~mru~ - FreshersNow.Com€¦ · RNI No. KARBIL/2001/47147 • ~mru~ luru. Wednesday, December 12,...


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RNI No. KARBIL/2001/47147

• ~mru~

luru. Wednesday, December 12, 2018 (Margasira 21, Shaka Varsha 1940) No.1498

Oe!ruc>OS mi\JdO-dcjd d~O. di\JanJd M>~ Natta:ba'->oi>, 3 • v

so8'eti05 ~eQ, 8'or1tisad>-060 001 • sQidJa~"' idoa16 : "'~YO" 24/2018

Oi\Jaod 12"'e ~~oe:>OS 2010

"'~ve i'\26a:baQeed ab~r1 s~6tf>cr1tl "'emea~

Y""'"•""i\J~ sl!!cr1tl~ ~e90iIDcj 4.lai3oi> ONC>od: 11.01.2019

9i'\2E't3d i'\26cwd ~ewa <"'em~~) ~oi>mnw, 2004 m~ 2011, 2010 m~ 201sd ~~frl~

~ti eroidi.:io~rl,,,' ~E.!cili~ Wi'\2E't3d M>~ ~ai:Ja'-Xrl>~ 2.JC)"'6°6e.JC>n6 ®~ri,,Tva ~ear:fo~ N:::>~

i\Jcl"crl:ra~elfd 71 ®~rl~rt ccred td'eil:>'lra~rn>~ YC\'7'"•""' se!E'r1tl~ e:9ax>_,N~e.JC>~doliociv ~ ~e.:>'5'


1. "~i ~c;:JC)~~E'~ iii>~ cjoi@e~:

w. "'ed "'emeo~:

<~> ~d~ci~M~ 'lra~N~ ~e.:>'5' CU\~~i3Clci :::i~:::>oe>"e.:>cm~ Nel'.!ci ~~ru ~ci:::>cmru.i.

ctliaoede:ktlv m~ '!'l:Tc) cWi3Cl~ i3'3ee.:>mi~ td'vaeocica e:9~d'l:fe'!t0. ... ~

( ~) ~~if>trl,,,. i3cili~.V' ~~trl,,,.ru.i. ~~M~~ci'lfc Nrleidt!Nci wvatd'o.:3.J e(\Jc)o'!/ciociv,

~cd-:JcM>eJ~ WCJ-3 m~... ~cd,)~ej~ Qdorlc:i'lf0 ~{'(JQ e;!)~if>trl,,,. ~Q0~t0~M 38 i3~t

i3o.:3.J~.V il:J~... '¢1~00 ~OO~tci~M 35 i3~t i3cW~,v ::>Je(J02.JC)00J.

(N) iim~-~tlNW e:l>~iPtrl~rn>~. rllJ-i, i3oJvae::>J~o.:3.J~M ~dJ i3e;;lerl,,,. rJE.!~'lf <¢100~ ... d.

m. ~eWC> ~d~ s~tf>cr1tl <3emeo~ (M>~ NC>6a:ba'->oi>, !!!~ i'\260!Ud ~EPC>r1d~ eooi>E' ~E'&~d>cj

"'~oonw iii>~ ~"'~~~ ~ ideocO WC>6m6 ~cjc~E\1 ~oaa1oi>~ eooi>E' ~E'&iID-!d>cj idax>oi>d

id~E'O ~"'~OS-mC>ri.Ja-~~c;.10 idec>E'O ~oi>WC>Or1tb) :

( ~) ~d~ci 'lra~N~ ifvedrt M><i> l>~waci :::>lt_,:::>oe>"e.:>cm~ Net!d 'lra~ru e5cil:lcmru.i.


( ~) ~~trl,,,.ru.i. ~~i'\il~d'lf0 NrleidaNci ivatd'cili e(\Jc)o'!'dociv, e:l>cd-:l~eJ~ 2:?Cl'3 m~ ... e:l>cd-:JcM>eJ~ e5orlc:i'lf0 ~OZJO~NO e:l>~"lf>trl,,,. i'Uoci~tci~M 43 i3e;;lerl,,,. i3@i'\i),v il:J~ ...

<¢1~dd <Uod~ed~M 40 i3~t i3cili~.v ::>JelJd2.JC)dciv.


(N) eroet cva"crlrcH!)cilici~ m~..... ~~ cva"c:OJ'6 :::i~nci~M Vc>ciliF Ni:SF&m~ ... ro.:S, ~ni§"

:Jr::.x>"<fiFiicili~a! ~oero.:S i:)eJC)M ~{'iJC>NO~ e:92iJ'ipFHVVC>, e9i3d i:Se)oci ~d~mtl:JcoMd

i:)coMd.RJ N:Jeft <Va"<rl:it>~e~d ffiv9/-r ~~F il'.l~Mil'.lm ~a5Fmi"'ro~ ... O'.

(&) ~N'6VC>v~N6.,, m~ ... il'.IVc>FO e::x>v?B" Ni3Fa5~ '¢1eYtlrocili~ Vc>ciliF ~.:S ... &m.g_.ro.:S il'.law<rl:>w

~Vc>FO ~N'6'VC>tle3o6-awM-a:r~ .:Sa il'.IVc>FO cva"ciliiJC>erivVC> il'.la5 N:Jeft <Va"cilia~edd

ffiJd rf e9~F ii'.!~ il'.iex> e9cfiFm>"'dJea 0 . Q M _..

m~r§: 1. N:Jeft <Va"<rl:ic>~e~d i:Se>ociV-0 ~c.ivi:S t'!ed t'!emVc>.g<X0J, e9~~e§~ 'Z5t)~riv0,

~~~P.8~ edonanv0 m~... '¢1~d &oO.J\"ci i:SriFri"'li ::>veil'.leYtl~cili~4 '6~..>mi:S, ~d~ il'.lo:JQCJ<dci 16(4) ~QiJC> 16(4i:)) ~~e.teod e9&cili~M ~&d

om~de e5de~i0 e..ve5e.3&lro~ ... d.

2. Nl:Jeft m>"<rl:ic>~edd i:Se>odci t'!ed t'!eiln1e>.gra"', ~nee5&Nd

t:Jr::.x>"a5F~ruavide3J&l, mr.iv il'.lo?.Jo~~ (e5QVC>eFl>&~) :::iwcoe:te~td ~"a ... n~ra"' (e..ociv iv (Li:))/e..ociv we>exi (L~eft)/i:)d~ we>runv0(~weft) ~orlt:J'dcoii

~VC>oero~ .:S"a ... n~li) I 96 ( ~e'd(Tc) e..00.:> ::>veil'.leYtl.gcili~4 ~eaeYtl"'d.

2. ~e~cd ~e~: d.RJ.27700-770-33090-920-40450-1080-44770

71 IOa'-' ~rl~ fjt")ee-~dra Q

~itlrn cj,)!)w ~~a ~~E9 ScjrlE"

d&;§ ei~tPE" ~t;j) (!9~6iPE"

~~ es:a~ - - - -~-I 1* 3* - 3*

~E"- ll(c.">) 2* 19* 3* 1+14*

s~-11 (P3) - 1* 1* 4*

scjrlE"-111 (e;,) - - - -~ e~tPE" - - - 1


" 3* 23* 4* 2+21* (*) e8<rl4clll) e.>c>"~e.Jc>n6 a2J9:iriv~4 ~e8m~ ... d.

f.8~~: id)ee)00ci ~"'eF'6di:-ai3~4, 2:3a0cili~ roi:S

nm<dci~ MJ&l iVC>oc.iv ~aeYtl"'d.

c;jJc)19 :>tru

~~~ eJe;§j\jd> &~

1 1* l+l*

2* 1* 10*

5* 3* 1+46*

2* 1* 9*

- 1* 1*

- 1* l+l* 1+9* 8* 3+68*

3. ~ec;:biJC>.! l>[flC>id :- eroet <Vai>,trcH!Jcili~ <dr:iil'.l.Ji:S .U.,QCJF~W e:::lOei...xcili~ (murotl ~£)~ m~ ...

iif.>£J'6) e:::lctci e..MJ&l e9o'6rlv '='QCldci id.:>eeJ t'!ed t'!emwe>~cili~4 ~c:ieYtlrui§ ... d.

L t'!ed t'!em'6C>~cili il'.l.,QClf"~ '6' e::1aet...x<X0J ~ro erlo~nv~4 e..vruaoa~, e9~rivod0', ( 6:))

i5.JC>~F~:J aneet...x (~) mvro" ~£J~ e::taet...x m~... (N) ~£Jw enaei...xom"'ro~ ... d. ~i:Sf"~:J

-5eei...x<ili e9o'6nv~4 mvrotl ~£J~ idaei...xrf ~ffif"~ ~ocie)V ~~ e5an~il'.leYtlru~ .... d.

(ri>) ufje-~l> moe~:

~i:Sf"~:J idaet...xcili~4 100 ~ottn~rt .:Sm_/>-\ ~oaro:i 45~4 ~r:l~eYtlrt:li§_.d m~ .... ~dO e50ei...Xcili ide'~m~ ~ i\i'doc;!o_gdJi§...,d, i:)Odd:-

N:Jeft id a om ~o&~, 1908; vv

i:Sraf"i:S~ecili ~£J~rlv ~~~cilim, 1981;

~.;~ .... i:SraFi:S~ ~~~cilim, 1882;

~d.3e<rl:> 5°CJc>dJ ~~~crl:>ilJ, 1872;

~eF~ idOawdnv ~~~cilim, 1963;

~d~d <Go:JQCJ<d; m~ ...

tfm>F~W e.>c>&rt ~~~cilim, 1999.


2iJt>d~e<ili doc:! ~o&~. 1860; ii>~ .....

2iJt>d~e<ili Nc>w'~ ~t;>c'Ociliii>, 1872.

Nc>ilJcltdd rea~td - ec>!e'd ii>~ ....

i3J~JC>eNc>i3J~l· i50eiM

(~) c;i))~ "8'~ mOe!:

(i) ~~~ m~tf ( noe:t ~owrlvJ 100)


t..OOJ 2iJt>~O~d i5~i°'-:>OJ0, ~qiperiVJ ~of\"'e~(Ooci Wtd<lc:ii0 ii>~.... Wtd<lc:!eoci

~of\"'e:.irl ie)~ eroci<;t)~ 2iJt>rlrlvC\$J.i 2iJt>iiRlo~o~~ e:!>rl~"l:)ro~ ..... d. eroci<;t)~ 2iJt>rlrlvC\$J.i (1) ~e.,irlvJ, (2) ~ee5)erlVJ ii>~ ..... (3) ciNc>_.i::fe'b3Jrl.,oci ao?v ~rldJiJC>~eJC>f\ro~ ..... d.

~~ m~tf- I (lio~ "9ownvJ 100) ..J 0

't-Jl)eft irl!<rlTc> ~o&~. 1908; -.J-.J

!~<deft iU!<rlTc> ~o&~. 1973; -.J -.J-.J

2iJt>d~ecili Nc>W~ "9l;> c'Ociliii>, 1872;

iJc>ci ~~.irlVJ ii>~.... 2iJt>d~ ~ol)c;Jc>td.

(iii) ea~ m~tf- II (lioe:t "9ow7ivJ 100)

?vl)eft ~wdcarlv~"' l:}iJt>ot>odrlvC\$J.i dr.>~~~dJ m~ .... ~eeme7ivC\$J.i t:ido:i:>J~dJ.

(iv) ea~ m~1'- III (r10. eoer1Y> 100)

~~<deft ~wdcaliv~ adr.>ei5ctlivC\$J.i dr.>~~~dJ ii>~ .... .3ee5)erlvC\$J.i i.H:fo:i:>J~dJ.

("') ~'d - mee~ (r10cj eodr1w 100)

"9qipn~v Nc>ilJcltd" rea~td, ~td..rc>C\$J ~~.irlv d&i ii>~ ..... ?vl:}eft (Vt)"<rlJc>l?edc:mf\ ~eiSJWiJt>Krn ~~Of\ro~ e9~f'~KVC\$J<l iUOe!M~eJC>ru~dJ.

(~) eo~EJOS m;,cdd mOe~ (r10. eoer1Y> 20)

wo~,,~~ rea~tdci e50eiMo:i:>J 25 "9ow7i"'rl ~ro~ ..... d. e9qi~erlVJ rl"'?vci ~ ~ow7ivC\$J.i "9~d

"9ffif'~<iliC\$J<l to~ ~e5EA~rn e507ica~e.Jt>ru~ ..... d m~..... ~qd<'.Pf'KVJ WO~i.3~ 'Z5C>~tdci irlOeiM<ili~M rl"''t-Jci

~owrlvC\$J.i, i3.)Jro,, ~~~ ~oeiM ii>~..... i:1Jcl~w e50e'~t<W~"' rl"''t-Jci e...~d "9owrl"'rt. ~eO~e.Jt>ru~ee)"'.

~~: (~) ~ ("') rt tdoe.>C>Qcrlfdo\I a:baci s~tbE"r11b ec\~~ au~idrn s~e~ m~dsae scid:>

ec\r.id~ au~Oide.>abc:b.

(~) (i) e5Jc)~f'2iJt>l:} e50eiM<W~ ~erlet:t<rlTt>ru~cii0 ~neetiEA?vro~ w~e:t e9owrlvJ,

i50S9is 2SC>~ m~ i50S9is edorlc:!ci~Ort 50 e9oWriVJ ii>~..... ~~dOrl 60 e9owrlwf\ro~ i::f .



(ii) ~~~ i50eiMcili~ ~erlet:t<rlTc>rlrn ~~ojJC)odJ eU~icili~ c'OrleiUEA't-Jro~ wtoe:t

~owrlvJ, i50S9is 'Z5C>.3 m~ ..... e50S9is efiorlc:!ci ~qil<'.Peli"'rl w~e:t ~owrlvv 40 ii>~ ~~dort 50 ~owrlv.:i . .....

(iii) i:1Jcl~w iUOeiMcili~M ~erlet:t<rlTt>rlrn ~rleiUEA?vro~ wtoe:t ~OWKVJ e50S4.i ~~

ii>~..o i50S9is edonaci e9q,,<'.Pf"K"'rl W~-i, 40 ii>~ ..... ~~dort 50 ~OWKVJ.

(i) ii>vro_, ~~~ e50ei~cili <rlTc>~de i5~icili~ rued to7iei5EA't-Jci wtoe:t

e90WK.,f\o~ wEAru '90WKVC\$J.i K"''t-Jcioqj <rlTc>~de "9q,,<'.Peo:i:>J i:1Jcl8'w iUOeiMrt e9c:'.5f"c:mrl~w_,_o e).

0 Q M


(ii) iilJro11 ~~~ e5aeiel.cxtv e!JQiX> ~~w edaeiel.cxtv <ilic>~de i5~icxt.::le.% ~ed

NrlBed&?vd WN~ ~owrl<'f\o~ 'ti&~ e:!>o'tirl,,.,.idv-t rl<'Ndoqj <ilic>~de

~2ti,,~F" o.:fvJ N.Oeft (Vc)11cilic>t:i elf OC>f\ ~ e mv'i:X>ru~ di0 ~ffiF" OC>rl~v'0 q, ~.

(c.">c;J9) e::le~~ ~& e!JQiJ() oda~~ odorlrii0 ~eao e!J2i)'11 ~F"cxt.::lidv-t Nc>i::trc>cd" i3rlF"~0 idanci~det1Clde.%, e!Jo~c:d e!J2i)'"~F"o.:fvJ i5.r.>i3n,ra.O edae~.t iilJro11 ~~~ odaeiel.

05C>rl..ra ~~v' edaeiel.rl,,.,.e.% Nc>~cd"i3rlF"ci e!J2i)'"~F"rl"rt <Orlt:iedE1'NO v'N~

e!JOWrl,,.,.idv-t rl<'Ndde'60.

(2) WM>F"e.3'6 M>11Q'l)i ~ei:X> (~emt1Cl&) <Ocxtvmrl,,.,.0, 2004d 5id'e Ncxt.::lmo erood-~cxtve::SJ II (I) (~)

(ii) m~..... &~id& <Ocxtve::SJn'l."0, 2011, 201s m~..... 2016d ~edrt ~~'6 e5aei.,I'

e!JCfSFOC>f\dJi3oqj e!J2i)',.~F"rl"od Nc>Q',.i:rc>rlZJc:tlx::x>d~ .. id& ~e~ua& edi3rlF"d~ cd roe>~ NC> cdrl'lt v v ..,.,.J v M q>

~oro11cxtvru-t nmcdo~~iv.>oct.:J, e!Jt:iWe>e8NdJ&S 8.Jt)~ aS:>q,n,,.,. ~o!rl'11rt 7(~S:>) 95~

e!J2i)',,~F"rl,,.,.idv<l, e!JCfSF"~cxt.::l 69'C'>dd ~ed a~ i::trc>&, iSJd~w edaeiel.rt wcrcxtvuaru~ci.:>.

4. ~eo:i>~a:b t!9c;j~E""\j:- cilic>~de i311a_..o.:fvJ -

( i:>) ~d&ecxt.::> iffed(Vc)f\dd ffi.r.>d~;

( ~) e!J~idv / ai o.:fvJ (Vc)13Q'l)w ~ e~ Q'l)oci e!JQiX> ~'11C>F" a e!JQwe> m>~(Vc)~ 'ti e!JQim> ~ <'ecxt.::>

e5C>t:i'l1C>d ~ee::fo'l)od roc>rovo ~i3_,& ~oE.)ci o, ~rtci.:> ax>!d cr e!JQiJc> i3~rtva<'?vd 0 v .,..... Q Q Q

e:!>Qi:rc> e!J2i)',,~F"o.:fvJ (Vc)11cilic>orl e:!>t:i'11C>Ocilic>f\ a~ruaori cdo~d ida.Oe'del.r:a e:!>i3t:icxtv~n

~e~Q'l)od .Oi::ill! ri'v.>o&d d; ..... Q

(N) id'ei&'d e:!>Q':ed~cdi0 ~edJ-3 <ilic>~de e:!>edOC>Q'd~n e!Je50C>t:i<Af0oci.:> <Ocin~tVc>f\q, ~

e:!>Qi:X> eroq_, (Vc)13cilic>e.:>rov e:!>QiJc> ieog d.r.>ei~ei:X> ao:f.r.>erl e!JQi:X> <ilic>~de OC>'ZB"

dvaew~ei:X> acWO>erlrl,,.,.0 Kkt~i3 e:::aeiel.rl<'rl ~'ZBOC>ru~oaoo e!JQi:X> ~~ cda~-3

i\fee::SJ'11C>&rl"rt m>d.1~i3C>f\ e:!>~CfSF"rivao&dJi3 e:!>q1iml e:!>~a5f"OC1f'JdJi3 e:!>Qe:Jc> crl:m~de

2.JC>o6 ffe~,.,eftcd ~v.>eodci Qd~Q'l)oci ~ri'ci.:>~'6'e.:>.}.3alq, ~;

(&) 2.JC>o6 ffe<O,.,eft ~Qi:X> crl:m~de ~~ ..... em>e:>(Vc) ~t:i'l1C>d dori e:!>Q.:x> ~~el. .Ot:iNq,e.%, e:!>~F"cad (Vc) .. Q'l)'d a:lvd rt We>i i3e.:> .:foci.:> at'\-t1 ecrat:i'l1C>d e:!>~ecre>roved~.~ ; v 0 _. M ..,..,,0 ...J V .., M

(~) ~cd<l e!J2i)',,~F"irl ~OZJOt:iNOO~ <ilic>~de d.re>~de.% id'emt1Cl& ~t:i'l1Cldi3idv<l ~~,,v'el.i3C>f\

e!>Qi::>c> oddlt>ev'el.i3C>f\ ~~.ONq, ~;

( i:>i?) e:!>2tJ'i!~F°cxtJ i:fe}iJC>&,'6' 1. ~cxtJ~M E.).1e5&-t~/ ~Qd&~.1

-~e~cxt.::> tti'em'11C>&rt ~ffiF"OC>f\d~w ... o <o. g QM

~- ~8'e~:-

a~crlJC>d e!>2i)'"~F"rl,,.,.0, ~do2i)'d~n i:>dct:J i3~F"rlY e!Ji3t:irt e!JQe:.>c> .o~ ..... a~ZJa:lvcad e!Ji3t:irt

~de~cde.%dJea....,o ~rt.ta v'(Vc)F"eJv' N.Oeft ~eiX> (~de~#) <Orovmrl,,.,.0, 1977d eroedZJoQ'rl,,.,.0,

05C>rt tti'emv'rtv.>ori -311! ..... n"rt eroe8~ i311~11~nvv.>oE.1ri' e!Jcd.icxt.::li:X>rl~w0~. N.Oeft tVc>11crlJC>t:ielfOC>f\

id'e~rtr.iori e!J2i)'"~F"rl,,.,.0 ~ee::fcxtv ~de~cde.%d0iJC>rl -

( i:>) e..od.:> i3~F"!00~ v'&~Q'l)dd e!JQi:X> eroq, (Vc)"cilic>e.:>rov~ iOE.1F"~Cid&~ZJc5:>cadoqj

ffie8~cd e:!>i3t:icxtv e!JOQ ~dde.3cxtvru-t e5aci.:>iJC>~~v'0~, a:wrt.ra

(~) e:!>i3idv/e:!>i3Y0 wcd-tri ~~ idae~el.cxt.::le.% ero-3 ..... er:aF"OC>f\dBq,o v'(Vc)F"e.3'6 ?v.Oeft ~ei::>c>

(~e~rl,,.,.0 05C>M v'cd-tri ~~ e5aeiel.rl,,.,.0) Ncxt.::lmrl,,.,.0, I974d e:!>idvNc>di::>c>f\ W(Vc)F"e.3'6'

dr.wtt~e..:x> ecdJaerl~ cda~i3 v'cd-tri ~i;iC> odaeiel.cxtv~n ero.3 ..... er:aF"OC>rl~'60d.:>0•

s. e1""d1"" C!91BE"" id"idm C!9q1QJC) mo idOCJf>a:b a~m idJa~~ : -" .... . ( i:>) ~de c:d.Jd n<irt e:!>~F" ci::~ ~Ii!.).) ucxtv~i3 ~q .. ~F"rl,,.,.0

Q M v

http:/ /karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/recruitment.asp. ~2J€~eib€ cd il:>Jele.:>'6 e#dei#cde.%

6~F" ~e.%-ci;:ZJa:lvcaf\d. e#dei# e:!>idv-t ~d~i5&N ~~d crlJC>~de .09'C>cdde.% '6,,.,.0&,?vd e:!>~F"rl,,.,.idv-t

od<>rlci~uaru~E.1~. ~ i:illod ffie"dJ-30;$ rue.:>0i3idv-! ~Oi.>J~ci.:> :


(~) Yi'1'd•N9 ~oe ~ fdoc;.:JC)aD: e:!>Q'i+~rrl\"0 e5~dtl~~~M e:!>2'!f" <G~M'lvd ~o~d

http://kamatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/recruitment.asp. ~o~ ~e)'!f ~et§ mtlo~ ~o&o.mi

a~dtl~ e::reidvot§ riet§~eo.").)od rue)0~~-! cGOc::Jc>cili ~a~'60q. (!9qic;:J"C>

(ctJ) pjoe'1' (\j~~ !b" fdOc;.:JC)aD: e:>Q'tl~FrlVv, e5~dtl~ccr~M e.:92'!F ;G~M'lvd ~o~d

http://kamatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/recruitment.asp. ~o~ ~e)W ~et§ mtlo~ ~o&o.mi

e5~0t}~ e::reidvoe§ rtet§~eo.°).)00 ~.&.i:>ip6 ccr~~cili~M zle)~ e:!)~o! r:P~dVc>e'C# ~&iVc!..;.~wOq

m~~ ~&let§ ZJC>tlO~ e5ep6 ~o&oJ.Jc>d oJ.Ja~de lJc>IDcili~M ~rleed&'lvd ru<!>0~~-! Gm>~~ ~a~w0q. (~e~ eroidoJVc>e~m~ '!foe5.Jc>.!e.3o6 l>.&.e:>eµe oeao6-e:!>'CiVc>e~ e:>i~eiJC>tlt§ <G~et§F a3°Vc>oed~w0q)

81!BE"rltl~ Yi'1'd.N9(\j~ ~Oc;.:JC)OS>fdrn/id~idUJ ~o.D OM>o~ : 11.01.2019 (oa~ 11.09 rlofJ)

Yi'1'd_:te'1'(\j" !Do fdOc;.:JC)aD c;batiUJ u~o.D OM>oe: 14.01.2019 " ..... . e3on1' c;bJao~ ~ idoCJao.D c;batiUJ ~o.D OM>oe: 14.01.2019

e.Ja~o"'(\j t!oidd ~etJoi:>oj"rt

ctr.>. 500/-(dr.>Gm>o.").) eo~ru ~~) rue)0~~.i <Goc::Jc>cili ~a~w0q. e5.?Ea/e5.e:3o/ ~~rlF-l t0

~eOd e9Q'tl~f"rlVv ctr.>. 250/- (Mi5C>o.°).) ~~o!dtl~~~ ~~) rue)0~~.i <Goc::Jc>cili ~a~v>0q.

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It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Kamataka Judicial Service (Recruitment) Rules, 2004 and Amendment Rules, 2011, 2015 and 2016, the High Court of Kamataka invites Online applications for direct recruitment to 71 posts of Civil Judges which includes backlog vacancies.

1. Minimum Qualification and Age Limit for : -

A. Direct Recruitment:-

(a) Must be holder of a degree in Law granted by a University established by Law in India and must have been enrolled as an Advocate.

(b) Must not have completed as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications, 38 years of age in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and 35 years of age in the case of others.

(c) For Ex-servicemen candidates, relaxation of three years in the upper age limit.

B. Recruitment of In-service Candidates (i.e., staff working in the High Court, District Judiciary & Assistant Public Prosecutors-cum-Additional Government Pleaders working in the Department of Prosecutions and Government Litigation) :-

(a) Must be holder of a degree in Law granted by a University established by Law in India

(b) Must not have completed as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications, 43 years of age in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and 40 years of age in the case of others.

(c) All In-service candidates having required qualification working in the High Court and in the District Judiciary irrespective of their cadres are eligible to apply for the post of Civil Judge.

(d) Assistant Public Prosecutors-cum-Additional Government Pleaders who are working in the Department of Prosecutions and Government Litigation are also eligible to apply for the post of Civil Judges.

Note: I .Direct recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judges is subject to any order made under Article 16(4) or 16(4A) of the Constitution of India, providing reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes.

2. For direct recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judges I% (One percent) reservation has been provided for Orthopedic disabled persons (persons having disability with one arm (OA)/one leg (OL)/both legs (BL), subject to the prescribed qualifications.

2. Scale of Pay:- Rs. 27700-770-33090-920-40450-1080-44770


Classification of 71 Vacancies

Un- Women Kannada Rural

Ex- Physically Category Candidat Candida TOTAL reserved Medium service Challenge e te Men d

s.c. - - - - 1 1* l+l* Category-I 1* 3* - 3* 2* 1* 10*

Category-2* 19* 3* 1+14* 5* 3* 1+46* II(A)

Category- - 1* 1* 4* 2* 1* 9* II(B) Category-

- - - - - 1* 1* W(B) General

1 1* l+l* - - - -Merit TOTAL 3* 23* 4* 2+21* 1+9* 8* 3+68*

*Mentioning of star against notified vacancies indicate that particular vacancy is carried forward as backlog.

NOTE:- The above classification has been made keeping in view the relevant Government Orders in force.

3. Method of Recruitment:- By direct recruitment on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in a competitive examination (Main Written Examination and Viva-Voce) conducted by the High Court.

(1) The Competitive Examination for recruitment of Civil Judges shall consists of 3 stages i.e., (a) Preliminary Examination (b) Main Written Examination and (c) Viva-Voce. The marks secured in the Preliminary Examination is considered only for Eligibility for the Main Written Examination.


The Preliminary Examination shall be conducted by way of Objective Type Question Paper consisting of 100 marks and the syllabi for the said examination shall be the following, namely:-




Code of Civil Procedure, 1908;

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1981;

Transfer of Property Act, 1882;

Indian Contract Act, 1872;

Specific Relief Act, 1963;

Indian Constitution; and

Karnataka Rent Act, 1999.

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973;

Indian Penal code, 1860; and

Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

General knowledge - Test of reasoning and mental ability.



(i) Translation Paper (Maximum Marks 100)

There will be one translation paper and the candidates will be required to translate passages in English into Kannada and Kannada into English. The Passages will be from (1) Depositions, (2) Judgments and (3) Documents.

(ii) Law Paper I (Maximum Marks 100)

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908;

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973;

The Indian Evidence Act, 1872;

Principles of Pleading and the Constitution of India.

(iii) Law Paper II (Maximum Marks 100)

Framing of Issues and writing of Judgments in Civil Cases.

(iv) Law Paper Ill (Maximum Marks 100)

Framing of Charges and writing of Judgments in Criminal cases.

(c) VIVA-VOCE (Maximum Marks 100)

The candidates General Knowledge, grasp of principles of law and suitability for appointment as Civil Judge shall be tested.

(d) COMPUTER TEST (Maximum Marks 25)

The test of knowledge of computers shall carry maximum 25 marks and such marks secured by the candidate shall be considered for ascertaining the suitability and computer knowledge of the candidates and shall not be aggregated to the total marks obtained in the main written examination and Viva-Voce.

Note: Regarding (b) and (c), such of those candidates who desire to answer in Kannada may do so.

(e) (i) Minimum marks for pass in the Preliminary Examination shall be 50 for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and 60 for others.

(ii) Minimum marks for pass in each paper of the Main Written Examination shall be 40 for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. and 50 for others.

(iii) Minimum marks for pass in the Viva-Voce shall be 40 for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and 50 for others.

Provided that no candidate who has secured less than the minimum marks specified above:

(i) in any paper of the Main Written Examination shall be eligible for Viva-Voce.

(ii) in any paper of the Main Written Examination or in viva-voce shall be eligible for appointment as Civil Judge.

(f) In order to be considered under General Category, a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe has to secure the minimum marks prescribed for General Category in the Preliminary Examination, Main Written Examination and Viva-Voce.

(2) From among the candidates who are eligible for Viva-Voce as per sub-rule II (1) (e) (ii) of Rule 5 of the Karnataka Judicial Service (Recruitment) Rules, 2004 and Amendment Rules, 2011, 2015 and 2016, as far as may be, such number of candidates as is equal to 7 (seven) times the number of vacancies notified, having regard to the number of vacancies in each reserved category, selected in the order of merit, shall be called for Viva-voce Examination.


4. Disqualification for Appointment:- No person shall be eligible for appointment to the service -

(a) unless he is a Citizen of India;

(b) if he/she is compulsorily retired, removed or dismissed from Judicial Service or from service in Government or Statutory or Local Authority or if a candidate after being selected as a Judicial Officer has been discharged from service during probationary period.

(c) if he has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or who is or has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or the Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission from appearing for examinations or selections conducted by it or has been removed from its roll by any Bar Council.

(d) if any penalty or punishment has been imposed by the Bar Council or any disciplinary authority which in the opinion of selecting authority, makes the applicant unsuitable for a judicial post.

(e) if he directly or indirectly influences the recruiting authority by any means for his candidature.

(f) if the marital status of the candidate is bigamous.

5. Probation:- A candidate selected will be initially on probation for two years or for extended period and the provisions of Karnataka Civil Services (Probation) Rules, 1977, shall mutatis mutandis, apply to persons so appointed. The candidates appointed as Civil Judge, during the period of probation, shall -

(a) undergo such training for a period not less than one year or more as specified by the High Court, and

(b) pass the Kannada Language Examination conducted by the Kamataka Public Service Commission in accordance with the Kamataka Civil Services (Services and Kannada Language Examinations) Rules, 1974, if he/she has not already passed it.

6. Instructions to submit On line application/payment of fee:-

(a) Those who are desirous of applying for the said posts are required to fill UP the application online . on the website http://karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/recruitment.asp. Applications sent by any other mode other than online will not be considered. The fee shall be remitted as hereunder:

(b) Online Payment: On submission of online application, the candidate shall make the online payment of application fee by SBI online payment gateway through link http://karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/ recruitment.asp.


(c) Challan Form: On submission of online application, the candidate shall download the challan from SBI online payment gateway through link http:/ /karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in/recruitment.asp. in PDF format and shall remit the prescribed fee in any branch of SBI. (System need to support PDF reader­like Adobe, Acrobat)

The Last Date for register/ submit Online Application: 11.01.2019 (11.59 PM)

The Last Date for payment of fee through online: 14.01.2019

The Last Date for payment of fee through Challan: 14.01.2019 till Banks' working hours.



(d) Preliminary Examination : The Candidate belongs to General Merit and Category­IIA/ IIB / IIIA/ IIIB shall remit fee of Rs.500 I - (Rupees five hundred only). The candidate belongs to SC/ST/Category-I shall remit fee of Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred f"ifty only).

(e) Main Written Examination fee shall be payable by each candidate who is successful in the Preliminary Examination and eligible to appear for the Main Written Examination immediately within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of announcing the result of the Preliminary Examination, failing which, their candidature will not be considered for Main Written Examination. The candidate belongs to General Merit and category -TIA/ IIB / IIIA / IIIB shall remit fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only). The candidate belongs to SC/ST/Category-I shall remit fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only).

7. Other conditions:-

a) Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

b) Those candidates called for Competitive Examinations and Viva-Voce will have to appear for the same at their own cost.

c) Applications sent in any other mode except online will not be considered.

d) In-service candidates shall submit their applications online not later than the date and time fixed for receipt of applications and should possess "No Objection Certificate" issued by the concerned Authority at the time of submitting online application and produce the same whenever directed by the Authority without fail.

e) Candidates Claiming Reservations under SC/ ST, Category-I/ II A/II B/III A/III B shall possess the certificate in the form as prescribed by the Government of Kamataka and issued by the competent Authority at the time of submitting online application and produce the same whenever directed by the Authority without fail.

f) Candidates claiming reservation under Physically Challenged shall possess the Certificates issued by Competent Authorities at the time of submitting online application and produce the same whenever directed by the Authority without fail.

g) Candidates claiming reservation under Ex-Servicemen shall possess the certificate of release or discharge from Military Service at the time of submitting online application and produce the same whenever directed by the Authority without fail.

h) Candidates claiming reservation under Rural quota should have studied from 1 to 10th standard in rural areas. The candidate shall possess Rural Study Certificate in the format prescribed in G.O.No.DPAR 96 SRR 2005 dated 10.08.2005, duly attested by the Head Master of the School and countersigned by the concerned BEO and General Merit candidate claiming reservation under rural quota shall also possess certificate in Form-1 obtained from concerned Tahsildar as per G.O.No.DPAR 8 SRR 2001 dated 13.02.2001, certifying that they do not fall under the creamy layer prescribed by Government of Kamataka at the time of submitting online application and produce the same whenever directed by the Authority without fail.

i) Candidates claiming reservation under Kannada Medium quota shall possess certificate for having studied in Kannada Medium from 1 to 10th standard as prescribed in GoK Notification No.DPAR 71 GPR 2001 dated 24.10.2002, duly attested by the Head Master of the School and countersigned by the concerned BEO at the time of submitting online application and produce the same whenever directed by the Authority without fail.


j) The candidate shall furnish two character certificates of good character (one from the Principal of the Institution/College in which he/she last studied with study details and another from a respectable person not being a relative who is well acquainted with him/her at the time of verification of documents.

k) Candidates called for the document verification at the time of Viva-Voce shall furnish the necessary original documents with three sets of self attested photocopies of the documents with regard to Educational Qualification i.e., SSLC or equivalent examination certificate to show the Date of Birth, Marks cards of Degree, Law Degree, Convocation Certificates and Certificate of Caste, reservations claimed with regard to Rural/Physically Challenged/Ex-Servicemen and Kannada Medium etc., for verification.

(1) On verification, if the information so furnished by the applicant in the application is found to be false, then their candidature is liable for rejection and also they are liable for Criminal Prosecution for furnishing false information.