Main Street Marketing Machines 2 Fusion Training #7: The Sales Pitch Video, Persuasion Vs...


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The Sales Pitch VideoPersuasion Vs Manipulation


The Sales Pitch VideoPersuasion Vs Manipulation

In this article I will walk you through a great script for your sales video. This is just a template that you should adjust according to your own character and target group. Don’t worry if you don’t get this perfect on the first take, it takes practice and patience, but if the right components are there you will get the results you want.


It is a basic sales and video marketing tactic to begin with what is called a “pattern interrupt”, say something important and even shocking if you can to get your viewer’s attention. This could be the classic “you are going to miss out” line or anything else you might think will create an emotional response from your potential client. A line like this answers the question your viewer has going in to the video which is “Why should I care about what you have to tell me?”. Well if your answer is “If you don’t buy my services then your competitor will and he will be getting 50 new leads a week.” Now they care, don’t they?

The Sales Pitch VideoPersuasion Vs Manipulation


It is the general concept of the sales video to lift any disbeliefs the viewer has going in to video and answer all the basic questions that emerge throughout. The next question into the prospects mind usually is “But I know my business and this is not how we do it, how are you doing it?”. People don’t like change, they feel comfortable living in a stable environment and you are rocking the boat. This is where your “results ahead” approach is paying off. By talking about the leads you have already create through your site you can prove that the system works and that “they” could be getting the same number of new leads week in week out if they pay you enough.

The Sales Pitch VideoPersuasion Vs Manipulation


As every good story and movie has a hero and a villain so should your sales video. Its time now to introduce your villain and that is none other than the traditional advertising media that just don’t work. Everyone pays to get into the yellow pages with no return or puts an ad in a newspaper and still nothing, not like your system, the hero, that has a proven track record and is ready to use and provide new leads from day one. You should come across as having magic powers, most of your prospects will not be familiar with what you are proposing, and should be left speech less with your results. Sketch out their needs and how you fulfil those needs.

The Sales Pitch VideoPersuasion Vs Manipulation


Make strong points so that they can go home and sell it to their wives or husbands, walk them through a screen capture of the Google results page you are on, make them understand how important it is for your site to be there and try to quantify your results so that they are easier to grasp. Lastly create scarcity for yourself, make sure you say something like “I will only work with one person in each area or niche” or that you can only take on a limited number of clients, they should feel as if they are going to be missing out on something really great. People don’t want to be let down so you must show them absolute truth and relieve any objection they might have and give them a call to action, send you an email or complete a form, clear and unique.

The Sales Pitch VideoPersuasion Vs Manipulation

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