Mobile Briefing April 2013



Smartphones are increasing in use and they are important for ecommerce in the shopping centre.

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Digital Media is grow



Mobile Facts

32 million smart phones in the UK

89% use their

smart phone

throughout the


searchers have taken action as

a result of a smartphone


9 out of 10

Smartphones are an integral part of

the purchase process


Friendly What is a Mobile


A mobile website is just a

small and simplified

version of your main

website that is designed

to be displayed on mobile

phone or tablet.

Ease of Use

Why should you care?

74% of users say they're also more likely to return to a site in

the future if it's mobile-friendly.

52% of users said a bad mobile experience made them less

likely to engage with a company.

48% of users say they feel frustrated and annoyed when on

sites that are poorly optimized for mobile. 36% say they feel like they've wasted their time when they visit those sites.

48% of users that report a business' site didn't work well on their

smartphones took it as an indication the company didn't care about their business.

32% of consumers have:

used their mobile to find

a retailer’s nearest store

Mobile Vs App

• Immediacy

• Compatibility

• Upgradability

• Findability

• Shareability

• Reach

• LifeCycle

• Time and Cost

• Support and Sustainability

93% of smart phone

owners report using

their mobile device

while in-store:

* if a wi-fi network is available

So, what do shoppers want?





Fashion Tips



& Closing





& Contact


What do we do?

Centre Buzz create mobile

websites and Apps to

help your shoppers

navigate your centre

Digital CMS

Social Media We create an instant live feed for your shopping

centre, featuring all the latest news and offers from

YOUR retailers:

And post them to your Facebook & Twitter accounts

Any questions on what we have covered so far?

If it’s a hassle sourcing and uploading offers to

your website or manually and painfully finding

content, or simply enough content.....

Then is for YOU!

Digital Media is grow

Thanks for listening.

Contact us to talk more.

Presentation by @centrebuzz


020 8931 9300