates on popular products at select times

• Some courses report annual savings as high as $30,000

• Average yearly per member savings of $5200 – far exceeding the cost of membership

• Calculate your annual estimated savings through the on-line Golfmax Savings Calculator

• The more courses that utilize the Golfmax Purchas-ing Program the greater the negotiating power of

the NGCOA Canada

Grow Your Business

GetGolfreadyin5Days: • National adult player development

program proven to generate new golfers • Students average $907 first year spend

• They average 10 rounds played in their first year • All marketing materials and course curriculum

provided FREE to all NGCOA Canada members

TakeaKidToTheCourseJuly8-14,2013: • National junior and family grow the game program • Over 650 member facilities participated in 2012 • Over 34,000 paying adults took part in 2012 • All marketing materials provided FREE to members

Regional Representation And Promotion



•regionalinitiativestomeetyourneedsincluding: Spring Warm Ups

Golf Invitationals

Chapter Meetings

Golf Shows

Golf Maps, Golfer’s Red Books, Golfer’s Green Cards and so much more!

Resources At Your Fingertips


The industry unites with over 500 leaders in one place





The BESTinvestment you can make for your business is to join the only Association in Canada that focuses on the BUSINESS OF GOLF!

We can meet YOUR Needs

We have the strongest united

voice in the golf industry with over 1300 members!

Government Relations

TheNGCOaCanadahasseensuccessfulcompletionofeffortsto: • Eliminate cart and equipment licensing in B.C.

• Establish an equitable municipal property assessment formula in Ontario

TheNGCOaCanadaiscurrentlyrepresentingtheneedsofitsmembersonissuesincluding: • Allowable tax deductions on green fees

• Pesticide legislation

• Water and conservation permits

• Fuel taxes

• Weather forecasting

NGCOaCanadahasjoinedforceswithindustrypartnersonvariousinitiatives,suchas: • Economic Impact Study to

illustrate strength of industry

• Provincial and Federal lobby days that raised government aware-ness of the golf industry

• 2011 Consumer Behaviour Study

Golf Business Canada 64 Golf Business Canada 65




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NGCOA Canada Calendar of Events

2013 Take A Kid To The Course July 8-14A National Player Development Program that encourages family and junior golf through a dedicated national marketing blitz. Exclusive to NGCOA Canada members, the Take A Kid To The Course campaign is intended to bring non and occasional golfers to your course and keep them there!866-626-4262 •

2013 Get Golf Ready2013 Golf SeasonExclusive to NGCOA Canada and PGA of Canada members, this adult player development program is intended to remove intimi-dation barriers for new and returning golfers. See page 54 for additional information. 866-626-4262 •

2013 Golf Business Canada Conference & Trade ShowNovember 21-23, 2013Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BCMark your calendars and ensure you find Victory in Victoria in November!

2013 NGCOA Canada Golf Invitational TournamentsThese chapter events accomplish what the NGCOA Canada does BEST! They create a sense of community among Canadian golf course operators, their staff, and the suppliers that support our industry. Mark your calendars for the event in your area!

Chapter Date VenueBritish Columbia August 22 Copper Point Golf ClubAlberta August 26 Willow Park Golf & CC

Check out your NGCOA Canada monthly E-Newsletter and for details on NGCOA Canada Golf Invitational Tournaments, Allied Association, and Industry Events.

NGCOaCaNaDaSTaffJeff Calderwood CEONathalie Lavallée Chief Operating OfficerPamela MacDonald-WolK Director, Finance & AdministrationCedar Nisbet Director, Golfmax & Business Development Jim Thompson Director, Member Services

Mike Bell Regional Director, Central Ontario Chapter Carol Ann Campbell Regional Director, Eastern Ontario/Outaouais ChapterDouglas Ferne Regional Director, British Columbia ChapterShawn Hunter Regional Director, Southwestern Ontario ChapterBrent Hutcheon Regional Director, Alberta ChapterTBA Regional Director, Prairie ChapterAlain Laforge Regional Director, Quebec ChapterDavid McCafferty Regional Director, Atlantic Chapter

Sarah Allen Special Events and Member Services Djibril Diop Manager, AccountingSean Farrell Graphic DesignerLéona Folusewych Office & Business Development AdministratorGloria Hammond Manager, CommunicationsStacey Tayler Manager, Brand & DesignQixia Xiong Accounting Assistant

NGCOA Canada BoardMembers and Staff

PrESIDENTRETO STEINER Woodside Golf Course, Airdrie AB

VICEPrESIDENTGILLES DEBUT Club de Golf les Quatre Domaines, Mirabel QC

SECrETarY/TrEaSurErSTEVEN SPRATT Falcon Ridge Golf Club, Ottawa ON


PaSTPrESIDENTDONALD MACKAY Muskoka Highlands Golf Links, Bracebridge ON

BOarDOfDIrECTOrSIVAN ALDERDICE Meaford Golf Course, Meaford ONALASTAIR BARR Welsford Golf Course, Welsford NBHARRY BROTCHIE Lakeland Golf Management Inc., Winnipeg MBBILL BROWN Mont-Cascades Golf Club, Cantley QC

EDGE CARAVAGGIO ClubLink Corporation, King City ONNEIL CHAMPAGNE Mont Tremblant Resort, Mont Tremblant QC

GAVAN FITZPATRICK Eaglequest Grandview, Westphal NSDOUG HAWLEY Redwoods Golf Course, Langley BC

ANDY HEDLEY GolfBC Holdings Inc., Vancouver BCBOB KILGOUR Cardinal Golf Club, Kettleby, ONLESLEY MCMAHON Balmoral Golf Course, Red Deer ABRICHARD MUNRO Madawaska Golf Course, Arnprior ONAL PEISTER McLean Peister Ltd., Kitchener, ONMARK SEABROOK Canadian Golf & Country Club, Ashton ONALON SHATIL East Park Golf Gardens, London ON

Call today to become a member

Call Jim Thompson, Director, Member Services

today at 866-626-4262 to discuss membership with

the NGCOA Canada or visit to

join today!

Of all the membership dues that we pay, the NGCOA Canada

gives me my highest rate of return year after year. I can’t understand

why any course wouldn’t be a member!

Doug HawleyRedwoods Golf Club

Langley ,B.C.

New MembersJanuary 29, 2013 to April 22, 2013 AlbertaInglewood Golf & Curling Club (1980) Lakeside Golf Club Waterton Lakes Golf Course

AtlanticMinas View Golf LinksRiverbend Golf Club

british columbiaMoberly Lake & District Golf ClubSechelt Golf & Country Club Tower Ranch Golf and Country Club Tsawwassen Springs Golf

central OntarioCrimson Ridge Golf Club

Pinestone Resort & Conference Centre White Pine Shores Resort Whitetail Golf & Country Club Estates Woodview Golf Course

eastern Ontario & OutaouaisRiver’s Edge Golf Course

Prairie chapterHidden Valley Golf & RV Resort

Hillcrest Golf Course

Southwestern OntarioBear Creek Golf and Country Club Ingersoll Golf Course Inc International Country Club of Niagara Senjan Golf Club The Fox Golf ClubTurtle Creek Golf Club

cORPORATe Golf Course Golf Shop NationalInclusion Consulting Inc. Southwestern Inc. Central OntarioRodd Hotels & Resorts Atlantic
