My Preschool. My name is Levi. I am 3 years old. I am a big boy, and I go to preschool. I go to...


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My Preschool

My name is Levi. I am 3 years old. I am a big boy, and I go to preschool. I go to ______ Center. My teachers’ names are: Ms. ____, Ms. ____, and Ms. ____.

There are lots of friends in my class. There are boys and girls. I like to play with my friends. I will try to remember to play nice and gentle with my friends.

Nice and gentle play means we share the toys, we use nice hands and feet. We share the playground, and the toys around us. My teachers like to see all the friends share. This also makes my mommy and daddy happy to know that I share.

At preschool we have playtime, storytime, playground time, craft time and even yoga on Thursday’s! My favorite things to do are playing with the cars and playing on the playground.

When playtime is over and it’s time to clean up, or come inside, I will try to be a good helper and put things away. Sometimes it’s hard for me to stop playing, but I will try my best.

When preschool is over, my mommy comes to pick me up. I am so happy to see her! I will try to say bye to my friends and teachers. I love going to preschool!

Avengers work hard at playing nice and being good listeners. When I play nice and listen, I am just like Captain America! I will try to earn my special shield tokens to earn prizes.

I am working hard, like Captain America!

When I earn all my special shields, I can earn cool prizes!

I am working hard, like Captain America!

Cool Prizes I can Pick From:

Starting our day, just like Captain America.

Wake up and get out of bed

Eat Breakfast

Brush teeth

Potty time

Get dressed

Time to go.
