Modern approach to students’ didactic · Modern approach to students’ didactic cimpetence...


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155 © Hannah UDOVICHENKO, Svitlana OSTAPENKO, 2016


Modern approach to students’ didactic cimpetence formation

Over the years European higher education has faced problems connected with the educative process organization; in this case new potential stipulated by globalization and scientific and technical development precipitation opens. This development is pointed at the students’ high performance and new teaching methods. Thus, a need in students of higher educational establishments’ constant development in their professional field arises; they must have educational background which will allow them to respond to quickly changing public needs. It is necessary to give access, quality and accountability of information, empower them to interfere into the didactic process organization.

A great number of foreign and national scientists investigated and investigate the problem of professional competence examination. Among them are L. Vashchenko, V. Vvedenskyi, M. Zhaldak, I. Ziaziun, M.Kornilova, O. Lokshyna, T. Mishenina, N. Nychkalo, O.



Ovcharuk, O. Pometun, A. Khutorskyi, O. Savchenko, S.Sysoyeva, O.Semenoh and others.

The object of the article Bologna reforms have changed higher education in all areas of Europe. Educational structures tuning in Europe are a university project aimed at putting forward the complete approach to Bologna process tasks realization at university level and application environment. To achieve this goal only basic education is not enough, life-long studying is advantageous. There is a need in a career structure change in such a way that it will contribute to student’s mobility, qualification gaining, knowledge and comprehension increasing, new skills and competencies development or personal growth. Qualifications can be obtained with help of figurable course of education or consultancy with applying of virtual mobility forms, international experience gaining opportunities without being abroad. Dynamics of higher school system modernization process are rather intensive. It promotes and requires students’ academic, methodological, communicative, psychological and pedagogical, didactic competence constant development. New requirements to expert personality are formed, there appears a need to possess such psychological and pedagogical characteristics as a capacity for figurable transformations and readiness to work in a higher educational establishment innovative educational activity environment.

European universities work toward not the programs uniformity or the same curriculums for the whole Europe, but toward the agreeing criteria, programs rapprochement and general understanding.

The process of educational structures “tuning” (Tuning) began in 2000 as an attempt to find touch points between Bologna process political tasks and Lisbon strategy and higher education sector. In course of time Tuning turned into a process, approach allowing to reconsider, develop, bring to life, evaluate and improve academic programs. Results and methods developed in-process of Tuning are introduced in a set of Tuning publications. Higher educational establishments are offered to test these approaches and considerations in their own contexts.

The most important feature of Tuning project is protection of education diversity in Europe, which doesn’t curtail freedom of students and teachers in the didactic process organization. Not the systems of education, but structures – application environments, conceptual aspect of education – are in the center of Tuning process attention. The decisions within the system are taken at governmental level, while the education structures and content are mostly among the higher educational



establishments’ powers and academic staff competence.Accordingly, objective and subjective factors influence the students’

and lecturers’ activities. Objective factors include predominant educational paradigm; national regulatory requirements, which define the aim of training and its results requirements; basic curriculum adjusting relations between the course units, and others. Subjective factors, except for professionalism, in a particular field of scientific knowledge are represented by pedagogical and didactic capabilities which defines didactic preferences, communication skills, ability to plan own activity while being oriented on student’s personal activity and results. [5]

Competency building format new standards are focused on new educational paradigm realization, which presupposes the development of personality creative potential, ability to adapt in the changing world, at the bustling employment market. They are intended to harmonize Ukrainian and European markets of educational services, and preserve all the accomplishments of a national high school at the same time. The requirements to graduates and results of educational program acquirement are designed in the State standard in the form of graduate competencies.

At the juridical, normative and formal levels the criteria allowing to determine, detect and evaluate expert training quality in higher educational establishments were defined. Herein the main target audience for these documents is students. The stages of education and the boundary between training and additional training, basic and continuous education are dissolved. The standards represent transference from the education for life to the life-long studying.

V. Senashenko thinks that expert’s competencies mastering is possible not at the graduation stage, but in some time after the graduation, when the output competencies together with experience will form new professional strength which is called competence. [7] Thus, a student needs educational environment which comes laden with such resource conditions and opportunities which would promote higher educational establishment important pedagogical goals solution. Under educational environment he considers a system of key factors which determine training and personality development. [6]

In the context of instant research we give consideration to the environment as the vastness of perception and growth, specific form of mankind experience, directed at didactic process transforming with



a view of organizing conditions which contribute to the student’s self-perfecting; an environment in which the agent is supplied with opportunities to solve important educational problems.

In scientific and pedagogical literature the problem of V. Danilov’s and O. Shumanov’s integrative educational environment designing and development were investigated. It is a social pedagogical phenomenon which reflects different educational systems activity organization territorial aspect, which promotes future specialists’ multifunctional professional knowledge formation coupled with practical experience, contributes to appearance of relations and contacts multiplicity in pedagogical activity field, contributes to agent’s understanding of multi-faceted educational propositions and professionally significant experience which is projected by the educational surrounding. To such environment characteristics we can refer “opening” to life, complexity and intensity of teaching information, which facilitates creating conditions for agent’s personal development trajectory outlining. In reliance on defined characteristics for the purpose of our research aim attaining we think it necessary to apply the adjacent phenomenon, didactic space and didactic environment in scientific usage.

In our opinion, didactic space offers resources for future specialist quality preparation. In its turn didactic environment is an essential part of educational environment – artificially built system, structure and components of which create fertile circumstances for educative process targets achievement.

Training and upbringing in terms of special adapting and environment organization of those who, while interacting with the surrounding, are earning a degree are considered as one of the most effective principles of pedagogy.

The educative environment in modern educational conditions is created in interaction of new educational complexes – systems, teaching innovative and traditional models, new education standards. It integrates the curriculum and academic plan’s content, joins open information space and hi tech means of communication, educational resource, and crucially high scientific level of interrelation, communication between the agents of education.

Developing, teaching, competence-oriented environment as a combination of factors which determines personality training and development gives students opportunities to evolve into professionals, master professionalism, and form didactic competence.



S. Druzhylov considers professionalism as a person’s special quality which allows to fulfill complex activity in different conditions systematically, effectively and competently. [3] The notion “professionalism” reflects the level of professional activity psychological structure getting which matches existing in society standards and objective requirements. To get professionalism accompanying abilities, wills and spirit, a readiness for constant studying and excellence perfecting. Excellence or pedagogic art is a synthesis of students’ professional, managerial and personal capacities which determine pedagogical process effectiveness.

Pedagogical excellence is formed on the basis of experience, training resources creative understanding and is expressed in professional tasks solving effective methods system applying, in the integration of science and art. Pedagogical excellence covers a search of pedagogical tasks great number solving methods and forms with a high degree of successfulness, smoothly includes all the components of the student’s activity psychological system, and contains his/her own scientific inquiry. It is a product of integral scientific pedagogical creative work; mastery of an educator is a synthesis of theoretical and practical skills. Pedagogical excellence is a synthesis of developed psychological and pedagogical thinking; pedagogical knowledge, know-how, emotional-volitional vehicles system linked with student’s personality highly-developed qualities allows him / her to complete educational tasks. [2]

Recently the problem of student’s professionality is connected with competency building approach paradigm realization (V. Adolf, V. Baydenko, Yu. Vardanian, O. Hrokholska, Ye. Zeyer, I. Zymnia, M. Pevzner, S. Smyrnov, Yu. Tatur, A. Khutorskyi). Higher educational establishment students’ competence and competencies are professionalism complex psychological-pedagogical characteristics; they are not limited only by readiness for activities, but include characteristics of moral qualities and behavior norms as well. With the introduction of new education State standard provisions, the educative process requires modifications. Higher educational establishment students turn into marketplace agents in a certain environment. Innovation processes in education complicate activity content, change goals, format the existing educational environment, require skills and abilities which enable to find the way out of difficult situations quickly, activate the necessity to have scientific and research work organization skills, facilitate development of productive interrelations between education and scientific researches.



While the didactic process organizing it is essential to have in mind the need to give student opportunity to realize the substandard aspects of his / her activity.

On analyzing the new State standard we can draw a conclusion that transition phase of higher educational establishments of two-stage training qualitatively transforms didactic educative environment and adjacent to these changes psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students. Having high didactic potential a higher educational establishment student changes traditional approaches to teaching and learning process organizing, accepts conditions indeterminacy, the necessity of out-of-the-box solutions, goals and ways of their achieving in organizing new relations between the agents of educational process.

As a result, there appears a necessity for students to build up their individual learning strategies – intrinsic to concrete personality general non-detailed way of educational activity which covers a long period, or a personal approach of learning goal achieving.

Individual strategy can be defined as a pattern of logical behaviour which a student obtains deliberately or spontaneously. Organizational and managerial conception of the strategy is connected with achievement-oriented actions, ways and methods of putting into practice strategic activity in a business environment. In his basic work “Strategic administration” I. Ansoff points out that by definition the strategy is a set of instructions for decision taking which a person applies in his / her self-directed and cognitive activities. [1] Strategy here is the core around which all kinds of cognitive activity are concentrated. Individual strategy is a long-term course of personality growth, a goal achieving way, which a person singles following own considerations within his / her behaviour.

Each process or phenomenon can provide only that resource which it has in its potential. Individual strategy is a multifaceted and effective for students’ educational activity creation, which is not a panacea for all the challenges in learning. Thus, it is crucial to determine what one doesn’t have to expect from individual strategy. [9]

According to Tuning project our education is appealed to equip students with knowledge, skills and competencies by novation. While the didactic process in high school organizing you need to demonstrate the attitude subjectiveness and at the same time retain the fundamental part of the curriculum (bachelor, specialist, master) ready to combine and to take into account basic and variative components (following



passed programming basic component value).Invariative part of the Standard preserves integrated educational

space in the areas of Ukraine and defines basic competencies which are universal for all professional activity kinds. Variative part offsets regional employment market demands and gives students an opportunity to gain indepth knowledge, skills and competencies for effective professional activities, and poses the way of educative individual routes realization while didactic process organizing. Thus, variative aspect realization in teaching and learning process organizing is directly connected to dynamics of changes in such students’ psychological and pedagogical characteristics as individuality, subjectiveness, motivation.

By the Standard, students’ educational activity has to contain elective, optional and special courses, trainings which provide a means for students’ learning trajectory individualization, taking into account their cognitive and professional interests. Higher education stages introduction obliges agile industrially directed learning routes, non-linear educational processes creating.

From the didactic aspect point of view the modern educational context components are transmitted in a completely new approach to educational goals and tasks stating. Positive changes are turned into competencies (including didactic) formedness growth, higher educational establishment students’ professionalism and mastership development. We can experience creating conditions for organizing the educational process where, on the one hand, there is learners’ collaborative occupancy, collaborative activities, and, on the other hand, individual peculiarities are considered and each student’s individual goals and training needs are implemented.

Higher educational establishment educational standards development is due to the reasonable joining of basic education and professional and applied training, as well as individual collecting, diagnosticating, systematizing and development of graduates’ interrelated competencies set (in the light of the State standard), framework of qualifications and higher educational establishment dialogue with the employment market. The main idea of the competency building approach is for the Ukrainian system of education not to lose its fundamental nature, gain practice-oriented content, and for a student to become the master object of value-conscious education paradigm.



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The Authors

| Hannah M. Udovichenko | Candidate of Pedagogy, | Associate Professor of Foreign Language Department, | Mykhaylo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National | University of Economics and Trade, | Kryvyy Rih, Ukraine | E-mail:

| Svitlana A. Ostapenko | Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, | Head of Foreign Language Department, | Mykhaylo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk | National University of | Economics and Trade, Kryvyy Rih, Ukraine | Е


ANNA UDOWICZENKO, SWIETŁANA OSTAPENKO. Nowoczesne podejście w kształtowaniu kompetencji dydaktycznych studentów. W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesny pogląd ukraińskich i zagranicznych naukowców na podejście kompetencyjne oraz problem tworzenia i projektowania integracyjnej przestrzeni edukacyjnej. Podkreslono konieczność opracowania standardów kształcenia na podstawie integracji zasad edukacji fundamentalnej i przygotowania zawodowego. Słowa kluczowe: podejście kompetencyjne, kompetencje dydaktyczne, student, przestrzeń edukacyjna, strategia indywidualna.



ГАННА УДОВІЧЕНКО, СВІТЛАНА ОСТАПЕНКО. Сучасний підхід до формування дидактичної компетентності сту-дентів. У статті проаналізовано сучасні підходи вітчизняних та зарубіжних вчених до визначення компетентнісного підходу, про-блеми розробки й проектування інтегративного освітнього просто-ру, проекту Tuning. Наголошено на необхідності розробки освітніх стандартів вищих навчальних закладів, які мають гуртуватись на поєднанні фундаментальної освіти та професійно-приклад-ної підготовки.Ключові слова: компететнтнісний підхід, дидактична компе-тентність студентів, інтегративний освітній простір, індивіду-альна стратегія.

АННА УДОВИЧЕНКО, СВЕТЛАНА ОСТАПЕНКО. Совре-менный подход к формированию дидактической компе-тентности студентов. В статье проанализированы современные подходы отечественных и зарубежных ученых к определению ком-петентностного подхода, проблеме создания и проектирования интегративного образовательного пространства, проекта Tuning. Подчеркнута необходимость создания образовательных стандар-тов, основанных на объединении фундаментального образования и профессионально-прикладной подготовки.Ключевые слова: компетентностный подход, дидактическая компетентность студентов, интегративное образовательное про-странство, индивидуальная стратегия.

HANNAH UDOVICHENKO, SVITLANA OSTAPENKO. Modern approach to students’ didactic cimpetence formation. The article analyses modern approaches of national and foreign scientists to competency building approach determination, problem of integrative educational environment creating and designing, Tuning project. The authors emphasize the necessity of higher educational establishments’ educational standards developing, based on integration of fundamental education and professional and applied training.Key words: competency building approach, students’ didactic competence, integrative educational space, individual strategy