Name: Date: Use the following to answer questions 1-10 · 2018-07-05 · 52. After the purchases of...


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Name: __________________________ Date: _____________

Use the following to answer questions 1-10:

Locate the following places by reference number on the map:

1. _____ North America

2. _____ Asia

3. _____ India

4. _____ West Indies

5. _____ Africa

6. _____ England

7. _____ Spain

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8. _____ South America

9. _____ China

10. _____ Portugal

11. The European explorers who followed Columbus to North America

A) intended to found a new nation.

B) continued to view themselves as Europeans.

C) did not consider America as the western rim of the European world.

D) no longer saw themselves as subjects of European kings.

E) saw little difference in their lives in America and their lives in Europe.

12. By the 1770s which of the following issues helped bring about a crisis of imperial


A) trade restrictions

B) slavery

C) few colonists clung to any hope of accommodation with Great Britain

D) the coronation of a new king

E) the rise to power of radical patriots in the American colonies

13. The existence of a single original continent has been proved by the presence of

A) similar mountain ranges on the various continents.

B) the discovery of nearly identical species of fish in long-separated freshwater lakes of

various continents.

C) the discovery of marsupials on the various continents.

D) the continued shifting of the earth's crust.

E) all of the above.

14. Which of the following mountain ranges was probably created before the continental

separation approximately 350 million years ago?

A) the Rockies

B) the Sierra Nevada

C) the Cascades

D) the Coast Range

E) the Appalachians

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15. The Great Ice Age accounted for the origins of North America's human history because

A) it exposed a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America.

B) the glacial withdrawal allowed migration from South America.

C) the glacial withdrawal formed freshwater lakes that supported life.

D) when it ended European migration to the west became possible.

E) it prevented the migration of dangerous animals from the Bering isthmus.

16. Most likely the first Americans were

A) Vikings from Scandinavia.

B) Spanish explorers of the fifteenth century.

C) people who crossed the land bridge from Eurasia to North America.

D) Portuguese sailors of Prince Henry the Navigator.

E) refugees from Africa.

17. The size and sophistication of Native American civilizations in Mexico and South

America can be attributed to

A) Spanish influences.

B) their way of life based on hunting and gathering.

C) the development of agriculture.

D) influences brought by early settlers from Siberia.

E) their use of draft animals and the wheel.

18. The crop that became the staple of life in Mexico and South America was

A) wheat.

B) potatoes.

C) tobacco.

D) corn.

E) beans.

19. Before the arrival of Columbus, most native peoples in North America

A) lived in large communities.

B) were more advanced than those in South America.

C) lived in small, scattered, and impermanent settlements.

D) populated the greater part of the continent.

E) relied on horses for transportation.

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20. The Iroquois Confederacy was able to menace its Native American and European

neighbors because of

A) its military alliance, sustained by political and organizational skills.

B) the Iroquois warriors' skill with the Europeans' muskets.

C) the scattered nature of the Iroquois settlements, which made it difficult for their

enemies to defeat them.

D) the alliance with the Aztecs and Incas.

E) its use of new weapons.

21. The Christian crusaders were indirectly responsible for the discovery of America

because they

A) were victorious over the Muslims.

B) brought back news of valuable Far Eastern spices, drugs, and silk.

C) succeeded in establishing improved business relations between Muslims and


D) returned with captured Muslim maps showing the North and South American


E) developed better navigational devices.

22. Europeans wanted to discover a new, shorter route to eastern Asia in order to

A) break the hold that Muslim merchants had on trade with Asia.

B) reduce the price of goods from Asia.

C) gain more profits for themselves.

D) reduce the time it took to transport goods.

E) all of the above.

23. Which group was responsible for slave trading in Africa long before the Europeans had


A) the Portuguese and Spanish.

B) the English and Scandinavians.

C) the Incas and Aztecs.

D) the Arabs and Africans.

E) the English and Americans.

24. In the last half of the fifteenth century some forty thousand Africans were forced into

slavery by Portugal and Spain to

A) work on plantations in Africa.

B) establish plantations in North America.

C) establish plantations in South America.

D) help pay for the gold they took.

E) work on plantations on the Atlantic sugar islands.

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25. After his first voyage, Christopher Columbus believed that he had

A) discovered a New World.

B) failed at what he had set out to do.

C) sailed to the outskirts of the East Indies.

D) sailed around the world.

E) reached the shores of Japan.

26. Columbus called the native people in the “New World” Indians because

A) that was what they called themselves.

B) he believed that he had skirted the rim of the “Indies.”

C) it was a form of the Spanish word for heathen.

D) the Vikings had first called them by that name.

E) all of the above.

27. Which of the following New World plants revolutionized the international economy?

A) maize

B) potatoes

C) beans

D) tomatoes

E) all of the above

28. The introduction of American plants around the world resulted in

A) rapid population growth in Europe.

B) many illnesses, caused by the new germs contained in these food-stuffs.

C) an African population decline.

D) very little change.

E) an increase in obese people.

29. European explorers introduced ____________________ into the New World.

A) syphilis

B) maize

C) tobacco

D) smallpox

E) pumpkin

30. The Aztec chief Moctezuma allowed Cortés to enter the capital of Tenochtitlán because

A) Cortés's army was so powerful.

B) Montezuma believed that Cortés was the god Quetzalcoatl.

C) there was little in the city of interest to the Spanish.

D) he was told to by the gods.

E) all of the above.

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Use the following to answer questions 31-40:

Locate the following places by reference number on the map:

31. _____ Georgia

32. _____ North Carolina

33. _____ Roanoke Island

34. _____ Pennsylvania

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35. _____ Virginia

36. _____ Savannah

37. _____ Jamestown

38. _____ South Carolina

39. _____ Maryland

40. _____ Chesapeake Bay

41. The settlement founded in the early 1600s that was the most important for the future

United States was

A) Santa Fe.

B) Quebec.

C) Jamestown.

D) Massachusetts Bay.

E) Saint Augustine.

42. Match each individual on the left with the correct

A) A-2, B-1, C-3

B) A-1, B-4, C-2

C) A-3, B-2, C-1

D) A-4, B-3, C-2

E) A-5, B-4, C-1

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C. Humphrey


3. explorer whose voyage in 1498 estab-lished England’s territorial

claims in the New World

4. courtier whose colony at Roanoke Is-land was mysteriously

abandoned in the 1580s

5. colonizer who helped establish tobacco as a cash crop in Georgia

A. Francis Drake 1. “sea dog” who plundered the treasure ships of the Spanish Main

B. Walter


2. adventurer who tried but failed to establish a colony in


43. Spain's dreams of empire began to fade with the

A) War of Spanish Succession.

B) defeat of the Spanish Armada.

C) loss of Brazil.

D) Treaty of Tordesillas.

E) conquest of Mexico by Portugal.

44. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Reformation, (B) founding of

Jamestown colony, (C) Restoration, (D) defeat of the Spanish Armada, (E) colony of

Georgia founded.

A) A, B, C, D, E

B) C, A, D, B, E

C) D, A, B, C, E

D) A, D, B, C, E

E) E, D, A, C, B

45. The financial means for England's first permanent colonization in America were

provided by

A) a joint-stock company.

B) a royal proprietor.

C) Queen Elizabeth II.

D) the law of primogeniture.

E) an expanding wool trade.

46. All of the following provided motives for English colonization except

A) unemployment.

B) thirst for adventure.

C) desire for markets.

D) desire for religious freedom.

E) need for a place to exploit slave labor.

47. The early years at Jamestown were mainly characterized by

A) starvation, disease, and frequent Indian raids.

B) economic prosperity.

C) constant fear of Spanish invasion.

D) major technological advancement.

E) peace with the Native Americans.

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48. Despite an abundance of fish and game, early Jamestown settlers continued to starve


A) they had neither weapons nor fishing gear.

B) their fear of Indians prevented them from venturing too far from the town.

C) they were unaccustomed to fend for themselves and wasted time looking for gold.

D) they lacked leaders to organize efficient hunting and fishing parties.

E) there were not enough gentlemen to organize the work force.

49. Captain John Smith's role at Jamestown can best be described as

A) very limited.

B) saving the colony from collapse.

C) persuading the colonists to continue their hunt for gold.

D) worsening the colonists' relationship with the Indians.

E) reducing the terrible death toll.

50. The native peoples of Virginia (Powhatans) succumbed to the Europeans because they

A) died in large numbers from European diseases.

B) lacked the unity necessary to resist the well-organized whites.

C) could be disposed of by Europeans with no harm to the colonial economy.

D) were not a reliable labor source.

E) all of the above.

51. The biggest disrupter of Native American life was

A) horses.

B) loss of culture.

C) disease.

D) fire arms.

E) the formation of new tribes.

52. After the purchases of slaves in 1619 by Jamestown settlers, additional purchases of

Africans were few because

A) they were poor workers.

B) many colonists were morally opposed to slavery.

C) their labor was not needed.

D) indentured servants refused to work with them.

E) they were too costly.

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53. The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following except

A) the destruction of the soil.

B) a great demand for controlled labor.

C) soaring prosperity in the colony.

D) diversification of the colony's economy.

E) the broad-acred plantation system.

54. A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 was to

A) establish a defensive buffer against Spanish colonies in the South.

B) create a refuge for the Catholics.

C) help the Protestants, by giving them a safe haven.

D) allow Lord Baltimore to keep all the land for himself.

E) repudiate the feudal way of life.

55. In 1649 Maryland's Act of Toleration

A) was issued by Lord Baltimore.

B) abolished the death penalty.

C) gave freedom only to Catholics.

D) protected Jews and atheists.

E) guaranteed toleration to all Christians.

56. Tobacco was considered a poor man's crop because

A) it could be produced easily and quickly.

B) it was smoked by the lower class.

C) the poor were used to plant and harvest it.

D) it could be purchased at a low price.

E) it required complicated processing.

57. Sugar was called a rich man's crop for all of the following reasons except that it

A) had to be planted extensively.

B) required the clearing of much land.

C) could be purchased only by the wealthy.

D) required an elaborate refining process.

E) was a capital-intense business.

58. Two major exports of the Carolinas were

A) rice and Indian slaves.

B) sugar and corn.

C) tobacco and furs.

D) black slaves and cotton.

E) sugar and cotton.

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59. The busiest seaport in the southern colonies was

A) St. Augustine.

B) Jamestown.

C) Savannah.

D) Baltimore.

E) Charleston.

60. The colony of Georgia was founded

A) by a joint-stock company.

B) as a defensive buffer for the valuable Carolinas.

C) by eight proprietors chosen by Charles II.

D) in the seventeenth century.

E) by King George.

61. Georgia's founders were determined to

A) conquer Florida and add it to Britain's empire.

B) create a haven for people imprisoned for debt.

C) keep Georgia for Catholics.

D) restrict the colony to British citizens.

E) establish slavery.

62. Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were similar in that they were all

A) economically dependent on the export of a staple crop.

B) proprietary colonies.

C) founded after the restoration of Charles II to the throne.

D) founded as refuges for persecuted religious sects in England.

E) able to live in peace with the Native Americans.

63. Arrange the following events in chronological order: the founding of (A) Georgia, (B)

the Carolinas, (C) Virginia, (D) Maryland.

A) A, C, B, D

B) B, D, C, A

C) C, D, B, A

D) D, C, B, A

E) C, B, A, D

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Use the following to answer questions 64-70:

Locate the following places by reference number on the map:

64. _____ Rhode Island

65. _____ Massachusetts Bay

66. _____ New Hampshire

67. _____ New Jersey

68. _____ Delaware

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69. _____ New York

70. _____ Plymouth

Use the following to answer questions 71-78:

Locate the following places by reference number on the map:

71. _____ Boston

72. _____ Salem

73. _____ Connecticut River

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74. _____ Delaware Bay

75. _____ Hudson River

76. _____ New York City

77. _____ Albany

78. _____ Philadelphia

79. Match each item on the left with the correct definition:

A) A-1, B-3, C-2

B) A-3, B-2, C-1

C) A-1, B-3, C-4

D) A-4, B-l, C-3

E) A-2, B-4, C-3

80. In Puritan doctrine, the “elect” were also referred to as

A) Separatists.

B) “patroons.”

C) “visible saints.”

D) Pilgrims.

E) Anglicans.

81. In Calvinist thought the “conversion” was

A) something experienced as a group.

B) earned by a person's good works.

C) a Catholic heresy.

D) an event that freed a person from having to live a holy life.

E) an intense, personal experience when God revealed an individual's heavenly destiny.

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4. belief that those whom God had marked for salvation need not

obey secular laws



1. belief that from the moment of creation some souls were “saved”

and others “damned”

B. conversion 2. belief that faith, good works, and repentance could earn salvation



3. the sign of receipt of God's free gift of saving grace

82. Henry VIII aided the entrance of Protestant beliefs into England when he

A) allowed Martin Luther to journey to England.

B) broke England's ties with the Catholic church.

C) removed himself as the head of the Church of England.

D) ordered John Calvin to go to Switzerland.

E) supported the Puritans.

83. Match each colony on the left with its associated item.

A) A-3, B-2, C-4

B) A-2, B-3, C-1

C) A-4, B-1, C-2

D) A-1, B-4, C-3

E) A-3, B-2, C-1

84. The Mayflower Compact can be best described as

A) an agreement to follow the dictates of Parliament.

B) a document which allowed women limited participation in government.

C) a constitution which established a working government.

D) a complex agreement to form an oligarchy.

E) a promising step toward genuine self-government.

85. The leader that helped the Pilgrims survive was

A) John Smith.

B) John Winthrop.

C) Roger Williams.

D) William Laud.

E) William Bradford.

86. Unlike Separatists, the Puritans

A) advocated strict separation of church and state.

B) practiced passive resistance to oppression.

C) remained members of the Church of England.

D) were Calvinists.

E) rejected belief in witchcraft.

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2. Mayflower Compact

C. Massachusetts Bay 3. Fundamental Orders

4. patroonships

A. Plymouth 1. General Court

B. Connecticut

87. Initially, the Massachusetts Bay Colony enjoyed all of the following advantages except

that of

A) being a well-equipped expedition.

B) starting off on a larger scale than any other English colony.

C) receiving many fairly prosperous and educated immigrants.

D) receiving a majority of the Puritans coming to the New World.

E) a shared purpose among the first settlers.

88. Puritan religious beliefs allowed all of the following except

A) drinking alcohol.

B) eating plentifully.

C) challenging religious authority.

D) making love discreetly.

E) singing songs.

89. Among the Puritans, it was understood that

A) they would establish democratic government in America.

B) clergymen would hold the most powerful political office.

C) the purpose of government was to enforce God's laws.

D) all adult white male landowners could vote for political leaders.

E) women could become religious leaders.

90. According to Anne Hutchinson, a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay,

A) predestination was not a valid idea.

B) the truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man.

C) antinomianism was heresy.

D) direct revelation from God was impossible.

E) a person needs only to obey the law of God.

91. As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams

A) established religious freedom for all but Jews and Catholics.

B) supported some types of special privileges.

C) established complete religious freedom for all.

D) demanded attendance at worship.

E) became a very wealthy man.

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92. As a colony, Rhode Island became known for

A) its poor treatment of Indians.

B) unified religious beliefs.

C) support of special privilege.

D) never having secured a charter from Parliament.

E) individualist and independent attitudes.

93. The city of New Haven was settled by

A) supporters of Charles II.

B) refugees from Rhode Island.

C) supporters of religious freedom.

D) Germans.

E) Puritans.

94. King Philip's War resulted in

A) the lasting defeat of New England's Indians.

B) France's moving into Canada.

C) the formation of a powerful alliance among the Indians to resist the English.

D) the last victory for the Indians.

E) none of the above.

95. During the early years of colonization in the New World, England

A) closely controlled its colonies.

B) maintained an excellent relationship with the Indians.

C) paid little attention to its colonies.

D) made sure all the colonies had royal charters.

E) began the importation of African slaves in large numbers.

96. The New England Confederation

A) included all the New England colonies.

B) was designed to bolster colonial defense.

C) led the American colonies to seek independence from England.

D) was created by the English government to streamline its administration of the


E) was an economic and trade alliance.

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97. As a result of England's Glorious Revolution,

A) the Dominion of the New World collapsed.

B) Sir Edmund Andros gained control over Massachusetts.

C) Massachusetts regained its original charter.

D) opposition to English rule in the colonies subsided.

E) James II regained his legitimate right to the crown.

98. New York was

A) the best advertised of all the colonies.

B) designed as a Quaker refuge.

C) originally founded by the Dutch.

D) a major contributor to political democracy and religious tolerance in the English


E) the last of the middle colonies to be established.

99. The Dutch colony of New Netherland (later New York)

A) allowed only Dutch immigrants to settle there.

B) was established for its quick profit of fur trading.

C) tolerated Quakers from nearby Pennsylvania.

D) supported free speech and other democratic practices.

E) all of the above.

100. Cultural contributions the Dutch made to America include all of the following except

A) Easter eggs.

B) Santa Claus.

C) sauerkraut.

D) skating.

E) soccer.

101. Economically, the colony of Pennsylvania

A) got off to a very slow start.

B) never prospered.

C) received much help from New York.

D) became profitable very quickly.

E) had extensive plantations.

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102. All the middle colonies were

A) founded by proprietors.

B) established by joint-stock companies.

C) notable for their fertile soil.

D) intended as religious havens.

E) dependent on slave labor.

103. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) restoration of Charles II to the

English throne, (B) English Civil War, (C) Glorious Revolution, (D) Protestant


A) D, B, A, C

B) C, A, B, D

C) D, C, B, A

D) B, C, A, D

E) A, B, C, D

104. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) great Puritan migration, (B)

founding of Plymouth Colony, (C) Protestant Reformation, (D) founding of Rhode


A) A, B, D, C

B) C, B, A, D

C) C, A, B, D

D) B, D, A, C

E) D, A, C, B

105. Arrange the following in chronological order: the founding of (A) New York, (B)

Massachusetts Bay, (C) Pennsylvania, (D) Plymouth.

A) C, B, A, D

B) B, D, C, A

C) A, C, D, B

D) D, B, A, C

E) A, C, B, D

106. The “headright” system, which made some people very wealthy, consisted of

A) using Indians as forced labor.

B) giving land to indentured servants to get them to come to the New World.

C) giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a

laborer to America.

D) discouraging the importation of indentured servants to America.

E) giving a father's wealth to the oldest son.

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107. By 1700, the most populous colony in English America was

A) Massachusetts.

B) Virginia.

C) New York.

D) Pennsylvania.

E) Maryland.

108. English yeomen who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of

their passage to an American colony were called

A) headrights.

B) burgesses.

C) indentured servants.

D) slaves.

E) birds of passage.

109. Throughout the greater part of the seventeenth century, the Chesapeake colonies

acquired most of the labor they needed from

A) African slaves.

B) white servants.

C) captured Indians.

D) West Indian natives.

E) prisoners of war.

110. By the end of the seventeenth century, indentured servants who gained their freedom

A) often gained great wealth as more land opened for settlement.

B) rarely returned to work for their masters.

C) almost always found high-paying jobs in the cities.

D) had little choice but to hire themselves out for low wages to their former masters.

E) often returned to England penniless and broke.

111. Bacon's Rebellion was supported mainly by

A) young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land.

B) the planter class of Virginia.

C) those protesting the increased importation of African slaves.

D) people from Jamestown only.

E) the local Indians.

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112. The immediate reason for Bacon's Rebellion was

A) Indian attacks on frontier settlements.

B) the wealthy planter class losing control of the colony.

C) a shortage of indentured servants.

D) to halt the importation of African slaves.

E) all of the above.

113. As a result of Bacon's Rebellion,

A) African slavery was reduced.

B) planters began to look for less troublesome laborers.

C) Governor Berkeley was dismissed from office.

D) Nathaniel Bacon was named to head the Virginia militia.

E) better relations developed with local Indians.

114. After 1680, reliance on slave labor in colonial America rapidly increased because

A) higher wages in England reduced the number of emigrating servants.

B) planters feared the growing number of landless freemen in the colonies.

C) the British Royal African company lost its monopoly on the slave trade in colonial


D) Americans rushed to cash in on slave trade.

E) all of the above.

115. Many of the slaves who reached North America

A) came from eastern Africa.

B) were originally captured by African coastal tribes.

C) were captured in southern Africa.

D) eventually gained their freedom.

E) settled in the middle colonies.

116. For those Africans who were sold into slavery, the “middle passage” can be best

described as

A) the trip from the interior of Africa to the coast.

B) the easiest part of their journey to America.

C) the journey from American parts to their new homes.

D) the gruesome ocean voyage to America.

E) none of the above.

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117. The physical and social conditions of slavery were harshest in

A) Maryland.

B) Virginia.

C) South Carolina.

D) Massachusetts.

E) Pennsylvania.

118. While slavery might have begun in America for economic reasons,

A) it soon became clear by 1700 that profits were down.

B) race was rarely an issue in relations between blacks and whites.

C) racial discrimination also powerfully molded the American slave system.

D) profit soon played a very small role.

E) Europe profited most from the institution.

119. The slave society that developed in North America was one of the few slave societies in

history to

A) produce a new culture based entirely on African heritage.

B) rebel against its masters.

C) reduce their numbers by suicide.

D) develop its own techniques of growing corn and wheat.

E) perpetuate itself by its own natural reproduction.

120. Compared with indentured servants, African American slaves were

A) less reliable workers.

B) more likely to rebel.

C) cheaper to buy and own.

D) a more manageable labor force.

E) less expensive to buy but more expensive to keep.

121. As slavery spread in the South,

A) social differences within society narrowed.

B) the great plantation owners worked less.

C) gaps in the social structure widened.

D) planters tried to imitate the ways of English country gentlemen.

E) it also increased dramatically in New England.

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122. Most of the inhabitants of the colonial American South were

A) large merchant planters.

B) landowning small farmers.

C) landless farm laborers.

D) black slaves.

E) native Americans.

123. Urban development in the colonial South

A) rivaled that of New England.

B) kept pace with the growth of large plantations.

C) led to the construction of an excellent highway system.

D) was slow to emerge.

E) occurred without the development of a professional class.

124. Puritans refused to recognize a woman's separate property rights because

A) of the short life span of New England women.

B) they worried that such rights would undercut the unity of married persons.

C) New England families were so rare.

D) there was so little land available.

E) of all of the above.

125. Thomas Jefferson once observed that “the best school of political liberty the world ever

saw” was the

A) College of William and Mary.

B) Virginia House of Burgesses.

C) New England town meeting.

D) Chesapeake plantation system.

E) the English parliament.

126. The Half-Way Covenant

A) allowed full communion for all nonconverted members.

B) strengthened the distinction between the “elect” and all others.

C) brought an end to the Jeremiads of Puritan ministers.

D) resulted in a decrease in church members.

E) admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existing


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127. During the Salem witchcraft trials, most of those accused as witches were

A) property-owning women.

B) from the ranks of poor families.

C) primarily un-Christian.

D) women in their late teen years.

E) from subsistence farming families.

128. As a result of poor soil, all of the following conditions prevailed in New England except


A) reliance on a single, staple crop became a necessity.

B) the area was less ethnically mixed than its southern neighbors.

C) frugality became essential to economic survival.

D) hard work was required to make a living.

E) diversification in agriculture and industry were encouraged.

129. The impact of New England on the rest of the nation can best be described as

A) greatly exaggerated.

B) generally negative.

C) confined primarily to New England.

D) extremely important.

E) moderately important.

Use the following to answer questions 130-134:

Identify the customary eighteenth-century shipping routes for the following cargoes by reference

number on the map.

130. _____ Rum

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131. _____ Slaves

132. _____ Timber and foodstuffs

133. _____ Tobacco, fish, lumber, and flour for British textiles

134. _____ Sugar and molasses

135. One feature common to all of the eventually rebellious colonies was their

A) relatively equal wealth.

B) economic organization.

C) similar social structures.

D) rapidly growing populations.

E) support of religious freedom.

136. The population growth of the American colonies by 1775 is attributed mostly to

A) white immigration from Europe.

B) the natural fertility of Native Americans.

C) the importation of slaves from Africa.

D) the influx of immigrants from Latin America.

E) the natural fertility of all Americans.

137. The average age of the American colonists in 1775 was

A) 30.

B) 27.

C) 25.

D) 20.

E) 16.

138. By the end of the 1700's, what was the percentage of people living in rural areas of

colonial America?

A) 25%

B) 40%

C) 60%

D) 75%

E) 90%

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139. By 1775, the ___ were the largest non-English ethnic group in colonial America.

A) Africans

B) Germans

C) West Indians

D) Scots-Irish

E) Irish

140. The population of the thirteen American colonies was

A) about evenly divided among Anglo-Saxons, French, Scots-Irish, and Germans.

B) perhaps the most diverse in the world, although it remained predominantly Anglo-


C) was overwhelmingly African.

D) the less diverse in the world.

E) none of the above.

141. The most ethnically diverse region of colonial America was

________________________, whereas ____________ was the least ethnically diverse.

A) New England, the South

B) the middle colonies, the South

C) the South, New England

D) the middle colonies, New England

E) the frontier regions, New England

142. During the colonial era, all of the following peoples created new societies out of diverse

ethnic groups in America except

A) English.

B) Africans.

C) Asians.

D) Indians.

E) French.

143. The Scots-Irish can best be described as

A) fiercely independent.

B) loyal to the British king.

C) people who did not like to move.

D) builders of sturdy homes and well-kept farms.

E) strong supporters of the Catholic church.

Page 26

144. The most honored profession in early colonial society was

A) medicine.

B) law.

C) ministry.

D) farming.

E) merchants.

145. The least honored profession in early colonial society was

A) medicine.

B) teacher.

C) minister.

D) farmer.

E) merchant.

146. The riches created by the growing slave population in the American South

A) were distributed evenly among whites.

B) helped to narrow the gap between rich and poor.

C) created a serious problem with inflation.

D) were not distributed evenly among whites.

E) enabled poor whites to escape tenant farming.

147. By the eighteenth century, the various colonial regions had distinct economic identities;

the northern colonies relied on __________, the Chesapeake colonies relied on

__________, and the southern colonies relied on __________.

A) cattle and grain, tobacco, rice and indigo.

B) furs and skins, tobacco, iron works.

C) rice and indigo, lumber and timber, tobacco.

D) shipbuilding, iron works, cattle and grain.

E) cattle and grain, tobacco, fishing.

148. The leading industry in the American colonies was

A) fishing.

B) manufacturing.

C) commerce.

D) agriculture.

E) slave trading.

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149. Of the following, __________ was a secondary economic activity of colonial America

A) fishing.

B) commerce.

C) farming.

D) manufacturing.

E) slave trading.

150. When the British Parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1733, it intended the act to

A) stimulate the colonies' “triangle trade” with Africa and the West Indies.

B) satisfy colonial demands for earning foreign exchange money.

C) inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies.

D) increase the colonists' standard of living and protect the livelihood of colonial


E) require Americans to sell their molasses to British merchants.

151. American colonists sought trade with countries other than Great Britain

A) in order to gain their independence.

B) mainly to anger the king.

C) to anger Parliament.

D) to help strengthen the French.

E) to make money to buy what they wanted in Britain.

152. In 1775, the _______________ churches were the only two established (tax-supported)

churches in colonial America.

A) Methodist and Anglican

B) Presbyterian and Congregational

C) Congregational and Anglican

D) Quaker and Catholic

E) Presbyterian and Anglican

153. Match each denomination on the left with the region where it predominated.

A) A-2, B-3, C-l

B) A-2, B-1, C-3

C) A-1, B-3, C-2

D) A-3, B-2, C-1

E) A-3, B-1, C-2

Page 28

B. Anglican 2. New England

C. Presbyterian 3. the South

A. Congregationalist 1. the frontier

154. Match each individual on the left with his or her talent.

A) A-2, B-1, C-3

B) A-1, B-3, C-2

C) A-3, B-2, C-1

D) A-1, B-2, C-3

E) A-2, B-3, C-1

155. The Great Awakening

A) undermined the prestige of the learned clergy in the colonies.

B) split colonial churches into several competing denominations.

C) led to the founding of Princeton, Dartmouth, and Rutgers colleges.

D) was the first spontaneous mass movement of the American people.

E) all of the above.

156. In colonial America, education was most zealously promoted

A) in the South.

B) in New England.

C) on the frontier.

D) in the middle colonies.

E) in those areas controlled by Spain.

157. The first American college free from determined control was

A) Harvard.

B) Yale.

C) New York University.

D) Brown University.

E) The University of Pennsylvania.

158. The jury's decision in the case of John Peter Zenger, a newspaper printer, was significant


A) he was found guilty.

B) it supported English law.

C) it pointed the way to open public discussion.

D) the ruling prohibited criticism of political officials.

E) it allowed the press to print irresponsible criticisms of powerful people.

Page 29

A. Jonathan Edwards 1. poet

B. Benjamin Franklin 2. scientist

C. Phillis Wheatley 3. theologian

4. portrait artist

159. One political principle that colonial Americans came to cherish above most others was

A) the property qualification for voting.

B) one man, one vote.

C) the separation of powers.

D) self-taxation through representation.

E) restricting the right to vote to men only.

160. By 1775, most governors of American colonies were

A) appointed by colonial proprietors.

B) appointed by the king.

C) elected by popular vote.

D) elected by the vote of colonial legislatures.

E) appointed by the British Parliament.

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Answer Key

1. 2

2. 9

3. 8

4. 3

5. 7

6. 5

7. 6

8. 1

9. 10

10. 4

11. B

12. A

13. B

14. E

15. A

16. C

17. C

18. D

19. C

20. A

21. B

22. E

23. D

24. E

25. C

26. B

27. E

28. A

29. D

30. B

31. 4

32. 3

33. 11

34. 1

35. 2

36. 14

37. 10

38. 12

39. 8

40. 9

41. C

42. B

43. B

44. D

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45. A

46. E

47. A

48. C

49. B

50. E

51. C

52. E

53. D

54. B

55. E

56. A

57. C

58. A

59. E

60. B

61. B

62. A

63. C

64. 7

65. 5

66. 4

67. 9

68. 10

69. 2

70. 6

71. 5

72. 4

73. 3

74. 8

75. 1

76. 6

77. 2

78. 7

79. C

80. C

81. E

82. B

83. B

84. E

85. E

86. C

87. D

88. C

89. C

90. B

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91. C

92. E

93. E

94. A

95. C

96. B

97. A

98. C

99. B

100. E

101. D

102. C

103. A

104. B

105. D

106. C

107. B

108. C

109. B

110. D

111. A

112. A

113. B

114. E

115. B

116. D

117. C

118. C

119. E

120. D

121. C

122. B

123. D

124. B

125. C

126. E

127. A

128. A

129. D

130. 2

131. 3

132. 5

133. 1

134. 4

135. D

136. E

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137. E

138. E

139. A

140. B

141. D

142. C

143. A

144. C

145. A

146. D

147. A

148. D

149. D

150. C

151. E

152. C

153. A

154. C

155. E

156. B

157. E

158. C

159. D

160. B

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