Metaphor By Matt Scarlett. Metaphor Definition: A figure of speech that compares two things without...


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MetaphorBy Matt Scarlett


Definition: A figure of speech that compares two things without using the word like or as.

My Definition: A type of speech that compares two words without the words like or as.

Example: You are a snail when it comes to running the mile.

Meaning: You are really slow when it comes to running the mile.

Example: The soup was hotter than fire!

Meaning: The soup was really hot.

Example: The water was clearer than crystal.

Meaning: The water was really clear.

By Matt Scarlett

If you noticed on the last slide I didn’t use the words like or as

unlike a Simile which uses those words to

compare the two words. But I still compared them


Run man, RUN!