Nerida Hilliard - Dark Star



"The Ship is due to sail," Ruiz said softly. Quite involuntarily, Leigh leaned her head back against his shoulder and his arm tightened around her, while they both watched the distance from the dock imperceptibly broadening, like a chasm between the old life and the new, and Leigh tried not to think that the new life was only for a while and that one day she would have to cross the chasm and go back to the old life. Leigh's marriage to Ruiz Aldorest was purely a business arrangement so made the Ruiz could comply with the terms of his grandfather's will and inherit the large estate of Carastrano in Mexico. The intention was that after a short time at Carastrano, a quiet annulment would be arranged. But now Leigh was not at all sure that she wanted their marriage to end.

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Dark Star

Nerina Hilliard

"The ship is due to sail, " Ruiz said softly.

Quite involuntarily, Leigh leaned her head back against his shoulder and his arm tightened

around her, while they both watched the distance from the dock imperceptibly broadening,

like a chasm between the old life and the new, Leigh tried not to think that the new life was

only for a while and that one day she would have to cross the chasm and go back to the old


Leigh's marriage to Ruiz Aldoret was purely a business arrangement made so that Ruiz

could comply with the terms of his grandfather's will and inherit the large estate of

Carastrano in Mexico. The intention was that after a short time at Carastrano, a quiet

annulment would arranged.

But now Leigh was not at all sure that she wanted their marriage to end...


The door slammed, but still closed with a loud snap. Leigh raised her head

with a smile when a sheaf of papers was thrown unceremoniously on the

table by a red-haired girl, who seemed to dominate his irritation with

difficulty, and asked with a note of sympathy in his voice to recognize the

danger signs the green eyes:

-What? You seem slightly disturbed.

-Troubled? - Kerry repeated with an involuntary gesture, as if beyond his

ability to describe the reason for his anger. - Someday I'll tell this man what

I think of it ... and I swear it will not be very polite!

Leigh smiled from the corner of the lips and a twinkle of amusement came

into his eyes. They were dark blue eyes, that fascinated people, and when

someone was examining it carefully, was also delighted with the milky

white skin and the glow of reddish hair and stressing the perfect shape of the

face. Leigh seemed to be very calm, cool and reserved, despite her hair is a

pale flame that became bright red when the light fell on them, or they were

against a background that highlights the reddish hue.

Someone took the time to study it carefully discover an array burning in

nature and this was indeed the right impression.

Kerrigan Kerry - whose real name was Rosalyn Kerrigan, although all

known to call him by his nickname for Kerry - he knew his friend very well,

and had no doubt about the qualities that lay hidden behind the glossy

perfection of milky skin. Kerry knew that at that moment, Leigh did not take

her seriously.

-Ah, maybe I do not have the courage - Kerry said, sitting in the corner. -

Our boss can be an attractive man, but the guy is more arrogant and bossy

I've ever encountered.

-You get angry for nothing, Kerry.

-Randomly? - Kerry repeated his face red. - I'm a beast with it and do not

understand how you endured for three years. Three years! You have the

patience of an angel.

Leigh shrugged with indifference.

-I just do not care a damn with him or with his bad mood.

-You're lucky ... Glad I'm not answering it! But there's one thing I must

admit ... he never says anything without thinking first.

-Never flirt with the secretaries, that's what you mean? - Leigh commented

with the leer. - The poor would not know, even if I wanted!

An angry tone of the bell, like a bunch of angry bees, "interrupted the

tranquility of the parlor where Leigh worked. Kerry jumped off the table and

took refuge in the room footprint. Leigh picked up the pencil and pad and

stood outside the sanctuary of the head - the same port that Kerry slam a few

minutes ago. And Kerry did not beaten violently, as he will, because Aldoret

Ruiz was not the kind of man who would allow demonstrations of this

kind. Ruiz did not admit nor any form of intimacy or contempt by their

position in augusta factory owner and Meredith, to answer this time would

require a level of security that Kerry certainly did not have.

Ruiz Aldoret could freeze someone with a word spoken in a low voice and

create a tension with a nervous glance. It was an extremely able man, had a

complete and absolute knowledge of the business and spared no efforts

when the job required his presence. On the other hand, was so efficient

worker and he expected the same behavior of all other employees. Those

who did not meet their expectations were summarily dismissed. But never

unfairly dismissed, and a unique look of black eyes and cold made it very

clear that the boss did not allow discussion. Had the final say in all decisions

and was the highest authority in the company. Leigh did not feel the

slightest concern when he entered the boss's office, but considered it a

glance, with one eye, in order to assess whether a day was especially

dangerous. Ruiz was standing behind the table when Leigh came. The tall

and dark body dominated the room, fidgeted impatiently while the piles of

documents were stacked on the table. Leigh played the condition of the

barometer as "stormy" and wished with all my heart can avoid the

impending storm. His hopes, however, were not fully met, because Ruiz had

Spanish blood in his veins. English was only by the mother.

-You called me?

-What do you think? - Asked coldly. Ruiz was unquestionably an attractive

man, but the beautiful figure was adversely affected by signs of a bad

mood. - Where is the contract of Brown & Kenton?

Leigh pursed his lips and went to the file against the wall, where he picked

up a thick cardboard.

-You asked me to keep it yesterday afternoon.

Ruiz relaxed slowly. He took the folder from her hands, pulled the contract

from the inside, read it quickly with furrowed eyebrows and then raised his

head in the direction of Leigh, who was still standing by the table. Eyebrows

joined at the top of the nose, but then the expression on his face became

calm and relaxed.

-That was all he wanted.

Kerry was right, thought Leigh, when he returned to sit in front of the

machine. Ruiz Aldoret could make someone mad ... if the person did not

know how to control, of course. Fortunately, it was more controlled than the

impulsive Kerry, not to mention that he was accustomed to this form of

treatment. Compared Aldoret Ruiz, Bruce was an angel.

For a moment he thought absently to Bruce and would have lengthened the

reverie for a few more minutes if you do not hear again the shrill sound of

the bell, but did not sound so impatience and urgency as the first time.

Ruiz Aldoret was walking from one side to the other in the room when

Leigh came a second time. He stopped and looked at her with eyes black

and penetrating.

-Do you know any restaurant around here? I have a meeting with the

representative of Brown & Kenton and I will not be home for lunch.

Leigh thought quickly. There were two or three restaurants in the vicinity,

but they were kind of expensive and refined that would please his boss.

-Has the Ricki's - finally said with some hesitation. - It is near here. Some

office workers usually eat lunch there. The food is good, although not a very


-Does not matter. How do I get there?

Leigh gave the necessary and Ruiz thanked his voice cold and

biting. Returning to his parlor, the room went Leigh footprint and asked if

Kerry would have lunch together.

Kerry looked up from the typewriter.

-The Ricki's?

-Hmmm. I'll meet you there if my boss will not arrest me after hours.

Was entering his parlor, when Kerry called it aloud.

-Stella called just when you were in the boss room. He said he would arrive

tomorrow, but did not know the time.

Leigh heard the news with shining eyes.

-Stella will arrive tomorrow?

Kerry watched it carefully before commenting:

-You love your sister star, is not it?

Leigh seemed surprised by the comment.

-Of course. - He smiled tenderly, as he used to smile at Bruce. - We all love

Stella. And we are very proud of it too. Perhaps because it is so different

from others ... beautiful, talented and intelligent.

In fact, the other family members were ordinary people. That was why he

looked with admiration and respect for Stella. The "Black Star", as

commented ironically at home, although all were proud to be relatives of

Stella Nordette, a great actress, and everyone loved Stella Dermont as a

family member. Kerry, to guess the thought of her friend, mentally

disagreed with her opinion.The other family members were not quite

ordinary people, yet even that Stella was a unique beauty. Tess and Tom, the

twins led the Jove, the teenager Julie, who was attending a trade school, the

beautiful and serene Stella Leigh ... there was nothing common or ordinary

in any of them. Also, Kerry did not agree entirely with the views of the

family about Stella. Ah, Stella was undeniably beautiful, black hair had an

unmistakable luster, which was unusual in a family of blondes and

redheads. And the perfect features of the face, so familiar to moviegoers,

was all you could want in a woman. For the rest, did not agree at all with the

family legend Dermot. A legend completely false, in their opinion. Stella

was selfish and ambitious in the extreme, and his character was not nearly as

beautiful as your physical. In short, Kerry was in the heart that Leigh was

the most beautiful family. The beauty of Stella was kind of obvious, while

Leigh was in fine lines and serene face, the proud posture of the head, with

its traditional styling, two braids attached high on the neck, and could

compare well with the hairstyle exotic and cold Stella, the taste of French

hairdressers, which made it different from other English girls. Above all,

there was a deep and sincere faith in Leigh was missing completely in

Stella. A famous actress accept all the adulation that drove the fans,

including relatives, like a well-deserved honor, and gave nothing in return

except the artificial sweet smile and that meant absolutely nothing. At least

that's how Kerry thought, but never confessed it to her friend.

-She said how long you want to stay? - He asked Leigh.

-No. In fact, only exchanged a few words. She was in a hurry because he

had an appointment with a journalist, or something. He called first to his

house, but the phone was busy, so he called here and asked me to give you

the message.

-Stella is always in a hurry - Leigh said with a smile. - She complains that

she never has time for anything but deep down, I have the impression that

she loves the rush.

Leigh was right. Stella loved the fame and the attention of others. It had to

be the center of its attractions all the time. I had to have everything she

wanted, and if I wanted to belong to the other, took them without scruple,

without bothering a damn about the suffering that could cause.The truth is

not worried less about what others might feel or suffer.

Kerry returned to the hall and Leigh came in the hall, where he resumed the

work that Ruiz had given him to beat the machine. However, while his

fingers ran quickly on the keyboard, he continued thinking, from time to

time on the news he had received.

-Stella sympathize with Bruce? Sure. It was impossible to not like him, said

to herself with a smile.

He returned to concentrate on work and controlled the will to think of

Bruce, I had become more pronounced in recent times - quite

understandably, by the way, because the two were engaged.However, in

spite of his resolution, it was impossible to remove completely the thoughts

of the boy. A sweet memory passed in front of the eyes when he

remembered Bruce.

Baby, big and clumsy Bruce! Fallen in love when Bruce inevitably come

into her parlor, she smiled and held out for a pack of reports from the

engineering department of the factory for Ruiz.The family approved without

reservation the choice: the father, half sullen, his mother, quite cheerful, her

younger sister, Julie, not to mention the twins, who have given their

approval with comments brief and casual - "Bruce is cool" - which

amounted for them a great compliment. All course played with it, especially

Julie, who had the intention to work in the firm of Ruiz when he finished the

course desktop. Kerry, however, felt that Julie would change their minds

when they knew the boss. In any event, even if Julie still was not working at

the factory, it would be nice to find her at home after the holidays. With the

presence of Stella, have a family reunion as long ago did not occur. It would

be a party, with Stella and Julie to animate the environment. Leigh awoke

from his reverie with the whistle of the noon. He got up quickly and put on

his black coat over her dress right. Kerry met in the hallway and the two

came together for the white gate and spotlessly clean modern factory, across

the street and headed for the restaurant that was a few blocks away and had

a light in the door with the name "Rick's". The interior was nice and

spacious with a small number of reserved, closed curtains, on one side of the

room. The two were received by the owner, a middle-aged, slightly graying

black hair, which led to a seats reserved.

-His sister arrived - Ricki said as they walked to the back of the room.

-My sister? - Asked Leigh surprise.

At the same time the curtain of one of the reserved opened and a girl with

red hair, tied with a ribbon at the top of the neck, stood up and smiled at her

with a leer.

-You do not expect to find me here?

-Julie! - Exclaimed Leigh perplexed. - What are you doing, girl?

-There was a measles epidemic in school and students were all sent home,

at least those who had not caught measles. Anyway, we had only a few days

to finish the classes. We will receive the diploma later, after passing this

epidemic. Meanwhile, I'm on vacation!

Leigh embraced it with joy and looked at the bag next to her.

-You have not spent at home?

-Not yet - said Julie. - I came directly here to make a surprise.

-The staff at home is not waiting for you?

Julie gave him another grin. - No, I got the call when they finish school, but

preferred to surprise them, too. - Went in the booth and sat in his chair with

a sigh of happiness. - Now I'm back to stay ... and I'm seriously thinking of

working in the factory to you!

-You still have that obsession? - Leigh asked coldly.

-More than ever! - Julie exclaimed with a smile brejeiro. - I'm really in love

with her boss.

-How is it possible if you do not know him?

-Who says? - Julie exclaimed in triumph. - I never spoke to him, of course,

but I just see him on the street. When I passed in front of the factory,

coming here, I saw a man entering a car that should cost a fortune, and I

thought that was it, the description you gave.

-So you fell in love with Aldoret Ruiz, his silly? - Leigh inquired with an

amused smile on his face. - May I ask why?

Julie gave a deep sigh with the abandon of a teenager.

-Ah, it's beautiful to hurt, his face is tanned and romantic...

-And it's cold as an iceberg moving - Leigh added with irony. - Listen, girl,

you are no longer the age to have such illusions.

-But it is wonderful! You work with him for three years and not noticed?

-Your sister falls in love quickly, no? - Kerry commented with a chuckle.

Julie was joking, of course, thought Leigh, but a strange feeling made

intention to take her seriously. Julie was an impressionable age and I would

not want to feel attracted to a man as cold and arrogant Aldoret Ruiz.

-There is no doubt that Ruiz is a very attractive man - agreed at last. - But

it's the last person to whom a girl of her age should fall in love.

-Why? - Julie cried with shining eyes. - I never saw any man more beautiful

in my life, not even the movie actors with whom Stella works.

-By the way, girl, Stella will arrive tomorrow - said Leigh with a quiet

voice, anticipating the reaction from Julie.

-Stella will arrive tomorrow? - Julie screamed with excitement. - How long

will it stay?

-I do not know. Maybe some day...

There was the same joy in the eyes of Julie that in Leigh when she heard the

news, and Kerry had the feeling that sooner or later, Stella was ready for a

good sister.

-How delightful! - Julie commented with animation. He gave a smirk to

Leigh. - Have you ever wondered submit Stella Ruiz and see what happens?

-Despite my admiration for Stella, I think Ruiz would not pay the slightest

attention. Do not forget that Ruiz is half Spanish. Women, in their opinion,

are just a necessary evil for the reproduction of the species. If there was a

foundation who has researched the artificial fertilization, I'm sure it would

help with donations...

Julie burst out laughing, but then said with a straight face - I can not believe

it is as you paint ...It is impossible, with those black eyes he has!

The man who was sitting in the reserved contiguous, completely hidden by

the division of wood, was surprised to hear without wanting to talk between

the three. Although not hear anything that was unpleasant, his expression

still was boredom and boredom. Of course they did not know he was there,

and his secretary had forgotten, apparently, that he intended to have lunch at

Ricki's.His car was parked on a side street, and she saw him when he

entered the restaurant. He was already there when Julie arrived, so she could

not prevent the other two of its presence in the room. Otherwise, would not

be talking to that freedom. At first, Ruiz felt the embarrassment of someone

who surprises an intimate conversation without meaning to, and tried not to

listen to what the three said, but it was inevitable because the two sites were

open at the top. Later, however, began to pay attention to every word they

said, and the others that followed were as intriguing as the first he had


-Today is certainly a day of surprises - said Leigh with a cheerful voice,

very different from the calm and controlled tone that Ruiz was used. - Tell

me his eyes, girl. The unique thing I noticed is that special agent

immediately sees the expression of the look, if the boss is or is not in a bad


-You're playing the sly! - Exclaimed Julie, without being convinced by the

explanation of her sister. - I just saw the fast ... but you're working with him

for years. I do not understand as yet not in love with him.

-It never crossed my mind - Leigh remarked coldly. - I think a lot in my

career to get interested in my head, if only remotely. In fact, after I met a

little better, I have concluded that it is better not to feed any romantic idea

about it. Ruiz is a great leader, as long as you hang your bad mood. Do not

understand how you can find it a romantic man. I agree about being tall and

thin, but it has nothing else. Tanned. Nothing special either. Most Latinos

are brown ... What about being a romantic type ... - Fell out laughing,

undoing the last illusions that Julie could have. - Sorry if I disappoint you,

girl, but there is more romance in the leg of a chair than on the entire body

of my beloved leader. He would not know dating a woman even if I tried.

Kerry laughed with malice. - I would like to see his face if he heard what

you said!

-God forbid! - Exclaimed Leigh stifling a chuckle. - Unless he took it for a


"Probably," murmured the occupant of the reserved side.

-Women do not count in the life of Ruiz Aldoret unless useful as dolls that

hold a pencil and pad in hand to copy down the letters and reports which His

Excellency said.

Even Julie burst out laughing when he heard the comment sister. The three

briefly interrupted the conversation lively as the waitress appeared with the

dishes we had ordered.

After the serve, Julie spoke again.

-Leigh, you do me a favor?

-Depends on what is - said Leigh, prevented by the demands of the younger


Julie giggled. - When you return to the office, look at Ruiz and then tell me

if you do not agree with me that it's a bread!

-What do you want to know?

-Ah, I have my reasons.

Leigh shrugged. - I never said that Ruiz was ugly ... only that hates women.

-And there is more romance in the leg of a chair ... - Julie completed,

looking sideways at her sister.

Leigh pretended not to notice that there was malice in the eyes of her sister,

but made no other comment on Ruiz Aldoret.

Shortly after, the man who occupied the reserved rose, paid the bill and left,

without realizing that the three had been there all the time. Upon returning

to office, but his attention was directed as usual to the affairs of the factory,

Ruiz could not forget the female voice that was ruthlessly dissected his

personality, belying the usual legend that secretaries tend to fall heads.

In the afternoon, everything went according to his plans. He signed the

contract with the firm Brown & Kenton and occupied the rest of the day

with routine tasks, forgetting completely revealing conversation he had

heard at lunch - until the moment when his secretary entered the room to file

some papers. Then, almost involuntarily began to watch her carefully, while

the red-haired girl walked from one side to another of the room

carpeted. She was the perfect image of authority and organized desk and

Ruiz thought for a moment have imagined the conversation in the

restaurant. He waited even that the girl was doing what her sister had asked -

watch him carefully: However, while carefully examine not notice the

slightest curiosity or face serious eye imbued. However great was the

curiosity that might have for him, watched him as a simple mobile room -

which was, incidentally, what Ruiz hoped it. No other secretary had

combined with your taste. Looking at the around the room, with a cool and

quiet grace, Ruiz asked himself if the girl felt emotion for something or

someone. It seemed too controlled to experience the burning passion that

consumed by ordinary people. Leigh finally turned the files, which arranged

the folders, and glanced at his watch.

-It's five o'clock - said quietly. - You need me for anything else?

-No, thank you. Until tomorrow.

-Until tomorrow, then - said quietly, closing the door behind him with the

same calm that it was normal.

A few minutes later, in the other rooms on the same floor, there was a

veritable stampede when the factory whistle sounded announcing the end of

the day and in a few seconds, the place was deserted, with the lights out -

except in large living room and carpeted with Ruiz Aldoret. For hours he

stayed there, alone, poring over the various documents that were on the

table. He got up finally, put the papers and folders in the cabinet of steel and

pressed the intercom button.

-You can climb, Jennings, and close the room.

When passed by the big factory gate, the guard of the night greeted him

respectfully, following with his eyes slim and powerful car going off the

dark street as the man who was inside I knew that night would be exactly

like the previous . Go home - although the place where he lived did not

mean exactly that for him. There was only one place that was his home and

always would be. A place that could not come back. The apartment where

he lived for more luxurious and comfortable it was, never replace the big

white house that he remembered so well, but never come back there for

many years. Thinking about it, his hands clamped tightly to the direction

and contours of the bones looked under the dark skin, like the white-washed

walls Carastrano.Hands to unwind slowly and he tried to think of something

else, away from the memory the living image of his childhood. The car was

snoring softly, leading him towards the luxury apartment where he lived in

the company of a couple of age. The two servants were correct and

impersonal as the rest of his life, although sometimes the hard shell and cold

cracked somewhere and then the loneliness assaulted him

surreptitiously. Clung furiously to reality as insured the direction of the car,

until the memories fade away again in the past.

Anything could trigger it, although some things more than others, like the

leaves of a palm tree on a poster spotted on the streets, or the brightness of

the moon hitting on a White House, but, above all, music. When you hear

the tenderness of a languorous song or flamenco, an insistent rhythm that

shook the senses, memories of childhood flocked most vivid and intense

than ever.Then grab those memories with the cold hard he had acquired over

the years and drowned them in the bottom of memory, until no longer mean

anything ... or almost nothing. Perhaps, in a sense, deserved a ruthless

analysis of his desk. In recent years had become in fact the type described

by her, but that moment, to remember the voice that echoed in his memory,

he felt a painful contraction in the chest.

When Leigh arrived home that night, the furor over the arrival of Julie and

the coming of the next day Stella occupied all conversations. Margaret,

beautiful woman and very lively, auburn-haired almost the same tone of

Leigh, with no gray hair on his head, was the eldest daughter in the

doorway, his arm past the waist of Julie.

-What do you say that brat who ran away from school? - Margaret asked

with a smile.

-Bambino? - Julie protested. - I do seventeen years!

-But that does not have court - said Margaret, partying in the face of her


The twins, who were playing in the yard, walked around the house running

and literally stormed the room. Moreover, the twins never entered like other

people - they were raiding the place and were always together. They had red

hair like the other family members, but were of a bright red, as a mature


Kerry, a regular visitor to the house, also had slightly auburn hair and the

staff at the factory used to say that Kerry got along so well with the family

of Leigh because he had red hair like the others. All Redheads do well and

go together, commenting on the known. The twin-Tess, the girl, and Tom,

the boy - have a break in play and looked carefully for Julie. The two had an

upturned nose and freckles on his face.

-Huh, you back yet? - Tom asked, slightly surprised. He pushed his little

sister by the arm. - Come, Tess, others are waiting.

-Bye, Julie, I'll see you later! - Tess cried, giving a quick kiss on her sister

who had returned from boarding school, and ran after his brother.

-The two have not changed anything, apparently! - Julie commented with

hands on hips, as if to demonstrate indignation.

-And will remain so for life - Margaret said with a laugh. He returned to

Leigh after closing the front door. - How was work?

-Okay. And you are happy with the arrival of Stella?

-Who is not! - Margaret exclaimed without hiding his joy.

The father, known and respected lawyer in town, came home with a

briefcase full of papers.Expressed surprise with the presence of Julie,

slightly excited about the imminent arrival of Stella and said, his voice

transfixed ever, in honor of the return of Julie and the coming of Stella,

would not work that night - although it should pay the household bills at the

end of the month.Stella arrived the next night, driving a blue sapphire that

seemed so sophisticated and beautiful as his mistress. When you see her

sister, who was only a year older, Leigh felt a lump in my throat, as

always. He glanced at his mother and guessed by his stunned face that she

experienced the same feeling. It was the same every time they saw Stella,

either in person or in the movies. The famous actress was absolutely


-Stella, baby! - Margaret exclaimed hugging her daughter with her voice

thrilled. Lips touched the complexion soft as petal and the smell of

expensive perfume made that sniffed admiringly.Stella broke free of his

arms and looked at Julie with a look of surprise.

-Virgin, as Julie has grown!

-No wonder! I'm seventeen years and finished the Secretariat! I am a

perfect novice stenographer.

-Julie is very efficient because judges do not know Aldoret Ruiz - Leigh

said in jest. She felt compelled to brighten the environment that was

emotionally charged due to the presence of Stella.

-Who is that Ruiz Aldoret? - Stella asked curiously.

-The head of Leigh - explained Julie.

-Are you still working for that crown nasty? - Stella exclaimed, turning to

her sister.

-Ruiz is not old, nor unpleasant - Julie replied. He smiled mischievously at

her sister famous. - We thought you would be presented to him.

-Ah, he's one of those who hate women? - Stella asked with a smile on the

corner of the lips red. - These men are usually interesting. You think I could

tame it?

-I bet you do - agreed Julie.

At that moment, the twins came into the room. Glanced to the famous sister,

exclaimed, "Hi, Stella," and turned their attention to another subject. Stella

is always amused by the reception that you two did, as if it were not a

known star of film.

-That beautiful coat you're using - "Tess said, running his fingers over the

mantle of the Stella mink placed casually on the back of the chair.

-And the car is super cool - Tom said with a sigh of admiration, her nose

glued to the window of the room. Tom was at the age where cars have

priority over everything else, including famous actresses and fur coats.

Stella gave him a winning smile that the whole country know through the

films in which he worked.

-Let's back then ... if you behave in court.

-I always behave well, is not it, mother?

-Sometimes - Margaret agreed without much conviction. He looked at

Stella and momentarily forgot what was going to say, as he never tired of

admiring the beauty of the daughter. How could he have a daughter so

beautiful when Stella? Finally recovered and added:

-His father lingered in the office ... Had something urgent to finish. He

called a few minutes ago telling.

-It does not matter - Stella said with a smile. - Just so I will empetecar a

little to get it.

Everyone laughed at the idea of Stella absurd to have to get ready to receive

the father, because she was absolutely beautiful and flawless. Still, Stella

took the fur coat and went up the ladder in the company of Julie to the toilet

in the room. The twins ran toward the site of their favorite games, the

orchard of the house, while Leigh and Margaret continued a moment at the

foot of the stairs, admiring Julie up the stairs two by two, like the age of


When the two disappeared upstairs, looked at each other and smiled at the

same time.

-I was so longing for Stella - Leigh said quietly.

Margaret nodded.

-We were all, apparently.

-Stella has not changed. That's what I most admire in it.

Margaret suddenly wiped a tear with the tip of the finger and went willingly

to the kitchen.

-Well, I'll make a tea. Only then staff will feel more comfortable. -He put

the kettle on and turned to Leigh, who arranged the cups and saucers on the

tray. - Are you a tired face, my daughter. Ruiz is judiando you?

-No, not that. I think it was the expectation...

-He is actually very demanding?

-A little bit.

-Then why did you not looking for another job?

-I like to work with him. Ruiz is one hundred percent when staff get used to

his way. - He frowned and looked with a curious expression to the mother. -

Sometimes even feel sorry for him.

-Pena him? - Repeated Margaret, putting the cakes and biscuits on a plate of


-It may be silly ... I know he is very rich and has everything you want but

even so, sometimes I feel something is missing in his life. Then the next

moment, he returns to business as usual, cold and indifferent, distant with all

... And believe me that was just imagining things. Perhaps he feels and is...

-Maybe ... or he is really miserable inside. Even the rich have their


The kettle boiled with a whistle and the two turned their attention to tea. As

they left the kitchen and went down the hall, John was entering the front

door. The next instant Stella came upstairs, ran down the stairs and held out

his hands to his father. John embraced her tenderly and burst out laughing

when Stella said she was kneading her velvet dress.

-The velvet today do not knead it. Leigh knows that. She knows the tissues

that are there at the factory.

-Oh, I've heard the boss Leigh - Stella exclaimed, turning to his sister. - I'm

curious to know this guy Ruiz Aldoret.

-You do not lose anything - said Leigh with a movement of the shoulders. -

He has a horrible way to look at the agent.

At the moment the bell rang and Tess went to open the gate, shouting with

all the force of his lungs child that Kerry had arrived. The next moment a

friend's house entered the room. Stella and immediately spotted a

momentary antagonism arose between the two. Stella disguised his dislike,

the ease with which suited his talent actress, but Kerry also was not far


-Hello, Stella! - She said with a friendly voice. - I missed you.

-She will be two weeks with us! - Julie cried with joy.

Two weeks is very, Kerry thought with dismay. He had the feeling that

something unpleasant was going to happen in that period. Did not like or

trust Stella, and the other probably knew this, which explains the mutual

antipathy that separated them. Kerry Stella examined with a critical eye

veiled, seeking visible signs that would confirm his suspicion, but found

nothing. Stella seemed perfect and a little bit older than the day he

announced to family, eighteenth birthday, who had been invited to audition

and was hired to do a movie. This, out six years ago. Now she was famous

and known throughout the country. His small body and delicate, the perfect

features of the face, black hair and bright eyes slightly squinted, and his

undeniable talent, took her quickly to the highest point of fame. Rich and

famous - but never forgot his family and everyone liked it even more so.

Only Kerry suspected that Stella had a different reason to spend a few days

at home. However, if I suggested to others that she was visiting family for

convenience only professional, all vehemently deny, and his friendship with

Leigh, which meant a lot to her, suffer. Kerry remained silent, therefore,

though he was inwardly convinced that Stella never devoted much time to

his family, except to satisfy their own interests - and that was how he acted

when Stella. One day perhaps, the family would be helpful, and not suit him

to finally break the relationship at home. It was good publicity. He liked to

be seen by the public of fans as the actress famous for a small country town

who valued, above all, the love of his. It was advertising an excellent and

very beneficial to his career, Stella otherwise would have long vanished

from Koreston, the town where he was born and raised. Now she wanted to

spend two weeks at home - and would certainly cause some

disturbance. Kerry could not predict what kind of disturbance would be, but

I could bet that this would happen sooner, or later, and the person who was

more concerned about Leigh. I knew by intuition that Stella was a very

spoiled child who took possession of toys for his younger brothers and no

one contradicted at all, because she was the beauty of the family and all

others to worship without any restrictions. After some time, however, Stella

is disinterested objects that had obtained without much difficulty, would

drop them aside and let their former owners to have them back. In the

meantime, however, the toys had already spoiled.Kerry could have sworn I

was so in your home. There was a teddy bear with eyes gouged out and

damaged hair, a favorite doll had lost its head in the fight, or had their

clothes torn. Stella had never caught or reprimanded for his bad behavior,

simply because it was the most beautiful of the daughters and everyone

loved it.

A few minutes after the bell has to ring and Leigh went to open the door to

receive her groom.Bruce was a twenty-six, full-bodied and broad-faced -

one year older than Leigh - and could not be considered beautiful even with

a stretch of the imagination. It was not particularly smart either, but there

was something profoundly sincere and loyal in his personality. Kerry,

however, had another opinion. Much sympathy with Bruce, but suspected

there was uncertainty in the boy together with a dogged stubbornness, which

is especially noticeable when taking an erroneous view advocated. But

Bruce was the boyfriend of Leigh, who loved him with all my heart, so

Kerry would rather not make any comment. Leigh accompanied the groom

to the room and introduced him to Stella with a smile of pride. It was then

that Kerry discovered what he feared: Stella looked at the handsome young

man of brown hair, and gave a sweet smile and quiet. "That is not it, for

God's sake," he thought Kerry alarmed. The teddy bear, a broken doll, and

now the man who loved Leigh. Stella would get him too.


Ruiz had a problem. In the letter that was held between the fingers long and

that, unexpectedly, had broken the barrier that had built ten years

ago. Everything came headlong to the surface, the sudden missing of the

White House surrounded by trees and flower beds, the cold wind blowing

from the nearby mountains. He looked again at the letter and there was the

same promise. It was a rich man, the factory had made his fortune, but the

letter promised something else - on one condition. Could inherit the

fabulous wealth he rejected in the past, could go back to the colonial

mansion you've always dreamed of, but there was one condition. Should be

married when he returned - and could not marry Mercedes Ballast. If

contesting the will, immediately lose the inheritance, which would be

bequeathed to charities. Clause in the will gave him three months to

decide. In the meantime, should marry, if I were not married, his wife to

raise Carastrano, or give back the hand that had opened in the past.

The old Diego Aldoret knew quite well his grandson when the boy was

supposed to do everything in his power to recover the family property in


Ruiz re-examined the letter and reflected coolly on the conditions stipulated

in the will. I could not challenge them and had to be another way out. He

read the letter. She said she had to marry within three months after the

reading of the will, if you were not married, and he knew exactly what that

meant. It should give an heir to the family. The thin lips twitched

slightly.Carastrano wanted, but had no intention of leaving the decision it

had taken many years ago and join a woman. Squinted, as I reread the letter

for the third time. Perhaps there was an alternative. The letter made no

mention of the future of his marriage, nor the type of person you should

marry, except that it could not be Mercedes Ballast - and he had no desire to

join with Mercedes.

Moreover, he had no intention of marrying anyone. That was the truth. On

the other hand, longed to recover Carastrano. The thin lips twitched again, to

remember the man who wrote that stupid clause in the will. Diego Aldoret

always been an authoritarian and arrogant man, and believed that would

remain even after death. There was however a way out - a solution that fully

satisfies the clause in the will, which gave him back the white house she

loved, without taking away the emotional independence that he valued

above all.

The solution was a purely commercial contract passed between two people,

leaving each one free to live the life that he pleased. Ruiz did not worry at

the moment with the fact that this solution laughed, in a sense, the clause of

the will. I was very angry with the man who ruled his life and trying to

interfere, after a long period of years in the future. A smile shone in her cold

black eyes. Once in a lifetime Aldoret Diego made a mistake. Should have

written that clause in a more meticulous. Now read very easy to circumvent

it - just enough to find a woman to accept, in cold blood to enter such an

agreement, a woman who was close enough to him, a cool head and free of

complicated emotions, and not create problems for sentimental his time as

husband and wife in Mexico. There was a woman like that?

Sought to reflect with all the attention. Yes, there was the girl who worked

in the next room. His secretary. It was so cold and free from passions that

sometimes seemed to be inhumane.During the years he worked at the

factory, had never shown the slightest sign of emotion or feeling, like the

other girls in the office, that bothered with their stupid conversations. Not to

pay attention to what they said but every time he appeared at the door, they

immediately stopped talking and kept a respectful silence. They probably

were talking about boyfriends, about the passions and life in general - all

with the exception of Leigh Dermont. She seemed to be totally alien to the

sickly sentimentality that bothered him so much. He kept his eyes fixed on

promotion in his career and was lucid enough to see the advantages of such

an agreement between a man and a woman.

He reached out and pressed the bell inside. Without having the slightest

suspicion that the intention behind that was called, Leigh took the pencil and

notebook and went into the boss's office. He sat in his chair near the usual

table and opened the pack on the knee, knowing from experience of years

that Ruiz used to dictate letters and internal memos in the morning,

reserving the rest of the day for routine occupations. Ruiz frowned, rubbed

the hard part of the letter between his fingers and began to dictate the

answer. Leigh, who thought of something else at the moment and was not

focused on the job, noted automatically hear the words without paying

attention to their meaning.

Then reread the shorthand notes.

Ruiz watched her intently, but the only outward sign of surprise that could

see was a slight movement of the eyes. Leigh, in turn, was in doubt whether

he had heard his words or if it was getting completely crazy. Thrush jumped

in front of your eyes, sheep jumped on the pages of the block, or so it

seemed. These images were no more silly or ridiculous than the words

written as his mind wandered elsewhere. Focused on the effort and raised

his head.

-I do not quite understand what you said - said at last. Certainly could not

be what was written on paper.

His expression became slightly sardonic.

-Well, I'm sure you heard perfectly. I asked if you are interested to marry

me ... a pro forma marriage, of course.

Leigh looked back to the block. It was exactly what he had written there -

was not dreaming or delirious. Before I could answer anything, Ruiz


-I will explain more clearly what my intentions. I am the only heir of the

properties of my grandfather in Mexico. But to take possession of these

properties, I must first meet certain conditions imposed by the will,

otherwise all goods will be legacies to charities.

-Certain conditions?

Leigh heard her own voice, very cold and transfixed, repeat the words he

said, without understanding how he could remain so calm and serene in the

face of incredible "proposal" that he had heard.

-To make conversation, I have to get married. It would obviously be a

temporary compromise.

Ruiz noted it again in silence and for a moment, he felt a movement of

curiosity. It was so aloof and distant and gave the impression, or it was just

a mask he wore? Even someone completely devoid of human emotions have

shown surprise at the strange proposal. However, beyond the small eye

movements, it has not shown any sign of puzzlement, as if he had made

some banal comment about the weather. Leigh, meanwhile, dominated the

surprise and replied calmly, without showing any sign of anger at the absurd

proposal that he had heard.

-Sorry, but I'm engaged.

This time it was Ruiz who was amazed at the unexpected response. Has set

it carefully and remembered the voice he had heard the restaurant the day

before, a voice light, relaxed, full of life. It would be just a mask he wore in

the office? But that idea away impatiently because in reality, had no interest

in it personally.

-In this case, nothing done.

The two were observed for a short time.

-Just out of curiosity ... You want to continue working here after getting

married, or will we leave?

-May be required to leave the job. My marriage does not have a set date, so

I have not decided anything about the work. But warn you in advance, of

course, so you have time to put someone in my place.

Ruiz nodded thoughtfully.

-Right. Incidentally, I do not know exactly how things will stay here. I

accepted an offer made to me to sell the factory. Future owners will decide

on course to retain the officers present, but you may wish to keep it some

more time as secretary of the directory.

-I'm not thinking about getting married before one or two years, at least -

Leigh explained, his voice impassive.

-You are favorable, it seems, the long engagements...

-I think they are more secured, even if the two are certain of what they

want. Marriage is a very serious decision to act too hastily. In the meantime,

we decided to make savings...

Everything seemed perfectly logical and practical. Apparently, the

impression Ruiz on his desk was correct. There was very little feeling and

no passion in the marriage in view. How was the boy whom she would

marry? Also focused and practical? Away then the two of your mind, picked

up a letter on the table and began to dictate the answer, as if nothing had

happened.Leigh, however, could not forget what happened with the same

ease. In a strange way, the fact altered something in his head. Watched him

since then with different eyes and, for the first time in three years, saw the

dark attraction that Julie had mentioned. In a sense, Ruiz was the most

attractive man she's ever met. He had a certain elegance feline tall men have

a cavalier attitude and the dark head. Both the hair and the eyes were black

as well, although the light produced sometimes a bluish glow on the thatch -

but the black eyes had not the slightest resemblance to the expression

velvety and tender look, characteristic of romantic men. The same

impression of coldness spread over other facial features, angular and well

defined as a bird of prey. On the rare occasions when he smiled, his face

immediately took on a sardonic and contemptuous expression, which

suggested a deep bitterness inside.

When Ruiz picked up the letter on the table, Leigh noted that the dark hands

were beautiful and well made, aristocratic hands, with fingers long and

flat. It set back the grim face as he spoke on the phone, and asked herself

whether those black eyes were suits a day, or were ever erased and

distant. If the voice harsh and incisive, with a slight accent of a foreigner,

was ever soft and sweet ... perhaps with a woman? Outside the woman who

transformed the way? It was unlikely that any woman, no matter how

beautiful it was, had so much power over him about to turn it that

way ... Although, in another man, the peculiar curve of the mouth,

somewhat rigid, could be considered an indication of repressed feelings,

emotions long inhibited. But it was not the case of Ruiz, of course. Even if it

had liked someone in the past, this time too far away now.What would have

happened, thought Leigh by simple curiosity, had accepted the proposal

absurd? Would probably horrible. Spent three months trying to avoid each

other after a quick marriage annulment. A purely commercial contract,

without more. An affront to the true meaning of marriage. Poor women have

to accept this proposal, Leigh thought sadly.

Still, could not shake of the head the memory of his conversation with Ruiz,

even when he was very busy at the typewriter. The truth is that a woman

who believes in the possibility of coming to marry a man, this man will

never be the same for her, even when the situation presents an opportunistic

manner and free from emotion.

Leigh was in the hallway of the house, ready to return to work when Julie

appeared, coming from the dining room, and watched it from top to bottom

with a critical expression in his eyes.

-Why do you wear those dresses so embarrassed to go to work? You get so

transfixed with this outfit...

-Well, I can not work with a dress of ruffles and fringes - Leigh said with a

smile. - Are you trying to insinuate that I'm badly dressed?

-No, not that - Julie corrected immediately. Re-examined the sister, who

was dressed properly, with a skirt and a blouse neatly week, with a light

summer jacket over. - What I mean is that you give the impression of a

typical desktop.

Leigh smiled, with an amused expression in his blue eyes.

-But this is actually what I try to be. I would not be the job for so long if it

was not. My boss would send me away the first week.

Julie smiled despite himself. - Well, I would like to see his face if he saw

her playing with the twins. He would make you another idea.

-I do not. He did not blink his eyes. Perhaps even Stella, with all its fame

and beauty, could break the armor that protects ... Furthermore, I intend to

marry Bruce, and not with a block of ice.

-Oh, I know you're hung up on Bruce, but in my opinion, it is not the right

man for you - said Julie, with a serious face.

-Oh, no? - Retrucou Leigh, fun and surprise at the comment of the younger


-Not really, believe me. - Julie shook her head. - And you know something

else? He's afraid of you...

-Afraid of me? You're dreaming, girl!

Julie made a grimace understood.

-It's what you think, my dear little sister. Bruce is afraid of its efficiency.

-You're imagining things - said Leigh with a smile. - If you think Ruiz is a

great romantic, it proves that you do not understand anything of men.

-You mean that you accept my suggestion?

-Well, anyway, thank you for the warning. I put a low-cut dress the next

time you go out with Bruce...

-Look, I still think that Ruiz is a sweet! Julie cried when Leigh went to the

gate of the house.

-If you ever work in the factory, you'll change your mind, girl! - Leigh said

with a wave of his hand.

A conversation with Julie, however, occupied his thoughts during the

journey by bus to the factory. There was something slightly strange behavior

of Bruce in recent days, but could not say exactly what it was. There was

some truth in what Julie said? The attitude of "typical secretary" who took

the job was getting to be part of your personality? Even in contact with

Bruce? He noticed that something was missing when he kissed her? Does

the face of femininity captivating Stella she seemed somewhat distant

or ... bossy? Bruce turns to gardening, with a short and an old shirt, his face

covered with dust and sweat and in that moment, she had none of the

"typical office. If Julie's comment referred only to the machine, could get by

and never appear in front of Bruce with formal dresses she wore in the


At lunchtime, Leigh took a little longer in the room and when he came to the

restaurant, Kerry was already there, set up a booth with Julie. His sister was

shopping in town and harnesses to meet her at lunchtime. They were

discussing the dishes that Kerry would ask when he noticed a certain air of

concern in the face of Leigh. Apparently, the trouble has already begun,

Kerry reflected in silence. Leigh was with a different expression of the

usual. Without realizing it, bit his lip and frowning, as someone who does

not feel comfortable in the presence of others. It was just a suspicion, or

knew that Bruce had met secretly with Stella? Probably not. Out of sheer

coincidence that Kerry had seen the two together, without them realizing

it. Kerry had lived some years in a place away from the city and from time

to time back there to get back in touch and walking under the trees. Was one

of those back roads of the interior that saw the car parked Stella - and Bruce

beside her. They were far apart when she found them, but Stella had the

indefinable look of someone who had just been kissed. Kerry moved away

from the place as quietly as arrived, and returned to the house where he had

lived, after the site was sold, with the depressed heart to remember the

whispering voice of Bruce in the brief moment he sees the two in the

car. She did not look back but the sudden silence between the two gave the

impression that they were more distant from each other. Ah, no doubt, Stella

was beautiful, he thought Kerry sadly. But even a snake had a certain beauty

and hypnotic in its opinion, there was not much difference between one

thing and another. Lunch had just been commissioned as a dark head

appeared friendly and behind the curtain aside.

-Ricki said you were here. Can you company?

The newcomer was so sure that the other three would be happy with his

presence that he smiled and sat in a chair without waiting for the

answer. Janice Martin was a quiet, dark woman of thirty-five years, one of

the employees more efficient company, and rumors that years ago, had been

abandoned by her fiancé on the eve of the wedding. Others said that the

boyfriend died in a car accident. Whatever the correct version, the truth is

that Janice did not usually comment on the incident to anyone.

-Ah, then you're Julie! - Janice said with a smile when presented by his

sister Leigh. - I was very curious to meet you. Leigh is always talking about


-Oh? - Julie exclaimed with a cry of feigned astonishment. - She spoke ill

of me, by chance?

-No, quite the opposite - Janice continued with a smile for the two. - So

what's new?

-Leigh's wedding - said Kerry.

Janice's face broke into a warm smile.

-Cheers, darling. Is engaged to Bruce, of course? - He chuckled. - You

mean he has opened the game?

-It had to be Bruce - Kerry commented dryly. - Leigh never had another


-And you know what Ricki will give a wedding present? - Julie asked with

the voice of malice.

Janice turned questioningly to Leigh.

-No, what?

-The pot of tea - Julie said with a laugh.

Kerry entered the conversation and explained the reason for the mysterious

laughter Julie.

-Bruce chose the least romantic of the world to make the marriage

proposal. We came here to eat before going to the theater. We had finished

dinner and were talking in a corner. Leigh and Bruce, however, remained

seated at the table. Probably the teapot raised the courage to Bruce, because

he took shame in the face and asked Leigh to marry him right here at this

table. Ricki promised so that would give both the teapot as a wedding


Ruiz Aldoret never could explain why it took him a second time to

Ricki's. Perhaps because the food was excellent and the restaurant stayed

near the factory, but it was pure coincidence that he sat back in the booth

next to the girls. This time, however, he could not control the involuntary

smile that completely changed its face normal. In fact, there was something

terribly funny in the event of an English lad ask his girlfriend to marry him

in front of the empty cups and a pot washer. It was just as always

thought. His secretary efficient and practical dating a guy who was just as

romantic as her own. Then, as he did last time, Ruiz turned his attention to

other matters and forget the presence of girls in the reserved side. At least

that was his intention. However, as had happened the first time, not wanting

to hear the rest of the conversation.

-That's very kind of him - Kerry said with a straight face. - Bruce could

have chosen a day or a moonlit garden with outdoor music ... but he

preferred to order right here!

Someone gave a muffled giggle and Ruiz suspected to be his secretary.

-Poor Bruce, people! You do not forgive anything!

Janice shook her head, with the amused expression.

-Well, are not all the girls who hear a proposal of marriage in a restaurant


Suddenly the expression of his face became gloomy. There was a vague

memory that was reflected bitterly on dark eyes.

-Sometimes these proposals are more certain that the requests made to the

romantic moonlight - Janice added after a moment of silence. - Adrian was

an artist in this matter ... but no longer go off with a wealthy widow on the

eve of the wedding.

-Do you still miss him? - Asked Leigh in the silence that followed.

Janice looked up and stared at her.

-I think I'll ever ... although the two were killed in a car accident the same

night he blew me out.- Realizing that Julie had to shake involuntarily

listening to the story, she added her voice understanding. - No need to

worry, Julie. These things do not happen twice.

Julie shook her head. His face, naturally cheerful, he was serious and


-No, that was it. I was thinking that it must be terrible to love someone for

life without the hope of having it again.

Janice smiled with a slight movement of the head.

-It's terrible at first, but time takes care of the rest. - He made a quick

gesture with his hand. - But I do not want to ruin our conversation. Can not

we talk about something more fun?

Leigh nodded, realizing that Janice wanted to quickly change the subject.

-I have a story to tell. You will read the bulletin that will be posted this

afternoon in the hallway.But I can say right now. The plant will be sold.

-Sold? - Kerry exclaimed, perplexed.

The news, apparently, broke suddenly heavy weather of the previous


-Our chief has inherited a property in Mexico, will sell everything and go

back there.

She did not intend to mention explicitly the terms of the will, of course,

because it was a private matter between her and Ruiz Aldoret.

-Putz! - Exclaimed Julie, with her usual animation. - Do not tell me that

Ruiz is a Spanish nobleman!

-I did not ask - Leigh said dryly. - Many old properties they actually belong

to noble families ...but I think his name is already quite original and nothing


-What is it? - Julie asked with curiosity.

-Diego Ruiz Palea of Aldoret.

-Wow, what a fancy name! - Commented Kerry. He turned with curiosity to

her friend.

-How did you find?

-I hit the machine a series of documents relating to that property. It is not

UK citizens, as you know. Kept his Mexican nationality.

-It's a pity that there is more Latin in other things - Julie said with a


-Thankfully, no! Do not want to work with a man who ran after me into the


Julie laughed.

-Well, I do not know if you like. Maybe it was fun ... Of course, if someone

like Ruiz Aldoret!

-Oh, my God! Do not tell me that this girl is in love with Ruiz! - Muttered


-If so, will soon receive a cold shower - said Leigh with a quiet voice. - I do

not understand how someone can fall in love with an itinerant iceberg!

-Well, I understand! - Exclaimed Julie.

-I know their adolescent crushes - said Leigh. - You remember the boy who

delivered the milk when you were fourteen? She nearly died of

homesickness when the boy was transferred to another district ... but then

could not remember more than his name.

Kerry ran a fun look for your friend.

-If Ruiz knew you compared it to a milkman ... nor do I think about what


At this point Ricki came in the booth and personally served the dishes that

had been requested.

-You know who is sitting at the next table? - Ricki asked quietly. - The boss

of you...

-Who? - Julie exclaimed with an involuntary scream, which was followed

by a deathly silence.The four looked at each other and tried to remember

quickly than they had said.

Now it was late. Leigh tried to console himself with the thought that people

who listen to the conversation of others never hear what they like, even if

they do it unintentionally. It was only then that he remembered the earlier

conversation with Ruiz, and the suggestion he had made about the


-He came here on Tuesday morning? - Leigh asked quietly.

Ricki nodded.

-I tried to warn them, but was so busy at the moment that I forgot.

-Where was he sitting? - Leigh insisted, with the terrible certainty that the

same should be booked today. On Tuesday morning, the day that Julie was

back from boarding school, she dissected the personality of Ruiz with a total

lack of ceremony.

-In the same booked today - Ricki murmured. - I hope you have not said

anything else - he added with a whisper. He rose from the table and left

another dead silence weighed on the environment.

Janice was the first who has recovered from the shock.

-On the sudden silence, he will imagine that you said something awful - he

murmured softly.

Leigh nodded, trying to remember at all costs what you said last time.

-From today all care is - Kerry said in a low voice. He turned to Leigh. -

My condolences, dear, for having to face the boss this afternoon.

-He will not deign to comment on the fact - replied Leigh. If he heard

something before, thought he was beneath his dignity to mention the

case. And it will probably act the same way today.

Still, Leigh peered Ruiz that afternoon when they were called to his

office. There was, however, no noticeable difference in their

behavior. Looked at her with the same indifference as ever.Leigh sighed

relieved when he left the room and returned to his desk. Everything

continued as before, in perfect peace.

Stella's visit had been going on for over a week and would soon be back to

his feverish activity as before. Some journalists have discovered their

whereabouts and took dozens of photographs of Stella ... in the living room,

the balance of the garden, leaning on the trunk of the old apple tree. After

that day, Stella refused to be interviewed and photographed. Gave an excuse

that his family did not want to be bothered and promised to grant one final

interview before leaving for London. Since then, Stella remained in the

room until lunch time, rose languidly from the bed and walked around the

house with nothing to do. Sometimes he took the twins to give a drive and

after school the next morning, the city newspaper published photos of the

famous actress in the company of younger siblings. Residents of Koreston

commented with pride the reports published in the newspaper, just as the

family. That same afternoon, returning from work, Leigh opened the door

and heard a big scream coming from the room. He turned to her mother and

Julie, who were preparing tea in the kitchen, and said with a smile:

-By the way, the Apaches are attacking again!

Mal said, that, Tom ran with his face painted red, as he shook the hand of an

Indian hatchet.Invested for her and held her by the waist, nearly making her

lose balance. Then did a pirouette on his back and ran after the little sister,

who was also painted with lipstick. Tess rushed down the hallway holding

in his hand a bunch of wires attached at the top, like the scalp of the enemy.

-His evil Indians! - Leigh exclaimed, pointing to the scalp that Tess was


Julie, however, watched the scene with a worried face. Received permission

from Margaret to buy their first case of lipstick and held at arm's little

brother with a cry of protest.

-You took my lipstick!

-This is not lipstick! - Dismissal Tom, letting go of his hand. - It's a tattoo

of the Apaches! - Exclaimed, rushing towards the garden behind Tess with a

frightening roar, while Julie ran after him to recover the lipstick.

After the hubbub was lost in the backyard, Stella came to the kitchen door.

-That noise, people! What has happened?

Margaret shook her head with a smile.

-It's nothing. The two are always screaming and running around the house.

Leigh went to the room to hang the coat and when he returned, he met Stella

in the living room.

-What have you been doing these days? Hope you're not tired of this little

life here.

-Tired? - Stella repeated with an ironic gloss on the eyes. - Still not satisfied

to tire, but I would die of boredom if he continued a long time here. You're

not afraid of rust in this town?

Leigh shook her head.

-What should I do? Not everyone has the chance to take his life...

Stella glanced sardonically to his sister and sat idly in his chair.

-I do not understand how you can withstand...

-Are not you happy?

-Happy? - Stella grinned. - We are happy only when he dies.

-Do not say it, Stella!

-Why not? I have everything, right? Should be happy, but I'm always

wanting more things ... I am always willing to get on top of the stairs. The

new look for us to go back, so you have to fight and push them down. Even

so, some can go up and you have to fight harder to stay where you are. I

speak from experience...

-So why do not you changing your lifestyle?

-Change of life? It would be even worse. I probably would die of boredom.

-But you could marry and have a family. You never met anyone who would

like to marry?

-Yes, but then I got tired of them. I think the day to find the man of my

dreams, he will be committed to another woman.

Leigh looked with surprise to his sister and thought that success was not all

there was in life.With everything he had, despite its appearance cheerful and

carefree, Stella was not happy.Something was missing. As Ruiz

Aldoret. With all his wealth and social position, seemed to not be a happy

man. He also wanted to have more things, but hid it behind a mask of self-

sufficiency, and not of joy, as was the case of Stella. Of course it was

difficult to assess what was going on in the head of a man like Ruiz. Maybe

it was just a wrong impression of you, and Ruiz was so cold and indifferent

on the inside proved to be as outwardly. Was absorbed in his thoughts when

he felt something jumping on her legs and nearly lost his balance. A large

and exuberant dog ran into the room, crossed it with some jumps and put his

huge paws upon his shoulders. Snook heard his voice in the room and went

to greet her in his usual bumbling way.

After the interruption, could not return to talk seriously with Stella, but

maybe that would be preferable. Felt again the curious impression that there

was something mysterious in the air.

The week continued uneventfully, and Leigh divided the usual routine of

work and the joy of Stella at home. Julie was perfectly adapted to family life

after returning home from boarding school, as it had never been away

really. The work at the plant still in it, life was still the same as ever - until

the night that Stella was leaving.

Then everything changed ... everything became different. Bruce had a day

off during the week to compensate for the shift that had a holiday, and the

three combined to go to a ball that night.Ruiz, who had heard by chance

your desk talking to Kerry about the preparations for the feast, authorized

her to leave work early to have enough time to prepare. The house was quiet

and calm when she arrived. Julie and Margaret had gone to the movies in the

afternoon and had not returned. The twins had remained in school until later,

preparing for a parade. For the calm appearance of the house, it was likely

that Stella was asleep or reading in the room. Leigh quietly opened the front


-We can do this to her. I will not let you do such a thing. I would be

unhappy the rest of life is hurting my sister.

Taken aback, Leigh remained a moment before the door, still in disbelief

that it was the voice of Stella coming from the room. He then accepted the

boy who held her by the waist, he bowed his head to kiss her in the mouth

with a whisper that spoke louder than any words. Bruce!


After the first moment of panic, Leigh moved away in silence and leaned

against the doorframe, as if he had not strength to move. Had heard before

in those moments when everything seems perfectly still, but never could

imagine that would experience a similar feeling. All she wanted most in life

had been taken suddenly hands. Bruce did not like her. Was in love with

Stella. The scene she had witnessed the door could not have another

meaning. They were so engrossed in each other that they had not even

noticed their presence. He stayed a few more seconds in the door, his hand

pressed over her mouth, trying to move, but at that point seemed paralyzed

by an alien force itself. The house was also completely silent and still. In

general, the return of the work was a time of tumult and turmoil, but now

everything seemed different. Not feel any strange feeling when he went to

work, but the atmosphere tense and the house arrest should have called your


If it had entered through the front door, instead of going around the house,

or if he had not left early from the office, would have perhaps found Stella

in the arms of Bruce ... Would have heard the noise of the key at the front

door ... or maybe not, so were engrossed in each other...

Finally, managed to break away from the door. He went slowly down the

same path that had to go, passed the kitchen, crossed the aisle and was out

on the street. She stood there and looked around him with his head in a

daze. What to do? He could not, he warned her mind dizzy. Could not stay

there. People would find it strange. Had to walk, walk for a while - and he

did just that, with quick steps, automatically, without having the slightest

idea where he was going. How could it have been so blind and not realize

that two people who loved him felt unhappy separated from each

other? Now understood everything - the strange feeling that something was

wrong in the attitude of Bruce tense in recent days. Stella not commented

anything, the day before, about liking someone and discover that he was

committed to another woman?

Poor Stella. For more unhappy and miserable that Leigh felt, did not want to

hurt his sister. And also Bruce. He thought the same way and did not want

to break off the engagement that could ruin her life forever. But she could

not allow that to happen. As much as it hurt the separation would be very

unfair to keep Bruce against his will. Anyway, what happiness could there

be for her in marriage, if he knew all along that Bruce liked to Stella? What

was he thinking when he kissed her? It was better to finish everything and

let the two were happy together. Gave a deep sigh and shook his head dazed

as he walked briskly down the sidewalk. It seemed that someone was

watching from a distance, lest they crossed the street in front of a car, while

his mind was entirely absorbed in the decision in the case.

What should have done? Entered the room and surprised the two? This at

least would have forced a decision. Now would be more difficult to address

the matter coolly. But there also have been painful if it had broken the

engagement on time? Stella could refuse to marry Bruce not to hurt her

sister, and it was good that this happened. All the love he felt for Stella

focused on a fixed idea - to find a solution to the case. It was preferable that

two people were happy and only a wound, of which two wounded and one

happy. Anyway, there could never be happy married Bruce. That would just

be the three unhappy. He continued walking, briskly, automatically,

knowing that he would find a solution before the shock was over and

plunged into depression and apathy of despair. His mind was very lucid

now, running quickly, with a strange and penetrating clarity. Would that be

now, he thought, before they surrender to tears - but it was no solution at

this time.

Finally returned home and pretended he was coming from work. The rest of

the family was back.Leigh greeted quickly and Stella Bruce, who remained

in the living room, and gave the excuse that he had a lot of headache and

could not go to the ball. Stella returned to London the next

morning. Meanwhile, Leigh still racking their brains to find a way to break

the engagement, without showing that he knew something about the two. He

could not fight with Bruce without giving any reason, could not pretend he

was interested in another man because the family knew it had never shown

the slightest interest in another man. His life was summed up at work and a

few nights a week in the company of Bruce. It flirted before with any other

guy in order to pretend now that I liked him. Suddenly a solution occurred to

him. He remembered the comment of a few days before Julie: "I do not

understand how you have not fallen in love with Ruiz." The solution was

horrible and absurd as clearly did not have to think more. Accept the

marriage proposal from Ruiz.

At the same time, however, his conscience revolted against that decision. He

could not marry a man cold and inhuman that for three years was not more

than an arrogant, authoritarian presence. He wanted the warmth and love in

life, not a momentary sneer that was doomed to end a few months later. It

was inevitable he would have to know you better, we would be forced to

live in the same house, but had no desire to know him intimately. If it was

unpleasant to keep the relationship in a plane impersonal, as it would then

be in a foreign country, all alone, married to a man who, until that moment

she almost hated?

He felt a tremor course through the body, but his decision was made. I said

nothing to family or to Bruce - wanted to present them with a fait

accompli. First of all, however, should have a conversation with Ruiz


That night, at bedtime, Leigh could not save some tears, but the next

morning, all the desire to cry was gone. He was glad at heart, to have a

control so much of herself. The mask of coldness that used in the office was

helpful to you when they knocked on the door of the room and went quietly

Ruiz. Only at that moment occurred to him that Ruiz could have found

another woman in the meantime. If this were the case, would have to find

another solution.

Almost by accident, found herself looking at him with more interest,

experiencing again the feeling that was a very attractive and would be

simply irresistible if it were not so cold and distant. The piercing black eyes

were fixed on questioningly, and she was prepared mentally for what was


-Could have a conversation with you? If you're not too busy....

-But of course. - He pointed to the chair where she used to sit normally. -

Sit there.

There was only one way to approach the subject: be cool and resourceful, as

if it were a commercial proposition, as Ruiz had suggested a few days

before. And it was exactly that, although it did involve some inevitable

intimacy between man and woman?

-That the proposal that you mentioned before ... still standing? - Leigh

asked biting her lip, in spite of their control.

-Why? You changed your mind?

Black eyes examined her face closely.

-And the engagement?

Leigh looked at him with serene expression.

-I broke the engagement.

-Really? Long time?

-Last night.

-Hum - Again she felt his dark eyes seeking to read his thoughts. - And you

changed your mind about my proposal?


She managed to not burst into laughter, because the word "proposal" seemed

utterly absurd.She associated this term with sophisticated blonde, covered in

diamonds and fur coats and underground adventures, but none of them came

in his case. Adventures illegal, illicit or not, were completely out of the

question with a man like Ruiz Aldoret. Moreover, people do not need to

know who had made such an agreement, he thought with malice. The idea of

having an affair with Ruiz seemed completely ridiculous, but needed to

convince Stella and Bruce that the two were free to be happy.

-First of all, - said Ruiz, after a moment of silence - just wanted to warn you

that this matter should be between us. So far, only the lawyers and I have

knowledge of the conditions of the will, besides you, of course.

-What exactly is required? - Leigh asked in a voice cold and impersonal.

-Part of the deal you know. After the wedding, we spend some time in

Carastrano to give the impression of a normal ceremony. Once satisfied the

terms of the will, we can find a way to quickly undo the marriage. There is

no legal problem. Any marriage can be annulled, since there is a conflict

between the spouses.

-I see no objection.

-You do not want to know first the terms of the contract? - Asked Ruiz,

with a slight irony in the black eyes.

-The terms?

-You will not naturally accept a contract that for nothing. This is the bottom

of a commercial action.

-I had not thought about it - Leigh said slowly. - I thought that payment

would be another way.

The expression on his face changed again. The look gave way to wry face

transfixed ever.

-How else, for example?

-What do you pretend to like me.

During the silence that followed, Leigh would have given everything to

remove the words he had said unforgivable. He dared not fix it in his eyes

and bowed his head towards the hands that were pressed upon the bosom, as

if they were the most important thing in the world at that moment, while she

inwardly tortured in anticipation of the scornful response would hear it.

-Why did you broke the engagement? - Ruiz finally asked.

She was so surprised by the question he raised his head quickly, but his

expression remained as enigmatic as ever, and could not imagine what kind

of reaction his request had caused.

-This matter? - He asked, stalling for time.

-No. .. unless it is an attempt to create jealousy in her boyfriend.

Making Bruce jealous? Prevent you from being happy with Stella when, in

fact, was so fond of the two? It was an idea so horrible and insulting his eyes

became brighter than any person, knowing a little better, realize that he was

about to explode.

-I asked this because I did not want you to come back after you have

accepted my proposal.

-He will marry my sister - said Leigh, seeking to control it.

-Ah, I see.

-No, you can not understand! - Exclaimed angrily, guessing what he was

thinking. The simple idea that could be using it to retrieve Bruce was so

unbearable that she has completely lost any trace of embarrassment that

might have on the absurd proposal that discussed at this time. - You can not

understand what happened! I really like my sister and want her to be happy

with Bruce. - He gave a bitter little laugh. - Do not worry about me, I'll get

me alone.

Ruiz leaned back in his chair and looked at her carefully. The expression

remained as impenetrable as before, but now the eyes had a slight hint of

curiosity. You mean she was not a creature with no emotions, as judged at

first? The dark blue eyes were bright, about to cry, but she could control

herself, bit his lip and had a tone impersonal and cold. That tight control

intrigued the first time.

-Excuse my outburst - Leigh said quietly. - But now at least you understand

where things are standing. I still like Bruce, not yet officially broke the

engagement, but the marriage will give me an excuse to act accordingly.

-Are you absolutely sure that this is necessary?

-Absolutely. I was surprised to inadvertently ... and I have no intention of

harming the happiness of the two claiming any obligation ridiculous for

me. This is the only way I have to convince them that I am not hurt, so do

not want to go back.

-You show an admirable altruism in the circumstances - Ruiz said coldly.

-You think? - I do not see how else could have acted.

Maybe not, thought Ruiz, starting to have a completely new view of his

secretary efficient and impersonal, it was not after all so devoid of emotion

and thought at first. After brightness ironic returned to his eyes.

-It is curious that you have trusted me to play that role ... then expressed the

opinion that about me in the restaurant - said with a calm voice.

Leigh blushed strongly. - So you heard?

-I heard a lot - confirmed dryly. - It was a real conviction that you gave

me. Is that really what you think of me?

-Of course not - quickly denied Leigh, for remember exactly what he had

said on that fateful day at Ricki's. Not remember anything in

particular. Probably just said what he thought of it. It had been a fool to

make a suggestion, thought sorry. He would never accept it, and would have

to swallow the humiliation of having confessed before him.

-Well, I think I can pretend that you suggested - Ruiz said after a moment

of silence. - And you will be able?

The question was so sudden and unexpected that Leigh blushed

involuntarily, thinking the first time in the role that should play in such an

agreement. When did the suggestion absurd, does not reflect the part that

you played ... How could pretend to love someone like Ruiz Aldoret?

-I will do everything possible - said with a calm voice. - People do not

usually reserved for show their feelings in public, and I think I'll have to

modify my usual way of being.

-In this case, we can consider the matter settled - said Ruiz. - Let's get

married later this month, if you do not object. There is no advantage in

waiting longer. I've arranged everything for the sale of the factory. -

Examined some papers on the table to say the last words. Then raised his

head and looked at her again, with his eyebrows arched slightly. - I guess

you do not know Spanish, so it would be advisable to take some classes in

the meantime. Be very useful to stay a few months in Carastrano. I'll pay of

course I will provide lessons and also to be made a deposit into your bank


-I thought...

-Do not worry about it - said Ruiz, interrupting it with an authoritarian hand

gesture. - Remember that we are making a trade agreement. All expenses

will be on my own.

-Well, if so ... - Leigh said, shaking his shoulders in resignation. - I leave

everything to you.

Ruiz reached out and picked up the phone. - I will provide a Spanish

teacher. There is a very good school...

-No need. I know I speak Spanish.

For the first time since he worked at the factory, Leigh was pleased to see

him momentarily stunned.

-You can speak Castilian? - Ruiz asked in Spanish. - When did you learn?

Leigh hesitated a moment. Speaking in Spanish with her, Ruiz expected to

respond in the same language, possibly to prove the veracity of his


-I wanted to spend the holidays last year in South America or Mexico -

answered carefully in Castilian, and was surprised and pleased to see the

smile which transformed the face normally closed.

-You have an excellent pronunciation.

-Thank you - Leigh said, amazed at the difference that could cause the

smile on his face. It was the first time I saw him smile, except when she

laughed ironically or with some witty comment.

-And you were not?

-At the last moment I changed my mind...

-You got engaged. - He spoke again in English. - I love Mexico and I would

be happy to show you some places I know.

Suddenly, the impersonal aspect of the conversation completely disappeared

and Leigh could not explain how this happened. The previous agreement

seemed suddenly so horrible and preposterous that she stared with curiosity,

like I could not believe his eyes.

-What are you thinking? - Ruiz asked, seeing his face thoughtful. - You are

intrigued by something I said?

-No, nothing special. Just thought you're a person other than the

imagined. The agreement does not seem quite so horrible and cold as before.

-No? Perhaps, in a sense, but there is no reason to be enemies, is not

it? Maybe it's a foregone conclusion, considering the part that each of us

must play - he said with a hint of irony in the black eyes.

-Yes, perhaps.

-I'm also surprised at you.

-In the end, none of us is what gives the opinion - Leigh said after a

moment, wondering how it would be the same man in private. I was

beginning to suspect that its previous view needed to be urgently corrected.

-You are absolutely right. I think it would be interesting to you to tell me

something of his family. It might seem a little weird if you do not know

anything about their relatives.

That brought up another aspect of the problem. Ruiz should be presented to

the family and Leigh had no idea how it would be received at home. For

three years, Ruiz gave the impression of being a man unapproachable and

distant. Now, every few minutes, he discovered some wholly new aspects of

his personality, as the face momentarily nostalgic when he referred to his

homeland. Wasting no time, in the eyes that stared attentively, Leigh

provided some details about family life.

-Stella's sister is so charming that seduced her boyfriend? - Ruiz asked

when she finished. He showed no surprise or interest to learn that Stella

Nordette was his sister.

Leigh shook her head in silence, as if all the hurt he had felt before had

come suddenly to mind.She declined to comment on the incident to him,

mainly because Ruiz was not the kind of man who would listen with

patience the confidences of love. Shortly after the interview ended. Ruiz

insisted, when he left, having lunch together on that day, so that the office

staff had any suspicion of what was happening. Leigh naturally imagined

that everyone would take a big scare with the news.

The worst bit though was still to come. Would you report it to Bruce. Or is

the worst part was when I had to play the role it had suggested? That

certainly would be the hardest thing of all ...pretend love for a man in whose

company he was not even comfortable.

He said nothing at home and waited for Bruce to appear to take her to the

cinema, as was agreed. Bruce seemed annoyed and slightly unwell, and

Leigh thought the news would give a new provision. He had been away a

few blocks from home when she broke the silence that weighed between the


-Let's stop for a while? - He said, turning to him. - I wanted to talk to you.

Bruce looked at her sideways, with one eye, and parked the car on a quiet

street. He turned to her, his face surprised.

-What happened?

-Our Engagement - Leigh said without preamble. - I've been thinking about

lately and came to the conclusion that it is better to finish...

-What did you say?

-That's right you heard. We do not combine well together. Our marriage

was a disaster.

Bruce was silent for a long time.

-Why you made this sudden decision?

Leigh shook hands on your knees and was able to give the biggest lie.

-Look, Bruce, I'm sorry you just admit it now ... but I did not like you when

we became engaged. There was another man in my life, but I thought there

was a chance my love is unrequited. Now there is this possibility ... -

Interrupted what was meant by a hand gesture. - I can not continue as his


-Who is this other?

-Ruiz Aldoret.

-Ruiz Aldoret? - The exclamation of surprise seemed an insult to another

man. - You're kidding!

-Absolutely. - He bit his lip, as if about to cry, which was true, but for

another reason. - I do not want to hurt you, Bruce ... but I fell for it three

years ago. No one knew anything, not even Ruiz.- He took the ring finger,

which always wore at night after coming home from work, and returned it to


-Does this have anything to do with Stella?

-With Stella? - Leigh repeated, as if not understand the question. - What

Stella has to do with it?

-Well, I thought ... Are you sure that has nothing to do with Stella and I?

-With Stella and you? I do not understand what you mean...

Bruce hesitated, turned away from hers and finally confessed:

-Stella and I ... well, we both discovered that we like each other. But she did

not want to tell you anything.

-What? - Leigh exclaimed, as if stunned by the news. He forced himself

then to give a grim smile. - Oh, how wonderful! So I need not feel guilty of

breaking the engagement? But I do not understand why Stella did not want

you to tell me.

-Stella would not want us two brigássemos. Said it would be better if

everything continues as before.

-And you left her alone to return to London? - Leigh exclaimed, biting his

lip nervously. - Oh, why did not notice anything? You must have suffered a

lot ... my sake.

-It does not matter now - Bruce said, kissing her with more sincerity than in

recent times.

It was that kiss that destroyed the illusion that she had carefully

nurtured. Horrified, he realized he was thirsty for your kisses, and when

Bruce walked away a few moments later, she wanted to cry with humiliation

and hatred.

-It was all a lie, is not it? - Bruce murmured in his ear. - Why did you

invent this story?

-It is not my invention. I'm really determined to marry Aldoret Ruiz.

-But you do not like it.

-What significance does it have?

-It does not matter? - Exclaimed Bruce. - You can not marry a man who

does not like! Stella would not accept ever...

-Stella does not need to know anything - Leigh interrupted firmly. The only

solution was to tell the whole truth. - Look, Bruce, we both entered in an

agreement. There is nothing permanent.

-I do not understand why you're acting that way - Bruce insisted, willing to

discuss the matter until the end.

Leigh, however, managed to finally convince him that marriage to Ruiz was

still standing. If Stella suspect the truth, it was unlikely to agree to marry

him. The only way, therefore, was to persuade her that Leigh was in fact in

love with Ruiz.

-You have to convince her! - Leigh insisted. - Stella does not need to

know. My marriage to Ruiz is only a temporary arrangement to facilitate the

dating between you two.

-Can be - Bruce agreed reluctantly. - But I do not like this solution.

-There is no other - said Leigh. - And you should not say anything to Stella

than talk. You promise?

-I promise - Bruce finally said.

As none of them was in the mood to go to the movies after that

conversation, they decided to return home. When Bruce stopped in front of

the gate, turned sharply to her.

-Not the best I tell you what happened to your family?

-No, you can leave on my own.

Before Bruce could discuss or make another suggestion, Leigh got off the

car and went quickly at home. On entering the room, found only Margaret

and Julie, the twins were gone to the room.

-You did not go to the movies with Bruce? - Asked Margaret.

-We were, but changed his mind. - I had to give the news quickly, just as

quiet and impersonal that he had discussed the matter with Bruce. -

Mommy, I wanted to inform you that I am no longer engaged to Bruce - he

said with a calm voice, reaching out to both to see which no longer used the


A shade of sadness crossed the cheerful face of Margaret.

-Do you fight?

-No, do not agree exactly. We concluded that it would be a mistake. - He

gave a grim smile. - Do not worry, Mom. Not the end of the world.

-But you said...

-I said many things that I felt - Leigh interrupted, trying to reassure her. - I

do not like and never liked Bruce.

There was a moment of silence.

-I do not understand, daughter ... What happened from yesterday to today?

-No, nothing special - Leigh said, trying to keep his voice calm. - For some

time I came here wanting to have a conversation with Bruce about it. And

today I took courage. I'm marrying someone else. - Made a short pause

before he adds quietly. - I'm going to marry Aldoret Ruiz.

-With Ruiz? - Exclaimed Julie powerless to control.

-With Aldoret Ruiz? - Repeated Margaret, in a low voice, with a puzzled

face. Remembering the way her daughter had described the factory owner

Meredith, could not understand how she could love a man cold and distant,

though very attractive, like Julie said. - Look, you took me by surprise this

time ... - Said at last. - I could never imagine...

-I wanted to comment on this matter before you, but there was no


-You will really get married with Ruiz? - Julie insisted.

-We announce the engagement within a few days and we intend to get

married before the end of the month...

Leigh then told the story he had prepared. He said he liked to Ruiz from the

first day he started working at the factory, but never imagined that his love

was reciprocated. It was strange the ease with which he spoke of the case, as

if the fact of playing a role would make it easier.Would have kept the secret

even to Bruce if he had not kissed with joy upon receiving their

freedom. Was sorry now coming up with the beans, but all would end well if

Stella did not know anything. It was strange and disturbing way admit that,

very soon, would be linked to a man it was a perfect stranger.

-And you pretend to not like him! - Julie exclaimed the smiling face. - That

day in Ricki's you said the worst things from him.

-I do not want anyone to know what she felt for him - said Leigh. - You

know how this news spread ... If you hear someone praise my boss, I would

say immediately that he was in love with him.

-That's true - Julie agreed.

Margaret smiled at his eldest daughter and shook his head with a startled

expression on his face still visible.

-I confess that the news was a surprise to me, but if that is what you really

want, I'm glad it ended this way. - He changed his tone and asked with a

smile on his face. - When will you introduce us to this mysterious Ruiz


-One of these days I'll bring it here.

-Wow! - Julie exclaimed with animation. - Only then will work with my

brother! You was not no way to treat your boss with intimacy? - Asked then,

with a malicious grin.

-More or less - said Leigh, while realizing that never had much intimacy

with Ruiz. But I knew that Julie's comment was true. One day would have to

pretend intimacy with Ruiz in front of others and what was even more

difficult to pretend that I loved him with all my heart. It was really terrible


Later, it's time to tell the news to her father. Leigh had no idea of what

would be the reaction of John.

-She will marry whom? - Asked the father with the bushy eyebrows at the

time of the marriage Margaret announced shortly.

The face of the father was not very encouraging. It would be nasty if Ruiz

was received with hostility by the family, thought Leigh. But there was no

reason for concern. John fixed it with dark blue eyes for a moment and then,

to his surprise, given their unconditional approval.

-He is a good party. I would not have chosen a better husband for you.

-But how? - Exclaimed Margaret pretending indignation. - You're not

surprised by the news?

-Why? Ruiz is the right husband to Leigh. Bruce is very insecure.

That was the view of the father of Bruce? Strange how people say frankly

what they thought happened when some unexpected event. As John would

receive the news that Stella and Bruce wanted to get married? Leigh

preferred to say nothing at this time. It was better than Stella or Bruce

announce the wedding. After that conversation with the family, the same

story was repeated several times to the known, and Leigh felt somewhat

ashamed to be becoming a perfect liar. He added including some spicy

details to lie. As Ruiz sold the factory and was leaving for Mexico, predicted

that he would feel much nostalgia for his secretary, and he did not know that

Leigh was engaged to Bruce, had seized the opportunity and asked her to

marry him unexpectedly. Leigh, however, began to feel a terrible sense of

guilt by noting that he could easily convince others with their lies. That

night, when lying down, cried some time with his head buried in the pillow,

hoping that early in the morning the pillow was dry and no one discovered

what their true feelings. The next morning, to take the lead to work, Leigh

remembered with anxiety that was pretending to be in love with Ruiz when

he was in his presence. I could not even pronounce naturally his first name,

let alone give demonstrations of affection in public! Bitterly regretted

having suggested this marriage nonsense, but now must continue until the

end, it was the only solution that had to be successful in your plan.

It was some minutes I was sitting at his desk when he heard the bell calling

her to go to the room Ruiz. After the first moment of anxiety, Leigh realized

that there was no reason to worry.Ruiz proved to be the same as ever and

not even mention the date of engagement. The biggest surprise came from

the part of Kerry. In the evening, she entered the room and Leigh was

straight to the point with his usual ease.

-There are rumors that you will marry Ruiz - Kerry said bluntly. - I just

heard the news now, but have come to warn her before. - He made a gesture

of anger. - I would like to strangle the person who spread this

rumor! Imagine what Ruiz will think if this comes to its knowledge!

Leigh looked up at her friend and fixed it with a serene smile.

-I who scattered the news.

-You what? - Exclaimed Kerry, completely stunned.

-I will really marry Ruiz.

-You're crazy!

-Why? I like it.

-Do you like my ass! - Kerry exclaimed indignantly. - Do you like it so

much as I do!

-He looked at her friend with a worried and begged him to tell the truth.

-Leigh repeated the story told to others, but this time did not produce the

slightest effect.

-This is the story more absurd and crazy I have ever heard in my life! -

Kerry said, when she finished. - Now tell me the truth!

-But that is the truth - Leigh insisted.

-For the love of God, Leigh, do not give me that! I know you for

years ... and I will not swallow this lie.

-Okay - said Leigh, acknowledging defeat. - You won. Neither of us is in

love with each other. It is a simple agreement that we made for personal

reasons. Ruiz had to marry before returning to Mexico, to inherit the family


-It is now clearer - Kerry said sharply. - But why would you accept such a

proposal? And Bruce?

-Bruce is going to marry Stella - Leigh murmured, confirming the suspicion

of friends. Leigh could never imagine that Kerry witnessed the courtship

between the two and that he wanted to flay Stella.

Kerry heard the explanation in silence, without comment, his face closed

and replaced by Leigh, guessed that his friend had been deeply hurt with the

irresponsible behavior of Stella.

-I took this decision to facilitate things - ended Leigh. - Stella could feel

guilty if I did not know that I love was determined to marry another man.

Kerry felt the temptation to tell his girlfriend that he had suspicions about

Stella, but preferred to keep secret, because I knew it would not

matter. Leigh does not believe it and it could even shake the old friendship

that existed between the two. Therefore, she abstained once again to

comment on the case. Suddenly, however, it occurred to him a more

troubling than the previous.

-This ... marriage contract ... includes an heir? - Asked hesitantly, glancing

at Leigh.

Leigh blushed to the roots of hair.

-Of course not! - I said no way, although he suspected the depths that the

clause in question specifically mentioned the existence of an heir. If Ruiz

had omitted this article will, it was not for her to mention it, especially

because this certainly was not his desire. I could not think of anything more

terrible than physically leave the arms of someone so cold and distant as

Aldoret Ruiz. If this was an essential condition of the contract would never

have accepted. Find another way to help Stella and Bruce.

-Do you think that others will suspect the real reason the marriage? - Leigh

asked after a moment of silence.

-I think not. They will believe that you always liked Ruiz ... But I do not

know how you will do to convince the family.

If Ruiz adopt the usual attitude of reserve and coolness, his mother will end

up suspecting something ... Leigh agreed with the opinion of the

friend. Margaret, in fact, had a very keen perception accordingly.

-Ruiz and I are going to pretend we like each other - said Leigh, with an

innocent smile, savoring the effect that his words caused.

Kerry reacted as she had expected. He fixed her with his mouth open,

incredulously, unable to believe his ears.

-You will pretend to love? - Repeated, his eyes fixed on her friend. - This is

beyond anything imaginable. And he agreed?

-Willingly - Leigh murmured quietly.

-He agreed with this puppet? - Kerry repeated, stunned, shaking his head. -


-You'll see.

Kerry laughed sound.

-I have no patience to wait. I'll look through the keyhole when Ruiz give

him a passionate kiss!

-I hope this does not happen ever - Leigh said awkwardly. - Only the

extroverts make love in public and will not need to pretend when we are


-Still, I can not imagine Ruiz in love with someone ... This is not to scare

you, my dear, but you never know how far the Spanish blood can change the

behavior of a man...

Leigh gave him a look restless and chose not to consider the possibility of

Ruiz come to break the platonic marriage. Kerry looked her friend in

silence, worried about the likely consequences of such a contract. Leigh

wanted to say not to rush things, to postpone the wedding for some time,

because I was convinced that Stella soon tired of Bruce. Stella could bet that

he did not like Bruce and wanted to just entertain themselves by taking the

groom's sister. His intention was probably to dispose of a Bruce at the

earliest opportunity and announce that everything was finished, and the case

would not have more serious consequences if Leigh is resigned to accept

him back. It was just a gamble that Stella had imagined, without suspecting

that his sister was aware of it. Stella, on the bottom, would find no grace in

dating with Bruce if he knew the boy was not the groom's sister. Especially

because Bruce was not quite their type. If Stella chooses one day a husband

would be someone very rich, a man who gave him all the comfort and

luxury that always wanted. The success was good, but Stella would prefer

not to apply excessive force to get it. The hope was that Kerry broke with

Stella before Leigh Bruce commit itself definitively to Ruiz. If Bruce

returned to Leigh, Ruiz could not of course require that she keep the

contract up.


Koreston is a small town that grew suddenly, but nonetheless became a

cluster of houses and buildings. The old residents remembered as the city

had been a small provincial center for a large and active metropolis. The old

town was still, on the other side of the river - which is still running smoothly

as usual - but, before him, across the modern bridge of reinforced steel,

stand the buildings of the new shopping mall, luxury apartments,

shops elegant and large supermarkets. In the periphery, the suburbs are

usual, with its small houses and well cared for, and far beyond, are the old

neighborhoods, which still retain a rural appearance and quiet. It was one of

those old neighborhoods, on top of the hill, the family lived in Leigh. The

house was large and jeitosa, built of gray stones, and yard by climbing up

the hill as if it had grown gradually as necessary, without any prior

planning. Margaret was washing the dishes and cutlery, coffee in the kitchen

sink, helped by two daughters, it was Saturday and neither had a job.

-Are happening many surprises in the family lately - said Margaret, putting

a dish in the rack and driving a smile to the two daughters.

-I totally agree - said Julie. - First is Leigh announcing her marriage to

Ruiz, and now is that Bruce is dating with Stella.

-We can not complain of monotony in this house - Margaret said with a

laugh sound.

The news about the dating of Bruce and Stella continued to be the favorite

topic of conversation, but unfortunately, the two had not yet announced their

engagement. Bruce off to London to meet with Stella, but found the

apartment open. Called the film company where he worked and Stella was

not successful either. Apparently no one had been informed of the

engagement between the famous actress and this unknown man from the

inside. The operator, believing that Bruce was more of a fans who attend the

studios, declined to give the address of Stella. Said only that the last scenes

of the film were being run out of town and that Stella would be back within

a few weeks. Bruce, angry and frustrated, he returned to Koreston and

sought to know the whereabouts of Margaret daughter. Was then forced to

tell what happened between the two during the last visit to Stella. But

Margaret did not have the new address of Stella. Bruce finally resigned

himself to send a letter to her apartment in London, in the hope that Stella

answered when he returned from filming. When Kerry knew that Stella

absent from London, without being informed that Bruce was free again, he

managed to do a nasty comment. I thought inwardly that fate was being very

favorable to Stella lately. He hoped that Bruce would take just one out of

Stella, but the boy did not even had the opportunity to find it and in the

meantime, the "contract" Leigh was approaching his time.

-It's strange what happened between Stella and Bruce - said Julie. - I never

thought that Stella would choose a guy like Bruce to marry. As for Ruiz

Aldoret, I bet he has learned to date in the meantime, despite what you said

that day at Ricki's.

For some reason, although he suspected that the opinion of the sister would

not be realized, Leigh blushed slightly. Julie burst out laughing to see his

face red.

-I did not say! And I bet he does not sleep in point...

-Julie, anyway! - Protested his sister, not knowing what to say, but was

saved at the exact moment the noisy entrance of the twins, who nearly

brought down a pile of plates before being expelled again from the kitchen.

After finishing the dishes, Julie picked up a book and was reading in the

garden. Leigh wore a short old man and a faded shirt and was taking care of

plants, while Margaret went to the front of the house where the family car

was parked in the passage. He went to the city, left the car in a parking lot

and made the purchases I needed at the supermarket. Everything was going

as he wished, until the moment when, while trying to start the car, it no

surprise that the engine would not start. Went out of the car and observed

with his face puzzled. The man who took care of parking and that he knew

many years ago came up with the quizzical look.

-Something wrong, Miss Margaret?

On hearing this name, another man who was at some distance he turned


-He will not start - said Margaret, pointing to the car.

-I'll take a look.

The valet lifted the hood of the car and examined the engine for several

minutes. He walked away and then shook his head.

-I found nothing loose. Maybe we should call a tow truck.

Margaret shrugged with resignation.

-In that case, I will return home by taxi.

-Can I help you with anything? - Asked a low voice, with a slightly

different pronunciation from the one used to hear.

Margaret turned and saw a tall, dark, standing beside his car, a few meters

away, and then slowly approached the two. With watchful eyes, then noticed

that the man wore a suit cut for a good tailor, but the wear with the

naturalness of someone who was accustomed to good things.

-The car will not start, doctor - explained the garage.

By the way respectful to the attendant went to the unknown, was seen to be

someone very important.

-In this case I could take it home - said the dark man, with a smile. - My

name is Ruiz Aldoret.

Margaret was startled to hear his name. So that was the boyfriend of his

daughter! He appreciated the kindness and, while Ruiz provided the

operation of the car, examined it carefully, though with anxiety that the

mother before the man with whom her daughter wanted to marry. She

immediately adopted the beauty of dark angular face, the aquiline nose and

dark eyes and black hair and bright, strong teeth and very white, firm mouth,

the chin large and authoritative. The skin was a shade slightly faded, as if he

needed to take a bit of sun. Margaret, more experienced than her daughter,

there are many things that Leigh had not noticed.

-I hope that has not been very surprised with our engagement - Ruiz said at

the time that the black car and luxury car came slowly.

-Surprise? - Margaret repeated with a smile. - I really do not know how my

daughter kept this secret for so long!

Again she noticed a slight smile at the corner of the lips that significantly

changed the face distant and reserved.

-It was my fault. I asked Leigh to keep a secret. I ask forgiveness.

-You are forgiven - Margaret said with a laugh, feeling very comfortable in

the company of dark and handsome man. Not understand why Leigh said

before Ruiz was a man who scared people.

Shortly after, the remaining doubts that might have on the choice of the

daughter vanished completely. For soon it was the knowledge was sure that

Aldoret Ruiz was a man he could trust and who would happily Leigh.

Meanwhile, Leigh and Julie have been disturbed in their household by the

sudden arrival of the twins who had gone to play in the orchard behind the

house. Rushed into the garden, with feathers on his head, painted with

lipstick again Julie and screaming as two Indians redskin.

-Oh, God! - Julie exclaimed, covering his ears against the din hideous and

resigned to the impossibility to continue reading quietly. - The Apaches are

back at war!

-The paleface is our prisoner - "Tess said with an air of importance.

-Oh? - Julie commented, preparing to get out there, but the small twin - half

hour apart brother - gave him a pleading smile with lipstick lipstick.

-Ah, Julie, you will not play with us?

-Julie shook her head and looked at Leigh, who was kneeling over the bed

of poppies.

-I also am a prisoner? - Asked Leigh.

-No, you will climb the tree - said Tess. - You're too big to be imprisoned.

-Ah, thank you. Glad I'm not a victim.

Tom reflected a moment and decided to slightly change the roles.

-Julie is the Indian princess who was captured by another tribe. And Leigh

is famous chief who will try to save it.

Leigh thanked him for the high position he played in game two and the

twins picked up a green satin ribbon and a chicken feather and graced with

these decorations. Julie has a taste for fun and let the hair that fell over his


-Wow! - Tess cried with joy. - Now you're like a real Indian.

Tom took the case lipstick he kept in his pants pocket.

-Oh, no! - Said Leigh.

-Oh, no, Leigh. Just a little! - Tess insisted, with an irresistible smile on her

lips red. - You need to paint to look like an Indian.

With the strange feeling that he should not accept the request of the little

sister, Leigh finished goods on makeshift makeup, as Tom disappeared in

the garden looking for some other ornament. Julie followed the scene

supported the trunk of the tree, with a beatific smile on his face, while Tess

went lipstick on the lips and cheeks of her sister.

Soon after Tom returned with a cardboard box, along with Kerry. After the

first moment of surprise, Kerry laughed to see the fantasy of Leigh.

-I'm so so awful? - Asked Leigh.

-You need to see in the mirror!

-Thankfully, no one around - Leigh said, looking around. - I've got a

sneaking suspicion that the two have not finished with my fantasy.

Meanwhile, Tom and Tess they confabulated quietly near the cardboard box

that had been placed on the floor. Julie and Kerry exchanged looks of

understanding. Leigh, however, turned to the twins with a certain

apprehension in his eyes, which increased further when the two ended the

conference. Tess came up with a piece of blue chalk in hand, and Leigh has

undergone patiently painting as the girl drew a blue line on the nose and

another on the forehead. Tom, in turn, passed the leather belt with a knife in

the sheath, around the waist of Leigh. Finally, he received an ax handle, and

the two little away to admire the effect.

-What do you think? - Asked Tess, with hands on hips.

-You are phenomenal! - Said Kerry, containing laughter. - It's worth taking

a picture. - He turned to Julie. - Can I take the camera?

-No, no photo! - Leigh protested.

The twins but jumped and shouted, insisting that Kerry would take the

camera. Realizing he had no alternative. Leigh resigned and Kerry went to

the house.

-Now we choose a place to take the picture - "Tess said with an air of

importance. - How about under the tree? - He asked Julie, pointing to the

apple orchard.

Julie agreed and was tied in the trunk of the tree. The two spent several turns

of rope clothesline around his waist, but left no loose ends, so he could free

himself when he wanted.

-Hey, no! - Exclaimed Julie. - You came to save me.

Leigh just amused and laughing, because he had no choice but to pretend

that he enjoyed it.After all, the distraction caused her to forget Bruce for a


-What do I do with the hatchet? Get up to? - He asked, with the hatchet of

plastic over the head of Julie.

Tess looked at the pose with hands on hips.

-Not bad ... but I'd rather you go up the tree.

-Chief Gorilla - Julie whispered with a grin.

-One more word and pull her hair - said Leigh holding the machete. Julie

pretended he was scared to death to be the scalp, but spoiled the effect of

falling out laughing.

-And now, what do I do? - Asked Leigh.

-If you see your face! - Commented Julie. - Ah, it was all for Ruiz to see

those costumes!

-God forbid!

Then, at the request of the small Indian apache, Leigh began to climb the

tree, which could do perfectly, and sat in the branches of the apple tree with

his legs dangling in the air and over the head of Julie. He held the trunk with

the left hand and the other brandished a hatchet.

-It is good? - He asked the sister, who watched from below.

Tess shook her head with joy. - You are great!

Meanwhile, Kerry came home in time to hear the noise of a car at the

gate. With camera in hand, smiling to herself, went to the front door to be

assuming that Margaret was back on purchases. Margaret was in fact - but

Kerry's eyes widened when he saw the man who accompanied her.

-Hello, Kerry - Margaret said with a smile. - Look who came to visit us.

Kerry swallowed hard to see Ruiz.

-Where are the girls? - Asked Margaret.

-They are in the garden - Kerry said awkwardly.

At that moment, they heard a scream outside, muffled by distance, but

perfectly audible.Margaret laughed. - You will take a picture of the

Indians? - He asked, looking at the machine that Kerry held.

-Hmm - Kerry replied evasively, thinking how he would advise Leigh. - I'll

tell Leigh that you are here. I'll be back in a minute...

But before she left the room, heard a rallying cry coming from the orchard,

this time a woman's scream.

-Do not tell me that Leigh is playing with the twins? - Asked Margaret

recognizing the voice of the daughter.

-Well .. both insisted ... and costumes of India - Kerry said, casting a glance

at Ruiz. - I'll call it.

-Let everyone - said Margaret. - I'm sure that Ruiz will not make the

ceremony. - He smiled at him. - If Leigh is dressed as Indian as last time, it

is worth seeing...

-Are even worse - Kerry murmured, remembering the lipstick and blue lines

around the face.

-Let's see! - Margaret said with animation. He took the camera from the

hands of Kerry and headed for the door. - It's worth taking a picture!

The episode took only a few minutes. At a time when Kerry met with

Margaret and Ruiz at home, the twins had finished tying Julie tree. When

the three left home, Leigh was climbing the tree. Therefore came to the

orchard on the precise moment - and Ruiz at the scene most unexpected of

his life.

Tied in the trunk of the apple was a pretty teenager, with long hair blown by

the wind, with an expression on his face that was a mixture of dread and

desire to laugh. At some distance from the trunk, in the middle of a bush,

they met two faces painted and two children crouched with feathers on his

head. But it was the sight of another family member that caused the greatest


Lying on the branch of the tree, her hair falling in two long braids, her face

painted with lipstick and blue chalk, his desk was efficient and

transfixed. Leigh When he heard the click of the camera, looked to the

side. The horror immediately dilated her eyes and she wanted to disappear

into the tree. Astonished by what he saw before him, looked down,

completely horrified, and saw his face startled and fun Aldoret Ruiz. When

he approached the trunk, she moved away, with intent to escape somehow

from their eyes, even if you had to stand on a higher branch and hide among

the leaves, but its erratic motion and embarrassment caused him to lose

balance. With his face red beneath the painting, tried to cling to the branch

with the hand holding the machete, which was not possible, of course, and

plunged directly into the arms of Ruiz.

For a few seconds remained there, dead with fright, then released with a

murmur of apology and went to every home, stopping only when he entered

and closed the room. Here, for the first time, saw their faces in the

mirror. The short and the blouse were old and shabby. Both were with

smudges of earth from the flower beds where squatted before, not to

mention the patches of green paint on the day he helped his father to paint

the garage. On both sides there were three lists of a wide red color of blood,

two blue stripes on the forehead and another on the nose. A red ball on the

chin completed the fantasy of apache - that would frighten even a redskin

Indian real! There was no doubt that was funny with that fantasy, but it had

nothing to do with the girl reserved and well behaved that Ruiz knew.

Leigh played the hatchet on the ground and sat on the edge of the bed,

making a fit of nervous laughter. And that Kerry lied when he entered the


-Are you one thing! - Exclaimed Kerry falling into laughter before the

priceless picture of his girlfriend.

-What should I do now? - Leigh murmured. - I do not have the courage to

come down and talk to him.

-There's no other way - Kerry said, wiping her eyes. - I do not have time to

warn her. His mother heard the screams in the back yard and wondered just

what was happening. She found that Ruiz would like to witness the


-Did you see the guy who made it? - Asked Leigh unable to control

laughter. - He must be thinking that's going to marry an apache. I take a

bath. I'll be back in a minute - said to Kerry, speaking to the bathroom.

When he returned a few minutes later, the skin was clean and fresh, and her

hair fell loose over her shoulders. By stripping her robe, Kerry realized that

she was only with a satin panties, and looked very beautiful and attractive to

accept a marriage of that kind.

-You will not put a dress? - He asked, seeing her friend get in the closet a

black skirt and a white blouse. - Remember that you will meet the


Leigh hesitated a moment and finally accepted the suggestion of her

friend. He put the skirt and blouse in the closet and picked up, instead, a

well dressed female crepe green that matched her red hair. The dress was

tight on the waist and very wide in the legs, accentuating the graceful line of

the slender body. It was a pure waste of time to dress that way for a man like

Ruiz, Leigh thought staring in the mirror. He did not notice any difference if

the usual skirt and blouse she wore in the office. It was for Bruce would like

to make beautiful, and not for the cold and distant man who was waiting

downstairs. He sat on the dressing table and began to brush the hair that fell

on the back. But before he could do the braids usual, Kerry took the brush of

his hand.

-You got what I do. Go faster.

A few minutes later, with his hair around his head, a light face painting,

Leigh was ready to go down - but scared to death to face Ruiz.

How would you convince the family that she felt love for a man who meant

nothing to her? The worst was having to fake it with a cold and apathetic

creature, with whom she always felt embarrassed and awkward.

-Cross your fingers! - Kerry murmured as they left the room together.

The dress has a slight noise when the silk down the stairs and Leigh

remembered fondly by Bruce, who used to dress like that. He felt a twinge

in my heart and thought it would a lifelong Janice, suffering for a man who

could no longer Tues But should not think about these things at the

moment. Needed to forget Bruce and concentrate on what I should do that

afternoon. In addition to the current crisis and forget the man she loved, was

to pretend to love the other. It had to be more talented than an actress. No

one could suspect that his representation was false, because that was a real

situation and not an imaginary film. He crossed the corridor next to Kerry

and entered the living room. Ruiz talked animatedly with his father, but

quickly rose to greet them. It was rare that two redheads were close friends,

but it was evident at first glance, like Ruiz immediately realized. Leigh, in

turn, noted that Ruiz was extremely friendly and sociable when he wanted,

not to mention the attraction of its visible masculinity.

She smiled at him with a little effort and was surprised and grateful to

receive a smile back. She had never noticed before that a simple smile made

much difference. He felt a lump in my throat and thought that Ruiz could be

dangerous to the tranquility of a woman, thanks to the attractiveness and

magnetism that shone in his smiling face.

-How are you, darling? - Asked naturally, while she was still recovering

from the shock caused by the captivating smile. Maybe he used this

expression affectionate because he did not remember his first name, he

thought with malice.

Then, as if to confuse it further, at the time Leigh extended his hand, Ruiz

grabbed her and put his arm around the shoulder, as was natural to do in that


-You will not introduce me to that young Apache who found out there? - He

asked with a straight face, which caused a general laughter.

-Let's forget the incident - said Leigh, looking to become accustomed to the

pressure of the tanned arm over his shoulder.

Margaret laughed and shook his head.

-If a picture out good, Ruiz, I'll give you a copy.

-I would love to have one - said Ruiz. - Just so I have concrete proof that

Leigh loves to play, and not always honest and efficient secretary I know!

He smiled back at her, deliberately, the same way as before, and Leigh gave

an embarrassed laugh, letting go of his hand and going to sit on the couch.

-Your father and I were explaining to Ruiz that he will not marry an Indian,

but it was very easy!- Said Margaret.

The others laughed again and Leigh felt more comfortable in the relaxed

atmosphere. Only then did not have to explain the confusion and

embarrassment I felt in the presence of the groom.Ruiz sat down beside her

and put his arm over his shoulder in a gesture natural and possessive.Leigh,

who was not familiar with that contact, he felt slightly disturbed by physical

proximity.Margaret looked at them with smiling face and, if noticed some

embarrassment in her daughter's attitude, attributed to the fact that Leigh is

not an outgoing person, who gave demonstrations of affection in

public. Leigh, meanwhile, was surprised at the ease with which Ruiz played

role in engagement combined and exchanged a look of understanding with

Kerry, as if to say: "I never thought he was such a good actor." Ruiz

inadvertently intercepted the look of the two and smiled from the corner of

his mouth. In addition, Leigh was also surprised and pleased with the

simplicity with which Ruiz was driving on the family. None of these seemed

to remember his wealth and social position, he made no effort to please

others and even had a special charm that instinctively attracted the attention

of others. Shortly after, during the conversation, the subject of his former

house in Mexico was discussed again.

-Tell us something about your house in Mexico - said Margaret with a

friendly smile. - What do you call it? Carastrano, if I am wrong?

-Exactly. For ten years I will not be there - Ruiz said with a look of longing

in his eyes black, and with a melancholy smile on his lips as if he had

momentarily forgotten the presence of other people in the room and stared

contemplate the distant past.

-You never forgot there? - Leigh asked impulsively.

Ruiz watched her with eyes nostalgic and Leigh did not know if it was part

of the pretense or whether it was a true expression of tenderness, to be

thinking about something that was very important in your life.

-No, never forgotten - he said quietly and for a moment, there was

something painful and bitter dark eyes, something that led you to put your

hand on top of it. - I think I'll never forget that day - he said. There was

however need to forget, because soon return there. Remembering this, he

smiled again and Leigh suspected that this time it was a sham. - Good thing

going back there soon ... and you better come back married to single.

-After you have finished flirting with my sister, tell a story about Mexico -

said a sweet voice of a child.

-Tess, anyway! - Margaret exclaimed, immediately recognizing the voice of

the daughter.

Margaret would send his daughter down the window when Ruiz gave him a

friendly smile.

-With great pleasure. What would you like to hear?

It was too late, Leigh thought in panic. Should have warned before.

Tess smiled Ruiz with bright eyes, slipped off the sill and went to watch him

more closely. Leigh felt a chill to imagine the questions that Tess would do.

-His family arrived in Mexico with the Spaniards? - Asked Tess with an air

of importance.

-Yes, Don Xavier was the founder of our family. They say I look a little

like him.

-Oh? - Tess exclaimed with a straight face. - How is the house there?

-In Carastrano? - Ruiz inquired with condescension. - The house is very

large and very old, with flowers all around. There is a fountain in the

courtyard that seems to be always singing ... and many, roses, which were

the favorite flowers of my mother. - He paused a moment.

-My mother was English, but I'd never met. She died when I was born. And

my father, who was Spanish, died some years later.

For a moment Leigh anguished thought that Tess was going to ask why he

had been living in England but at the same instant, the fickle little girl was

thinking of something else.

-You come to my birthday? - He asked, as if she was a great honor to invite


Ruiz smiled and accepted the invitation gladly.

-I am happy to come. But I still do not know when it's your birthday,


Tess quickly said the date and put it in your mind in your list of known

adults. She seemed very happy with the fact that Ruiz have it called by the

name of Theresa, and not the usual name of Tess. Leigh surprised at that

moment the look of Ruiz and for a brief moment when their eyes met, he

noticed that the smile was not fake. Taken aback, lowered his face and

changed the subject. After taking tea, Leigh accompanied the groom to the

door and, not knowing what to say, again mentioned the anniversary of the

little sister.

-You need not come naturally.

-Why? Do you prefer that I not come?

-Absolutely not. Just thought you might hate the little parties of children.

-How do you know if I like or not?

-I do not know. That is why I suggested decline the invitation. Could invent

an excuse. Tess's parties always end in a huge uproar. First you have to

meeting the children, where adults do not take part, and another with the

family, before they go to bed.

-Ah, I see. - Watched her with an enigmatic expression. - Your ex-

boyfriend used to come to these parties?

-Yes, but...

-So I see no reason to abstain - said with decision.

-Well, I just wanted to warn you - insisted Leigh. - One of Tess's favorite

tricks is to make indiscreet questions. On her birthday she has more freedom

than usual. Do you understand now my fear?

-Hmm, I see. What are you afraid especially?

-I do not know ... but all Tess can happen.

-In this case, I will make an effort to answering the questions that she does -

Ruiz said with a smile. - Speaking of which ... about our scenario. You need

to feel more comfortable in my company, but others will end up realizing

that we are pretending.

Leigh blushed suddenly.

-I know that, but it's hard for me...

-Pretend love for me? I know it is, as the suggestion came from you, we can

not retreat now.

She lifted her head and looked at him with shining eyes.

-I do not want to go back. Generally take until the end what I started.

-I know that - Ruiz murmured softly. He fixed it then with the same

sardonic look that both irritated. - By the way, my name is Ruiz. It would be

preferable that you call me by first name, especially in front of his family.

Leigh nodded his head as a child accused of an adult.

-There's nothing too pretend intimacy - Ruiz continued, as if reading his

mind. - And also wanted to remember something else.

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a canister inside. Guessing

instinctively what it was, Leigh put her hands on his back, a gesture of child

protection. This engagement was a proof of love and commitment for the

future. The alliance was only another phase of the scenario, the outward sign

of an agreement that no one suspected, with the exception of Kerry and

Bruce. The black eyebrows rose with a visible movement of mockery when

he held her by the wrist.

-A necessary evil, my dear. I fully understand your scruples, but we do not

consider it a gift of love.

Leigh raised her head with insolence, thinking say an insult. What family

would think if they see this scene? Ruiz holding his hand tightly, while the

other had a box open with a stunning alliance of dark sapphire.

-I was not thinking about it - he murmured at last. - But that this seems an

unnecessary extravagance...

-Although the normal, as you have to admit. Your family expects you to use

an alliance.

-I know - reluctantly agreed, still, while Ruiz put the ring on his right hand.

-Look, it fit perfectly! - Ruiz exclaimed upon seeing the ring finger slip

by. Leaned over and kissed the soft palm of the hand. - It is part of this

engagement - noted with irony.

-It's a beautiful covenant.

-I chose a stone that matched the color of your eyes.

-How do you know which is the color of my eyes! - Leigh commented


-Oh, no? - He held her by the chin and raised his head. For a moment,

Leigh had the absurd impression that he was going to kiss her mouth, but

Ruiz was limited to smile wryly and turned to release it. Guessed his

thoughts? - If you knew, would not have chosen a stone in exactly the same

color. Or do you prefer a diamond?

-No, like most of sapphires - Leigh said awkwardly. As he discovered his

preferences so quickly?

-Then I hit on the head. - He glanced at the closed door of the room. - It's

time to go ... or have not had enough time to say goodbye?

Again Leigh felt like telling an insult. He treated her like a schoolgirl! What

happened to pose a reserved and quiet that held the office, even in times of


-I think so - he said, and fell when he accidentally ran his hand through

your hair, breaking hair slightly.

-A necessary detail - Ruiz said dryly. - You are very neat for someone who

has just bid farewell to the groom.

Leigh's face felt hot, and in his embarrassment, he found a word to answer

in kind, mainly because they still remembered the contact of his mouth in

the palm of your hand.

-If you insist on a realistic effect - said finally, raising his head with pride


-Now you - Ruiz said, moving away from one step to admire it at will. -

Now I can say goodbye to you ... adiós.

-Adiós - repeated, hearing the first use that word of farewell in the

conversation. It was because he was about to return to Mexico?

-Nothing more?

-Adiós ... Ruiz - Leigh said shyly.

When he left, Leigh took up some time there, absorbed in thought. A cold

and remote personality of the office was well known, but the new aspect of

Ruiz left her really perplexed.Smiled at her with a tenderness and visible

brief physical contact

-The fingers past the hair, lips resting on the palm of the hand - was enough

to disturb it completely.

His eyes remained pensive when he returned to the room. Margaret received

her with a smiling countenance.

-No need to ask! I really liked it. Much.

Leigh turned to his father. - And you, Dad?

John nodded. - It is an educated man. I just want to know if everything will

work out with Stella and Bruce.

-Why should I not give? - Asked Leigh.

-Well, do not comment on anything before, most were a little apprehensive

when you became engaged to Bruce - said Margaret.

-In what sense?

-Bruce is insecure and likes to depend on the people - said John.

-I never noticed it.

-These things can not be seen - said Margaret. - It's something that we

suspect more than sure. That is why we were so amazed when we heard that

Stella was dating him.

-Maybe Bruce has righted - said Julie.

-No, I do not - Leigh impulsively said, remembering he had witnessed in

the living room. - I heard a comment from Stella this - he quickly added,

noticing the look that the other sent it. - I do not associate the fact that at the

time, but now crossed my mind.

-This dating is really weird - Julie agreed. - I never thought that Stella

would be interested in Bruce.

-Who knows if in the end everything will be OK?

Everything will work out for Stella, thought Kerry in a bad mood. Things

always ended well for her. But who knows Leigh had not come out with a

winning return? If the man who had been in that room until a few minutes

ago was the real Aldoret Ruiz, and not just an actor, Kerry had the

impression that Leigh would be happier in his company than in that of


Margaret ran a leer to his daughter, much like the smile brejeiro Julie.

-Your boyfriend is a legitimate caballero!

-Well, look, I just realized that today. He often kept cold and distant in the

office, and I do not remember more than he had Spanish blood in his


-But now you will not get over it!

Leigh blushed slightly as he recalled the expression of black eyes when they

broke up their hair in the hallway.

-So? - Kerry asked with shining eyes. - You will forget or not?

Instead of giving an answer embarrassing, Leigh reached out and showed

the alliance had received from Ruiz. Until then, for some reason could not

explain, the hidden hand behind his back, as if reluctant to display the

beautiful blue gem. Julie uttered a cry of admiration, which was repeated in

a low voice for all others, when they saw the glow of polished sapphire in a

rectangular format, accompanied by two small diamonds.

That same night, in the quiet of the bedroom, Leigh thought of everything

that happened during the afternoon, recalling every word that was spoken in

the room. Ruiz was a true knight, as his mother said. As would be

Carastrano? Exhibit the legendary courtesy that is a traditional attribute of

the old Spanish families? And another talent, that made her famous race and

world famous? Leigh thought, staring at the dark ceiling. Would be visible

too? Or do not have that talent? He remembered the time when the parting

thought that Ruiz would kiss her. It was only imagination or some whim on

his part that did not want to get to the end? The back soon to Mexico was

winning some defense that had built in the past years in England? What was

really his true personality? A cold and distant man who had met at work, or

the creature's friendly and charming smile tenderly knew? Only then Leigh

noticed that during the time that had been with Ruiz, not once thought of

Bruce - and that was the strangest thing of all.


On Monday morning, Ruiz did not say anything about the events of

Saturday evening, only asked if all were well at home and in front of the

answer from Leigh, began to dictate the match.Later that day, said he would

travel to Mexico on Wednesday and had away for two weeks.Leigh

immediately thought that this was the excuse that Ruiz found not to go to

the birthday of Tess. Ruiz broke but that impression by adding that it

intended to be back for the anniversary of his little sister. That afternoon,

Bruce appeared in the office with some requests for Ruiz's engineering

department. Unlike what had happened but at other times, the encounter

with Bruce left her indifferent. It was natural, he thought Leigh herself. All.,

The magic had disappeared when he met Stella in the arms of ex-boyfriend.

-Have you received any news of Stella? - He asked Bruce, without the

slightest tremor in his voice.

-No, no - Bruce said with gloomy face. - Apparently she did not receive my

letter yet.

-Too bad. But she will eventually receive and respond immediately. I had

not talked to you on the same day. Should not have postponed the discussion

until you have an excuse to break off the engagement.

-Listen, Leigh, I do not like what you are doing - Bruce commented on his

face closed. - You really have to marry Ruiz?

-I thought we had closed the matter. I explained that this will make things

easier for Stella and will not hurt me at all. Moreover, I will spend a few

months of vacation in Mexico.

-I hope you will not regret it later.

-Why should I repent? I'm sure that Ruiz will keep the promise. Do not

forget that we are just pretending. Ruiz has not changed accordingly. At

heart, still the same cold and indifferent man that ever was.

Was it true? There was something that could not explain the Bruce.

-Maybe you're right, but still do not like this agreement.

-Anyway, when I accepted the proposal promised I would not go back at

the last moment. Ruiz has a deadline to meet the requirements of the will,

and giving up now, you have to start all over again.

-He would still have a long time to find another woman.

-Maybe ... but there is no need to do this. And do not forget that Stella

could feel guilty if break with Ruiz.

-You will have to break the agreement one day ... if only after marriage.

-I know, but this will only occur in a few months. Many marriages end that

way. And I have a perfectly valid excuse. Ruiz was educated in Mexico and

while it lived for many years in England, is perfectly understandable that an

incompatibility arises between us. Mexico has a strong Spanish influence

and the Mexicans have very specific ideas about the dependence of

women. I personally am very independent. It is true that my family was

wrong and accepted a marriage...

Leigh interrupted what was going to say as if they go forward more time to

discuss the matter.

-I really do not understand how his family accepted it.

-The family think I found a great party.

Bruce blushed embarrassed. - That's not what I said.

-I was joking. It was not bad.

-I keep still opposed to this decision.

-I also - said Leigh quietly. - But I'll take it to the end. I will do everything

in my power not to create problems for anyone. Understand?

Finally the birthday of Tess and Ruiz had not returned from Mexico. Leigh

explained that the Ruiz family Carastrano out to see how was the property

and provide whatever was needed before the two were living there. Ruiz had

not said anything to that effect - in fact, not commented on what Leigh

wanted to do in Carastrano - but the explanation seemed reasonable

enough. Until the day of the feast, Leigh had not received any telegram

saying Ruiz is back or not in time. When someone mentioned his absence,

she was happy to shake the shoulders awkwardly.

-I hope nothing has happened.

No one was surprised either that she did not receive letters from Ruiz at

home, because the correspondence could be sent to the factory. In fact, some

letters came from him, but were simply business letters. However, although

it was certain that Ruiz be back in time, Leigh carefully dressed as if waiting

for the groom. When you went downstairs, Julie received her with a


-You look beautiful in that dress! Now I understand why Ruiz declined to

return alone to Mexico!

Leigh made the gesture to strangle her. Julie laughed and went to the living

room. Tess, after playing all afternoon with her friends, should be dead tired

and sleepy, but was not quite what happened. It seemed more lively and

cheerful than ever, though she and Tom behaved impeccably inside. All

referred to the little party as Tess, but it was for the two of course, although

Tom, pretending she did not like children's parties, gave the impression that

his sister had all the invitations. When Leigh came into the room, the two

were kneeling on the sofa with his nose glued to the window, while

Margaret arranged the objects that were out of place.Suddenly, Tom gave a

cry of excitement.

-Putz! What nice car!

The cars, of course, had priority over everything.

-It's stopping in front of the house! - Tess exclaimed.

-Go open the door, my daughter - Margaret said tactfully, giving Leigh the

opportunity to receive the groom alone.

Leigh blushed, including the reason for the suggestion, and his

embarrassment increased before the smirk of Julie. Perhaps we'd prefer to

pretend that he had not noticed anything, she thought.Leigh, opened the

door for the tall, dark man, who had just stepped down from the sports car

parked in front of the house, he felt a slight jolt to realize that Ruiz's

appearance had changed again. The past two weeks in Mexico were tanning

their skin and only that small change was enough to disturb her emotionally.

-You're back in time for the party - said no way.

-It promised to come back? - Ruiz said examining it carefully. - You are

very pretty with that dress.

Leigh took a deep breath and felt the heat flood his face. Why he did that

compliment if there was no one around to hear? But there was. Although

Leigh had not noticed, Ruiz immediately saw the pink head of hair, peeping

stealthily that the corridor, and the bright eyes were fixed on the two

enormous curiosity. Ruiz put his arm around the shoulders of Leigh and a

disappointed voice said the corridor:

-You will not give a kiss? Bruce always gave.

Leigh would have willingly given a slap on the little sister at the time, but

was even more amazed with the reaction of unexpected Ruiz. He turned

naturally to the girl and said with a calm voice:

-With you there, I have no way.

-Oh, I know. - Tess found a perfectly reasonable explanation. - I'm leaving,

then - said politely.

Leigh glanced back to confirm that the sister had actually gone away and

turned back to Ruiz.

-Pay no attention to Tess. She often makes comments like that all the time,

and as you know we're engaged...

Interrupted what could be said to realize the ironic look at the black eyes.

-She also wants a concrete sign of our love.

Leigh shook her head, not knowing what to answer. Tess did not used to spy

on the corners and should have some suspicion about the dating of the

two. Everyone was looking forward to the door when the two entered the

room. Tess had gone back and looked a bit disappointed not having seen a

love scene. Margaret smiled and extended his hand to Ruiz.

-You decided to face our party? We always say that anyone who survives

the birthdays of Tess is ready to face any surprise.

Ruiz gave a laugh. - In that case, I did well attending.

Julie received him with a straight face, but his playfulness not allowed him

to maintain the seriousness for a long time. Soon after, he was laughing and

talking animatedly, with greater ease than the actual Leigh. Tom kept his

face glued to the window, admiring the quiet sports car that was parked on

the sidewalk. Contented himself just to take a quick look at Ruiz when he

entered the room. What was not surprising. Even the return of Stella had not

caused much impression on the boy. Stella was only one other family

member in your opinion, however that was as famous movie actress. Ruiz,

apparently, would be treated the same way. Tess, in turn, not taking his eyes

off his sister and boyfriend. Getting to spare the girl, Leigh prayed that

nothing too terrible pass, the little head hair. After a moment, Ruiz gave to

the two birthday present he had brought from Mexico - two pairs of

moccasins which he had to legitimate especially for them.

While the twins and their parents admired this, Leigh was able to observe

Ruiz at will. He not only returned in time for the party, and had taken the

trouble of having to make moccasins tailored for the twins, correctly

calculating the size of the feet - probably remembering the fun of Indians

who witnessed the garden.

He also recalled another Indian? That he was climbing the tree and fell into

his arms? Ruiz turned his head suddenly and met her gaze fixed on his face

and his expression seemed to say that he remembered well the previous

episode. A sly smile crossed his face, very different from the wry smile that

drove in the lobby.

-Ah, I should have brought a moccasin to you too - he said, staring at her.

-Never mind - said Leigh embarrassed.

-Why? - He insisted, with the same smile. - You were great with the fantasy

of India and his mother was right to hit a shot.

-I should have gone in that tree.

-Well, I do not think - Ruiz said softly.

The others were admiring the gift of twins and did not pay attention to the


-I really liked to see her climb the tree.

-Colored like that? I was a horror.

-You know what I thought before that day?

Leigh shook her head, mesmerized by the black eyes.

-What my desk was too perfect to be human, very efficient, very flawless

too ... Then I found a completely different creature, a girl who was willing

to break off the engagement to his sister happy. Despite the sadness I felt,

accepted an Indian play with little brothers.

Leigh remained silent, staring at him, not understanding what was

happening with him, until he was awake from his reverie by the doorbell.

He turned with a sigh of relief.

-Must be Kerry. I open the door - quickly said, anticipating the mother.

Stopped a minute in the corridor to restore calm, gave a deep sigh and

opened the door to her friend.

-I saw the car Ruiz at the door. How are things?

-I do not understand anything - Leigh said, recalling the comments of Ruiz

a few minutes ago.

-He is not representing well their role? - Kerry asked tersely. - I thought

that would happen...

-No, not that - Leigh said, shaking his head with an enigmatic smile. - He is

playing better than ever.

-What is the problem then?

-I do not know. Maybe it's just imagination.

-I could not admit, even to her friend, who felt increasingly drawn to Ruiz.

-Tess still has not done any of his?

Leigh crossed his fingers and Kerry laughed.

-I'm going to be fingers crossed for you.

On entering the room, Kerry glanced at Ruiz, trying to find out what was

different about him.She had always been an attractive man, but seemed

more excited now, making women aware of a subtle magnetism that

emanated from his person, while its air of cold and reserved before kept

them at bay. The vitality of the dark man was now more dangerous than

ever. Perhaps that was the difference Leigh noticed without knowing

explain. She also liked Bruce, but Ruiz was the kind of man who attracted

the attention of women and occupying all his thoughts. As expected, Tess

announced soon after that he wanted to start the little game of truth. His

attention had been focused for a few moments to this he had won, he went

back to his favorite game - making indiscreet questions to adults.

-Judgment - said the little daughter Margaret, to start the game.

With a smile of satisfaction on his face, Tess a large cushion in the middle

of the room and sat there with an air of importance, as a troll with red hair.

-First you - said to Ruiz. - How you never played before, I will explain how

to play. I'll ask a question and if you do not know the answer, or if he is

caught fooling, you have to pay a fine.Who chooses the fines me.

-I understand - Ruiz said with a smile. - Do not ask me anything too

difficult, yes?

-I'll start with a question and easy. How old are you?


-Where were you born?

-In Carastrano.

For now all right, thought Leigh, uncrossing fingers.

-Have you ever been engaged before?

Everyone knew that Leigh had been engaged to Bruce, Tess and saw no

reason for Ruiz was not well. Ruiz straightened in his chair and hesitated a

moment, then slowly nodded his head.

-Yes, I was engaged before.

Leigh gave him a glance, but his expression did not present anything. Then

there was someone in his past, he told himself. She was responsible for the

cold and reserved attitude that Ruiz displayed normally?

-How old are you Leigh? - Asked Tess suddenly.

Ruiz this time was caught by surprise. Leigh began making nervous gestures

with your fingers.She knew from experience that the fines charged by Tess

questions unanswered.

-There is no help! - Cried Tess with the reproachful gaze directed at her

sister. Turned his attention back to Ruiz. - You do not know the age of his

bride? Look, for your information, it is twenty-four years. I'll save the fine

for it...

Now is your time, Leigh.

Leigh responded carefully to the questions of the girl, knowing that if

answered correctly by the deadline, was saved. The danger was not to know

the right answer, as was the case of Ruiz.Tess asked the questions quickly,

trying to disrupt sister.

-How long you work in the factory?

-Three years.

-Where did you work before?

-In a law firm.

-And before that?

-I was studying.

Tess knew all the answers at his fingertips, and if he did these questions, it

was only with the intent to disrupt the sister with an unexpected

question. His next question was such.

-You've been kissed by another man than Bruce?

-No - Leigh replied impulsively, but only after he realized what he had

said. The question was a trap, the kind that Tess used to get ready, and now

she did not know how to correct the impression that his answer had created

among those present. In the opinion of others, the answer was an obvious

lie. It was natural that the Ruiz had kissed many times.

-I mean, yes - tried to amend the time.

Tess gave him a look of complacency, knowing full well that I had won the


-It is no more. His first answer is worth. I knew it would end up catching it.

During the brief silence that followed, Leigh prepared for what came next. It

would not be very good, he thought, watching closely the little sister.

-You know what I'm writing a book - "Tess said with an air of

importance. As the family had seen scrawled sheets that circulated through

the house, no one expressed surprise at the news. - But I'm having trouble

with love scenes ... and thought that you would not care to show me how it


Paused a moment and then looked at her sister first and then to Ruiz. Leigh

continued sitting in the chair, motionless. His head but worked quickly,

trying to find a way out of the situation.Could simply refuse to respond to

the request of her sister, now understanding why Tess had spied the two

stole when they were in the entrance hall.

-Look, we will not show anything - said firmly. - Choose another fine.

-Why? - Exclaimed Tess disappointed. - This is not true.

Leigh would not have looked at Ruiz that moment for anything in this

world, until, like a bolt from the blue, the answer occurred to him


-First, because you do not have an idea of how it is. Before others ...


-Are you embarrassed? - He insisted the girl of ten years, with the

expression of someone very experienced in these matters. - Does not

matter. Shows same as it is. I do not care.

-You have a completely false idea - repeated Leigh, avoiding looking at


-Why are you rolling so much? - Cried Tess with impatience. - It seems that

you never kissed.

In the room, everyone else thought the same thing?

-It is a little shy - Ruiz spoke with the calm voice.

Leigh could see the irony that lay behind the look of condescension. Ruiz

was as if the silent criticized for not accurately represent the role that they

had agreed. Even though Stella and Bruce were not present, he thought,

because the two could think of, especially Stella, who was not just shyness

that was at stake. Fortunately, at that moment, Margaret intervened and told

Tess to choose any other fine, because the adults are not used to kissing in

front of others.After this episode, although the little party took place in a

relaxed mood, Leigh noted that there was some concern in his mother's eyes,

as if Margaret did not understand why her daughter had not to kiss the

groom on the other. As expected, Ruiz said later the incident, although she

made no gesture at the time to help her. They were firing in the lobby when

Leigh noticed the same sardonic smile in his eyes and guessed that Ruiz

would blame her for the incident.

-Apparently, you have more difficulty in playing the role than me.

-I do not kiss in front of others - protested. - Much less someone who...

-That you never kissed before? In this case, it is best to avoid this from

happening again.

Before that Leigh realized what was happening, Ruiz held her in his arms

and kissed her long mouth. What was the last thing you could expect from

him, the gesture surprised her completely immobile and helpless. A moment

later, he changed his mind about re-Ruiz. All that said the restaurant was

false. Not only had erred in stating that Ruiz could not be affectionate with a

woman, as if sadly mistaken about his previous experience in this regard.

She was a breath when he finally departed, and trembling lips parted, and

seemed to offer it to him. Ruiz squeezed it tighter in the arms of a

possessive form and intimate, while the black eyes, usually distant and cold,

shone with an intensity unusual. Before she returned to the shock itself, has

to tilt her head to kiss her a second time, but the second kiss was very

different from the first. Passionate and sensual, made her head spin. Bruce

never kissed like that before, thought Leigh tipsy, nor had felt before so

shaken, as if about to lose consciousness. A few minutes later, Margaret

came into the hall, followed by Kerry and found his daughter alone in the

middle of the passage.

-Wake up, my daughter! - Margaret said with a smile. - You seem to be


Leigh returned slowly to himself and blushed when he saw his

mother. Attracted by the laughter of Margaret, Julie appeared in the hall.

-I have not seen you arrive - Leigh said awkwardly.

-No wonder! - Margaret said touching the tip of his finger in the face hot

daughter. - Now I understand why you did not want to be kissed in front of

others. His face is on fire!

Leigh murmured an apology and hurried to the room. For a long time that

night, continued awake in bed, reflecting on what had happened. The first

time Ruiz had kissed her outside a contact almost impersonal, but the

second time something appeared unstoppable inside. All the nerves of the

body seemed to burn with fire and never before felt so disturbed

physically. The most inexplicable feeling it was just with Ruiz.

It was so giddy that he could like Bruce and at the same time, abandoning

themselves completely into the arms of another man? Completely lost and

utterly bewitched? I had no idea what Ruiz had said before

leaving. Remembered only that the contemplated with an inquisitive

expression, muttering something I could not remember and was gone. It was

only when the others appeared in the hallway that he realized what had

happened, although he was completely dazed. Indeed, even now, hours later,

could still feel the passionate kisses and relive those moments, so

unexpected and sudden, that turns into a paradise snatched

unsuspected.Remembering that he should meet with Ruiz the following day,

he felt anxious and embarrassed. Fortunately, Ruiz behaved in the morning

as if nothing had happened between the two. He called her to his office and

dictated a series of letters, as he had in the last three years.The only

difference was that Ruiz remained seated long, looking thoughtfully at the

camera, after Leigh left his room.

Later that day, Leigh met with Kerry, but the friend did not comment on the

episode the night before, although it was as certain as the others what had

happened. As for Bruce, was both pleased and surprised to have you

forgotten so easily. Surprised because it believed it had acted unreasonably

by getting engaged to him, and glad because I could not enjoy the life of a

man without hope of having it, as happened to Janice. Leigh thought at first

that it would succeed him but fate, it seems, had decided otherwise, as was

grateful, but still feel slightly guilty because I would sincerely like Bruce

and often thought that life would be empty without the his company. Then

reflected on the events of recent weeks, but avoided thinking much time on

this, because I had the strange feeling that would face a dangerous situation

in the future and was not prepared at this time to assess the seriousness of

the danger.


Stella was furious when I finally received a letter from Bruce. Beautiful eyes

narrowed and mouth became a soft expression hard. It looked bad and very

different from the lovely actress that the world knew. Although some

people, like Kerry, suspected that there was a cold and selfish nature behind

the sweetness and the perfect beauty.

"Oh, more fool us!" He muttered angrily. Bruce was the last man she wanted

to marry. I could give it out quickly, but if I did that, betray her genuine

personality, and Stella was too vain to undo the image that others knew. Had

no special affection for the family, but worship others showed it was very

nice and necessary. But that Leigh had to break off the engagement just

now? The timing could not be more inappropriate! Stella had to quickly find

a solution that does not impair the familiar image, which was so necessary

to his vanity.

Refusing to marry Bruce, on the pretext that he did not want to hurt his

sister - an excuse that he had used to dispose of it - was out of the question,

as Leigh did not like Bruce ... or loved?Maybe she had suspected

something ... Or was that Kerry had poisoned his head? Stella had no

illusions about the antipathy that Kerry voted for it. The more I thought of it

the more he became convinced that that was exactly what happened. Only a

fool would sacrifice himself for love of others, but if that were the

case ... Ruiz went where this story? Therefore understood, Leigh enjoyed

three years of Ruiz, without being matched. However, the more Stella

reflected on this explanation, the more unlikely it seemed. It was much more

likely to Ruiz, when she heard the breaking of the engagement, the

opportunity and declared the feelings that fed many years by his

secretary. Anyway, Leigh seemed happy with the situation, because there

were rumors that Ruiz was very rich. The only thing I could do, decided to

Stella, was visiting family in person and find out what was happening and, if

possible, to reconcile with Bruce's sister. I could not resolve this matter by

telephone, much less by letter. So, a few hours later, the sapphire-blue car

stopped in front of the old gray house where she was born. The film

company he worked for was shooting crowd scenes, and she obtained

without difficulty a few days off. Margaret opened the door and gave an

exclamation of surprise at seeing her daughter back, but his face opened into

a smile immediately after the initial shock.

-Stella, what a pleasant surprise!

Stella broke free from the hug and went to the living room, where he

pretended to be very concerned about reports he had heard.

-What happened? - Margaret asked anxiously. - I do not know anything...

Stella turned to the mother with her face in amazement.

-Why not? Bruce wrote me a letter...

-Ah, that's what is worrying you? - Margaret asked with a sigh of relief.

-You do not have reason to worry my daughter. Leigh is very happy with

Aldoret Ruiz.

-Are you sure? I would not want her to marry this man just unbearable for


-You would not say it if I knew personally. Ruiz is a lovely man. Tall,

beautiful, attractive, and even you, with its sophisticated taste, I would be

fascinated by him.

Kerry should have explained to Margaret that the only person for whom

Stella felt fascination was herself.

-I mean then that all is well? - Stella insisted, pretending a relief that I felt,

though I was boiling inside.

His original plan - to say that Bruce Leigh liked him and was engaged to not

only create problem for the two - was going down the drain. Under the plan,

Stella could pretend a great gesture of sacrifice to break with Bruce and

resume the engagement between the two.

-It's all very well, rest assured - assured Margaret. He looked out the

window when he heard the sound of someone at the front door. - I think

Leigh is returning from work. You can talk personally with her to reassure.

They heard the door slam and the quick steps approaching the room.

-I recognized your car - said to Stella Leigh on entering the parlor.

-Stella is worried about you - said Margaret, after a few moments. - She is

grieving with a problem that does not exist.

-What problem? - Leigh asked, turning to her sister with a smile. - The fact

that he fought with Bruce?

Stella smiled awkwardly. It seemed that she was extremely distressed to

have inadvertently caused the unhappiness of her sister.

-Will you excuse me, Leigh, but I can not believe you liked another man

while dating with Bruce.

Margaret laughed.

-Would you believe if Leigh had seen the other night!

-Mom! - Leigh protested his voice pleading.

-My daughter, you stood in the hall for five minutes after Ruiz went

away. If this is not like someone, then I do not know what can be!

Margaret was very happy with the love of his daughter. Leigh had always

been so transfixed on the relationship with Bruce that the recent discovery

that she was in love with Ruiz gave him a genuine pleasure, and could not

comment on the fact in front of Stella. Leigh was surprised at his own

reaction. Blushed violently upon hearing the comment of the mother. Could,

of course, deny the suggestion of Margaret, but did not deny. After all, it

was necessary to create a false impression, the timing could not be more

timely. In addition, Margaret was so convinced that everything ran like a

dream that could not bear to disillusion her. Up to the room and looked at

length in the mirror. He had been really so stunned the other night, after

Ruiz was though, that an intelligent and observant woman as Margaret left

to evade completely? But it would be just an illusion? Or was there

something else in your expression? Something much more real? He walked

away quickly from the mirror, not wanting to analyze the expression that

could see the blue eyes, not wanting to believe she might still be there. It

would be so thoughtless as to forget Bruce from one day to another? In this

case, the creature was not always that calm be judged.It was entirely

different, and this confirmed the impression that Margaret, the first time in

his life, his daughter was really in love with someone.

On the wedding day, Leigh was agreed by the roar of a strong

thunderstorm. He turned in bed and looked out the window to the torrential

rain that fell in the garden. There was no romantic feeling in the contract

that would attach it to a man he barely knew, but rather that on this day the

sun was shining in the sky. It was as if the nature of the understanding that

your wedding ceremony would be a sad and lifeless. An hour later, however,

the storm moved away from the horizon, the sun shine again and she finally

admitted the reason he felt no longing for Bruce: Ruiz now occupied all his

thoughts. Did not want to think about it at the moment because I had the

feeling that some danger awaited. Did not want to analyze the emotion he

felt while preparing for a ceremony that had no special significance, because

it was going to marry the man she loved. After taking the Rio coffee room,

everything started to run extremely fast. She hardly had time to take a quick

bath immersion with perfumed salts, and put the finishing touches on the

painting. Shortly before leaving the house, Stella appeared riding on a wave

of perfume and a fur coat on his shoulders. He kissed his sister

affectionately and wished him all the happiness in the world. For the

expression on his face, Leigh noted that Stella wanted to add something, but

was interrupted by the entrance of her father, who pulled her daughter

nervously by the arm saying they were already late for the civil marriage.

When got out, Ruiz was waiting on the sidewalk with a certain

impatience. The black eyes watched the so enigmatic and Leigh thought that

Ruiz would say to be dressed all in white for a wedding that was just a

formality. Ruiz, in turn, was elegant as ever - tall, dark and tremendously

attractive. So attractive, in fact, that Leigh was surprised rapt admiring its

size beautiful and fascinating. I could think about a month ago that it would

be a day next to him saying the words that would unite them in the most

intimate bond that exists between a man and a woman? It was the last thing

in life that we could dream of. A month ago was engaged to Bruce. Now

married with Ruiz, a simple ceremony that ended in a few minutes and that

led to understand that his name was now Leigh Aldoret. The name had

resonance musical, as if the two names to harmonize, although there was a

harmony between the same two people.

Leigh Aldoret. He repeated the name with him and heard the clerk say that

the groom had to kiss the bride. Ruiz put his arm around his waist, without

the slightest embarrassment, and bowed his dark head to kiss her mouth,

according to traditional custom There was a sense of fire this time, only the

superficial pleasure of the contact, but the find black eyes sunk in their,

Leigh felt her face blush suddenly. Ruiz suspected something of what she

thought or felt?Stella, stood motionless, experienced the greatest shock of

your life. How could Leigh to marry a man like that? Leigh was married

yes, with this man. Rico, a young man with a magnetic attraction. Stella felt

envious. Disguised it during the ceremony and in the end, he directed a

captivating smile to Ruiz.

-Take good care of my sister...

Ruiz has set with the enigmatic expression.

-I'll take care ... and I will do everything possible to make her happy.

-Just to be with you, I feel happy - said Leigh.

-A little more and I'll cry - Stella said in a voice falsely moved.

She had, however, no desire to cry, and Kerry, who watched from the car

that had fallen, he thought that if Stella cried, would envy, and not because

of Leigh.

She noticed the look that Stella cast for two when he was presented to Ruiz

and had not lost any change in his face. Apparently, Stella was also

interested in Ruiz. Not content to take the groom's sister, is now preparing

for a second conquest.

E Ruiz? It was impossible to guess what would your reaction. The

expression remained enigmatic as ever. Was probably delighted with Stella,

like all men who knew her, Kerry thought bitterly. If the marriage was a

sham, why Leigh kissed like that on the birthday of Tess? Ah, men! Any

woman of sense would do well to not get involved with any. People who

knew Kerry would be surprised if they read his thoughts. She laughed,

joked, flirted at times, but never take a man seriously. Of course, had his

reasons for this, but they were few people knew it. Men!Only served to

disrupt life. First it was Bruce, who was delighted and began driving looks

for love Stella, then mused that Ruiz was to marry Leigh ... and now seemed

to be amazed at the beauty of Stella. They are blind as bats, all men. Do not

see beyond the silky hair and deep eyes ... do not see the ugliness that lurks

behind the beauty. After the civil wedding, there was a small reception for

intimate friends. Leigh then went to change clothes. She chose a dark green

dress, while Julie helped to close the bags and Margaret did her best not to


-Mom, I'm going to Mexico, I'm not going to the Moon - Leigh said, trying

to comfort her.

Margaret did not know of course that her daughter had intended to return

some months later.

-I know that. But I still feel really miss you - Margaret said, stroking the red

hair of her daughter with a gesture of tenderness. - I hope you are happy, my

daughter. I'm sure that Ruiz is a man in whom you can trust.

-I also have - agreed Leigh in quietly and for the first time, sincerely

lamented that the marriage was not for love. Ruiz could make her happy and

she trusted him.

Realizing, however, that the time was passing quickly, she felt a heavy

heart. Would soon be traveling in the company of her husband who was a

virtual unknown. Perhaps the memory of the kiss in the hallway and

exchanged farewell Julie "Happy honeymoon honey!" that felt a strange

palpitation and a shiver down my spine. What would go with Ruiz in a real

moon honeymoon?Be kissed again as it had been that night in the

hallway? When she thought about it, thought that Ruiz was returning so the

criticism that she had at the restaurant, but that did not explain the fact that

he too was surprised with the charm of a sudden he felt for her. For the

second time, Leigh sincerely wished that the marriage was for love, but did

not want to think about the inexplicable desire that lay behind it, nor would

either find out the reason for this desire.Perhaps, unconsciously, already

knew the answer, but did not want to admit it. The two did not take long at

the reception, as they had to travel that afternoon. During the train ride,

Leigh was able to observe her husband at length. Husband!

The word had a strange sound, although it should confess that Ruiz was a

charming person.Who could have predicted a month ago, would feel a

strange excitement by cold and distant man who worked? And, at that exact

moment, smiled at the corner of the lips, as if he knew she was watching,

but did not make any comment. Leigh clothed in the fur coat, his gift,

marriage, feeling happier than the circumstances really justified. After

feeling the soft skin on his face, smiled in satisfaction. The jacket almost

provoked a fight between the two. Must have cost a fortune and she

protested that there was no reason to make this one of those expensive, but

Ruiz insisted that she wore. For all intents and purposes, said Ruiz, were

married and it was natural that such an expensive gift to his wife. Leigh

finally agreed and then realized I did not feel the least happy to fight with


From that moment, there was another change in their relationship. He saw

more ironic expression in the eyes of Ruiz. When she smiled, it was with

tenderness and affection. Maybe some woman had created the impression in

Ruiz that expensive gifts are desired and always eagerly received by greedy

hands. The reluctance to accept her fur coat destroyed the old dam that

motivated the term ironic black eyes. As they approached the pier, where

they would embark for Mexico, Leigh saw the huge ocean liner. The Blue

Haze was a ship of millionaires and, deep inside, she was dazzled by noting

the signs of luxury that surrounded her. Without being an ambitious woman,

admitted that the money was a sexy thing to have, and would be an

unforgettable experience every month that it intended to spend surrounded

by every comfort.

It was then that it was a strange thought. Had once remarked to Julie would

not trade Bruce for as millionaire in the world. However, there was now, at

Blue Haze, married to a man who was not only beautiful and extremely

rich. The fortune of him, however, meant little to her, though I have pleasure

in owning things that money could offer. Finally recognized that he was

more interested in man than in anything else - more, by the way, than he

could imagine. When they entered the suite that Ruiz booked, the simple

luxury of the environment it caused a gasp of wonder. Only knew luxurious

surroundings like that in film and on the rare occasions that had been invited

to dine in expensive restaurants. By opening the doors of a private sitting

room that was part of the suite, Leigh stifled an exclamation of surprise at

seeing two single beds. Ruiz sensed her anxiety and grabbed her arm gently.

-There is another cabin - said with ease. - I'll sleep there. I booked the suite

to have more freedom of movement.

-Ah, yes. - She knew she should say something more, but did not came as

no comment to undo the impression of fright at the thought that they would

sleep in the same cabin.

-I wanted to apologize for having kissed her that way at home - said Ruiz. -

That's why you're worried? I promise it will not happen again.

After a short pause, Leigh said without thinking:

-You did it to avenge what I said at the restaurant?

-Maybe. No man likes to hear comments in silence ... Especially because

not true. I'm exactly like any other man, and do not forget that I have

Spanish blood ... not to mention, of course, you are a very attractive

girl. Maybe that's why I kissed that way. Was I wrong?

Leigh blushed and wished inadvertently not give the impression of behaving

like a teenager.What led to your reservation and your control? When

working together in the office had never felt that way. But it is true that

there had no intimacy. Ruiz never asked before if she cared about her kisses,

and it was very difficult to answer this question.

-Was I wrong? - He repeated it.

Leigh stared at him in silence and then lowered her eyes.

-No, not much. - What other answer could give, especially when this was

the only true?

-I appreciate your candor - Ruiz said softly.

-Did you know that I did not care, does not it?

-Yes, I did. - Leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips on hers.

-Now I deliberately broke my promise.

What is happening to me? Thought Leigh. He had the feeling that something

inexorable and inevitable approached slowly ... although it was not

scary. He also regretted not having married for love.

While the waiter was packing his clothes in the closet and Ruiz went to

exchange money, Leigh decided to take a walk on deck. Soon after Ruiz

found in the walled deck.

-The ship will depart in a few minutes - he said quietly, and had a distant

expression in his eyes black, as if he should be brought forward to the trip

destination and had momentarily forgotten the passenger who was

traveling. At the time however that Leigh thought that, Ruiz smiled at her

and put his arm over his shoulder. Involuntarily, she leaned her head on his

chest and his arm tightened it with more strength, while the two watched the

docks and the city, which moved away slowly, like a chasm between the old

and new life. Leigh thought with sadness that new life would last only a few

months and would soon return to his previous existence. That night, when

they entered the large dining room, Leigh confessed his joy in a kind of

comfort that had never known before. They dined at a small table for two,

and finished the meal, went to the ballroom, which was already open. There

was an air of celebration on board, perhaps because the trip was short and

the passengers wanted to get the most days spent in the luxury liner.

Some couples danced cheek to cheek when the two entered the track. Soon

after they realized that their combined steps beautifully and spent the rest of

the night laughing and talking without the slightest embarrassment, though

not even one days they were married. Leigh slept alone that night in the

luxurious cabin and stared at the empty bed beside him with a certain


-You're right. After my old desktop is gone, exchanged many times before

pinching me with you.

Leigh smiled with shining eyes.

-In some ways, it is still funny.

-Maybe it was better? I had no idea who you were beneath his marble


-Make any difference if you knew?

-No, I do not. If it were not for the will, never would know who you were


-Speaking of which ... Why does your grandfather made a will like that? -

Leigh asked curiously.

Ruiz looked at her with a straight face. - You have not yet discovered?

Leigh felt a faint blush on his face as he remembered why he had given

herself to the will of Don Diego. He wanted an heir to the family. Ruiz was

still absorbed in his thoughts, while looking at the fine and strong hands that

held his knees.

-I do not like the others force me to do things. He did it once. But I will not

let that happen again.

His forehead wrinkled, as it was in the habit of seeing in the office.

-You mean you...

Ruiz was so distracted that he did not hear the comment.

-I thought from the beginning to circumvent the conditions of the

will. Since I'm married, nothing legally prevents me from receiving the


-But you're not breaking the will of his grandfather?


-Hmmm. You will inherit the property under a false condition. - Leigh did

not understand at the time and had the courage to say this, but this was his


Ruiz looked at her with an ironic expression that she knew from the first

days of the strange deal that did.

-Are you suggesting that the condition should be taken until the end?

-I'm not suggesting anything - Leigh said, blushing vividly. Since directed

the conversation to that effect, was no turning back, he thought, trying to

control his embarrassment. - You probably would have married someone for

love, if the condition of your grandfather did not displease him so much...

-Or maybe not willing to access completely.

-What do you want to do when our marriage is annulled? Living the rest of

life in Carastrano and let the property pass into the hands of strangers after

his death? Or are there other heirs?

Strange wedding night. A few months dreaming of the first night I spent

with Bruce. However, if you were married to him, would not now that

luxurious cabin ... not feel so alone. Ruiz was also looking at the ceiling in

your cabin? Or was thinking about your first wedding? How was it?What

had to create it seemed that hard to make an inherent part of your

personality? Leigh knew now that Ruiz could be tender and loving, but the

blow he received at the time must have been very painful, something that

penetrated to the depths of his nature and had left a deep scar. Fortunately,

he was back again to trust women and Leigh thought I would do anything

for him, more than the little they had before. The morning light was

beginning to brighten the cabin when she finally fell asleep. Glad you did

not have to wake up early, and gave a sigh of satisfaction. Ruiz was already

in the parlor of the cabin when she left the room.

-Did you sleep well?

-I slept like a stone - said Leigh with sleepy eyes.

-What would you be doing if you were in England?

-Before all this happen? Was hitting the machine and waiting impatiently

for the hour of coffee ... Or hearing the call of an angry boss who did not

find what you were looking for!

-I was a boring boss? - Ruiz asked with amused expression.

-Sometimes - Leigh said with a smile.

-And you wanted to tell me that?

-No. I just tried to ignore his bad mood.

-Ah, you little devil!

No one had called so before, and Leigh laughed, because I always thought

he was a person transfixed, and not some small and ingratiating that

deserves that name.

Ruiz looked at her with curiosity. - Do not understand how I did not notice it

before. You always seemed so...

-As transfixed as a mobile office?

-More or less.

-What do you want? I took my work seriously ... Was determined to make a

career. Until I met Bruce - said without the slightest tremor in his voice. - I

wanted to be successful, so I adopted an attitude efficient, be wondering

what you wanted to find a desk. If you prefer another brand, would have

chosen another course...

-There is no one else - said Ruiz. He was frowning, as if the thought of

strangers taking possession of the farm was not a pleasant idea. - Perhaps

my grandfather was right - he added after a moment. - In Mexico, parents

often arrange marriages for their children. I have lived long in England and

forgot about this custom. - A slight smile lit his eyes. - What do you suggest

I do?

Leigh avoided his gaze. - I do not really know ... After all, only you can

decide ... but I think his grandfather was so fond of Carastrano as

you. Otherwise it would not have included this clause in the will, to prevent

the property passed into the hands of others. - The conversation seemed very

strange to Ruiz not have a false idea, Leigh added quickly: - When we

cancel the wedding, you can marry again ... freely. It will only marry out of

obligation, to receive the inheritance...

-In other words, I will choose a woman to my liking, not subject to the

condition imposed by my grandfather. That?


-A Mexican, good and virtuous, who would marry me to be the mother of

the family. - He gave a laugh. - That's what you suggested?

-I did not suggest anything - Leigh said, declining to give a definitive

answer, preferring to comment on the situation in general. - I had my private

reasons for accepting this agreement...

-And do not want to prolong it - broke Ruiz, rising from his chair. He stared

at it for a moment in silence, with the expression entirely enigmatic, and left

the room saying he was going to buy cigarettes at the bar.

Leigh continued sitting on the couch, conscious that the two hands pressed

tightly over the cervix, to the point that they were painful. But there was

another pain stronger than that - to know that Ruiz would marry again, for

love, after canceling the wedding with her.


Veracruz, where the ship docked, flew to Mexico City and stayed in a

hotel. Although small, was elegant, comfortable and luxurious, a modern

building that could be in any other world capital. The next morning,

however, while strolling with Ruiz through the streets, Leigh noticed

immediately the presence of the past. They stopped in front of the cathedral,

overlooking the Zocalo and was previously the location of the large square

of Tenochtitlan, where the shoes of the Aztecs had left their marks in the

dirt. Now, built on the ruins of the old square, the modern city still had the

echoes of the past.

Ruiz smiled noticing his face absorbed.

-Are you interested in the Aztec civilization?

-I always wanted to visit this town - Leigh said, thoughtfully. - When I

close my eyes, it seems that I'm seeing the Aztecs to stroll around the square


-Over there is the presidential palace - Ruiz said, pointing with his finger. -

It was built on the ruins of the palace of Montezuma ... Only God knows the

works of art that are buried beneath the square. The Spaniards demolished

the ancient temples, the foundation - said with a nod of the head, as if to

censor the zeal of their ancestors because they hid the previous civilization

with them. After a moment of silence, he turned and showed her where

excavation revealed part of the grand staircase of the Great

Temple. Continued talking in low voices and all the past came in front of

her, as if he were alive and true.

-They certainly had some customs reprehensible, but I think it was a pity to

destroy it all - Ruiz said with nostalgia.

He told then that the Spanish conquistadors found when they arrived in

Mexico City - then called Tenochtitlan - many centuries ago. Large gardens

and beautiful white buildings, and some did not give the impression at first

glance, the use to which they were intended. The landscape of lakes, crossed

by narrow bridges, canoes crossing the blue surface of the water, like a

dream. Topping other buildings of the city, could be seen the pyramid

temples, places of sacrifices to their bloody decorations. If they were there

in the days when the people celebrated a holy day, would have seen a

circular stone. There, in the days of ceremony, were very cruel sports. A

captive, tied to the stone, defended himself with a wooden stick of your

opponent: he took the advantage of having on hand an obsidian knife.

-Generally the captive was killed - said Ruiz. - It was a sacrifice to the sun

god, Tonatiuh.Sometimes, however, the captive resisted, defended himself

bravely and obtained forgiveness.

-Where did the Indians after the Spanish conquest?

-Many are still here, in a deplorable state, but may have a new opportunity


Leigh shook her head. He had heard of the program of the Mexican

government for the benefit of the ancient people of the country. The settlers

had christened the inhabitants of the land and lived in almost equal with

them, but the ideals and died a long time, Indians were enslaved.Now, four

hundred and fifty years later, it seemed that the previous target was being


-There are many still living?

-Two-fifths of Mexico's population are pure Indians, not to mention a large

percentage of mixed race.

-Do you have Indian blood? - Leigh asked curiously.

Ruiz smiled. - No, we do not have Indian blood in our family. You wish we

had? It would be more exciting with Indian blood?

-Maybe - Leigh said, her eyes bright. - But I like you anyway.

He laughed and looked the other way.

-We could make a visit to the museum, as you enjoy both our history.

Leigh accepted the suggestion with joy, and when they arrived there, was

delighted with the number of relics that had been saved from the past. After

lunch, decided to visit the trendy shops of the city. Despite protests, Ruiz

insisted on buying all that pleased Leigh. In order to evade the present, she

remained silent and made no comment to pass before the windows.Ruiz,

however, discovered by his expression what interested him and gave him a

present. They dined that night in a trendy restaurant and met with other

couples on the dance floor. Leigh discovered on the ship that Ruiz was an

excellent dancer. There was elegance and lightness in his movements, he

had never suspected. Moreover, as repeated itself dozens of times, Ruiz was

entirely different from the reserved man he had met at the factory and never

tired of discovering every day a new aspect in his personality. Ruiz seemed

to change every moment, until the day when she thought no one would

recognize the former boss who was the owner of a textile factory.

The next day, the two were invited to dinner at some acquaintances. Leigh

felt intimidated at first, but soon after lost his nervousness to note that I can

speak perfectly in Spanish with gifts.Ruiz had maintained some contact over

the years, with friends from Mexico and the recent trip he had made, had

renewed some friendships. One was a known movie actor, a man extremely

lively and animated, who had studied with Ruiz's youth. Leigh learned that

Ramon Talmont was one of the most popular actors of the country. During

dinner, Leigh noted Ruiz converse in Spanish with their friends, quickly and

fluently. The wavy black hair and sparkled in the light the same way as the

other men, all dark-skinned like him. During dinner, he heard his name

pronounced several times by other guests and did not hide his satisfaction at

being called Aldoret señora.

The next day, dined and danced alone, and returned to converse in

English. However, when hear Spanish being spoken all the time around

them, Leigh experienced a strange sensation to return to speak in English.

-I prefer to hear you speak Spanish - said, blushing slightly, realizing that it

had to express this preference. - Sorry - said no way.

-I wanted to say...

Ruiz smiled. - I also sometimes wonder which one is my favorite language.

-Do not you know?

Ruiz reflected a moment and then replied: - I really do not know. I like the

two ... although I learned to speak Spanish first. - He smiled again, a smile

full of tenderness that caused a shiver down my spine. - Why do not you

pick me?

-Well, now he returned to Mexico, you will prefer to speak Spanish - Leigh

said awkwardly, not knowing that was the answer that Ruiz wanted to hear.

After dancing a while, returned to the separate rooms. Leigh fell asleep

immediately and had a dream very mysterious. Stella suddenly returned and

said that everything was a mistake and did not really like Bruce. Leigh could

have it back if he wanted. What seemed strange in the dream was a protest

with Stella did not want Bruce back and say this with all sincerity. "I'd

rather continue as I am," said Stella in the dream. After Ruiz had come

unexpectedly and smiled at him, full of tenderness, the same smile that

caused a shiver down the spine.

The next morning, the driver of the hotel was waiting at the door with a big

black car, which Ruiz had bought the last trip he made to Mexico, allowing

them to give long walks around the city.The first was at Calle de Tacuba,

following an old road towards Tlacopan, where Cortez, hundreds of years,

had practiced a humiliating withdrawal. Leigh saw the same cypresses in the

shade of which famous conqueror had wept with bitterness. In the main

square of Azcapotzalco, the capital of the ancient Toltec and heads Tepanec,

a church was built on top of the platform of stones. Upon returning to the

city, visited a place where the Indians used to honor Tonantzin, the Aztec

goddess of fertility.

At first, Leigh was afraid of upsetting Ruiz with his interest in the past in

Mexico, but when he realized that he enjoyed it as much as visits to ancient

monuments, has clearly shown their preferences and smiled with pleasure to

see that Ruiz was proud to show their home country.Ruiz admired both the

past and present of Mexico, not to mention of course he loved his property

in Carastrano. It was natural therefore that he was willing to make any

sacrifice to get possession of the family inheritance.

After spending a week in Mexico City, decided it was time to steer

themselves to Carastrano.First, however, made a quick visit to

Teotihuacan. More than anything we had previously visited, Leigh knew

that I would never forget Teotihuacán and turned often to admire the

pyramids that seemed to descend directly from heaven in inclined

planes. After the visit, again took the road leading to Carastrano.

Had lunch in a grand and luxurious hotel, where they found many American

tourists, but the site where dined and spent the night was typically

Spanish. An old house, colonial style, which was recently transformed into a

hotel, with rooms large and airy upstairs. The next morning, after taking

coffee, resumed their journey. They could have gone by train, but Ruiz said

that the trip by car was much more picturesque and Leigh agreed

immediately. He spent the noon when they reached a small village. Ruiz

stopped the car and turned to her with a smile.

-You want to know a fortune teller?

-A fortune teller of truth? - Leigh exclaimed with animation. - I know it's

silly to believe these things, but it should be fascinating anyway.

The fortune teller was a small woman and old who lived in a shack next to a

lake. He looked curiously at the two and told Leigh to sit on a stool while

she crouched on the floor in front of a bowl with water. The woman then

asked to Leigh to take a bunch of cisco and toss it into the bowl. That done,

leaned over the water and looked at the specks that floated on the surface.

-I see unhappiness in the past - said the woman, without raising his head.

-For some time now you will be happy, but the misery will return one day. -

He fumbled the specks that floated on the surface. Sadness is fouling the


As if to prove that the old was wrong, the sun, which had been shrouded by

a cloud until then suddenly appeared and shone upon the water. Leigh gave

an involuntary smile to see that, although he was startled by the fact that

women have guessed who was unhappy in the past.

-You're laughing - the woman said, lifting her face and surprising

expression of doubt. - There is a black star in your life, my daughter, and

only after the star down, the sun will rise and lasting happiness take its


That said, the woman got up quickly, threw the water in the lake basin. Then

entered the shed and closed the door from inside. Ruiz left some coins on

top of the stool and, holding it gently by the arm, returned to the car parked

by the roadside. Leigh remained silent for some moments with the pensive


-You believe what she said?

-Not much - said Leigh. - But as she knew I was unhappy?

-They read the thought in people's faces - Ruiz said, trying to reassure her. -

But there is nothing to be ... will see to it that there is no more unhappiness

in his life.

Leigh forced himself to smile but could not completely forget the words of

the woman.

What she meant by the "black star in your life? Then, suddenly, he

remembered that they used to jokingly call Stella by that nickname. Black


-Ah, I remembered!

-What? - Ruiz asked surprised.

-I remembered that at home ... Well, that's nonsense.

-Are you still thinking about what the woman said? - Asked Ruiz holding in

her hand. - I should not have taken you there.

-I know it's silly, but we are all a little superstitious in nature and sometimes

a word is echoed within us - Leigh commented, feeling comfort in the

brown hand that held his.

-Forget it.

Leigh tried to forget, in fact, but could not remove completely from memory

the words of the woman. They used to call his sister at home by the

nickname of Black Star, in a loving, and not in a pejorative sense. Although

Stella had caused unhappiness in his life in the past, Leigh knew that was

not voluntarily. Stella could not avoid falling in love with Bruce ... These

things happen. Which meant, however, the words of the woman who would

only be happy after the black star disappear on the horizon?

Later that same day reached the top of a hill, where Ruiz stopped the

car. Leigh accompanied him to the edge of a cliff where they could see a

large expanse of land, surrounded by mountains.

-There is Carastrano - Ruiz said, pointing to a white point that could be

seen in the distance.

The hill down a series of gentle slopes, and down there in the middle of the

plain, embedded like a jewel in a vast valley, was a big house all painted

white, surrounded by a ring of color that looked like flowers. A short

distance away was a village, a kind of relic of the days when a village

outside Carastrano independent.

They returned to the car and disappeared from view Carastrano while

circumventing the winding road towards the valley. Then crossed the

village, which seemed to have come directly from an old movie theme

colonial. Men and women talking in front of the houses with the traditional

costumes of the country. Leigh glanced at Ruiz and thought how he would

be dressed a Mexican costume. Combine it with their physical type than the

conventional modern clothes, concluded, admiring the dark color of their

skin. Soon after the car moved away from the village and approached the

old farmhouse.

Viewed closely, the house was even more beautiful and impressive than the

top of the hill. It had a separate entrance and was the very narrow dirt road

that would give the high wall and painted white. Climbers ascending the

stone walls and iron basement was open, with the old family coat on

top. Leigh barely had time to admire the coat when the car went through the

gate and stopped in the courtyard, where he saw a variety of rose, white, red

and yellow. Right in front there was a flight of stairs that led to a series of

Moorish arches. At the top behind the arches, saw a small terrace with blue

tiles and, shortly, a double door of old wood, which was wide open par.

They passed through the heavy door at the top of which was the same family

crest, and got into a warm and airy atrium, where a woman full body greeted

them with demonstrations of joy.Behind her were the other employees of the

house, who bowed their heads when Ruiz ceremoniously presented to the

lady of the house. After the servants returned to the kitchen, Ruiz asked

Chica, a fat woman who took care of the house to prepare lunch. They

crossed a low, long room, overlooking the courtyard, where there was a

variety of plants and flowers.

-I'm curious to know this courtyard - said Leigh, delighted with the view

that had the hall.

-I'll take her to see the whole house after lunch - Ruiz said with a smile of

pride. - I hope you enjoy.

-What I've seen so far is wonderful.

They sat in the room in high-backed chairs, a dark wood and polished. The

back and seat were covered in leather, gilded and painted, which was still

beautiful and flawless after many years of use. Chica coffee served in small

ceramic cups, hand painted.

-It seems that back in time - said Leigh fascinated.

-The farm was built in the colonial era - explained Ruiz. - We seek to

modernize the home without changing your style.

-And you make it - agreed Leigh.

After taking lunch, Ruiz got up and invited her to meet the other rooms.

They returned to the entrance and passed through an arch that led to a fully

glazed corridor. Dali were addressed directly in the south wing of the house

and Ruiz said with pride that the entire bottom of that wing was occupied by

a large ballroom. From one side of the room opened wide the windows to

the courtyard and on the other hand, to the terrace, where there was a series

of arches that Leigh had seen approaching the house.

-This part of the house is very impressive - Leigh said, imagining a party at

the ballroom.

-Let's have a reunion to celebrate our wedding honeymoon - Ruiz said with

a smile.

-So you will know our neighbors

They walked towards the patio and went through the wing directly

opposite. That part of the house were the guest rooms, but there were other

rooms in the front of the house, some big, some small, some too formal and

others, who were beautiful like the others, had an intimate and welcoming

atmosphere. Dali returned to the hall, hearing the footsteps echoing on the

floor of wide boards, and took the direction of the stairs leading

upstairs. The ladder must be very old and those low and broad steps had

passed many men and women of yesteryear, with neck collars and lace

shawls on the shoulders brown.

At the top of the stairs there was a gallery on three sides that opened onto

the corridor and at each end of the gallery, could be seen arches and delicate

tracery that led to other wings of the house. The walls of the gallery were

covered with portraits of ancestors. Leigh paused to contemplate the

portraits on the wall.

-Your ancestors?

Ruiz looked at her with a smile.

-You want to know them?

They went to the top of the gallery and he pointed to the first man beards.

-Dom Jose Manuel Xavier Palea of Aldoret.

-What do impressive - Leigh said with a chuckle.

-More respect for my great-grandfather - said Ruiz, giving him a pat on the

cheek. The hand dropped to his shoulder and stayed there with the same

suggestion to caress.

Don Xavier was the ancestor who landed with the conquerors and built

Carastrano. They walked along the gallery and Ruiz told many stories about

men and women who had lived in that house.Don Felipe, who ruined the

family in the game ... Don Renato, who recovered Carastrano and family

fortune to discover a treasure River Peru, and a gold mine ... Dona Rosalia

who chose to enter the convent to marry the man her family

chose ... because she loved another. Relatives and again, until the man's chin

and mouth wide authoritarian who had a great resemblance to Ruiz - and the

last couple, who did not look like much from him, although they were the

father and mother. Yet it was the man's jaw off that caught the attention of


-Your grandfather?

Ruiz nodded with an expression of bitterness in the mouth.

-Yes, my grandfather.

Outside the man then forced his grandson to marry against their will? Leigh

noted carefully the aquiline profile and the traits that had brown very similar

to those of Ruiz. Possibly also were similar in temperament and that was

why the two did not get along. That and the broken engagement Ruiz

mentioned that before ... Who was the girl who wanted to marry? She dared

not ask at this time.

-Like? - Ruiz asked, watching his eyes absorbed.

-I was thinking that I know very little about you - Leigh said hesitantly.

-What is not fair, since I know so many things about you.

-There are Indians around here? - Asked Leigh surprise.

-Some live in the mountains and there are settlers with Indian blood who

reside in the village.

They drove to the end of the central part of the gallery, where a dark and

narrow corridor led to the north wing. Another broker down the north wing

with rooms on both sides, some with windows opening onto the central

courtyard and the other to the front balconies. The south wing had a similar

provision. Reached the end of the hall and saw the back of the house, where

were the rooms of employees. There was another staircase leading to the

floor. This part of the house was closed with heavy doors carved, a relic of a

past undemocratic. The furniture was comfortable, though not luxurious as

the other rooms of the house, whose furniture was a mix of elegant and

tasteful furniture colonial and modern.

They went to the front of the house, following the central corridor of the

south wing, on top of the ballroom. Carastrano had rectangular shape, whose

center was in the yard covered with plants and flowers. The high and wide

windows that opened onto the courtyard were open and received the

sunlight. The corridor which communicated with the hall had antique chairs

upholstered in leather. It was there that was the first moment of

embarrassment. The main large apartment, whose door they could see the

family crest, gave to this corridor and had been specially arranged for the

householder and his wife.

-That huge bed! - Leigh exclaimed, blushing like a pepper. She was sure

that was more red than the curtain stuck on top.

-I completely forgot that detail - Ruiz said with amused expression.

The bags were taken to the room and some of the clothes have been stowed

in closets.Fortunately the maid was not in the room when the two entered.

-There is a dressing room next door - said Ruiz.

He took a few steps away and a red and gold curtain that hung in a

corner. Leigh thought there was a window behind, instead, saw a door to a

small room with a few phones.

-When my grandfather fell ill, a servant slept here to keep him company -

said Ruiz.

-Ah, I see. - Hesitant, she glanced into the room. - Does the servants will

not comment on anything?

Probably yes, but it was inevitable. He had not much importance while in

staying at the hotel.At home, however, would be under the watchful eyes of

the servants, also wanted to stay longer in Carastrano than in Mexico

City. There was no doubt that they would suspect something. But there was

no other way. If the large room had two single beds instead of the large

double bed, Leigh had the temerity to suggest that the two slept in the same

room, but on that occasion it was out of the question. While Ruiz gave

instructions to the maid making a bed in the dressing room, Leigh opened

the suitcase to take their clothes. But before you pick up a few pieces,

another Mexican girl came in and was shocked to see the lady of the house

working. Amazed and amused at the girl's exclamation, Leigh resigned to

assume the traditional role of mistress, while Mary took the bag of clothes

with a smile at once of admiration and respect for the lady of the house.

Leigh took the opportunity to take a bath before dinner and when he

returned to the room, Maria was waiting to help her comb her hair. Chose a

white dress with a simple and elegant shape that was part of the trousseau

bought shortly before travel. It was of course a dress too expensive for your

budget and had been bought with the money that Ruiz deposited into your

bank account. When they came to Mexico City, Ruiz had opened another

account in his name.Knowing that it was useless to discuss, Leigh resigned

willingly, determined to use only what is necessary. Was finishing make-up,

with Mary, when Ruiz came into the room. He smiled so so captivating that

her heart beat faster. Soon after, he sang in the bathroom. Ruiz was happy to

return home. She was happy there, although I had the feeling that their

happiness would not last long. One day would have to return to his home,

where life would be like before - only then would the memory of the man

who was her husband. Life would not be the same again. Could have a small

business, if desired, as Ruiz had arranged for her to be independent in the

future. After dressing and putting the finishing touches on the painting, said

goodbye to Mary and said aloud to Ruiz:

-I will look for new pictures and a little walk around the house.

-Do not miss! - He said the bathroom.

She laughed and said there was no danger. When the two met shortly after

the dining room, Leigh noted once again captivating the attraction of the

man who months before had thought almost repulsive.

-The house is so divided and it is impossible for us to lose. - It was a

moment in silence and said: - It is a very beautiful house, Ruiz.

-Glad you liked it. You take an aperitif before dinner?

After preparing the drink and you extend the cup, Ruiz turned to the open

window overlooking the garden.

-I do not know how I could spend so much time away from here.

-Why did you leave? - Leigh inquired eagerly. She did not give the

impression of being indiscreet, especially after his comment that he knew

many things about you. But Ruiz was not offended by the question and was

limited only to frown.

-I fought with my grandfather. Because of a woman, of course - said with

the look of irony that was missing from their eyes in recent weeks.

-The same as you were engaged? - Leigh put his hand to his mouth. - Sorry,

I should not ask the questions.

-Why not? And you know better for me than for someone else.

-I can not forget this issue, especially after what you said at home.

Ruiz took the empty glass from her hand and placed it on the drinks cabinet.

-Let's talk here - said, leading her to a leather armchair. - Where do you

want me to start?

-Well, maybe ... As his parents died?

-My mother died when I was born and my father a few years later, in a

riding accident.

-You were educated by their grandparents?

-Exactly. But it was a little taken too much for their tastes.

-You, a child taken?

-Yeah. We are descendants of Spanish and are more subject to emotions

than other people.My sins teen not worried as he knew my grandparents to

keep them under control. But they did not allow me to marry one of my


-Ah, I see.

-Her name was Mercedes - Ruiz said after a moment. - It was a nightclub

dancer. Despite my experience, Mercedes was smarter than me. My

grandparents insisted I leave her. But I decided I was going to marry against

their will and leaves Carastrano. Knew what my decision and was willing to

go to the end. Mercedes, though he declined to make any sacrifice. I thought

she would like to hear that we would not receive anything from my


-And she did not like?

The matter took another look now. Leigh previously thought that Ruiz was

smaller and that the refusal of the grandparents had been the reason that led

him to break off the engagement.

-No, not like - repeated Ruiz with a faraway look. - I went out to buy

flowers for our wedding.When I returned she was gone. Apparently, she

wanted to marry my fortune and not me. At that time I took things very

seriously. Still liked it, of course, but I hate both of his treachery and blamed

my grandfather for refusing to receive it at home. So I decided to leave. I

traveled to England and went to live with the parents of my mother. They

welcomed me with joy, and soon after I started working at the factory where

you met me. The rest you know...

Leigh shook her head. Yes, she knew what had happened. In the pain of the

moment, Ruiz condemned while the girl who had betrayed him and his

grandfather who refused to receive it at home. It was possible that Don

Diego had behaved with arrogance and intolerance, and there was an air of

intransigence in the picture he had seen on the wall, enough to remove the

net from home. Now, however, it seemed that all this bitter past was

forgotten. Ruiz was willing to start a new life and like a woman again. And

that inevitably happen when the marriage was annulled. Leigh frowned

inadvertently asking herself why this perspective tortured his

imagination. After all, the two had agreed from the beginning that the

marriage would be only a temporary contract, but in the meantime, had

exchanged a few kisses and hugs. It was she who could change the present

situation and had not even sure whether you would like to change it. Or did

he? A first lost love was enough. It would be crazy to try his luck a second

time. Ruiz touched lightly on your brow.

-Why are you so pensive? What was it sad? The story I told?

-Yes .. I was sorry for you ... for what happened.

-You do not need to pity me, dear. All this happened long ago.

-He reached for it with a friendly smile. - Now go to dinner and forget all


Leigh accompanied him to the dining room and they talked excitedly about

other matters.However, deep within her heart was a little doubt that

tormented her. For he had heard the story of Ruiz with such sadness? It was

thought that the marriage would be annulled soon, although he knew from

the beginning that should end this way?

Leigh raised the head of the letter he was reading when Ruiz came into the


-It's Kerry. You remember her? That redhead who worked in the office?

-I remember very well. She was not in the restaurant on the day that you

knit me?

Leigh laughed.

-You will not ever forget.

-Only after you change your mind about me. - Ruiz hesitated a moment,

then reached into his pocket and pulled out a box of jewelry. - I remembered

you liked the earrings and the Aztecs had these here for you.

Leigh opened the box and saw a pair of earrings that was exactly the same

as he had admired in the museum. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy and with

an impulsive movement, was on tiptoe and kissed him on the mouth.

-You should always thank me like that - Ruiz said with a funny face in front

of his face flushed.- I think I'll give you every day a gift.

-Have you been too generous with me.

-With such an incentive, who would not? - Ruiz said tilting her face to kiss

her mouth. The black eyes were brighter in the last two months he lived in


-Will you give a horse? - Leigh asked, seeing the belt off that Ruiz was

wearing the pants.

-I'll give you another lesson.

-Ah, what a delight!

Leigh rocketed to change the room, took a wide-brimmed hat and returned

soon after. Ruiz found in the gallery, gazing thoughtfully the pictures

hanging on the wall.

-All these men and women lived in this house - he said at last, approaching

him. - And you're the last one.

-Yeah - agreed Ruiz, turning in his direction. - Let's forget the past and give

our horse riding...

They went down the stairs and out the roof, went around the house and

down the few steps leading to the backyard, where were the stables. Melida,

the mare went to Leigh, it was quietly and confidently. When away from the

farm, Leigh turned to Ruiz who was walking beside him.The sun warmed

the last hour and both were with the hats on. Descended from the horses

when they reached the top of the hill there and admired the scenery

around. The old house, whitewashed, sparkled under the bright sun in the

morning, although Leigh noticed for the first time that his dream was the

beauty of some modern touches. The low building, for example, that lay

before a site plan was the hangar where Ruiz kept a small plane, and the tall

trees on one side of the house concealed the light generator that supplied

electricity to the house and the village below. It seemed that the past and

present meet in the middle of the landscape.

-The farm view from here is even more beautiful - Leigh said, turning to

Ruiz. - I understand now why you did not want to miss it for anything in this


-Yeah - murmured Ruiz. - I did everything to keep it ... even that we

agree ... Yet. Glad you managed to turn the marriage of convenience into

something nice...

Leigh heard him in silence, as if his comment not affected more than the

usual compliments.

-What do you want to do when our agreement ends? - Asked then, with a

natural tone. - Will continue living here?

-You will make me a sermon again?

Leigh bit her lip and turned awkwardly to feature not easy to face him

staring eyes.

-Sorry ... I know this is not my business.

-Do not be formal. Maybe I like to listen to their criticisms. Anyway, you're

defending the view of my grandfather.

-Not quite - Leigh denied. - I think you are doing so only out of

stubbornness and that contrary to his will not only feel warrant.

-Thank you - Ruiz said with an ironic voice.

-You did not see his grandfather after he left here?

-Only once, about six months ago.

She shook her head as if the response corresponds to the idea that was.

-I think I understand why his grandfather said that clause in the will. He

wanted you inherit Carastrano anyway, but wanted to make sure that the line

of succession would not be interrupted. I bet that later would have given the

farm to you unconditionally, even if you do not accept the conditions of the

first testament.

-If he wanted me to leave the farm, as you suggest, then why did all this


-To make sure that the property does not pass into the hands of strangers

after his death.When his grandfather was with you six months ago,

concluded that you probably did not intend to marry ... and maybe he was

right. I also thought the same. You were a very cold and distant when I met


-Thank you - Ruiz repeated with the same ironic gesture.

-You gave me freedom to say what I think. Your grandfather wanted you to

inherit Carastrano, but was afraid that you would just live here ... without

giving an heir to the family, so that the family name was in danger of

disappearing. That is why certainly included that condition in the will ... and

not because they wanted to force him to obey it.

-Do you think then that I should have refused the current condition and

have waited another testament hypothetical?

-It's too late now to go back ... Anyway, you may be mistaken and that there

is another testament.

-But you think you have not acted properly in taking this attitude? What

should have married the purpose of giving an heir to the family?

His voice was completely meaningless and Leigh could not tell if he felt

anger or indifference only for your comment.

-Maybe you end up liking a woman - suggested.

-No, I do not think - Ruiz said shaking his head vigorously. - You mean to

say that in his opinion, I circumvent the terms of the will?

-Hmmm - Leigh murmured, noticing now that your previous comment was

inappropriate and indiscreet.

-What do you suggest then? - Ruiz continued inexorably. - Annul the

marriage and marry again to give an heir to the family?


Leigh kept his eyes downcast, realizing too late that the conversation had

taken an unexpected and embarrassing.

-But why should it do this? - Ruiz exclaimed, turning to face her. He put his

hands firmly upon their shoulders and asked with a calm voice: - Why do

not you give me an heir, dear?

Leigh raised her head with an exclamation of surprise and blue eyes, big and

bright, they found him. There was the realization that she wanted and felt

love for him long ago. Leigh continued in silence for a long moment,

thinking vaguely about how everything had happened. Perhaps the feeling

was latent in it a long time without suspecting it. This explained, of course,

many things, and could finally understand the profound motivation of his

behavior in recent times.

The way he recovered easily from Bruce ... the strange desire that marriage

of convenience did not finish soon - and especially the way reacted to the

kiss that Ruiz had given him in the hallway of his house. All these facts

pointed in the same direction. Ruiz returned different from the first trip to

Mexico, a man who instantly attracted the attention of women, with an

irresistible magnetism. It was natural that his love for Bruce died

quickly. Ruiz noted his air absorbed and thought it was a result of what you


-You were frightened by my request? - Asked quietly. - You never thought

of that before?

I had thought? What was then behind the concern with the will of his

grandfather? The desire that the family name did not disappear, that Ruiz

does not circumvent the terms of the will to take possession of the

inheritance? The deep yearning for marriage to be more than just a contract

of convenience? That was actually his wife with all that that implies?

As I stood in silence, with eyes downcast, hands down Ruiz's shoulder,

girded her waist and pulled her close to him.

-It would be very difficult for you?

Leigh tried to answer, but there was something that clutched his throat. It

merely so staring at him in silence, with astonished eyes and trembling lips.

-We do not live here all the time - said Ruiz, persuading Ia.

-We spend some time in Mexico City or in a beach house. I know that

money does not count for you, but I am a rich man and you could have it


-Please do not talk about money - Leigh interrupted her voice thrilled.

-Sorry, dear, but I do not know what words to say to persuade her. I wish

you stayed here and never come back to your home ... It was inadvertently

mentioned that the question of money.

-Only people without sincerity need to be persuaded that way - said Leigh


She said it impulsively, but the comment was pleased, apparently, Ruiz. He

squeezed her tighter in his arms and bowed to kiss her mouth.

-You judge me repulsive?

-No, not at all.

-I know you lost the man she loved. But life can be rich again in Carastrano

... and time erases all memories. I say this from experience.

Leigh stared at him in the eye.

-You liked it?

Ruiz smiled and shook his dark head.

-I thought so, but all that ended long ago. I thought then that the pain would

last forever. Until one day I discovered that love is only a romantic myth.

-You no longer believes in love?

-In the idealistic love of romantic people? Not just men and women live in a

good relationship?

-Maybe - Leigh agreed, but she wanted to say that his argument was

false. The love was real and only happened once in a lifetime. They were the

loves ephemeral dying, like her for Bruce, who disappeared quickly when

confronted with true love.

The thought probably transpired in her face, because Ruiz got his chin to

examine it more closely. Then narrowed her in his arms and kissed her with

passion, like that night in his house.Again she felt the sudden heat through

the body from top to bottom, a strong wave that took her away from the

margins of reality, far away in the sea of enchantment, while the fiery

passion united them in a relationship as old as the world.

A few minutes later, Ruiz walked away with the delicacy of the arms and

carefully examined his face flushed. Leigh stared at him a moment and

lowered her eyes.

-You kissed me to convince me to stay?

-No, honey. Just to show you that you can forget about the past


She supported the body in the curve of his arm and thought to say that Bruce

did not mean anything to her. But how could confess the love I felt if Ruiz

never said he loved her? He knew only that Ruiz believed to be desirable

and would like to make love to her. And that was enough, at this

time. Would be unbearable if Ruiz invited her to live in Carastrano and

insisted to give a child without feeling anything for her.

His attempt to explain that Ruiz had an obligation to his family moved to the

background, but this was inevitable.

-You are doing so only out of respect for the family? - Asked finally

recognizes too late that his question was foolish, before he had said before

about the obligation owed to the preservation of the family.

Ruiz watched her in silence. Then shook his head, as if finally understood

her hesitation.

-No, not just for that - he said slowly, as if surprised to find that there was

nothing but his love for Carastrano. - You became a part of my life. Even if

it does not feel love for each other, we can be happy together.

He nodded and kissed her again, as before. Passed him and then his fingers

through his hair and kept her head next to his, although Leigh did not make

any move to remove it.

-It would be very difficult for you? - He asked.

When she tried and failed to answer anything but whisper your name, Ruiz

embraced and smiled tenderly.

-No need to answer now. Let's go home and you will have time to think

about it. Maybe tonight you can give me the answer I want to hear - he said

at last, leading it towards the horses grazing nearby.

Returned slowly towards the farm and Leigh thought about it all afternoon

and could have given the answer right there, at that moment. From

Carastrano and let someone else take his place might as well start a live and

vital organ of his body.

When Ruiz entered the room that night, the windows were open and the

breeze blowing from the mountains brought with it the scent of roses in the

garden. If left, one day away, the memories that accompany it everywhere,

but now, the scent of roses remain forever with her. She sat before the

mirror, brushing her long hair, when Ruiz approached. He stopped suddenly,

with brush in hand, to see him sit beside him on the bench.

-Let me brush your hair.

She lowered her head slightly while Ruiz went to brush the hair soft,

-His hair is beautiful, baby. Do not ever cut.

-They are too long and give me a lot of work.

-Everything that is beautiful work - Ruiz said with a smile. - I do not like

short hair.

-But people often say: "Long hair, short intelligence.

-People do not know what they say. I had, once, a very efficient

secretary ... but I prefer the lovely woman who makes me company now.

-When working in the factory, I never imagined that one day we would get


-We were running away from each other. Fortunately the old relatives are

smart ... and my grandfather predicted that one day it would happen.

-Maybe. - She glanced at him, then pulled away as if he had the courage to

find the black eyes. - Are you happy?

-Very. Who would want to live here alone the rest of life? Glad I did not let

you go back to England. - He held her by the shoulders and stared at her. -

And you? Are you happy here?

-I am very happy - said Leigh quietly, and it seemed to be a sufficient

answer to the question that morning.

Ruiz nodded and dipped his face in the curve of your neck warm. That was

enough for now, Leigh thought, closing her eyes and feeling the heat to

flood the body. Later, if the target was favorable, there might be a love

between the two.


Leigh was brushing her hair when Ruiz touched lightly on his shoulder. She

smiled without looking back.

-I know who it is! I only know one man who makes me all goose bumps

like that.

-It's me.

Lightly brushed her lips with his mouth and, at first, Leigh thought he was

to depart. Instead, Ruiz held her in his arms and kissed her with a passionate

sensuality that left her breathless.Every time he kissed her like that, she felt

faint and without strength in his arms. Ruiz gave a sly smile when he lifted

his head finally.

-Her boyfriend used to kiss her this way?

-No, never - Leigh said awkwardly. - You have a very special way of


-And do you like most?

-Much more.

-It's good to know! And you do not feel nostalgia for Bruce?

-No, not at all - answered without hesitation.

-You see? I did not say that nostalgia would pass with time? - He held his

chin between the thin brown fingers. - I would not want you back for it.

Leigh smiled and shook his head. - Bruce is engaged to Stella and wish that

the two are happy.

-As happy as we?

-That's impossible.

Ruiz smiled and put his lips on the shoulders uncovered. He sat on the stool

next to her side and held the brush in his hand as he had done the first night,

in which the marriage was no longer just an agreement and should be turned

into a wonderful relationship and real.

Three weeks later a letter from Stella. When Leigh learned that his sister

was traveling to Mexico, where he would run a film was taken by a feeling

confused. Wanted, of course, revise his sister. After all, blood is thicker than

water, and it was difficult to consider it a person who should be treated with

caution, because it is dangerous and treacherous. Stella should be sorry for

the way you led before. But that does not mean he could easily forget the

hurt caused by the selfish and irresponsible sister, as if just enough to pass a

cloth in memory.

The arrival of Stella left her also concerned when he thought he could

exercise a dangerous influence on the man who was now lawful husband. At

the same time, was eager to see her, and wished all members of the family

knew he was very happy in his new life.

-Stella is a film in Mexico - said Ruiz. - Will work with Ramon

Talmont. There is one actor who met in Mexico City?

-Himself. It is one of the most popular actors of the country. - He paused

and added, with animation: - We can get Stella in our home in Mexico

City. It is quite large and have rooms to spare to host your sister.

The mansion was rented, when the two had been in Mexico City, but was

now vacant. Leigh tried to imply that the idea does not appeal to him


-You do not care?


-Would not it preferable to stay at this hotel? - He suggested, with the hope

that Ruiz would agree. - After all, Stella is accompanied by other actors

working in film.

-I know that. But you must be dying of longing for his sister. Especially

since his mother will want to know their stories through Stella. If you do not

receive it: at home and not tell everything that happened between us, as your

mother will know that we are happy together?

Leigh did not know what to say. He sat quietly beside him on the

couch. Ruiz stroked her hair, pulled her to him and kissed her lightly on the


-Are you happy here, right? - Murmured close to her ear.

-Very - Leigh said, feeling a lump in my throat because I was really happy


A few days later the two took the plane to Mexico City and settled in the

family mansion Aldoret, a colonial residence very similar to Carastrano.

She chose a room for Stella in the first floor, and thought his sister would

like that room comfortable and luxurious, it looked like a movie set. Stella

would feel perfectly at home there, and never would occur to him to move to

a hotel so as not to cause discomfort to the couple.Leigh did not want, of

course, that Stella is judged inappropriate. I wanted to get her sister with all

affection and wanted her to feel good in the company of two. At the same

time, however, was afraid that Stella did not know repay the

hospitality. Ruiz was very important at present to run any danger of this

kind. Leigh tried to hide from Ruiz that he had doubts about the sister. Ruiz,

however, watched curiously, when asked if he was anxious to review Stella,

as if to understand that he noticed some hesitation in their answers. But

made no comment. Leigh would have preferred that he talked about the fact

that with greater freedom, so that could open up and confess their fears.

On set, went to Stella at the airport and Leigh had the impression that was

many years had not seen his sister. Enroute to the airport, tried to show is

excited about the visit of his sister.However, when glancing at the pretty

face and attractive Ruiz, was assaulted by a sudden seizure and asked herself

why not invented an excuse to host Stella elsewhere. Now it was late. He

was to face the possible consequences. It was written that Stella would be

staying at home and she could only pray that all went well. Stella ran to

meet him when got off the plane on the runway for landing. As always, was

elegantérrima and seemed so extraordinarily beautiful and attractive that

Leigh felt an aching heart.

-Do you have a look wonderful, darling! - Exclaimed Stella, after greeting

Ruiz and take some steps in the company of her sister. There was a glimmer

of irony in his eyes black. - Exactly a married woman! So elegant and

beautiful that did not recognize at first!

Ruiz smiled.

-It is good, no?

-Unrecognizable! You must be an excellent husband!

Beautiful eyes cast a languid look for him.

-I can give you a kiss, Ruiz? After all, we are family now. - Without

waiting for consent, was on tiptoe and pressed her lips red-brown face,

enveloping him in a wave of perfume, stronger and more exciting than the

perfume that Leigh used to use.

-Hmmm! - Stella said to stay away, blinking long eyelashes. - I think I'll

like to have him as brother.

Ruiz did not return the compliment at the time, but after the storage of Stella

were taken to the car, it seemed natural to be replaced in front of her, while

Leigh was relegated to the back seat.When they left the airport, with the

strong sun of Mexico punishing the roof of the car, Leigh dug his nails into

his palm, angry, and scolded herself to be reacting in a totally ridiculous

with the arrival of his sister. She believed deep down that Stella try to

separate it from Ruiz, and if he continued with that thought in mind, the next

few weeks would be a hell. Anyway, Ruiz did not Bruce. More resigned to

the thought, he decided that should be undertaken with ease and treat as

Stella was accustomed to doing in the past, before he had any reason to

suspect her sister.A new suspicion occurred to him, but when they got home

and Stella began to litter bags.

-You and Bruce have announced the engagement? - Asked Leigh, helps his

sister to keep the clothes in the closet.

Stella came up with a dress in hand and quietly confessed that he was not

engaged to Bruce. A shadow crossed her face perfect, as she struggled to

hide his misfortune, and there was a tremor in his voice when he had the


-You know how, Leigh - Stella said, clutching the silk dress in hand. -

Bruce did not like me. It was the famous actress who seduced. At least that's

what he told me!

-Bruce said that? Oh, sorry, honey! - Leigh exclaimed with sincerity. - I

should not have touched on this subject.

Stella shrugged and gave a grim smile.

-Does not matter. After all, the culprit was me. I deserve what happened.

A mysterious glow appeared in the black eyes and a wrinkle appeared in the

corner of his mouth. Whether by coincidence or forethought, or simply a

result of accumulated emotion, a lovely mouth quivered suddenly, and Stella

turned her face to hide his anguish.

-If you do not mind - said in a muffled voice - I'd rather not talk about it.

-But of course! - Leigh exclaimed with pity, though I knew that Stella's

remorse was fair and deserved. - I understand perfectly. We will try to

distract Ia while you're here. I promise I will not touch more on this topic. -

He changed his tone. - Ah, Mexico is a wonderful country! I'm sure you will

love. Ruiz has many friends and you will be presented to all. You do not

have time to feel miserable!

-You are a love - Stella said with gratitude, but the long lashes concealed

black eyes, and it was impossible to know what she was really thinking or

feeling. Stella perked up suddenly. - Listen, it would be better off to the

room and talk to Ruiz? You was very lucky to marry him.Ruiz seems to me

a wonderful man ... incredibly exciting! - Passed lipstick on the lips and eye

shadow. - And this house is a real palace!

-You have not seen Carastrano!

-It's more beautiful than this one? Oh, Leigh, I would like to stay long with

you until you threw me out!

Leigh crossed his fingers without realizing sister. "Oh, no!" thought, and

with a sense of panic.

Ruiz was waiting for them in the room and, once again assumed the position

of master of the house caring and gentle. He offered an appetizer to Stella

before dinner, he admired her dress with the air of a man who understands

women's fashion and put it on your right at the dinner table.

As Ruiz has treated her with some ceremony, Stella immediately called his


-Look, you can call me Stella, as I am called by my relatives and close


-Stella - Ruiz repeated thoughtfully. - Stella means star, no? - He examined

it carefully and seemed fascinated by the brilliance and depth of black

eyes. - Black Star - murmured softly, as if trying to remember something.

Stella seemed troubled by the intense gaze of Ruiz and shook


-You left me all goose - said with a mysterious expression. - I do not know

if I want to be really black star. I would rather be a star to come up, come up

and it became increasingly white and bright. The star only goes off when the

morning is near, and I prefer the sun of noon.

-Do not worry - Leigh said sympathetically. - Your success is going to last

long. You are at the peak of his career...

-Am I? - He asked Stella, in doubt. Turned to Ruiz and made a confidence

that seemed to come directly from the heart:

-I'd rather make a good marriage to be a successful actress. I'm exhausted

from working in the movies ... Marriage, as you two are an example, is

much more satisfying and rewarding.

Ruiz nodded.

-You are right - said, addressing a smile for Leigh.

-I told Stella that would amuse Ia, while he was here, and I can announce

now that we organize a dinner in his honor. Your pair will be very happy to

find it here!

-My Match? - Stella asked curiously. - Who can be?

-Someone you already know the name, probably...

-A movie actor?

-Exactly. Ramón Talmont. The actor will work with you in the movie ... the

most successful of Mexico! We thought you'd like to meet him before being

formally presented.

Stella agreed that I would very much, although it felt a special affection for

the wolves.

-But it might not be as bad as the paint - he added with a chuckle. - Either

way, it will be fun to meet you...

The conversation continued on issues and Leigh wondered how her sister

stood. She must be unhappy, for having fought with Bruce, but made a

visible effort to hide his sadness. On the night of the dinner in honor of

Stella, Leigh dressed with special care. As she admired the mirror, unsure

whether or not to use the necklace of sapphires that Ruiz had given him and

the bracelet that matched the necklace and blue dress, Ruiz walked into the

room and placed a jewelry box on top dresser. After kissing her and

compliment her dress, Ruiz opened the lid of the box and Leigh gave an

exclamation on seeing the pearls on the bottom of red velvet.

-Ah, Ruiz, what madness!

-Like? - He asked with a smile, pulling the collar of the velvet box and

passing it around her neck.

Leigh looked at himself in the mirror, delighted with the beauty of the

necklace and earrings pear shaped. She turned impulsively and kissed him

on the mouth.

-You will spoil me with all these gifts!

-You gave me much more than that. I had forgotten what it was live. When

people isolate themselves and live in a shell, nothing else makes sense. - He

walked away with the delicacy of his arms. - And Stella, ready? Remember

that today is an important night for her and we give full attention ... - Made

a short break and asked, watching her carefully: - Are you happy with the

arrival of his sister?

-I really liked revise Ia.

-One day we invite Kerry to visit us. And we introduce you to a nice man as

Ramon Talmont.

-Poor Ramón! He will suffer, tonight, in the hands of Stella. But I agree that

would be great if Kerry spent some time with us and be presented to a nice


-But first you need to get a husband to Stella.

Leigh was the sister's room and found her struggling with the zipper of your

gorgeous gown.Stella praised the elegance of his sister and his eyes were

fixed attentively on the pearl necklace she had around his neck, as if each

bead attracts your eye like a magnet. He touched lightly on the collar, his

face fascinated.

-Pearls true...

I won tonight, Ruiz.

-You are a creature of luck - said Stella, turning to admire his reflection in

the mirror with an enigmatic expression on his face. He lowered his eyes

and looked at the tips of the nails treated well.

-I already gave my opinion on Ruiz, but I heard that you made an


-A deal?

The long lashes blinked when Stella turned and stroked her sister's surprised


-I guessed at once what had happened ... But now that you're married, be

careful not to lose her husband. He has a very special taste for beautiful

things, especially the beauties out! I felt embarrassed by the look he sent me

the other night...

-He loves you and admires her beauty as everyone else - Leigh explained

his voice calm.

The black eyes shone with a smile of derision.

-Could be. But listen to my advice ... Be careful with your husband!

The moment came down the stairs to greet the guests, Leigh felt that much

of the pleasure of meeting that night had disappeared suddenly. Stella

presented to Ramon Talmont and the other guests, trying to give the

impression that everything was running normally. But it was not. Stella had

been jealous of the necklace of pearls and had become aggressive and

cruel. Could also be that really wanted to warn her. If Stella had known Ruiz

before finding Bruce, would probably run all their attention to it, and not for


Now he was sorry not to have known Ruiz first. Leigh could not believe that

his sister was a threat to their future happiness, but past experience had

taught to be more cautious. I could not rely on Stella and although he had

absolute confidence in Ruiz, the present situation does not please him. If

Stella was not staying in your home, everything would be different, but

Leigh had hoped that the situation would improve slightly when Stella

began working on the film. Stella, meanwhile, made friends with Ramon

Talmont, who took her to know all the attractions of the city and to enjoy all

the delicacies of Mexican cuisine. He spent a good part of the day with him,

when he was not required for work in the studio. Leigh had the impression

that he was living on the edge of a volcano and just feel calm when the sister

was away from home. On the other hand, felt a little remorse, because their

suspicions included Ruiz. As Ruiz was a good and generous husband, the

suspect seemed horrible. Unfortunately, knew from experience that it could

not rely on Stella. One afternoon when Leigh was reading a magazine in the

living room, the maid came in and said that an English lad wanted to see


-A young English? As his name?


Bruce! Leigh got up from the couch and walked quickly to the entrance hall

where Bruce was waiting, with his face awkwardly, as if he had doubts

about whether or not it would be well received by the hostess. When Leigh

appeared, the new, graceful and well dressed Leigh, who was the owner of

one of the most beautiful houses of Mexico City - Bruce lost his

embarrassment, he forgot himself from his insecurity and made the mistake

to imagine many things. He stared at her with shining eyes and tried to hold

her in his arms. Surprised and amazed, Leigh moved away from the boy


-What are you doing here, Bruce? - Asked in a voice cold.

The shock, grief and indignation passed through the boy's face.

-Apparently, you are not happy to see me.

-What is very understandable in these circumstances - Leigh replied in a

voice cold. Why Bruce was looking for it? - You came here to meet Stella?

-Why is she here?

-She arrived two weeks ago. Do not you know?

-No - Bruce responded with a wry laugh. - It's all over between us. I was an

idiot, but fortunately, I realized in time.

-An idiot? - Leigh repeated in surprise. - First you left me because of Stella

and now you accuse my sister of being fickle?

-That's what she told you?

-Why? It is the truth?

-I'm sure that Stella told a beautiful lie. I wonder what his little sister

walked innocently saying about me...

-I do not like you to talk to my sister that way - Leigh interrupted firmly.

-All right, do not speak.

Leigh frowned. The situation was extremely awkward and terribly bored.

-Stella has no reason to lie. What she said must be the truth. She said you

fell in love with actress success, and not by her as a person.

Bruce has strenuously denied. He advanced a few steps and grabbed her

arm. There was a note of desperation in his voice.

-You want to know the truth about his sister? She is the woman who is

more selfish and does not care for you! It can destroy the happiness of every

person with the greatest calm of this world. I know Stella and I know how it

is. She just had fun at my expense. I was bored at home and dating was part

of their little game. She never thought seriously about marrying me. If you

had not been surprised that afternoon...

-Please, Bruce, let's not talk again on this subject. You can deny it now, but

at the time you were in love with Stella.

-I swear I did not like her anymore.

Leigh was surprised at herself for not feeling any penalty or Stella

Bruce. But I had to make him believe he was defending his sister.

-You do not think they like and no longer like very easily? - Asked

ironically. - Also, do not admit that you come here to speak ill of my sister.

-Of course, Stella is never responsible for anything ... the girl is always

innocent and pure. One of these days you'll end up discovering who she

really is ... and I hope the surprise is not that big!

-If you continue to talk like that, I will be forced to fire him - said Leigh,

letting go of his arm. - I do not really understand what you came here to

do. And I confess that this situation does not please me at all.

-I came here to take it with me - Bruce said, staring at her.

Leigh heard the statement in silence, unable to immediately understand the


-What? You forgot that I'm married to Ruiz? - Asked finally.

-You said it is a marriage of convenience. - He took a step forward, as if to

hold her again, but quickly backtracked Leigh. - Leigh, you have to go back

with me. We both like each other.Stella was only a temporary madness.

-And now you want to resume the engagement?

-Exactly. You can cancel the wedding.

-Who said I want to cancel the wedding?

-You said ... I thought...

-Look, Bruce, it is better to let everything clear at once. I do not want to get

back to you. I like Ruiz. Our marriage began, in fact, as a combined

arrangement, but now it is true, so I have no intention to cancel it.

His eyes narrowed and an explosion of anger flushed his face.

-Stella was right! She said you can not trust a gringo!

-Do not repeat that word! - Leigh exclaimed in a voice cold.

-Sorry, Leigh, I did not want to offend her.

-What Stella has to do with it? You told her that our marriage was


-She insisted on knowing. He left no will.

-So you tell me?

At this point, the two heard the voice of Stella the coming door to the


-Leigh, honey, you know ... - Stella interrupted what she would say, the

sight of Bruce in the room, and turned to the boy gasped. His perplexity was

both false and genuine. - Você .. here!

Leigh approached the sister and put her arm around his shoulder as if to

comfort her.

-He is leaving, Stella.

-No, I am - said Bruce aggressively. - We'll have a little chat before that. -

Launched a furious look for Stella. - What a lie you told Leigh about me?

Stella turned to her sister with a puzzled face.

-Leigh, I do not understand what he is saying...

-Ah, you do not understand? - Bruce repeated sarcastically. - You will deny

that to be amused at my expense and that he never intended to marry

me? You did not laugh at me and not mocked Ruiz, when I said that Leigh

had married not to interfere in our case?

Stella turned to Leigh as if seeking an explanation for the words of the boy.

-You know what he's talking about?

-Oh, stop pretending! - Cried Bruce, without control over time. - You know

perfectly well what I mean! You came here with the aim of ruining the

wedding of Leigh, it is ready to take over the fortune of Ruiz!

Leigh took the arm's shoulder and Stella made no move to pull the cord of

the bell, but Bruce handled it in time.

-No, you will not call the servants. You will hear first what I have to say.

-Have you talked too much! - Leigh said, pulling the power cord of the

bell. - Please, Maria, accompanies this young man to the door - told the

maid who came to the room.

Bruce resigned himself to the inevitable.

-Okay, I'm leaving ... but you will regret what you did, Leigh, If you need

me, I'm staying at the Hotel Mendito.

-Does not interest me where you are staying.

-You never know - Bruce said, glancing at Stella. - Maybe you decide to go

back with me to London.

Before Leigh made any comment, Bruce turned and left the room.

-You believe what he said? - Stella asked, after a moment of silence.

-Of course not! - Leigh said, to reassure her,

-Oh, thank goodness ... What he meant by marriage of convenience?

-Do not you know?

-I have no idea, What does that mean? You seem so happy with Ruiz...

-I'm happy - said Leigh quietly,

-But the marriage was arranged, as Bruce said?

-Yes. Ruiz needed to marry to inherit the farm and I thought it would make

things easier for you and Bruce.

-Ah, you should not have done such a thing! - Stella exclaimed, awkwardly.

-Fortunately, everything went better than expected. At first I did not really

like Ruiz and, if the agreement included an heir to the family, I was not

quite prepared to accept, but then...

-You say you wanted to divorce later?

-Hmmm - Leigh murmured, shocked by the harshness of the words. - But

then changed his mind. When we saw that we got on well together, Ruiz

suggested making our marriage real ...and now is very real!

Stella looked at her carefully, as if he does not understand the words.

-Ah, Leigh, that terrible and unnecessary complication! If you had not

married ... or if it was possible to cancel the wedding ... Why do not you ask

for divorce, if not absolutely certain of your future? I do not understand how

you can be so calm...

-Leigh smiled to reassure her.

-I am safe and do not want to separate myself from Ruiz. As I said before,

everything went better than expected. I like Ruiz and do not want to go back

to Bruce.

-How is it possible? You liked it so much before!

-Like is not the same as love. I know that now.

-You see? This proves that all make mistakes in life...

Leigh ran a sweet look to her sister, as in good times.

-Now let's forget Bruce and dress to go out. Ruiz is coming from a

moment's notice and invited us to take a drive.

That night, Stella left the room before Leigh and went to the hall where he

used to have a drink before dinner. Leigh, who was late, dressed quickly,

went a comb in her hair and went downstairs. I knew that Stella had come

down before her and hoped to find it in the lounge. After the conversation in

the afternoon with her sister, her suspicions had stopped momentarily, and

was puzzled that opened the door to the room, heard the following


-It was good to meet him alone, Ruiz - Stella said in a voice sweet and

silky. - I wish I had a talk alone with you since I arrived, but the opportunity

never arose ... Later, however, what happened this afternoon, I realized that

was a very delicate situation.

-If you can do something for you, I am at your service - Ruiz said with a

caring voice.

-It's not me, but Leigh and Bruce.

-Really? What happened to the two?

-I know it is very delicate to talk about it - Stella began quietly, and Leigh

has never understood, later, why did not depart from there. It was his custom

to hear the conversation of others, but his name was pronounced, and she

remained silent, next to the door, motionless. - But his marriage to

Leigh ... was for convenience, no? You needed to marry to inherit the family

property, is not it?

There was a moment of silence between the two. Finally Ruiz asked with a

calm voice:

-Yes, then?

-Do not you think that is a little ... Unfair to keep her here? Know what I

mean? She did so much for me that I feel obliged to help her now.

-She told you the reason for marriage?

-Well, not her personally. I heard you told it to someone else.

-Really? With whom do I know?

-With Bruce.

-With Bruce?

-Hmmm. I know this has nothing to do with me, but I really like Leigh and

I know that Bruce was the great love of his life...

-Oh, I - Ruiz said softly.

Stella gave a deep sigh, let go of hesitation before and told the story in its

own way:

-I was in the garden when Bruce arrived. In reality, I was at home when I

saw the taxi stop on the sidewalk. Not wanting to interrupt their meeting,

expected to finish their conversation ... - He gave another sigh. - I'd rather

not talk about it, but it was a very emotional...

Ruiz made no comment and Stella continued:

-Then I heard Leigh explain why the marriage. She commented that it was

an interim agreement and Bruce urged to return with him to London, but

Leigh said it was impossible. She was terribly distressed, but I do not put in

doubt his loyalty.

-I did not know that Bruce was in Mexico - Ruiz said in a voice impassive.

-Leigh did not say anything to you?


-Oh, my God, why did I tell? This worsens the situation!

-In what sense?

-Do not you understand? The two are accomplices!

-You think?

Ruiz's voice did not reveal any emotion, as if there were not a little shaken

by the comment of Stella. Leigh, who heard the conversation behind the

door, bitterly regretted not having told Ruiz that he had been with Bruce. He

waited another moment before entering the room and again heard the voice

of Stella:

-I told you all this because I want my sister to be happy. Leigh deserves to

be happy and it means a lot to me. You understand me?

-She is not happy here?

-How could it be? She's just pretending, but I'm not mistaken. I know her

since childhood. We grew up together. It was my fault what happened that

terrible complication, and I want to make everything right now. That's why I

decided to talk to you...

-I admire your interest in his sister - Ruiz said, her voice still unperturbed.

Stella murmured softly, as if they thanked you for the compliment. Leigh

took the break to enter the room. He smiled and behaved with such

naturalness that neither of them suspected that he had heard the previous

conversation. During dinner, Ruiz was especially affectionate with

Leigh.Stella, in turn, break into smiles and complimentary comments from

the moment his sister entered the room.

Leigh understood, however, that was going through a serious crisis in her

married life and that was all his fault. Should have talked with Ruiz to visit

Bruce. This would have avoided many hassles. I had no doubt that Stella

purposely created that delicate situation, only by envy of their

happiness. Now, for Stella does not come out winning, should conduct

themselves with great tact and not reveal anything of what I heard.

I should think and reflect well on the subject before trying to save his

marriage in jeopardy.

That night, the first time since there were a few months, Ruiz went back to

sleep alone in the dressing room. Left after dinner, to visit friends and

arrived late. It was natural that he did not want to wake her, but Leigh fully

understand the reason for his conduct. The next morning, Ruiz said it

urgently needed to return to Carastrano.

-I'm going to pack in a minute - Leigh said, addressing the wardrobe to get

some dresses.

-No need - Ruiz replied with an authoritative gesture. - I'll just stay a few

days. I prefer you to make the company Stella.

Leigh thought to say something but stopped. That was not the appropriate

time to discuss the matter.

She helped him to pack up and at one point, Ruiz said:

-Why did you not tell me he had met with Bruce?

-I wanted to tell...

-But did not think was important?

-Is it really was not important.

She stared at him with eyes anxious. The only important thing at present

was that Ruiz is back and kiss him, but he did not. Muttered hastily, not

wanting to miss the plane and the two descended the stairs together. Leigh

spent some time on the open door while the car was leaving quickly towards

the airport.

Then the loneliness descended on the house. She also wanted to return to

Carastrano but could only follow her husband in thought, following the

route of the aircraft on the map, wondering what would come closer to the

low mountains surrounding the farm and down the small airport. In a few

moments would be home, he thought. Carastrano was really his home. Much

more than the other where he was born and raised, although she missed the

family. But Carastrano was different, because it was associated with the man

she loved. He thought, with a feeling of horror, who could be married to

Bruce. After some time, eventually discovering that love really only felt by

Ruiz. Or perhaps never aware of it and the two were simply a couple of

people distant and cold, without ever having known true love. And that's

what made the big difference at the time.Where was Ruiz now? thought

distressed. The plane had already landed? If you were with him, the brown

hand resting on his arm as they climbed the stairs of the terrace, and all the

nerves of your body would be tense, because only a small contact was

enough to leave it covered with goose bumps.

Enter the room cool and cozy, and would be more than just go home. There

would be memories of happiness that would involve as a transparent and

diaphanous veil ... recalls Ruiz out of the bathroom with the happy face and

smiling, tanned skin and healthy, wet hair falling over attests ... Or,

tremendously elegant and beautiful in the suit of night ... or very impressive

with the boots and hat brimmed Mexican. Memories of the day admired the

portraits of ancestors in the gallery, which occupied a part of the wall and

left the other empty for future generations. Before there was the danger of a

wall to be naked forever, but now, although there was still an heir

Carastrano, Leigh was sure he would say, one day, the man he loved, he was

not the last of Aldoret.

Other times, the Ruiz was standing in the middle of the hallway, and he

passed his arm around the waist. She turned instinctively to the side, but was

afraid that his eyes betrayed his feelings for him. Now, however, did not

care about that anymore. Ruiz was a man that any woman would be proud to

love, even if there was a little reluctance between the two, because Ruiz

never said he loved her. A small paradise for two, thought Leigh, at the

time. And now? Ruiz was sorry to have transformed the original agreement

into a real relationship? Or was that the troubled Bruce?

The next day, Leigh decided to look for Bruce and clear up if Ruiz had

sought in the hotel and what was said between the two. In passing, however,

the hotel where Bruce was staying, was told that Bruce had gone out early in

the morning and not come back yet. Concerned and unwilling to return

home, Leigh walked some time in the city. Could not even talk to Stella,

who was lying in the room with the windows closed, suffering from a strong

headache as a result of having been exposed a long time in the sun. In

addition, Leigh no longer trusted his sister.Unhappy and depressed, he

thought he could not trust anyone else. He walked some time under the hot

sun and blinding noon, until you feel tired and go home.

Unintentionally, Leigh remembered again, long ago, she arrived home

unexpectedly. But this time was different. Instead of moving away

instinctively, stunned by the shock and grief, hid behind the door and heard

the conversation. This time was different. Very different. There was no pain,

only a disappointment cold and unwavering desire to make an immediate

decision, as he listened Stella talk to Bruce in the living room.

-You should be happy - Stella said in a tone of mockery. - So, did it for

their benefit.

-I do not want to go down as much as you - "replied Bruce.

-Why not? All means are good when they serve our objectives. I'm serious,

Bruce. You should thank me. If all goes as I think, very soon Leigh back

with you to England.

-No, I'm back - said Leigh with a calm voice, coming in the gate high

overlooking the garden. - You broke my engagement, Stella, but I will not

allow to destroy my marriage.

It is curious how someone can change his mind suddenly. Until a few

minutes ago, Leigh would not believe anything you say against Stella. Now,

however, everything that puzzled him before, in the smallest detail, fit

perfectly in place, and his disappointment was absolute and complete.She

knew that Bruce was telling the truth. Stella was playing with the two, when

the broken engagement. Stella turned slowly. At first, her expression was

shock and bewilderment, and then slowly, a smirk appeared on his face


-As always, you have the bad habit of appearing when not expected - said

without the slightest hint of shame or confusion.

-Only this time I did well to show up - said Leigh with a quiet voice.

-A person prevented worth two.

-Exactly. You have been successful, if Bruce had not prevented me. - He

paused and said slowly: - What you told Ruiz that took him from suddenly

to Carastrano?

-You know what? - Stella asked in a tone of mockery.

-If you do not tell me, I'll ask him directly. - He paused and added with

determination: - I am serious, Stella. I will not let you destroy my marriage.

Leigh was really decided. The determination appeared immediately after it

realized who it was Stella. As the parents could be so miserably deceived

about the dear child, whom they affectionately black star? Black star!

The nickname had a new meaning now. Strange, as the fortune teller nailed

it! Leigh, however, was willing to fight to defend their marriage. Would use

all weapons at its disposal and would have no qualms about hurting her

sister, if necessary. Stella would not hesitate to do the same.Had already

shown it before. In his new understanding of Stella, Leigh was convinced he

would not accept the divorce even if your sister could lure completely Ruiz,

they knew perfectly well that Stella never make you happy. It would be

preferable to suffer everything in silence, contempt and indifference, to

allow Ruiz was deceived by Stella. Stella had not even had the opportunity

to do great harm to his marriage, which was an advantage. Attraction needed

to die before the other to take his place. Yet even if Ruiz felt only physical

attraction for her, Leigh nail sure that made her happy.

In addition, Stella could never truly love a man. If Ruiz tried to win, if only

to seize the wealth and social position, not to mention the desire to be loved

by him because Ruiz was, without doubt, a man who attracted women. But

it could only be physical attraction, because Stella was not someone who

could give or inspire love. If the fight is caught therein, Leigh had every

right to protect marriage and the man she loved.

Ruiz was happy in his company. Had no right to fight for it, even though it

was only because of this? Fighting to preserve his happiness?

-How do we? - Stella asked after a moment. - Do you prefer to make the

bags and get out?

-I think better - said Leigh with a quiet voice.

-What will you say to Ruiz? Go tell that I tried to take away her husband a


-The money it means nothing to me.

Stella laughed. - Do not tell me! You're one of those stupid women who fall

in love with a man without knowing before you're rich or poor? - Stella went

to the door of the room, turned and said with a contemptuous voice: - Look,

Leigh, you'd be content with Bruce, because I am determined to marry Ruiz.

-And I am determined to save my marriage - Leigh replied, without raising

his voice.

-You think you can fight me?

The intonation of Stella was arrogant, as if certain of victory, but Leigh did

not let shake.

-I can try. You only know how to use physical attractiveness, Stella. You

have nothing more to give to a man. If necessary, I will fight with their

weapons. I'm no vampire, but Ruiz likes me.

-Let's see who wins - Stella said with a wave of his hand, to leave the room.

Leigh felt a wave of freezing cold to the body. Despite what he had said,

was afraid of Stella.She was so beautiful and ruthless he could be successful

in the end. Ruiz, after all, was a man, subject to the normal emotions.

-Ah, Leigh, in which trouble you got! - Bruce exclaimed, holding her by the

wrist. - You can not fight with Stella. She risks everything!

-I can try, anyway.

-But not worth it, Leigh. - Shook him hard on the wrist and tried to bring it

to you.

-Let Stella marry Ruiz. We were happy, a time. We can be again.

Leigh shook her head. - It's over between us, Bruce.

-Why? We can start a better way - insisted sharply.

-Stella is completely unscrupulous. She will find some way to seduce

him. If you come back to me now, you can avoid many unnecessary


-She will not beat me this time. I'll find some way to remove it. I like Ruiz

and do not want to lose him. Stella never make you happy.

Bruce's face suddenly darkened, squeezed tighter to her wrist. With one

swift motion, pulled her to him, suddenly excited by his indifference.

-You do not like him - he murmured, while Leigh tried to let go. - I know

you like me. You said that married Ruiz solely because of Stella. -

Narrowed in his arms with the eyes injected, as if the effort to get rid Leigh

increase your desire. - I'll prove you like me.

Leigh tried to remove the head, but Bruce was too strong to resist. At that

time, if proof were needed to confirm that he did not like most of Bruce, she

was there. It was with disgust that he received his kiss. Meanwhile, in the

lobby, Stella stopped, seeing the tall, dark figure that went through the front


-Buenas tardes, Stella.

A gentle and ingratiating smile crossed her lips red, in response to the

compliment, but when Ruiz closed the door and took a few steps toward the

room, Stella stepped forward quickly and put in their path.

-Do not go now.

Ruiz stopped and examined it carefully, with furrowed attests.


-Why Bruce is there ... with Leigh.

Ruiz took a step toward the door of the room, but Stella grabbed him by the


-Do not be angry - Stella said with languid eyes. - I warn you before you

travel. - Ruiz stared at her. - You thought what you said?

-Yes, I thought - Ruiz said, turning to face her. With a sudden movement,

pulled the hand that held his arm as if it were something repellent and

poison. - And I decided that I will do everything to save my

marriage. Another thing: you'd better find an excuse to leave this house

without delay. We cherish much hospitality, but this time I will have to

disregard this custom. I do not want to tell my wife that her sister is a

creature lying, ambitious and is doing everything to destroy your life, how

you tried to do before, simply by evil.

-I did not do anything - Stella stammered, dumbfounded.

-You know perfectly well what I am referring to. And another thing: I do

not know if you combined the meeting with Bruce Leigh, but I want to

make clear that I will not under any circumstances, returns it to him. I do not

believe that Leigh loves Bruce. Furthermore, I will not let her return to a

man who abandoned her once, because a woman like you. Are we clear?

Without saying a word, nodded, a slight salute, and entered the living room.

By closing the door behind him, Ruiz looked waving his face absolutely

astonished. Could not have picked a less opportune time to enter the

room. At that moment, exactly, Bruce Leigh was forcibly kissing. When she

could finally let go of his arms, closed his fist in anger and punched, with all

the strength in his stomach. Bruce reached down with a cry of pain and Ruiz

commented sarcastically, the door:

-Okay, honey. Did not know you boxed.

The two returned to the same time. Leigh was pale with fright and Bruce

blushed violently, embarrassed and concerned about the presence in front of

you. Ruiz nodded with a clear gesture of mockery.

-Buenas tardes. Nice to meet you here.

-I'm outgoing - Bruce said awkwardly.

-What a pity But I do not want to counter it ... Adiós.

Bruce turned around with a muffled exclamation and walked briskly from

the room. Ruiz followed him with the face fun.

-I'm too controlled to be a Spanish ... - Commented ironically. - Must be the

English blood I inherited from my mother.

-Ruiz ... - Leigh said, taking a step towards him with outstretched hand. But

I did not know how to continue. After all the evil that caused Stella, how

could he explain his meeting with Bruce?

Ruiz smiled suddenly, the same bright smile that lit up her face.

-You do not need to explain anything, dear. - He held her hand and pulled

her to him. - He really thought I'd let you go?

Leigh shook in his arms with a vengeance. - Ruiz, I do not want to go with

it. Do you believe me? I do not know what Stella said, but I imagine it is all

a lie!

-I believe in you, dear ... and not leave for nothing from this world, even if

you wanted.

Leigh took a deep breath, invaded by a great joy. Stella and his plans to split

disappeared suddenly, as if they never existed.

-Really? - Murmured, her eyes bright.

-No man abandons the woman he loves - Ruiz said, narrowing her in his


The kiss was exchanged mutual expression of love and complete

trust. Leigh knew then he need not fear no evil of Stella, the months spent

together had built something that could not be destroyed by anyone.

-Since when do you like me? - He asked Ruiz to your ear.

-Ah, long ago ... but I just realized that when you asked me to give an heir

to the family. I discovered that all my previous arguments were unconscious

desire to make our marriage real. I was deceiving myself with all that talk

about the conditions of the will...

-I also - Ruiz said with a smile of condescension. - From the beginning I

wanted you to be mine forever.

-But you said you did not believe in love...

-Nonsense ... The man who does not love is more dead than alive.

-And the woman also - Leigh said with a chuckle.

-This proves that we're both alike. - The smile disappeared from his dark

face, when he asked: - You finally found out who is your sister?

Leigh looked at him with an expression of surprise. - Did you know?

-I suspected from the start - Ruiz said the quiet voice. - I asked Stella to

leave our house. Do you mind?

-Of course not! I had already said the same to her.

-You see? We both always thought the same way.

"Similar in everything," thought Leigh with a heart overflowing with

happiness. Was prepared to meet Stella Ruiz and returned home with the

same intent: to prevent Stella from ruining his marriage.

-Why did you go to Carastrano? For something that Stella said?

-Yes I knew there was some truth in her words. You still liked Bruce, when

he married me.Only a few months later decided to make our marriage true,

and you seemed perfectly happy with the suggestion. Then her sister

appeared. She told me that Bruce still loved you and knew that our marriage

was just an interim agreement. Bruce said that he intended to take her back

to England and you had rejected the proposal as a matter of loyalty. The

explanation of Stella seemed true at the time. I thought you were deceiving

me about our relationship. It was not just a case of affinity or physical

attractiveness. I liked very much to you ... and I came across the possibility

of ever losing it to another man. You seemed happy with me, but I could not

know whether or not he felt nostalgia for Bruce. I traveled, so to

Carastrano. I wanted to reflect on the case and make a decision. When I

arrived, I found the answer immediately. The memories of our happiness

were present everywhere. We could only be happy that way, I thought, if we

liked each other very much. Just spend a night there to know for sure. I

came back, so with the intention to refuse the divorce if you ask me. I knew

I could be a period of unhappiness, until you understand that I belonged and

that Bruce was just an old habit.

-An old habit! - Leigh repeated with a smile. - As the old shoe that we do

not want to throw away! But even that ... I did not feel anything for him, but

to irritation, to see him in here ... and then a little bit afraid when I

remembered that Stella was able ... It is strange that we both had the same

idea? You did not want me to come back to Bruce and I was determined to

prevent me from stealing Stella you...

-But in a sense, Stella was good coming here. Only then will we learn how

much we mean to each other. - Narrowed in his arms. - Now let's forget all

that happened and get back to our house.

Back to Carastrano, back to the complete and lasting happiness. Leigh

smiled with shining eyes. His marriage, which had begun so strangely, gone

through some periods of crisis and finally arrived at the port that all

sought. The black star had set in horizon.

