My Grandfather’s Brother Saburo...


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  • My Grandfather’s Brother Saburo

    大叔父 三郎

    Masateru Ozaki



    Prof. Murase

  • Outline

    This presentation consists of two main parts.

    The First Part

    - based on my mother and ancestor’s remains

    The Second Part

    - based on inquery at Yasukuni

  • Family Tree 家系図







    Teisuke 貞介Grandmother

    Mother Father


    Grate Grand Father Taizo 泰蔵








    Great Grand Mother

    Aya あや

  • ?If someone asks me about my old family

    members who went to war, the thing which comes

    up in my mind is a “question mark.”

  • My Knowledge before research

    I only know that three older great uncles went to a war, that the third older brother died in the Sino-Japanese war 支那事変, that there is his gravestone at the temple in my home town.

    Since I wanted to know more about him (I focused on him because he was the only person that died in the war) through the visual anthropology course, first I asked my mother, where she preserved ancestor’s remains. Then, she brought a wooden box from a shelf.

  • This room used to be my grandfather’s.

    And my mother brought the box from old house to this house

    over twenty-five years ago.

  • Old House

  • In the Box

    •There are certain documents, artifacts, and images that emerged.

    •This box opened up the past.

  • - what is a “good family”? -

    I asked my mother about my Saburo.

    She answered, “If we are a good family these old things should have been preserved in well condition, and there should have been more old things.”

    My mother’s words raised a question of what were her concepts of “good family” (いい家族, ii kazoku), family worthy of documentation. However, facts are that my family kept many valuable documents.

    In spite of the fact my mother said we are not good family, she preserved the family worthy of documents in a box! Inside of the box, I see his life.

  • In the box, there are

    1. Photographs (写真)

    2. Documents (文書類)

    3. Artifacts (古器物・人工遺物)

  • 3. Photographs

    Two albums and one big-sized picture in the box

  • Pictures of My Great Uncle Saburo

    大叔父 三郎の写真

    From the left: Saburo,Tatsuji,

    Akiko, Teisuke, baby on the

    Saburo’s lap is their nephew.

  • Saburo is on the right side.

  • Saburo wearing a

    yukata, or a Japanese

    kimono for summer

    wear, leaning on a

    wooden door frame with

    his nephew.

  • Saburo with his

    grandmother on the tenth of

    October, Showa12(1937).

    He departed two months


  • 2. Documents List

    1. Letter from China (Shina) from Saburo 戦場からの手紙2. Report on Saburo’s death in battle from a commander 戦死報告書3. Map which describes a situation that Saburo died 戦死場所4. Military Diary 軍事日記5. Message of condolence 弔辞 chouji

    1- 4 are Saburo’s. 5 is my grandfather’s.

  • Enlargement

    From Shanxi province, he sent a following letter.

  • Typed Version of Letter from China (Shina) from Saburo

















































  • Translated into English

    Letter from China (Shina) from Saburo

    Dear Father,

    I saw the new year while in the battle line. Today, I

    woke up at eight o’clock. At eight thirty, I worshiped the

    east sun, stood at the present arms, celebrated the

    prosperity of the emperor, and finished the celebration…

    I just hope all my family members are safe and fine.


  • Only a half year later, after he sent this

    letter, he died.

    I have wondered how and where he died.

    Luckily, there are source documents in the box.

  • 2. Report on Saburo’s death in battle

    from a commander















  • Translated into English

    I could not help but having a little doubt of this statement, because I think human mentality is not so strong. Maybe here lies some social meaning, such as for a bereaved family, this may be one way of respecting and encouraging them.


    At one thirty in the morning, from the left hand side of hill, he was

    shot. The hateful bullet hit the front of his head on the left side, and

    he fell over on that spot. Even though he got a fatal wound, with his

    full of sense of responsibility, he held his gun tightly, and said to his

    fellow solders, “please take care of the rest.”

    At six in the morning, while saying slightly but strongly, “The

    Emperor, Banzai!”, he calmly died.

    Commander Hiroshi Kitagawa

  • Where he died?According to the report,

    It was at Sekiha 石玻, Kijyo prefecture 翼城, 山西省.

    Sekiha 石玻

  • 中国の地図





    So, Let’s find. At first, on the internet.

  • In this general area , I was able to

    find though I could not find the

    exact area.

    Lastly, let’s see artifacts.

  • 3. Artifact


    My Grandfather

    Why he kept this?


  • Brush case


    My Grandfather

    Why he kept this?


  • 3. MAP The place Saburo died, as the

    commander depicted

  • Summary

    My Maternal Great Uncle Saburo 大叔父 三郎

    Born in 1918 (大正06年4月26日) Third elder brother

    甲種合格 He passed an exam to become a solder with the grade A 甲.

    In 1938, went to Pyongyang 平壌 (Heijo) in Korea

    He entered the No. 77 infantry regiment

    一等兵 (one level above二等兵 called private,) In 1939, moved to Shanxi, China

    昭和 年 陸軍歩兵隊一等兵藤室部隊 在明隊(北川隊)

    Died at 1939(昭和14年) in Shanxi, China Posthumous, he became上等兵 My mother never knew him

    If he was alive, now he was eighty nine 生きていれば89歳

  • The box story ends, the government

    compensated one more thing…

  • Upon his death, government compensated

    a big gravestone

    Important points

    1. Saburo died in the earlier period of the Sino-Japanese war.

    2. Extent of compensation

    During 1939 they had the means of compensation,

    As the war progressed, they did not. This is very important point, historically.

  • 1. 三郎さんのお墓Saburo’s Tomb in Toyohashi,

    Aichi Prefecture

  • It is hard to read with old

    style of language, and the

    moss. It shows us how the

    times has passed. The under

    third generations may have

    some problems to understand

    the history of Saburo.

  • So far I showed you memorials of Saburo and the government treated him.

    But I could not know his youth.

    But nobody really remembers or can tell, I do not have access to it.

    There is a generation gap.

    My mother did not know, either.

    In my family, what are matters of interests, of concern and of conversation?

    What is a knowledge which can be passed on?

  • Please open the file named 祖先調べcomplete.wmv from sound file



    Boundary of interest

    (M) Tomoko Ozaki

    (F) Yoshiaki Ozaki

    (Q) Masateru Ozaki

  • About the film,

    The fact that TV is on, of course, there are different practices

    in different families. She might not have given me high-

    moral seriousness. It is just an interesting way of dealing

    with these topics.

    This is the way my family speaks about these matters.

    The generation that lived through the war, they just do not

    dwell on the war: they prefer to look at the present. It is

    interesting sociologically, anthropologically.

  • Mother’s Boundary of Interest

    Focus of interest


    static preservation the things in the box


    Her father


    Visit grave

    •Story of father’s brother

    •Story of ancestors

    The circle represents the focus

    boundary of her interest: outside

    the circle shows other parts of the

    family that she did not have

    interest in.

  • Conclusion

    My grandfather and my mother preserved the things in the box.

    My mother introduced the box to me and told her memory.

    In the late 1930s and in the very beginning of 1940s, the government can afford to compensate. After the war became strained, it was very bleak for families, they had almost nothing. Nothing to compensate the bereaved families, except a bereaved pension, but no papers, or ashes.

    By knowing my mother’s boundary of interest I can admit what I cannot know from my mother, and I can raise questions to other my relatives or investigate by myself.

    This leads to further research at Yasukuni.

  • Second Part

  • In the one of two albums, I found a following picture. This

    is of my grandfather, Saburo’s younger brother, went to the

    Yasukuni shrine. I thought Yasukuni might have some clue.

  • Goals to visit Yasukuni

    To confirm Saburo is enshrined in Yasukuni

    To know more about Saburo’s troop

    To know more about social conditions around the

    year he died

  • First Step Saishin Tyousa 祭神調査

    Arriving at Yasukuni, I did not know where I should go to ask. So, at first, I just entered 遊就館. At a reception, there was a woman sitting, and I asked her “I would like to know about my relatives who died in a war.”

    She answered, “Then, go to 参集殿, or an administrative place, and say to a person in charge, you would like to apply for 祭神調査 saishin tyousa,” or investigation of a festival god.

    In Yasukuni, Japanese people died in the war are enshrined as a god, 神さま.

    Then, I knew where I should go.

  • In the administrative

    office, I got a paper,

    and filled it out.

    And only ten minutes

    later, a following sheet

    came out.

  • This paper confirms that

    Saburo was truly enshrined

    here. At last, I became able to

    be conscious that Saburo’s

    spirit was here.

    When I left the shrine, I

    begged to him at a front shrine

    拝殿, praising his sacrifice to his family and the nation


    I am here, because he is

    here, I thought.

  • Next--- how did I get to know a library?

    I asked a person in charge at the administrative

    office, “Is there a library or something that I can

    know more about him, how his troop was

    mobilized, institutionalized, and so on.”

    “Yes, you can use Yasukuni Kaiko Bunko.”

    So, I went to that place.

  • Here is a picture of the library

  • -Translation –

    Yasukuni Kaiko Bunko

    On the seventh of October in

    Heisei 11nen (1999), this library

    opened. In this library, about one

    hundred thousand books of source

    documents are stored for the study

    of the current situation of a god

    who died in the war, or the study

    of modern Japanese history. We

    are welcoming people who study

    track of a god or modern history.

    Issues of Yasukuni Shrine has been debated these days, but I used Yasukuni as a

    institution which provides many information as you can see from this portion of

    the brochure.

  • This is the inside entrance to the

    library. Here, I met a wonderful

    man, who was offering me a lot

    of precious information and help.

  • Mr. Daito 大東

    Position: a part-time employee 嘱託syokutaku

    Place of birth : Hiroshima prefecture

    Career: He worked in the self-defense

    forces for forty years.

    I could not ask why he was here after his

    retirement, because I thought asking

    questions of private information was too

    early yet.

  • And also, he was “the”

    expert of collecting date

    in a minute!!


  • Starting Conversation in the library with

    Mr. Daito

    I introduced myself to Mr. Daito.

    I showed the response of Saishin application.

    I asked him a several questions: such as,

    What is No. 77 infantry regiment?

    How did it fight?

    What is its position in the army?

    Why could the government treat Saburo with a report and the grave?

    What do you think of the remains that my family preserved?

  • He showed me following things.

    1. Three Books 文献

    2. One source documents 資料

    3. Four kinds of Map マップ

  • 1-1


    Imperial Japanese Army and Navy

    – uniforms and equipment -大日本帝国陸海軍 軍装と装備

    用途:You can see what types of

    uniforms and equipment solders

    use, and how they changed as the

    time passed by.

    Date of publication: ?

  • 1-2

    Title : 帝国陸軍編成総覧General overview of the

    organization of Imperial



    To take a general survey

    how the Imperial army


  • 1-3


    Japanese infantry regiment



    This book introduces each

    infantry regiment’s war record.

    I found Saburo’s regiment as you

    can see in the next slide.

  • 1-3

    Inside the book

    We found the infantry No. 77 regiment.

    Mr. Daito said, “This book can offer only short information. So let me see another reference.”

    Then he went to find a following source document.

  • he looked up the file of a

    general survey of army troops.

    ( I did not record an exact name,

    nor did I take a picture.) As you

    can see from No. 15, from this

    book, he can find books of

    reference 関係図書. We can see also the

    regiment’s upper level unit on

    No.2, the place the regiment

    organized on No.5, the period

    of the organization on No.6, the

    final location on No. 7, which

    place the regiment went on


    2-1 source document

  • Saburo was in Pyongyang, 平壌 Heijo.

    From the record related to No. 77 regiment, Mr.

    Daito taught me “ it was organized in Pyongyang

    ( He called it 平壌 Heijo ) in Korea Peninsula. I think he was in Heijo.”

    His statement reminds me “ the report on

    Saburo’s death in battle from a commander”

    introduced in the first part.

  • On that second page,

    “On the third of December, Syowa 12 (1938)

    he departed in order to join the Korea Heijo

    Army No. 77 Regiment.

    On the tenth, he joined No. 3 company of the


    I have read through (not read over) this

    page a few times, but I could not

    imagine Saburo really went to Korea,

    because it was just written as “he

    departed” and not written to where.

    Although it is written as “the Korea

    Heijo Army No. 77 Regiment”, but I

    thought the army could train soldiers

    somewhere in Japan with that name. My

    biased view did not make me believe

    that fact. But thanks to Mr. Daito, I

    became able to accept it.

  • The Army Chart


    6D 14D 20D

    77 infantry

    A=Army 陸軍司令部

    D=Division 師団

    I=Infantry 歩兵隊(小・中隊)

  • Let’s see four maps from the whole to a

    closer look.

    I have been looking for the place named Sekiha

    石玻 during my study in the first part.

    Mr. Daito wholeheartedly helped me to find the

    exact place for a bereaved family.

  • According to Mr. Daito,

    Saburo might have left a port

    in Nagoya, and went to Heijo.

    After that, he moved to

    Shanxi province on a train.


  • From this map with written periods

    of operation, I found Saburo died in

    the “very beginning” of that



    The second map shows the

    whole operations of Japanese

    troops in China.

    Mr. Daito taught me, Saburo died

    in Shinto operation 晋東作戦.

  • In this map, either, we could not find Sekiha 石玻. Mr. Daito drew a circle line for me so that I can know around where Saburo died. Mr. Daito, again, went to find another possible map.


  • In the final map, we could not also find the word of 石玻. But instead of that, I was able to better guess where he died.

    He died between to Kijou 翼城, since in the map the company left Kijou on seventh of August. Saburo died one month before. We can know he died in the very beginning of the Shinto operation which started in July, 1939.


  • From these maps,

    I could not find the exact place, but I knew more

    accurately the place that Saburo died, compared

    to the previous study.

    I asked Mr. Daito “Am I able to visit the mountain

    of 石玻?”. He said, “Yeah, you would be able to find with further research on the twentieth

    division, or by asking the locals.”

  • In the end of inquiry, I asked him to read

    the report and the Saburo’s letter.

    He had no problem of reading old style of Japanese.

    With his help, I was able to understand everything,

    every single word.

    Every unknown things about Saburo seemed to

    become cleared as dark color clouds disappeared in

    the sky.

  • Final Comment of Mr. Daito

    on the report and Saburo’s letter


    It’s First-Class.

  • Through the visit to Yasukuni and the library,

    I feel a stronger connection to Saburo and

    can picture him in my mind.

    My reflection while leaving the library

  • Conclusion

    Good family---

    I assume what my mother meant by “Good Family” is---a family that passes their history to younger generations with the things and stories of the past.

    But there is a boundary of information and interest you can know from your family. Yet, we can go over the boundary, because we can go to ask somebody else that knows.

    Then, the final answer for my research on “what is a good family?” is though my mother may think that we are not a good family,

    - we really are - .
