Newsletter Editor - Adventist Church Mckinleyville · Newsletter Editor Ms. Frances Dale (707)...


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November 2017


Arcata─McKinleyville Seventh-day Adventist Church

1200 Central Avenue, McKinleyville CA 95519 (707) 839-3832


Newsletter Editor

Ms. Frances Dale (707) 443-1164

Gary K. Klemp, Proofreader

Mailing address for the church: P. O. Box 2358 / McKinleyville, CA 95519-2358

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During our October and November

worship services, we’ve been giving emphasis to the 500-year anniversary of the birth of the Protestant Reformation. The main character in the Protestant Reformation was Martin Luther. We think of Luther as a brilliant theologian, teacher, preacher and Bible translator. However, he had a personal life as well.

Did you know that Martin Luther was married?

It is an interesting story that gives us a more

personal view into this great man.

On June 13, 1525, Martin Luther

married Katharina von Bora. Katharina had

been born to a well-to-do family that had lost

their wealth. When her mother died, her father

remarried and it was then that Katharina was

sent to a convent at age 5, likely the result of

her devious step-mother. By the time she was

16, she had become a nun.

By then, exciting news from the world outside

began to trickle into the nunnery. It was

reported that a Catholic monk named Martin

Luther had been openly challenging the

Catholic Church, protesting against many of

their beliefs and practices.

The nuns, somewhat dissatisfied with life in

their covenant, found Luther's words enticing.

Katharina von Bora actually smuggled a

message to Martin Luther, who she had never

personally met, pleading with him to help

rescue her and the other nuns who wished to

escape from the covenant.

Luther decided to help these nuns discover

freedom. He went in cahoots with a friend

who delivered herring fish to the covenant,

and as the wagon pulled away from the

covenant the herring barrels were filled, not

with fish, but rather 12 nuns!

Luther ended up falling in love with Katharina,

and summarized this romance by saying this:

“Suddenly and while I was occupied with far

different thought, the Lord has plunged me

into marriage.”

Luther’s marriage to Katharina was opposed

by a number of his friends who felt like it

might be a negative thing distracting the focus

that Luther could give his work as a Reformer.

At the time of their marriage, Katharina was

26 years old and Luther was 41 years old.

(Continued on P. 2)

November 2017


Luther and Katharina moved into a monastery,

which had been a wedding present from John

Elector of Saxony (a kind of governor). Even

though money seemed to always be in short

supply, the couple had what appears to have

been a happy and successful marriage.

Katharina bore Martin Luther six children, and

additionally they also took in orphans and

offered housing to students. She was one

busy lady, in addition to running her large

household; she managed the vast holdings of

the monastery, she oversaw breeding and

selling cattle, and she even ran a brewery in

order to provide for her family! She was an

excellent gardener, and during times where

illness seemed to sweep through the area, she

operated a hospital in their converted

monastery, ministering to the sick. Luther

affectionately called her the "Boss of

Zulsdorf," (named of a farm that they owned)

and the "Morning Star of Wittenberg" for her

custom of rising at 4 a.m. to make sure she

got everything done on her “to do” list.

Personally, I think that I would give her the

nickname “Wonder Woman!”

Mr. and Mrs. Luther both had significant roles

in the success of the Protestant Reformation!

People can and do make a difference in the


Pastor Ron Mellor

Fires Impact Adventists in Northern California

From the Northern California Conference Website

Update added October 12 and 17

Adventist churches and schools in northern California reported closures and damage to facilities from the devastating fires over the past three days. The state on the Pacific coast of the United States is experiencing the worst

fires in decades with some entire towns consumed and as many as 43 deaths so far. Stephanie Leal, communication director for the denomination’s Northern California Conference, told Adventist Today that the Redwood Adventist Academy in Santa Rosa has been completely destroyed. There were no injuries to students, faculty or staff, because all were evacuated in time. Leal also reported that Pacific Union College (PUC), the Adventist higher education institution in Napa County, has suspended classes for at least a week, although there is no evacuation of the campus or the neighboring small town of Angwin because the fire is not near there. There are problems with air quality, smoke damage and respiratory issues. At least two churches in the conference have opened shelters for people displaced by the fire, emergency support, water and food. These are the Adventist churches in Santa Rosa and Petaluma. The campus church at PUC is also open to help local residents. Rio Lindo Academy in Healdsburg has also suspended classes, but like PUC is not evacuating student residences for the time being. The Northern California Conference will be posting updates on its Web site throughout the day, Leal said. The Web site can be reached at: Update: Overnight the Sheriff ordered the evacuation of Rio Lindo Academy, a boarding school with an exit on only one side because it is located in a bend of the Russian River and the other three directions are blocked by the river. Second Update: Rio Lindo Academy sent students home on October 10 and 11, but the

fire did not come near the campus. Over the weekend (October 14-15), both the principal, Doug Schmidt, and business manager, Norman Barnhart, have posted video on line showing smoke in the distance but no damage to the campus. No announcement has been made about when classes will resume. Redwood Adventist Academy has made arrangements to use Adventist church facilities on a temporary basis and expects to resume classes next week.

November 2017


Nathan Klopfenstein November 1

Trudy Bull November 2

David Collins November 3

Jerry Miller November 4

Ken Newman November 15

Felicia Schneider November 15

Laurie Johanson November 21

Alice Sturges-Jameson

November 26

Karl Wallenkampf November 26

Happy Anniversary

Victor & Janet Wallenkampf

November 16

Darrell & Alice Sturges-Jameson

November 27

Daylight Savings ends

at 2:00 a.m. on

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Set clocks back 1 hour.


More Than A Day By Karl Fuchs

As Thanksgiving Day rolls around, it brings up some facts, quite profound.

We may think that we're poor, feel like bums, insecure,

but in truth, our riches astound. We have friends and family we love;

We have guidance from heaven above. we have so much more than they sell in a store,

We're wealthy, when push comes to shove. So add up your blessings, I say;

make Thanksgiving last more than a day. Enjoy what you've got; realize it's a lot, and you'll make all your cares go away.

November 2017


Humboldt Bay Christian School

PHONE: (707) 822-1738 School Hours: 8:15 a.m. – 3:05 p.m. Friday: 8:15 a.m. – 1:35 p.m.

Grades 4–8: Ruthanne Altsman, Principal Grades K-2: Ashley Stewart

School Secretary: Debbie Rosenburg Email:

2017 ─ 2018 School Year


November 1-2


Monday, November 6

Both teachers will be attending an in-service meeting. School will be

dismissed at 12:00 noon for all grades. No Lunch that day.

Saturday, November 11

FALL FESTIVAL Red-WWWhhhiiittteee-Blue Theme Celebrating Our Veterans

November 20-24

Thanksgiving Break

For more information about HBCS go to the school website at: or go to:

HBCS is still collecting

“Box Tops for Education” for HBCS. They are on zip lock bag boxes, soups

and many other products.

Look for them.

They look like this:

There is a box by the church

mailboxes for the HBCS Box Tops.

Ms. Dale is also saving Loma Linda, Worthington

and Campbell’s soup labels for Fortuna Jr. Academy.

You may put them in her church mailbox.

November 2017




Arcata-McKinleyville SDA Church


November 4 Reformation 500;

Faith Alone

November 11 Reformation 500;

Grace Alone

November 18 Reformation 500;

Christ Alone

November 25 Thanksgiving Service

Messiah Combined Choirs

Will present a

Christmas Choral Concert

Saturday, December 2 - at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, December 3 - at 4:30 p.m.

Sunday, December 3 - at 6:30 p.m.

Arcata-McKinleyville SDA Church

1200 Central Avenue McKinleyville, CA 95519

Watch for more information about this event.


November 4 Local Church Budget

November 11 World Budget

November 18 Local Church Budget

November 25 Local Church Budget

Sabbath School begins at 9:30 a.m.

Adult Sabbath School program in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. and the various lesson study classes from

10:00 - 10:40 a.m.

Come early to get a good seat! Don’t miss out!

November 2017


Weekly Meetings on Wednesdays

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Co-leaders of Community Services Tina Ahrens & Norma Werner



Norma Werner reported that the rummage sale so far has netted nearly $4,500 for Community Services projects.

Volunteers have clocked 605 hours setting up/organizing the sale. Norma has a wonderful crew of dedicated volunteers; many of them are non-members of the church.

This month, 231 people have been helped, delivering 341 pieces of clothing, 11 bedding items, 91 miscellaneous items, and 88 pieces of literature.

Community Services has distributed 1600 pounds of food with an estimated value of $3,200.

All Ages are Welcome, including Parents!

SABBATH, NOVEMBER 4, 2017 10:45 a.m.

Arcata-McKinleyville SDA Church

November 2017


Area Coordinator:

Betty Newman

Pathfinder Leader: Julia Courtney-Williams

In October the Pathfinders hosted a musical vespers and meal on Sabbath, October 7, at Eureka SDA Church. The Pathfinders marched in wearing full dress uniforms and posted the flags and took up the offering. Early in October they earned the "Family Life" honor and in mid-October began the "Temperance" honor, which is required for the Companion class.

October 23 starts Red Ribbon Week and Temperance is directly related to that topic. We look forward to another Pathfinder sponsored vespers at Eureka SDA Church the evening of Sabbath, October 28, where we will celebrate the life of Martin Luther. To end the month we will collect non-perishable foods the afternoon of Wednesday, October 31. Please bring any non-perishable foods you can donate to our booth at the HBCS Fall Festival on November 11. The food items will be divided between the Eureka and McKinleyville SDA Church community services to help needy families during the Fall and Winter seasons. Thank you for your continued support of our Pathfinder Club.

More Pathfinder Events 2017

November 11 HBCS Fall Festival Pathfinders: Jail Booth


January 5-7 Pathfinder Winter Campout at HBCS

May 6 Pathfinder Fair

Humboldt Bay Trackers Pathfinder Club

November 2017


Author Unknown

And the rock lived on top of a high cliff,

overlooking the ocean.

He was a Great Rock. The Rock was Big. The Rock was Bold.

The Rock was Beautiful.

The rock saw animals come, and go. The rock saw seeds grow into mighty trees.

The rock saw children play, grow, and leave.

I am Powerful. I never change. I never age.

A breeze heard the rock. And the breeze was sad. The breeze told the wind.

And the wind was sad. The wind told the storm.

And the storm was mad. The storm stirred up a hurricane.

And threw the rock into the ocean.

And the Rock was Angry. The rock said, “That’s is not fair! Why me?”

The wave heard the rock, and smiled.

And every day, the wave washed the rock. every time the wave washed the rock, The wave ever so gently smoothed the

rock … just a little bit.

A long time went by.

And the wave washed the anger out of the rock.

And the wave washed the rock into a stone.

And the stone was sad. The stone said, “It’s not fair. Why me?” The wave heard the stone, and smiled.

And the wave washed the stone.

A long time went by.

And the wave washed the sadness out of the stone.

And the wave washed the stone into a pebble.

And the pebble felt empty.

And the pebble said, “It’s not fair. Why me?”

The wave heard the pebble, and smiled. And the wave washed the pebble.

A long time went by.

And the wave washed the emptiness out

of the pebble. And the wave washed the pebble into

a grain of sand.

And the grain of sand felt peace.

And the grain of sand said, “I am nothing.”

The wave heard the grain of sand,

and smiled. And the wave washed the grain of sand.

A long time went by.

And the wave washed the grain of sand

for one last time.

And the rock was no more.

And the rock became part of the sea.

November 2017


Questions? Ask the Webmaster: Ms. Dale

Have you checked out the church Website?
















~ Want a copy of Pastor Ron’s sermons?

~ Want a copy of other sermons from our

church services?

~ Want a copy of past Baby Dedications?


She is willing to make CDs for you at no charge.

You will receive them promptly.

You can also find all of the above on the Church Website.

This includes the most recent Baby Dedication.

Extra Copies of the Newsletter

If anyone wants extra copies of the church newsletter to give to friends or family, just ask Ms. Dale.

It is no trouble to print more.
