MAIDNET english brochure



MAIDNET english brochure

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WWaanntt mmoorree ffrreeee ttiimmee oonn yyoouurr hhaannddss??HHaadd eennoouugghh ooff hhoouusseehhoolldd cchhoorreess??

TThheerree iiss aa ssoolluuttiioonn!!

Qualified English-speaking


Reliable, qualified, English-speaking housekeepers will relieveyou of your household duties and will be responsible for:

– daily and seasonal cleaning;

– daily grocery shopping;

– cleaning windows and curtains;

– cooking;

– washing up;

– doing the laundry and ironing;

– gardening;

– lawn mowing;

– other works around the house;

– washing cars;

– tending to kids, reviewing their homework,

and teaching them English if you are not native speakers;

– feeding and walking pets;

– caring for elderly family members;

– running errands, such as mailing letters and paying bills;

– helping you relax while on vacation;

– ALL the tasks that need to be done around your house.

does not have to be your chore


Your Filipino housekeeper

More free time, comfort and ease of mind

Happy family

The housekeepers recommended by us have medical certificatesand arrive from the Philippines, Asia’s only predominantly Christiancountry. Filipinos have a Spanish ancestry and a European heritage.English is an official language in the Philippines, so if you are not a native speaker of English, you will appreciate how easily yourkids will learn the language as they interact with their housekeepernanny every day. (If you would prefer a housekeeper who speaksyour native language, we might be able to recommend you one.)

Filipino housekeepers are highly prized and sought after aroundthe world, and they are known as the most valuable “resource” ofthe Philippines. Diplomatic missions, international organisations,business and political leaders everywhere in the world rely on theservices of Filipino domestic workers. They are held in particularlyhigh esteem in the US and Western Europe, where they often accompany their families even on vacations: what could be morecomfortable and give greater peace of mind than the ability toleave the kids in the care of a trusted nanny while the parents havea night out on their own. Filipinos come from a country with a highly developed system of education and they are grateful forthe opportunity to work. They have a strong work ethic and a well-deserved reputation for dedication and skill.

Can you imagine more rewarding activities than household chores:washing, cooking and cleaning?Have you ever entertained thoughts of what you would rather do ifyou could do away with those chores?

You will be surprised to see how much time and energy you will have for your kids, yourspouse or yourself! You will no longer feel like a domestic worker because yourhousekeeper will be there for you to do all household jobs and serve your family. Thepresence of the housekeeper will allow you to focus on your kids, your friends, sports,shopping and everything else that make you and your family happy.

One person for all jobs

Your housekeeper will receive room and board for the work performed around thehousehold.

Have you ever calculated how much you spend on the cleaner, the gardener, thebabysitter, the private kindergarten or school, extra English classes, care for elderlyrelatives, or finding somebody to do daily grocery shopping or everyday errands?

We guarantee that your Filipino housekeeper will not cost you more than what you spendon all housekeeping duties. You will get a single person who is ideally suited to your andyour family’s needs and circumstances and who will take care of ALL your householdtasks. We are confident that you will find our price quotes and solutions for tax and costdeductions very attractive.

You need a gardener or a caregiver for a child or an elderly relative rather than ahousekeeper? We can recommend you expert gardeners and caregivers with excellentcredentials and experience.

For more detail on our services, please visit our website.

It’s not a dream!

For more detail on our services, please

or contact us at

Phone+36 1 210 5554