Macromedia Flash 5 Advanced Level Course. Using Actions Toolbox ListActions List Parameters area...


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Macromedia Flash 5

Advanced Level Course

Using Actions

Toolbox List Actions List

Parameters area

Add/Delete a Statement Move Action Up/Down

Expand/Collapse Parameters area

Insert Target Path

Frame Label

• Frame Labels are used to name specific Keyframes

• Frame Labels can be attached to Keyframes only

Frame Action

• Frame Actions are used to instruct the movie to do something when the Playhead reaches a specific Keyframe

• Frame Actions can be assigned to Keyframes only

Button Action

• Button Actions are used to instruct the movie to do something when the user clicks on the button or rolls the mouse over it

Movie Clip Action

• Movie Clip Actions are used to instruct the movie to do something when the movie clip loads or reaches a certain frame in its own timeline

Complex Movie Clip Actions

• Movie Clips can be very complex and contain other symbols inside them like Buttons, Graphics and other Movie Clips


• Variables are a temporary place to store information that you want to use over and over again while a movie is running

• Conditional Statements allow the movie to make decisions based on the condition that you have specified

• Operators are used in the Conditional Statements or in the Expressions


• Each object has Properties that can be changed during the authoring

• There are built-in properties that come predefined in Flash

Input and Output

• The Input Text is used as a variable that will receive its value from the user input

• The Dynamic Text is used as a variable that will display its value on the screen

Dot Notation

• The Dot Notation in the ActionScript is a way of expressing a path through a movie

Using Smart Clips

• A Smart Clip is a type of a Movie Clip that has programming code encapsulated in it so that a non-technical person can use it without having to know how it works

• Flash comes with a set of Smart

Clips in the Common Library


• Scenes are used to organize your movie into sections

• The most common use of multi-scenes is to create a separate scene for the preloader, the introduction, and the main movie

Multiple Movies

• Having several movies that are loaded only when needed will improve:

– Download time

– Project Management

– Team work


• Hyperlinks can be attached to the button or the text

• This means that when users clicks the button, or the text link, they will hyperlink to the new website

• Hyperlinks use the following HTML code:–– is the web address– http:// is the protocol that Internet browsers use to access



• You can specify the Target Window or Frame where you want the new page to appear


• Email links can be attached to the button or the text

• This means that when the user clicks the button, or the text link, the default Email program will open to send an email to the Email link address

• Email links use the following HTML code:–

– is the email address

– mailto: is the command to send an email

The Bandwidth Profiler

• The Bandwidth Profiler helps you find the problem areas in your movie, like the frames that take to long to download

Optimizing Movie Components

• Optimizing movie components will decrease the movie file size and improve the download time

• We can optimize three main movie components:1. Optimizing Vector shapes will decrease the number of curves

used in each vector shape

2. Optimizing Bitmap images will decrease the pixel quality used in each bitmap image

3. Optimizing Sound files will decrease the sound quality of each sound file


• A Preloader is the movie clip or a scene designed to download quickly and occupy the user’s attention while the rest of the movie is loading in the background

