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Change Your World: How Anyone, Anywhere Can Change the WorldLunch & Learn Script


[Smile] Good afternoon (morning) everyone. My name is [your name] and I want to thank [person who introduced you] for that kind introduction. I am so very excited to be with you here today and to spend the next half hour or so together with you.

It is an honor to be with you, in this very moment…in time.

What makes this time so special to me is that I am here to talk about how each and everyone of you can truly change the world, through changing your own world. In these very challenging and conflicting times, we all certainly could use some world changing behaviors. Wouldn’t you agree?

Now to some of you, thinking about changing the world sounds as easy as making instant oatmeal (sarcasm). For others of you, it might seem a little more daunting. No worries, either way because I’m going to give you some great insights on how you can change the world by changing your own world based on the book by John C. Maxwell and Rob Hoskins titled, Change Your World: How Anyone, Anywhere Can Change the World.”

My purpose here today is to make a difference in your lives so that you can make a difference in the lives of others. I want to raise your awareness of how you, yes you, can change your world so in turn the current state of your world moves to a better state. Therefore, you change the world, for the better, for all of us.

I want to convince you, if you’re not already sure, that you have within you tremen-dous capacity to make a difference and make this place we all share a better place. You don’t need to wait for others to do that. You can do it starting today.

Only one thing stands between you and greater success in your personal and pro-fessional life.

It isn’t knowledge, or skills, experience, or talent.

It is your unique collection of gifts. Your gifts are what the people of the world need to reach their fullest potential. When you serve others as a leader, you help them grow and you grow yourself. Today we will learn about how to do that more often and more influentially.

There is an abundance of issues in the world that need your attention. Wouldn’t you




want better schools? Better neighborhoods? A more accessible and effective health care system? How about better communities where people would actually get along (online And face-to-face)? Wouldn’t you like better work environments and wouldn’t it be nice if people were simply more respectful, unified, and positive?


We can’t wait for change. We can’t wait for someone else to do it. We need you and we need you now. In the United States, that might sound like an old Uncle Samrecruiting poster for the U.S. Army, but it’s so very true. We need you, we need me, and we need all of us to be the ones who change the world. It’s not going to happen with the president or the government. It’s not going to happen with the mostpopular people we see in positional leadership roles ruling large organizations. It’s not going to happen with the educational department, or the universities, or the health care system, or even our local governments. We can’t wait for them. We need you now.

While any of the institutions I just mentioned can be very helpful and make atremendous difference, you and I cannot be passive bystanders. We have to take action ourselves.

The first thing you can do is Change Your Thinking. It’s the idea of if you think you can’t change the world, then you can’t. Authors Rosamund and Benjamin Zander talk about how the assumptions we make restrict our thinking and therefore limit our possibilities.

So let me ask you, can you think of a time within the last week that you were faced with something, some sort of challenge, and either you figured you couldn’t doanything about it or figure out a solution to the problem? If you don’t think youcould do anything to change the situation, can you shift the framework (of your thinking and beliefs) to one whose underlying assumptions allow for what youactually desire the situation to be? As the Zanders would say, the assumptions we make often restrict our thinking and therefore restrict our possibilities. Whatassumptions might you have that are restricting your thinking about what can be done or how you can shift your framework?

John talks about how you first have to have hope in your own self. If you want to adopt a “change my world mindset,” you will have greater control over your ability to accomplish difficult things if you first have hope and believe in yourself. You must lead yourself first. Can you do that? Most certainly, yes you can!

Now let me share a few reasons that John has discovered that shows us that people can change when one or more things happen:

One, People Change When They Hurt Enough that They Have ToFrom the time we were children and first began making choices, we instinctively



moved away from pain to avoid it. But a better response to pain is for us to change so that we are no longer hurt by it.

Two, People Change When They See Enough that They Are Inspired ToJohn says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” That is one of my favorite quotes of his, [repeat it], “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” When you begin to see and realize this, you can change the way you think, work and interact with people. Certainly others have inspired you. That is leadership in action. Othersinspiring you can help you change things you need to just as your inspirationtowards others will help them change the things they need to.

Three, People Change When They Learn Enough that They Want ToWhen you believe there’s nothing you can do about a problem, it’s dishearteningand demotivating. But when you being to learn how you can take steps to start making a difference, it will propel you to take action. There are always many ways to approach a problem or challenge. From the lessons you’ve learned in life, what new steps can you take to expand your impact?

Four, People Change When They Receive Enough that They Are Able To The world is not looking for more dreamers. It is looking for dream makers. Brad Montague, the creator of the ‘Kid President” videos and TV show says this so clearly, “Dare to dream, but please do. For dreamers are many, but doers are few.” You have received enough; it’s time now to start doing. If from what you learn today (or what you learn at a deeper level if you read the book I’m talking from today, Change Your World), you can put into practice what you learn by taking action and thereforebegin to see changes in yourself and in those people whose lives you touch. This is where dreams come true.

I mentioned earlier about having hope for yourself. You also need to havehope for others. The changes you make within yourself will give you the confidence and credibility and hope to help others. We call this being a “hope helper.” Being a hope helper requires you to be positive and focus on the positive changes you can create, not the negative situation you want to eliminate. As Brian Tracy says,“Change your thinking, change your life.” And he is absolutely correct.

And lastly, have hope for a better future. Dale Carnegie said, “Most of the things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” When you have hope for a better future, it keeps you wanting to work to make a difference. As you see a difference happening, your hope expands and you develop a great sense of urgency for making an even greaterdifference. This is how we have a better future. Become an urgent person for abetter future.





Mother Teresa is quoted as saying, “I can do what you cannot, and you can do what I cannot; together we can do great things.”

Let me share my second lesson for you today about how We All Need One Another.

[Begin with a story. If you have a personal story of how you worked with someone elseto do extraordinary things together that you couldn’t do alone, share that here.Otherwise use the story of Sam Yoder, a manufacturing company owner, in Chapter 3.]

Everything multiplies when we work together; when we open ourselves to findothers with who we can do great things. Let me give you a few thoughts to keep in mind when you connect with others to make a difference:

— We is more important than me: Many of us have a passion to make a difference. However, over time, we realize that can be difficult to try and always do all alone. In reality, I can only add value to so many people if I try to do everything myself. There is an old adage that the word Team stands for Together Everyone Accomplishes More. If you want to change the world, become part of a transformational movement where you put “We ahead of me.” In fact when you flip the word Me a simple 180 degrees, it becomes We and that’s the mindset to have. That we can do more than I (me) alone can.

— Who is more important than how: Once you understand the idea that the cause and the team are more important than you as an individual, the next question you need to answer is, “Who do I need to team up with?” Who you get on your team or to come along with you is more important than how you will accomplish things. Some people just want to come along for the ride. Have you ever watched a rowing team work together? In the largest boats, called skulls, eight athletes row in unison with a coxswain in the stern of the boat steering and calling out the cadence of their strokes with the oars. The teams can only succeed if they work together. If you just try to fill every seat of your boat with those that want to come along, you’ll find that only a few people will be rowing while the others are just sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the ride. Be selective about who you let on the boat.

— What unites us is more important than what divides us: One of the mostimportant questions you need to ask as soon as you connect with other people is, “Do we have a values match?” This doesn’t mean that everyone’s values have to be identical. It means that they have to be in alignment. To find the alignment, focus on what you have in common, rather than your differences. What we focus on expands. So if we focus on our differences, our differences increase. However, if we focus on what unites us, then our unity increases.

[If you are lacking time, eliminate these last two points]



— What I have is more important than what I lack: Again, where you focusexpands. So ask yourself, “What assets can I bring to a transformation team?” “What are your contributions to the cause?” “What qualities can you bring to the table to make a difference?” Leverage the strengths you already possess and build on them to benefit others. You can add value to your teammates as they add value to you and together you can all add enough value to our world to change it.

— And lastly, Collaboration is more important than cooperation: We currentlylive in a time of hostility, division, and partisanship. Too many people would rather draw lines and throw stones than engage in conversation and try to find solutions together. We can do better. Cooperation is unity for the sake of unity. Cooperation says, “Let’s just get along or else nothing will get done.” However, collaboration is unity for the sake of shared vision. Collaboration says, “Let’s work together because this has to be done.” Another way to think about this is, cooperation is when people are not working against one another. Collaboration, true collaboration, is whenpeople are working for one another.


I want to challenge you to take a next step in your transformation to change your world. What matters now is that you do something. Something small, or something big. It doesn’t matter, as long as you do something.

Take notice of your thinking. What are the reasons you want to change? Where does your hope lie? Are you focusing on the positive and what things could be, or stuck with negative thoughts about the way things are? Think about and plan for who you want to come along with you. Make sure you will have a boat full of committedrowers. Think about where your focus goes; more towards cooperation or tocollaboration? And are you looking for what unites us more than what divides us?

[Allow time in the L & L for a Pitch for the Next Step.] This is the speaker’spersonal pitch for other programs or services she/he can offer to the audience or organization.

Below is an example of what a person pitch looks like:

We’ve briefly touched on two of John’s ideas on how you can change your world and therefore impact and influence the world of others. Imagine going into a deeper dive on other ways in which you can change the world. How much more of adifference could you make? Or perhaps you have a great need to further develop your leadership skills or grow more as a person. What I would like for you to do as we close is simply fill out this one question survey form that asks:



“Would you find studying the type of material presented here today help you and your team make a greater difference as an organization?” Yes or No.

Simply circle your answer and return your survey to me please.

I hope this session added value to you today. Thank you for your attentiveness and thank you [your host] for having me here today. It’s been an honor being with you today. Again, my name is _______, a coach, speaker, and trainer with the JohnMaxwell Team. Have a fantastic rest of your day.

Alternate EndingAnd I‘ll close with this. You see, it has been an honor and a privilege to be here with you today. As I told you at the beginning, you have a great capacity to change your world, and therefore, the world for all of us. I think every day how I can do things that matter and that make a difference. And I think that if you become moreintentional in thinking about the places you can do things that also matter and make a difference, no matter how small you will help make your world, our world, a much better place. Thank you again and I look forward to working with you.

