Maritime Safety Information Exchange System Vision of the Future Traffic monitoring centres Gdynia,...


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Maritime Safety Information Exchange System

Vision of the Future Traffic monitoring centres

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski


I. InroductionII. PrototypeIII. EnlargementIV. Ways of developmentV. Wireless access VI. GSM/UMTSVII. Wi-Fi 802.11b/gVIII. Wi-Fi 802.11aIX. WiMAXX. VSAT

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

June 2004 – development of SWIBŻ prototype has been commenced on based on an agrement between Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Navy, Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Coastguard and Director of Maritime Office in Gdynia.

The intention of SWIBŻ is a development of common IT platform to exchange nautical information regarding to maritime safety, operational activity and traffic management – according to Regulation 2002/59/EC.

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

I. Introduction

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

II. SWIBZ - PrototypIdea of 3 layer system

Gdynia, 11-12 may 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

II. SWIBŻ – Prototype cont.Capabilities

Examples of feautures of SWIBZ prototype:

• Text based communication • AIS targets presentation based on S54 electronic

chart • On-line access to VTS Zatoka Gdańska database• Visualisation of hydro-meteo sensors indications• Weather forecasts distribution…

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

III. SWIBŻ - DevelopmentNew features

November 2005 – second edition of SWIBZ includes:

• Full implementation of SafeSeaNet ICD (Interface Control Document – EMSA recommendation)

• Presentation of „fusion” data stream based on data streams coming from AIS and radar systems

• Interfaces for external maritime systems ZSRN, PHICS, VMS, NAMESIS-NCAGS

• Voice communication sub-system based on VoIP• Development of IT security and management sub-

system • Modul to register leasure-craft and fishing boats

port activities• …

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

IV. SWIBZ – Development cont.Future integration

The Experience with SafeSeaNet project can be a base for LRIT implementation in Poland.

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

V. Mobile communicationRemote access to nautical information

Accesibility is a main success of IT system. Progress in mobile communication allows to design systems which are accessible from everywhere and every time. Distribution of nautical information can be maintainig in that way according to multi-level access policy.

The following solutions can be used:• Mobile phones technology GSM/GPRS/UMTS• Wi-Fi (normy IEEE 802.11a/b/g)• Wi-Max (normy IEEE 802.16e-

2004/802.16WiMax)• Satellite broadband - VSAT

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

Today this kind of solution is probably the most popular in all over the world. It is giving a chance for creating a new interactive model of maritime safety system, which is a source of nautical information for common users, as well as contact point for receiving security, safety or operational messages.

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006


Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

VI. GSM/UMTS cont.

Advantages: Disadvantages:

•Mobility – small size of access devices•Accessibility – wide land coverages•User-freindly for idividual users•Good prospects of 3G development.•Bandwidth 384Kb/s (EDGE), 2Mb (UMTS)

•Range – especially at the sea area•Sensivity – low tolerance for enviromental interferences Delays – caused by a characteristic of packet transision•Restricted by operator infrastructure


•Individual users.•Access to basic services as a distribution of weather forecasts, navigational warnings etc. via wap, www, sms, mms

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

Most of laptops and handhelds accesible on market have Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g interface implemented. Wi-Fi solutions can be used for development of hot-spot areas in small ports and marinas for common user access, as well as for port and security service.

VII. Wi-Fi - IEEE 802.11 b/g

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

VII. Wi-Fi - IEEE 802.11 b/g

Advantages: Disadvantages:

•Mobility – small size devices•Solid position on the market•Usefull and user-friendly•Bandwidth – to 54Mb/s

•Coverage – ~300 meters•Sensivity – low tolerance for electromagnetic noise


•Common users and dedicated service. •Full access to the system.•Voice communication (VoIP).

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

Devices working in 5GHz unlicenced band are able to cover area as for example Bay of Gdansk. It can be used for point-to-multipoint comunication between base station and dedicated vesels or hot-spots mounted in small ports.

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

VIII. Wi-Fi - 802.11a

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

VIII. Wi-Fi - 802.11a

Advantages: Disadvantages:

•Solid position on the market•Bandwidth – 54 Mb/s•Range to a dozen kilometers•Good relation price/quality

•Power requirements•Non-portable size•Risk of incompability between hardware comming from different manufacturers •Risk of interferences with other systems working in the same band


•Dedicated users: boats of Coastguard, Navy, SAR. •Full access to the system.•Voice communication (VoIP). •Link between default-gateway and hot-spots IEEE 802.16b. •Monitoring of navigational aids

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

Specification of 802.16 standars are giving a chance for a coverage of broadband access in a range of 50 km from the coast line. But today standarisation process for mobile implementation of WiMAX is still not completed.

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

IX. WiMAX - 802.16e-2004/802.16

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

IX. WiMAX - 802.16e-2004/802.16

Advantages: Disadvantages:

•Bandwidth – up to 74 Mb/s•Range up to 50 km•Good prospects•Working in dedicated and licenced band

•Standarisation process not completed•Additional cost of licence


•Dedicated users: boats of Coastguard, Navy, SAR. •Full access to the system.•Voice communication (VoIP). •Link between default-gateway and hot-spots IEEE 802.16b. •Monitoring of navigational aids

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

The most expensive, however without a range restrictions is the vsat solution. This way is dedicated for a backup communication between maritime monitoring centres and dedicated vessels.

X. Satellite broadband VSAT

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

X. Sattelite broadband VSAT

Advantages: Disadvantages:

•Bandwith – do 40 Mb/s•Range – without restriction on Baltic Sea•High reliability.

•High cost of development•High exploatation fee•Significant size of access devices


•Dedicated users: boats of Coastguard, Navy, SAR – links between maritime monitoring centers.•Full access to the system.•Voice communication (VoIP).

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski

Thank You for Your

attentionKonrad Kurpinski

Project Manager

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski


•„Feasibility Study of Maritime Trafic Management System– Konrad

Kurpinski – Gdansk University of Technology 2005-2006





• – archive publication of Networld

Gdynia, 11-12 maja 2006

Prepared by: Konrad Kurpinski