News Views People’s


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May 2019 Volume 80, Issue 9

Inside this issue:

From the Minister 2

New Member

Recognition 2

Note from Board

President 3

Annual Meeting 3

Getting to Know

People’s People 4

Social Justice

Update 5

10th Street Cleanup 5

ISAAC Banquet 6

Religious Education

Notes 7


Inclusion Class 8

Library Corner 8

Calendar 10-

11 Find an electronic version of this newsletter at

1758 North Tenth St.

Kalamazoo, MI 49009

Phone: 269-375-3262

Fax: 269-375-3270

Church Office Hours:

M-Th 10am-4pm

People’s Church A Member Congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association

News Views

Sunday Services—10:45 a.m. May 5 “Your Powerful Questions” Rev. Rachel Lonberg

“A question is powerful. This Sunday, bring your most powerful,

challenging questions about life, truth, ethics, integrity, and Unitarian

Universalism. Rev. Rachel will do her best to answer as many of them as she can during the service— and all of them will help shape the focus

of our worship services over the coming year. Bring your questions on

Sunday—or send them to Rachel in advance at or 269-389-9721.

May 12 Music Service Savannah Ramsey

Bring your voice and join the chorus at our upcoming service

dedicated to music! Come and hear inspiring and exciting works

performed by many of People's talented members.

May 19 “Spirit of Life” Rev. Rachel Lonberg

When asked what super power she’d like to have, Rev. Rachel almost always says

she’d like to understand and speak every language. It is no wonder

that Rev. Rachel’s favorite Christian holiday is the often-overlook

Pentecost. Today, she will tell you about this day, which happened a

few months after the death of Jesus. The spirit ‘was poured out’ on

the first followers of Jesus and they began prophesying and understanding one another across language barriers. As we near the

end of a year when we have paid extra attention to Jewish and Christian wisdom

traditions, we will celebrate (a few weeks early) this ‘birthday of the church.’

There will be a potluck after the service on this day to coincide with the Annual

Meeting. Please bring a dish to share and plan to stay!

May 26 “We Remember” Rev. Rachel Lonberg

On our annual memorial day weekend service of remembrance, we

will remember those who have died in war and military service as well

as our beloved dead and the other moments of grief in our lives.

Weather permitting, this service will end with a fire drill, as we

continue to practice emergency preparedness at church.


From the Minister Page 2 News & Views

For you with to-do lists as thick as the yellow pages,

With electronic time management systems

And scraps of napkins and receipts with urgent notes

on the back.

For you worn out from chasing young children,

For you responsible for both children and aging


For you caregivers,

For you split shift workers,

For you job seekers, never resting easy in your


May you come to rest, just for a moment, and know


For you who struggle to make ends meet,

Who don’t know where the money will come from,

Who juggle bills deftly as those who juggle fire,

For you who can’t keep up with the medical bills,

Who are as stressed by insurance as you are by the


Who are being hounded by creditors or causes,

May you have clarity, just for a moment, that life

matters more than money.

Breathe in joy, breathe out fear.

Breathe in fluidity, breathe out rigidity.

Breathe in acceptance, breathe out resistance.

May you know you are not alone.

May you feel encircled by loving arms.

May you know, finally, that whatever you

Do or don’t do

See or don’t see,

Pay or don’t pay,

You are part of the web of life

And there you are held, secure.

From the Minister

Dear People’s people,

At the church, this is the

busiest time of the year.

Stewardship season is drawing

to a close and your leaders

and I are working to craft a

budget. There are reports and

other documents to prepare

for the annual meeting. There

are services and classes and events to prepare for and

lead. There are emails to respond to and people to

visit and plans to make for the summer and the next

church year. It’s uncertain, busy, anxious and, when I

remember pause to notice all of the hard work of so

many dedicated People’s people, beautiful. (And that’s

not to mention all of the busyness and obligations

outside of the church.)

If you are alongside me in feeling especially busy and

overwhelmed and frantic this time of year, I offer this

piece of writing from my colleague, Rev. Meg Riley, the

senior minister at the Church of the Larger Fellowship

(a church that is online and by mail that serves UUs

who can’t participate in other congregations, often

because of geographic isolation).

A Prayer for the Overwhelmed

For you who are stretched too thin,

Flat out, Buried up to your eyeballs,

Pulled in too many directions,

Keeping too many balls in the air,

Tracking too many loose ends.

May you drop it all, just for a moment, and know

strength and wholeness.

New Member Recognition Sunday, May 19th

If you are considering becoming a member of People’s Church, the

next opportunity to do so will take place on Sunday, May 19th.

From 10:00-10:20 a.m., we will hold a Bond of Union Signing

Ceremony in Room 19. We will also welcome and recognize our

newest members during the service. If you’d like to participate

please sign up on the table in the foyer, pick up a membership form

from the upstairs Information Desk, and return it to the church

office in person or by email, by May 12th.

News and Notices Volume 80, Issue 9 Page 3

Come participate in our democracy! In our annual

meeting this year, we will be electing members of the

board of trustees

and the



approving (and


amending) the

church budget

for the upcoming fiscal year, and voting on whether to

authorize review and possible revision of the church

constitution. All supporting members of at least two

months standing are eligible to vote at this meeting.

Annual Congregational Meeting—Sunday, May 19, 12:30 p.m.

Have you ever wondered how

our church budgeting process

works? The Board of Trustees

is responsible for setting our

priorities and reviewing budget

requests. The Finance

Committee uses this guidance

to create a draft budget, which

is then presented to the

congregation for comments

before it is finalized and then voted on at our Annual

Meeting. During the budgeting process, your Board

continues to align our decisions with our highest

values as a church and as UUs.

At our most recent meeting, we had a list of all the

new budget requests and a spreadsheet with lots of

numbers. We started by thinking about how we each

use our personal values to guide our decisions. Next,

we reviewed our church’s Mission and Vision

Statements, and brainstormed ways we would like to

see each of these items lived out and what we could

do to get there. After doing this work, we were ready

to review the budget requests. We discussed each

item and came to consensus as to the order of

importance when viewed through the lens of our

mission and vision.

While every request would benefit our church, this

allowed us to clearly see where we should place each

item. In a perfect world, we’d be able to fund each

request, but that’s not in our budget for the coming

year. Some items, such as the cost of utilities, are

going up and need to be paid whether we budget for

them or not, so that is of highest priority. Of next

highest importance is our commitment to our

wonderful staff and our desire for equity, so bringing

all salaries up to at least $12/hr and the UUA

recommended minimum. Equally important is

honoring the commitment we made as a church to

support the worship circles for children program for

next year, which entails an increase in hours for

several staff members. We felt strongly that these

three items were the most important in order to

support our mission and vision. Our people are the

heart of our organization, and if we don’t support

them they won’t be best able to support our church

and everything we do. All of the other items are still

important and will be funded as we are able.

Next, the finance committee takes all of the numbers

and our ranked list of priorities, and works to fit as

much as they can into the money we are projected to

have available. This draft budget will be what the

Finance Committee and Board will present at the

Budget Hearing on Sunday, April 28, for review and

comment. Please, if you haven’t already, consider

how the church fits into your life and finances and

make your annual pledge to support our work.

—Zoë Valette

From the Board President

Committee Annual Reports Due

Monday, May 6th

It's that time of year again where

we need to collect committee

reports for the Annual Meeting.

Reports should include names of

committee members and chairs,

the purpose of the committee,

what the committee has done this

year, and future goals. Reports

are due no later than Monday,

May 6. Please send all reports to Administrator

Chris Schleuder at

News and Notices Page 4 News & Views

Getting to Know People’s People By Ardyce Curl

Following is an interview with a People's person talking about why she came to People's and why she

continues to participate.

Christine Hann grew up in

Bowling, Green, OH where she

attended a Lutheran church.

“Over the years I attended

churches of different

denominations, but gradually

came to realize I was simply not

a Christian,” Christine said.

“I didn’t fit in a church that

required me to recite a creed

and hold the same spiritual

beliefs as all the other members.”

Christine attended a service at the UU Church of

Akron, Ohio in 1998-99. She said, “It felt so good to

be in a church where people were positively

discussing sexual orientation and gender identity.

I felt visible and welcomed and I felt there was room

for me at a UU church.”

When she arrived in Kalamazoo in 1999, Christine

sought out a UU church. She checked out the UUCC

in Portage and was a member there for several years.

“In 2008 I was looking for something different,

though I wasn’t quite sure what,” Christine said.

“When I walked up the stairs and into the lobby at

People’s, I was greeted by Diane Melvin’s familiar

face. She gave me one of her big welcoming hugs,

and Karen Tinklenberg invited me to sit with her and

afterward gave me a tour of the church. I was happy

to see other familiar faces as well.

“The following week I joined a bike ride on the Kal-

Haven trail out to People’s where Jill McAllister

preached a sermon on spiritual Athleticism. I felt

right at home. I found welcoming people, a thriving

Christine Hann

RE program and choir. It meant a lot to me to see

so many families and happy children here. I felt

further connected when I joined the choir in 2011.”

Christine said it matters to her that we draw on

wisdom from many religious traditions but that she

does not have to subscribe to certain religious

beliefs in order to belong.

“I care about singing music with non-patriarchal

lyrics that resonate for me,” Christine said. “I learn

from People’s people who challenge me to grow in

social justice activism.

Christine has assisted with pre-school RE, taught or

assisted RE specialty classes. was a Coming of Age

mentor, helped with stewardship activities,

volunteered for the Bazaar and participated in a

Chalice Circle. She recently joined the committee on


She describes herself as a Queer single woman. She

enjoys singing, making music, biking, hiking and

reading. She plays the ukulele, recorder and piano.

“I enjoy getting to know folks better in the kinship

group at Laura and Mike Bultman’s,” she said.

“And I would like to be active with Dismantling

Racism at People’s.”

(Christine is a library associate at the Kalamazoo Public


We’re looking for more People’s people to be featured in this part of News & Views.

If you’d be willing to be interviewed, please contact Ardyce Curl at

Religious Educations Notes

Volume 80, Issue 9 Social Justice Update Page 5

Social Justice Coordinating Committee Update

The Social Justice Coordinating Committee has

advocated for the Lincoln School Project for over 10

years. Those who volunteer at Lincoln International

Studies School will tell you the difference they see in

children who have been through the preschool

classes such as PEEP...That's why we are so pleased

that People's responded to our Special Collection for

KC Ready 4s with a contribution of $1371.75 on

April 14. The children who will benefit thank you

for this support.

May Special Collection: OutFront Kalamazoo

OutFront Kalamazoo's mission is to create an

inclusive, just, equitable, and supportive

environment in Southwest Michigan for

people of all sexual orientations, gender

identities, and expressions. OutFront

sponsors the Kalamazoo Pride Festival as

well as programs like youth groups for LGBTQ+

youth, a queer women’s community, a support group

for bisexuals and pansexuals, programming for trans

youth and their parents and more.

Open Doors

It has been a while since we have brought everyone

up to date on our involvement with Open Doors of

Kalamazoo, which for 40 years has worked to

provide stable, affordable housing for our

community, beginning with homeless urban youth,

then with sheltering homeless women and children,

and finally establishing Residence Community for

working families who are priced out of market-rate

housing. Joining their efforts to create long-term

Anyone is welcome to sit in on SJCC meetings. The

Social Justice Coordinating Committee meets the

second Saturday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in

Room L2.

solutions to the housing crisis, People's has made a

confirmed alliance with Open Doors. Ann and Greg

Feldmeier, and Nicky Leigh met with Open Doors’

Executive Director, Stephanie Hoffman and

Development Director, Stacy Vest, to discuss moving

forward with our volunteers. Our team of

Apartment /Unit Rehab volunteers has been working

on rehabbing a one-bedroom unit on Park Street.

This is our first project that we have undertaken in

partnership with Open Doors. We’ve completed

two work-party days, cleaning and preparing for

painting the unit assigned to our team. GED tutoring

is getting underway with referrals from Stephanie

Hoffman. If you would like to volunteer please

contact Ann Feldmeier at

Refugee Resettlement

Our Refugee Resettlement team has some exciting

news. The Altyara family has acquired a second car,

allowing more access to appointments, jobs, school

events, etc. Also, Abdullah, Omar and Moayyad are

taking swimming lessons at the YMCA. Molham and

Adham are working on their GED equivalency and

Khaled has decided he wants to learn English.

Progress! Tutors are being lined up to begin

working with Khaled. We are so proud of the family

and of our People's volunteers who encourage and

facilitate their achievements.

Green Spot — Help Green Our Neighborhood!

The Green Sanctuary Committee of People’s Church is once again sponsoring

the Spring Clean-Up of 10th Street from West Main to H Street on Sunday,

May 5 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Come and pick up trash along 10th Street to

help beautify our church neighborhood. A light lunch will be provided as well as

materials needed and an opportunity to view the MDOT safety training video.

Youth are encouraged to volunteer, and parental permission forms are available

for those 12 to 17 years of age. Please let Allan Hunt ( or

Cybelle Shattuck ( know if you can help.

News and Notices Page 6 News & Views

ISAAC now has 30 member congregations and

organizations which are listed on the website.

Many trainings are being offered to ISAAC

member congregations for healing and

addressing racism. Updates on current work of

the Gun Violence Initiative and Task Forces on

Housing, Poverty are reported there. If you

wish to attend any of these events or

participate in a work group, contact Rochelle

Habeck, Rick Johnson, Denise Hartsough, Mary

Lewis, or Rev, Rachel—your ISAAC


Thank you to all who contributed support for

our full page, full color ad (shown below) for

the Banquet Book to support ISAAC’s work.

Preparations are underway for the annual ISAAC

Banquet to be held Saturday evening, May 18th at

WMU in Barnard Hall. Tickets are available until

May 6th at the ISAAC website. Being part of this

inspiring event with 500 others from our diverse

community who want to advance social justice in

our county is a night to remember. You can also

sign up there to receive the monthly electronic


You will find Rev. Rachel’s picture is highlighted

there for her election as ISAAC’s nominee to

serve as the Faith representative to the

Foundation for Excellence Committee!

ISAAC News — Hold Fast to Love and Justice — the ISAAC Banquet Saturday, May 18th, 5:30 p.m., WMU Bernhard Center

Religious Educations Notes Volume 80, Issue 9 Religious Education Notes Page 7

May Gratitude and Happenings As the regular church year is winding down, it is time to

offer our gratitude to the wonderful people who dedi-

cate so much time and energy to the children and youth

in our religious education program at People’s Church.

Thank you to everyone who completed a flower post-it-

note with words of gratitude for our RE volunteers!

Upcoming dates to note on your calendar:

May 19 - Youth Group has been moved to the 3rd

Sunday this month to avoid Mother’s Day

June 2 - Youth Bridging Service

June 9 - Flower Communion Intergenerational


~ People’s Playground Party - 9:30-10:30 AM enjoy

muffins and juice together while the children play on

the church playground.

~ RE Volunteer Appreciation Reception - after


~ Bird Bath Installation by the youth group which

denotes the completion of the National Wildlife

Federation’s Garden Certification Project at

People’s Church.

We only have a few more lessons before we wrap up

the year. On Mother’s Day, our Kindergarten through

7th-graders are learning about Mary Magdalene where

they will explore some of the ways women were por-

trayed during biblical times. They will also learn how

Jesus’ attitudes towards women was unusual for his

time. The kids will then make cards for special women in

their lives.

May 19th - You Are the Light of the World—our

children will learn Jesus’ teaching about being a light in

the world and spreading kindness. We’ll make correla-

tions between UU’s chalice lighting with Jesus’ teaching

about kindness spreading like light from person to per-

son. They will each make a clay pinch pot and roll bees-

wax candles to create their own lights to take home as a

reminder to spread goodness everywhere they go.

When the 8-12th grade youth meet for their RE classes

this month, they will plan the youth bridging service

which they will lead on June 2nd. During this service,

they will bridge the 8th-graders up to high school and

bridge the seniors out.

During this busy time of year may you find ways to slow

down and enjoy the sweet smell of the spring flowers.

Blessed Be, Diane Melvin, Religious Education Director

Thank you Religious Education Volunteers

Religious Education Teachers

Preschool - Denise Valette, Laura Bultman, Sulan

Artz-Iffland & Eliza Measzros

K/1 - Cary Betz-Williams, Sheri Notten, Chris Measzros

& Joe Tourtois

2nd-3rd - Vicki Konzen, Teresa Cavanaugh, Cindy

Pietras & Shannon Rench

4/5th - Chris Semelbauer, Nicky Gates, Mary Kate

Webster & Deb Wickman

6/7th - Sheila Reuther, Annie Hampel, Ann Shepich &

Dawn Chamberlain

8/9th - Jana Watson, Meghan Grabemeyer, Andrew

DeGraw & Missy Howse-Kurtz

10-12th - Rachel Bair, Ben Jones, Kawaldeep Kaur,

Andrew Alm & Mackenzie Hatfield

K/1 OWL - Megan Reynolds, Cary Betz-Williams &

Sheri Notten

5/6th grade OWL - Pam Wadsworth & Chris


Curriculum Team - Mary Kate Webster, Chris

Semelbauer, Michelle Weemhoff, Jana Watson

& Wendy Murray

Youth Group Advisors - Scott Weber, Annie Hampel

& Robert Allen

UU High School Bridging CONference

May 3-5th at People’s Church All 9-12th-graders are invited to participate in the re-

gional UU youth conference. Enjoy amazing workshops,

youth worship, small group con bands, great food, fabu-

lous coffee house, wonderful friendships and loads of

fun! Register now at


People’s Playground

Party - June 9

9:30-10:30 AM Everyone is invited to enjoy

muffins and juice together

while our children play on

the playground before


News and Notices Page 8

Library Corner

Old Turtle, by Douglas Wood with watercolors by

Cheng-Khee Chee

When all of creation—trees, stones, ants, the wind—

begins arguing over who or what God is, quiet Old

Turtle is the only one who has the wisdom and ability

to see beyond herself to capture the essence. The

debate escalates until Old Turtle

finally speaks: "STOP!" She

accepts and incorporates the

beliefs of all the creatures: "God

is indeed deep," she says to the

fish in the sea, "and much higher

than high," she tells the

mountains. "God is gentle and

powerful. Above all things and

within all things... God IS." Old

Turtle then makes a prediction about the appearance of

a new "family of beings". Human beings do appear and

soon are fighting among themselves over the nature of

God. It is only when people start listening to the

mountains and winds and stones and stars that they

actually begin to hear—and to heal the earth.

On display on library shelves now but later shelved with RE

books under J Wo (bottom shelf).

New Class Starting Soon:

Transgender Inclusion in


First Wednesdays, 7-9pm,

beginning May 1, Room 19

The class will meet monthly for six


Transforming Hearts Collective, a group of

trans UU religious

leaders, have put

together this class which

includes sessions on

‘welcome as a spiritual

practice,’ ‘unpacking the

gender binary,’ and ‘trans

experience and

spirituality.’ The class will

include video lectures by the creators of

the program, conversation with People’s

people and other people of faith in

Kalamazoo, facilitated by Rev. Rachel and

Cylise Snow, and the possibility to

participate in video chats with the program

creators and people from all over who

have participated in this class.

Peace and Nature Camp—June 24-28, 2019 Registration Now OPEN

Peace and Nature Camp is a one-week day-camp at People’s Church that runs M-F,

June 24-28, 9am - 4pm and is open to all children ages 7-12 years old. This includes

an all-day field trip to the Kalamazoo Nature Center on Thursday of that week. Camp

is a way for children to be outdoors together and interact peacefully and cooperatively

with each other and nature through hands on activities. It gives children a chance to

relax in a safe environment and learn how to be comfortable in the woods and with

their peers. Camp seeks to strengthen each child’s connection with the natural world

and the wisdom it contains. These experiences in turn allow them to shape their own

values regarding peace and nature. Registration begins April 28th. Registration forms

will be available in the foyer at the camp display board and online at

starting April 28th. The cost of camp is $120 per camper. Registration ends June 2nd. Scholarships are

available if registered by May 26th. Camp tends to fill quickly, so register early.

If you have any questions, are interested in helping with camp or would like to make a donation to

the scholarship fund please contact me at 269-623-2932 or Thank you.

—Jeff Kirkwood, Peace and Nature Camp Director

Religious Educations Notes

Volume 80, Issue 9 Events and Activities Page 9

Discussion Group 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Room 6/7

May 4: "Why Are We So

Angry?" inspired by the January/

February 2019 cover story of The

Atlantic magazine, by Charles Duhigg,

will be presented by Pat Nelson.

May 18: "Prisons???" will be

presented by Jeannine Willacker.

Anyone is welcome to attend Discussion Group

meetings. To receive background readings circulated

in advance, contact Pat Nelson (patnelson@btc- Please bring your own drink.

Mindfulness Meditation Class Now twice a month on 1st and 3rd

Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Room 9

Everyone is invited to participate in this

experiential class. We practice both silent and

guided meditation as well as discuss ways to bring

more mindfulness into our daily lives. Join us as

we support one another with this practice that

can help us increase mindfulness, peace and

contentment in our daily lives.

Kinship Group Sunday, May 19, 4:00 p.m.

Looking for more social get-togethers? Hoping for

more connections with the people of

the church? Come check out the

Kinship Group. We are a group of

people who want to grow their circle

beyond just their nuclear family. Let's

learn about each other, support each

other, and have fun (Board game playing

optional). All you need to bring is yourself, but we

won't say no to a potluck dish if you are so inclined.

Our next gathering will be on Sunday, May 19th, from

4 to 8 p.m. with dinner around 6 p.m. Feel free to

come hang out early or closer to dinnertime...

whatever works for you!

For more information, contact Laura Bultman


Afternoon Bookclub

The Beak of the Finch by Jonathan

Weiner, will be reviewed by Drusie

Rosegrant on May 2 (rescheduled from

April 11). Mary Tift will host at 2708

Ridgeview Drive.

On May 9, There, There by Tommy

Orange will be reviewed by Mary Lewis at the home of

Martha Beverly, 529 Pinehurst Blvd.

Meetings are from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Newcomers are

always welcome.

Bazaar Recruitment Meeting

You are invited to stay after church on May 5th for a

brief meeting from 12:00 to 1:00 in Room L2 to

learn more about serving as a co-leader for our fall

Bazaar (Saturday, November 23rd).

We are especially interested

in recruiting co-leaders who

have skill and interest in the

areas that could support the

Bazaar Café team, the Bazaar

Publicity team, and the Bazaar

Cashiering team.

If you can’t make the meeting or want more

information, contact Rochelle Habeck at

White Supremacy Culture Conversation Sunday, May 12th, 12:30 p.m.

The People’s Church Dismantling Racism Implementation Team will be holding its final

conversation on white supremacy culture on

Sunday, May 12 in Room 19. All are welcome to


Events and Activities Page 10 News & Views

Day Date Event Time Place

Wednesday May 1 Membership Committee

Transgender Inclusion in Congregations

Medicine Wheel




Room L1

Room 19

Room 9

Thursday May 2 Afternoon Book Club (rescheduled from April)

Bell Choir Rehearsal

Mindfulness Meditation

Choir Rehearsal





Mary Tift’s Home

Room 12

Room 9

The Commons

Friday May 3 Energy Well 6:30p.m. Room 9

Fri.-Sun. May 3-5 High School Bridging CON 7:00p.m. Whole Church

Saturday May 4 Discussion Group

Memorial Service for Avery Playford



Room 6/7

22260 Kline's Resort Rd,

Three Rivers, 49093

Sunday May 5 Sunday Service: “Your Powerful Questions” Rev.

Rachel Lonberg

Bazaar Recruiting Meeting

Art Wall Reception for Amy Thill & Peggy


Dismantling Racism Implementation Team Board Meeting

10th Street Clean-up







The Commons

Room L2

The Commons

Room L1

Room 19

Meet in Room 8 for lunch

Memorial Service for Fay Smith Saturday, May 19, 4:00 p.m.

Fay’s friends have decided

to hold a second service

to celebrate her life.

Sunday, May 19, 4pm at

First Presbyterian Church,

321 W South Street,

Kalamazoo. Rev. Rachel

will co-lead the service and will eulogize Fay.

Memorial Service for Avery Playford Saturday, May 4, 1:00 p.m.

There will be a memorial

service in remembrance of

Avery Playford on May 4, 1:00

p.m. at the Clubhouse at Kline’s

Resort, 22260 Kline's Resort

Rd, Three Rivers, 49093. This

service will be led by Rev.

Rachel and will be followed by a


Church Van for Sale

People's Church is selling

its van for $3,000 or best

offer. If you are

interested, please reach

out to office

administrator, Chris Schleuder at or 269-375-3262.

Coffee Volunteer Needed May 12

The church is in need of a volunteer to help

make coffee before the service on Sunday, May 12. Please let

the office know at or

375-3262, if you’d be willing to

help. Thank you.

Calendar Page 11

Day Date Event Time Place

Tuesday May 7 Building & Grounds Work Group

Talking Pots


3:00 p.m.

Meet at church


Wednesday May 8 Religious Education Committee 6:00p.m. Room 8

Thursday May 9 Afternoon Book Club

Bell Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal




Martha Beverly’s Home

Room 12

The Commons

Friday May 10 Energy Well 6:30p.m. Room 9

Saturday May 11 Social Justice Coordinating Committee 10:30a.m. Room L2

Sunday May 12 Sunday Service: “Music Service” People’s Singers &


White Supremacy Culture Conversation



The Commons

Room 19

Monday May 13 Chalice Circle 6:00p.m. Room 18

Tuesday May 14 Building & Grounds Work Group

The Shared Pulpit: Sermon Seminar

Chalice Circle




Meet at church

Room L!

Room 18

Wednesday May 15 Committee on Ministry 6:30p.m. Room 18

Thursday May 16 Bell Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal



Room 12

The Commons

Friday May 17 Energy Well 6:30p.m. Room 9

Saturday May 18 Discussion Group

Chalice Circle

ISAAC Banquet




Room 6/7

Room 18

WMU Bernhard Center

Sunday May 19 Bond of Union Signing Ceremony

Sunday Service: “Spirit of Life” Rev. Rachel Lonberg

Annual Congregational Meeting

People’s Potluck

High School Youth Group

Kinship Group







Room 19

The Commons

The Commons

The Commons

Room L2

Bultman’s Home

Monday May 20 Newsletter Deadline

Green Sanctuary Committee



Room L1

Tuesday May 21 Building & Grounds Work Group

Library Committee



Meet at church

Foyer, Room 1

Thursday May 23 Bell Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal



Room 12

The Commons

Friday May 24 Energy Well 6:30p.m. Room 9

Sunday May 26 Sunday Service: “We Remember” Rev. Rachel


10:45a.m. The Commons

Monday May 27 Memorial Day—OFFICE CLOSED Whole Church

Tuesday May 28 Building & Grounds Work Group

Facing Life, Facing Death

Finance Committee




Meet at church

Room L1

Room L1

Thursday May 30 Bell Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal



Room 12

The Commons

Friday May 31 Energy Well 6:30p.m. Room 9

Volume 80, Issue 9

The Calendar of Events can be viewed online at

Page 12 Volume 80, Issue 9

People’s Church News & Views 1758 N. 10th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009

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“People’s Church: A beloved community

embracing and serving our diverse world.”