Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Integration of Technology Agnes Williams Jennie Williamson...



Extraversion (E) / Introversion (I) Act first, think/reflect later Feel deprived when cutoff from interaction Motivated externally Prefer group interactions Think/reflect first, then Act Regularly need "private time" to recharge Motivated internally Prefer one-on-one interactions Which category do you fall under: E or I?

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Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the

Integration of Technology

Agnes WilliamsJennie Williamson

Alison Hibbard

What is the Myers-Briggs?• Personality inventory

– Identifies preferences among 4 categories– 16 distinctive personality types

• Determines:– Preferred structure, how decisions are made– Differences in motivation and interests

• Good way for teachers to be aware of their students’ strengths and weaknesses.

• Tool for discovery, rather than an excuse for behavior.

Extraversion (E) / Introversion (I)

• Act first, think/reflect later

• Feel deprived when cutoff from interaction

• Motivated externally• Prefer group


• Think/reflect first, then Act

• Regularly need "private time" to recharge

• Motivated internally• Prefer one-on-one


Which category do you fall under: E or I?

Sensing (S) / Intuition (N)• Think in the “now” • Using common sense is

instinctual• Memory recall is detailed

with facts and past events• Act according to past

experience • Like clear and concrete


• Think in terms of the future

• Using imagination is instinctual

• Memory recall emphasizes patterns and connections

• Act according to learned morals

• Comfortable with ambiguity

Which category do you fall under: S or N?

Thinking (T) / Feeling (F)

• Base decisions on facts and logic

• Naturally notice tasks to be accomplished

• Instinctively make objective decisions

• Accept conflict as normal

• Base decisions on personal feelings

• Naturally sensitive to needs of people

• Seek consensus to make decisions

• Unsettled by conflict; prefers harmony

Which category do you fall under: T or F?

Judging (J) / Perceiving (P)

• Plan details in advance

• Complete one task at a time

• Work ahead to avoid stress

• Habits and routines manage life

• Move into action without a plan

• Like to multitask• Work best under

deadlines• Prefer flexibility and


Which category do you fall under: J or P?

What do personality types have to do with technology?

• You have the ability to differentiate the process in which students learn.– depending on the learners’ personalities

• An example recommendation: if the teacher gives an assignment which requires technology, the students are given the choice of whether to work in groups or individually, and with what software.

How is all of this relevant to the integration of technology?

• It’s the teacher’s job to provide technological opportunities.

• Student’s job to utilize the technology based on their comfort level and personality.

• The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator reiterates the importance of the teacher’s ability to recognize the students’ different learning styles.

• The results of the MBTI test should govern the lesson plans and the amount of technology implemented throughout the year.



