Messenger June 2013



Community Magazine for Bolton le Sands and Nether Kellet

Citation preview messenger | 1

June 2013

Parish Magazine | £1

News from Bolton-le-Sands, Nether Kellet and Christ Church (United Reformed)

Village GalaBlue Anchor Pentecost Praise

CommunityWorship at Holy TrinitySunday 8.00am Holy Eucharist 10.30am Holy Eucharist 3.00pm Liturgy of Healing (every 2nd Sunday in the month) Wednesday 10.00am Holy Eucharist

First Friday WorshipThe first Friday of each month at Holy Trinity at 7.30pm – followed by refreshments and fellowship.

Details of services are displayed on the outside notice board, and are given in The Link each Sunday.

Worship at St Mark’s Nether KelletSundays 9.00amFirst Sunday Holy Eucharist - Common WorshipSecond Sunday Morning Prayer Third Sunday Holy Eucharist - Book of Common PrayerFourth Sunday Morning PrayerFifth Sunday Morning Prayer

Worship at Christ Church United Reformed Church2nd 10.00am Rev G Lear Flowers from - K and J Walton 9th 10.00am Rev Y Burns Flowers from - Flower Fund 16th 10.00am Rev G Barton Flowers from - Mrs J Jones 23th 10.00am Rev Y Burns Flowers from - Flower Fund 30th June 10.30am United Service at Bolton-le-Sands Flowers from - Flower Fund 7th July 10.00am Rev G Lear Flowers from - P Newall

Mass times at St. Mary of The AngelsSundays 9.00amMonday - Friday 10.00am

See Parish Bulletin on notice board by the Church gate for variations

ServicesChrist Church United Reformed ChurchRev’d Y Burns - Minister 822747Mr G Shaw - Treasurer 67644Mrs M Park - Secretary 823096

Old Boys’ Free Grammar SchoolMrs Joan Baker 824384

Trefoil GuildJudith Spotswood 736929

Thwaite Brow Woods Consevation ProjectMrs L. Belcher 824191 Women’s InstituteMrs Hazel Short 822614

Lune Valley Keep Fit OrganisationSheila Stockdale 823632

Men’s GroupMr Keith Budden 824247

Bowling ClubMr Geoff Forrest - Secretary 824346

Cricket ClubMr Mike Clarkson - Secretary 824059

Tennis ClubMrs Pam Holding - President 733805

Bolton-le-Sands & District Floral and Horticultural SocietyMrs Margaret Carter 823013

2nd Bolton-le-Sands Scout GroupDebra Thackrah - Cub Leader 07900 803139 Dave Squirrell - Scout Leader 07811 274452

Bolton-le-Sands Guides Catherine Spreckley - Guide Leader 07708 275582

Bolton- le-Sands BrowniesRachel Shaw - Brownie Leader01524732726

Community Centre For details of letting conditions, availability and hire charges, please contact Sharman Robinson 812143 between 10am - 4pm, Monday - Friday

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Dear all...In the early hours of Wednesday 15th May, thieves came and stole the lead from the roof of Holy Trinity Church.

The police said that they will have known exactly what they were doing, working in silence and taking care not to draw attention. They will have got far away before everyone arrived for the Wednesday morning service, but we knew immediately something was wrong because rain was pouring in along the whole length of the church. They took about 90 foot by 3 foot of lead from the valley between the two bits of roof. Unfortunately the church roof was already in a very bad condition, many of the slates holding on top of the lead by moss and rotten wood. We don’t yet know what the implications are for the whole roof and we may not be able to make the valley water-tight without major repairs to the wooden structure, but we do know that the insurance cover for lead theft from churches is limited to £5,000. We are very grateful to John Dixon the builder who came straight away on the Wednesday to put some temporary felt down to keep out the worst of the rain. We can be grateful for small mercies – it is May not November, but also it is OK to get angry sometimes at things that are wasteful and wrong. The church belongs to this community and has been there loved by the community for hundreds of years, a crime like this is against us, against our ancestors who cared for the church so diligently in the past and against those who will go on to care for the church in the future. God always works in our lives to bring good out of bad and maybe anger will be a catalyst to getting on and getting the roof fixed properly now.

May the sun shine warm on your face and the rain fall very softly on your fields.

Every blessing



BLACKBURN messenger | 3

If you have not been confirmed and would like to be, please let Nancy know. Confirmation preparation sessions will be for children of Year 6 and above (usually, although there are some Year 5’s too) on Wednesdays, 5pm-6pm in church, starting on 5th June for 6 weeks. Adults and older teenagers who want to prepare for confirmation are invited to discussion sessions organised to suit, and we already have a small group.

Confirmation Service - Sunday 14th July at 10.30am

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All Together in One PlaceOn Sunday 19th May the Community Centre was a hive of activity as Christians from the three churches of Bolton le Sands got together to celebrate Pentecost – the birthday of The Church.

On that first Pentecost almost 2000 years ago, the disciples were apprehensive and wondering what was going to happen after Jesus had ascended to his Heavenly Father. They need not have feared for, as they were all together in one place, the Holy Spirit came upon them (as Jesus had promised) like a mighty rushing wind with flames of fire dancing around their heads. There were people present from all over the Roman Empire, each speaking in his or her own language – they discovered that they could all understand each other. With the coming of the Holy Spirit the disciples were given the courage and the power to go out into the world and tell people all about Jesus and his love for everybody.

The aim of the churches of Bolton le Sands coming together to celebrate Pentecost was to recreate something of that wonderful atmosphere of fellowship and joy. What better way than to have a birthday party with plenty of crafts, music, food and worship for all ages.It was wonderful to see young children and adults, many decked out in the Pentecost colours of yellow, orange and red, working together to create beautiful flower arrangements,

streamers, birthday cup cakes, bubble pictures, cards, decorative boxes and doves with flapping wings. All those present were

encouraged to make a permanent record of the event by painting themselves onto a large collage under the symbols of Pentecost - flames and a dove. The cream teas were delicious and enjoyed by all. Worship brought the party to a close with some rousing singing led by a band that had come together specially for the afternoon.

Thanks go to all those who worked so hard to make this event such a happy and inspiring occasion. | messenger

We have been around and about this month, meeting with other church groups in the village. Christ Church ladies invited us to hear four people from Trinity URC in Lancaster who had travelled to visit St John’s church in Vellore, India, with whom they have had links for many years. The ladies showed slides of the many projects the Indian church is involved in, helping the poor and hungry, former leprosy patients, hospices and youth groups. We were moved and inspired by the wonderful work done in Christ’s name, and by the beautiful faces of the Indian people. The Lancaster ladies had been giving talks since their return and had raised £4500 to date, money which will go a long way to support their friends in Vellore. We concluded the afternoon with a delectable afternoon tea and fellowship.

The Catholic Women’s League invited our members to their evening meeting when we were delightfully entertained by the Rainbow Singers. Reminiscences abounded as we tapped along to old favourites and joined in when we knew the words of the songs. A lovely buffet rounded off another most enjoyable joint meeting of Christian ladies in our village.

Our own Afternoon Tea in the Village Hall proved to be a financial success, raising £376.15 for MU projects at home and abroad, despite the number of people attending being lower than previous years. Thanks go to all who supported the event by providing food for the tea, items for the stalls, raffle

prizes and, most of all, willing hands to help on the day.

The Mothers’ Union runs three of the weekly Coffee Mornings in the Village Hall during the summer months and these are enjoyed by visitors from surrounding places, some who come along week by week. It is £1 for coffee, with free entry to the stalls. The first date for the one arranged by MU is Thursday 6th June.

The Revd Linda Macluskie, Lancaster Deanery MU Chaplain, is leading another of her Walks on Friday 7th June at 10am, beginning at Woodies at the Crook of Lune. After the walk, when we hope to see bluebells in bloom, you may enjoy your own picnic or buy from Woodies. The walk is open to everyone, of course, not just members.

The Tunstall Deanery Festival takes place on Wednesday 19th June at 2pm in St Luke’s, Slyne-with-Hest, and will be taken by the Revd Pauline Bicknell. We will listen to singing from the children of St Luke’s school and their Headteacher, Mr Paul Bowden, will give the address. I do hope you will be able to join the members of Slyne, Hornby and Silverdale for the service and stay on for refreshments afterwards. Please let me know if you would like transport.

I look forward to meeting with you in June and wish you every blessing,

with love and wishing you every blessing,Pam Bentley, Enrolling Member

Mothers’ Union Update

Mother’s Union Coffee Morning Thursday 6th June - 9.45 - 11.15amAdmission to the stalls is FREE - Coffee £1 | messenger

Rogation WalkOn 6th May 2013, 40 parishioners and several dogs assembled at Holy Trinity Church in order to observe the ancient tradition of beating the bounds of the parish at Rogationtide. Following a prayer and an explanation of the custom at church, we set off to the canal and followed the canal to Grange View, watching in amusement the various antics of the dogs swimming in the canal. Having followed Pasture Lane down to the Shore we headed for Wild Duck Hall in the distance stopping for a prayer along the way.

The sunny weather was enjoyed by all as we made our way across the foreshore. Once at Wild Duck Hall we headed up to the A6 and crossed, passing the pet shop, up Whin Avenue to Thwaite Brow. Unfortunately the Geocache we intended to leave a souvenir in was nowhere to be found, and we instead left the palm cross in the hollow where it had once been. Then it was back past the school to a well deserved drink and snack at the Blue Anchor.

A most enjoyable day of reflection which allowed various members of the congregation to catch up with each other whilst observing this ancient tradition, although we did leave out the custom of beating the children so that they remember the boundaries of the parish!

Water ThemeWorship and Fellowship at Holy Trinity on 7th June, 7.30pm

Arranged by the children’s group “Loaves & Fishes”. All Age worship - Everyone welcome!

FirstFriday messenger | 9

We provide a comprehensive rangeof winter fuels with FREE delivery- Range of coals- Fire Lighters- Blazer Eco Logs- Peat Briquettes- Charcoal- Kiln Dried Logs

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Water ThemeWorship and Fellowship at Holy Trinity on 7th June, 7.30pm

Arranged by the children’s group “Loaves & Fishes”. All Age worship - Everyone welcome!

Childrens Nearly New saleSaturday 22nd June ‘13 1.00pm – 3.00pm, Bolton-le-Sands School

For further information or for a code to sell, please contact Emma / Sarah on;07948 us on Facebook (Search Nearly New Sale Bolton-le-Sands)

£1 entryBolton-le-Sands Pre-school (Registered charity number: 1048428) shall take 25% as commission from the sale of goods. | messenger

Dear friendsAs I write this letter it’s early May and the birds are extremely busy. Some are still building nests like the wood pigeon I saw the other day carrying a twig in its mouth that I thought was far too wide to get into the hole in the bush where its nest was going to be. I was amazed to see how it struggled and eventually went in sideways!

Some are busy foraging around in the garden filling their beaks with grubs whilst others are whizzing through the air catching insects as they fly along. They have hungry chicks to feed back in the nest. I’m always surprised how many grubs a blackbird can fit into its beak!

However the thing that impresses me most is the noise they are making at about 4am in the morning as the dawn chorus gets under way. It seems to begin with a solitary bird, with others joining in tentatively and then gradually the different sounds build up until the air is filled with glorious, melodic, birdsong. As they sing so forcefully the birds are proclaiming their own territory or possibly seeking a mate. After a while the sounds gradually fade until all is once more quiet and the birds go about the business of finding food for themselves and their young.

Psalm 104 begins with an invitation to worship God – ‘Praise the Lord, O my soul’ and continues in celebration of the greatness of God in creation.Twice in this psalm the writer mentions ‘the birds of the air’. He refers to their main activities which I mentioned above, singing and nesting.v.12 – ‘The birds of the air nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.’v.17 – ‘There (in the trees) the birds make their nests; the stork has its home in the pine trees.’

It’s perhaps an early allusion to what we now call ecology – living creatures in their natural environment. All creatures are dependent on their environment and loss of habitat is the major cause of the decline of many species.

Listen to the birds – have you ever heard such a loud noise coming from such a tiny throat as the song thrush, the blackbird, the wren or the robin? How fortunate we are to have such wonderful countryside teeming with nature on our doorstep – take time to enjoy it and give thanks to our Creator God.

With best wishes, Yolande messenger | 11

Thank You I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the many cards, messages and flowers which I received on the occasion of Jon’s sudden death, It was comforting to know that so many of you remembered me in your prayers. Special thanks to Yolande for her visits and support and for conducting the funeral service. It was all so very much appreciated.

Kathleen Staveley.

New chairsOur new chairs have now all arrived and look very well in church. The ‘new’ colour, green, matches very well and is a return to the colour of the felt mats we previously had on the old chairs. Thanks go to Francis for all the hard work he put in in selecting samples to try, seeking opinions, etc. and ordering the chairs.

United ServiceThis year the united service with the Halton and Hest Bank churches is being held at Bolton-le-Sands on 30 June and please note the start time of 10.30 a.m.. For the first time here, the service will be led by the Garstang Worship Group. Following the service, there will be a Jacob’s Join lunch.

6th June 12noon - Agape Lunch

7th June 9.30am - Shining Stars

8th June Bolton-le-Sands Gala

9th June CHURCH MEETING following morning service

14th June 9.30am - Shining Stars

19th June 7.00pm - Elders Meeting

25th June Bible Study in the Towers Room

28th June 9.30am - Shining Stars

29th June BIG DAY OUT - Blackpool

30th June 10.30am -UNITED SERVICE at Bolton-le-Sands followed by Jacob’s Join

Any changes or additions to be announced

APOLOGY : Yolande’s regular letter was inadvertently missed out of the May edition of The Messenger. Apologies to Yolande, and to her readers, for this omission. | messenger

St. Mark’sNether Kellet

Spring is finally here. There is a carpet of bluebells in the wood on the hill up from Bolton-le-Sands to Nether Kellet and the swallows have arrived at last.

As I sign off as St Mark’s Church Officer, I would like to say a few “thank yous”. Firstly, to Kathleen Cornthwaite who has helped me for so many years with all manner of tasks especially tending the church garden. Also, Jean Crabtree who has deputised for me at the PCC meetings on numerous occasions. Thanks also to Liz, Freda and Madge for their assistance and to Jim for agreeing to take over the grass cutting around the church.

With very best wishes.Ruth

Editor’s note : I’m sure everyone who reads ‘The Messenger’ would like to join me in thanking Ruth for all her contributions to the magazine over many years.

Community Coffee MorningEvery Thursday 9.45 - 11.15amBolton-le-Sands Community Centre - FREE ENTRY


If you would like to host a Coffee Morning, or to have a stall, please contact Dorothy Carruthers on 824588

The Messenger the next edition of The Messenger will be the ‘double edition’ for July and August. The deadline for contributions is Thursday 20th June.

Friendship Club - Forthcoming tripsThursday 6th June to Southport 10.00am to 6.00pmThursday 11th July to Hexham 10.00am to 7.00pmMonday 12th August Selby 10.00am to 7.00pm

For full details of costs and pick-up points, please contact Jean Serle 734107 or Joyce Regan 733321

Our beautiful church is open for you to visit on most days.

Canon John Gibson

The Presbytery has recently been refurbished to provide a parish meeting room and three flats with car parking off Bolton Lane. This, together with the small extension of the Parish Catholic Cemetery, neatly tidies up the building and associated space adjacent to the Church.

The Parish Hall is currently used for social activities which will be listed in future editions as well as dancing classes and badminton evenings. There are periods when it is available for hire Contact Mrs R Smyth 01524823747. It is intended to list social activities in future editions.

The recent Coffee Afternoon organised by Pat Fuller on 11th May in aid of a CAFOD project to provide a well with solar powered pump etc. raised a marvellous £742 and Pat thanks all who supported her effort.

Did you know that there is another church, actually a Basilica, dedicated to St Mary of the Angels just outside Assisi. Inside it there is a small church, known as Porziuncola, which was given to St. Francis by the Benedictines in about 1208. St Francis restored it with his own hands. He died in his little cell just yards from the church in 1226. You can learn more about Porziuncola which became his home and the base of his disciples by searching under Wikipedia on the web. If visiting Assisi in Italy it would be worth a visit.

Eddie Hignett messenger | 13 | messenger

Bolton-le-Sands WITuesday 14 May and again the WI met in the Community Centre for what proved to be a meeting with a difference. We opened in the usual way but before we really got underway, Dorothy Carruthers made an announcement! She had hoped to ask Hazel, as President of the WI, to perform the opening ceremony and `cut the ribbon` for the new toilets, but as there were still one or two minor snagging jobs to be done this was not possible. It was all very amusing and sincere thanks and congratulations were extended-the toilets are splendid.

In another variation we had the Speaker before the business-the speaker was Alison Ongley a member of the Lancs and Lakes Weavers who had come to tell us about wool weaving in the 18th Century. It is always a pleasure to listen to someone who loves the craft they are involved in and Alison proved to be enthusiastic and dedicated to her craft. Shortly after World War II a Pattern Book was found outside Crewdsons` factory in Kendal, it was given to Kendal Town Hall for safe keeping. This book displayed a catalogue of patterns available to weavers in 1767-1774. In 2008 a dedicated band of weavers decided to re-create this book and Alison told their story of struggle and achievement. Their efforts were on display along with a life size model showing how a `well to do` farmer`s wife would have dressed around the year 1769. All the items of clothing had been woven and stitched by Allison. We were also treated to a potted history of life for cottage weavers living in Kendal around that time. A heartfelt vote of thanks was given by Brenda Wood –which could lead me into another story but I will leave that to Brenda.

We finally got down to business; future outings were outlined the first one being a trip to Carlisle and Houghton Hall Garden Centre on 23 July ; a visit to the County Show, Garstang in September and as mentioned last month `White Christmas at Tatton Park` on 4th December.

Knit and natter is to begin again, meeting every 3rd Tuesday at the Blue Anchor-10 am for coffee, staying for lunch optional. Jean Bayliss made much fun out of the recent non-walks , but tide and weather permitting the route is prepared for a walk on 24 May, meet at the Old Boys School 10am. Other walks are planned more details to follow. Our Charity for 2013 had to be chose and we had 9 worthy causes to vote on, in the event 3 charities shared the votes at 14, 14 and 13: Village Playground: Air Ambulance and Morecambe Bay Renal Patients Assoc: Much to Hazel`s delight it was agreed to support all three.

Joan Buckley won the Competition, an interesting and very enjoyable evening ended around 9.45

Bye for now Marian.

Alan Wilkinson

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16 | messenger

Alan M Fawcett N.A.F.D, Dip F.D

Funeral Directors

71-73 Main Road, Bolton le SandsT. 01524 824848

120 Kellet Road, CarnforthT. 01524 733048

A complete funeral service froman independent family firm

Private Chapel of RestPre-paid plans available

Kitty Brown Boutique

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• Great selection of women's fashions• Fantastic choice of scarves and accessories• Lots of jewellery including our very own locally made range.

Archers CaféVisit our comfortable, family run café, full of character and converted from a lambing shed, situated at the front of the site overlooking Morecambe Bay across to the Lakeland hills.

Somewhere villagers and visitors meet to relax and welcome friends to this beautiful area. Enjoy a cup of freshly ground coffee or select from our choice of teas.

Open 9.30am-4.00pm Tuesday - Sundayfor morning coffee, lunches and afternoon teaOn the shore at Red Bank FarmTel: 01524 823196 messenger | 17

Community Playground ProjectFundraising is now well underway! The planned development will require a budget of approximately £80,000. The Parish Council has committed £10,000 to the project.

Applications for funding have been made to LEF (Lancashire Environmental Fund), LIF (Lancashire County Council Local Initiative Fund), the Lottery Awards for All and various local charitable trusts. We are hopeful that local businesses will be able to offer some financial support, but ultimately it will be necessary to gain the support of parishioners to enable this project to take place.

We are hopeful that residents and local businesses will support planned fundraising events; we are currently planning a number of initiatives, hopefully you will be able to support one, or more of our events. These will be publicised on the village web site, in The Messenger (Parish Magazine), the library, on our Facebook page (Boltonlesands Community Playground Group) and on village notice boards.

Get involved!Recent events have included to the Pampered Chef Cooking Show Friday 24th May, and a Quiz Night organised at The Royal Hotel which raised £155 (Thanks to The Royal Hotel for their support!) Why not take part, or sponsor someone in our Cross Bay walk – Saturday 1st June. 11.00am from Hest Bank, transport back provided. Anyone wishing to join please contact Emma on 01524736763.

Or you could make a donation, or pledge a prize for a draw; participate in our auction of promises; sponsor a part of the playground. If you need any further information regarding the best ways to support this project, please look at the Parish Council Website at or contact any committee member.

Great news !! The Bolton-le-Sands WI has chosen the CPP as one of the charities they will be supporting this year.

Family BBQ and Beer Tent event - Saturday 8th June, from 5.00pm - 10.00pm on the Community Playing Field, following the Gala Day. Live music from Dee and Megan Stamford, bouncy castle and other attractions. Admission £2 - but children go free!! Please come along and support this event.

Coming soon !! Life Support Course - practical workshops dealing with a variety of First Aid and Emergency situations, run by a group of paramedics. Suggested donation - £5 per person. Date and venue to be confirmed. Further details from Emma on 01524736763

Alan M Fawcett N.A.F.D, Dip F.D

Funeral Directors

71-73 Main Road, Bolton le SandsT. 01524 824848

120 Kellet Road, CarnforthT. 01524 733048

A complete funeral service froman independent family firm

Private Chapel of RestPre-paid plans available | messenger

The Parochial Church Council : The PCCTuesday 14th May saw the first PCC meeting of the new church year, and new members Simon Wilson, Keith Budden, Alan Thompson and Andy Williams were warmly welcomed by Chairperson Reverend Nancy Goodrich. The new working groups were established with members volunteering their talents to be used in the respective groups : Finance & Stewardship, Young People and Vulnerable Adults, Fabric and Health & Safety, Communications, Social and the newly reformed Worship Group. The freshly rewritten Child Protection Policy was presented by our Under 18’s Co-ordinator, Adele Wilkinson, and after much discussion, the PCC voted to accept the policy, which will be regularly reviewed, in line with national and Diocesan policy. Simon Wilson, Holy Trinity’s new Treasurer, had prepared a current financial overview which highlighted significant drops in the church’s income compared to previous years, and it was decided by the PCC to encourage regular giving via Standing Order directly into the church bank account. This would enable the church to budget more easily and also help with the onerous task of day to day administration of cash handling. More correspondence will be available to parishioners in the coming weeks to hopefully aid the financial burden and improve the church’s financial future, with support from the parish. Meanwhile, if anybody wishes to set up a regular standing order to Holy Trinity, the Sort Code is 01 01 60, and the Bank Account Number is 94801703, in the name of Parochial Church Council of Bolton-le-Sands, Holy Trinity Church. It only has to be done once and you don’t need to worry about having to find cash for the collection plate each week! Please don’t forget to complete a Gift Aid form too, if you are a tax payer, so that an extra 25% can be claimed from the Government as we are a registered charity. The forms are available from the back of church or from our Gift Aid Officer, Alan Thompson. Nancy presented a leaflet prepared by the Diocese of Blackburn regarding “Reshaping Ministry for Mission”, which indicates that within the next 6 years, 30% of the current clergy will be retiring and there will be a significant shortfall between this number and those offering themselves for ordination. The result will be that it will no longer be the case of 1 priest / 1 parish and it could involve certain priests being responsible for multiple parishes. Consequently there is a huge need to consider flexible and creative ways of structuring ministry to support the ministry of the whole people of God, as clergy will need to be leaders in mission and enablers of the ministry of others beyond and within the church. The PCC voted to accept the revised Electoral Roll, as two extra people were added as they had missed the submission deadline. The revised Eucharistic Minister list was discussed, as several changes are required from Blackburn Diocese. Sadly, at the end of this PCC meeting, it appears that Holy Trinity Church was targeted by a planned theft of a significant amount of lead from the church roof overnight. The next PCC meeting is planned for 9th July 2013.

Graveyard NoticeAs you are aware we are committed to maintaining the graveyard as a pleasant and tidy place to remember your loved ones. Over the summer months this maintenance will see uneven graves and paths levelled with soil after which grass seeds will be planted thereby creating a respectful and safe graveyard.

Karen Hillis (Churchwarden)




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St. George 2013Come to the fair!! A lot did just that, and I think it is ‘fair’ to say they had a great time. We up at the ‘silly end’ really enjoyed it too, and, yes folks, we did intend to make you laugh! from start to finish, it was a time to relax and for the two hours or so forget that all is not right in our green and pleasant land. Oh, how we would all like to make it so - and as entertainers, we felt it our brief to improve things for a little while, at least!

It was a variety show indeed, and this year we even had dancing - I think that was a first, and it turned out to be successful, which is quite an achievement in the small space available. There was maypole dancing, Morris Men, clog dancing and tap! It is truly amazing what can be done when we put our minds to it.

But right now I need to be doing some thanking. I have a truly great team behind me, and without them there would be no show at all. So, let’s have a big round of applause for them (in no particular order) :

Andy and Helen Williams, Ian and Gaynor Entwistle, Linda Leicester, Sandy James, Kath Brough, Sheila Parker, Janet Thompson, Rob Daunt, David Bateman, Ray Guy, Martyn Askew, Luke Tattersall, Barbara Young, Florence Goodrich, Graham Titchmarsh and Becky Hutchinson. and keep the applause coming for Joan Midgley, who was beavering away behind the scenes with two helpers who had stepped in - Anna Foster and Di Collinson. These three ladies ensured the buffet was ‘set and ready to eat’, so to speak. Here, I add my thanks to all who brought contributions for the buffet - your kindness is much appreciated. Thank you also to ALL local businesses for financial help (may we support them, too!), to Fiddlers at Lancashire Crisps for their generosity, and last but not least, the audience for your warmth and encouragement, and your readiness to join in.

At this point, I want to send good wishes to four dear friends who couldn’t get involved on the night as they would have liked. We missed you and hope, God willing, to have you back soon - Tom Round, Ruth Mason, Freda Bidder and Doris Collison. The deliberate error was Bowkers’ Butchers ad. They have served our community for 60 years and not 50 as printed. The business began in 1953, the Coronation Year. The winner was Mrs Fishwick of Silverdale! Congratulations - your prize is NOT the cruise, (sorry, but all booked up) but Colin’s meat products are far better anyway!

So, that’s all folks for now, but with God’s help I’m sure there will be more to come. If you missed 2013, watch out for St. George in 2014, as this will be the 10th concert; a milestone indeed. And the evening was not just fun, but also a financial success, raising £500 for church funds. Yes, it was a 100% success despite the “phantom poster ripper” who regularly removed the concert posters from some of the public notice boards!Meanwhile, until the next concert, love and God bless,

Margaret Hutchinson

Tuesday 4th June Children return to school after half term

Thursday 6th June Meeting for Year 5 parents at 5.00pm re visit to Borwick Hall

‘New Starters’ Parents’ Evening at 6.30pm

Friday 7th June ‘Alice in Wonderland’ pm and Class 3’s Cake Sale

Wednesday 12th June ‘New Starters’ Picnic, 2.00 - 3.00pm

Outdoor athletics competition at Salt Ayre

Thursday 13th June ‘New Starters’ Picnic, 2.00 - 3.00pm

Friday 14th June Class 2’s assembly

18th, 19th and 20th June “Wind in the Willows” performances (time tbc)

Thursday 20th June New Starters in school, 2.00 - 3.00pm

24th - 28th June Year 6 visit to the Isle of Man

Friday 20th June Class 7’s assembly

Friday 28th June Class 7’s assembly

SIAMS Inspection ReportWe have received the report from the SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) Inspection that took place earlier in the month. The inspector, Mrs Ruth Wall, judged that the school’s performance is OUTSTANDING IN ALL AREAS. Many thanks to all the members of the school community who do so much for the benefit of the children of the school. In the introduction to her report, Mrs Wall says :

“This is a very friendly and happy school with a caring Christian ethos in which all members of the school community are highly valued and nurtured as individuals. There is strong and committed leadership by the headteacher, supported by the staff, governors and parents. The emphasis on Christian values enables all children to reach their full potential in both personal and academic development.”

Family Fun EveningOrganised by FOBLES on May 17th was a great success. We have raised about £3000 for school funds - thanks to everyone who helped with the organisation, and all those who supported in anyway. messenger | 23

Bolton-le-Sands PreschoolForthcoming Events :• Nearly New Sale : Saturday 22nd June 1.00-3.00pm in The School Hall • Cream Tea/Sports Day : Saturday 6th July on the playing Fields

Our last NEARLY NEW SALE raised £740, and the Easter Eggstravaganza raised £104 - thanks to all who helped in any way - or just came along for the fun!

Reminders : • Our Rag Bag collection bin is always hungry for your old clothes, bags and shoes!• We would greatly appreciate donations of raffle and tombola prizes.• We are still collecting those supermarket vouchers, so keep them coming in! We will shortly

be receiving some more equipment as a result of our last collections.

And.... one of our parents, Russell Rix, will be attempting the Great North Swim in June - any support with sponsorship will be most appreciated.

Watch out for .... Our summer disco in the Scout Hut in July. (Date to be confirmed)

These two poems were written by pupils who had been reflecting on the meaning of Easter.

Sentenced to DeathJesus, our king, carrying his death,

The people who worshipped mocking and scorning.

As he walks you hear his heavy breath, The cross, heavy on his back.The trial was unfair, a scam,

But the accusers got their way,And now the sacrifice is God’s lamb

The perfect one to pay for our mistakes.And now he dies, and the sky turns black,

The nails digging into his hand.They plunge a sword through his back and

Jesus is dead and the temple is in two.

Gregory Fife

Christ’s SacrificeThe steps he takes full of agony,

but with determination.He is nailed to the cross. Each nail put in

makes him even closer to death.The cross is raised to show him, a display

to the world who brought his pain.The crown of thorns the sign of

mocking of his true self.He raises his head, says the words that cleanse all sins.

His head drops. The end of his suffering has come.

Darkness covers the sky, a sign of God’s mourning.This is the death of Christ.

William Bowker

Bolton-le-Sands Library Tel : 01524823906

Revised Opening Times Monday 10.00am-1.00pm 2.00pm-7.00pmTuesday ClosedWednesday 10.00am-1.00pm 2.00pm - 4.30pm Thursday 10.00am-1.00pmFriday 10.00am-1.00pm 2.00pm-7.00pm Saturday 10.00am-12.15pm

Will take effect from 2 April.

FundraisingThe Church Coffee Morning on Thursday 9th May 2013 in the Community Centre raised 266.00 for Church funds. A great big thank you to all those who helped on the morning and attended the event.

Bolton-le-Sands Guide movementDuring term time, our Guide Unit meets every Thursday. It’s a great opportunity for the girls from local Primary Schools to keep in touch with each other after moving to various different Secondary Schools. Each week we do different activities, from playing games to doing crafts and making sweets. Each term we work towards a different badge, known as a ‘Go For It’, and we are currently working towards the camping ‘Go For It’ which includes cooking, pitching tents and, of course, camping.

There are also plenty of opportunities to meet other Guides outside of the unit. The Guides will be attending the Big Gig in June in Birmingham, a concert which is held every year specifically for Guides and Brownies around the country, and lots of different artists perform. This year Lawson, Union J and Misha B will be performing. Other opportunities which my sister and I have been lucky to have been offered include international trips to Switzerland and California, where we met Guides and Girl Scouts from all over the world. It really is amazing to be a part of a worldwide organisation and to have the chance to appreciate this by travelling all over the world.

After leaving Guides, there are plenty more opportunities available to stay in the organisation. My sister and I are currently Young Leaders at the local unit, as well being a part of the wider Senior Section Group in Lunesdale where we meet up with other Young Leaders every two weeks. I really hope all the Guides continue being a part of this amazing organisation, because it is a wonderful experience to watch the girls grow up after having known them since they started Primary School. I really enjoy volunteering at the Bolton-le-Sands Guide Unit, and it will be a shame to have to say goodbye to the Guides in September when I start to attend university.

Kelly Ruscoe

2nd Bolton-le-Sands Scout GroupWe meet every Friday night at 7:30 pm at the scout hut next to Bolton-le-Sands Community Centre. At meetings we do a variety of activities, such as map reading, camping skills, first aid and working with stoves, along with playing different games. We also go camping either at Silverhelme Camp Site or Littledale Camp Site; sometimes we go for hikes at the weekend.

The most recent camp we have done was a triathlon with a twist and in the wrong order. We left the scout hut at 9:30am on Saturday cycling to Lancaster University swimming pool along the canal. When we arrived at the swimming pool we completed the swimming badge for scouts. After swimming, we continued cycling to Littledale Camp Site. On Sunday we got up, had breakfast then completed the third sport of the weekend, which was shooting. We used air rifles to shoot with. After we completed the shooting, we cycled back to the scout hut along the canal, arriving back about 1:15 pm on Sunday.

We enjoy being outdoors learning new skills at scouts.

Jason Hillis

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messenger | 29

Parish RegistersBaptismsDuring May we welcomed into the church with our love and prayers :Eadie Greta Millie EdwardsThomas James BurrowsJacob Cameron GrantIsobelle Mae Percival

FuneralsThere were no funerals in May

WeddingsThere were no weddings in May

Readings for June1 Job 12, Romans 6: 15-end2 Galatians 1: 1-12, Luke 7: 1-103 Job 13, Romans 7: 1-64 Job 14, Romans 7: 7-end5 1 Peter 1: 18-25, Mark 12: 18-276 Job 16: 1 – 17: 2, Romans 8: 12-177 Job 17: 3-end, Romans 8: 18-308 Job 18, Romans 8: 31-end9 Galatians 1: 11-end, Luke 7: 11-1710 Job 19, Romans 9: 1-1811 Jeremiah 9: 23-24, Acts 4: 32-end12 2 Corinthians 3: 4-11, Matthew 5: 17-1913 Job 23, Romans 10: 11-end14 Job 24, Romans 11: 1-1215 Job 25, 26, Romans 11: 13-24 16 Galatians 2: 15-end, Luke 7: 36 – 8: 317 Job 27, Romans 11: 25-end18 Job 28, Romans 12: 1-819 2 Corinthians 9: 6-1, Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-1820 Job 30, Romans 13: 1-721 Job 31, Romans 13: 8-end22 Job 32, Romans 14: 1-1223 Galatians 3: 23-end, Luke 8: 26-3924 Malachi 3: 1-6, Luke 3: 1-1725 Job 38, Romans 15: 1-1326 Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18, Matthew 7: 15-2027 Job 40, Romans 15: 22-end28 Job 41, Romans 16: 1-1629 Isaiah 49: 1-6, Acts 11: 1-1830 Galatians 5: 1, 13-25, Luke 9: 51-end

11th Barnabas the Apostle 24th Birth of John the Baptist 29th Peter and Paul, Apostles

We remember all those departed this life whose anniversaries occur during June

Graham George NewbyBessie BarnesDerek CrossleyJock BurrowBrian Nicholas CooperElsie Margaret TidswellCatherine WalkerHannah CowardDoris SandersonAlan BurrowJames Stewart SmithMaurice BoardmanMoyra MetcalfeElizabeth HoggardMary DaviesBertha TownsonJean NoiceMargaret Eleanor Douglas PalmerHilda StoreyWilliam Thomas (Tom) WhitakerGwendoline Matherbaby-Maisie HillEric JohnsonSylvia ThompsonMarie WalkerMoses BowkerBarbara LindopJohn ( Jack) HutchinsonChristopher Martin (born 1998)Violet MiddletonThomas Charles LloydSidney Charles LloydCharles Seth LloydJohn David OmerMarie WilsonStanley WilsonOlive May CornthwaiteAlex FryattEvan MakinsonLillian RussellMarion BoothRonald Edwin Vernon

June | messenger

Sunday 2nd 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

Half-term : No meetings for Children’s Groups

Wednesday 5th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Thursday 6th 9.45 -11.45am MU Community Coffee morning in Community Centre

8.30pm Church Quiz Night at The Blue Anchor

Friday 7th 7.30pm First Friday Worship : Theme ‘Water’ presented by ‘Loaves and Fishes’

Sunday 9th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Normal meetings for Children's Groups

3.00pm Healing Service at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 12th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Friday 14th 10.00-12.00noon Coffee Morning at 57 Marine Drive for Revd Hilary Murphy

Sunday 16th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (BCP) at St. Mark's

10.30am Family Service at Holy Trinity - Baptism of Leon Paul Birkett during service

12.15pm Baptism of Tyler Leigh Reilly at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 19th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

2.00pm MU Deanery Festival at St. Luke's, Slyne

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Friday 21st 12 noon Wedding of Adam Crawley and Joanne North at Holy Trinity

Sunday 23th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Normal meetings for Children's Groups

12.15pm Baptism of Matthew Midgley at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 26th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Sunday 30th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

Half-term : No meetings for Children’s Groups

Parish Calendar - June

Sunday 2nd 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

Half-term : No meetings for Children’s Groups

Wednesday 5th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Thursday 6th 9.45 -11.45am MU Community Coffee morning in Community Centre

8.30pm Church Quiz Night at The Blue Anchor

Friday 7th 7.30pm First Friday Worship : Theme ‘Water’ presented by ‘Loaves and Fishes’

Sunday 9th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Normal meetings for Children's Groups

3.00pm Healing Service at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 12th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Friday 14th 10.00-12.00noon Coffee Morning at 57 Marine Drive for Revd Hilary Murphy

Sunday 16th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (BCP) at St. Mark's

10.30am Family Service at Holy Trinity - Baptism of Leon Paul Birkett during service

12.15pm Baptism of Tyler Leigh Reilly at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 19th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

2.00pm MU Deanery Festival at St. Luke's, Slyne

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Friday 21st 12 noon Wedding of Adam Crawley and Joanne North at Holy Trinity

Sunday 23th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Normal meetings for Children's Groups

12.15pm Baptism of Matthew Midgley at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 26th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Sunday 30th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

9.00am Holy Eucharist (Common Worship) at St. Mark’s

Half-term : No meetings for Children’s Groups messenger | 31

Vicar The Rev’d Nancy Goodrich 823106

SSM Curate The Rev’d Barbara Jones 65598

Reader Mrs Janet Thompson 823503

Church Wardens Mrs Karen Hillis 824001

St Mark’s Officers Mr Robert Whittaker 730362

Pastoral Assistants Mrs Susan Axon 824014

Mr Ian Entwistle 824504

Mr Robert Midgley 732347

P.A Emeritus Mrs Maree Aldren

Verger Mrs Joan Midgley 732347

Musical Director Mr Ian Entwistle 824504

Treasurer Mr Simon Wilson 822037

Covenant Secretary Mr Alan Thompson 823503

PCC Secretary Mrs Jane Ruscoe 824611

Bolton le Sands CE Primary School Headteacher

Mr Tim Cross 823606

Under 18’s Coordinator Mrs Adele Wilkinson 823861

Junior Church Mrs Amanda Graham 824155

Rock Solid Mrs Kath Brough 733730

HEAT Mrs Andrea Hobbs 822159

Serving Information Mrs J Midgley

Childrens Society Parish Coordinator Miss Margaret Hutchinson 824110

MU Enrolling Member Mrs Pam Bentley 822077

The Messenger : Editor Mr David Bateman 822065

The Messenger : Subscriptions Mrs Kathy Edwards 824518

Church Staff Directory

We are keen to include news of any events taking place within the parish, and to celebrate the many successes of all who live and work here. The deadline for receiving articles for THE MESSENGER is 20th of the month. Articles can be sent by email to or by hand/post to 30 Slyne Road, Bolton-le-Sands.Editor David Bateman 822065Subscriptions Kathy Edwards 824518 | messenger


BLACKBURNVicarThe Reverend Nancy Goodrich, T. 01524 823106E.

SSM CurateThe Reverend Barbara Jones, T. 01524 65598

Holy Trinity, Main Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Lancs, LA5 8DU Tel: 01524 823106St Marks, Main Road, Nether Kellet, Lancs, LA6 1ER Tel: 01524 823106Christ Church (United Reformed), Main Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Lancs, LA5 8DL Tel: 01524 822747St Mary of the Angels (Catholic), Main Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Lancs, LA5 8DN Tel: 01524 732940

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