MIMOA Guide KSA Netherlands Amsterdam[1]


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KSA Netherlands Amsterdam.Projects 16

.Created 20-Jul-10

.By Jason Kentner, Columbus, United States


. 2.

Jan Schaeferbrug. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Venhoeven CS. bridge.

. 3.

The Whale. Amsterdam, Netherlands. de Architekten Cie.. housing.

. 4.

Studio Thonik. Amsterdam, Netherlands. MVRDV. atelier, private house.

. 5.

Music building on the IJ. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 3XN. cafe, music theatre, restaurant.

. 6.

Warehouse De Zwijger. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Architectenbureau J. van Stigt. theatre, recording studio, exposition

space, culture, atelier.

. 7.

Bicycle Flat. Amsterdam, Netherlands. VMX Architects. bicycle stand.

. 8.

Het Oosten, pavilion. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Steven Holl. auditorium, pavilion.

. 9.

The Funen Park. Amsterdam, Netherlands. de Architekten Cie.. park, urban plan.

. 10.

Borneo Sporenburg Bridges. Amsterdam, Netherlands. West 8. bridge.

. 11.

Borneo Sporenburg. Amsterdam, Netherlands. West 8. urban plan.

. 12.

Borneo Sling. Amsterdam, Netherlands. De Architectengroep. apartment, dwellings.

. 13.

Studenthousing Oslofjordweg. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Te Kiefte Architecten. student housing.

. 14.

Parkrand. Amsterdam, Netherlands. MVRDV. housing, kindergarten.

. 15.

Westergasfabriek Culturepark. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Gustafson Porter. culture, leisure, park, play ground,


. 16.

IJburg Block 14. Amsterdam, Netherlands. DKV Architecten. dwellings, housing, urban plan.

. 17.

Residence Steigereiland. Amsterdam, Netherlands. FARO Architecten. private house.

http://www.mimoa.eu/users/jkentner/Guides/KSA%20Netherlands%20Amsterdam/. this page is part of Mi guide 'KSA Netherlands Amsterdam' made by Jason Kentner, Columbus, United States.


photo: Naomi Schiphorst . photo: Naomi Schiphorst.

photo: Naomi Schiphorst

Opening hours24/7

. How to get thereBus nr. 32-39-43-59 passes by.


Jan Schaeferbrug.

AddressPiet Heinkade 179-1811019 HC AmsterdamNetherlands

. A 285 meter long fixed bridge over the IJ canal links theOostelijke Handelskade (main access road) and the Veemkade(slow traffic) on the southern side, to the new housing area onJava-island. This bridge is designed for cars, bicycles andpedestrians. The separated roads for these different traffic-typesdiffer in inclination. The bridge itself has asymmetric curvesunderneath and its "legs" are set wide apart into the IJ. Parts ofthe road-deck are detachable to allow incidental passing of largeboats. Because of logic traffic-reasons the bridge should bebuilt at the same spot where the existing warehouse The Zwijger(1934) already stood. The client decided to pierce the bridgethrough the building, in favour of demolishing the old warehouse.


Project is public!.




Venhoeven CS. Building physics consultant.

Peutz Consulting Engineers &Associes

. Artist

.Marc Ruygrok

. Lighting designer

.Kees van de Lagemaat lightdesign

. Structural engineer

.IBA Amsterdam

. Client

.Gemeentelijk GrondbedrijfAmsterdam

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photo: Luis Monteiro . photo: João Morgado.

photo: Luis Monteiro

Opening hours

. How to get there


The Whale.

AddressBaron G. A. Tindalplein 11019 TW AmsterdamNetherlands

. The Whale is one of three big "meteorites" that have landed inbetween the lowrise-highdensity housing areas on the Islands ofBorneo and Sporenburg at the Eastern Docklands in Amsterdam.This building by Frits van Dongen is one of several important andrecognizable blocks. Inside are 194 apartments, 1100 m2 officeand retail-space. Underneath is a large parking with 179 places. The traditional closed block (100 by 60 m) has beentransformed, the two ends are lifted, and the public space flowsthrough underneath. Inside the block is a private garden,designed by West 8. The apartments are to be reached fromgalleries running along the inside-façade.


Project is not public!.


2000. Floor area/size.

35800 m².

Main designer, Architect.

de Architekten Cie.. Landscape architect.

West 8. Contractor.

Heijmans. Supplier.

NedZink NTV. Structural engineer.

Pieters Bouwtechniek. Client.

Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij NewDeal

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photo: Maarten Helle . photo: Naomi Schiphorst.

photo: Naomi Schiphorst

Opening hoursYou can visit the inner courtyard throughout the day.

. How to get thereTram 3, subway 51, 53, 54 stop at Wibautstraat.


Studio Thonik.

AddressWeesperzijde 79d1091 EJ AmsterdamNetherlands

. In this inner city courtyard the Amsterdam-based studio for visualcommunication, Thonik, has its atelier and house. The two storeyvolume is wrapped by a polyurethane coating, a material thatmergers the volume into a homogeneous building without details.To emphasise on the 'plastic' effect of the material, originallybright orange had been chosen for the colour, a favourite colourfrom the palette of the users, Studio Thonik, graphic designers.But, the inhabitants of the surrounding houses claimed theyexperienced serious nuisance from this colour. Quote: ''Thedoctor had ordered me not to be preoccupied with it anymore. Ithas given me so much private misery. Orange does something toyou. It does not really hurt the eyes, it injures the mind." Partof the interior is designed bij Richard Hutten.


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Main designer, Architect.

MVRDV. Interior architect.

Richard Hutten. Client.


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http://www.mimoa.eu/users/jkentner/Guides/KSA%20Netherlands%20Amsterdam/. this page is part of Mi guide 'KSA Netherlands Amsterdam' made by Jason Kentner, Columbus, United States.


photo: Naomi Schiphorst .

photo: Naomi Schiphorst.

photo: Naomi Schiphorst

Opening hours

. How to get thereTram line 26 (direction IJburg) from Central Station. Tram line25 from city centre. 10 minutes walk from the Central Station.


Music building on the IJ.

AddressPiet Heinkade 11019 BR AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.muziekgebouw.nl/

. Located at the head of the Oostelijke Handelskade, the 'MuziekGebouw aan het IJ' is the new accommodation for twoorganizations devoted to modern and non-western music. Eachorganisation had been given its own identity in the new building.The auditorium of the BIMhuis has been inserted like a black box.The eye-catcher and unifying element is the roof. At its head-endthe building has a large public concourse and functions as apublic plaza. At the waterside is a wide square with an outdoorcafé on the water. The 24 meter high glass façade provides apanoramic view of the river IJ.


Project is public!.


6-2005. Floor area/size.

13400 m².


3XN. Associate architect.

ABT. Contractor.

BAM. Theatre consultant.

Hans Wolff & partners. Acoustics consultant.

Peutz Consulting Engineers &Associes

. Services engineer

.Royal Haskoning

. Lighting designer

.Steven Scott

. Services engineer

.ULC Group

. Client

.Gemeentelijk HavenbedrijfAmsterdam

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photo: Hans Kuiper .photo: Pakhuis de Zwijger


photo: Naomi Schiphorst

Opening hoursThe bar and restaurant on the ground floor are always open tothe public. Other functions in the building depend on theiragenda.

. How to get thereFrom Central Station take tram 26 to IJburg; stopKattenburgerstraat. Or bus 42 to KNSM eiland, stop atSchaeferbrug.


Warehouse De Zwijger.

AddressPiet Heinkade 1811019 HC AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.dezwijger.nl

. This warehouse was originally built in 1934 and is an exponent ofthe ‘functional expressionism’. Two special elements of theconcrete construction are the mushroom-columns and the largefloors hanging over the ground floor. It was used as a coolinghouse for food. From 1960 onwards it deteriorated and wassquatted and used as an underground practice space for severalbands like Herman Brood and Loïs Lane. Many plans for re-useand re-development failed to start. In 2001 a bridge was builtright through the building. Shortly afterward it became aNational Monument and now the warehouse is a place for mediaand culture. It has a TV-studio, exposition-space, ateliers,conference rooms, offices, several stages for theatre, music,concerts and lectures. On the ground floor is a public bar andrestaurant.


Project is public!.


9-2006. Floor area/size.

5000 m².

Interior architect,Architect


Architectenbureau J. van Stigt.


Bouwbedrijf M.J. de Nijs en Zn. Client.

Stadsherstel Amsterdam.

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photo: Naomi Schiphorst .

photo: Naomi Schiphorst.

photo: Maarten Helle

Opening hours24/7

. How to get thereNext to Central Station.


Bicycle Flat.

AddressStationsplein 491012 AB AmsterdamNetherlands

. The 100 metre long bicycle flat at the Central Station was built totemporarily store thousands of bikes during the period that oldbicycle-stands had to be removed during the large renovation ofthe surroundings at Central Station. The building was built overwater to maximise land-use (or in this case: water-use). Itconsists out of three slightly sloping parking decks. There is asmall surveillance facility in the centre of this quaysidestructure. The bicycle flat was supposed to be closed andremoved in 2004. In 2006 it still exists. Now the flat is planned tobe removed in 2009. There are plans to built a second one.


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4-2001. Floor area/size.

3000 m².


VMX Architects. Client.

Amsterdam City Council.

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http://www.mimoa.eu/users/jkentner/Guides/KSA%20Netherlands%20Amsterdam/. this page is part of Mi guide 'KSA Netherlands Amsterdam' made by Jason Kentner, Columbus, United States.


photo: Naomi Schiphorst .

photo: Naomi Schiphorst.

photo: Maarten Thewissen

Opening hoursWeekly open during office hours, and special events in theweekends. You can try to get a glimpse of the interior when youenter the main building from the Sarphatistraat. At the mainreception desk you can ask to see the interior - but do not comearound lunch hour, since the pavilion will be used intensely andthe reception will not let you pass.

. How to get thereTo visit the pavilion, make an appointment with Het Oosten, seeClient's URL and project URL public transport: tram 6, 7 and 10stop at 's-Gravezandestaat, or take the subway, nr 51, 53, 54 toWeesperplein


Het Oosten, pavilion.

AddressSarphatistraat 4101018 GW AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://paviljoen.stadgenoot.nl/

. This new pavilion is parts of a renovation Steven Holl did for HetOosten, a housing developer in Amsterdam. The old brick building(1889) at the Sarphatistraat was originally built as a storage formedicine. With this pavilion the housing developer wants toexplain its views on sustainable building with the use ofornaments. This pavilion is made as a gift to the city; otherorganisations can also use it. Especially those who are active inthe field of housing, building, art and culture. The meeting roomis 285 m2 big, and 7 meter high. It can house gatherings from 20up to 280 persons. It is mainly used by the people who workthere, for their lunch breaks. For more information on rentingspace in this pavilion, or to make an appointment, to visit theinterior, see the project URL.


Project is not public!.


2000. Floor area/size.

330 m².

Architect, Interiorarchitect


Steven Holl.

Structural engineer.

Ingenieursgroep Van Rossum. Lighting designer.

L'Observatoire International. Associate architect.

Rappange & Partners Architecten bv. Client.

Woningbouwvereniging Het Oosten,Amsterdam

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photo: Het Funen Park .

photo: Het Funen Park.

photo: Gemeente Amsterdam

Opening hours

. How to get thereTake bus 22 from the Central Station to the Indische Buurt. Stopat Oostenburgergracht. Walk in the direction the bus is heading,and cross the street at the first crossing, this is theCruquiuskade. At the other side of the railwaytracks you'vereached the Funen Park.


The Funen Park.

AddressFunenpark 11018 AK AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.funen.nl/

. This is an innovative urban development concept that combinesliving and working in high city-centre densities with sufficientgreen space on ‘Het Funen’, a former industrial zone on the edgeof Amsterdam’s city centre. It is a concept that incorporates thequalities of diverse typologies: the construction of perimeterblocks along two sides, with a novel interpretation of the ‘gardencity’ model to their rear. The perimeter blocks shelter the innergrounds and simultaneously serve as a noise baffler for therailway behind them. The inner space is composed of a parklandscape with a great diversity of smaller building types, eachwith a distinctive identity and programme. These ‘HiddenDelights’ were designed by various architects. The contributingarchitects are: de Architekten Cie, De architectengroep, NLArchitects, Geurts en Schulze, Claus en Kaan architecten, DKVArchitekten, Architektenburo L. Lafour & R. Wijk, Van Sambeeken Van Veen architecten.


Project is public!.


1999. Floor area/size.

35000 m².

Architect, Urban planner.

de Architekten Cie.. Client.

IBC Het Funen Park, Almere.

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http://www.mimoa.eu/users/jkentner/Guides/KSA%20Netherlands%20Amsterdam/. this page is part of Mi guide 'KSA Netherlands Amsterdam' made by Jason Kentner, Columbus, United States.


photo: Naomi Schiphorst .

photo: Naomi Schiphorst.

photo: Naomi Schiphorst

Opening hours24/7 in public space.

. How to get thereThe nicest way to go to the Eastern Docklands, is to take theboat from the Central Station to the Java-island. It leaves frombehind the central station, at pier 7. It?s a free ride, and takesabout 10 min, to the head of the Java-island. From there it?sabout 15 min walking to the KNSM-island and 20 min toSporenburg and Borneo.


Borneo Sporenburg Bridges.

AddressPanamakade 1441019 AX AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.amsterdamdocklands.com

. Three red steel bridges span the water between the residentialislands Sporenburg and Borneo. Two of them have a span of 90m, and the third has a span of 25 m over the inner harbour. Thepedestrian bridge has a spectacular meandering shape.


Project is public!.



Landscape architect.

West 8. Client.

Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Amsterdam.

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http://www.mimoa.eu/users/jkentner/Guides/KSA%20Netherlands%20Amsterdam/. this page is part of Mi guide 'KSA Netherlands Amsterdam' made by Jason Kentner, Columbus, United States.


photo: City of Amsterdam, Archives .

photo: City of Amsterdam, Archives.

photo: City of Amsterdam, Archives

Opening hours

. How to get thereThe nicest way to go to the Eastern Docklands, is to take theboat from the Central Station to the Java-island. It leaves frombehind the central station, at pier 7. It's a free ride, and takesabout 10 min, to the head of the Java-island. From there it'sabout 15 min walking to the KNSM-island and 20 min toSporenburg and Borneo. You can also take tram 10 or 26 fromCentral Station. Or rent a bike.


Borneo Sporenburg.

AddressC. van Eesterenlaan 411019 JK AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.amsterdamdocklands.com

. In the last decade of the 20th century the Eastern Docklands, aformer harbour district became available for housing. Nationaland international architects were mobilized to create awaterfront that is almost without equal. West 8 designed theallocation of 2500 dwellings on the Borneo and Sporenburgislands in 2 different types: low-rise-high-density dwellings andpatio-houses, interrupted by 3 large landmarks, The Whale,IJTower and Fountainhead. The municipality sold 60 parcels toindividuals through a lottery. Professionals and national planningauthorities followed this initiative with great interest. Thisexperiment which started in 1995 resulted in a contemporarycanal house typology. The patio-houses followed a master plandemand: 30%-50% void in each house. Architects were challengedto develop a typology in which a small patio served for light andprivate outdoor space. This regulation created new buildingtypologies that suited the high density and back-to-backstructuring.


Project is public!.



Urban planner.

West 8. Client.

City of Amsterdam.

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photo: Bastiaan Vlierboom .

photo: Bastiaan Vlierboom.

photo: Christian Richters

Opening hours

. How to get thereThe the Borneo Bus 43 from Central Station to the island. Walkall the way to the end of the island.


Borneo Sling.

AddressP. Dijkstraplein 21019 WE AmsterdamNetherlands

. At the end of a row-housing with patios and an internal corridorwith garages, this 3 storey apartment block is made by using theending of the concrete tunnel structure. The concrete tunnelconstruction is a very common way to built series of row-housingin the Netherlands. This project is an atypical solution to theinevitably end of such a row. The block of dwellings has been cutof at the end of the line, and here 3 spacious apartments withterraces have been built. The apartments have their façade overthe full width of the block, giving them a panoramic view overthe IJ. The space in-between the balconies is filled with severalglazed rooms, executed in different colors, symbolizing thefunctions and giving the spectator a view of what could be inside.


Project is not public!.


1999. Floor area/size.

450 m².

Main designer, Architect.

De Architectengroep. Architect.

seARCH, Bjarne Mastenbroek. Client.

Smit's Bouwbedrijf.

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photo: Naomi Schiphorst . photo: Naomi Schiphorst.

photo: Naomi Schiphorst

Opening hoursYou can visit the public places in between the boxes. If you wantto enter them, you could try your luck and ask one of theinhabitants.

. How to get thereFrom the Central Train station take the (free) ferry-boat to themost western-stop there is to the NDSM-werf. Is't a 2 minute walkfrom there.


Studenthousing Oslofjordweg.

AddressMs. Oslofjordweg 5571033 SL AmsterdamNetherlands

. On the former NDSM-wharf, an industrial area, now transformedinto a new-media park with upcoming events and creativecompanies, these 380 living-cabins have temporarily been placedfor students. The containers will stay here (at least) until 2010.Each box has its own services like a kitchen, bathroom, toilet,tv-connection and internet, measuring 24 m2. One box costsabout 350 euro to rent, all inclusive. The students have a largercommunal space for parties, gatherings, or, just to get together.Another shared facility is the wash-space, to do the laundry, anda container for garbage. The ferry-boat takes the students to theCentral Train station. According to the Duwo, "there really is noneed to take the boat to the centre," the next-door IJ-halls offerseveral different activities, parties and large festivals. Theformer ship-yard hall has a large skate-ramp with bars,restaurants, and even MTV has found its new headquarters in oneof the halls next door.


Project is public!.




Te Kiefte Architecten. Contractor.

Plegt-Vos. Client.

Stichting DUWO.

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photo: Bjorn Utpott . photo: Bjorn Utpott.

photo: Bjorn Utpott

Opening hours

. How to get thereThe Geuzenveld neighbourhood is west of the city centre ofAmsterdam. Tram line 13 takes you from the Central TrainStation to the neighbourhood Geuzenveld. Stop at Dhr. H.Colijnstraat. You can also take bus number 21 and 192 from thecentre. Stop at Dhr. H. Colijnstraat.



AddressDr. Colijnstraat 2601067 CP AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.parkrand.nl/

. The neighbourhood Geuzenveld is located in the western gardencities of Amsterdam. There is plenty of public space available butmost of these green spaces lack grandeur. The project is regardedto be a 'key-operation within the urban renewal ofGeuzeveld-Slotermeer. The building should provide aniconographic quality to the neighbourhood which it was lackingbefore.’ The housing block is situated at the edge of a park andconsists out of 5 towers, positioned on a deck, carrying a twolevel roof plate. The positioning of the towers provides a clearview from all apartments to the park. Because of the holes, orempty spaces in-between, the dwellings behind the big block alsostill have a view on the park. The title of the project - Parkrand - means park-edge.


Project is not public!.




MVRDV. Client.

Het Oosten.

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photo: Gustafson Porter .photo: Gustafson Porter


photo: Gustafson Porter

Opening hours24/7

. How to get therecar from the south: Take exit S 103 on the ring West (signpostedto Haarlem and Halfweg), follow signs to Amsterdam Centre. Turnright into Haarlemmerweg and turn right at 5th traffic-light topark in Parking garage Westerpark. You will find Westergasfabriekon the other side of canal. Or: Bus 21 stop Van Hallstraat. Youwill find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal.Tram 10 stop Van Limburgstirumplein of Van Hallstraat.


Westergasfabriek Culturepark.

AddressPazzanistraat 411014 DB AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.westergasfabriek.nl

. In the 1960s, the Netherlands discovered vast reserves of naturalgas and began to close its coal-gas plants. Westergasfabriek, a19th-century factory on the outskirts of central Amsterdam,halted operations and in 1981 the site was rezoned as recreationspace. The Westergasfabriek Cultuurpark is a radical regeneration of a former gasworks - 13 hectares of cutting edgepublic parkland. The scheme now offers aquatic gardens informer gasholders, market squares, an events field capable ofaccommodating 10,000 people, woodland areas, a stream andwater gardens. The park also includes cafes, restaurants, an artgallery, a playground, cinema, dance studio, art house, foodlaboratory and a children’s museum. Gustafson Porter hasdeveloped a refined plan that is faithful to the original proposalin its creation of park zones that relate specifically to existingsite elements and contexts.


Project is public!.



Landscape architect.

Gustafson Porter. Client.

Stadsdeel Westerpark.

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photo: Dirk Verwoerd .photo: Luuk Kramer


photo: Luuk Kramer

Opening hours

. How to get there


IJburg Block 14.

AddressBert Haanstrakade 1461087 DK AmsterdamNetherlandshttp://www.blok14-ijburg.nl/

. Block 14 lies at a unique location within the Haveneiland grid,consisting of streets and closed blocks. Due to the slight changeof angle of the site, the block has a trapezium shape. Taking intoaccount the scant depth and the exceptionally positive conditionsalong the edges, it was logical to situate as many houses aspossible along the banks and to allocate maximum openness tothe inner area. As a consequence, the houses profit fully fromtheir situation on the IJ Water and also have a direct relationshipwith the more sheltered, semi-public inner area. The court isconnected to the quay via a spacious platform stairway. Thedifference in height at the site offers the possibility of generatingextraordinary transitions between public and private areas. Inaddition to single-family dwellings with access to gardens, anunusual type of house has been introduced: the 'Zwebo', which isan abbreviation of the Dutch for 'floating single-family upstairsapartment'.


Project is not public!.


2-2008. Floor area/size.

13980 m².


DKV Architecten. Structural engineer.

ABT. Contractor.

Smit's Bouwbedrijf. Client.

IJ-Delta Ontwikkeling (Smit'sBouwbedrijf, Era Bouw, Bouwfonds,Ymere)

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photo: John Lewis Marshall .

photo: John Lewis Marshall.

photo: John Lewis Marshall

Opening hours

. How to get there


Residence Steigereiland.

AddressEdmond Halleylaan 461086 ZV AmsterdamNetherlands

. This residence in Amsterdam is energy-neutral and is buildaccording the cradle-to-cradle principles. The CO2-reduction willbe 100% and is realized by bringing the house to a passive houselevel with an insulation value of Rc=10 using triple glazing, 100%liquid-tight joints and heat exchangers. The insulation materialsare organic. The integrated photovoltaic cells in the roof line andthe wind mill and PV cells generate enough electricity to supplyboth the nominal electricity demand as well as for the heating ofthe water.


Project is not public!.


10-2009. Floor area/size.

230 m².


FARO Architecten. Client.

Fam. Feikema - Weijnen.

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http://www.mimoa.eu/users/jkentner/Guides/KSA%20Netherlands%20Amsterdam/. this page is part of Mi guide 'KSA Netherlands Amsterdam' made by Jason Kentner, Columbus, United States.