l).S,C«ESIi) Italy Warns Of - Over-OptirQism SILVER PICK...


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l).S,C«ESIi) SILVER P IC Kf f 1 1 S P i

U o rg o s tk iT i A onoim coB ShU ^ I n P o U iy ; S ay a P r b g r o m . ‘

C a rrie a O u t L a w •

P A 8 B o i i a H T E A O H D A Y

'R eq u isitio n o f M e ^ F tlsh fld ^ D o sp its A p p a iro n t L a c k .:

; O f l f l a d o n S o p p o r t . /

, UONd'oN, Dec. 12 (UEjI N United S U U t tr e w u ry «oal".- aaved thb w orld aUvor m a rk e t tetlay -when t l pu rchajsd . «pV’ proxtm*l«Iy, -18. per c e n t or tf ia ; \<Aa\ tp o t oM erlna* -maklBO: poulblA fixind of Oio prlcp M ' 26^4 heneo on ,ouncfr—e.AUivalv,,


a t a num ber o t po inU In tho world l a contrftaled w ith th<> -pravIou»_ IjrOKmm of buying la rgely In Lon- Son. Secre tary of T rcanuiy H en ry H orfrentbau. jr .. rcyealed WUay.' •. Th8 tfcoaury lm ff'purctoae4 MV; y c r In world nmrkoXa ev ery -d ay lUl* week, dcflplto Jla a p p a ^ H tftUutc to au p p crt Uie tondoiv n ^ * . Ifct. on TucaSay. i t woa m c a le d i . . ,

Carrie* O u t . M andat*W organthau-eomM dod-thl^waiua: -

> • ^ e p a n u 'r o In '-p o llcy t u t Issla tcd broadly 60 .U contlnu tag-W

carry o u t the mnnUate# of th e *!l*• y tv nureJaao-ftCt. ..

, The secre tary aald th e re ,waa no diftiure la hla p led jw -to a llv^r sea* otora to carry o u t th o purcluuio program ‘•catbujiIaaUcaHy.;, ■ ... .

Ho refused to anaw er q u e a t ^ ftji to AVhere allver purcbM M•b«n mndo w eek b u t ^ d U «y

4 were boUi fo re ign Had domeauc

believed'- the j ' have been m a d e .In M ontrtju,- au- . Bia; M dx leo 'o r Cblnfl, w hich a »

im iw rta n f silver . . FH ow cw er. m ore th a n ii.M OTtt..«'

'eoanlrles have i|W p p « ^ ^ W e r W.KCoatlnued <m P ago a . C?<»ima.ay

Mass Murder Trial Opens

M . l ' I’ J:

■ N S I I E J K ’ M B N M L

PARIiyOEM ANOS[Sovoa S o lq ^ tio n s Bcfuso to

A dm it N ippon's blaim to ' Bea Equality •

U. a ., B a iT A IN LEADEE8

Tokyp’a Deles:ato Liston* to ^ A r ^ t f o n t s , - Then A Bsorts

S tand Is F irm

Italy Warns Of - Over-OptirQism As Duce Studies Peace Program

Mantis. Van Siheringeri, Railway Emperor,' Dies

Bl'other a t Bedside as Co-Ruler of Vast • Industi'ial Dominion Succumbs

m mmmyranWng P u u Oovommei^t of

Z oy A reas U ndcr‘<3onncil •*. , H eaded b y Sun;f - -

’ P E I P ^ O . Dec. 12 em m ea t o f HopcI and C bahar

-provlucca. tw in, k e y s to dom in­a n c e ‘«I n o r th e b la a . w as given today to a poUtieal council o f l i

- -------- B6mb«r« 'O f •the- C hlneao-govcni'

®*Co^mpMltlon o f the coupcH and the orgaaTc -law .under .which j t wlU govern tho a re a In jBoveraent lo r autonom y bM *«ctt

,» o a t vigorous w ill bo publlahcd

,^ G en . Sung Chch-Yon. com m and, • r of the Pleplag-Tlefltaln garrlflon,

- w aa named: cha>.«a“» d l . Suog. whose acm l-prlvate arm yHas made him unoU lclal-oyerionlof Hopei and C hahar. w a» ousted ■«a governor of Chahar- becftuso of

• Japa-ne#*

'-]!<eo' HsU) io rm e r p rise fltb ter ,: - -'mechtuilo and dock h a nd ,-on ;,;v tr ia l w ith •M ra.-.Peggy Paul*#

th o B rem erton iw uw 'm or-V d e r o f.a te ;p e n w n a a lin w t two 'i . ' y t i n ' i s o ; nmiled'.deBptlo tho

penalty fac ing him u h« " 'e i i t o ^ th« ' amoIM Qlaap county ''cou i^bD «& . ,U « la ahoM-n w ith

S to i^ ^ itn O n ia n ,H enry W ent- ;• *, m r t h 'w d-.D eputy Sheriff ia c lc '

k ro u g w i' -- Paulo«. • ;lpn'er.

:■ ■ .ittli; ,th6 'j J ia lh d e c « e fo r. th e :..:’w otuui,^ t*hoM eabfiM lon th a t . aha aod«aviuil«d H u l l - to 'th e .. Krlai>d‘a -F o ln £ co ttago . IlnaUy' ' xfaroke" th e csiao a fte r long and

■ fuUlo laveatlgatloa.’

__________ — by O raal Britainland tho' United Statea. rejected Ja p an 'a ’demanU'for naval equality

• -;Tha U hltcd S tates delegation re­vealed aftei- ' the 'ctiafereaco ad*

n ^ ' H . Pav is . hwid o f .th o del'e- gdtlon, prcsented thrtic argurricnl*

j ip o a 'a olalm. I_____w e n - l&U&dtd to • fthow'

[that tho 'Japaneae plan fo r brlng- Ing .tho navfca of tho three a trong-

naval power# to tho «amo level ^ .a s outllaed yesterday by Admlr* til O aaml Nagoiio, head of tho Jap* aneao delegation — w aa bo th — iwoTlutblo and uaaccoptaWe.

-■ Would Slean Inercano I n the f lm t place .the U. 3 . — ,

hassador* a t • la rg e contended. Iti would resu lt In an Incrcnae rather than a dcfreoM In naval buiwmg. -rflecondlyrTDftVlirlnBifltKI-niat-- Japancoo project • would ui NVaahlngton and London trea ty raogem cnts wUch ho uald had i a led an «<iuiubrluni baasd upon respective haval needs o i m u,, natorlofl. H«f sugKested there . been no chango In the iptem attonall BituaUoa o f . a ririturo to w arran t

ivlflloa of thhi •equilibrium.N o«l» Vary

Tho thlTvi point. Dftvia inado .— th a t tlio Japanese plan fa iled .to take account of the va ry ing naval requlremeatfl .am ong tho .jwwera,

ThiJso w ho rejected Ja p an 's claim to naval equality, In .ad d itlo h to D A vls/w ew Vlacouht-MonaeU of ~ .ot the B ritlsh Oele*

.CLEVELAND.'Dec, 12 fURi—M., J . Van SwerlnKCo; co-ruler o f tlie. v ast V an SwcrlnRcn rallrond env plrt. dled a t.7 :l5 a. m . today.

.Van Swerlngcn died In the Han- i j a Houao o t .Lakcsldo hoepltal, Where h e 'h a d been c oaflncd .fo r Ifloveral weeki.- . . . . I

V an Sweringoa liad been In thel

cfeange'ln Van Swcrlngen’fl condi­tion w as n o t cxp tcltd . Several' days ago bo had been reported Im proving.

M antis Jam es Van Swerlngcn arid Jils' b w tb e r w ere laiwparaBle

.alaco boyhood. T heir carcera were closely interwoven as they bu ilt one o l th e worW a g re a lta l Indus* Itrlal dominations.- M. J*.- Van SweriBKcn. Hko hU

IbroQwrTTvHSj'aS-unrainllilirnEUMIn-the public eye h u t his p e - — tho Tall Industry made him . tho fltrongeal figures in world fl-

'* ^ I c '’w as bom on a farm near] IWooatcr, O.; M yeura ago.-

Sm all UcRlnnliiR •. The viuit railroading cmpli

the brotliefn had Its Inccptfan In a nmnll rood built by tho brothers to ogrvB one ol the ir Cltveland real e sU le developments.

They made use of one g rea t hold­ing company, Iho VancM company. U nder this

OENIJVA: Small powers, angered by Fcanco-Britiah pcaco proposal, force agreement to debate i t before full council nex t W ednesday. ,I &0 K £ : QoVerBmont spokcBioan •warns agaiiiBt ovor- optimism obont Musaolinl’s attitude, indicating.Lo m ay n o t rep ly fo r several days,

FARI8 : S tM opian m inister says Haile Solasiie tvill re jec t plan a t any cost.

Mussolini Drafting Reply to P roposal

L atest war* cB y United I'rtxa



A D D IS A BA IliV ; R rilw lv riu d F ri'iic li tc x l« to bo K '' '‘‘n IJIbi* opiii lo n io rn u v ;' (‘iiip rro r c x r jicalt'ii to 'T c Iu sc su r re n d e r o f . " ' - 't iT r iln ry . • __ ~__________________

I CATTroTTvmK~7ssin.’H docroo rc .ilo rinp pn rliiim etiln ry ornnio iit to pn e ify iii ili- Ih 'il is li f iictnw .

Force Affreoment to Debate! Feaco Proposals Belora

Full Council

^ l. J . Viui dw eringcn from a heart ailm ent. E a rly last! nigh t hlfl condition becam e woiflc and O. p . Van Swerlngcn w oa.call- cd to tho boBpltal. ' .• O .-P . spen t-the nlE ht wlUx his

'b rother and w as w ith him when death • canie/ A l» a t tho bedside

,0(ddities From Here V •:;, :>ASd;Tliere

Oppoied By Ja p an ' ■ L a s t week ho • sucldcaly ; l j «

pelpljiB. after- tho Japanesfl mlU-

S g-T leoU la a re a would bo unwcl-ing-TleoU la - ' " r f w ^ d ^ ^ o r o . h e i h a d de

pounced -'fuoMKrv-of « uM m S t fo r^ tto ^ 'o r th e m provinces

ffrandsoa of ICorca." In other ^ r d s . . a

. I The council w ill start-ftincU on- j n J ^ l l h largo a c t io n s o f the two ptOTlnccs la th e hands ^ . auton*

s ti li E ntrenched ‘•, T ln JuiKenff^sUll w aa ;c a lren c h '^ a t TungtihDw. whBte.he .estAb-yahed hla -cap ita l"^ a f U r « tU n g

S i a s t « i > ^ C h a h i^ - ycstorda:

J Yin Ju-Kenff, . how ever, ^ W a d -wJth h i* p i» a t o wlthhoul f to m N anking .'aU re re n u e s , col jecled-^la tho region .u o d w - h i p a t r o l. .y

' V WilippinB*fCUp«l^y H o p » ; Q f r f o r y ? i * e

•P O E TN EW Y O n K ,,D ec. 12 (ttW

— , M anliattan- Borough; P re s l- , den t Sam uel l A v j a n n o u n c e - todB y-that:'#oon-reekle#a-m ^^-• to rlsta w ill .bo confronted all o to r th o ..b o ro u g h wlUT-algns adjuring : . ' / .

•, "W hcn.croaslng stree ts T I b wlso U) pause— •

• Obey o u r .llg h tsA n d .to if f lc ..la w s .'r_ /.. •.

i lo w as p retty , su re thoC.; would decreane- careiw * • drtv*

' log. .H e composyt th e p<?em.' •

’ ' • ' ... • M A RY SVILLE,.-;K an., Dec. i

12 fiirj--T om orrow ,.'F riday the. ta e '1 3 th .sC o u n ty C lerk "W. M;.; Orlffee ls ^ g b la g ,rto -g « t-a new . llecBso, p la te ; fo r.JilB 'autom o*. bUo-, The', num ber will - be 20: 181?. OUfeo w aa-fio ra «»;;?»»»».

• 18.* -He • wa«~ i i u m w - n h n p i s . . . He llvesion •-

' ; ■ M A T ^ E ^ .- K y .^ " 2 ) e ^ : (UQ'*-*Orla lA cree w aa> im der.ft 4500 .paac* bond to d a y /a t te ^

wAUng tip* h e r shoes.' H e w as fined ?10 on a breach o f prom^;

. charge^' •'•.•• 'i ' ' S T U R D Y ' •

: u k l O J t . Ind .; D ec. 12 (O ti-r- : A few ' h o u r i a fte r .M rs. K etu rah : FaWaa.- 80, fell dow nsta ira.aD d .

• b roke’-h cr l e f t , a rm - aha waa back • a t ■ worlt- com pleting . h e r .

' Sba. paK adn-doc to r. w ho j la c - «d tb e -a n a In a -c a s t .- ' . .

to i f , D ntohm an' and MysUry ' Of M p u n t ^ Onrse Brinff

.. . ■’j-.S earchar’s D eath ...

P A C r O P E N S lYF O R S E A A I I l

a o ltc d . Statos, B ritain Bcach A.ccord on Tratuoceanio

P lano 'E onte

Lion i l l Not Bow to Jackal, Ethiopian Says

■WASHINGTON, X>ec. 12 0 1 » - Tho s ta le .d ep a rtm en t today for­m ally announced a n - agccem est b e tw c n th e United SU tea aad Q r u t .B rlta la Jw h lctL -is .. expected to open the w ay fo r regu la r air

■ service across tho«nspo rl . ._ . . . ..tlan tlc by th e sum m er of 1P37. The s ta to departm ent a lso on.

nounced th a t the departm ent of«nnm orpo had Rivea I t s ...............to th o .....................

Sa le Una; today .'

d a y r “of=^^cWiin»y‘ tn t6^ blB" .w «ro ':ovar today , to r Mr.;. a ti4 W /.H o to ae r. lU p j

I rw enlaU vea 'O f . .th e -.Aalmat

H oU m tr chim ney a iid took lt-Kr^: •th«- «oo. ■Th6--SoUm«w- aald.; th ey h a d n 't< alepU. w all plncw

A-rii, b c c . 12 niE>^ Men o f the 'dese i^ brought a n o ^ e i b6dy*dovn»' th a jocky side o f 'S u - pcM tlU on.' m o u n ta in :' to d a y ;'an(! B ia s e d up one. more victim* whc aougyj - to - pierce tho .m ystery [ol Itho 'm y th ic a l ' ' "Lost'- ' DuU hmah'' Imlao-an'dHU Xabulous wealth.* - ,

a tra p p o d '.to a .s tr e t4 h 8 r ’durlng tth o .'d l/f lc u lt ' descen t down 'thci

-c'is-tortuous.- rough slopes' waa|I .b o d y ,o f 'R o m an a Ohal, 30*j IVBW-old lo rm or N ew Y orlt brokM-' a n clerk,, who s o u g h t, gold • and found death.

'. V . F a lla O v w C U tt O hal-w as bun ting fo r.tho legen'd-

a r y .“L o s t D utchm an '' mine, when ho 'topp led o v e r ' a ' 100*foot cliff- O ffic ia ry , his: death w aa llsted,a« Ian a n i d e n t . B U t .Indian legend Isays'he dled'n-vicUm .of tho..”6urae loE.;100-'8 panlards.'* massacred by

— hea w hen .they fouad • the_____ generations ago, and-w hoseghoata resen t trespassera ^ Super- sU tion m ountain, ,S0 m llci eai^; ~

^ ■ S w a rd ' th* enlS oJ th e 19th «en‘> tu ry * D utchm an, Ja o eb W slft ■ rra o rted to 'h a v o re-dlscovered “' ^ goM mlh>. ' W ala confessed

’ t h a t - h a .'foundttZ rM .U odeaaf ia 'posaosslonof th( minn asd'-klUed them . ..H U cMfes- ■tod a lso sU te d h e klUed a nephew,

tKM Ure'.'~' '■" ' ‘j-. a taea '.th a '.U m e'o t W a t t eeafe**

iloo;,-from 10. to . M . j> e n ^ ,h a v e b e to 'ld lled by.ttccldenta; exposure, ^ ? i ^ o i t a 'n u n l « r « r a in t h e ^ ^ t D u tehm aiJ .-''d lsW ctr ■ • ■ • '

S la te to £ n g la n d and by w ay of Berm uda to England and from B erm uda to Puerto Rico. '

T;he A tlan tic seaboard porta in contem'ptatloB a s term inals f o r ’tbe trana*occanls route a re N ew York Cltyj B altlm ote , Capo .Chatles ot N o rfo lk ,' V a , .a n d Charleston,;

' *1 ' ’ •

Ransom Traced to Fiich, Sleuth Say«

, N EW , YORK. Doc. 12 (OJU— Lindbergh ransom ' money appear­ing . In E uropean •co u n trW has b«en traced^ to the la te Isldor r ise h , th e N ew Y ork D aily N e n ({uoted-Ellla .H . 'P a r k e r , famous N ew J e r s ^ detective, a s saying today. ‘ ■........... .

B nuio RIohanT H auptm ann has lss ls ted ;;iha t the money belonged to FliKh, w ho .had retu rned to G erm any and dled.'

(Oopyright, J0!5, United P re « ) PA RIS, Dec. la <HEI—"Does

.tho proud lion calm ly w atch whllo jackals stea l h is m e a t r ’ . asked B lattcn G ela W'oelde Ma­riam , Ethiopian min|,aCer, today ta pvcdleUng th a t E m peror Hallo Selassie would re je c t the Preoch-Brltlsh "peace” plan . .

-’•If tho ' League of N ations should approve th is -p la n , be­tray ing the principles which pro tec t sm all naUons, I t will ahow -that E lhl«^la baa been tba victim of a g rea t be trayal, per* petra ted to save tho prestlgo of Italy , which invaded m y coun* t iy w ithout nrovocaUon, brlng-

• " In g 'w J th 'l f » m b s , tan ks and other weapons of m odem w ar­

fare o t which m y people a to Igno ran t '

. W n s ta n d M ono _•'W« may have to otand alone

against Italy . I f so. wo w ill do our du ty . I f we havo to sue* a im b it will bo figh ting . Our w arriors will die r a th e r Uum surrender supinely one inch of northern Ethiopia—purely •Am- hatSc, ours fo r 4Q00 yoara—os it to perm it jwmeono to c u t thoirlght a rm from a m an. •• Com m ent here w as cjmlcal regarding the peace plan. Gene- vlevo Tabouls, political expert o f the nerrspaper Oeuvre,, ejt- oTtssed the opinion th a t , bo th France and G re a t B rita in want* M to cease peaalU es again st Ita ly If E thiopia rejected th e ' plan. I t w as even possible, s h e ,

-suggested, th a t b o th . naUons would raise th e lp a rm s embargo against I ta ly and impose oao against Ethiopia, in order to e x - . e rt prcssuro-and 'eod th e w ar.• Borne <ili»ra, however, saw Brftaln as an unw illing sponsor fo r th e 'pkin, ready -to suppo rt E thiopia In w hittling down con* cesslorui to Italy ,-possib ly even tho insplratton fo r , M inister

■ M ariam 's heated p ro tests.

I n r tcc n t yearn the V an Swcj-' llnccnfl ran Into financial dtfflcul- 'tlca b u t alw ays they m anaged ic

tr lu ^ ^ h . tim ber, th d r control of 'their empire w as threatened by ^ e J . P . M organ and company ond for 'a tim e It appeared-St would pnM Into o the r hands. A n auction sale.

banks, a Cleveland • bank and

Inability of the Vwi Sweringena tb 'm e« t tho loans at.TBaturlty la s t May I had resulted In pasaago ot ■ the oontpouing.shares to_thB H o u ^ 'of M organ a n d Its aosoclatod lend- ic rs: uaorgan decided; to ^ the oollnteral'ln 'O rder lo 'avo ld actlflg aa ralkTMid ow ners and <?««torB ., T hia w aa the V ans' la s t b l g ^ - l 'OouUy a n d they won again . They ■btitaaized the Mid-America corp- oratton, w hich bought enough of ithe securities to regain control lo r 'the Vans.

s m o L s t E n1 0 WEEKS OF

ChriBtnma-Vacatlon' Tims JWUV Be 16 D ays; Yulo Events

O a Progtam

By WALLACE CAnROLL {C opyrlo litrt935rU nlted*Pres»r GENEVA. Dcc. 12 illW — The

nmiill powers, anijercd by the con- ccMlons reado to Prem ier Befllto MuuuoUnl I n 't h e Franco * Brltlah, pcaco. propoaaln, ,won a taclldilj vlctoiV today when the league's: penfrtlca com m ittee o t . 18 sembled.

In tho first nklrmlsU ocaln-'\t tho F ranco*B rltlnh plan, the small

.poweTB succeeded In fotclnj; ms ngrcem ent fo r a fu ll debate on It when the council convenes next W ednesday. ■

Abandon F irs t Alni Opposition ‘of T urkey and Po-|

land oWlged F rance and B rita in to 'abandon th e ir jilon to subm it the peace proposal to the couDCll's eomtnlLtee o f five.-w here wiurihe s u p ^ r t of Spaili, th ey would have a m ajority/ The commlltisc o f flvei la composed of F ranee.i Britain,I Spain, Poland ari4 Turkey; . • . !

.U n d er these, circumstances, the- com m ittee of flvo' would contlnuej negotiations w ith Prem ier Benltoj Mussolini and the em peror of E thiopia a s i t wished. -ConMequently, It becomes

n a ry - to aubm lt the plan directly • tlie council, w here T urkey, Rou-

Christm as vacation- In Iha' Twin Falls public schools w ill' la s t for tw o w eeks an d -tw o days, U was announced today a t tho office of the B upertn tendtat..

Tho holiday. vacaWon p t s ta r t Dee. 20,. a w eek from to- mortdW. and wlU continue imtUi Monday. J a n . '0. - ' . I

Outatandhig in the events whichwill m ark the approach of the va-| cation period will bo plays and pro ­gram s to be . g iven; by the . various schools. M ost o f these w.lU take nlacD o a F riday , Dee. 20.' ' Tho senior high school will s e n t« C hristm as play, f.The Bi S tar," to tho ' public on the m .

va ea tlo B ''lt wUl be perform ed the prwiedlng W ednesday '*■

____Of high school pupils, andtho a tU ra o n of F riday , T3fi<s. 20 lor] tho senior high- schoot;, -

m ania and o the r amall powers, possibly w ith nusnla’s support,! m ay continue to battle again st It.'

Oil Embarpo Delayed T y tu s K omarnlcltl of Pnland-1

proposed th a t .action on the Ol' em bargo bo delayed pending de. ba te by the couocll. . .

p rem ie r P ierre.L aval o f .F ranec oiid Capt.' A nthony Eden o t Great Britain , reaffirm ing the ir loyalty

■ to th e league, agreed th a t tlw couOcIl s h o u l d examine thaj Franco-Britlsh proposals a s soaa. a possible a f te r I t meets. ' ••!

“A ny final settlem ent m u st be .icccptable to th e league as well as to the two parties,” Eden said,

t h o commltteo then adjourned • “ •.urday'.: when It-w lll dls-

Oy STEW ART BROWN (Cepyrialil, 1935, United Prew> noM R . Dcc. 12 (ai:i—The or* .

ficlal offlco spokuim an w arned newapupcrmen today against ex*

jeesitlvo optim ism over ItAly's full- acei'ptniico of the I-'ranco-Brltluh pcaca plan....^ n tlm aU nR -that-.lt-w ould-be-seT -r- eral dnya before Prem ier Benito MuiuioHnl- replies, tlie spokesm an said:

*‘W« hope the Paris niiBgcritlon will form Uie baaln f o r 'lu lu ro nc* gotlatlonu. bu t cxccmiivo ..optim ­ism on the p a rt of new spapers would only crcatc dlfflcultlo.i.”

Tho government, he added, Is itudylng the propOMln w Uh.bciiev- -

olent consideration" ' bu t tim e w guld^T>e required.

Ouce Studies Plan Meanwhile. Prem ier Mu.isoIInt

..a s p reparing to Inform Cren t Britain and Franco, and througU , thsra - the League of N rtloajt, w hettief ho would accep'. tho I F ren ch -B ritish plan for nsUlc* - h un t-o f th e Itallan-Ethloplnn w ar a s a. basis fo r discussion.- He w as cxpected to accept t h a . . plaa; foi* discussion^ and nearly

l e v ^ ' Itn llan hoped he would. iThere w ere rum ors th a t. In ac*. ceptlng' IC, ho m ight speak before tlie senate.' M ussoU n l^pen t th e mornlQg . w ith Fulvlo Suvlch, foreign under^ - secretary, Baron Pompeo Alolal, his league delegate, and hla A f-, 'r ican advisers studying th peaca ■plan. Foreign office officials p re ­dicted he would no t reply today to • Fiance and -G rea t Britain .

Careful Con»lderatlenI 'T h e proposals a re very com - ;plex and technical, and r tq n lre ’Jio m o st ' careful study,“ tho • ipokesman explained. "This is a

ib lcm ‘ fo r I ta ly and- a I s lo n - t----- ‘ ■...........'* -------- -

ncUon on 'tho oil embargo.'


B r it i^ , F rench ‘ E a ro j^ Will ^ Q d p f f id a l Oopiea to

.B thiopiiuu.Isen ten c i' fo r- s la j te g h e r • ----- ----Iwith a oUpper; w as denied a sew] triM to d a ? ^ b y 'Ju d g ? H , S,..W .

B y EDWARD W . BEATTES 10S5,C ult«dP n;rt)

C on vict^ Polygamist,. Calling {inAnd^iars^ ‘‘(?ldd to Go to I^riso^

Inabfnr a s hla .rejection of th e ,.lan would k ill It, and m ake rig id enforcement o f ' league penalties,’ Mussolini w as again in the c c n tc r ’ sf th(* picture. H e seemed to havo takea no ocA in to h is cottfldenee oa to the-i m anner In which he would reply- to thd F rench and BrliUh, o r tho lim a '. ' '

Satisfaction a t receip t o f. th o ‘ plan- w as < unconfirmed. . O ffic ia ls ' ^ Id th a t regardless of i ts u ltim ate fate. I t represested a^srcaX e ffo rt a t condllatlon, fo r which I ta ly w as g ratefu l. , . . - • - : ■

:• w m Send AloUl "As aooD a s-h e made know n >hiii

dedalon. Muasollnl .w an ' expectcd - d ispatch ^ B an a Pom peo A lo la i,.

t'cbteT ' league .delega te^ .to .Q eL neva to cohfcr w ith P rem ier- L *-, va l of F raaee and -Anthony Sdeif,: BriU ih u iiU ster fo t- le s ^ e - a t t a i n , ' '

I t e r e w a s 'so m e . '^ p u la r object U on becauao' the '^ la n does- n o t p m td e fo r eessloa o t tw rritofy la . eastern E thiopia' . whTch ‘ •would join E ritK ii and . I ta lian Somali^ land.’ and- isolate - E th lop la .-from French' and British rSomaUlondi ^ th is WM; coB n te rba law ^-.by .th o -te rrito rlia <

KINGMAN, Arlz.,' .b e « .. ;i3 .J . (HE) ~ X ' convicted poiyjiamlsl, w ho callcd,,-upoa-hls aneestors to '.w itaesa ho w as fo llo^ isg : la

- th t l r , looU tepa today awaited ' pronouncem eot.-.'of.- sentence

whUd..» Ju tyyw as '.aelectod -to ■try, a n o th e r : believer l a p l ^•' m a fr ia re s . i' . -- .1 .; c .-'8peiicer; .S ho rt' Creek,: , confsssed:- - t^ g a m l s t .


d d td -they Would carry th e oase to .the iJn lted S ta te s auprame ,

'c ou rt. If necessary, to obtainlegal saacU oa f o r 'th e i r r ^ - ous . beliefs.. . tnclufUng ‘pluyalm sttiasta. - ■.

to 'w lpo 'ou t polygamy. In north - ;om .A rlS0na. w as jubU ant over his'success JB tha Spencer caM

• and' rushed ' aelecUoa'-of r* - ju ry , - to .to x iT ? rtc o '-J .o to io a ,'.- .* e ^ -

of t h m defendaaU aecused of I " - - . - - - - V T r i a l c f 'f l l l y l a .A l l . - .

t« ^ 'r s c t iT 6 d j

__________ Jio .w est.team ,!r!)ia ''the '.'17ew '..T eat'S 'day I

I 'g o o d ia ^m ia ' aa-ha: w i i i .Xran^-T

.whlch"eoo*- a ls ts of. o n e .m an . one wonuut a n d the lr-o tisp ring ." bo^shout-

• e d .y iT "d e B iim ftb a t'3rbu. Juror* , build a bridge o f A m erican la w ;

.'over th a m oral •!» m sa 'a laadV of'^AzisoBa.” . ^ - ‘■. •D efense. - A tlo rae jr . VJjSorr

la n i a g t w u -a - rrd lv tn e com- land fro m Ood.-"-.':: '■pioawraUcn -. p t .SpeM er . Js:^

...... ‘, __ J m in i s g t ’ -feot^you'/

. l.t*etf.;,;of;. th e m ;-> ^ .; ,p jT O

iSIr BWney B irto n dan l. British and F rench ministera la iend to hand :o fflc ia l.cop ies ol U w Fceach-B rttisS p laa fo r aetUO' m en t-o f the Italian-E th top laa wai

,t o ' t h e govem m eat tomroorw ; * Lwis le a n e d ;to d a y . ..

' Tho ta O s were x«c«veoth lsm om lng .

jt>wUl be necessary to vend the la h 'e lth e t 'b y ooorler o t -wlrdwa ) S m p e io r H alle'Selassie; a t hU

Dessya headquarters.;

inorih a a d - th o provisloa-lor,lta5»VI Ian eolonijsatlaa of i*- *'•- *— ■*— | tg Uw south;

i s E i i i i

■ MX th e d e f« B d a a U ^ 'a e m > < of th e B anbeilrian-tm t-?»hlcny

............ ..____ ________ ,M onaoa) '^ Q rc h ‘-

, touchia*. l f i w b < ^ - t t e / S M ^ f f ^

.............. . *


Ita ila t t-c o k ttU a a tio a -- ' ' a lal p p e fe rm m t;to « : , ,

J m e y - P a r t m - ' C p o r t ;

Ipw doai 'would waitvii

b e waa


Two IDAH'd EVENING tlM ESrTW IN FALLS, IDAHQ’ ' '.TKuraffny,' DccemTj'fer'12. 3015

Seven Dolcgatlona Refuse to ‘ Adm it K ippon's Claim to

Se.1 EqunVily

fCoiilliuicU rrom Pnpc O ne). F ranco, nnd thp npokcsmen for, the

-JtAJlan; South- A frica, AuntTTillnn a n a C:vn” ‘li“n iIck-Kntlon.i.

Lord Mo m pU «poltc n l ItnRth, boUv AC. Uio- opcnlijj; iind • Iho-Vjloflo fif. toUay'n inccllriR, r"ln»? i;rcu t ilclnll In expounillOK Urlt- iiln‘« rcM ons.for opponlnK inu Jiip- iincsc claim.

Solid Jlfiii«tnnco . D d rp ilcH were lmprea*«(J by the

\in ll AtiJ Jiollclnrlly of Anglo-Amei lean rM lfltaneetoJnpjin'B dcmnndi

Corbin wn» tho only ap tak e r who rcfm lncil from uttncklnf; ibe Bub- nUinco Tof tho Jnpnnciic claim . IK »«i«Io II c k n r tliu t f re n c h objee- UoQs to Ibo Joponesa propotUL w ere bnjietl prim arily on NnKano'a f ita tcm rnl Ihn t Ja p an odvocalcd a commQn upper level only fo r the navlrfl of Japan , Brita in nnd the U nited Slntes , Icavinj; F rance tmi o th e r nnviil puwem to (riill along'.

Rct'latcrinir strontr objcctlona to t h i s " procedure, Corbin moile U c lear th n t Pm ncd coiuilijera hcrsell one of Uie principal nnvnl pow en and would be unwlllinf; to rem ain OB th e fildcllneinwhlle England.

'U n ite d StnlM a sd Ja p an a ttem p t to come tu it{;reemcnt.

I ta ly Enipliiilio 'A C m lro l Clndimiro Plnl, Ita lian

_«N K cam an..j:alecQ rlcuU y_jcieclcd Jn p a n ’a demand. V incent MusJtoy. Cunada's / i p o k c s m a n , Stanley B ruce. «pealtlnK for A untralla. and C. T . To W aler, head of the South A frican (Iclepnllon, follov.-rd the t'cnen il line o f the nrj;umenlJi a»l- vonceil by Davi.i and Lord Munsell |n recohllnK the ir opiwaUioa To tho Jiipnnnio thcsln.• Aji tlie dlJicutwion proceeded. Ad- jn lra l NnKiino Xrequently intcr- poAcd repUeii to tho criticism s of th e Jnp.inciic-clalm.'■ A communique iiaued n ite r to- Oay's aculon, w hich laated n lltUe m ore than an. hour and a half, nold:

------ "DlBCUM lon-of-lhe-propoBal-ofthe Japaneao de lep ition .fo r ft com ­m on upper lim it o t naval tonnaee continued thla morning. StatC ' m enta w ere made by deletnitea oi th a United S tates. A untraila, Can'

.ndn. F rance ,' G reat B rita in ondSouth A frica, cxpreaalnp the ir view o f tho explftnntlona Riven by Ihe Japanese delesaU on rec a rd ie c th isproMAaL

J lU plien F rid ay "Tho JapaacBo deicRallori will

rep ly tomorrow to tlio observatlonr m ade by the o the r delesntiona."

O eaplte tbo teno r o f today’a '( ta te m en la , tending to Isolate Jap-

o r 'th c m cctlo t' and announced.he naw no reaaon to change' Jnpna 'a a ltitude .

T his pronouncement indicated tho conference Imd reached ft r p lc tc Htalemate.

A t the conclusion of hla rem arks Nngnno said hi] would reply In

.g re a te r detail, toniorrnw to c riti­cism!) of the Japanese plan.


L oren Bruns, .uophomore u t the University o f Jdabo, soutbem branch, ho-i been ple<lf;ed to Delta 1*p I O m rsn. national bonnmry. <irn-

' n intle society, following his np- pearaneea In "C rleket ort th« Jlka rth ," ‘■CoiinJielor a t Law” and ‘•No More Frontier." 'Word htui also

. been reeelved th a t Druwi nppoarrd ' an n c b rli ic t p layer In tbe iinnuii

Dcqembcr cohcurt o f the unlver.illy - conecrL ^ n d .rcccuLly._____ •—

TIME TABLEScheduled of pa -w nger train s

and m otor stafren passing throURh T w in Fallji dolly are iui follows:

OltEUON HIlOfcT tiN IC eoAtbouna

No. SS4, leaves 0:&0 a . tu N o. S72, le a v e s ______ 2:15 p. m-

N o. S71. IiW estbound

N o. 503. leaves _

Dally R iee p t Sunday N o. m to Welin, IV. 0:30 p. t

N ortbtraund ' N a 3<0. from Wells, ar__2;00 p. i


A rrives ....... .......C:10 a. VL eaves ______*----------- 0:20 a . r

• A rrives via N orthsldc __ 1:20 p. rL e a v e s __________ 1:30 p. i

A rrives ----------------------8:2S ji. t

Leave* — c ------------- 10:55 a . JA rrives ---- -------- ^-------7:45 p. iLeaven via N orthsldc _ 8:03 p. t

• A rrives -------------- 2:58 a. t


' Nortbtwund X.enve8 a. r

t A rrives a t Hailey « 2 p. m.)

5;Sb p. .m.

| . ^ A / S ^ \ V V

SILVER PURCHASEMorgenthau Announces Sh ift

In Policy; Says Program O a rtin O ut Lnw

e for tho toT-

-liargCM o t robltery nod r«erlv> Ing stolen property . Two youths under sentence of \IeAth for klll-

. Ing ft polk-enmn during a hold­up. tei.lltlr.1 tK nt C lark p la jrd thp rolo or Fuglii, ciuiehliig them In stickup technique.

(Continued from P ncc One) tho United S ta te s du ring the la sty e a r ;- • ................

.Sllrnt on CWnft M orgenthau declined to onsw er

. d i r e c L . ^ u e i i l i o n a * hPil ; bought silver In China.

In ft formal sta tem enti Morgen- thnu wild:

to carry o u t

’T he.secrc lary of the. treasu ry la nuthorlzeil and directed to p u r­chase silver n t home n r abroad, fo r present or fu tu re delivery, w ith any direct obllgntions, coin o r c u r­rency of the United StAtes au th o r­ize^ b>- law o r .w lth a n y funds In the tre n s ti^ n o t o thehvlse app ro ­priated a t such ra te s and n t such lines, o r on such ternui and condl- ions fts he m ay deem rcaaonoble

nnd most aUvaotageous to tho 'pub- InlereBtsV

.• I*ubllc In te r ra t .Vital Morgenthau. In rending his a ta tc - le n t to newspaperm en, em pha- izcd thc-lft-nt phrase regard ing the ubiic iatereat.I ji te r ho e m p h a s l i^ th a t he

ould no t dlscuos the reported- fftli- ro Of the treasu ry to support th e

London m arket this wuelc because II was no t In the . puWic In terest to reveal tbs dny-by-day opem - ti<m»4a-«il.-------- -•

News in Brief—JlcoiIen.ii£.tba-i:vantns-Tlmu.

^JP|J_b3r talvpbone. Th« num-

nepo rta Uleyelo T beit •THeft o t a bicycle from the Wel­

don home. 503 T h ird avenue ea has been reported to the police.

morrow a t 0:30 p. n

Go to Coast.P lanning to spend t'be holidays

w ith th e ir sons In CslUimd and a an Kmnclsco, M r. nnd M rs. 11. E . Powers, iOmberly, le ft today for the consL

H ere F ro m GoodingMr. nnd Mrs; M. E . Brown, Good­

ing,' have moved to Tw in Foils tO' make th e ir h o m e .' Mr. Brown, will

In the e lectrical departm ent of C. C. A nderson'S Golden Buie pany. ' • ,

Return to Gooding Mr. nnd Mrs. A lbert Brow n and

fam ily have retu rned to Gooding following services hero yesterday for D eputy Sheriff H enry C. Glv-

D inner Seheduird Picketbi Progressive cla.ns will

hold u pol-luck dinner tomorrow n t 7 p. m . There will be election of Officers n sd a ll m e m b ers.o re .re-

itcd to be present. I t Is staled.

A t tbe HoRpltal P a tie n ts ndm ltled : Mrs. W. C ,

Mu.ignive. F iler; Bjtby Loreoe Bott nnd iiaby Ledcno Bott, Murtau: 'Mrs. ISd Brown nnd M iss Gol__Moore, Buhl; M rs. Charles iCoIt, Kimberly. P a tle n u dism issed: U lss riuby Jliibbell. T w in F alls ; L. C. Meyers, Buhl.

Charged Cruelly On cbnrges of cruelly . H rs . Eu-

nltA Vlnlch has commenced suU la ills tr lc t court from J . 1C. Hnteh. They a re residents o t Buhl. The couple m nrried the re Dec. 20,1027.

e the p a re n ts of one child custody :tbe m other seeks.

She aslui al.w fo r $75 m onthly a li­mony fo r the sup p o rt o f herself and child. Raybora and Xlayboro

h e r ftttomey-s.

Dinner I*lans ilToropI^ted.P lans w ere completed this after- >on fo r holding tbe annual dinner

meeting o f tbe Snake river council.Boy Scouts of A merica, a t the P a rk Iwtel a t 7:30 p. m. today. Election of o fficers will take place, following the session w hich will be addressed by C hief Justice Itay-

T ruck n rp o rtcd S to len--------■-In ltddUIon to tho reported theft

of 13 head of bogs from th e Kim­berly s to ck ^ r d i i sometim e early W ednesday morning, I t w as learn­ed today th a t a truck w as stolen

's a rao j j g h t fro m ' tb e X D. -----jo m rancHTTHftte eas t of Kim­berly. I t Is lieile>-cd by otfleers tha t the tru ck was usc<J in which take aw ay the bogs. \

Klivaols r iu n Dlnoer-D.-xneo .A nnual Klw anis ladles' night

p a rty in the fo rm o t a . dlnner- da n ce 'w lll b t held-W ednesday, of nex t week, eommenclng a t 7 p . m., It w as announced by U>« commit­tee a t today 's luncheoa session. The a ffa ir will bo held a t Radio- load. A Jvin. Casey w os in charge of t*xl<iy's,proirram. the fea tu re be­ing a debate by M .’ C. BoUoagcr, sefliat.-. nfrirm ntlY c._enjL ^R f’— • H ulchiW K K U _»ph9i?ioi5,.negfci^on the question: "Resolved thal tb s power* of th e P residen t should bo penaoacaU y Increased." They wer« presented by Gerald W allace, high school --tiebate coach. O ther ffuesta w ere E dw ard L ...C u rtis , Spokane,, regional Boy, S cout ex­ecutive. who spoke brietly . and A n b y Frederick , a re a executfvs.

All thn enscniiai fac ts regard ing

d n u n a com ing to tho 'ldaho the­a t e r F riday nnd - • Saturday.

.C la ire Dodd and l>atrlcla EUls cotnpieie th e tr i-s ta r casL Tbo p ic tu re In an exciting ta le o t n n hoDcst sports w ri te r Involved in a punliling net. Sheirlng fo r h u t times n t the-Idaho today U J o o K Urotvn In “Slx-Day lU ko U Ider." Coming Sunday is " B a r ZO JUdM Again," bringing U op. A long CftSAldy back to ' th e

.wcreen, . ' • -

Tivo Song Hits'in .Oiferin^'-a.tlRoxy

Iho . ..........................a re avnllable to Uie public, the sec- retnrj- eald.

CItni Wllllngneim H e cited an nn Inst^uiee o f th e

trcnsurv's wllllngnewi to cooper.'ite w ith congress in tho silver pur- ch.iiiro tho fac t th n t It hiid f u r ­nished nil facta re<iueated of I t by Bpnntorlnl InvesllKiillon com m lttfe he.-xled by Sen. Key P ittm an . D. Nevndft.

Morgentlwu sa id tho committee had been well pleased w ith the trensurj’’s cooperatiiin.—T ho-Becretaty-saitt-theTB-waa-Tio change in the trea su ry 's a ttitu d e of opposition tow ard repeal of the ta x on silver tm nsnctlons w hich has been .advocated by Sen. P a t McCarran, D^.Nev.

SEE U. 8 . AS KEY TOKYO, Doc. 12 Jananeae

financial cxperia. believe th a t the fu ture course of silver rests upon W ashington policy ra th e r than d e ­velopments a t London, I t w«u learned today<

Japan'fl bunlneas 4s only Indi­rectly affected by tho preaent s i l ­ve r situation, b u t th e nsDoclation o t silver denlera refused to tbe a price for the m etal bccnuao o] th e dlstucboQCO la thd nrlmturi

i>e one of - 'w atchful waiUng."

Will Itetum to Bolso Mrs. Louis F .-D ie h l nnd Don

Lyneh. field repreDentatlvcs of the Twin Falls nnd.Dolae Business u n i­versities, will re tu rn to Boise to ­morrow to resum e activities In the copltni area.


tJi« destruction o t tb e dlrlgll A kron, cl^ristened K new ue- s trbyer In h e r fa the r 's-bM or In launching cer«msnl<« a t Boston-

■My O ther Me” and ••First Kins'.' r two ftongs cspeclftliy composed

••Manhattan Moon." now a t the R oxy tlientcr. Dorothy Pnge, Tn- illo a ts r m aking h e r screen debut in th is Unlvcrjwl picture, oppo- Blto lUcardo Cortez, sings both wngfl.

A comedy, “G reot Idea," tw o ncvelly nnils, and ' News E vents eomplelo Uia Roxy hill tonight. B uck JoncH in T h e TI

I---- HAGERMAN— IH ig h school pupils drew .nam es

du rin g the p ast w eek for tho cx- chftnge of C hristm as g ifts ; A sboK holiday program wJIl be p re se n t^ In Assembly before vacation.'

M r. and M rs. Leland Green

In th o Gooding hospital, ■. Ho wl be called John Daniel.

M rs . Lottlo Green is S a l t Lake O ty a t the hdn1S>ot h e r daughter, M rs. Lewis Owsley. .

••GnuiHma" 'M in ard ,' who h as been sW ousIy ill fo r the .past three woelM, la reported to be Improved.'

L loyd Jensen , who has been em-i ployed a l T housand. Springs, tho paiit two monUu, h as re turned-to

D r. and Mrs. P . Kennlcott.ro moving this w eek into t ___lew home bu ilt on th e site, of the

Ke'naicolt, Jr.. hom e destroyed by f ire laflt»sprlng. Mr. and-M ra. P. K enaicott, Jr.. w ill .-move ln<o the other K ennlcott hom e.'

M n i. Boy Channel h as returned to h e r homo la Warysvllle. Mont., a f te r several wceloi' visit,-nt- the homo of h e r mother, .Mrs. £ m m a Jenkins. •, ■

M rs .’ O rvllls D rake entertained six guests a t a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of the sIxUi birth - (I.iy of h e r grandson, M arvin Boyer.

H onoring the W rthd.iy of th e ir (atlic r , H. B; Gilmore, rocmbcrs of th o Cilmoro fam ily m et a t tho SllJMt Condlt homo Suudny w here # - b lr th il sy dinner 'w fis strvcd— 2 i rvlDilvos. ■ .

NEW DOLLARW ASH IN G TON .,D et. 12 <L'.i:)

— U ndo Sum^s Clirintmas g if t to tile public—a bnind new $1 ' ^ Iv e r curtifleate—c an be ob ­ta ined a t m ost banks beginning D cc.' 18, Secr«tarj> of^Treosury H e n r y - MorgeaUmu, jr.', a n ­nounced today.

T ho 1030 'm odel bill has a a CpUrely new design o a the back w b ic b presents bo th sides o t

- th o g rea t seal o f the U nited S ta te s . T h e reverse u t the seal, appea ring on tbe tjctv bill fo r th o ‘first tim e, show s a a unfln-. lalicd pyramid, surm ounted by o n eyo In a triangu lar effec t ftjicl beorn tw o L atin mottoes.

T he m otto above tho design is , " A n n u it eoepitis,” meaning " H o (Cod) prospered our en ­deavors." Tho low er motto is "N o ru » :o rd o seclorum," which tro n sb te d says ‘'A new order o f the ages.'*

T he obverse o t th e ntal is .tho

A s lover and singer. Law rtrieo T lbbe tt s ta r t In ‘•JkletropoUtan," enabling , p i c t u r o 'f o n s once ag a in to th rill to th e goUen voice th a t luui ihodo him fa - BMos.' V lrg tu la DnK« sutd A lk e B radj_w T5jU sflJcn turtdJn_th lsi_nciv producUoi} Mhieh open* tut engageisent>at tho O rpbeunt to ­m orrow, W ill Rogem in "In O ld K entucky" closes i t Orphe^ u m lngagem eiit.Jon lgb t.

News of RecordB irtlu

Ftm ernls

JO RD IN —Services fo r M rs. M a­bel L . Jord in w ill be held tomorrow a t 2:30 p; m . o t tho T w in FalU m orttinry chnpei. Rev. E . L..W hite, M ethodist m inister, wiU officiate ond' in te n n en t 'w ill be In. Twin F a lls .cemetery. M rs. Jordin, .pio- ------resident, died Tuesday.

K EIM -=W . H . ICelm ,-Haicllon, killed near here early Monday, will be pa id final tribu te a t rite s held Ibm orrow a t 1 p.‘ m ."a t the D rake chapel w ith tbe L . D. 8 . church In charge. In term e n t w ill be- In B ur­ley cem etery.

l e a g c ra tn ra i

D y United Pre M ia .,

Boiso ........................48C algary .........:___ ;20Chicago ............_....30D enver ..................;32H a v re - ......................3<H elena -....................30Kallspell ..;............. 32Miles a t y ___ __.,30N ew Y ork ......... 3<Pocatello ............ ...HOPortland ..................US a it Lnko ................30San Francisco ...,_50 S cattlo .................... -14

Y ellowstone- -ICftnsuii C i ty ............23Los Angeles ___,.,,..62O m aha ...'.................22S t. Louis ............... 30

Resident of County Farm Passes Here

George Jo n is , 70, residen t fo r the p a s t y e a r n t tho county farm , died this moraing, n t the hospital w here ho had been recclvlnpTrcnli m eo t fo r pneum onia since Satiu '- <lfty. V, ■'

Me w as bom M arch 7, 1850, a t Oshkosh. W ls., aflV leoves no know n relatives. F*uneraJ services will h e held S a turday w ith burial a t F i le r unOer the direction of the D rake m ortua i^ .


3omins of E lo c trid ty Eos Lessened Kerosene "Uio

lo South

T O i S . G i l E YImpressive H agennan Piineral

Services Offer F in o l .■ • Tributes ,

By U..JU B A n ro R D NASHVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 12 CUE)

—Tlic kerosene lamp c ra th tbe PennfM<!«jyi)llfX/i»rm,nr«a.la psss- n g nnd even th e legal, hftttle be- ween the TVA and public uUliUcs, enranllewi of the result, w ill hove ItUo effec t In ru ra l progreas. -

F a rm ers a re s it t in g bock and votchlng the dram atic fight,-; as- urcd th a t they soon will have full ieneflts of electric power. Their

jompaoy. r- Becelro E lectric ity

According to David U lllen lh a l Urector o f the TVA, o n ly 8; per c n t 'o f the farm ers In th ls area

w recci^-e clectrlc power. :-For am tbo Tennessee E lectric Pow-

. company ’haa neglccU d thenj, ocordlng to r6corded testimony,

ind even ha s ' refused th e ir vlea « r service b e c a ^ i t w as s o t pro-

iea SIay, '______k>n crews ever th e s ta te , s t i „ ng, up lines, w hich In nutriyilln- tanccs nerve on ly one o r tw o .das' « m c n In an en tire communltj^' .. "The sudden spread of thft-1x|toci ompany’s systcm -ln to runU areas leretoforo-aoglMtsd-is-traceahlo-to be agreem ent two years ago 'ween tho TVA and po---------ionics In Tennessee, Alai icorgla.

F o r a rcducUon In ra te sla rt of u tilities, TVA a g n ---------o en U r any a re a a lready served y one o t th e u tilities un til tbo

»m pletlon of N orris Dam,F a rm e d In 'th is a re a have hailed

he coming of TVA and tho prom- fled cheap ru ra l power.

Seek to Circwm-ent TV A : , On the o the r hand, tho power

realizing th a t .if and

iJ.ct up..5M ‘? - ^ w l n tpw na,M ^ .Je s on ofrcody esHiWlsEca s js - ems will .clamor fo r fu rtb e r ' re- luoed foteji o r TVA se rv ice ,'a re ry lag to keep TVA o u t by getUng a aheod and bolding the .author; ty .to th e old agreem ent. ■ •

damage Suit WUl ;i Reach Jury Today

Case of 'C . IS . Carson and Minnie3araon,-M ontpcU er,-seekinRHH) dam ages from tho J . C. Pen* aey Co., w as to go to the Jury late .M ay, follow ing conclusion xsUmony. The 'defense rested thltf sorn ing , and reb u tta l testim ony was p u t bn by J . H . B am cs, ftttor- aey- fo r tho' p lah jtlt t. T hla ofter- oon w as to bo given over to ? — •-

je h ts by a ttom oys, and in s . . Ions of Judge A . B . Barclay,-be-

whom th e cose, 1s being tried.

Truck Demolished30>Foot Dive

;AN, Dec, 12 <Speclai)By

;o e a p « death n e a r here - - „v week-end when a :n t« / truck.

Irlven by lA Vonne Boyer, le ft the rood near the Al Penfold farm ond plunged 30 fee t over on embjmk- nent.•W ith Boyer in tho tru ck were

Ralph Hulmo, Jess Sands, Richard rucHcr ftad Charles Carey, a ll of A-hom were considcrnbly c u t ond irulsed by the wreck. Tbe truck, n .ro u te . ta.BliA0.-\vaa.<!cmoUahcd..

Amerlcon Indians tiacd totem poles for tomboloncB a s w ell os for Jol worship. Aahea of crcmoted

were placed in tho poles. ^

PLAY SANTA to YOUR FE E T Give your w orn shoes new U^o by having u s rebuild them tor ■you. Your fee t .w ill enjoy the com fort and .pcouction rebuilt ohoes con afford them . 132 Sbo-

-ahonfl 'WeaUTW IN FA L L S S U pE BETA IR

HACERMAN, Dcc. 13 (Special) —M rs. Caroline CrMIcy, 43, Iiloun- ta in Home, w as paid impressive final tribu te Tuesday a t tbe P a rk Opera house. Q uantities' o t ftornl offerings boro messages esteem.' Rev. Clyde T.' Dille>*. pastor of

tho N azarene church, Glenns F e r­ry, aoilated by Sen. 'W^.-piaunei andV lshop tm e rso n PugJnlfsr^an- ducted the rites. MuslcAV

C. Peery . M rs. J . BapUe and Mrs. George l*nlraer.

G raveside services were conduct­ed by the Union Rebokoh lodge. Actlvo pallbearers w ere . L ester W icklund. Leslie Sevey, R alph Fal- ton, J . W. Jones, Gus Conrad and W esloy G launer and honorary pall­bearers included L oura Lemmon, E m m a Sevry, A u d rry O ork, 2va Skinner, Flossie M arsh, N or» Fai- Ion, E d Owsley, E d Thompson, W. Dickcnson. 1*. O.- F ra rler , Guy Lemmon and Roos yinoh.

In term en t w as in tbo I . O. O. F .rmeteiy. •M rs. Griilley, who spen t 6>ost o t

a t a o * Boob StorcL—Adv.

-------UNCLK JO E-K ’S-:— .

E E Q 3


P L P 8 — C om edy-N o\-t»y-N ew


. ToUspin T n n n y In - -I'OEEAT AIR M YSTERY"


N O TE : I t 's AU In F nn . and Wo N c\-cr Raiso O ur I*rlce«!



F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A YFlouf, Gold Specif 48'lb. Sk. $1.29Salad Dressinig TT Qt-JarTSScCrackers, Frdh Sodas; 3-lb Box 35c

S c h i 111 ni Coffees' - E o i^ specially ^ '

- - 2 9 c 'E sther WiU give

[• jw u —new una—w - ---------r .—

l ; a £ u . r “ ' 2 ' i . t a : . . . ; . . . 5 7 c

Fancy Chocolates . . 5-lb. Box 95c Raisins 4-lb. Pkg, 22cDates, Fancy Pack.. 2-lb.Pkg. 19c Lemons, Fresh Stock. . . Doz, 19c


.pew ert

1 7 C

Com Meal 9-lb; Bag 29c^ 8 S

Oranges Med. size, 2 Doz, 33cGrape Frmt Doz. 33cQi ese, Full Cream.. .. Lb. 21cL e t t i i c p . ' . . ; Head 5c

Falnuts, large Soft Shell Mb, 19c» ( OUR MARKET

S H O f iT S H C ia —

% ;o m STEAK— . Pound;

,4-lb. p ltg , .

15cV Z A L B O A ST 8— Potm d—

BACON. SQUABEB,P o i m d L : ______ _

VEA L S T E A S - Popad ..:,............ 15cB E E T P O T EOASiP.^Poima

i o c ; i a i 2 c

J . P — See The Unusual — ?' | ■

[ “CRY BABY ACT^’ I» . ~--EUN S T A R T S A T s 'P . J VI. _ . J '.

! F R ID A Y , D E C . 1 3 T H B A R N D A N C E S■ ' ■ ' ■ '. ' • - I

[ R-A-D-I-OxL-A-N-DI

Tiiiirsany, DucmiiTicr 12, 1M5

■^FimclES' cliriatm as Holiday DcsSg’nated

By Board tw Dec. 20 ' to Dcc. 30 . '

BURLEY, Dee. 12 (Spcclal) _ E urlny nchool bonnl' m e t Monilay ovonlntf lo fjJJ tieveral voatjtciM w lileli Imvo occurred du ring the p u i l nionlh.

Relit T . Ilyile wn# eljscHU t<» tnlcu llie pluce of Cllfronl MuUl. k in M muaic Instructor, Mr. Mulll.

, kin havlnfr J«en elected tnunic In n lru cto r n t-A lb ion SUito Norm al HcljooJ. Mr. JJ’j'de, a f,Tfl(Iuat# o / Unlver»1ly of U tah hns been tench- tiiff In -P reston Junior hich ncliool fo r the ptx.1t two year#. H e liao Ii.Kl one sum m er aesalon a t Unlvcr-

' s ity o f Idaho.Thu position belnff held by Mrs.

R . D. Armstronfr, o f Rupert, na L.-jUn and EnfflUU Jnalnjctor, will lie U kcii by MIm E the l ^ I r U , jLTOmc, a gm doute o f Unlvcrnlly of WiuihlaRton. P revious to tliM ycrftr «he tuu}{ht*f6r 10 yearn a t Conners Ferry , Idaho.

Ml«« UuUer K csiciis Th<» prtm nry poalilon, modo

Cdiit Ijy reslRnntlon of MU.i Ruth liu llo r In prepuriiUon for he r mar- rl:ijto, has been, taken by Mlsa Ea- tticr Hiirdlnff, Burley, tin Albion N orm al jjruduatc.

Tho rcnlBnnilon of MIm 1 W rlKht. tcucher In thdnchool for several y»ars, i ...........ccpted anil Minn W inonu Calkins, H urley, wfw elected In her place.

t l i n fo r her m nrrlngo du ring the holidays,

The board decided to c a rry In­surance on the Aoven school buses tK'Klnnlrii; Jnii. 1 lo the end of the yoar. Tho Insumrico covcra nccl- (I'tnt and public linbillty, and waa i;ivi;n tho company ropreaented by C. sr. QvcrhoUzcr.

Schoola v/lll close fo r Chrlnlmaa vaciiKojT on Dec. 20. to reopen on Doc. 30, N ew Y ear’s day will bo ti holiday. The bid of tho Stephen­son Sheet Metiil tfompoay woji r* r.'p tcd fo r tho InntaJIatlon of - Jilolter In the hlRh uchool building tuirlny t ho Chrlntm aa holldaya.

What Other Papers Say -O f-V a n —Vlack-Siayings

A 81>ERUY TllLVL Ja to o d ; bu t how th« degenerate (Idaho S tn te sm n n )* ^ • ' IrlmlntU .flmilil'foully m urrtir-tho

ProsccutlnBT A ttorney Edw ard woman lie professed to love. In tho BalKock of Tw in Palls county la way he did, and no t ta k e ' his ownquoted 03 declaring th a t he will a ttem p t to have the V an Vlack m urder tr ia l a e t fo r Uio present te rm o f court.

Thu oyea of Idaho and a goodly IK>rt!oti of Uie United S ta te s aro upon th is m urder case. V an VJocJr Li en titled to a fa ir trlAI. B u t If there ever w as a case w hich called fo r speedy adm lnlatratloa of Jus­tice ihlu caaa calla fo r It. F o r If delay la perm itted to follow de­lay, as in 80 m any c rim inal cases, then th e public mind will lose th a t m uch rcapK l to r tho c»urla ; ad- vocdtea fo r direc t mob action will

;lven cinother ta lk ing point';' >mlnded perijon# will bo en

couragcd. In ihe lr crim inal tea ' dvnclea.

Two (now three) heinous m ur­ders have been commltte<l. L«l Justfco a c t quickly.

- TH E VAN VLj\C K CllIM C (Oregon Journal)

Van V lack confenscd th a t lie m urdered Mildred Hook, 22, his form er w ife. I t w as, on his ownj Jtat»;ment, prcm edlU tcd, pjannedinM.t In



ll.be lhc*dlnposltion Of In E ngland, under the

presen t codo In th a t country, caacs of Uie kind have been dlaposeil of in thrco o r four daya, aomctlmeu

few hours, Iccludtni; execu­tion.

In .M ichigan, In 'Auguat, 1031,

ipurJcrcra" killed four young peo­ple. A fte r cap ture they confcased. T heir confeaalon occurred n l 0:05

m. They were sentenced a t 8:M the aaw e day. Ai:d a t l i ;< 5 oo.

tho aamo.'day, 0 houra anti ho .min­utes a f te r they confewied, tlie threii klllcra wero In the M ichigan nU to penitentiary- to acrvo th e rea l of the ir Uvea fo r the ir crim e.

life a t Uie aamo time goes beyond all human undcratandlng.

Over in'Fairriclil a w oman walked Into the abode of a nelRhbor, ’ahot her to ■ death and • then returned to her home. In this cane the tr ia l and verdict of tho Jury prcacnta trav<;i)ty on. Juatlce. How aiich crlmo could be committed In' n i t spcctable c o m m u n i t y , and tbv crim inal go sco t free, la aomothlng th a t m ust cauao grave concern .in every community. I t Is n o t atrango th a t thero la a contem pt for ][tw and to r courtn o f JuslJcc «'hcn aueit things ore posalble.

Down In tho neighboring town of Bhoshone, in a drunken de- baucii, a helpleas old roan waa slaughtered In a moat revolting way. A visitor from Gooding, head of a fam ily—a Wlfo- and several ehlWpcn — ft creature kep t from w an t by the generosity of his gov- em m ent, living on relief, m ade hla w ay to Shoshone th a t ho m ight tho be tter to Indulge his depr.ivcd appetite, arid there butchercd the

of the house. Thu only cx- he could glvo for hla revolt-

:rlmo- woa th a t lio waa too drunk to know w hat ho waa doing. Ju s t w hat p a rt the woman of th t placo had In 'th la foul m urder will perhaps never bo Icnown. The prlti- d i a l crim inal cacapcs w ith it. lift term In prison while hla wife and children aro no doubt le ft a chnrgi

I society.All In all, tl)ia prc.icnta a aorry

Idaho hua no causa to be proud.

MORBID SYMI'ATHY • (Sa lt Lake Tribune)

Intelligent p o o p i e know, though they nometimeu full to comprehend, Uio advantngea coded by our nyatem o f ' ‘

ALITitK. AfiMka Crft.lu-ally clvlll7Jiti,on U m aking an Ini- preiiiilon'on A lltak. rcnioto Indlun village of 73 Inhubltanta on the southern tip of K odiak Island, bu t fo r tho m ost p a rt life, goes on It did dccadea ago.

M ost significant chnugo Is . .. neat tittte grc<;n school house, fac- ‘‘ i; A lllak bay, above the hausen

tho vlllagem Tlie town Is loearcd , tho treeless p a r t of tho Island,

fac ing the open sea. Tlio only veg­e tation Is ta ll graa.i, moaa and n few ahrubs. •

.Quilt or Logs Homca of tho Ind ians a re built

o r -logif, cast up by the tides. Their time la spen t in fishing, hunting and trapp ing , according to tho aeaaon. L and o tte r nuika firs t Jn tho fu r tak e , w ith ' ermine aecond ■ and varloua opecles of toxen thin). U air /icalf, liua le ii .py prim itive methods, yield cooking oil from blubber and floor c rlngs from pcltn.

P rincipal Item of villagers’ dlyi la bear m eat, from tho g rea t K o­diak beara, la rg e s t in tho world, somo of which w eigh a ton or nmrc. W iea one lit «U fplus m tftl la (laltcd away.

SHOSHONE STORE SOLO SH O SH 6N E ..D oc. 12 (Spcclal)

—■W. E. Gro.is, Droprietor of tho.

BURLEYU nlren ilty Guild m e t Tucaday

evL-nlng a t the ho m e of Mrii. M. II. King, w ith *lliui F re d a Core ill .cha rge . Ml;m V irginia D arling­ton ,reviewed "My Old ^Vorid.■' by P lm m ct. A-goneral dla'cuaiiion wan hoUI on the compael.ian o f school

. -...jynLcniu-af-CcH nauy.. F roncc. and A m erica. Mra. K ing apoku on; M ark Twain, in celebration of the

-----lOOUi nnnluornnry of hlM-blrlJulay.S ho rt social m eetinga wero held

• by th e thrco L . D. H. Relief ao clelleii Tuesday. A t tho fira t‘w anl mi'ctlng. Jfw . Sylvia BarJow «poJf<

- <in "Tuberculosln and Freah A ir,’ iind Mra. M arla I^n B c tt gavo i retold story. Refreahm enta w en Horvcd by the officers. Projecl w ork waa outlined to 42.membeni

. o f tho aecond w ard society, aiid m em bers whoae blrtlidayu aro is Decem ber served rcfreahnientji. ._

Mr.i. H enry Van Engelen enter­ta ined the G, E . club .TueadiQ- a ft­ernoon a t a Christmna pa rty . HIglj

•neons pri?-o fo r bridgu w ent “ . M n . George D enm an, and frenhm ents w ere served a t tables decorated In keeping w ith tlic holiday molir.

Amcrlcnif A saociatlon of Vnl- ve ra lty W omen held a luncheon m eeting ‘Saturday a t Albion Nor^ 'm al dining room. w ith , the Albion raem hera a« hoatessea; D urlog the ....................... ia.JreDii.Bucklcy.'a .tap

cauao he "told her. fa th e r he

Uona.• Thero la a coae. In point a t Twin FftUfl. wlicre Douglaa Van VluCk.

iconfeaaed a laycr of u kidnaped woman .and bn ila l killer of an Idaho officer .o f the law. la a

“ T S F' i L T rv S T

acrloua}y tt'oundcd a .depu ty aJjerlff

dancing team enterta ined w ith nov- c ra l novelty sum bara. Mlaa Har» rie l T alf gavo a ta lk on he r irav -

. els to the O ricn t'nnd told or her vinit laa t aum m cr to Japan , Chimt,

. H aw aii, rhilipplnca and A ustralia. She dl-jplayed 'artlclea from those countriea. A forum m eeting will

' Ik* held Ja n . 11 a t Burley. Tlio Btudy' club m e t W ednesday nlgbt will* MIsa Ann# Swceley oa hoat-

P. E . 0 . m et M onday evening a t the homo of Mm. Charlcn A. Torhune. Mra. Ida P a rke reviewed th e book. ‘’M ary of N aziucth ,” by M ary Borden. The club will hot m eet again until 'Jan . 13.

___ _ m an of Van V lack'a typeunderatanda is tho old primitive law of "an e ye fo r ah e ye and ’ tooth fo r a tooth.".

B ut,V an V lacira case will no t bo dlspoaed of^ao eaally'am!-<ialckly. U ndoubtedly a ttom eya will bo em- proyed o r appointed to defend him. i> robabli_ thc_ro_w !li^^tt Inaanlty and tho atale w ill B T pu l to the g rea t expcnao o f a, IriaJ. Uhlcsa- the prosecution la aueccas-

I VIEWT ho Junior glrla ' carnival

• -iJanee haa bci'n poolponcd to F r i­day.

M ra. W llllama H axby has seesr- cd employment Jn tho Cottago hoa- p lta l, Curley.

nabclla, U tali, to m ake th e ir home. — if r a . J c » )o -.Sloker haa bcea

caUcd to Ogden by tb o ’illncaa of h e r daughter, Mra. M orvla VenC: ab le. •

M rs. Glenn W orren . and chil­d ren hftvo accompanied M r. W ar- « n to W oodland, Calif. .

M ra. H enry Bkiycr and two chlJclrcn and wl. C. W oodbury at- tended tho Cannon fmntljr reunion

■ In S a lt L ake City la a fw c e k ;• M r. and M rs. Theodore Bur*

,'g c sa were buslneaa vlaltora in Salt , . liHke. C ity-;recently . M rs.' F rank

W’rigley 'accom panied them liomo.< Cucata loa t week of M rs. R.'<G. H. H araton wero M ra. S. B.

. . NorUi ond aon, N orm an,' Loa An- gpica.

. • M lsa E sth e r Hardlng> w ho haa haa been teaching th o ' th ird and fo u rth gradea of tho View school, haa accepted a . poaitJoQ iQ the B u rle y seh o o la .. .

Miaa Ona !v(o h u returned, to• B u tte , Mont.i w hero aho ta cagag-• cd in -n u ra ln g .;

- O tftc o ra -<i»f-:the,.IQilBbthOQa_of, Y outh club a re D onald MerrilT.

presiden t; Burton SHcock. vlco p m ld e n t; - E ugeoo Cunnlashara, aecret&ry: Phyllla .WiUTen,. ro-

' no rt«r; Sm ith 'S en rle , m ualc }ead> • e r , .and .Thereaa I v le . 'l l jn i ir ito '

H o t roost Turkejr^SandttlcIi with th e trim m ing* SOc. Buhler** tirlU C afe. . • •

dcnco to persona accused of crime.,DU ...vq lu r tui:,. I ^v cjy bulw ark of defehao Is acrW hy should n o t the flendlah actl®°™'*‘ ^ fiendish m ur-

o f Von Vlnck be accorded w ith tho Courta rcqulw corrobora- mo mvift Juat Jca’ confe. ialona, appointW'lxy flhould there bo In the ^ “ 'O-io who are

courta tho long-druwn-out procc-dure, when a ll the facta a rc luiown,oeknowloagoa-and-rocordod-7--------

Evc'rybody known, or ough t to know, th a t thcno tangled. Juggled labyrin th court tria ls and poat-

.......... .............- - reason why


TH E VAN V£.<\CK CASK • (idftho F a lls Post-RcRtstcr)If the f a c t io f the double lillling

a t Twin Falla a re aa reported In th'o ncwnpapefs-tH tre la no '-qufj-' tlon w h at tlic m ajority o f people In Idaho w an t donu w ith the- con­fessed aliiyer "ofTiia’ pro 'tly young divorced wife and a a tato truffle

Uio prouccutiun, to lerate per- n ln te n t_ I IIw y c ra who In^iTpac cuim tlesa. excuacs for delaya of judinncnt,' give the dcfenae a r ig h t uf appeal denied the pronccution, aail t))cn ti;ra eonvlct.i over lo p a r ­don .boarda who act upon superfi­cial knowledge of, ( a c u and u'xcr- clso extrajudicial power, by Invnllr dating a nyatem creatwl and main- ta lnol to pniin upon evidence, sc ru ­tinize. wltnesuca an d ., determ ine culpability.

2« «pl£o of /ill these'dh.vtnclen lo -biv»uniio,unted by nro-iecutorB act-, ing for ti'iQ protection of In'w-.abid- Ing clement!) of ever>- community. tli«r»- U4-C -mprbld .m r ju hystericnl women and Impreaslonnbli; chil­dren who lavliih atten tions and


S alt L.1I10 C ity vLilllng itr a . iv-m- bcr’a alater.

Tho honor roll a t Superior In- oludi-n the foll<»wlng nntncs: Emlllu C<iri>}ati. fIglitJi; .Mnxl/ic son. nevenlh; Uominglo Corpiiin,aU th ; Helen- CoJKa ftml J«;.iHU 1, .1,,,, ,-Xi.rclno.l la Kr.nic.- u Jagela. fou rth ; C enevlevo Johnw a regnUtlona r.-aultlng from theth ird ; t.dm und M artin, aecond; and j.-rj-neh wirn- decreeNorm a Ju n e R.>bcrlson, firs t. ‘

Tho ohllilren of the Fiiirvicw school a rc p racticing for a Clirbt- niiLt p ivK tam the)’ h'Jjj jir<-scat, Dcc. 10. a t tho Falrvlew lull.. Tho Falrv lew G range m e t Frl-

iliiy evening w ith a very largo at- tcndanco to enjoy tho Jilaho prod-nets supper. Six new member.i , , , , ,1,,

g iv e n -th e thlr.1 and fourth]L-s. Gcork’o L eth wua i-lMit-:! - .O rtihiary Wiiio

(f,( ;( -S tr lc t control of . . . • ...... ........................ the noiiii-nclaturc of fine w

Hcglonaimimlttoes a c t under natlonnlj iiiimltteen to make iiure th a t tli(|

q tiantlty of wlno will no t be In- t-roii.ii'd a t th« .expenne of llie. ([uallly. T h ia h.ia been ihn ten-j deney hi tho past, • partlculiirlyi w ith clmmpatn'ea which have bern Infi-rlor bu t have atlll born the It-

dei'rees. George L eth .. m aalcr; Raym ond B a x l.., iiccr; Mra. Alfred K ram er, lecturer; Mra. W illiam Chambers, oecrctary; J-Jlvln Noh, treasu rer: Seward King, Jr.. stew ard ; Mra, Luther Howard, chaplain; Chartea Bran­don, g a te l!ecper;_M r. and Mr.i. E n ieat Vosa wero olycte<l aa.iL'it- n n t fltoword and lady 'aanLiianl s tew ard ; Ida Hudson. Ccrevi; Dor­o thy Campbell. F lora ; Doris Camp-' hell, I’om ona; -Anton Such.m. 1

Ortihiary In the lu tiire all excoan of S.OOO

lltera p e r hectare, or hIkjuI O'JS gallons per acre, will lie cla.incd a* ordinary wlno w ithout being enti­tled to the nam e of cham pagne.

Similar meaaurea are being car­ried ou t In other F rench regloni, where, nece.aaarlly, the reguIatloM differ, aa wines a rc grown imdfcj illfferent conditions In Bordeaux,! Bur;;undy and the • chnmpftgno cojintry.

executlvo Iward. and C w rge, .....................B a x te r 'w a n made buslneaa man- Teli'phone girla of B om bay.. In-

requlrcd to havu apeakliiE

Meeting Attended By Church Council

knowleilgo of alx language,

RUPKRT. Dec. 12 (S pecia l)— 1. . . . . . ..... ..................... ...................Membcra of the W oman'a council v

Groaao D rug atore, has purchaaed iof the ’C hristian church held a!> ;thc Baugh D rug com pany ntock lm ecting Tuesday aften ioon a t the and will take poaaeaalon' aa soon home of Mra. D. L, Carlson, as on inventory haa been com- -l>lotodr-MrrGroso«-|ilans-to-oiH‘rul» both atores u n t i l . a fte r C hrist­mas when he will move hla pren- en t otofk Into th e Baugh build­ing.

When Blnddcr Irrita tion W aites Yoh Upl

soon home of Mra. D. L, Carlson.E xchange of gl^fa, a program 1 ■ ..................n tn .m adoJjp.tlin iift.^ '

ornoon program . Mra. Carlaon v asslated by Mra. F red Schupbach.'i Mrs. P au l French, and Mra. Janies ■’

.G errity. _ | i

wom^^'^who kllla “ik c d d C i i i g h t ' r e d - h a n d e d In the n rcL u n n - to commlaslon of 'atrocioUB a.naaaalna-

ho IB ____ . . .thlo fiend . . . and hij can be prop­erly called by na other, n a m e .. . • will dodgo tho grcatoBt pcaolty Idaho law provide*, death by hang­ing. I t Would be unfortunato 'bo th fo r V a n V lack and fo r ooclety, Bhould ho ho allowed to 'c o h o h it w ith o the r m en In the a ta to ’a prla-

thc rem ainder o f hla life.^ t ua also hope th a t V an Vlaclt,

If hla fltatem cnU nro tru e , and we have no rcaaon to 'doubt Uicm. go ta tho full punishm ent . th a t Iddho law allbwa. I t m<Jat never bo aaki, rogardleaa' of any circumatancca, th a t thin n tate condonea slaughter

a a wholesale acale...

A F B A R T C t PICTD RE (Hnllcy Tlmea)

prim lna ilty 'irr Ita m oat revolUng form haa cursed Ihls' -acctlon ,o f tliB a ta ta In recent wcekn. Seldom

fearfu l exhibition given the Van’V lack dou­

ble murdA- In Twin Falln county. K illing of tho officer under the clrcum aldnccs m ight bo uniler-

tlioir own huslmnda or sw eethearts.Crime will n o t decreaae nor the

nancUty of hum an life be hcM Inf high regard un til tho law la a d -' riilnlatercd p r o m p t l y , adequate penaltioB aro Im partially admlnla- tered and sentim ental moi-ona atop glorifying bloody-handed butchers

HOLLISTER. A play, -'Looking, fo r M ary Jane," will bo presented In the high school auditorium ‘D ec .-13 MlBS M arjorlo W uratcr h; direc t­ing the production.

M r. and Mra. J 06 Abbott, for- mor Hollister rcsldenUi wlio liavc been llviat; a t Tcwnscnd, Tcnn.. have rctu .xed to mako th i l r home liirc. •

M r,.and Mra. Dlcl; C arter Imvc mOvc.l from '. A m sterdam Into the S. P . Halm rcaldeilco on Idaho avenuij. form erly ocruplo>l by Mr. ami Mra. Byron KIciokopf and fomriy. • - ■ ■

Tueaday evening, b rld g y club met tlila week w ith Mra. Jenn ie Hill o f Filer. Mra. C. !•'. W uratcr, Mra. C. E . Jenson and Mrs.- J . M. PJrrcc wwj priaca.

A unual election of officers of- tho H olllater'chapter, O rder of the F .aa>m S ta r will bo held Friday e v en in g -a t th a , m eeting la tha Maaomc hall

Books suitable for Voung and 014 'a l C lo rlto o k Btore. ■

Pines Quality CoalL ' . ■ M INED A T DDffifl, ,WYO. . ;

E I n Dine's Coal You Get Quali^:" g*

sA t No Exba Cost

• , : - Saclt-A tV arfl - D eU rer^ lOOIb*.

S T O V E ■ R 7IS • ' fifih -60nWTTT > 'R9.R ,P P A < . - 7 0 0 ■ 7.78 !40cSLAOiC ‘ _ g.00„..T„.-.36c

F L trS X ^

'■ A '

- S ' -



A eto ia th« X rao ^.O . a . ' t i F a n e n g r i '

\ m w q o D ,


These Genuine “Walk-Over” Shoes Have Sold Regularly at 1?6.85 and Are Here Placed'.in Three Special Groups.

u G R O U P N o . 1

- r .r.iw n <m.' ••y.'I.'l K'ni 'I'ii-. 11' S lin-1.\V;is .S’O W -

$4.95GROUP No. 2

I th ick .-Iiul ]>r r ill Icaliiui' i r

'ilo lie s w-iili jv il- hvcl, W ;is :ri:,Sr..


GROUP No. 3vk- <

$5.85A G O O D S E L E C T I O N I N T H E R E S T Q F O U R S T O C K


S L I P P E R S A T —

49c And 69c And $1.29 P A IR .

TIu’M! iiiclii.lo Uliiclc, reel, b lu e , lii in l jiihI soCt so li'. t l 'O rsiiy ,

fu r- tr im n ic tl, p o rd iiro y n iu l ho iu lo ib sflinpers, VaUio.s lo $0.

TheC I N D E R E L L A



C IG A R E T T E c a s e s and L IG H T E R S

25c to $5.00C O M P A C T S

Y a r d lc y 's ............... $ 1 . 5 0 , $ 2 . 5 0 , $ 3 . 6 0 '

------H u d u u t^ # -,,-_______________7 5 6 - l o - $ 5 . 0 0 .

C a ra Nomo ....... r................$ 1 . 0 0 to $ 2 . 5 0

O th e rs .............../......................... 2 5 « and lip




? 3 .7 5 to $ 1 4 -




$ 1 . 9 8 to $ 1 0

D ow BtN "W b ho Label". 8 yean o R a lio Dewar’« “ No riu.UIU>“,12Tea«old.

S c o t c h

C H IP S E T SLarge Assortm ent—All Styles and Sizes

39c $3.00LADIES'S

f i t t ^ : d c a s e s _ $ 8 . 4 9 $ 9 . 9 5 $ 1 2 . 2 5



s o p to $ 7 . 5 0

T R E E L IG H T S3 9 c 4 9 c $1-89

OUTSIDE TREE LIGHTS ............ $ 1 . 1 9E x tra B albs—A ll Kinds

D R E SN E R S E T SFor th e Kiddies .3.picco Sots :........

-7.ptaL o ^ c r Sels to ..

... $1.2d to $6.00 r S S . l S -. $ 1 5 .0 0


$34.50Eastman Projector.

$39.00COCKTAIL SHAKERSS1.19 S3.1J> S3.29Sparklet and Soda King

' S4.75

M ed als by t h e W o r l d

highest awar^ Iiavo mode J)ewaF^6 a famous whisky. M^a'

worid over have made it a


Pair* Four IDAHO EVENING TII^IES, 1*WIN FALLS. IDAHO Thursclt>7 , Dcceml)cr 12, 1035


tonit. m i l N B A F«>lu

I. Twin Palla. Idaho. |

o t Coiicrttn, Mnftli 3

suBSCftxmoa u t u

,l lo B»clKin tk. :m 'S

Sh o t sW ITH

.The Gentleman in the Third Row

DIFFERENT STORY HERE Republican si)ell-bindei's in ihe niiddlcwest avej p r o s e p o e m

hard put to it, -\vliat with tlu'cats of higher potato] (w iih Apoioaies to the Fe prices as tlie result of the W arren bill in effect onj wi.o invented -Em) nex t year’s crop on the one hand, and the api)cal| '

by M ary R aym ond

wr»tt4 abruad, c

lKCY WAI.LACC. Urlr4 \Vt>mr«sk. iiii« Ikrir daoKk- <«r. Dana. nn« Imtb • 7 ta r lafrr.

Wkra n«aa ayU «* af <k«Malkfr rtrrlTfd

C^arafrAa akrvndlT <rcUra t» ranllalUr krr Brna«daBslil>r*a

2:rSir.';S."K^^kUm b rr for knodaast. rlrb IIONNIM Moonu. W«acT> «a dla- ta rbra b rreatr k tr (xaslirBt


higher priccs -would have to growei-s on the otiier hand.

A U nited Press dis])a'tch fioni Chicago says tiiat H arrison E; Spangler, director of the western divi-l sion of the Re])ublican national connnittee, is w anvj ■ing consumers tiuit “j)otatoes may yet be in the hix-i ury-class.” ■ • I

Tliat has a foreboding sound to those who buy> but i t does hot unduly excite the thousands-of growers, rig h t in this section for instance. Spuds could double,’

r— ■ in value, a i f d '^ t l l k I m n r b r ln g ^ y ~ r r r o r ( r t h T n r they are worth to ])roducers.• Spangler is terribly concerncd over the matter. He

says the ])rojected i)rice increase for tlie lowly simd is " jus t another stej) in socialism, fraught with dan' .ger.-” i\Iy w o rd !

Facts are the allotm ent effective on .an after Dec. 1 of this year, totals 226,600,000 bushels. New regula-

;tions, issued Friday, provide for an increase in the growGi-s’ autom atic tjoc-friie allotment from five to 50 bushels. ' ;

Spangler says tha t the 226,600,000 bushel allot- n ien fcbm pares witli an average cro)) o f 363,307,‘000’ bushels for the period 1928-32; Facts are the toUil annual sales fo r the period 1929-31* w ere 7,500,000 bushels less than the quoto proiJosed, according to AAA.

The unsold potatoes \yere used for sce^;‘To6d on farm s, m anufacture, livestock feed, or were dumped. The A A A estim ated there is a loss of 26,500,000 bushels from shrinkage,' w’aste in m arketing and other, causes.'- • . ■

Ju st to show how Idaho will fare under the act, the 1929-34 average production was 20,83*1,000 bushels, the average sales, 16,605,000 bushels, and the allot­m ent callp for 16,833,000 bushels.

Mr. Spangler and his cohorts should come out to Idaho and tell farm er voters just how ruinous would be an increase in the j^rice of spuds.

OUR DEFENDERS Any way you figiu’c it, tli’e duty of law enforce­

m ent officbre is hazardous. , .Twin Falls county has seen two of its tnisted offi­

cials m urdered as the result of the V an V lack e))isode, a city patrolm an was killed during a seiT.icc station hold-up last year, and not lonj^aftei-ward R. F. W al­ton of ]\Iinidoka county met sim ilar death.

This puts the toll a t four within a two-year period. _ The record is startling and th is arm ed defiance of

tKe law is som ething lo arouse the.,ciLi/iOni‘y, as'W'ClI as officers'them selves."

It m eans th at police cannot take chances, that they m ust be sustained in the .stern perform ance of their duty and th at there can be no m audlin symi)athy if perchance some crim inal is shot while in the act of

.. being apprehended by an nfficer.! ■ This slaying of our guardians cannot go on. Public enemies— and those who engage in crime are nothing less— are too desperate a class to be fooled with. And the responsibility is not alone upon officers, but upon the public as w'ell.

There is moVe respect right now in this section (or the law than ever, fo r the law enforcem ent business has proved to be a hazardous one, requiring courage, and the willingness to lay down life if need be.

Patrolm an-Tom Rdssell proved it. Sheriff Walton proved it, T raffic O fficer Cooper jjroved it, and so did Deputy Givens. '

They have p a id the penalty but n o tin vam

DEEPEST JIYSTERY OP ALL Something o f a sensation was m ade in scientific

circles :i few yeare ago when a California scientist announced tlia t.he had discovered living bacteria in

-meteors. I f substantiated , this.disc'overy would be 9f profound importance as an indication of the way in which life m ight have been brought to this earth fa r back in geologic tim e ., - .■ Now, however, t h e '‘discover^’" seem s to have beenexploded. Research by experts of the Field Museum

. o f N atural History indicates th at the baicteria-dis­covered came out of the earth’s own atmosphere. T he 'm eteor was sterile atid lifeless, a fte r all, when it f irs t an-ived. “ '

In any case, 'w e-should have had only a choice betw een two myst-jries.-Science to date is utterly unab le to say how inanim ate m atter off this earth evolved living forpis; bu t even if it-were pim*ed that life arrived on m eteors^ the inystery wouin merely he' nushed back a step. H .it came on meteors, where i d t f i e j r i e l e o r s g ^ c ? \ _

T he circle o f impenetrable, a^vc-jnspjnng jnystej-y th a t surrounds hum an lifg is still unbroken.

■ “F urs a re -worn extensively'in tropical Brazil.” W hoever w as responsible m ust fonuerly have

. been a n A m erican t)ook. salesm an.,

They probably d o . ' a/g felfowa m.iy end

quently In Jail.I cix>n't doubt It.An overQrown m.in

fnakes a oood prlie And Mho c.irCB?Dut t.ill c e n t , never

cr.ine, thelp neck* And g e t A to re bnck T ry in o 'to see past th

Jilgm er _____A t the

QUITE A CLOCK, VES7 Hon. Cdl.'C onductor:

I don't. mlnU a clock beinR wronc. Mlno iisunlly l«. B u t when u clock Btnrts Klvlng you four dlfleren t tim es on fou r ncpArntc fnctn. I 8Hy. the cnre tn lter or nomcbody n t llio Jjnnk nnd T rust oiiKhlix look -Into the m utter.

YoiiM n t 3 p. m.. 6:15 p. m., 6:10 p. m. o r mnybe 1 n. m.

— Cheerful Earful

%VE STILL TI-nNlC tlio cliuulc

ON w i-m T n c 11 CIlAPTEn IV

rjA N A . watclilnj! th e . rctrcsUne . Ocure oC her haU-tliter; eaiBO

to one ot. her gvrlft. lo tu ltlio decl- Blnna. "Slie's brlary. E te rr Uma you rench out toirard ber. yon cot prleheJ. Bin Ji / iD t k)od of Btitij* a Bncaky pcrjon woulfl «1»« you. tt-s ft rorthrlsbt kinil yoa don't mind ao much. In splta < the fact tha t nba dlslllies no . I'l Dure I'm colng to like ber."

Dana «en t Into iha houoe. ; ' ,“Ttiat you^ Naacyl"

' ■ Dann?*’ Ui b Ir1 replIsJ. hiheart beailDg « lltUo Jasti

I souDd ot her cnndm olber'a folee.

o f oiir Jun io r ChVimljcr pilli th n t colloKc footljftU |;«m e here. U p to wilil p lllnr eatnc nrunninK a

DRRATHLESS N IN E year old youiiRater., Said Iho younf;#li frpntlcftlly:

'•W HAT CAN y o u do fo r m e ’ Snid th e Bllphtly < !w il Jaycci.. •'How U o .l know ? W hafa wroDBW lU li’OU?'-

TH E LAD POINTED to the Zip­per .pockcl of hlo Jacket coot. On thc .slppcr-pocket waa u tiny pad' ICflf.

•'MY T IC K m rS IN there ,’* «nyf . . "nnd r v c lost the k e y .-I can 't

g e t m y tlckct out." Tlic loU didn't siiy BO, bu t w ith the pocket n rm ly 'lo.icd, the Jnyccc couldn’t verify

:lther.prcHC of th a t tickvt.

ANYWAY, T H E K E E PE R ot the partnia decided th a t If thla

(I frnp. I t wan the. bc«t picce rhlncllnR he’d nocn In yearii.

And by n nlnc-ycar-oUl, too.SO H E L e t the younKOter In.

AIN’T LOVE CRA-Nb?c a r Gent:You a.ikcij fo r the 'lowdown on jrloun pernoiia. and rom ance al- nyn malieo mo feci no' uplifted. So here'll rom c’romance.Ono of the younner ndvertlslnj;

folltrn about tow n w rites bo often K»l, friend, who'a nw ay on

:lcmlett visit, th a t lie ha t finally had nome cnvelopeii printed w ith h e r nam e and addrcaji rlK^t on the fron t. F igures if he'o colnp in to —thin—In—ft—wholfwOo—way, thcrc 'n no uso KCttlnf; a n y more w rlter’fl c ram p than he con help.

W haffl more, she w ritea back. Oh,.lndef(3, eho w rite# back. W ith-

I. ono 00-day period, he received : le tle rf from th e p t i triend. W hich Is no t to be sneezed At.

— Solly J h e Snooper

O U n-B U L L E T lN BOARD Note to C ontrlbt—In cane yc

didn 't know, w c wiint only oriBlnal Btuff. fo r P o t Shots. Your bnUti children; n o t /tomo i

Note Ne-. 2—W e've ROttcn e ra l cntertM nlng venien tha t

lonfT w c m ay o r m ay no t have . . >m fo r tiiem . H in t: keep. ’« shorter nntl you'll "rato'^ quicki

YOUR W IF E 'S RICHT D ear Gcmlnthlrow:

E ven though m y w ife aays la y off; ih a t a o y M o g I n r ttc louny. I ’m wondering If "P Show" p lans to aw ard any lovinR cups fo r thlnRs o? merit.-

— The Perfcet Lover


•'OUi? Say. she wa.i tw o years older than Jehoviih’" Local boy's w ay of "Blufflns o f f ’ «i blind date.

— Edna The Egg

W ANT-AD DEPARTM ENTW ANTED — Some m a s te r mlod

to ta lk John Public Into prevent* Inff th a t usual la s t inlnutc Chrlnt- m aa cloK-Up. Sec I . M. Fearfu l, postofflce. ■ '

,T R Y ‘a CORKSCREW P o t Shota: . . '

I know a Kuy who’s so erookcil he h a t to tw ist on his sh irt.

—Jit te rs

OUCHl W E'RE REBUKEDC tn t-in Third Row: • '•

I haven 't ' decided w hetherj-ou’r< erago

iwnrlBht loa'iy- I will s lv e the m a tte r

tbought. • •'N o l t<7»-re.ipecttully,

—T crr ib le T i

nnelllnK: rem em ber th a t roadside sicn, . ’'.StoB n t tVlitcJi-aml'tVTilcn Hotel. N IC E WORM B E D S.'' '

FAMOUS LAST LIN E '. Hrino o n 'y o u r Udder*,

l ack .......... .. - -

8be wondered a t-sb s 'w o b id bccoi^<^'acculIIomed to tho barsb. controlled loocs and mirtbleM dark ejca.

"J wanteiS Nnoej to-do ibe mar- batlns for B4.” •

-Bbe baan't linfl tlrao to cet fcry far.” Dana saia. “Coulila’t 1 take tbo car and pick ber opT Tbco wc could 'market tosotber.”

Sb« Bpoite ta cc rlj. It wa*-ly «llUnB.abaut-Uio.eld.Jiousa. DothlDE to .do. MarkeUns would t>« a diversion.■ "num pb. U rlT ar

ETcr a littk

7ait—I'll•‘Here's wrlta out a lIsL-r

A (ctr tnlDufca later' Oaaa wai drlfJng down tba loos s tre e t.u n der ft ea'aopy ot branchiae elna ftnd oak*.

The car was a dilapidated old model; but It ran. Aod It « a i nice to b« rattllDB alone on a oiee, «ud- Dy day. Oecanionally a pedcntrian tu rned!and foltewed tbe car wlUi curious eyes.

•It'a becawa I'ra a elratiger,” Dana decided. E tldenlly, ovary, body Id the lowo koew everybody e lse.'.H ow dlOcfent fro n tba cos-. mapolitaD European cities, youth­fully Daoa decided abo didn’t mind tbo eUres: it added zest to a com' Doaplaeo mluloo,

i-'VVER tbo rise ot tbo slops sbs would probably flad Nancy, who

was crTdontly a (ait walker lo haro corcrei) eo mueti dUtooee la io •bort a titno.’

Dot Nancy was nol In aigbt as tbe '^ar dropped down on tbo olber Jldo-

Dana stopped the ear. Ictanact- Ing witb the street otcf wblcb aba bad como waa aaotber of Tcry dll- ferto t appearanc*.


:ld taid .

T hey &cre eha/ling Hie c lJ /ria iJ t what tfiej) mowrieJ ll c / ihe Cameron home.

I ilepi

'BpnrU'Rsed meDtaliy. Tbcao botnea evl-

:o(ly belo:iRod to tbo wcalUili famlliea ot tbo town. Tbo ono <

corner, fa r back ftmone Us green acrea., waa a roprodueUoo ot SQ.lmDosIaB.EDEljBb manar bouse. Ivy clung thickly to . tho brick walls and eplrnllcd about Its cblm-

tlie word Daaii dictle's cliarm. I t was *o obTlous- ly new. and exponslTo; Just a rul- c a r display oC woaltb.

A car stopped oearby and a youas mao-' leapcd out and eamo forward.

“Hay* -you -H n t for b e lp r be asked.

Dana turned tba note ot tbo cat I this direction. She would drive ir aotn'e diatanco oo Uila at TO tboronebfare and If sba failed I B«o Nancy ebs woald rotura

borne.Sbo droTi rapidly, tba road on-

ylndlnc Ilko a lane «blto ribbon, and bandsomn hamct. marcbloe past la plclurcaqaa. review. Tbe

sbo was paealag 'sow was aa enormous siroctBrc, eot bleb oo a bill several hundred yards away. Its turrcted tops cleaned brlsbOy

i]er the e iaro of tho auo. A •liable woodland of tre e s . ana

flowerlne xbnibs bed been .rudelr parted lo tba center ot tbo crocads. pormlttlnK thoM pusin it by lo Cllmpto tbo Im nente wbltd etone rcaldeaco.

Out Cana waa deollned aot to paoa. Thero was an omlaous oi- plosion, tbo car oworvod suddenly, and cano to a Tioletit stop.

>rn!" Dana e^fclalmed. “No'wi I’m la for 1L“ . She was thinking o( ber c randaolber. wbo would be -altlne for ber srocories ODd (ould never unOersland why Dana

liad taken tbo ' proloneed drivo fbicb bad ended In a punetiiro.Bbd looked nboui anxiously. ,So

bolp la .s lsb t.in ■ ber Tanioea ’ poaltloa.

tbrousb tall spires o t Iron Daaa

It'p leased 'ber so t ly imltatloo o t an

decided. .Or tb o re ' was i

a t oil. ’.'A coat- Enellab caitlp,** was It FrcnebT o a t of u oia

p u n c to ro r or.BOmotblnc Ilko Ibat. Ant], of cosrss, tho piiacturcd Ui'e was perfectly obTloua.

Sho smlied. " I didn't kaow ez-actJy to w 10 .........

‘T h a t should bo eaaUy remedlod.” aaid tbo atraocer. • " I ’n drive So and telapbone for rou. I t will take sometiniQ lo set somootsa out to do tbo Job. r d offer to Oz the ptino- ture, only I ’m really q dob a t aay- tbloB Ilko Utat.”

”1 wonldo’t have yon ruin those beautifully ereascd trousera to r worlds,'* Dana said, " I ’d really enjoy tbo w all. If 11 w eren 't for my BTamlmotber'fl uroeorlea."

•Trcar e ra ad m a tb e rr There was aurprlacd InUeelloo In .bis volco. *'My craadmolbcr, Ura. Cam-

"Naacy's cw adm olbei'-w by. 1 didn’t know—-• Uo broko otf, em- barraiiod.

. d idn 't know Mrs. Camaron bad another c ra nddaucb tcrr Dana supplied.

"Well, now, It seems to me I lid. Only 1. thought sbo was ibroad—la EoRland or rranco."

'•I'vo lived In both places. My fatlicr was ao artis t and wo wero ilways movloB. I came bere from ?arls. I 'm Dana WcMbrook.-

"I'm Ronald Mooro.*:-nothln]

Dana. Sbo Blad you ca reallratloo < bave&'t calle



Copyrfa t NEA

■aoibl T hat's rlBbtl W bat d' you say 1 tslep'faona and then drlvi- you 00 io towoT W« can buy tb< erocerla# while Ibe ear Js bclnjr Qzed ftod deliver tbem ' a t yoai rrandmolher's door."

'A 0ns Id e a l ' T)ana aaid.. with out besltaltao. Sbo bad aee«pie<> lbs louajt -mab wbo knew bei Eraadnotbor and bor balf-slster a> race value.. . Ho wpa a oieo boy And, besides belas perfectly lal lored. bs waa also baiidsomo.

DurlDB bis abseaco, Dana atudlcit (be hotif#' aad efooaHa asaio «no found moro Imperfections—o serlef

over tho erouails and a fonntaln front of tbo coluaa] pile ot

itoao.Roaaid Moaro had returned. 8.

inddonly. and DOiselemly bad bif a r slipped tbroujb tho gates Ibat )» saw tbe ellglil frowo on Uana's Intent youos faco.

Uo haJpfld her Into bla cor. “Like r ho qaerled, motlonlne toward

tbe borne on tbe btlL “No." Dana aald. "I don'L Somfr

aw iba erounds and th o ' boage don't lit. And I think It was s

clutter np the lawn with fouotafo aotf aH (bo( cUJu,

The NewsBy Paul MalionEzclualvo EvenlnB T lm « Report from th e N ailnii'a ' - Capital by A n E xpert

PRO •W ASinNGXON — X t.\vaa iju lte .

_jjuituaJ, tho way r m i a e n t Roo»e> \t<]t jcot in v o lv ^ off and on Ibe record Iji tlfo consUtutlonal. n r|;u - . mentji on tho A AA before the »u- prcme court.

JIIA Chlenffo. f a rm ' » p « c h wan Tt'ferrra to facetlouHly o ff.|ita |;r b.v somo c ou rt laiv>-eni oa <’thp b n t brief y e t flleO in tho cnae” lo r ■ 5 Rovcniment. ^VJlnt the jt raeaiit

ifl th a t tbe nixoch sc«tnctl to bo subtle AvnmiitK to anyone who

juld hinder o r overlhronr (be AAA proRrum.

Thn w arning iti’allnble lo ail vho rend ncunpnpom, and nuprrmn :ourt JuallcM o re suppoocd to l>«) ho mo«t constant reiidrra In Wa*h-


•R on

turn,* |. crimson. Jokinff, orea 'i youT You

don't really live tbprcT""Pleaao don't mfod. I t wasn't a

fair Qoeslion—and 1 feel tbo same way^bout-lb*-pl*oo,--I-'o»-n#v«r- tbore any moro tbaa I can belp.”

-O t course 1 didn't d re a m - ; ana began helpleoaly. .“Lol'a forget It. After all. wo‘n>

asrced. Somo day I win persuade my father to sell tbo house sad build oao tb a fs more bomfrliko."

ot ber ualnlentlonal ra'dcness. 4 tba dark bluo roadster BQtbered IP .miles and spread tbem beliind.

I t was ridiculous to allow such ,n tncidoat to topplo ber potso aad

make her appear silly and stupid. -I'm sorry." sbe said. -Maybe tbe rtasou I'm -critlcal ta-tbrit I've nor. er lived In big, handsome homes. Oaly in llllio placet o r u> old bouse Ilko Graedmothcr'a. Aay- waj*. I 'n goine to foreet a ll about

'•’Good. Now wo ca'o tblok hboul Ibo crocerles. Hero wo- aroJ">A bait hour la ler the two, buO'

dlfrladeo. and . cbaitias J Jk ^ -o ld friends, mouoted tbo steps of tba Cameron borne.

Sarab tnsw sred tbe 4 o o r ^ l and took tbe packages. Iler eyes were rolllag witb astonlebmenL

As tbe door dosed behind Ron­ald, Dana turaod to faee ber irrand-' mother and' euoL On tbe d r a t ' laadlne o t the stslrway. Nancy-was sUndlog,

."W e were frlfbtened. Daoa.'* ber- graadmoiher begaa. •Tboro w asa't a IhlpB wo coald eet out of tbe aervJco man oxeept tba t the bill had beeo paid. . . . He brottgbl tbe car lo Ibe front door and rushed o(f. I t seems you jnlgbt bavo phoned.'’

- I t didn’t occur to tne you'd be worried,- D ana'said. “I'm so 'ac ­customed to taking caro of myself. Wheo Ilonald Moore came alons* and offered lo pboae and then said no'd get tbo sliopploB doos 1 ibougb It was ftwruliy nice and—''

“Ronald Moore," her Brandmotb- rr esid. Tbe cold look had Biven. way to a different expression. Ebo spoke softly. " It was nice of him. Ronald Is a very alee youag man."

-"Ronn(B,»-Bnld-Nnney;----------------Suddenly sbe laughed aloud. t.od

lb«a, juat SB BUddcaly, abe t u back np ibo statra.

(To Uo CootlDoed)

CONB ut lawyer.-) on tlie o the r fclde.

also brought Mr. Roosevelt In lui thcIr beat w rtncia aBuJnut the j:ov-

nent. In the ir briefs, they citcd . . . . rrea lden l’a A tlantA speech on tw o of the b l);i^st polntn In dit» putc. They used It to contend th a t the purpo.ie of tho pr©cc.«lnff iftx is no t to g e t revenue, bu t to con-- tio l production, and th a t th e AAA

ct wwj no t cmerKcncy IcRlslntion.W lmt tho Preoldent snld' In Al-

inta ond In ChlcftRO wnn to tho rfcct~lK il“ UiipMV<r{niD'nmni(i:* ’

..ons w ere duo to th e AAA, which brou^bt control a n d llmitAtlon of production, thus Incrcaslnj: prlcfB. He niAO indicated i t waa a u\t)ii-r perm anent proRrnm.

Thuo. the Preflldent'rt un p rfc f- _.>nte<l appeomncen la the cnsc i.j>- pcorcil to cancel off.

You May Not Know .That-^

O n llic ro ck s in one p o r ' t io n o l th e S a lm o n r iv e r cnn j'o n in c c n trn l I'tlnlio, m cniljcrs o f th e N n tio n n l G cojrraph io Bocicly p a r ty in O ctobcr c liscovcretl In -

• ilian pa in liitga o t m e n a n d n n im a b w h ich m ny bq of prc-C oliiriib ian o r i k i n.— N n lio n a l 'G e o g r.- ip li io so* c icly .

Gooding Divides, Vote Precincte

GOODING, Dec. 12 (Special)— t all eiecUon-t he reafte r the c ity

o f Goodlatr will bo divided Into four-preclDcta Inatend of two, oe- cortllns to A decUlon rcachcU n t a meetlnp of .the Goodinc .county bo(ir«l o f eom m lasJoBfnfM a «V<lc.Tbe propoaolfl won hnnilcd to tbe boon!' by a com nltteo composed of A. F . Jcimen, E v ere tt Daub-

,nnd FrtnJc Meacrole.1C reasons Riven f o r , the

chnnce n-tro th a t th e prcclncta bad become unwieldy and th a t the num ber r tr ls te re d In each pre­cinct t.Tently ecceeda the'COO p re ­scribed by ItMv 0J1 the mnjclmum lumber. I n the la st election 050

,>ersonii were rCRistered In e a r t _____ ___G oodioc.nsd 1.077 In w est C ood-lrslher."• iR preclncW. .• . , - f '-S o 'th a t'

N o sugseBtlDns were ma<le as to nobrrly. .' ■Tkat'n all."

m tB y OHvc R oberts B artoR

"Oh. Moni" Lefty, na the boys called him, .cnme ruBhlnR- In from school, ‘T m to bo in tho pageant. JJo nnd Ted nro to bo ft rclndeei

"W Juit?""Ye#, I 'm th e front, and he 'a t

back. And I 'vo go t a p a tte rn and sample. H ero they a re . You

on'y malto I t ou t of brown stuff. I t ’s .ten cenla n yard . U r. Hawks in ge tting mo horns. T here 's go­ing to be e ig h t reindeer. Mike Vcronlck'a goUifr to be S a a ta Claus nnd there 'n going to be Mothei Goosea and J a c k Ilom era and thi

U ra. D lack a n t down. W ith ' nil she had to do, to have th is wished on h e r now. "Why, Silas, 1 don't aee how I con possibly t^o it. I'm

m a ted I hard ly know whet “■ . .m . A ll the . cu rta ins to do and ahoppln;: and everything.

'•I Juat knew It." .L efty a n a :. his fingers, and gava n little stamp. •1 Jmew, I couldn 't b e : In I t * said you w ere busy,"

•'I 'm sorry , dear, bu t I can-'t.' 'W here ore you goln' to<lay with

n m o G o t fo r Bridge 'T o Mr*. A rm our's to play

bridge. I haven’t tim e to goj eith­er, bu t I m ust. • I c a n 't offend her. Dut. th is la m y la st p a rty until " --• itm aa . W hnt's th a t? ’’

t up. " It 's t c u t ou t t'

a ll," said his mother

wlint names would be given ihL ‘prtclncliTbUt“n i 6''bounaiir1Cfl ! denned. M ain s tre e t, wblcb form erly tbe dlWalon Une ^or

the 'prec inctS 'W lll dlvldo th e c ity Into halves east and Vi-cat. The other division will be form ed by the s ta te highway, over to Fourth iveoue, thence down F ou rth ftve-

ju e lo the Bhoabono highw ay and ou t the highway td th e c ity limltJi.

■Art{r”lUHOi'T«a*Kune'ln; ___ahe say 's^ea'T Lefty greeted him.

"Na. B ltt'e too busy." ’ .■•So'fl-mlne. B u t say. I ’ve got

p lan . I f tboy*a glvo U9 twentj-s five centa apiece, to g e t the stuff I be t you any th ing we c 'd m ake li relndeer-sult. Anyway.' w e could pin It. > Say, I know. Mnybe tha t girl In the s c ^ n g macblne

dow w ould, do I t If we d id 'a em iads .''

Mtb. B lack fe lt guilty, bu t ahc d idn 't budpe. She knew th a t John's m other would run a f inger over every ch air and bedstead la the house w hen she Cftme fo r the holi­days; ahoot up Ihb ahadea to nee If tho to p saahea w ere poUshed: and smell tho ailvcr to see If It needed <^eanlng.

She w aa looklnf? fo r aomethlng in tho .h igh boy, w hea o u t fell pixlr of p in k stockings.

O ut o f I le r On-n Childhood Suddenly the ContatA a ll came

back to he r. She wa* twelve then. Sbo hail been one of tho "maldena’' • , " E sth e r."

How she had had lo^plead nnd . ja x to g e t b e r costume madel How h e r m other had fuased. B ut finally aho w as pushed off, and go t Into place ju a t la tim e. 'W hat n good tim e they a ll had ofterw ardl a h a fe itB O "in " th h jg a . F o r years aho remembered tb e j u n of th a t nJghf, «ntl thd tu a t about going.

Sbo .tolepbooe<l M rs. A m o u r , len w en t to the alore. Home she

re lum ed and c u t ou t the deer's aldn. Tho electric machine b e c u to bu2i '

'I Just knew U iat g irl wouldn't It," aho heard L cf ty a voice la ter abe Ued the ln«t ihre’ad. "You

c a n 't bo la thlnga when nobody -ire s ."

vcomo here, S lloa." ' L efty aad Ted appeared. She held up Com-

'•U o-thcr!" L efly gnibbed her— ilde, hn lr ond all, and rested his ^heck a n in stan t on top of her he ftd ,- 'T lia t'f l BweH," Jie-cried.—

Sw eet pa in squee2<^ .her heart. Sho k s e w jo y . w hea aha saw it, nnd tlia t aho bad added one more m arke r on tho road o f memory. Copyrig h t . 188g. ^^EA Serrlec, Inc.

Soiind te e th contain much ,molybdenum than decayed leeth, It

w ln-'hoji bieca found.

H I S T O R Y of Twin. Falls Gity & County

16 T E A B S A OO

, W th a very brief Ume Jntei venfng.betw een now and Christ­m as Twin F a lls mualciona a re co- operating in the presenU tlon of H andel's "Meaalah," and a re pre­pared to give a g rea t deal of Ume lo perfec ting themael vtirious nartov ;

D irecting the work is H arry Bar- ro t t and th e singing will be done by community alngers; Practically every cbu rth and lodge In th e city la represented In the personnel of the chonia.

T he p ro g ...... ........Christman eve .and ___ ______u n til about m idnight’'T ho offei la g of tho "Messlah'^ I s 'th e m ost am bitious . projec t ever launched by local alngcm. *

2 7 y E A E 8 A G O '

•S tate Senator-elect M. J . Swei le y le ft lo r Bobo ycslerdoy o - legni huslnesa. H e w in re tu rn to­morrow, unless Relayed* by bual-

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. %Vhlte a r ­rived In Twin Falla a. few days ogo from Burlington Junction,'M o., and will m ake the ir h6me In this city. Mr. \Vhite Is a b ro ther of John B. NVhlte, t^io well-known real •c stato '-aen lcrr-T liey-T utT O form ed n partncrahlp and wIU deal I n .d ty aad country property, bav­in s aecured a n office w ith J . BcnJ- HaU a e x t- to the Times office.

F ra n k S. Iteld .of tiie young city of W endell w as In tow n today. He

News Behind

A ll Industry seemed to be rep­resented At Goorgo I - D e r r » peculiar convention. The Invltn* tlon refnsftls tient In by th e m a­jo r Industrial m u s t , have bren for official effect.

O f course, nome l n e n » n » f e sthnding behind t i e jhnrblo col- iirans, peeping ou t, O them nf- fccted m ild «fflclul disgul»M. Ono ei-en tried to get » prr»». pOM from a ne%«tnati so h« could be up fro n t to ob«er>-e aJi th a t Avent on w ithou t being •!- ficially In attendance , aUo, nwvrly e^■cry Industry a lreng enotich to employ o Wiudslugton lobbyist, »ent h im there In one form o r another.

T lia t la to aay, the c x ^ c tM happened. Tbe b ig bu lk of In- diuitry officially boj-eo<ted th*. meeting, b n t did n o t da re Ut k-t such a vita l ga thering go unol>- ■en-ed. .

SELF* HF.LP The fundam ental background of

bualneaa cxcitem cnt about atich u supposedly ^nrepreflcnlallvc gc th - erlng w aa opparently this:

A Bubstxintlal num ber o f smnlJ ladustrlnllBtB are oupposcd to hnvo icccpte<I eagerly M r. B erry ’s In- /lUUon. T hey w ere tbe ones wVo were hclpcil by the. old N RA . Con- (ra ry to the general Jmpre*/'!on now„llM!re were som e in th a t cr.ic- gory. F o r IwiUnce, a sm all nhco m anufacturer m igh t have -been oble to g e t minimum w age ex^cmp- Uonn bccnuBc hl« ivorkcra diO n o r live under c ity s tan dard s o r had gardens o f the ir own. T h e 'b ig city. :manufncturec could n o t ge t exemptk)nB. T hus, tho NRA in luch pa rticu la r • Instaacca was loon to coma omall m anufacturers , •

Tho big m anufacturer could n o ta ffon l'lo -lo t-tho-B orry-eoavuiU on—reach an agreem ent w hich couM bo presented to congreaa a s a rec- immcndaUon of tho sm all fellowfi.

TE.M PIX ,TO TEIHPLE Tho g rea t governm ent pnlacea

oonstruclcd laU ly on Constltutkin avenue aro a lready proving inade­quate to house tho Kcw D eal.

•One new buredu, th e 'm o to r car­rier dlvlston of tho in te rs ta te com­merce commission. Is p reparing to move from tho tem ple provided for the entire oommlaalon. J t^ ia a only IBO emptoycs b u t cxpeets to havo 500 to 000, and th e apace provldetl for- i t la too sm all. ,

Adequate accommodations ha\'« been rented for i t w here j-ou woiikt ilcaat expect. The whole bulklln^ of the N egro M asonic tem ple hnn been leaoe<l in ano ther section o t the city.

W ith Prof. Tugwell In tb e old W alsh mansion, tho M ct<aji .man­sion and under th e hotel roof gard-

w here K ate Sm ith cam e lo__jc, out-of-tow n v isltora tvW

have to k « k fo r th o N ew D eal in I very s tra sg o p locu .

TIMZKO I>(splt« legal delaya, tb e - i

preoao court m ay be expected pass o a EBoit o t th e N ew D eal be­fore th o ^ p re s id e n tia l, ew jipalgn opens. In Dune. T be original A A A . a c t nnd B ankhead c e t a re new bo- log argued. Tbe TVA a rgum en t U a l t ^ r fixed fo r Dee. 10. T tw amended A A A „ ae t (rice ' milterw COM) iriU bf> a rgued Dec. 16. T b« coort h m gran ted n g o T em n jen t- petlU otf t« review t b e ‘r ig h t i* condemn, taod fo r lo ir «of t hooaln^ and Siam eleanlnoe. A n appeal I im m lneat In tb o case o t tb e o( O peraU r,' Jones, who refused lo te s tify before th e S E a .L a w y m In tho C arter coal case (G of/ey ' a c t) a re to n sk th e 'h lg h ,co n r t to . perral. .4>cm to Jum p from th e dla- tr lc t of Columbia suprem e conrt, b n t tho- xoTcm roent m ay n e t co- oncmte. Hon-ever, th e re a re o the r . Quffey cases w hich lead c o u rt at* taehes to bellro a G uffey rulloK

in como before Jm ie. 'ThU le a \i« ou t only Iabei».-rtia>'

Uons, social security . ntUitlea a n d - railroad pcnslooa. A nd utilities m ay psOtbly. g e tj» p - ln .t lm t._ ^

tovm byT C bristm ai, w hich w ill m ake th ings bum in th a t th r ls lo g ‘ lltU o h u rg . ■ • . . .

F . A . Adam s oT B upert w i» in ’ the c ity today. J l r . A dam * is a n : - old new«paper m an; -but h a i ' a o t been la th e huslnesa for some tim e.'

• To Twill Fftllfl coimly roc.i llie <llillncllon of hiivlnfj Uio lilBlicat

ju l i iu o f fnrm lanila of any county In lliff ntato. Tlio to ta l w as 530.' t>l7.3;:2 In lonn, ncconllnB to «(;• un.'« or the 1030 feilcrol fn rm CCD'

Avcrngo vftlue per ncrc fo r farn> l.iiiJ 111 $03.11, flcconcl }il{;hc.it v a l i i f o f ncrcnco In Idaho. Tlilii viiluc, however, dccrcnnod 540.M iiincc 1030.

Spud Output G.ilna Incrcn.'io In putnlo production

wan phcnomcnnt. A vcrngo nlmont trvbU'd In ttio In.ti flvo yearn, In* LTi'iisliiK from 0.89C ncrc.n to 18,- 878. Production Increnncd from 1.- 1100.512 bunhel.1 In 1020 to -1,010,- fill' l;ii»licla In ID ai. Almont 10,000 or 71 per cent more entttc w reflorlod on Jan . 1, 1033, tliau April 1, 1030.

Inpri'ftac.i In the acreaRC iJoMloo.f o l inoro tlinn 300

per ccnl nnU In w heat of thim 5 piT cent, w ere tliu oui- nt^imllii); u;;rlcuUurnl chnn(;en In Coodliij; county. 'Production of

■ ;)[>iiil;i Increajii'd from 100,235 to .'IIS.8H3 huidicin In Iho f lv cy e a r period.

More Fiirms N um hi'r of fiirm.i and rancliea'

Incrfanetl- from ' C31 -to 1,003’ '■ 'iiboTit- ti p f f c tn t , - t Hit-H iH f-v(ili

ilecre.vicd $2,230,000, or 22 per cent Iti the five ye«r/i.

Almoiit COO tiorfiCH and 8,00< more cattle w ere reported In 103.' tli.in in 1030. Cowi Increancd from 5,iU) to 0,020.

The averaRO value per ___ ..f.irm and ranch land and build- Iuk:> In Jerom e county wiui high­e r than In any other county in the (lUtc. The value wan $07.16 p(T ncrc. Tw in Falla county jiofond w itu JO ^.Il pe r acre Canyon counfy third w ith $81.40

Less Drop The tota l value of fnntui and

‘ r W h e a . ln Uila. county, hm i.fallen leM xlnce th e 1030' eensun than the average for the country os II whole. Tho nveraso drop in viiluoa fpr -the nation amounted to 3; p e r cent, whilo Uio drop for tills county wan only 21- p e r ccnt. Tiic tota l value of a ll f n m land for 1035 waa $10,788,623.


' UOISE. Dcc. 12 {SpcclnU — Gov. C. Bon Roiio haii n’nooimced the appointm ent of r>S Idaho nows- ]>npur publlnherA oii memheru ol n ntntcwlde committee, in thu in-

. te re sts of U hlRhwny nafety pro- (•ram, T ho’ purpo.ie in to na.tinl in educating tho driver/i of auto* mobllM ln Idaho "to bo carcfu! niul thlhlc .before they net."Tivln l-'alln, the nppolnterii U. S . Tofflemlrc, Idaho Evetiinc TlmcM, and Roy A. Read, Twin I':illii News.

SPRINGDALE IW ord hnii been received here

thi- douth of MiHn H Itm a Pauline IV'rjr, form er Sprlnsdale residentand tcftcher here for a num ber'o f .......... . .............. ............, ......................ye.ira. Mr. and Mrn. Guii U er(;'nnd| Gcorjfc Croft. K im berly'A dvcrtin- Mr. and .M rn. H arry B erg left er, E . W ; Tilley, IC im berlyH ard-

Pnpe Piv#

O W O R M R A P SA D M i S i m i

B u rle y E d ito r A im s Broadaickvl'uuiriv '7<>oV f‘! r in ^ a i:30.A t D en io cn its ; Sees E f f o r t "M I'Ijo df I 'l r ."

vulav. tvhicii hn.i ^ c c n u rra i-n ltd .................. .L rf.ire nhn..-r,n..t civic ,;aUKTlni::i i'In th li , i" ‘i

To’ C ensor N ew s

K IIE R L Y G IV E S - G I V E N S ,l iU

BusiaCBS F i rm s D o n a te F u n d F o r F lo ra l O ffe rin g s

A t F u n e r a l .

KIMBERLY, Dee. 12 (Special) —A.1 an cxpreaalon of Llio people o f lOmberly tow ard H enry C. Cav-

wlio lost hl.i tw o weeka' 'bat- tl6 w ith death nfter be ln s nbot by irgunnion on Ujo highw ay Buhl, bujiinea.i flrmo and .othem Joined tblB woelc. In tho purcJione of a $10 floral piece, fo r tho fu ­neral. W alter Sbiughter took chnrRo of the worlc, and a fte r purchane of flow tn i turned over t bnlnnec of $10 to Mrn. Givena.

D onon to IJie fund included. S laughter's m arltei,-K . W. Dodda, Clias. W oaacb, F ra n k Wi_ll!amfl, Kimberly M arket, Jcnnlngn B ar­ber !ihop, P a t Malone, E . W . Tato,

M onday for Nam pii to '\ ttcnd fu­neral iiervlcen.

Rlmo Biirffncfls. 12-year-old of D, M. BurRne.u,' wad painfully

-:-loiur4)tUfacauUy-wb.>a-ho fd l.Jcom a hay nlack, running: tw o tlncn of a pitch fork, into biu tiilgh.- Minn Naomi Broiiabn In nbaenl

from iiehool suffering wUtIi.(}uln8y.MIsn D orothy Schultz under­

w ent a recen t operntlon fo r man- ' told a t the Cottage boapltal. She

hii.i been ill . fo rn e v e ra l monthii niid 1.1 receivlnuJiospltol trea tm en t fo r the third time.

M rs, Lucy- Lltnon haa rc ti____home from tho Cottage bonpital n f te r rccelvinK trea tm en t fo r a 'fc'eelc. - . - ■' Several farm ora In th e commun-

■ Ity -aro improvlnfr U ie ir property by installlnB water, nyalemn.

Mnt. Alvin O rchard. ,a form er re.ildent. hiiii rctum cti to b e r home in L cw hton, X}tali, a fte r visiting friends and relntlvea berc.

Grocery, Independent M eat Co., Sinclair S tation, Mack Allcenn, Ridgeway F iim ituro and H ardw are Co., Idalio Pow er Co„ ■WJbioiuBro3,.SehtL’a.GftraBo.JSm . eat Bradley. Savago Produeo Co:, K im berly E levator, Clyde B. U r­ban. W . A. D. Stowe. Bin Blun- don. C. J . Green.' C ity M otor Co., Guy Wilson, - How ard Douglas, K im berly Club, W. A. 0111, Lloyd S. Jonea. O. J . Bellwood, a H. Dentnn.- Tom K agel, John Hardin, and M ni.'.T. O. Neely.

WENDELLM r; and M rs.-Torn Gatca affd

fam ily. Los'A nBclea. a rc vialtlng w ith relatives and friends 1r Wen- • ;ll. • ' • ' • . '

Mr. and Mra. Del A rm stronjr.arid F m n k A rm atrong hov^ gone to California, w hew tbcy will visit.'

Thia artlBl’n portroj-aJ ulion-a how th o .c a r from which W allr r I.lKgrtl, Mlnnfiipolix rUlt.n cm aader, wan Killed drew uloiipilde tho edltor'a nrjohliio nitd f ir rd thn IIvb fiiinl Kh()l-< a* hl» wlto niid daiiRhler looked on in horror. Ixifl, M ardii UB';c-tt. tliu fliihi pubHnhrr’a rlBht-.vnvr-old datighier, w hoV aw tho aaaaaslnntion and crltnl ‘'D on't dir, daildv, don’t die.’

Mr.t. Ann;i I s(i1m;11o W agner. 70, n l III licr hum.; on' S ix th tivcnuq n t l.'i.it oii-nlnc followlnj; a lln-

:i. lihc; wim tilO Wlf.1'. ...^ \V!i):n<T. who preccd-

. her ia dfiiih in Soptombcr, H onry ' C, Dvvor.h..!:, l l u r l . - y _ ^ ,•w ipnprr’ mAn, <lellv<TCii an at-- | - | - n f H O n i A O ' linrn-.Jnnr S i, lflC.T; -nt K rans- '

lack on thi! I)i-miicr:«lic iiiluiinin. * I HI \ ■III |\ \ 'lUi-. Iml.. Mr.t. W agner hnd boea trillion lit WiiHhlii(:t<in In an iitj. U _ I M i j I I n i l « nwlclent of M.ihn jilnee II'IS and drc.’i.i hc'forc KO jn-niiin.i nt a illn-l <;inio lo Twin I'all.'i from EUcn ia

rl( h<>l--l last l i n n n r n n i l i n p " a i - n m em ber of tho‘ venlnir. | ULA 1||L * A M M L i J-'ithi>..n chnrcU and of the

The affair w ai pr.v.Mr.l' over; i i r n II f 1 M I h r ‘y K, N.' I’ctlyi;rm 'i', K.-piibliortn • I ^ M U U l U I U 1 U L . | .m,y flvo chlidron: Mliianinty chalrnmn. aiul hricf ln!Ita! | Kinniii Wiiiiner. In idruclor a t Blch-i-re ma<ie hy 1’.. I', I'lirrv. Ko-' ' — ' I i-l .'.chool; Mr:<. A. A . ICngcrt,

(lUbllcan ntat.- chnlrm un: W. 11,: H . 11. Ik-ll wa« cKt I.-.I jn a ^ f r ! Honn.r.-i F e rry ; Mrn. T. H.I.lctwfllor, H arelton; John W. of Twin l;'all.i C ranco la.it <-vi'ntiii; .'-^I'huldt, I'iiicknoyvlllo, III.: Mm. Graham . Twla Kall.'i; him Cuiit. C. iit-a ni>-ollnK<if the orK.inl:-.aUo:i a t I-:. W. lilnxon. Tw in Kiillii. andII. Kreiigel, Tivln I-'allji, jUie home of H arry Nol.'ion. 1 K.lwin .M. U’aj;ner, O akland. Calif.;

IVtlyjjrovc aal.1 planM'^v|.r( im-i O lh-r olfiiicr.i eleclcd aro Tom four brolheni: I'rod Bnmo, St.derway for hiiMlnn ,* :.orl>'H cit ovorKi'-'r; Mrn, Allcv l»w.; l.uul.'C D. M. Urtine, Har.elton;itopilblican nicolinci Ihrouchotil 1''Cliiror: M. T. Aniatif. n tew anl; ‘ f:cciri:<- liriini-. Conant. HI.: Miir- , •’10 comity. . jO- W. J.icki'y, a.'i;ilnlaai ;H«'w.-\rd:i tin Hnmc, I’inckni-vvllle: and two

C ruebi Election U ' ' , t r r i L - . u r . ’r; Mn. John sIsI.t ;., Mr:.. C harlci O m pert.,, • , , , iF<'hlhll.'ien. m-cr«'Lary: C. 5-.. Mi>; piftcUnevvillc, and Mra. O lio Hag-

Dwonihak. who wa:i K,.[.n1,ll,-.tn claln . M n. \V. Wood/..! H ;.;c toncanilldatn fo r con;:r.-.'ii from IhU. O tc.h: Mm. H, C. \V;irIi. Pom ona: i '____________________

•Hon. iiiilcl .Mr;i. J, F. Cordo.i. I 'lo ra: Mr;i. “.W. c:rtK«.'>, lady a.’isl.nlani; iilc.vai


T a n n lc r , S tee le , M c C a u ley in H ig h A v erag e P o s itio n

F o r N o v em b er

d l.'itrict'ln ...........f'l>rc.wnlnth-i‘ K 'ii'vnini"at thri'ali'ncd by th.- N.nv D..:il, tha t the ni-.xt rU-ciloa wotii.

uclal. 1.He docla'rc'l Ihir a .Inilulslratlnn 'ti'

iioUKht to ceii^cor n.nvs, ronlrol llio Cpre:<.n, and .•iuppr<vi.H new:, "an of-l -----------ffcUi'cly na 'i t ] i hcin)j-ilnr;('-?in.' I'ld i cnnrno' d.^r diclaloni la I taly .'iimi otlii-r'TurhrV Dlim-- Kuropcan cuiinlrli-H.'' ‘ ........................

JM 'J 'K in ' J»)V I.V.U.-HKI)d.H . aonaen im 'iuhe ro f Iho c.xecu: r .lH ’EKT. JJ.-c. 12 (Special) —

IV eoninilit.'.'. Ai»: ltoM;ion. on oC U f;ilon Ilos.ien,Mr, Conlc.n »poke on ,lhi* iii'llvl- la r.-coverlnj; from i.ovcre bnm.n on i'M and i)laii.'i of llie Tw in Kj II.'i hin haiid;i r c c lv rd over Ihcw oelt- :i:ial company,

n a « joim tf .Idalni .’iOf. S rrv rd daily.

ItuhliT'H Urill Cute.

nd when be touched the wire at- ai-lio<i to. a l;all he had thrown riti) hlnh terinUin wln-a. He re- I'.atnci! iincontieioiin fo r fcw ral .oiira from the ahock received.

M onthly report o f,th o Goodlnf;- Jerom o Cow Tcatinj; n.iiioclatlon,

today by V ictor Duaplva, tcater, ahown hiBhent avemRca for N ovem ber- w ere nm onp—hcn ls^o f Arnold Tannlcr, Buhl. H . F . Steele, OoodlJiff, und H arry McCauley, Buhl.

Twenty-one herda w ere tested, and tho num ber of head totalled 333. In tbo'aa.ioclat!on aro 40 ad­ditional head, theao belnf; dry. AveruKO am ount o f milk, Includlnfc dry cows, waa (541 lba„ and the avorago b u ttc r fa t on tho same baala woa 2G.3 Iba.

SLxty-four be ad “ Bf cowa -pro. duced an nveraco of moro Uian ■!( Iba. of bu tte rfa t. ,

The T annlcr herd of 23 nrilklnR Jeraeya and one dry, nvenii;cd 073 Ibn. o f m ilk and 30,5 o f 'b u ttc r fa t; the Steelo her^l o f IG m llk ln? und ono <lrj' G uem ney'breed, averaged 070 Iba. of m ilk and 30.0 Iba. of b u tte rfa t; ttnd Uin McC|\uley J e r ­sey breed, nevin mllklnff and on t dry. Averaged 081 Jba. of milic and 37.5 Iba.' of bu ttc rfa t.

Auto, w ith f la t tlre.i, pailied Ihn w rong way for tho paal neveral days aloiiK the ciirb- Ing opposite tlie police illation. . . . A t the Fred Hendrickn place a t 311 AiOi alrool. thivo pan:ilf;i, mill blooming. Jliiit lllie It wan the aprinj'. tr a la,. . . I’o.ital,w orkers, revealing Ihiit tho . annual Chriatma:i riinli In now gelling under way.. , . . Punch-board patron, lay­ing oOt $2 and getting amall l» x of chocolntes in r e tu r n ., . .

. J ‘lclurii..'o£..Y aji-V bck.-.la of-, fico of the county nheriff. A round It aomeone fojihloned a rope w ith a liangm an' noose, w ith the fa ta l 13 twiiita. I t w as Sheriff P ra te r who algned flrat- degcce m urder charges ngainat Van V lack for the killing of S tale T raffic O fficer-Fontalno Cooper, and It ia Uie S ta te of Idaho which will nock tho lifo of Van V lack^nt the end of a alm llar hangm an’a rope, fo r tiie aerlen ’ of three murdera to which Van Vlaek has coafen/ied. . . . A .Sl,r>aO diamond which aomeone l» going to get. in tho window of n , L. Itoberl.n, Jawcler,

drops to 30 below a t night.

G o v ern o r D ccliircs T h r e a t of A b an d o ju n cn t W ill N o t Bo

C .irr icd b u t

S I A Y . R O S S S A Y S 'y - ™ - ' - ™ ^ ^MAKE SURE THAT YOUR ■;

Gifts Please Him-Gov,

As.Huranocj cd here fro:th a t the threatened abandon! of aelf-belp organl::alionii In stA to -u 'lll- 'no t- U dte-pliice.. Thn ... '..I have Ix’on operated under tlie I E R A. which ceaacd func­tioning the flm i of this mcfnth.

Ro.ia Raid the w ork will continue under the n tate cooperative agcncy for fiubllc .relief, of which the gov- en w r la adm inistrator. Ho nali’ Uiat fundn uoon would be made

.'allablo fo r the Self-help units a ro opemtcii In

Twin Falla. Aberdeen, Blackfoot, Hailey, Bol.ie, Buhl, Burley, Cocur d’Alene, Eden, E m m ett. Firth, Ba.ialt, Pn'iilon. Crangevllle, Ida­ho Falls, Iona, Jerom e, Lewiston Orchard.-i, Pocatello,N am pa, Payette, Itexburg, Rupert. Sandpoint, St. Anthony, Shelley, Viola and WeUer.

And the Surest Way Is to Buy Gifts for Him at

Eato;i'n Flna Stntlaiicry, W ate r m an l-'ountjiln I 'r a i .u n d Corrm- pondenco nuppllra a t Clos Jlool<




D r e s s S h i r t sA S p le n d id E x a m p le :

H ero y o u 'l l f iiu l llireo o iits t.iiid iiig

lira in in . . . K .sslcy, K clipse a n d N o-

F a .lc . A ll h a v e tlic S t if f C o lla r a p p e a r ­

a n ce , th e ho ft c o l la r foeliiiff. "Wc show

• tlicn i iti w liit . 's , p ill clols. a n d fiinc ies .

A ll w itiiiii tiiR p r ice ran}?e o f , . .

S 1 .6 5 $ 2 -0 0

Then There Is Our Great Showing of

M e n ’s P a j a m a sY o u ta k e no choncca w h a tso e v e r in g iv in g h im P a ja m a s — e i ^ e r p u llo v e r o r c o a t

j t y l o . Som o lik o tjio _ g a u d y _ c o lo rs , ' o th e rs p r e f e r p la in . F r o m ou r la rg o s t o c k __ _y o u c an p le ase lii'm to h is h e a r t ’s c o n ten t, in p r ic o r a n g e s — r •

5 1 .5 0 , ,$ 2 - 0 0

Lot3 o f m en li.ivc c rn v c d n L o iii ix ii'g llo b o n i l t l i c ir

life . >Iost ycar.i l licy w o re c lasso d n lu x u ry n n d b e y o n d

tlic av e rag e .pur.se.-"Wo a re tiiaUitiR Ilobes p o p iijn r w ith

p o p u liir p r ic i’S nnd fiu c m n tp r ia ls . . .

T inoB la n k e t R obes .....

• T ho F in e s t A ll S i lk B o b e s .n o w .

, $4-00 §5-00 . : S i 5 - 7 5 . n d S 8 - 5 «

' Sfl.75

Men’s All Silk Four - in - Hands \ ; 5Qc 75c.„aSl»oo'

Men’s Crepe Silk Mufflers: ...........

Men’s Pigskin and Galfskini Globes■ • L ined o r U n lin ed — F o r Dress o r D riv ing • • •• ' .

$ 1 . 2 s ; , s 3 . 0 0

W« moke no charge fo r Holiday Boxes a t i i we p a y p d s to ^ bn on t-o f.to w n -p u r-;;' chases.. W e handle no seconds'or i r r e ^ l a n . A H ' a r e b o i^ h t 100% 'perfeot'^li'

. a n d - g i id ^ te e d as such when so ld 'te r o u . ' . ; . ' ;• i ' ^

T H A T ’S W H Y I T P M A S E S H i t t A N D ‘ Y O U , ; Y O U ^ iu Y ,: •H 0 L iD A ra iP T 8 ''A 'T • Ji.-.;



NEW TWIN -FALLS. STORE- ,.,,.............

Pago Six IDAHO EVENING TIMES.'TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, Dccianbcr 12, 193B

StatCLActioji Demanded In_ Coast CoMerenceJ^EveezeJDLut^Editor Threatens Court .

Battle To Smash ‘Trust’Asks Governor’s, Help

For Independent -Colleges . i-

SA N FHANCISCO, Dee. 12 'M ' —N ew ilemnmln th a t ntiitc otriclala Inlcrccdc In lliu "frocM o u l" policy o£ Iho ' Pacific, coast confcrcnee w en t o u t Uxiny In Iho waUo Unlvcrfllty o t C alifornian nn- noiincem cnt tJ ia t ft 1030 footbn 1 Kamo w ith S an ta C lara la lmpOMi-|

Tho' lotcflt movement, mo.it vI-, KorouD to date, waa unilcrtaltcn by] the btocUton Independent UirouBl*. Itfl cdllor. Sam Jncluion.

Gails un GovernomJncluw n w lrod Kovemora of oo i- ,

Ifom ln. OreRon and ANaahlnBton dem anding immedlnlo . exceuuvc action to brpJili up “ tJic new P a­cific coast football tru a t a t oncc.

T he tnesBaBea tw ndcnl w aa prepared to flRht In the courtit an a ttem p t to use any- Blodlum. "bu ilt w llli tnspaycm money” fo r. any of the ,oul" ffamcn m appeJ fo r

' ' '^ c l t f lo n aald Ihc ncwflpaper WM prepared, In tho ciwe of p rlvaU In- illlu llon« Uk6 U . 9 . C, and Stan­ford. to take action under XHcrai lawfl nKalmil "coiuiplracy In re- a tra ln t o t lra«lc.

T he blaJit followed m ilder rcprc- flciitHtlonn to Gov. I-'raiOt ilc rrl- am of Coliromliv ycuterdny by Co.ich Clipper Sm ith and F a tlir- Dlnnero. coIIckc prenldent, ar John T. M cCarthy, San ^ a n c cw ntlornc-y- on behalf 'if SonU Claro unlVerolty. ■ ,

San ta C lara wiia one i>f the Inde- pendent ciillOKen m o « ncvca-ly J- fec t« l by the new coaiil confcrcnce round-robln rchcdule ToUey. which v irtua lly eliminated pomi blllly o t poMl confercnec unlviTnltle.1 mcei- In r nrr,iillcr Inilcpendent teamrm any of e played

" T h o Dmncon were dropped U nlverfllty of California mid Wanh- Inglon a llhnuch they were to open the !K'aiKm aj;al -l biaii

.. ITuctlcally >'o - .D M plte S a n ta ClaraVi pica t'jr

Gov. M crrlam’ti ajuiliitancc m ^ “ ' iln^r th e Broneoo a place on fornl.^» achedule. W. W. Monahan. DerKeley frradiialo m anasc r. '» thcrP wwi practically J~ hope tha t Ih • contfflt couUl oe arru«(Ted.‘ - o u r schedule. , ,?LprM ent. will n o t pe rm it J»l‘l i f moro jjamca." he nftid.,(IN! lK)W wo could aqueezc s a n u

^ 'cw .'^M e rr la m . while promLilnK cooperation, indicated th a t a/i nom­inal head o t the board of regeiiXa of llie U niversity of CaUfornla and U. C. L. A., he would n o t apply officljU.prcMure In tlie alluatlon.

\v o n - t lie D ictator- I th ink all I can do,In « p rcM

m y a ttitude and hope th a t iwrne- thinir can be w orked ou l. h e Mid.

■ an» no t un.lcrlaUlnK to be « d ic ta to r o t California sport, bu t 1 can cxprc.HS m y aym pathy and hope th a t ih c larKcr InBlltullons will b* (.•onRlderate." , , ,

Jle M id lie would be "f:lad to UM niy rood office aa a pclUioner

■ alonff ti ia l line."


New Setup May Send Teams Eastward

For Riv£(ls

. . . . ocvcn-Bomu aclicdulo policy! will bo ft powerful fac tor In ' tlQiiftlliInK" football ot> the clflc coa.1t, ob:icrvcro predicted lo*|

coast grid followcra tho bent op* portn ity in years to obtain a fa ir cjwi-accUon of w hftfa happcnlnK

1 tho nallor a evl.dent before oanounccm ent of tb e |

!W policy wan 24 hourti old.t.ook Eastw ard

Independent teaoui. virtually cut off a t tho pockets by tho rullcR ' which forccd them out of some of the ir beat paying <;0Dte8ta with the poweru of w estern football, Imme­diately JooJifd eastw ard for

acnla to f ill tho blanki • schedules—and, more

portaa t, the probable voids In tbelr. pncketlwoku.

IdaJjo, v irtua lly reduced w ith M ontana to arioc la to membcr- tililp In the coa*t clrcult.'w aji seek­ing ft gamo w ith Michigan State.

Althoufih there w^«j iiome re- portn, tlm t fo rm atio n o t a .j ic w . eonfw rncB w an b tlnn .lilatviBatai nmonff teamn lopped off tho m a. Jor unlvcrfllty iichcdulen. I t np- pearcd th a t tho m oat concrctc development alonfr these linen would be ntrcnRthcninff of a th ­letic relallonu betw een tho five coaiit .Catholic achoolH.

Games Signed St. Ma'ry'n alre^uly has ajjrccd

, I p lay GonpaKa niid Loyola w hile GonzflRa ftliio will meet San^ ta C lan\ ami poiwlbly Loyolu. Mon^

'tan a wan loolilnR to San ta C lara f6r u pomilble encouiitcr In Butte.

' AUhoufih there w ere many be­h in d -^ h c -h an d whlapcrn of Im- ■pVndlni; reprlmilii ai;alniil'Iho'con^ fi-rence .memhoni, few football ot- flclalii. If any. could )>c found corroboratlnp th r reporUi. For the mont pa rt, they "were Inclined to mlnlmlZQ tho action.

• tn “ tt« conclHtllnc sciir.lon, the I conference mcellnf: n'olected Prof. 'lIuR h C. W illett of U ..S . C, preal- .ilent of. tho circu it and n'luliicd r jir l Miller, U. C. L . A., an n> rclary.

T lif dclcf;atc« aliin adopted resolution miking newiipaper pub- ll.theni and rdltorii and prenn aS'

■ jioclaiiona to refra in from, accord' Injr footlMill bettlnB odds "undue publicity." Gam bling and nuch publication of odds, they viewed an menaccn to Inlercolleglate foot­ball.


Battle Scarrcd Basque' Claims Ho W ill Qo L im it Against

D etro it Bomber

BotrQuloR, general mnntiKer of the U rookb'n Dotlictra, ho» been n«varde«l tho fm nehlan of th o Boston llrav rti In th o No* tloiial league. H o will Im n>- Iriued by Uroolclyn to toko over th o Itostoo club, alllnir m em ber of the NatloniU circuit. Q uinn ts baclied by n syndicate o t b u s ' JncM men.



a’.n>—Tho betU ns Is 2 \i to 1 tha t Paulino U u u d u n d(^a not lo st 13 rouada, sg a ln a t Joo Loula tom or­row nlfjht. Odo of tho few who be­lieve those odds oro cock-eyed is tho old pla tinum tusked Basque woodehopper himself.

"Upoldcdown,” aa Loula calla him, is a ba ttle scarred veteran who never haa been kayocd or oven ba ttered to tho canvoa In CD profeasloaal figh ts. Ho explained why ho th inks liouls will no t b«-

imo tho f ir s t m an to pu t Paulloo t tho floor.Deleting Ui6 Spanish accent and

reducinjr h is rem a rk s to readable Engllnh, TJzcudun aald:

O ther Foes Geared ."I have been flnh llng 12 yearal

and . . . . . . . . . . Idown. . ...............LoulH. H ln o the r opponeatn—par-1 Ucuarly B a e r a n d .C am era —'

|Oubs, Braves Expcctcd to Buy I Players ns Lowly Phils

Seek Oasli

"B ut Paul


iMcOloy LeatlB P im to Oagcro; To 32-13 W in; Boosters

Lose to Ghosts

, R U P E n r . D rc. 12 (S pecia l)— ; Iflupert hipJt flchflol J’JrntM <lowtte<] lAlhlon. 32 to 13; n u p e rt Booateni iloBt to tho N egro Choiits. 4!! to 3G.

-;anrt-»upeT t-h tK h - nehool-reservc.t defeated Albion's seconds, 21 to 8

;o n ,ih e three-w ay bnnlcetbnJl memj,'■______ 'here la s t illRht. • |

• I Xlie Boc.nters Jumped Into the; Id a h o J o w c r E d g e s M . 4 M: lead against- the OhosLi. hu t ihej

n v d " '‘o t a rllstn from Sioux Clly.ln a w le r a , M g s c n f ln a climbed ahead, 27 to 22, a t

J ^ n a o n H ig h ' Imir-tlme ami w en t on to win w ith. ft surprising display of paasInK and

fancy work. Itood .'stocky 'fonvard S latklns look three gam cn from for the GhooU, led w ith 15 points.

In d rpc rden t M oat in Clft-'u A lK rrd Judevlne acored 13 to pace bowling league last night, nnd:ibc Boonlera.Idaho P ow tr o\st Ihreel Vlnxtrn Look Good •gam es from M & M news com-1 Ijic y 's P ira te qu in te t showed p s a y In Ihp CUimi l i rniikx. \loo jniich .ihopllng' and 'paiui "•''••i'-■ W alt U lggi'rt topped the mft-,for W es S hu rlle lfa Albion Jor .Ifague series w ith f>T< to ia l;pnu l McCoy, srtjall bu t fust Hu- ‘and ,h igh single g.ilne of 203. W. I .ip e r t for\vard. collected 11 polntn John.ion rolled fo r high Injto lead the r i r n te a ttack . th e m ino r Je.iguc. I f . I . . T<inner Craven pantcrcd flJr "• collected bent single

By W IN TH RO P UYMAN CHICAGO, Dec. 12 (I’-l!)—Two,

loro p layer dcalii wero hnngiiig flro today an m ajor league ex­ecutives prepared to wind up theh

inual meeting w ith a Joint. buKl- MU ncwilon.Tlio PhlliiOelphla Phllllc.n. whc

|7nuflt~m lse • e n o u g h -rca sh 'to pnyi Uielr spring tra in ing cxpcnsie.i. arc] involved In l>otb iliv pending I ■ rnnsiictlonn.

Br.ives In Dc;Boh Quinn, new chlcf of tliej

Boiilon Hraven, fiiild he would n tradu w ith the Phllll'

N either ho no r hlii manngL-r. 13 McKeelmle.' no r Jim my' .Wilnon, Philly m anager, would give any InlimaMon or tho playcr;i-Involv­ed. Quinn hail money n t hln dis­posal to build up the B nives so ho m ay have been periiuaded ‘to

'. cjiflh Inntcad of players.___ other deal is e.ipcctcd t6

bring C urt. Davis, the only good pitcher on tho Phillies’ s ta ff, to Uic Chicago Cuba. M anager Char- ilcy Grimm olfered to ’Tetum 'a ju c k Klein, outfielder, to U>c Phillies In a trade fo r D avis bu t W ilson and J e rry Nugent. PhlH> prealOeat, tu rned down th e offei

land demanded cash. In a final, fu- [tile effort to avoid paying ou t any money, G rimm had ’ offered to throw in P itche r Roy Ilcnshaw or Outfielder T uck Stalnback.

Cubs W ill Buy Tlie Cub m anager and h la ch>-

ploycn, P.- K. W rlgley. nrc.cxpect- cd to g e t toge ther today on o s tra ig h t cashM cal fo r Davio.

Only onu p layer deal won com­pleted yeiilcrday. Tho Yankee® traded Johnny Allen, a v c te rw of fivo year.V cxpcrlenco in th e roa- Jom, to Cleveland for Monto Pear- lOD ami Stcvo Sundra. Tho la tte r s a rooklo w ith A . A . experience It Mlnncapollc and N ew ark. All

tlire e 'a rflT lg n t----------------------------

. . . not a fraid of anyboiiy. And wo will nco it Louis 111 ntm tho 'dead pan ' guy a fte r he, getn sm ashed in tho no.ie a couple of time.t."

B acking Paullno'n. contention In h!n condition, reported by hln tndnern to bo even be tter tl ■ th a t of a few yearn ago when whipped B aer in o 20-rouniier nt Hcno.

Legs Still •Strong . . . . rem arkab le ^Iblt^K' about

thin Spanlartl w h o lia s been figh t­ing tho bc.it-heavywelght.q‘In 'th e game nincc 1023 la th a t hla legii arc iitlll strong . T hat Is usually whcru tho f irs t sign o t relrogrea-. lUon In ft fad ing figh ter beconicn ipparent.

"W hat it I 'm 30 and Louis iu only 21?" Paulino asked; " f '‘naw Louin 'again st B aer aad ho didn't look 80 hot. H c’h like otlier fight- er» who look g rea t when they're, punching and th e ir opponenta are; on Uio defensive. B ut w ait untlli I h it thla Lotils. Ho won’t have to' look fo r -me. I 'll bo an closo to him on I. can g e t a ll night, and; he'll going to havo plenty o f | leather f ly ing in hln face." '

D oesn't Need Cash U zcudun, who claims hc< still

lo llgU lnR lo r ,Ui6 lu n o t I t be- Icause " R e a lly ,.! don 't need the 'money," concluded active training Tuesday and

IS l.Score

M llbourne Simmons niKKfi-t .... M cIntyre

Jungnt Vogel .. Co*F re is ....

"T ete".................miinvrt-points to lend Al-I w llh iner Mored fl'


jlk ln s R upert P ira te s: Craven and Mc-i.-i? 1G8 lO i <01 Cloy, forw ards; Rush, cen ter; H 2 107 151 -tOOiDroeklc and Schow, guards. Al- ItO 177 ICO -iSG blon: E ngelklng and Baum gartner, 177 ”0^ 104 ri74'fcr%varrtB| Sears, cen te r: Gray and

. . .» 3 17D 1 D22| guards. SubaUtutlons: .. ?i'gg. H ardy, Glboon.

IWhltlng. Albion, Glfal>ons. Knee. IT,!. •> • I R upert Booatem: I-aey and Jude-

•131 144 133 -HOivlne, forw ards; N orby, cen ter; ’■ 'l«1120 H 5 30ri Carlson and Shurtlcff, guards. Nc-

115 J40 370 RTO Ghosts: Evann and Hood, for- ■■■ i?3 IPB 170 510 w ards: Simmons, cen te r; H lc l* ,an

1S3 138 H 7 408 and W ilkinson, gjiards. Substitu ' ...18J i . « Croft. Squancc.

CB7 7 H 702 2173

Idaho PewerK fsby ______ — 15* 151 168 473D u m m y --------- L..125 125 12S 370Bob •McClurc.-_.118 112 135 305■W. I . Tflnncr_..-13« 181 1C7 4S2 TV. I . Jobnfloa._10t 173 161

005 742 750 2103 • M A M News

A insw orth ------- !162 142 IStt 430,, M cCracken ------ 187 123 122 382l

B aldw in ----------- H 3 142 124 408H e f f n e r —135 172 112 410A n d e r * o n ______ 125 145 177

’ . , 001 724 671 2186|

poo r -J-ili-day Uk!# rJaer. who pounds a round a u u e e r . fo r boure w ithou t fccminfr end. T hey’ra a ll w ell pa id , accon lln s to H a r ry Men-, del. w ho handle* publlcny fo r the, crowd. JJe n d el aoya th » t a fcwxl|

-.Hder e a n u from *10,000 to >30,'': OOO'b y e a r .’ F ranco CcorgetU, one of th e be«t. » a n e d UO.OOO' when

'U m ea w ere gootf.


BcUered by Coach Charley Bach-, to have been tho youngest

waa F ra n k Gaines, o f LoDslng-v Galnea, who la 17 and the beat

student on ih o Michigan S ta te aquftd, played end. H o h a j a ll of tho r^u la lte a , s ta sd in g 0 fee t. 2 and weighing IM pounds. •

Catoea, who w aa one of the oul' standing rlay e ra on • the , S tate «quad,-ptoy«d-fullbttclc-whw-l*.on a local high •chool team .

'.1 kw k for Gainea to b « ______the g rea tea t iinds in th e game be*

.fore bo iff-fialshed he^K}" flachm -- |said. "He I* excepttonaJ.’^


baa renwed hia co n tra c t to ride for Ithe Cornelius V anderbilt W hitney

Several Im portaiit questions ere on tho -docket f<5r th e jo in t

meeting of league executives. One rad ical chango In' policy proposed would Increase Uie vlslln of east­ern clubs to w estern cluba from three to fou r each year. A t p resent enatera clubs p lay th ree se ries a t each w eslem ball park , fou r garn i" tw ice and th ree gamea oncc.

S horte r Series tin d e r tho new plan th e eaat-

em eni would p lay tw o gamcu with each club on>t)io f irs t v is i t and th ree each on tlireo ensuing tripo. The theory Is th a t fans g e t Urod of seeing thq name v isiting team fou r s tra ig h t dayn.

A nother proposal coming up would p it e aste rn clubs ngalnot w estern team s In lhc,8cason 'o op­ening games.

A m erican and N a tio n a l. league executives m e t separately -yealcr-

>y and adopted m any almllar . ,lc.r They voted to lim it bam -

Istorm lng toura of m ajor Icaguera jto 10 clayo a f te r the regu la r nea- lon ends. They voted to -send ucQ' ^Ircn south to officiate a t praC' •Ice gam es of m a jo r league team s.

Board Picks Umps They passed a resolution urg-

llng th a t the league odvloory ! board Shall appo in t the um pires Ifor a ll Inter-league gam es in the I fu ture. The board consists o f Ken- c ;aw XtountaIn Landin ond th e tw o league presidents, Will H arrldge

land. Ford F rick .T lie N ational Ic n g u e w ^ c c ld id

th a t an um pire 'w h o htia-ffW kcd

<$1,S00 annually and- run up tol $2,4.00 under a sliding scale. '

Filer Girl> Win^ L E R .J® ec . a z (Speclnj)—Line-,

\il>» lo r t t i e F i le r va. l l^ ^ l lo n g lila ' | gam e Tuesday evening, in .whlchi Coach K nypstra'8 F iler sex te t wonj o f a s t 40 to 1 7 .victory U azelton m aidens, waa:

F l le t ^ F . R ich and N , R ich, fo r­w ards; Allen and Davis, cen ters: H atch and Pond, guards. Hazel- ton—S to k e a b e w luid Budd, f o ^ w ar3ir"'C E adw fck '* an d " TlVataon,cen ters ; B lggs and Mctta. i^uarda.j Substitution*; F ile r — A nthony, Sp«)ce. Bowen, M. Jam.eraon, B .' Jam eraon, Peterson . V H aaelton '— Detwcller, K im ball, W endell, Free- love.

Z i t h e r BUI Folds. Key. U riel I land Zipper Caaea n t a<m Book' IStor«^->Adv. •


|Flncc9 E ight S tars on F irs t Team All-America fo r ‘

Money Players

today w oriiing ou t w ith the bags and oil the road. In four weeks he 's boxed 120 rounds and rea lly looked Imprcoslve.

Ho pointed w ith pride to hlo Itnockout record when rc-

I minded th a t Loula had kayoed 21 I of 25 opponfcnta since becoming "' professional.

‘T v e w on 37 by knockout. 14 by dbclalon, drew In three aod lost 14. Loula should remember th a t I

I kayoe'd H a rry W ills In four rounds, land th a t w aa vrtien Dempsey was

'x lg ln g H arry .", Did U zcudun actually believe he |would b eat L outs?

"M nybe, w ho known? Any^vay, :t on m e to go th e limit."


BAHASOTA, F la., Dec. 12 fltW— Johnny Rcvolta. o f Milwaukee, P . G. A . titleholder, yeuterday cll-. m axed 'th ree rounda of superlative goli w ith a GO, alx under par, on the final 18 to w in f irs t place ^urse of $500 In the J2000 Saraso ta open.

Itcvolta'a agg regate waa 274 two fltrokea under hla nearest rival and

the B ob lv Jo a jn .course.-.In second place waa Victor Ghcz-

21, Deal; N , J ., w ith 270 for th e , 5300 priEc; P a u l n u n y a n ,‘m i t e Plains , N . Y„ flnlnhed third w ith ' 277 fo r J250.

Seven Schools Rate Idaho All-Foe TeamMOSCOW, Dec. 12 (Special)—

leven a ch o o ^ p la c c i l jn e n on the Jnlvcralty o fn d ah o 'a m -opponent football team . Oregon and if . C. L. A. predom inated, each having three m en. W ashington, Montana, Waahin.-rron S ta te , Oregon S tate and Conwiga cnch placed one. , r '^ d ah o aelectiona a re : E nds—

Stanley R lordan, Oregon, oad Bob Schroeder, U . C. L. A .; tacklea— Chuck Bond. W aahlngton, and Del­be rt BJork. O regon; guards—John Sullivan, M ontana, aad Rosa Car­ter, O regon: cen te r— Sherman Chavoor, U . C. L.' A .: quarterBack —13d G oddai^-W aahlngton State ; haJfbacko — Joe . • G rayi^’-Oregon acate, a ad Charlea Cbtahlre. U . C. L. A .; and fullback—Ed Justice, Gonxaga.

Chief Little Wolf . Trims Joe Savold^

Seattle; G eorge C a la i,' Chicago, threw T b o r JohcM n, SwedcB; Kl- man Kudo, Ja pan , threw Dea An-, derw n, Los Ang^lea; Wee Willie Dari*. VlTRiala, Uir«w Ahm et Yoif-' acff, ‘Turkey; Len Maealuao, H am ­ilton, N . y ., th rew Babe Zabarlaa, Colorado.

T/iis is One Very Good Reasoti Fight Promoters Earn Shekels

By HKNRY McLE.%IOnE (Copyright, U3C, United V ttM )

NK\V YOlUC. Dee. 12 (Ul’t— P u ttln ff tho sporta sho t here and therer •, W hy figh t ■ prom oters ge t

'r ic h : Tho day before the Loula- M acr fight, w hen It w as too la te to. do anyth ing a b o u t It, G eneral Jolw Phelan of the box­in g confmlsBlon. d e c i d e d ' t o aludy the seating arrangem ent o f tho Yankee nladluis. . . . "And how much a re tbeae oeata?" the general asked aa ho

're ad ie d th e la s t ringside row. . . : "Twenty-five dollara," re­plied Michael Strauaa Jacobs, w ho learned a t the fee l o t Rick* ard . . . . Fo iating to th e row behind, tho general aaked how Riuch.acata In I t c o s t . . . . "Flvo dollars, general," ansArered U n­d o Mike. . . . Even th e grand canyon doesn 't drop th a t fast.

I f S tanford believes S . M. U. haa a paoaisg a ttac k and no th-’ la g else, I t haa another gueaa coming, fo r tho M ethodista have th e g rea tes t defeaslva record In th o country. . . . Only tlirco touchdovma w ere acored against I ts va rsity line all season, ond only one of them waa made by running . . . .

■ Kx^Chompa on H and S I * - f o r m e r heft\-ywelght'

• IS — M ax Schmcllng,

ringside F rid ay n igh t w hen Joo Loula f igh ts Paulino U w udun— . . . Beonq Reardon, N ational leogue umpire, speniln h is off- aeaaon tim e playing b lta in H ol­lywood. . . . Those umpirea Just raun t a c t the year 'round. . . . S. M. U . w as beaten 143 to 3 by

Rice In 1010 a f te r ge tting off toa 3 to 0 lead-------

H e w r IB w i "All-Am erica" team as picked by J a c k Gerber of the U niversity o f V irginia. Ja c k guarantees each m an ia a bona, fldo p layer and la placed In hi# regu lar position. , . . L. E . Bcdnarcryk, R u tgera; L . T. Golemkeske, W bconsin; L. G. Stonklewica. S t .Jo h n 's ; C. Wojclechowlcz. Fordham ; R . G. Chyscewaki, C arnegie Tech; R. T. Luvanovlch, Ind iana : R. E . Boglarskl, D etro it; Q. B; Zboy- ovBkl, W ashington U .'(M o .); L. H . IClolovich, S t. M ary 's; R . H . Rojchlhovalil, N otre D am e; F . B. Szakach, M ontana. . . . F o r a lterna tes Jacic auggeata amonf; others, G urznysky, of Temple, Misko^-sky of Oklahoma and Trboulch of Carnegie. . . .

S«aU A ptenty The A n n y and N avy, tired of

tu rn in g back some 3100,000 In o rders each year, fo r th e ir foot­ball gome, w ill pkty the 1030 edition In tho Seaqulcentennlol aU dlum which acata 120,000.

O ver-em phaala no te : SL Mary'fl college Juin a n enroll­m ent of few er th a n COO and a football s tad ium w hich seatu 05,000. . . . W hich la about- tho vamo as O glethorpe in A tla a tn whlclr-liss- a 'a t a d iu m - seating 40.000 to accom m odate Its COO atudenta. . . . W luit ia the story, l£ m y , behind- th e -fa ilu re of

-A iidy -P on ti-and—Ralptr-Orcen-—' leaf to en ter the na tional pock- ' e t biniard cham pionship? . . . K nuto Rdcknc, Jr., en ters N otre D am e nex t fa ll and w ill t iy fo r foo tball.. . . A nd Charley Brick-, ley. Jr., son of H arv ard ’n g rea t- cut kicker, will be a Crimson fronh In '30. . . .

B y GEORGE K IR K SET NEW VORK, Dcc. 12. (lUll—The

beat 11 p layers In tho fa s te s t foot-| ball league In the land a re named, loday by Iho United I^e sa on the 1035 A ll - A m erican profes.ilcnal: team .

Combining spccil, pow er anil fl- inease, -they approach th e u ltim ate lln gridiron ab ility . . . '

Tho w estern division of the N a^, ,..onal Football league dominates ;the Dquad.of 22 p layen , w ith e ight - -n on the 'flm t-team and e igh t'

thoTiecond. Tho New Y ork Gl- lants, easte rn champions, pkico ithreo' men on tho firs t team and tw o on the second. Tho only other easte rn team to gain a place laPittsburgh , which landa one :-----on tho second team . Tho C hit..,.-, Beara ehare honors w ith the Giants on th e f ir s t team , w lth-th ree men. G reen Bay and D etroit land two each and ih o Chicago Cardinals

- - l l r f e ’s itaekfleia

The f i r s t team backfltld la com*, posed of E arl (Dutch) C lark, De­tro it, field general; Ed DonowalU, Now-VorH.GiantJ>,-nc£urato passer; Geno Ronzonl, Chicago Bears, blocker and power runner, and Claric Hinkle, Green Bay, plunger and defensive bulw ark. * .

C kirk la nelected a s tho g rea test player ,ln tho pro league. H e la the m ost dangerous ono • man th re a t in the league because of his passing a n d running ability.

Beat o f Ends

Sm ith -and K arr, tho two-«nda,| -ere tho moat dangerous poasl

IcalcUcra in th e league. K a r r caught threo touchdom i paasca in htu leam ’a 20 to 20'’ tlo w ith D etft " Once Sm ith caught a paaa, ho th o ha rdest m an In the league d ra g down.

M organ and Schwammel, tackles, ruined m any an offepse beforo thi

|Vot08 o f 142 Sports W riters A ll Over Notion Sclect

Gophers Champs


mythical national football cham ­pionship belongs (o Minnesota, ac> co n lb g to a poll of 142 sports w rltera from a ll aectlona of tho country conducted by tho United Press to pick the 10 best gridiron team s of 1036.

The leaders fellows J , BUnno- •o ta ; i , B. M. U .; 8, I*rincetOQ; 4, T . a U,} 0, Ohio S ta te : 0 Stanford: 7, Louisiana S tate : ^ K otro D am e; 0, California; 10, P ittsburgh,Minnesota, unbeaten la t ^ e

Gophers- w ere picked fln it by w riters, second by 34, and third

10. S . M. U . w aa awarded f irs t , ICO by 30, second by 08, third by 80, fou rth by 12 and dropped to n in th by a p a ir o f oeribca In tho N ew E ngland sector.

Tho only o the r two ' team s to g e t-b a llo ts ' fo r f irs t place .were I'r lncelon, which w as named aa tho No. 1 team by 12 w rltera, 10 of thcm‘ froB i'tho <ast, one from -tho middle w c8t'and*-oue'from ^the~far west, and Stanford, which received two fln it pkicQ votes, ono by an ahinmua of th a t school and the o ther from tho f a r west.

AU Sections Mlnncnola'a . f i r s t place ballots

.am o from every seclion of Uie country. A .typical crlUc aayu: "Minnesota m ust be classcd aa Uie

because o t Ita schedule.

Pro All-AmericaN E W YORK. Dec. 12 tL'IIl—'h iel

U n itM T rO sn '^ lP 'A nii-ricii p'rofiiii: fllonal football team :

n i i S T T E /u r E nda: BllLSmith, Chlcago C.ird-

Inaln, U. of W ashington; BllLJCan-; Chicago Bearjt, W est Virglnin; Inckleu, Bill M organ, N ew Y ork Giants, U.' o f / O regon; T a r Schwammel. G reen B ay Packers, Oregon S tate ; guards, Joo Kopcho, Chicago Bcara, U. o f C hattanooga;, O x Emerson, D etro it Lions, U . of Texaa; center, Mel Hein, N ew York Glontii, W ashington S ta te ; quarter,' E arl Clatki D etro it Lions, Colo­rado college: halvea, E d Danowokl, New. York GlanU, Fordham ; Gene Ronianl, Chicago ■ B eats, Mar-

JcHe; full, a a r k H inkle. Green ay Packers, Bucknell.

, SECOND TEAM , Ends, Tod Goodwin, N ew Y ork |CIaatjj, W est V irginia; Den H u t­son, Green B ay Packcra, U . o f A la­bam a; tackles; G eorge Muaao, Chi­cago Bears, Jam ca M llllkin U .; A r- m and Nlccolaal, PU tsburgh P i­rates, Duqucsne; guarda, Phil H an- (ller, Chicago Cardinals, Texoa Chrlntian; Guii Mlchalake, Green Bay Paekers. P enn S ta te ; ecntcr, a a r e Randolph, D etro it Lions, U. of Indiana; qua rte r , Ph il .Sarboc, Chicago Cardlnala, U . o f W ashing­ton: halves. K ink Rlcharda, New Y ork Glanta, Simpson college; E r ­nie Caddel, D etro it Liona, S tan- fon l; full. B i l l . Shepherd; D etro it Lions, W estern ila ry lan d .

L E i S J I N S ' MO A lttA N D . Calif., Dcc. 12 K.V.),

—Jo h n H enry L«wl8, 170, Phoenlx.1 A rts., knocked ou t Georgio SImp*| son, 177, Los Angeles, (2 ): Christy Leu'ls, ICO, Phoenix, deeisioned Manuel Victoria, 150, Sacram ento, (6); H enry GrigdbyHlSS, stoclctan. kayoed F rank Llmaa, 184, O ak-' land, (2 ); Je a a L a B a rb a , 120, O ak­land, deeisioned P a t Azurin, 121,i San Francisco, (4 ): Kid George,i l i e , OaWand,. drew wlUv D ano '- ' Bigelow,. 117, San Franeinco, (4;

ball c arrier reacheii th e line of scrimmage.- I n tho mlddlo of the .llnc Kopcha. a n d . Emerson w ere nam ed a t ' guarda and H ein n t center.


. . .B O U R B O N W H I S K E Y

’BANKrOlT B i o r l t t t s i c s o r XOUIBTllLB AMD


Ita 'ab ility to ga in on tho ground, - f through the a ir, ita dcfenno in;

p ineh 'and tho fa c t th a t I t provedj i t could come from behind to win." I

Tho argum en t over whether! M innesota _or._Prlncct9n,,.had_tlic, b e tter team wau commenled' on by several w riteni. A n eaatcm scribe tuiya: M innesota w o u l d taka Princeton fo r n . ride. Two all; A m erican tacklea In Sm ith and W ldseth and a line th a t would havo nheli-ohocked tho T iger backs, softened opponentu up fo r tho final. Gopher .BUrgo which nipped P i t t ■ - 1034 and flattened Northwcot-

I, N ebraska and Iowa, a ll pow­erful team s ,'th la seaaon."

' Pm lso fo r Princeton A few cantem critics praised

Princeton to tho skies, ono uaylng: ‘P rinceton waa tho best club I ’ve leen In 12' years. In the fourth ' period alone tho Tigcra scared 110 points. T hal'a w hat j-ou call fln- '-hlng strcng.",

T hrough the a o u t h w e a t and south, and in sca ttering spota In thA east, middle weqt^and f a r .west, “ M. y . , Stanfprd'o Rose Bowl . .wncnt, w ia hailed aa "The team

of the year." A' eouthw cstem crit- ',0 says: "S. M. U .'a vcraatUo of­fense, combining a running game and aeria l a tta c k belter- than any team In tho country, would provo any rival's undoing. I f you atop S. M. U.’a running a ttack , they 'll beat you w lth paanes. I f you a t r - thc lr passes, they 'll beat you wi - runijing 'attac lc.''

iRoom 217 Girls Win Red, Hoopater Title

Room 217 hoopstera today were Red basketball champkiaa of the Junior high acbool, following a B to .2rVlctory..w on-ycatcrday- froni

iquad o t room 05 In th e an- R ed-W hlte girla' baakctball

tournam ent.Rooma 012 and 108 were to b a t­

tle today lo r honorn in llio W hite seclion. 'Wiwwr of thla gamiJ will m eet room 217 fo r champlonahip of the ocbool In a game act fo r 11:10 a. m . FrWay.-


F o r . Uiroe J 'eani In a row , ' Charley Conacber, abow , T<v- ' ronto M aple Lco/n’ Wlngman, ' ban been on to p o f th e ncorInK column In tlio N ational llochny ' league. Ifo 1* a b ro ther of tlw veteran U onel Conneher, , ;

Team Makes Good Yardage Showing .

clumored fo r a football team th a t " could i;aln on th o ground, llna llj] ^ro satisfied.

Coach L aw rence "Biff" Jonnv finishing hla f i r s t aeaaoA aa six-n- lo r o f the Sooners, provldfil tho running gam e. Flgurea rev tn l th a t . In e igh t gamcfl hln .ti.im ran uj> 1,502 yardn from nsrimm.it'c. T1j«

nuntji m ade 707 yiu-dn.10 .beat prevloua y e a r fo r llw

Sooner running a tta c k wris I M i , when tho yardago totaled 1,20s yards fo r nine gamea..

TRY 30 CIGAREHES ’ ATWRISRncro 'a tho romarlmblo new money*

I back' tobacco offer -that baa tnhvn rolt-your-ow n smokcro by storm!

Hero is w h at yon do: Simply go to year dbaler and g o t Princo AIbcrt.1 . Roll and smoko 80 P . A . cigarctt('ii.l I f you don’t oay they are ^ e b<-itt roll-yoor-ow nclgarcttesyoricvfrhad,' ro tum tho tin w ith tho re s t of the tc>.‘ bacco in It to ns a t any tlmii w ithin a m onth from .thts date, and we will re<' fuiidfa11pcLi^sBopdcc,p1aspoBt.');;o.'

This ofTer can bo made, bccaur« l ^ c o A lbert ia « ir« fo p lta te i T o i m uoo only cholco tobacco—“ crimp n it” fo r quick rolling and cool smok­ing. A ll .VbIto”- la r o m o v c d .^ d .w a _ . pock th e m akln’fl fo r about .70 fine e lgarottcaintho2-oiu)eo'tln. No won- ’ der m en are flocking to Prlnec Albcr^' •*thooa8yi.to-rolljoy smokol’' P .A r Is mild aad piellow In a plpo to a (S>'^n«d) R. J . Reynolds Tobacco Company, 'Winston-Salom, N . C. '


n<5IV £' you,


Boord’s Gin h ai Mme. to town.You’ll know by tha blade cat on the laboL 'Made \n Amertra ofter a famous old London formula. It’s smooth. It’s eo sy - on the throat. ’G reat fo r rlA ays'and Tom Golilnsl ' 'r ' Marvelous for codctallt.

I-----------T h e p r i w t f y M y f o r s u ^ ' i i a q o o l h y ,A t AII C M l ip 8TAXB U q p O B '8 I O B S » r« U tl i« . . m

Tliursilfty, December 3 2 ,1!)35 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO

T t O O M S M B Ea u r v « 7 o f C o n g re ss B oveala

H e a v y B a c k in s f o r B ill G iv in g C iisli •—

. public ---------- by-cm

W A SinN G TO N . Dec. 12 (11 ) — Tho-vetcrftaa' bonua, c cn te r of con­troversy In f o u r ftdmlnlfitrotlona

: (ujd v e lo td by fo u r prcaldenta, np- nearcd on t!io boaln of a Uoltcd Prcsn poll of eongrcflS today to be headed fo r caah paym ent- during the new year.

f A n r tfe rcn llia order of bualncwIn U»o nenatc, tb o bonufl Imuo will 1)0 revived aoon n f te r congrcao jncela J a n . 3. Overwhelmlflff ocn- lim en t fo r paym en t w aa abown In Runwcra of conErcasmctt nod torn to the question:

“W ill you voto to pay the bonuo?"

irettvUy In F avo r • The votloK w aa flb’ heavily In favor th a t I t ttppearc^I likely th a t vetcrana’ f o r c o a w ould havo jilrcng th to over-rldo a p rcald tn tlal veto.

B ffo rta of two largo votcrana' orcaniaaU ons, tho A m ericas Lc- Kion n iul tho V eterans o f ForclKQ W ara, to ocitlo on a b ill aullabla to bo th wero «xpected by capllfll obacrvprt to p rove aucccaaful and

• ■ " to ■ b ring together th o ■ varloua V groupn whoso blekeriBgm a t the

Innl ucMlon b rought d e fe a t when Utu'preflW tnt’a VetO w aa auBtalncd l a tho senate.

. “ '— “TTirtng--BenJocr3tic-ieftdeT3-rron>*

Incd 10 give J t p rc te rtn U ai trcaU jnen t n e x t y e a r If I t w ere allowed to go over. T hey did n o t prom ise to suppo rt I t b u t they agreed no t to uiio hny pa rliam entary rooncu- vcrlngD. Buch aa com m lttco delays o r o ilie r obntrucUons, to keep I t off the ncnnte floor.

A ttU ndo U ncertain Tho ndm lnifltratlon'3 A ttitude to-

‘ w an t revival o f tho bonu.'TTmn not been clcrirly p resented ye t. Vctcr- imij' orgimlzatlonii expoct tho od- jiiln la truU on 'to a tte m p t to arouse

iibllc an tipa thy tow ard the bonus . .y -c m p n a s is tn p -c ln lra a - th a r iio w taxcn would bo nccciinary If the

* ndju.ited Bcrvlco ccrtUIcftteo ------to bo redeem ed in cnah.

Tho loouc m ny-bo llcd In w ith econom y c tfo rla nnd-prcaent^d or

, u burden which could n o t be p rop­e rly f itte d Into tho govcm m enfa

' b u d g e t . On ■ tho con tra ry , thtrrf waji aomo reason to bcllcvo tlu it t re a su ry offlclolo, rccognlrlng tho

. pow er of tho bonua tlrlvc. had w orked o u t n. p lan fo r m eeting the Jl’.OOO,000,000 d ra in If ncceiisary.

Tlio npproxlm ato voJuo of the ad ju sted service ccrtiricfttca a t m a­tu r ity w ould bo W,COO,000.000. L oans have been n a d o to holders o f tho certlflcaU fl am ounting to

, > m oro th a n $1,600,000,000.Long A g ita tion

Tho'.bojiuB ag ita tion iilartcd the d a y th o o m ls tlc o woa signed and

’ haa continued since. I t began-w ith n SOO paym en t to nil ve terans. The po st w a r depreoAlon found m any ve teran s tmablo to g e t jobs and

’ soon hundreds o f bills fo r various •. . types o f bonua poym cnta cam e to

■ tho fron t.PrcHldcnt Coolldgo vetoed th a

^Vorld ^var ad ju stm en t compensa* Uon a c t In 1024 h u t I t wa« r ac ted over h is veto. A a soon . . th a t bccam o law tho ngltaUon flhirted to moves fo r opccdlng tho m a tu r ity dat«. Tbo Ismio has been h r o u r t t .o u t m oat s trcnuoualy la tim es o f depresalon, lead ing up to

. . ’tho 1031 action p e rm ittin g vetcr-4. 1 - -™ .. Kn

I CLOVERM rs. B ertha Bocic .had a sole

T uesday and disposed o f h e r house­hold goods and o the r articles. She

now visiting a t th e homo o t her 't lau g h ler, Mra. W em er.

. Mr. and M rs. C larence N ass le ft •W ednesday fo r Guide Rock. Neb., w h«;o ■Mk v w ill m ak« a n Isdcll--4_..

tie departed W ednesday fo r Hoxie, K nh., a f te r spending th e p a s t sum ­m e r and ' fa ll w ith M rs. E rn est M eyer.• Mr. and Mra. A . H . Ja g e ls and

M r. and Mra. H . HI flk e r have r e ­tu rn ed from a m onth 's t r lp 'to N e­b raska . Ind iana and K ansas.

T rin ity Ladles’ A d aoclety m e t recen tly In reg u la r session. Mrs. K rh a rd t Llerm an. bosteas. D uring tho buslnesA' session a silver offer­in g w as taKen f o r tbo benefit of nn o rphans’ homo fo r Christmaa. R ecclpta from th e b irthday bank fo r th e y e a r w as given fo r Inm ates of an old folks’ home. T ra y lunch

- w aa served a t th e close. Guesta w ere M rs. n a y B orU ng and Mra. i:<lgar U erm an.

H av ing suffered a re lap se -from pneum onlo, F re d B uritha ll? r , jr., re-en tered the hosp ital f o r trea t- w en t. H o la - re p o r te d a a belne again som ew hat Improved.

C. O. H ahn la rem odeling and Im proving- hla residence o n ttoeli ranch. W . W . R obertson is the c a r ­p e n te r In charge. . - • '' M iss G entvleve L a tz la reeuper-

a tth g from h e r recen t Illness, a t h e r homo a fte r be ing released from th e hosplUili . . . ■

M rs. M artin J . K nlep w aa able to j^etum home from th o hospital AVednesday and Is ga in ing s treng th rapidly.

Radical Political Ideas -Gain-Fodtholds in Iowa:By tY L E C. WI1.80N

tlE 3 MOINES. Ia„ Dec. 12 dUU —Iow a U breaking o u t In a rash of pollUcal Ideas. Tliey don 't am ount to much bo f a r bu t they indlm to aeiir trenda of thinking In th is rich, normally nepUbllcan sta te .

TIio Townsend plan — 5200 m onth for everyone over 00 years

beplnnlng lo m ake Itself felt, aroro Blgnlflcant lo the fac t th a t the discontented ele- m eala which hitherto haVo fol­lowed radical leaders wlUUn the Hepubllcan p a rty finally havo be­gun to orgnnlze fo r themselves.

Farmer^ Laboritei There 1s.today In Iow a a fo r­

m a lly constituted and rccognlzcd Farm er-L abor party . S tate law re- quirea a political p a rty to obtain tw o p e r ccn t o t th« •?oto cao t to o b ^ n reeosnlUon of Ita candl- datea oa prim ary ballota. L as t election tho Farm -Laboritea polled double tho necessary percentage and hope to chisel more votes nex t year from th e fringes of the old lino organizations.

MIIo Reno's F a rm H o lid a y __sociaUon sUll Is acUve, althouch lesa Is heard of I t now than v^hcn rieno was oj^ganlaJog fa rm strilco picket lines to dump xnlUc and other farm produce a couple of years ogo. PollUcally minded low ons a re Intercstcjl—m any, of them alarm ed—by recen t Town- - ! 0d pkio developmenU.

.. Pension Leader Clevclantr* 0 . " C r r

000,000 and there v

referendum this y e a r Iow a voted abou t 0 to 1 lo contlnuo those A A A benefits. In Sen. L . J ; Dlck- .Inson's homo county, K o m th , the voto w aa moro th a n 10 to 1 for A A A . Dickinson is chief crille o f lloosevelt crop control. Repub­l ic a n s explain th a t tlicro . wai p lural voting becausc bolh tonnntu nnd ow ners of farm s wero polled. B u t the 6 to 1 m argin of 1033 Is ImprcBslvo when compared with th e 2 4 to 1 by which com-hog control w as approved the previous yeor.

Butlnets Is GoodAutomobile and reta il sales pre­

se n t concrete evidence of im prov­ed buslneas. l a 1033, 27.000 nen cara wero aold. I n the f irs t r Iqc mOBlhs of 1034 new e a r sales In Iow a aggregaU d 81.000. I n the f in rt nine months of thla year low n automobile dealers delivered &3.D00 new cars to customers. 1 w aa told th a t laercnoes la c a r reg- Istratlona were largely la tho ra l dlatricta.

A staCo a a lu ta x check show­ed th a t Iow a rctiill bualacss for Ju ly , AuguJit nnd Seplem bcr of thin year w as 21 pe r c ea t over corresponding m oatlis of 1934. Tho Joha Dccro trac to r p laat w hich waa Idle through m ost of tho depression how ' b employing betw een 3.000 and 4,000 persons.

named for Ohio'n g rea tea t city, Is D r. Townscml'a. rcp rcscnU tivo-ln l o w a ^ e Tow n.icn(m w _a«_hav- lo g Irouhlo w ith aome oC the dally newspapers In tho s ta te . UnUl

. wan convinced I............. employ of tho Den

MoincB Resisler-Trlbune ho would tell mo nothing. I convinced him and his ntory w as short and sweet.

"Tliey a in 't any question." he told me, "bu t th o t tbo sta to of Iow a is going over fo r tho plan. I t is tho only hope of the R e­publican pa rty In Iowa."

25,000 Members T here are 000 Townoenjl plan

clubii w ilh 25,000 membem bo fa r . O rgan iia tlo ii-began -Jnn .-l-nm l-lf o lbe r ulateu provliIU pood prece­den t the mcmbcnihlp will snowball rapidly from 25,000 lo m any more. T hero haa been rap id . recent g row th. A n on the w est conbt and In tho. . . . Towijncndllcn- have borrowed the la to W ayne B. W heeler'a A nti- Saloon, league poimca^ s lra legy . Tliey. will ■ oupport congreaslooal candidates who support the ir plan, regardless of pa rty .

nepubllcana a n d D em ocrata should be v,-nmed by tho expc- rienco of Sccrctary of A griculture H enry A ..W allco hero recently. H e m ade a speech apd 'm ibm ltted himself fo r questions. U p popped thla one:

* 'l f . the N ew D eal Is sound w ouldn 't a s tep fu rth e r to the Towasend p la a pu t m ore m oney ia c irculation nnd a id recoveryT".

. W allace Ducked A sta tesm an o f national s ta n d ­

in g should have had an answ er fo r th a t oho oa leo b u t W allace had lo duck it . Tho Incident probably will m ake Townsend club m em bers and Townsend plan, votes. I waa told th a t tho IVogrcsaivo and Farm er- I-abor leadem o f .th e m idw estperfecting th e ir rep ly to s u c h __borrasslng queationa. and th a t they bellevo they ha v o ,a coavlnc- Ing argum ent to pre-ient again st Dr. Townsend.

The brighter side of tho Iow a landscape reveals b e tte r business and back of th a t Improved .ngri- 6 illu ra l purchasin.'' power. ‘ The dispute between the lo ft w ing and tho -Jl«w -D cal-. during .th o -ca m < paign w lll.bo w hether f a rm p u r­chasing power w ould havog rea te r If Mr. Roosevelt h a d ____vigorously pursued ,tho policies gonerally denounced b y tho R e­publican opposition oa tho grounds of regimentation', extravagance and sta te colllcm.

Endorses A A A " 'Iowa’s eom<hog toko in X034

and 1035 waa approxim ately .$113,-

JUU1.-V‘ Ita ' kind la Iowa i __ ___

. . . A m i'crow aii 'lobke irllko the good old days ' Y ounkets and oth­e r stores cvidJnUy a re gelUng Uieir shore of tbo A A A control checks and of the farm er# ' in­creased re tu rn for his produce.

I do no t bellevo nn eaotexa Re­publican would havo ahy chance to w la Iowa from I^eaident Roosevelt. 1 w as toW Sen. Wil­liam E. Uornh would nivo tlic New D eal Ita stiffcat Iow a contcat aa of toilay. Gov. Al^ M. Landon of K annasa, Col. F raalc ^Cnox of C ldcaco o r Sen. A rtiiu r Vandea-

nf^ pollIow a In dircc l proportion to ap­peal to thc lr ngrlcullura l pro- gm m u III comparison w ith the A A A ayalem of sending farm ers checks for no t growing this tha t;

F . D. R. Would Win S ta te politics fav o r th e Re-

pubUcatva. Tho Dcrooerallc* sta le admlDlstm tlon h as had trtiuble. A tton iey General O 'Connor bos been Indicted o a clinrges of gam bling conalrncy and lu on trial l a Sioux City. S ta te snlo Of liquor ban proved to bo politically em- harm aslng here aa l a other states,

A a of today I believo Mr. Roooe- v e lt would w in In l o ^ ^ B . F . K auffm an, a Republican who is p residen t o f tho Bankcra .Trust Co.. told m o bo thought the only m na who could lick Roosevelt in Iow a nex t Novem ber la F rank ­lin Delano Roosevelt. T h a t is, b a rrin g bad breaks and pollUcal blunders, the New D eal m ay count Iow a In ICa,column of electoral votes.


R u ss ia F u sh ca O o n s lru c tio n o f B a ilro a d s ; C a r I^ a d ln g a

H ig h e r

By JO H E n i H . B A niD . MOSCOW, Dec. 12 iiu:)—U nder

the d riving, fo rce o f , L a z a r . Ka- ganovltch, recently appointed Oommlsoar Of T ransport and the Soviet U nion'a n io st dymunie ex­ecutive,- tho R ussian railroad sy s­tem, th e m ost backward in the w estern world, la gradually devel- ofilng In both o lu and efficiency.

A fter nine m onths la office, Ka- ganovltch haa been able to report to tho governm ent g rea ter prog­ress in stim u la ting trnnsportatlon than could -any o f tho four men who preceded him in Russia's " tougheat Job." During- O ctober car-loadlnga reached an all-tim e peaJc o f 74,000 car* a day, marlclng a a increase o f 18,000' w lth ia four months.

Ju s t w h a t th la means m ay be rcn from the Tact th a t in the

previous fou r y e a ta —1030 to 1034 —cor-loadloga expanded only by 10,000, o r from 4C,00() to 60,000 a day.

Double. T racking Meanwhile, Knganovlteh, hla re­

port sbowa, haa beca f e e d in g up no t only th e construction o f new railroad Uaea b u t tbo Improve­m ent and m odernization, by dou- ble-tnvcldng..eleclrUIcatlon nnd in- Btalla'tlo'u of block signal 'systcmS

-of old ones.. T ho-tnunendoua scopa o f Run- ala'a job In building a railroad syn- fem ~Bu1tabW Tor'a-hi'oacrinndus- tr ia l na tion can too Jllustrated by tho followlog comparlaon:.

A t tho 'end of 1034 th e Soviet Union had in operation only &8.100 mlled o f railroads, 10.500 of which had been constniclcd during the f irs t and accond "flvc-ycar plans.’' Tho U nited S tates, w ith half of Ruiula’a land a rea , find.n neccfwmry 248,820 m'lles, o r nenriy five tlmw uj; much, ra ilroad trnclingo lo mt-et lia i fneeds.

S I « - U N I ! E D AFTER 5 4 YEARS

LANCASTER, Tft. (L’W -Ja m c s Coyne recently wan reunited wlUi hla sis ter . M rs. D tllo HaaltcH, o f Los Angeles, a f te r a separation of K4 years.

Mrs. M ary O'Donnell, aoo thcr Bister, m e t M rs. Hoskcil, whom she had n o t oeen fo r 20 years, a t Cleveland, O., and came to 'L an­caster w ith her fo r the reunion.

Stacks of Letters, Many From H!'ots,-^oo(L-Santa—Clausr-Ind,

Hy aoU N I . CISTTKR k SANTA CLAUS, Ind., Dec. 12 iu r .i—>foro mall than a town of Im) than 100 population normal­ly recelvo-ln h decade arrived here today. Tlie quaint llltle VII- Ingo iB the official oddreno of San ta Claufl.

L etters of a ll dcw'rlpllons— hundrc^lfl of tocm—wero emp­tied from baga and ni>rcad ovi-r a hugu table In the rear of the

.M artin G eneral.stor?., - ' Slimy rrom .'i'nuiipitenk

Mont of the pnrcebi were oil drawled pcn«5niilly lo Qjicar L. I’hllllpn. Ilu t BprlnUled liberally am ong them wore~ envelopcn bearing ' in childish scrawl, "San ta Claun, N orth ro le , Ind."

Otflciiilly, I ’Mllpps I/t the pont- m aster. The job cnrrle.i w ith It. however, Uio renponJilblllty of playing San ta Claus.

l^ctteni addrcMcd pemonally to Philipps were ripped open and the contents dumped on a table. They contained ponlcard.^, le tte rs nnd season greetings, cent hero to receive Uie cancel­lation ntamp,■••Santa Oaus,"’ be­fore continuing to the ir ulti­m ate destination.

Children's N oImi S»\Td The others, designated direct­

ly. fo r ’•Santa Claus," wero aaved for moro careful peninal. They^rcprcsented a crons-Bcctlon of w hat children w an t to find In the ir fttdcKlnco th is Chrl«t-

"I w an t only three things, a toy rifle, a cowboy oulc and n barnyard net,"-w itito Bobby of Peru, Ind. .

ra th o a woji reconifil In tho ic ttera of Faye, an 11-ytar-oUI

11, < lde/il of s ix children of Palesvllle. Ky., relief w orker.

Fayo didn't rtc tlvo anyth ing la s t year but If San ta could do b e tte r - th in year Bhe'd like a blackboard or a . doll. Sho thought h e r flve-j-ear-old sinter would like a doll and a buggy, three-ycnr-old brother, would aprrec la lo a wagon.

rutlip tlc I’IfJ*-© o n knc^v his father couldn’t afford much for n fam ily con - jilfttlng of four boyn-nnd two glrlii and a 20-ycar-old Inv.nlUl

-wifc-jM-hc-wrolc:---------------1------"If you ever have luvd toyu


of Mrs. D. N. Englehrtght.,Mrs. Lena Reichert, ncwly-elcct-

ed w orthy malron of F lier chapter No. 40, 0 . E. S., haa nppolnled tho following offlcer.i: Chaplain Mrs. .•Lucille »JohnBon; m arshall Mrs. Edna, Chlldn; o rgan is t. Mra Helen B teni; Ada., Mra. Marion V incent; Rulh, Mra. M argare t S troud; Esther. Mrs. Iren e Fox MarUw. M rs. E fflo 'IrW in; Electa, M rs. Mayme E dw ards;, w arder Mra. M arie Hawkins, sentinel, E O. W aller.. Installation will follow a 'no-hoat dinner W ednesday In the

A m erican Aaaociation of Unl- vera lty W omea enjoyed a buffet supper a t th e home to M rs. J . I H . Q ^m w ell M onday eveolng. j Tbo hoateasea w ero Mra. Crom- L w ell and Mias H azel M organ and I M lsa H enrie tta Gundemoa of I G ooding college. A. p rogram o i ■ C hristm as humbera w as given. I Tho bualneaa m eeting w aa dls- p e a se d -w lth - im :rtiia t- th o -c lu b m em ben could a ttend tbo Eccle- al&' choir' concert.

DlscipuUa Caeaaris, h igh school L a tin aoclety, held a r e s ^ a r meet- la g a t th e ' homo of V era Nell ja m e a Tuesday cvealag. Honored gueata of tho club w ere f i r s t year L a tin students w ho had <lono "A ” w ork fo r the term . A program « g iven a fte r which rcfreshmei w ero served. ’

Unity . IM r. an<f M rs. R eed McBride have

gpno to B urley to th e ir

-M r.^ A n d -M ra r-F i~ '<Ompanle<l'Bbetift and M rs. P res-

to u P ace to O akley fiuoday to at> le a d oerviceii held fo r E lia m 'Wills.

, Mr*.. B a nB oa ..A U ai. en terta ined B aturtlay. a ftm io o o h o a o rln if 'th e •Igh th -.b lrlM ajr <tf.Tar..«0B,-.aian.

' G am es w ere - « tr e s b -»enl«.W B r»-ierTsd:'.• M r .-a n d 'M r* . tfc 'k ..G ro * r .-« n d fomUy have n m e tf toV tbelr iwnr home t a '^ B u r i e y . ,■ •


■ A IZ . “The Perfect Gift

A small .


hold any article .'

. until ChristmM :

Watches — DiamondsT h ro u g h Ihc, ngM ic w c lr y h a s b e e n th e pcrfect^ c o n p lim e n t .

little nriil b ro th n u wouldbo gUul to g e t them . ClirLHmoH w on 't m can 'm ucU to u», IgUCM."

“ ‘To a i»l«t in hAndllng an aval- ichc of mall, Philip •' - 'uii*innla. HiB

daughter, U catrice, .................sorting, and W illiam M artin. Ill, opera tor o f tho' general nlorc, runn tho cancelling machine. M artin Is tho non of Jam es l-VMartin;--.Who •dlcd--laj)t npriflgo f t i r acrving 32 yearn as pont- moster.

Philipps thinks 15 employen will bo ncediHl by the time thu Clirlfltma!! miill ruachra Ilb peak In a week or no,

Au Ihe moll Is marked with tlio prized "S an ta ClauV can­cellation, I t Is loaded on trucks and talccn to Lincoln City, six mlleii distan t. Tlicro a rc no rail­road connections In SanlaC laua/

T tlT t^D SB urtc, wi.1. a '.i ')_ T h u n^£f«b.urg_jriinca_aiiacm bli:a_llii lypo on II heniLiJonr) bo.irlng on Its undorsido the mlni<pclled name of a. form er rfjiWtJil here, the iliilrn of h!n birth nnd 0<-ath and Jlic In- •crlptloii “Cone B ut N o t Korgot- len.”


Use for Headstone OhrlBlimui G rrrting Curd*, uitW . ^ .lur namo or C ouatrr ciud» a t CluM Hook -KtJre.—Adv.

Make Tliia an IVER JOHN- SON Bicycle Ohriatraas nnd be g lad ! They are the best '

■Iho long run. ' G L O Y S T E n r o ^

Mimey To LoanWo hnve nioncy to loivnr on good .Twin Falls dwell.'

inga At Oi/o*;!.Bco 113 about Federal Housing Loans 'for rc.iidencc

property.W e nlao have money fo r good Farm Loans n t C%.

F. G. Graves & SonPhono 318 1(50 -Moia North


C H R Y S L E R / o r


BOTH , ’ '


You A re Invited To See — Ride In A n d Drive The 1936

---- Chrysler ;-----BcKidcs b re a th tiiln iiR new bcnu fy ,

C h ry s lc rs h a v e , la rg e r nm l s tro n g e r X -frn m cs f o r a d d e d s tr e n g th n n d sn (e ty .

T o u ’U fin d on r stock sclcet a n d 'co m p lc to '. . . and -tho

-loveliest g ift you can give is here.

TTAMTT.T n T r - A im E L Q IH W A T O H S S

D i u i c wJ E W E L E R ' /

■ w iirsP T Plcre Are Thumbnail Reviews to Aid in Selecting Volunies immum. prg-ani2nt1ons Seeking Causes

Of Itnlian-Ethlopiiin Conflict

I prijiclploiin.v IS iy iA llIJ U. >i.;M II-r-\N 'V»r;NNA. II'I'I—The »py nrK.inl- ’ K.nVl‘'i : » "

. .fcitliiim iif Kuropp, i-nprclaMi;. li.'iouiicJor till- illrccL control of ilic of tii" thiiiKJi y ..........blR pow ers.• lire xvorUlnc uiiclor'bi'ilciiliop;i its Chrlul Rroai prvsiiiirc Iry 'n ir lo unntvol _thri plotfl iiTjil couiil.T-plola .w hiclr .'lay. to w illi. Hinta ro «U-vi-lopiri; uruuncl Uio lu !o * " ......................E th iop ian w ar. ' ji

A t '111) tln if iiince Ihc W orW w nr. ' capltalfl of butU lfiei‘[-Tmlir r*lll nnllr^tin

l ly lllU X 'r- «^A-n'Oy . Ilncln.llnic hlmii.'ir: •'.Mnvlj- M ur-'Ii.TlliiKo.'’ h y Will Diiranl, I? liuvlnij 1>.xili;i Tor : i i r l H l m n . ' i ■'>’ CcorKi'llo I Io v i t: tluit|\vhlcli ii phlloKoplKT lurrin , liliito.

111.’ Die llilnjr l;i to ltcopl'’-‘';l*y- ‘I >i»'y nm nlor .iloryirliiii. iiiiJ doi-n an oIi'K«nt job of ;i.l Ibo l.ustoii of Uic iH-wmhvhlcb i.i m,,o truly lu iw y: Hiul ilio It; nml "I W rite iif. I ru -.iso /' by Flow of Cabll l o n ’t W lia t I t

biiylii;: ilicm fur. Dim't, ) l i u n n i c l l Omiill>ii!i."i\Valli.‘r D iiraiily; ii i;w U rcporU'rto Iiiiv ;i<>ini!h!nt' by 'v liic li Incliiilnii Uiri'u -•nvoli ilctoc-;UOHi>t Euriiiu-nml iUl.inlu Juiit a tl-

p iu lor. t'vu !itiirr(.M for tlio prlcc of one. i-r tli« war, (n w(i:it (i In nmtiy m-llilnK ' itiiil IJvp*. '" ''" I coni|>K-tolyill.'Cliito ThVn thi-lv'n }:(ioil olil Uncle of lUf y

wliojilj.M blofjraphlos. Have!

• T liiiy rr for yiiiii

In 'a•■Uyn

'••]iion!ill)lo'I ih - lir.1

t Ihc:

............ rn r rii.i.iu tiuI'ho llli.'ii Hit fiction /ilralcht, it bli:hbroiv frllL'i. You inli;lil y nlcoly by ' -

fl;;litlti(; nm l-nciitral nnlloni...........ovorriin w itli n itn unil womi'fi op-! "I'tlna l!Vi Wife." by Mar;;ar<'l onitoi-n for tlio lnlolll/{cnco »torv-!Aycr Uiirncni ii Icn^tby,. rciuliibic lees, liiin .•.iplonnijc activ ity bccn’la l'“ a 'ju 'it « womun who roiiiiilnii In such full blaat o r In uuch ili';idly;J'>"t fol.t« whll>- Ikt hu.-ibaml I; c;ivnost. . koniiM ii I)!}; nlHit <hn\Ti York

N(> I.nnijirr Ilircil - ",Vour Life I.k'H Boforo You,". TliR bi:aullt«l blondcfl o r bn i-!“'y H urry Uiiiwon: Jimnll-clly Ufr

■ ni'tU 's. the iwnt-wnr Imltiitorn of lo 'vii river town 30 yeiiiiitil.' KUmoroiis M ata H url, who “ i:” . wliitful nml iippoallnjc: -'Vai- l i M u t lh<- Jihoollnj; po;il n t »<■“ >,''«[<> ;">• Carrie." byci-nnes fortrea.i before u Frenchflrin i; «<iuail. no lunjtcr are the >'>?>••'•"‘‘Jy • '‘eilfcmeil nml tiirneil ceiilrnl flKurefl In Iho 'in lcrnn ilonal," ''^

U-anuio theIt ilone In Jieiirt'

ninir 'n m l jicr/ma.nlvo ' iilyle; n Crocltv-U." ftnd M ary Klleii e: nil exqccilinirly wcll-ilnne - /ft:iU-«l-Mulna nvuCarlng

■ftillnR for ’inM t nny^

ilorjo tixlay Iti fo r tho mmiteriw nil^ uUino whu Ihi'iiiBelvivi hav(? tlli- po-1 ''/'' lltlciil lUKl illplomallc gam e u t th e lr l" '" '

' l ln sc r llp a iinil Itnow the «lt;nlfl-

AVomr.i In .’Mliidr It(ilr«Thu women iiple-i employed by^

• thn Kiirope:in-frovi.TiimcnUi arc u.i-i ii,.lly !.e<liicllve ‘•feinmea fatale.Vi w iiu .were cbarccd w ith cntlclnKlfoiu -onU

- y .:a u g -u iria :r; i ..l iilo a J id ii-.colla-Ux->Kvty-^Blooti PKtnict nccrelH n b o u t ilc fcncc.joii,i„; „ ta lc of an KnKllsh j;lrl ubout n e w . w ar weiiponH or new 'w ho m arried a G erm an nobleman ^un ita ry tacllcii. Jini'lx-forc th e w ar. w ith jkiru com-•< foUay i t la tho IntclllKcncc »crv-:,i,en t» ' on imtlimnl p;iycliolo}.'y: Ico Itnelf which Is a i wcrU. try ln ir.-T he Bcach Comber." by William U» plorcc Ihroujch tho veil w hlchl.vc^oe, a nen-Koln): nlory o t n man Jian been hunc uroimd th e dlplo-m-ho wa« forever bejnfr ruined by nu itlc nnd iiccrct ni'(;ollntlonn ho-.<icnli:nln(T women, nnd llltlnj; 11 tv .een the , chanccljcrli'ii «i;i cach :"T<irlllla r in t ." by John Sli'h i' poivw tries to JocUcy ItnclJ Into thc|beclc: n tru ly dellKhtful Iwolf About m ost fiU'orahlu position c ither on iKonie very nppealUiB no-KOOd bums lha fllda o f thu llulliin bloc or the ou t In Stontervy: iinil •'S teamboat

■ w itl-I ta llan bloc led by B rita in undl'lUiund th e Bend," by l.’:n Luclen half - heijrtedly H u n p o r t e d hyjUurm.an: ii rebuiue of an cxcep'

' by P e te r Quentiell; ' eiidabk iiccounl

• of JCnjilnnd’a i lest, poet.-i; ".Ml

. lid lie;1 Then, of cour.ie. the: friend, who llKea poi'lr 1)0 piled with the cla»fik

■i( you w ant iiotnelhln); modi '■ thciie:

Form erly W na,'Figures Poin t Out

the Klrl fPAIII.S ll 'i ; i - \V lth flandl)la;itod ont. vvell'iluated bim rollcts. mod' n lllunilnailon w ithout, the bent

ifcourae:lnt;iKe llKhtlnc ;<y.item In Fr;'newly rnrnlahed iiCdltorluni jind il•^'.lecorall^l nwrnii, the Comcdl'

Sln'i," bv A iidrpyll'ranciilne. fir/il theater......... y..1 1. ........... llii"Tho Sev

Wurclumann ... lii:il ye;xr-n i'u lll; . . ."Selected I ’oemii," '>y -Itobithan: amno very co-kI lyrlcn nnd Inciiisnniieta by a poet who m l|:bt con* B ut the actora of tho ComeJle

Jcelvably win tlil.i year'/i prl/.e:' "I rranciilne, while no t literally dylnc Quenn of Scotland nnd the 7»lc:i," Talce I t Baclt," by M argaret I'IhIi- of liunBcr. have Hcen thejr Inconie.i hy Stefan Zvvelj:: griidc-jV biocrii. hack: puncent. New YorKorlahlconllnue to drop rapidly. The In- l>hy of ft lra |;ic ipieen; "F o rty vcrsu by a tniented yoiinK woman;]crea.iln); num ber o f reslKnatlomi of ;)i'.ith-f ~ I 'o rty M 1111 o n II,"’ l>y"IX-atii nnd General I'u tniiin." by,lho Comedle'it best known actor.'r Georjfo H rltt: In which r ra n lc lA rth u r Uiiltcrman; llfjht verwe. of;ni«y bo a tlrlbu ted to the Krcal dl«- Munsey l,i taken np;irt to iihowj which the tltlo poem nloiie Is worth|pro|>orllon between w hal n nt.itc th a t money do.'rt no t miiko a newa-|tlie purchiuio price; and "Klni: Jnn-ltheuTer. nhled hy a niil);ildy paper editor: "Vncliel Llndimy." by,per," hy JCilwln A rllnj;tou Hobin.IceecL'i In paylnp ItK performer iCdcnr Lee Ma;iter/i: the life of a,.ton: u rich narrative jMiem. posl-|w hitt they rjin s e t from commer* fine inld-w esterh pnct w ritten bylhim ioi|sly published, hy one of ou r clal playhou.ieii. , ,ano ther of the ii;inie: "Stulln." hy^Kre.itesl modern iwels. 1 A rtom Stm-tilioldrrHIlenrl Uarbuimc; ii life o f IIii.is Iii’bi Vounfc Mean A t ft recent ineetlnir of thedlctiilor, lntcreatln«- If iincrillcal;| And we don’t of course, w an t to lr lc ta lrrs—who ml>;ht be called the "Old Julen,” by Mari Sandos; nioverloolc .lunlor. Here, again. m y iitocUhiildern—of th e Comedl' rich and luiUy tale of th e dolnRslown hiincU la to have a ro n l the 'Pm ncaU ie they learned thu t Uic

hardy pfoneern; "A olil-ntandhy.i Kite ‘•Tre->:itiro tNland’y.vorlh of each aJmre. whfch rep '" by no lie rt AllcrtonI . nn iiltni>rellKluuii: mmiinlfit foumle '

tlon; "Woodrow Wlliion. f.lfe aii.l L,clterrt: Vol. V.

uutiimLpre.Hidcnt during 19H and

1015; "The G reat Commodore." by Kdward JT. Barniws; how I’erry

their yearly Incomea, prob' vouM bo only alwiit Sl.SOO,

i’lie actora them-iplves. iinder tho irjr.inliatlon of the iiatlonul then- er. ure.iho.atoclcholders, nnd few lold full ahare.i—.U'ven* or elRlil-

'twclftli.1 bciiiR the jnorc ordinary,Jioiaiiic.-TJii‘.iKA;iloa-of_joi)(Lyiiu:;.................................^ i l l e . here are a lew new oneii. j.. jq whlcli they m ay look fonvnrd

".Marj- I’opplns Comes Back, by indp,. yearn of faith fu l -----Travera; an Kni;llsh ta lcji,^ rd ly iiufflcen to compem

•hlch I hav« no t read bu t w hlcli'.,o meiiKor paym ent, ly nlne-yenr-old !(on prochilmn nMj .Tiio carninK« of tlie Comedle................ ............... boolui extnntjiiave ahown a nteiW jr decrea-'ie.

; wordii): "Ma-UI^,„,b.•.•ll loolw buck w ith lonicinK of tho Sea," edited by N .! i„ l o u and 1012, when a full nhare

In the profll^i wa-n worth SS.OpO.

•em!): "The AnKel of the Aii.san?

who |c . W yeth and llluatraled by IVCer' We niuM n't fo" :e" moM ier I'o te.

who liUoa adventure. Il.i’d iret y ° ’w hiff of f a r placeh and e.xcltlnj; dO' InRs In tho followlnj::

"Tho Grc.at T rek." by Tilax Mil- r : u three-year Idlie across fro- •n Alaska w ith n reindeer herd, •ry-r« idrtl> l^‘’Thc-Voya/te-«f-the

T rtiM o-IJfo Chctyunkln," by 24 ns.'iorteil Rus-r> th ere ’s Unclis Ernent, who alanii; prbvlni; th a t Bolsheviks cnn liLi fiction stronKer, morejhavA) hlKh adventure In thu Arctic

object to ft the Banie n.i anybody cine; '.'YouthOne Unclinrtcd," by Stephen taw fo rd

how a youni; HnKllshinan mingled w ith the postTwnr wrcckaRo of tu r ­bulent iitw ila and naw history be- Inj; made: "Cradle of the Stormii," by Bernard U. Hubbard. S. J .: a

uuenis. ------------------- iTllC-)’Centered In lia ly

Tlw ry.l force of tiio cnplonniJc' Tin cfi'o rt bi. natura lly , centered ln |llkes I ta ly . .Myatcrlouii -travclera pasa.hlRh-li-om Rome ncroiui tho fron tiers to Ilttto i;rlmne;is now nnd the: c<;nvey the ir me.ssa(;rii to the lrio f the/ie mlKht su it him: governm ento, o rac n d w hat uppoar.i " It C an 't H appen H ere." by Sln- t i i ' ho sim ple huKlnt.ii mcu»u(;es clnlr IxjwI-i : how I-'aacL-im could th rough the norm al tclefjraphlc orjta iu - hold In A m erica—ft iitlrriiiK cahie channels. |book every_ A m erican ouRht to••.In th is ' m iinner the foreign of-!r«ad: “The Star.n I ^ k Down.” by flees o f the Im portunt pow ers a re 'A -J -C ro n in : nlow decay of EnsHsh jiiijured th a t the ir ears «iro clo;ioi‘ l‘’Hl='>f'on nn seen In a coal town, to tho sources o f Inner inform U -'a ;:rlni. b itte r and execedlnf;ly pow-lion , whei-eforu they will no t bej'^nul book: "Kuropa.’' by llobc rt . i E. I X . 'S - J i ;,V n fin^'^rn.Hi,!, i...t 'ii;en bv -lurnrijic by nnv cjirefullv'W rlffa'iH: “ m aalerful novel w h lc h .j,, I. li.-Irlfc .of iv flno r.ntll.-'h s to rj .pl.innod. iienmitlonnl dcvclopm ent.:P ‘ ’'’"‘'’t« p re w a r w cle ty j i , , n i i , i j ';; ' ' ' ' ‘‘‘ '•’''“ lthirds of the ndvance<l llng^■I l-:nHtrrn Kiirnnn tlo ibell i;li a mail ilancc of death ; "Stlidai<launtlL'!'s priest jiludlea lllaclern for children. Brown university '' But C y " a .1^1110 »>>• 4 ^ " r t ' r r ^ r n n u l i^ ^ nppendlcltU

S l -n H ftiv 'now ntI{ron{:d-‘'K ^ ^ ^ ^ l>a<.'l«'o%'"-yun^^ HeminK>^-ay: no t Uw bcJt] Jty i 'K ItT T K C S l T p a Hnn.-i K iira s proceededu 'l h r X l out Coiilr-Tl and -1“ ' C lileaK o-lf/. ahoekln,' and un- Homln^:^v.^y. hut, still UcmlnKwny.l UUPEKT. Dec. 11! ( S p e c la l) -L „ j,i„ jc tturc.i and In-

ho-holn);: "Back to Treiuiu and" by H, A. Culuhan: a mod< w riter does tlic Incrcdiblo by wi In},' II iio<)Ucl to Steveniion'.i clanslc and maklni; ii. fin it-ratu book out of U: "Adventtirlni* In Palestine,

I n o t too bad with

by Marlon K ul ..cloRuo across modern Pftlcfltlne, skillfully told fo r younRur readers;"Tho Tulo of Two Horses,’* by A.- I<\ Tachiffely: how » m an w en t Inim tlic ArKCHlUie In Tien- YorJf on horseback, especially told fo r tho Juvenile trade; "Around thu World W ith tho Alphabet.” by Hendrik WUlcm van Loon: r i raphy ami a dash of history ir.'luiy for tho younger Rencratlon in; --------------------------------

s w “ f C l a w1C. N.-Hblt: u new American cdltlonl Take Appendicitis


B u t this year w fir/iot n ord. In thu f irs t place, the ay/item of refiulotinff Bovemment aubsl- dies throuRh tho multiplication of tho baflic fluurc by an Index num- lj? rva?y lnk w ltir tliu -c o n ro n iv in ir Ims been applied to the Comedle In (in unfriendly fashion, tho co- efficicnta fo r mo.n£ BOVFmrocnt nubsldleii a t p rosent being se t n t 33, l a o r a, wJjHo fo r the Conicdlfc It remolfui a t G. Even n l th a t, «ub- nldles werD rcduccd thin yeur, the atato cu tting fSS.ODO off Its con­tribution. and the c ity of P aris laklnK.SiO.OOO off Ita nharc, '

b a c k ^ h lshc r-gnu le cosmetic*."

« |h i'uropi-. which fl(,'ure.»io la rro i- „I,', Ll,„ „ .m « I t , . ] / 1. p lw niB ^K «K:«lnsl Its cnomic.s to obtain !? fr;v-mlnhlp and support to defeat ;1 ch the*lw effec ts of th e ’, financial und “ > j;;.'-,,,

nom lc blockade enforced by tlii L-'.\):uo of N ations in an effort ti 'briit); Benito Mit.i/iollnl to term s.

nail.' inlfo.'it;

. . . if Iron,I fine novel of ■Virginia fain-, preme Import- iual (iplrll IH!

Lucy Gayhoart,by W illa C athor; tragedy of ii mld-||Kit)])Ii

woiitern Rlrl who w anted to be.moviniams lo r -.jur niafm ualclaii. bu t le t her heart.b rea th -tak in i; p lctli.... broken Iniitcad; nnd "Patiia of • IIliitorii'.4jlly New

Clorv," by H um phrey Cobb, onel A unt llo rtense likes hiatory, of the be?it and i:rlm est of all w ar[ahe'd be sJro to enjoy 'ono or novelit. lother. o r nil. of these:

ThrllN mid Ctilllh ! "Tlio Tivefitlc.->: Vol VT of O urnext, to Si.'iliT Sim le.|Thnes." by M arl: Sullivan: the liuit

hy Hockweli ’K ent: nn lllua tra to r pendent iichool distric t tran .iac ted ijji,;, jnnc'DiipKOW, th a t tho course a t liirKu In Greenland. onJoyioK-regular business u t . tho nchool would ton tlnuu ns nchcduled. The himself nn<l reporllnc on the.m eetln/f on Monday evening. Tho ehiirm!! of IJslilmo maidens; iitidiresl/rnatlon Mias Glady.s Nol.ion rC llm blni: Daya," by Dorothy Pll-!a« nchool treasurer was ucceptcd

first-hand iitory abouW iow nnd A lbert Fricklo w as appointedy HUOUI.-JIUW. nmi yvioert i.. It horrifying to fill her t — w ith r '" ""

expired term .

--L .-N IC E . Franco-it:i:>-;Tho avoiaH« pei.'Dn who ilve.n to be 70 lipeiid ::a

. y e a i i of hl.n life niilerp,T h a t Is tho estlm aio of ft aclen-

. ftlfic com m ltlec net Up here to in- (luire how people occupy Ihelt lives.• A p art from sleep, tho com m it­te e 's report atateii th a t the iitor- «»Ko person ta lk s for 13 years. enlJ!

.fu r (I years.-spem bi ,y:i years ir p lo isu re and- wiuihes fo r IS jn-.>ntlut.

nded:Sullen Sky M ystery,'’ by H.

C ..B ;illcy i.hnw .a llkab ic .bu t abady. Eni:li!th law yer aolvea ii aeaitide................. — Ciute of tho Cure-

ly Erie Stanley Card-

nur own e ra ; "Tho Spimish Main, by Philip Ainsw orth Means: liow' En|;limd..J;'rftncii:nii(l.i9painJaui:bt. for empire In tho Carrlbeun. breed. Ing pinite,-) and gallan t Ueeda by

•holenale; ’'W ar Memolra," by

anil AtlftKm to nld Ir U rfp lng posted In the A frlcnti war, Bt CIm UooU Storc.--AUv.

ler; ano ther lant-niovlng s to ry ofiU obert Lansing: In w h ic h ..............t hanl-lKilled law yer who pulls U ill;iinio necretary of iitntc iihowa how ihenanlgans to .mlve a m urder; ii,o fell for Urltluh pnipiigiinda two •Murder w ith . P i c t u r e «," by .yearn ahead of the rest of u s; "Sev. leorgo H arm on Coxe: ii tiew.ipap- piUani of Wiiklom." by T. E. ir iihotojrraphcr digs into an lntrl- |L uw rence: already a clanslc, this

•ry. In- an tmcommonlyiiolhi nbout the w ar in the A rublan... 'Tfr'lflnrv 'Ti-I-. ..p..I 1- . . .reaiiahlo.lw ok; ''Tlie T icking Tcr-jde:.............. . ... .ro r Miirder;i," by Uac\vin T. T eii-.from any angle;be t: a Jioedy A ustrian coun t.'abou tjby W alter Mills: ___ .w hom S iste r Suslo will go nu ta.jw ill w in Iho Pulitzer p rise If

t m a n ’eloi........... ‘'Hoad I

r Mills: and ii '


W h at M ust 1 Give2.U iir iiiK llic IjiM Tfiv .vciir.'i tin? C liiis lm n s G^fTiiuc.sliim

iias Iji-ooiiio a m ore .si'rioiw prob lom llinu o v e r ln-forc.

O lio wiindor.-i lliro n g li s lo r c n f to r s to re Raziii); n t ro w

(iw o f K lillc rijjg oleg.iiieo, > 'ft sn iu lio ii o f tiieupo n r

■ ,- ro l .l ., d o e s no t si'oni to lie m iieli i

s t i it 'J . ' A s C liri'^ liuas d ra w

a ro r tlin ii a t t!ie

tlic (liffieiiitie .s

III rcoM it vcdrx m n tiy Imyi liuve oonefn tn il» -(l t l i e i f I*'

e t u n i e d nw jiy from Ilic so -ca lled lu x u r y g if is nii..................................... ^ . I u iil ii 'y ilt;ins a ix j p rac lii 'a l g if ts M idi ns-n^

f o u n d in ev o ry -li.- in lw are . slorfc— lli’c' i Hcal K oliilioiK for tlic <-’v( jierjilp.xiiii; g if t p ro b lem . S u fh p if t:s .n r i‘ nh ray.s w i-k'tiini’ a iu l llio re is scldoui, i f eveuii »nilinrriis>iiiit>‘‘ Kiiriilii*^'^

s ha •ina .

I e u ib arn is .s jn g 'f iiirp liu ^ "

H E R E A R E A F E W G IF T i t e m s : o r F E R E D BY K R B M G E L ’S :

Mlxma«ter» Wufflo Irons

A utom atio Xrims T o astd ri

Home W orkshop E n u lp im it____

Pocket K nlvrs ■ Perco lB ton . CJocU*

^Vntrh«» Kuir*

Tool Cbi-it*

I^ n ie rn s* Sondwleh T oustcm , •

E lectric K llclien CTocks T hem tonieffm

t Kloctrlo l lra te ra • C uriicntcr TooN

Mcrhanlc* Tool* . Scale*

Table I.ampn I-loar Lump*

nanhllghlx C ar Heater-* Hoekrt S e h

—O ral O'Plumbing-FixtuifiB.- -iH oiiic-Wn,tei‘-Sv3tcn ii_

•Mcchanical Toys

K r e n g e l 's H a r d w a r e210 2ND-AVE. SOUTH TW IN FALLS, IDAHO ^

Used. A u lo P a r t s ’


Any M otor P a r t — any M otor Car P u r l — caa bo bouglil a t g rea t navlng a t o u r Used Auto Pftrtfl counter. • E very P a r t , though to aomo ex ten t Used, has po.nse<l tho rigid test-ln-, siTectlonr w o'lm pono-on-ovcry- P a r t placed In our otoclui. ISvcry ono Is p rlccd a t g rea t big navinga!

M e w s -

, ALELS of high' aclvenlurc . . . . . dcfem ^h o p e s ..............b a l l l c s w o n a n d l o s t . . . . . o f p c a c ca n d w a r . . . . . lo v e a n d r o m a n c c . . . . . . h a t e a n dd e a t h ...............a r e o c c u r r in g e v e r y s ( f6 o n d o f e a c hd a y in s o m e c o m c r o f t h e w o r l d .

iT h e s e o c c u r re n c c s m a k e n e w s . C a r r i e r p ig e o n so n c e c a r r i e d t h e f i r s t n e w s . i T o d a y ............. j a n g l in gt e l e p h o n e b e l l s , c l a t t e r in g t e l e t y p e m a c h in e s a n d ' t i i c r o a r - o f m a m m o th p r in b n g p r e s s e s a n n o u n c e th e n e w s to r e a d i n g m i l l io n s . _ |

, T ^ a y s s w i f t e r m e th o d s o f c o m m u n ic a t io n s h a v e a n n ih i l a t e d s p a c e . T h e y h a v e b r o u g h t th ew h o le w o r l d t o w i t l i i n a f e w m in u te s o f e v e ry , 'd o o r s te p a n d e n h a n c e d " t h e im p o r ta n c e o f n e w s .

. T h e r e a d i n g 'p u b l i c d e m a n d s s v / i f t , a c o i r a t c , ’d e p e n d a b le a n d u n b ia s e d - n e w s o f w o r l d e v e n ts . G a t h e r in g , s i f t in g a n d a s s e m b l in g t h i s n e w s a r c ’ t h o u s a n d s o f a l e r t c o r r e s p o n d e n ts c o m p r i s in g th e U N I T E D P R E S S . A l l h a v e w o n th e i r s p u r s o n th e b a i t l c f i e ld o f k e e n c o m p e t i t i o n . . . A l l a r c im b u e d w i th t h e h i g h i d e a l s o f t h e U N I T E D P R E S S /

- U N I T E D P R E S S d i s p a tc h e s b ^ r t h e s ta m p '

o f -a u lh e a t i a ! y , - ^ c c u r a c y r t r u th * a n d ^ ^ r a h n c s s T r r . - ;— r t h e y a r e im p a r t ia l a n d u n to u c h e d b y p r b p a c a n d a . ’

R c a d . , U M l T E D . P R E S S n e w s in ■

^M um s

S [T S 1 E W 1 iG H ;

lino' flyinR more than n mlllloa miles ft month and the firat timo un nlrlino had averaged SO.OOP milCR a day.


which can Iw used fo r an ordinary rlKnzlDu m otor w ithout any recoa*

---------:--------- stn iction of tho m otor belnff no- •PORTLAND. Ore, a ’-D—U n i t e d I ' a ’i l>ccn demon«trated

Airlines claimcd tw o w orld's re<-i‘o " Rroup of cxperta n t tiio ro- onls when It conipletod 09.1 per “cnfcl* worltn of tho A zctt Oaj cent o f I,.100,000 miles o f CoHStnJClJon cempaayulrd flylnfr -on Its route.i dcrlnj; In.Itathenow . , ,mo m onth. ’ ---------------------- ---------

Thlu was the hijjhest p«rcontaKc TIM ES W ANT ADS GET RE- If completed ochedule.i of on air- SULTS. •.

A niiit'to riijo ln Secn 'tn ry o Slalo Cordell Hull anil o thcr- j;overnniriit officials from cii> forcing nu cmtmrBO on oU, riipper, cotton nnd scraplron to ifulv lian been filed by. l>r. rilljipo G lnnlano. left, iiM lit- un t 10 aenornno I'ope. rlRht, inlllloiinlro publisher o t Ita lian papent in th is caitn try .' The su it claims th u t reta lia tion by Italy would ilpprlve U . S . cltl< MiiB of r igh t nnd property wUh- oiit due proem s of law.

iW s C h r i s t m r .


1. ‘1l'( Iht aMy rertal4« 2 . "ni>fl«r Camfert K*v« Onlymrlih Touch Csnlnl" era •xclutln with Reyor Imllj.d C"you ’ll btJIo tetl<'r on "A nJ t!2a tn)can.ia M / o».i Ptct.oW *tlio Now Iloyal Port- Royal’s keys fit tho ' ’All eontroLi are quick-ab le hocauso T o u c h / flnecni, prevent finRcr- ly, ciuiily aeawiiblo oaControl perm{ts you to Up hrtiincn.-Then, too, tlio Ncw«XtoyaI . . .

tho key tension thccharactewarcwliiui while tlio mcclianisin

CHICAGO (IM!)—Tho iitoriedfrft- Kranco of new-.mown hay m ay be! irreslstiblo to c ltj: fdlkn, b u t- th o . iKiya nnd t'lr ls w ho imlff 't h a t bu- co lla.bauquct.aa .part of-timr-U aUy comln^n und Rolngn nrotind tho farm stead iiccm to p refer the trall-

iR nrbutu.i o r tho heliotrope — dono up In bo ttles—so f a r an their own personal perfum ery Is con­cerned.

Show Gains.Cosmetic m aniifacturern repre­

sented In 'th e Merchandlflc M art here, an tlcipatinff tho b l g p Chrislraas cosm etics neiiflon years, ngreo th a t rhm l d is tric ts a rc showlnft m uch higher ga\na In na tes-of Rood perfumcfl lim a the urban centers.”“ *l*^rmlnp“ i

If you’ra B parent, give th a t student BOD or dfluahtcr of youra a New Royj^l th is Cliristraas. Sco tho scJiool mnrka ooarl Ikaldw , you'U bo doiae. youniolf a good turn, for you-motit certalnlywilluflolt, tool Amarine low. prioo iocludca i

I biff distributlnfr f irm , "and rm folk, paradoxically enough, u leadlns tho country In ft swing

Idaho Typewriter Exchange Agency0 , E . SH E R W O O D

Oppoflfte P . O. , P h o n e 0 0 '


— - T h tir e f lr iT r0 c c e m l)5 r r l2 r l3 3 5 " "


Mcmbcra of tlio Unity ycfllertJny ftttem oon a t the homo of Mm. John Som racr. opcnlnc Uio C liristmnn ncwion w llh the club i;nnp. D uring ft sh o r t buitlntM sen- ulon tho report of th e Rural Fed- c rntlon w as given ond It won tie- clilcil lo have ft m en 's dinner ta rly In Janunrj-. M rs. E . M. Doasett wna ftppoJnteU to hiive charge of iho nrrnngcm enla. Hoi! coll woo imnwerccl w ith club mtrnbcra’ fa­vorite Chrlatmna aongo.

The progrnm Waa prcacnteU by Mro. FrniiK H olm an, *>vho reaU rm arliclc on tho origin of Chrlatmaa In o th e r Inntlit. Mnr. Roy Evana iIlAcuaucd Chrlatmoa In o ther coun-

--htIc;i. Foreign Chrialmna carols: f iling,T py'fT ^hlrtct {ncJudlng

Mm. F ra n k H olman, who nccom* jwinlcd th e 8eIcetlono: Mm. Donaett, Mr«. Tcnii D osiiett and Wro. Blanche Fender. A reading. "Out ot tJjc iIouU)9 of waa glv-i n by AJrii. Guffey. The progrnm WILT concludcd w llh Uio binding of Chrlatmaa cnrola.

Itcfrenhmcntii w ere ncr%-ed by the hoslcnn, lUiBlslcil liy Wra. Blanche, I’lilrlck and Mr«. ISllrJibeth Meull.

c x u K ■ATr*:-vn* * C im i.STM AS SESSIO N .

coverod dish lunchcon on<I

green tftpcra In holly holdcra.Room! (iccornttonn were nlno In heeplng w ith tho holldny sciuion. In charge o f . th o luncheon were Mm. Fred Uudnon. Mru. C. V . Llndnq«. Mr«. M ary H am ilton and M r “ Schubcrt.

A brief bufllneaa scanlon _____ducted by Mrs. W . A. Poe, .preai* den t,-an d plana w ere made for a

. homu producla d inne r to be held Jim . 8 n t the home of Mrrf. Ida Anlauf.

A fea ture of tho program waa the n m u a b g g if t cxchnnge con­ducted by Mro. Pa riah and Mra.

_____Mary_i-IamUton._qi:cnU.w.ero Mra.A ndrew H omlllon, n ’form er mein- her; Mrn. L. C. Roblnaos, jMra. Wlnnlo ro e . Miss K atie G abbort and Mias M a rg a re t’Rcqua.


. • , Mra. n . G. Davlea cnterUilncd U m em bers of the B lue iJiUca Boule­vard club a t b e r hom c.yeatcrday uftem oon. Roll cnlt w as ntmwrrcd

, w ith mcmbcra’ m oat thrilling ex­perience on' w ater. Cueat o f tho ^ roup wa/i MrA ISor] Biuiby.

D uring the buaincaa aeaalor. ducted py Mra. Davies, vice presi­dent. p lans fo r the C hristm as party w ere made. To relieve tho social ;u!d program eom m llteea p a rty or- m ngem enlii were le ft to M rs. A . S. Ream s. M ra .-A . ,C . Rutherfonl, Mra. O. Doxrude nnd Mra. L .’ !*' Thcwlla. ,l i r a . Rcom s will bo host- CU3. T he progm m lnctuQe<l a .\ view of Bcebo'n ’'H air n Milo Down." by Mra. Rutherford.

, Mrii. Dnvle/i,. Aaalated by Mra. y Bunby. oer\-cd rcfroahmcnta._


A t th e meeting yestcwlay a fte r­noon of the Good W ill club a t the homo -of M rs. L ftum W hitney It: wan decided to hold ft Chrlstmaa:

•pa rty W ednesday a t 8 p. m. n t the 0(U1 Fellow s ball fo r club mem­bers n n d 'th e ir fam ilies. The chil­dren o f the mcmberfi will present

• the p rog ram under the direction of Mra. C. D. Thompson.

---------A t. yesU rdny's. aeaalon-tlie. dlrec-tor'fl repo rt w as given by Mrs. C arl Johnson. Mra. Tom D oty pro-' vhled the .white e lephant which

' wna won by M rs. Mlnnlo Patz , a guest. M rs. Ben D utson w as adm it­ted ns n new member.

■ Refreshm ents Were sen 'cd by the hosteoa. assisted by Mrs. P a ts and .Mm. Thompson.


J u s t common senae—th is surbcs- Uon o t you r Fftahlon Counnclor. M arian M artin . Jhat up-nnd-dowii

; llne.1 glvo an Illusion of height. So weep no more if the yardnllck shown you n bit below averuge. the « c a le o -a b it overweight, fo r a, frock aucb a s pa ltcm 0004 la dc- -signed to "dreaa off" e x tm pounds.

and do tidnga In -tho wny of In- I c reasing s ta tu re . See fo r yourselfi ; tho effectlvene.'w of Blenderiilng , cen te r panels, which b reak Into' j pleats near the hem. How fla tte r - ; log a serle.f of vertical lines can

be! Y et the cffecfn n o t a b it too' ; Bcverc. fo r scalloped shoulder tab s '

anil aleeven and decorative ric-rac braid provide Just enough In terest mid varie ty . I'ercalo Is nice If nrc- nhrunk. Complete. Dlngrommcd' M arian M artin S w Chart included.

P a tte rn 0(164 m ay bo ordered' only In nlsen H , lO. 18. 20, 32. 34. 3fl. M . 40. 42, 44 nnd 40. Sl«e IG requires 3? ; yarda 36 Inch fabric.

Send F iFT E K N CENTS In coins!or Siam .............. 'B.tCH

, tern. Bo , NA5IB. ADDllKSS. the STYLE • NUftUJER and SIZE of each p ^- tern . , ‘ '( THtu NEW .MA11I/\N MAIITIN i l*ATTEIt.V BOOK will be ready for ; m ailing Dec. 18. Place > >ur order j now, and be am ong tho f irst to t rccelve a copy. U’s n p rac tical pat-

I nr.a’ j clothes for the whole fam ily!' B— o t '— IJOOK— P U T E K N ,



IX)CAL COUPX£^VEl> A T SALT XAKE . Mr. nnd .M rs. J . N .'D ayley an-j

noune9_Abe m arriage of t1»elr> daugh ter. M iss .E m ily V. Dayley. mid Don K lrkman. son of Mr. asd

• • Mrs. Ju n e K lrkrann. Monday a tthe U D. S. tem ple a f S a lt Lake C ity ..M m . Dayley nnd Mm. Klrk-

• m an attended th e ceremony." L % r. and Mrs. lO rkm an will b e 'a t

in im e-ln Twin Pallii following a sh o rt wedding tr ip . Mr. K lrkman.

• ft g rad u a te of Tw in Fa lls high . uchooL (a aaaoclated w ith the'Con-

...........^ I ld a te d .W a ^ n a n d M achlncccm -', pany and Mrs. K lrkm an. w ho grad»

ua ted from the F ile r n lra l ' high school,^lo.em ployed a t the Idabo D epartm ent *tor&


A t ft m eeting of the Fa lls Ave­nue c lub ftt .the borne of MlM Ger­trude Sampson yesterday, M rs. E. E . H aya w a s ‘.chosen president;'

» Miss Sampson, vice preaWenti ’ ,-A ,-S tom ,-*ecretftry.-ireoa; I

BlcJtel' P rtreol-Tcacber ___—clallon -a tudy -c lub~ nnd -e*eeu—

tlve commlttce will m eet {f>- morrow n t 2 p. m . In the iichool auditorium. All. pa ren ts are in ­vited to nttcQcI.

U ncoln P.-T. A . a tudy group will ;neet tom orrow from 2 to 3 p. m . In room 17. Mra. George Erb land wlli speak on "ifcncal Hygiene’- 'a n d Mm. J . Raa- musnen will discusa "Keeping the N orm al Child N orm al."* #

P a s t M atrons club will m eet tom orrow evening a t tho liome of Mra. F ra n k Baldwin, 1130 F ifth e a s t M rs. Baldwin will be assisted by Mm. J . *A. Keefer.

- *A (Inaee w ill be held W cdnes- doy, Dec. 18, a t Legion Me* morlal hall u t 0 p . m . under the ------------t,lp g j E dw ard 'sCatholic church. Holders "diamond" tlcH cts v;lll have free ftdmlsalon. • Tho public la invit­ed, i t Li Rtated. Admission wilt be 1C cents, to go to Uie church fund.

u re r; and M rs. W . O. Sycstcr, r«-|

^ C « o l alnglng by the group held pnd Shiriey W alU ce and Ver* la Beua gave re»01ngs.-AMbte(t by M rs. R u th KesUer nnd Mra. A . E. G ray, th e boam ents. A nnual cluK dinner will flcrvcO- a t the Isome of M r. and

.M rs. J . A . Stom , Jon. 8, I t la nounced, ' . .* .4> . • LU NCH EO N . . A TTEN D ED BY CLTO

. 7 b e reg u la r W lroodausl club luncheon w as held yesterday a fte r­noon o t th e homo of Mm. H . S. Cowling. Mm.- & A . M cM aster w as n ssU taat boatcsB. T able and r - —decorations reflected tbe Chris:____seaM n. G ucsU w ere .U n . Roy f a in t e r anJ-M ra. E . a Johnson.

D lN N E It, SIU D OB .. ' E N T EK T A IN IL 8 . O L im

-.M r.-a n d M rs. a D. AnderMn e n terta in ed the H . S . d u b Tuesday evening J i t Ihe ir 'hom o for-dinner,

.a n d on e v e s ln f flf')3ridg6. Tbe Cln' ner. t»b lc w as attrwU vo'wllh.deft-. M na l tr im . A t card s p n s e t w^ere received by M rs . ' C. A. Bickford

• a n d 'Jo b n BalMb.


.M m. J . N. C laa r is president o f| tlie M ountain View club fo r the coming year, follow ing on election of officers ycslcrday a t ft mcctJug, held n t tho home of Mrs. Robert; Booth. Mni. A . U Goodrich la vlce^ prealdcnt; Mm. Bkick, aecretary-| trctisurtrT-nnd-M nt.—Sam -O am ble reporter. F o r neXt year’s program the general assignm ent Is fo r each m eeting to be on a foreign coun tiv and Its people, chosen by th e ho st­ess. Refreshm ents end decorations win n t l K t her choice.'• ' The annual g if t exchange w as| iconducted 'and ro ll call responses; iwero C hristm as quotations. Mra.I .F rasier and M rs.' F loyd Bandy; were guests. R efreshm ents « t r e | Mrved. ■ • ■* * *' CHRISTMAS PAKTY ATTENDED B r N U RSES

The annual C h ristm as p a r ty of the F lm t J^bitrlct N iim es' assocla-' tlon*was held la s t evening a t the homo o f Mrs. ~W. H . McDonald, Poplar avenue. A n Illuminated C hristm as tree and boUdav w reath s made the homo a ttrac tlv t. D ur- Ing a business oessloa Qie ^iroposed — Lge scale v o s discussed and tbe

n m d e r of the evening w as spent carol slajrtng, gam es nnd a g tft

|Music Recital Given By Hagerman CircleHAGERMAN, Dec. 12 (S pecia l) ,

|—H arm ony circle, mualc pupils ofj

You Can Make These <^fte-Yourselt

. Tlero are th ree rea l pala for bnby'n nap tim e, so ft little bed­fellows to- anuggle u p ' to. The chubby k itten h as tig e r marUlncs of brown, and b r ig h t blue eyea, bu t la n 't in tho leant fearnomc. H um pty D um pty will never have to ca ll in a ll tho k ing 's homen nnd bin men to pu t them together. The facc la read y to burat Into n, broad amlle. A nd t-ntranclng lit-! tie Wftgit; w ith an e a r flopped over ‘ —e, Is pan ting ha rd a f t e r ’n!

and big cute -red toni:uel ,hani;B out. A ll of these ftnimalaj lJunt th o rig h t size fo r HtlJe nnnx,' m eanuring about 10 Inche.i acroM., aro included in one NUMO hot Iron trannfer., No. C3234T. i t la! ujuibic nevcral times.

Sent}-30 ccBta In ntnmp/i o r coin;. (thrCo pntternn fo r 25 cents) to HEAD ER'S SKRVICE BUREAU, Box 100. Knnnaa City, Do. Be sure to iitftte you r FU L L NAME.

. YOUTi P U LL AD DREa.3, and (he num ber of the patterns, wanted.

SELECT V m iTiTciKlny nlKht, l-:dgiir ........... .^^(?rm cr_xin/;ihlpciiL m anU r._w n3 ciccted to aucceed O. J . Child*,' 'ivJjoatf te rm w ill expire. Inaialia- lion w ill bo held Tueaday evening of n e x t week.

\V arren C. N uzm an was chosen senior warden, W. R. sh o r t, junior H’ar«Jen..nnd re-elected were Kiirf O. W alter, aecre larj', and E arl S. |La H ue, treasurer.

Riipert Sisterhood Marks Anniversary 1

lO B E A O V iC E O

Pago .Nine

LOCAL S I D E N I S “iTTEBiraMBallengcr, Jenkins Kcprcscntj!

Twin Fftlls High School ,A t B. Y. U. Meet '

jPreacher Abandons His Congregations

,_ jaN ST O N .4J.-a-nU !U .T lio-B evr| Jam es Thomiis Huek. N egro "porch preacher." has abandoned hln three congrcgatlono.for lack of coopera­tion.

Buck. dfBplto meager aclwollng. deeide<l'hls Chrlatmna nhould nr-, Irlvo on So|)t._ 20. Tho congr^ga-,

church membcnr, agreed to « )c - hrnio the holiday th ree moni';;*^. earlier tlian uaual.

JJut as S e p t..25 approached. - )tjM '-.-d lJn 't- .aw im — -.ClirUtmau-y___cnouRh to tho m embers, and tiny; backed out.

. ino COngr<'gB-;HIUlthe ]>orchc« oflCafe.

Spcrlal nU hm . Bowl of Chlil Ifx-, Chlckrn Tiimalo and D rink 2&«,

U hltiew Nuudlra w ith Po rk 25c, iwlth Chlckrn 35e. Uiiblcr'n GrlU

'nM. C. Bnllenger nnd Ceorgo

Jcnklnn reprcnenlrd Tvi’In Fall.-i^M h igh Iichool a t Ihc third anium llW ' ^

i i s < ^ h n s t m a sBallengcr delivered iv ta lk on

"Solving MnUe.up Problemn on a .Mimeographed I'niier" before tho accUoti fo r iitnffa of mlmecirraph- cd pnpera. lil.i auRg«tloiia wcro of hl(;h value, ncconling to the Ilatcnors. Tho Twin Falln high Iichool paiuT, ••The U ru ln ,- . hiujl ftchleved wide notice an n .-.uiicrior': publication. I t hn;i won llrfit p lace '' in the mimeographed )>n,)cr di- viBion of Intermountnin contcaln comlucteci tho pii-it two year/i.

28C Delegates Attend ' j _ Tlic eonfercncu wn.V attended by i

dclrgate.'iAdvancem ent o t throe 1'''*' '' o f Utah,

of Tivln Fall/i-Uoy Scout cub pack iwno. announced today by scout neadqunrtera here. David Flpge. Deo Lawnnn and John lt.iJifimun.icn art! eligible to rccclvis the wolf rpnk, nnd Dec I-iiWRin In to I'e t lulvancement on tho honor u rriw ' point.

Jolm n.is/imunHcn nnd Oias FIgge cub lendern. Thu cuba ’ ’ '

, . ............ rep.ilrlng-^—jMChrlatmna dlntrlbutloti. Den of thci pack-U-ttt~ih«>-J<ihn-Ri homc.-

Idnho. and Wyoming, m aking ... new attcndnncc record. L-i.tt y ear the conforeiico iittrncteil 22.*5 per- aon-1 from 24 Intt-rmountalii schools. „

T.-jIkn by eminent Journalliila. luncheonH. nnd panel dincu-iulonii o f typlcnl hlph .«ichool publication probltm a mudo up the progrnm , .Wany ifelegnlon ai.io ntlcnded tbo ' .. . . . ----- . . j j j

.. V". tJ.'vnrid ty alid i

'evening.• T h« B. Y. U . illvSalun o t Journ-l

allam , luialated by OmoKa Nu.l rccen iy form ed Joumallnm fra te r­n ity , carried ou t the confcrcncc.

GOODING. Dec. 12 <specin\)—iHolUster Grangersthe two top ran k in g aiudentfl for Choose Officials,tho fira t te rm a t Gooding collefte (Special) j

College Announces Academic Honors!

ItU P E R T Cee 12 /Snecinn—.i™ "’' ^reahman, m alting s t r a i g h t ^ T u c m i a y evening in tho 'v

■ portj-A da-C ap ps.—A lle o -C ra n e ,.m ‘ii'‘ ''i': G uyJ?ttcra,.oycrac«;-M ra_> IDoria VauRhn. lUchfleld; M ary Fu- Pierce, lecturer; Lloyd n y n ii |> IJII. N am ra : V cnetla lleldel. fm ii.l'itew ard: V lrrll Jew eit.

pccem l>er rec ita l a t Uie Jolm Bed- i , "

O o f v e ry n o w e J f j i i p p e r i . . . luxu riou j to look o i . . . o n d io

• w eo f . O f vclvei in jow ol lo n e j trim m ed wilh m olch ing lom b- i k in . . .o r . in b la c k w ilh p e o c h • co lo r lo m b s k in .. .o n d morJ<cd o l a " h u f r y - r ig h t -d o w n - o n d - ' Q c l -o 'p o ir p r ic e " .

t]io componer studied, w ith .. vlew of bill life read by Ailene Bedlngflcld and his • composlUonn played by A nita Cady a n a Thelma

Miss Sue Evana spoke on ‘■Why I t Pays to Study Mualc.”

Contests fo r acalea and nrpeggloa , vere won by Fairy Barlogl, f ira t g rade pupil; Donna Cady, f ira t fo r advanced pup ils ;' Thelm a P o tU r,' aecond. and Jfarjorlo Bodcrmacher. th ird . Judges were: Mra. W .;Dlck- cnnoij nnd Mra. I rl Roper and Mlaa Evana. • . I

Pupils tak ing p a rt In the after- noon's rec ita l were V em Fallon,' Bem lce Clark. EiUv Mny Fallon., F ftlty Barlogl, FJorenco Mary] Jonea. M arlin Tuckcr, Ailene Bed-I iDgflcId, Silva and Donna Tucker,' N ed ra Barlogl. A rdllh a n d T hresa Tingw all, Thelma Po tter , Venice P ugm lrc , Charjes B lackbarf, Don- nft and A'nitn Cody, B ertha, M ar­jorie nnd K athryn R odcrm akerand Hazel Bedlngfleld.

M iss.Venice Pugm lre. counclHor o t th e lIannbnyelrc}c.-f«7K'<2iarge o f Uie m eeting.. RefrcfthmentSi wer(lyserved by tho hoatcss, Mra.I M ai^ M cCarly. asalatcd^by Mrs.^ R ex QargolL

Dramatic ContestHeld a t Gooding

G OODliiG. Dec. 12

exchange. G uest s ig h t w as ob­served.

Refreahm(nt« w ero served 1)y, Mrs. McDonald, assisted by Miss Cittrico D rake a n d m s s M ay J a ­cobson.- -


M iss Eald COates' fourth ' gnuti wm p u p i l s enterta ined th e ir

m o the rs , yesterday afternoon a t ano ther of the K ries b f'teas ' g lv ra a t th e W ashington Mhool. A fte r & period of Inform al- gam es, re*i f rcshm ents w ere served hy Ur>.| Dudley DrlBcoU, room m o ther: M ra. I 0 . K. Tallock. M rs. M artin . Roark,: Miifc Roy B arnett.-M rs. F re d Beerand Mm. Fortune . They . . . , s lB ted 'by tho chUdren. Tho t«a tnblo-w as.attracU va w ltli a lighted C hristm ai'trcfl Xor a centerpleccJ


J in . E m m ert, Avoca, Iowa,, gueat o f .be ro ls t« r. M n . H .'O . Mil­ner, and Mrs, W . A . V ah E ngelen ' were g u c a t i 'a t * rec en t m eeting ofl tho S ftbddo-c luh ,. enterttthaed by Mrs. Robert H aller . m W alnu t I

iTbo fira t .three pTaya In'^thc^Wgh' ochool dram atic achievement - - - '

b ir th d a y > ’5 ity honoringl ,lhe 10 th annlveraary of the chap- ilcr'H organliatlon . '' ‘T he paat prcslden ta wcro host-

wea. Mra. A nna L alluc, the f irs t p resident o f tho chapter, w as as- alstcd by M rs. R uth Beymcr, Mra.. C onnie. Remsburg, U rs . Id a El- more,' Mnt. E dna Sinclair, Mrs. H attie K enagy and M ra. GUve Qa-; ker. A delicious dinner w as served, a fte r which the announcem ent of Jh e com ing m arriage ' o t Mina Glaayn NcJson w as m ade by cnrdnic arry ing the nam e of the bride­groom , H arm on H osier, and date o f w edding, J a n . 2.

L ettera from Uiree abacnt presl- denta w ere read. M m. Beulah Ben'

IJII, N am pa; V cnetla Heldel, Cns- " lew ard ; Virgil Jew ett, na.tlnlnnt S3 lUeford; Muriel Smlthnon. Buhl; C. Rlechern. ehnplnln;lN ]Parshall T erry ,. H ag c rro a n ;. E d - l^ l™ Jc» ta Kunkel, Jrenaurer; On- 55 w ard Bostrom. BenjUrinn Dro>\ [«>'*■ l^^teraon,* h M rc ta r j- r 'A .'• 'E ll ii i Adeline Lokln, H elen ■ VaiiKht,i‘ ' “ '''e II,,ga tekeeper; Mro, M. N .iw Gooillng. _]KnUdson, Cerea:,Mr«. A. K. C ald-IJ^

The following atudenLi received Pom ona; Mra. J . E . Pohlm an.lM------ -------------- . . . 'F lo ra ; M iss H ilda nice, Indy aoalfl-'cJ

;tftn t stew ard, and J .' M. P lercc iw executive board member. . • iS i

InatallnUon of officers will be tV iheld n t the nex t m eeting of I h c ! ? ' g roup. igS

honorablo m ention; A nna Blanks- ma, M elba; -\Vlrt Falrm an. Je r­ome; D onald Green, Bolae; Maude, U ycook , H.aniien; Aline Adama.

IDonald Blakeley. H ex I ’alJitcr, iRuth Ryan. Gooding.


uv:..-. ..C.o rcuu. * in i eeu ia ii u c n ■ | “«ches a re belDg sen-edThompaon, o f Quincy. III.- u r a I

^ ^ ee th ^ iiW iS h o pSHOE DEPARTMENT

- L . B rnclccn, iran n K c r H O M E o r “ .SHOUT V A M P S ”

and M rs. M ora Brown, of River-' 'side, Calif. This m ade a repre-| oentfttion of a ll who had aetvcd a s ' p realdcnt during th e -lifo of the: chap tc r. - I

'G am eu completed the eveiilng'fll .en terta inm ent. • '


—Announcem ent.hao been made byi Mlaa Sue Evana, E nglish Inatruc-I lo r a t the H agerm an Mgh school,

ihon been 'purchased by tho school 'd istr ict nnd Includes tsblM,, ntoves, cupboards.- dlahea nnd all-! verwarc. F E K A canned mental

innd f ru its a rc bblng used ond^ jtlio pupils donate tho. vcgct-iW s' 'and m IJk .-tV P A women K-orkcn' cook ond servo tno mcnls.

o f t h e all-nchool play , "Anythlnjrl M ight H appen." to be given Dec.' 10 w ith tlie follow ing cast: Lavena B ed lng fleld ,'-ila ry H endrea. Mar-, jorie Bell. Loveile M ortenacn, F rie-|

“ ida W oodhead. Je an Parsons. L a'

NO I t Is N o t Too' Lato

te a t a re to bo atncred D®hryl Dennis, Lee Ows-ll „Sundays.

n c tB ,a n d th e ,b c s to n o o f ih c g n ) u p l" " w ill-probably be chosen, to repre-

A ppointm ents'— Evenings or

sen t Gooding in the dram otla e ats nex t spring, .it Is a u ted .

P ««n ted ;T ^ m be "Hiila o f/^ llcnce"—a s to r v 'o f a ' m ountalnVfeud, betw een tw o old clans., w ith Jean H o m e tt 'tftk in g the lead.

The second ploy will be -■‘Tbo Boy. Comes Back." w ith Jun io r ;SchlIds, W ilm a E la en e r,, H elen : Ramsey, A lbert Thurber, and'A ud< Irey Lou Woods talcing ■ parts . '•‘Pecr-s a o c k ”—a C b r i - * - - - - ’—

I ixnil C eerse Lem jnoa.

A n elephant would consume 10 I tons o f food dally if I t a te the sam e om ount.proporU onately as a m ouse- The a c tu a l consumption of food la 100 pounds, however.

w llh F red H arm s p lay ing tho lead will bo tho la st on the program .

'p n i z E N iG n T * : 'i lAOJtAHOSD B Y CLVB < . '

M m. Al W cstergrcjtw H s hostess to th is week's.»ts»lon;of th o H . N. O. bridge club a t her ho m e ' on N in th , avenue eas t fo rM " p r i« e ig h t." H igb score a t hHdgs^ waa received by Mr*. F ra h c ts ' Shene-

,berger._a Riicat of the.club.' |I>cco- rationa included a . lighted ifSndst-


H . and M. bridge club bl^eUnff woM-heia thte'WceJc a t-tho:-hom o of-M iss-B eulah W ay a t h e r homo on Third avenue nOrth, M lssiM ar- th n Jff'arntr w on thm w ard 'X or 'h lg ti s c o re . ; Mlsa Clarice Saundem 'w aa a gucat oc th e club. R cfreshtaenta w ere served .hy Mlsa W ay.foUow' Iflg tho gam es./

A . PLAM6 TKACBERS’ R E S T RQ O M ;I Mcmbera of th e executing board lot tbe Ltnooln P a ren t-T etch e r es- BodaUon m e t la a t m n lo g a t the |bomo o f U n . G; Burgess.- F U s i .m ni/dlBeuised .fo r f u n ^ i n r . t t n d id e co T a tln r- 'c 'ro i t *rooR\ fo r th e teachers a t U n c o ln 'i f h o o l , ' iSn . Bur«w « preaided. . . i

Flower Foto ShopFldeiliy N at'L B ank Bldg.

On Shoshoao 8 tre« t

“Make Someone Happy’

Buy A Useful Gift‘ AT

Bertha E. Campbell’s Store

Ladies’ and- Children’s Apparel and ■Gift SKop Coirnplete^''

For children, you have the'choice of Ski .Suite,-Dresses, Epbes, jPajamas,' Han­kies, and gift articles which include Dolls, Fin- Animals, and-other rioveltiea For Ladies, there are beautiful RoBes,' Pajam as in velvets, and satins, ' and icorduroy.

New Dresses for the Holiday festivities lA sso ^ e n t. of Hanffb^gs, iiand-maHe

r H a n d k e r a i e f s , ; 'a r i d X 6 s ^ ^

a t (p e tw e n e r 'B Ik .) |


iv e - 'H e r ^ fc h r g e r r ff^


*1.00 *1.95


$1.95 ,0 $7.95U ^ z e , B lur, W hile,

T ea Rose and Shell Rose.



» i.6 5 ,„ .> 1 .9 SA L L QVABAMTEEID 100% PCRK SILK!





. 'SETS;.. F o r Ladle* and Children

98t *1.65 *$1.95

SCARFS' :s ilk . ^\*6ol and V elvet

' In 'aU S hapes'

59* *1.95• SELECT H E R G IF T FROM T I U S U ^ T . -

A Smttll l^ p o s l t 'WIU Hold A ny A rticle UntU X maal

Pas® Ten IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN F-ALLS. IDAHO Tlmr!Klny, T)e(:cml)er 12,

Tlinmlny, Dcccnibcr'12, 1935"IDAHO EVe M n G'TM ES, TWINTA'LLS. IDAHO


W ANTED t 6 i3U Y :=100rcara to' WTccto F arm ers’ Auto Bup Uoca ParLa Dept.' Phono 225-W

'28 FO R D TRUCK—Muncle ovcnlrive. Looltn awrul...,j&5 A R fn lly Cooa '20 FORD COUPE. C lass Rll Jn..— 433

O ’ C O N N O R '


FO B BENT—BOOMSI D L E N E S S d e p r e c i a t e s ;

the vnlue of any arUcle. ^V'hat Idlo; nrtlelo can you ciuli in on? Plocol t t Itf tho F or-R cnt columns.

, O UT O P l e t t e r h e a d s ? WE I [can p r in t some foV you imm ediate-' lly and Inexpensively. Idabo Eve^ ‘B ins T lm ca •

BOARD .AND ROOM ,CA JlB tm ETO RS, C a r b u r e to r , ir ta and acrvleo. F .O .I I . Motor i

. srvlco. 230 ShoBbono S t. W.I Twin FaUa.

-'•'J«lce'J(irco*r*onr wlHrtJOflrd-mrit-l nbUi fo r tw o. Available *••• '

■ jffn s rm w ff

F O R SA LE — KrcnjreJ A n-ateel, Cljaln and Sprocltet Type Potato] Sorters." Now uaed ' thro-jRhoutl

I MutUer? Idnho. Low tirlces. ICren' iKoJ'a H onlwliro. — --~


“HPrawo'TiCLED'm'pniEasrES MADE FROM VOUH OLD ONESv UattrcoBca rcnovoU d ana

Wool cording. Twin

Seven room howic. Modern,' c c rp t hcnt. Phono 284>M.


•10 acres by ow ner. 1 ml. South, of Siphon o r 1 ml. Eoat. of Ilia . lop'B orchard. A . M. Johnnon.

FJreplaeo Stove.

Pu re Sorgihuni moloaoes i tho Public MarKcU

acrca n e a r Tw in Falln. Good, iBoU. Rood location. WIU divide Into; RcrentTO if flufficlent oppllcants. Geo. lio b trj r , R t 2, Tw lo FaJl*.

Saw ed P ino \Vood, JO.SO p e r ton, .Irllvcrcd. Phone K 05-J.

C ircu latlnc peaters aa low an J3,C0-a monUi.-' Ransea o s low oa S2.D3 a m onth a t Diamond H ard­w are: • •

AUTO WlDiiablcld. a sd Door GItksa. Thom etz T op ft Bod? W orka.. FO R SA L E — Genuine O riental outalde house po in t cow only $1.70 p e r pU lon. K rw e e l'a H ardw are.'

. SE L L -T H A T . .EXTRAi -P U IlN I. tu re . • T here a rc buyers fo r any ' th jng you have to ftelL Uao-A fo r

FO R SA LE—Unfintabcd fu rn i­tu re . foo t stools, eoffee tiiblea, m ncnzlne rac k s. amoUer*. Creaa & Bniley F u rn itu re Co,-MO Second

•SL EoaL Phone 555. .

AUTO DOOR GLASS, wlitd- ablelda and window ■ glaaa. - No charffc fo r «tU nB-claJw . B ring In you r aaab o r drive your c a r la.

- P ro te c t y o u r heallb. Bavo on you^] . fuel b lU ^^Phpno S, Mooa’a.

■ FU R N IT U K E FO R S A L S -N e w and . uasd'-tur& lturo of a ll falndx. Coal ranheK. electric m o s u . cool stoves, c ircu la to rs and oUier bo tiv? , hold furalahlnRc. Moon's. Phone S,| S tore No. 1; phone 310. S to re No. 2.'

— F o irs 'A T a s—A T cartM a-brT Jurr coco ln ,b u lli.. a u y w hot you need, bring back w hat you have l e f t ’ Wo loan you a bruab to p u t I t on fro®.- M cM urtry Houao f tiln t , ' 4»Hout

• E nam el, F loo r and l ' " ' " —nlBh drya In .tw o houn . W e olao havo a lo rso atoclc of WaU P aper and Linoleum R u ^ W by pay w arp rlce a . . Phone 8. Moon'a.

- I a m glad to nnnojmco th a t m y 'oven itu ftcd aultcs; , bedroom auites, d ln b j; room *

■suites, and atudio eouehea. aro arriv ing dally. .T hey

. pleaao th e ba rd to pleaso and. .tho p rice aults tho fam ily ; poekctbootc. I f the-prico o f-

«j>canirwaa ft JltUo blRhcr o f - course > c would g e t more money Xor them , b u t belnff .B. nn tu ra l bom farm er. I know ju a t bow ba rd It la ^ o ’^ t a dbllar d e a r on y e a r b u tu r - ' f a t • So- w e farm er* m ust ■Uck together. U you trade itt m y sto re you are bound

• to B*t. etucic. Remember m y sto re la beodquartera fo r.. X m as treea.

H arry M us^aveM ERCHANDrSB H A R T . .

U V E ST O OK; A m ) PPU LTSYRhode

IlooBtcra. P hoM WO,-Filer.,,

P O U L T R T T O .f iE C tr A-.w*at-j acl w ill U c d . th e , b u y y .for j w .

■ T ea, 2-yr.-6ld. -croasbrirf ;ewc8:l R. G . 'Evaiia, 3 ^ m l-S o ..o£^8o .

P u re b red B uff Minorca bcna a sd pullets, K elly B w tlc y .' E nd- 8 ^

- A v e..E .Jr .* --^ r .y-.;—

W A ‘ N T _ T O 8EL£i ,T S A T h o r s e 7 r . i a k » - U kBOwalJa t h d n columna. Y o u ll .O n d 't f t fbuyer r ro m p U y .." :; ..- ’

LOST—Sctw ecB -> ia ia ' ta i : 8 t» ^ "hone, f tn d .n v o P o I n t* . '.« ^ ^ n n ^ , flft««a-jew el E ic ln m o v a m e n C ' F in d er p l e w re tu rn to Tltoea Of-:f l c ^ .............................. ' ............... .......L08T- Brto«lo3»iajUe-Boit«i!

Call ; i t e « 'e lh - .a5 p n u u v ^ 0 .;,-


a n s O E L L A N E O P S

Max’s Harness Shop'Repalrlnt:. and Oiling.

_____M ax BuclienUn. Prop.G et our bids on R ed Q over and I

A lfalfa seed before Mlllnj:. Globe I .Seed ond 'Few l Co.',,Tw in Fallji.

FO R RENT. NO HUNTING. NO: ;TRESPA SSIN G algmi for so la Ida-! bo E vening TImea, '

REAL ESTATE FO B PALE, FO R SALE—3 houaca.' a ll wel., located. Ono new. E asy term s. Seo: E A. Moon. '

Y arg Oppoalta S w ift A Co.

ESTIM A TES g lad ly given 6 - kinds o f Job P r in t in g a t Office of; Idaho Evening Times. '


MONEY TO LOAN ‘On Twin' Foils dwelllogK. Low est ra te s . Long term s.

Quick Service SA N G ER^O N ES

Real E s ta te —Loans -, 123 Main E . Phono 427 j!

HOUSE FO R SALE . 7 rooms and bath, no rth po rt of c ity - J1 2 5 0 ;.T e rm s . W ill •take amnll .house I n ' trade.

J . A. VANDENCARIC -Rent K atato and Iniiurance 218 Main N orth .'P h o n e 00


In the D istric t C ourt of the EleV ', enth Jiidicliil D latrict Of the ' S U to of Idnbo. In iind fo r thb; County of Twin Falls.

iiT lgatcd 'lond under tho.B urlcy Ir-! r lga tloa DlatrlcL W ill acll cheaj fo r cash or te rm s to rcopoaslblL person. Federal loan. AildrcM: 220 N orth Miller. B urley. .Telephone


: F O R S A L E .1 Rum ley Bean H uller.2 lB-30 M cCormlck-Deering

T m etora. .•1 SS-iO Oil P u ll T ra c to r..

. 1 15-26 Oil Pu ll T rac to r.------1 Bolcn G arden T m ctor.2 'A llls.Cbaim ers T ractors . I H a y p r c s s ; '1 Moline SpreadeK 1 B ay 'M arJ . w e ig h t 17W. ■ 1 Team of M ules, w eight

ISOO lbs. each.1 Good 40 acJ-o tr a c t o f land

, n e a r H ansen .. •’

I f you ore looking fo r bar-; •gains, sec them n t 'th e


W ANTED—MJzccllancona

•T ire STATE O F IDAHO SENDSl 'GREETINGS TO T H E ABOVE I NAMED .D EFENDANTS; , ! ' ' ' ...Y o u -o « hereby no tif ied ' th a t » . complaint-1ms been 'f iled ngalnat y o u -In . th e 'D is tric t C ourt .of the Eleventh Jud lc la l-D la trlc t o f '.tho Slato o f Idaho. In and .Twin' Falls County by the abovo nam ed' p la in tiffs 'end you a re hereby, di-' rcctcd fx> oppehr and plead to the ' sold complaint w lth la tw enty days of tho> tiervlce of th is summons;, and y o u 'a ro fu rth e r .noUfled tha t unless you.so appear and pload to said com plaint w ithin the time herein speciried, th e plal&tlffa will take Judgm ent again st, y o u ' aa;

WA^TTBD—F u m ltu ro repairing,! upholstering,-w indow shade worlc. C r e a » - 4 - ‘P n iley — F u m ltu re -C o .: Phone M5. V ' ,

. 'W.AtTTED. TO. RENT•Flvo-'ttcres .o r m ore, n e a r Twin

F a lls o r Kimberly. Cash ren t. In-; ilro Reliable Shoe Shop, 217 Main

the Townalte M Tw in FalU ,.Tw lrt Falbr C oun(y..Idaho,-according to the official pU it'thereof «n ifllc In,

,Uio office of the 'C oun ty I^scordei! of Tw in F a lls .County, Idabo,..all


W A N T E b TO B U Y -^A bout 200 I tons 'o f choice .hay . . Phone 1024 |a ftc r O;SO p .-m . . . ' '

, W o wUl boy y o u r beet tops. W ., Ic, H arris G rain Co. Box 422. Phone j 04S4-J1.

F U R N irtm S -W A N T E D — We buy ttsed furn itu re , raaT .ranges, stoyea and Ice boatea. We pay cash Pbone O . 'M o o o ' j i . ^ . . . r ~


•E S T A T E -O P T IL U E .nO D D Y , Id ECBASED. .. - V . - : ' '

N otlc6 ;Ia he re b y ,g iv en by

to exhibit ' t h e m , w ith the_______ y voucher*, w ith in Val*m o n th s .a f te r th e f i r s t publication of th ls nbtlce, ; to U » aaid Mory Chrlstina'Peclc a s mich odm lalatnu tr lx » t tb e -« ff lce .o f :B o lb w e ii -* j?ovey,.W ood« BuTdg!, 'rwta-Falli.-; IdiOw. • th is vbdaig th e 'p lace •-fl*e<J fo r th e tnuuiactlo tt.o f thabusineas: of saW, e s t a t e ^ ' 1 'j-'.'-.n '.i!-

- A dm lniatoU rix - c l ' l h e .E staU o f .Tmie HwWy, Deceased.

T io tte f l- ;li: : -h e n b 5 r:« l» o i9 ja |w ndeBBlgned .ttxecu tri* o f - >tast

.tUI aatf T cft*m en t o f ,J a 3 r .» ;B w . d e ee u ed .to th e c re d lto n .of. B a d 'l l

--------------------T o u r to :^ '

m * a t ’the U w offlcea or

40 Acres, 4%; miles So. Klm- .berly. 4 .room house,' family

fiO Acrcs, n e a r Hanaen. 5- ropm modem bungalow w ith n im ace, barns, etc. L had lays v-cll mid Is in Rood ntnte of cultivation. 917Q acre.


EIlis BIJff. Phone 010

ClassifiedDirectoryRdpanslb le UDSlnwa n r m s '


23C*Glh Avc. E . ..Ph. 1IJ60, Mrs. Boamer. .

H oliday a p e e l a l . guaranteed in tn ts—'2 for J5.00; 2 fo r Phono 240.-Beauty Box.? a "


PAINTIKO — DEOORATINq, ICALSOMTNING a n d G eneral rPninllng. E . L. Shaffer. Phone 1203-J. .

P a i n t i n g , Decorating,. Kalso- m li\lng and Paper Hanging. E stl-m ato cheerfulljrgtTcnrW o g o ......where. G. E . Kunklo. Phone



W EDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS »nd calling cards eagmved .o r p rinted. Many correct sty les to choose from. C^,ll a t tho Eve- n lng.Tlm es offlec. 223 Main Avo. EonL Telcphcno 38.

JO H N II. R E IN K fi and H ELEN . HEINKE, huiband and'w ife,

. 'P la ln lif fs , '


PA L L S 'C O U N T r; IDAHO, ft body c o i^ m tc . anti A L L UN- K N O W N O W N E R S 'a h d * CLAIMANTS , o f LO T 30 In BLOCK 88-of tho 'T O W N SlT E ,0 F TW IN FALLS, IDAUO,

Uie office of the county conler of Tw in F a lls county, Idaho, - , . • • .

D efendants.

prayed In .M id 'coraplnlnt.This nW on Ls brought fo r tho

purpose of quie ting title In said.

lof w hic li. m o re . fuUy. nppenxa- Iri 'p la b U frs comi>lalnt a:).flle hve ln ; reference to-w hlch_. com plaint J ahereby made..' -m T N E S S ;M y ha n aa n d .th e .a ea l, :of sold D istric t. C ourt th ls .3 ril day i'df December,-iOSS. . ’ N - ' '- . ' '• . • -F R A N K J. fSEAL) 1 i ,rtlcTlC.

iBothwcll & Povey,— lAttom oys fo rT Ja la ilffs , ■ '

o t Tw ln Falls, Idaho.

NOTICE F O I t rUB U CA TIO W : O F T m S . A T P o m X E O F o n - . fBOVENG W tt t , .E tc . .* ,

l la th e rn Jb a to C ourt.-o f-T w in ! F alla County, S ta te of.Jdabo, ln| t h e -M a tte r '.^ f th e .E sU te ofj

‘Punra'aht'- .tb :o n '.o rd e r; .o f- 'th e l |Judg9 of ^ d Court; m ade '~ |U i-d a y .o f .December, 10<», i>a-

' ia b ^ b y . g i w . - t ^ t F r i ^ ,Itbe'-37U )-day-«f -December, rlDdS, it> tw o o ' ^ k >P. IS . 'Of .s&Id day, oK 'the.'C ourt Room o f sald d o u r t

.......... t;:H ouse ' in .tbo.-tow», )t Twin Falla , boa been

d i » ' the tim e jm d .place th e w m o f a a i d ' J o ^ '

'Issti&Bce -to •them -oM ett«» .. tnen ttty -w hen M d.w hBre dny? p e ^ »oa.-.intertstod .m a y vAppesTvi and e o n lea t:tto 'iiam e ..'. ,: l

bf Tw ill’ ------m b , '8 tA t* o e ; plac« H u d t o 'le t e i t e e o ^ f'



I tA T E a PE R U N E PE R DAY S ix days, per line per d a y l—.4e T hree doye, per lino per day_C cOno day. per »n<-........... ■ ■'

Minimum lU 'o Lines Minimum Charge 290

Claaslflcd Display Rates on I t ^ queet .

In accepting copy for claaat-

■ntw urr^ho Tim es.. Publishing Cfampany agrees to avold'crrora a s fa r M po.ulbIe, bu t w hen a typographical e rror does occur in an advertlaunenl, ;tho- ro-

llty Of tho’ Tlmea Pub- Company ceasca after! ........... If' the adver-l

ttoe r does no t call I ta atten tion to tho error.■■ A ll CIraslfled A d ? __ __stric led to; Ihe ir 'p roper claaal-

. ficaUoa aitd tho Idaho E vening T im e a ‘ rcaerrcs; tho. righ t to change the wording of an ad ­vertisem ent If by doing BO a c learer meaning will .result.

CJasslfled A ds which carry a le tte r nnd..b0x number Instead o f . th o 'n am e of the advertlaer roust bo answered by le tter. Pleaac do h o t a sk for the name o f tho advertiser which Is abso­lute ly confidential In sueh cases.





I n th e M atte r of the Delinquency of.'v roidem ar T h r a n e , Mfiior

, Child.'. ■ 'iThb P e ople 'o f the S tale o f Idaho

to -U ra ia G rM d e ^ ^ b c r t^ greet-

** lortler of th is ' Court,’'’'yon jire ■■ ‘ .a n d T ^ u lrc d to ap-

. _______- le Judge of th is Courta t . t h o courtroom , therw f, in - th e County Courthouse;. City of Twin Fa lls , County of Twin-Falls, S tate o f Idaho, on . tho 20th day of Bee., i m , a t 1 0 'a ..m .,-B tk .b earln f; to bo g lvca ' on a a InformaUoh Sled by • J'.-*^M.?-Shank' acciislng .your m looT 'd lld ,''V ald im ar. l t i r u e , of being a.'juveallB.dellngueat person, prsiytng'for'thelcom m lknent of the aald minor, child,, to-the Siduatrlal TTBl&ing. SebMit of the S ta te of IdiUw,-iu3d.1hat X.OU b riag w lth you th o :aald’ Voldemar Throne, a sd the& a n d '.th e n ahow cauae; If any there-'be, why the safd m inor child sh a ll 'not-btf committed to th e aald IhduB ^ .T tT iU U ng School, oecord- [Injr to lawT A nd for the-.faUiire (b >ottcnd- the aald Court o a the sa id daCe,-you w in be deemed gull- t y . o f r c d n t c m p t ' o f C o 'u r t . •

W ITN ESS th e Hcalorable C i irL : Klnbey,- Judge'of th e Probate Court lO f'the Coiihty of-Twla;Falia; S tate of.‘ Idaho/., w ith th e 'seal' Of- aald C ourt-.'a fflxed .'tb la 10 th . day '.o f

T o d a y ’s M a r k e t ^ a i i d T i n a n c i a l N e w sLIVESTOCK N. Y. STOCKS



ClIICACO, Dec. 12 Hoc«; 20,000. S teady to 10 ccnts lowci than Wed. avcniRc; lli;hl welclitiil and sows nharlng Occllnr. (op JU.IO.I bulk 180-320 1U.1. J'J.r>5-t).C.’i; bctler' grado HO-170 Ib.l. JO.SO-B.SS; hc.it sown $0.20.

Cattle: 0,000; calves l,r.00; slceni iind ycnrllnK« «lcn<1y to ' w eak; m nrkct unevenly 50 ccnlo lo] J l under week hK«, nothing cholcel here today, bulk being or quality and condition tn H« Il a t }8.|30-10 00; modcnilo aprlnlcllog a t S7.50 ilmvn; riiln flloeltcrii nciircc nC JT.fiO clowi., and in fn iy feeders Hull a t J7.00-I 8.B0;. Iiibctwecn grnile fed helfcrsl 2.'5 cents low er;, llicao Kclllnir of' 57.00-0,00 and be tter: common nni icholeo klnd.1 Meady. all cowi slendy to w eak;' bulls 10 lo 2! cenUi lower; beef bulls off mont.

Sheop: 8,000; fa t lambs alow, few (uilM and Indications around' steady: K<x)d to choice native nndl f e a weslcrwi JlO.r,0.10,00: few' choice .311.00; bc.n' held higher; sliecp under prc.-uiure of numbers; undertone w eak to lower: feeiUnf:, lam bs a tw -ca;ilcr: good feedlngi lambs ,.J0.75 down; choice hehl' around S10,00-10.2.'J.

I l l E A I RISES ON O E C E i E R S f t i E S ! ^ ' " ‘“ " , " ; i M R R E C O V E R y

CHICAGO. D c c . j« - e ia a —'A ir-'A ni grcjufivo buyln(:ijf DrcriiiU T v,lirut

|ln the face of lit'«vy tem ltr.i Itim -'A ni ' " ‘imi'nt niori- favoniblo ' ' ‘

ward tiio m ajor ^ jrnin-trilny ami ^

1 Il<ininc J .SnK'Uiii) 1

. Ill)YORK, Dec.-

n-iit a Aiiiico:kIh Coj.pf;^ Aniio\ir .......

Atchlivm, Toiu'Uii A.latilic ItiTiiilii)

.•:!iurn Mot


A t the clorc DPCembrr w as near',the day 's Kip and uji l u c a 1-uiOk 1.; iOlhcr mnntlis lai;):<-'l Mayiclo.-dng up u.c anil July down n.c.,ualHnii

flnl!ihp<l >inclmnj;fd to -■v.c'l'''''.''.*- llowcT. oat« were unciiatijic

ilKhiT-atid ryo w as S t buiilitl hlj;hfir.

F irs t IrnUcrs on D e c i- a w heat madu tod.iy totaled :000 biinhi't.i. must of which

OMAHA LIVESTOCK OMAUa : Nel)„ Doc. J2 ir.l:) (U

S D A )—Hot;.''; >’‘.000; alow, around Hteady w ith W ed. nvoraco on 200 ibn. dow n:-top 50,30; 180-230 jn.15- .30: 200-325 bid 10-15c lower a tjo.ionimioiirrary -einiyr-----

{largo pmfe.i.ilonaln ami commls-. julnn houaes and brtju|;ht In a wave 'o f flhorC covering which a u T led .,,.,‘lv ‘’lown'“ ’‘ ‘'•■''■■iliu-ilman Kodak ....

T rading wan m ore-active . Prl- ^' 'lnm ry receipts were the nm allntl on *tho crop today. The ca;.U mHrl<et|f;;„,,,„; 'remained steady. / iGcneral M-.lo:.-; ........

C7o<iilyear , T ire ........in lcn ia llonal llarvchi InUniHtlu!n-l T<‘Ii-i>!io

C attle: 3.700: calves 400; sleem , ad yearllnga slo^v. w eak; helfeni

w eak; cow.n uneven: vcaltra ' s trong : ntocUers and fcwlers alow and weak;, a tee r run eligible to sell n t J8.00-ll.r,0 : 'fc-*- hl;i'hrr: Ix;cf cowa S4.2n-0,00: p racilcal lop xcalers 50.00., Sheep: 4.500; lam bs slow: b id­

ding weak- to 25c lower: asklngl aleady; sheep and.fi-edera steady; native Iam bs bid 510,00-10,2.’;;, wooloil lambn bid 510,25-.00; bciit: 510,76: ewes 55,00 down.

raiy;*;------------OppW heat—

Dec. .-05<4 015 ; P3 .May .115 fH*iJu ly ..-SBifc b 'h .

Com—Dec.May ..SOr.;Ju ly ..r-o-’i out; G0\,

DF-NVElt LIVESTOCK • D ENV ER..D ec. 12 (fJ:)—Cattle:.

l!400.'-M arket « loiw ly-to nlrongii ■beef fltcers 57.00-10,00: cows onil ihelfers S4,00-8.23; 'c alves *5,00. ilO.OO; feeders and litockers' J4.00. 17.70: bulls 54.00-4.70.

H ogs: 1,200. Marked steady tt 10c Imver; lop 50.50; bulk 50.25- 0.34: pack ing B0\YS 58.05-0,00; pigs 58,50-0.00.

Sheep: 4,500. M arket steady tc w eaker: f a t ' lam bs •510.00-10.05: ^-ves 54j00-3.50^._ '

OGDEN LIVESTOCK ' OGDEN, Dec; 12 (Ui;( (U ^D A )—

H ogs: . 17Q; about steady; early top 50J55 on best drlvelns;' few m ixed lota ligh t and med. wta,| 50 to 50.50: underw eights M.GO to

OalK.Dec. .,2.-5i .May .,2U:Ju ly ..27'

,Ityc—'• Dec. .,48

May „00i;- 50’, Ju ly ..SO'-i Cl

llJiirley—Dec.-'.M1B-------.May ,.40itN

CASH OIUIN’CHICAGO, Dec. 12 iHfJ— Wheat!

No. 3 red lough, OCuc.C oni:4N o. 3 mixed. r.-l-50c: 2

yellow, COc: 3 yellow, ftOc; 4 yel- low, -5C>4-58V4c: S yellow, 53- 57Uc;- 4 w hite 50-50ric: 5 white.

— i t : sample 48-56Uc.No. 4 white,- 2 5 u c ; sam ­

ple, 24-27iic.Uyc: No sales.

Barley; Feed fiuoted 30-40c: :m aiung 40-80c: salm 0C-74c.' Tlmotfiy seed: M,00-3,30.

Clover seed: 512,00-17.00.

s teers and helfera a t ,54.50 lo 5 5 J0 ; few -ligh t'k inds up to 5S.0O; m-ed. and good cowa in

lodd lots $4 lo 54,aS; cu tters end com. 52:80 to 53,50; low cutters 52 to 52.25: w eek's bulk veal calves 55.50 to ,58.

Sheep: C28.


H ogs: 200. Steady. Top 'JlO.OO, o the r 50.C0-10.25. '

57.C0, o them held around 58.00. S h o a fed s teers 5C,75. Stoekeni and fce^era 5G.O0.G,5O.' Short fed helfera 50,75-7.00. Cows 54.50-5.03 c u tte r gm dcs 53,00-4.25. Slock

Calvefl! 300. Strong . PInJn -venl. u 58.75 down. Calves 50.50-7.70. :sheep ; 000. till to feed lots. Wool.

«Xf lambs quoted to 510.00.


(USD A)—Hogo: 400. Sleady-lOc lower. Good.-eboico ligh t w elghla' mosUy 510.00; Tew heavies 50.50. U g h t llghta'51).60-l).8a. Cholco light feeder plga 510.23.. ' • .• C attle: 200, c a lv e s '2 l F a irly ac-, tlve. Mostly etcady . F.ew sloughter I*teera |B.0(MJ.75. CutteScom m on' heifers 53.00-4:23, L<w c u tte r and c u tte r cowa' S2J5-3.25. Com.-med. eowa 53.s0-4.00. Good beef oowa quotable up to 56.00, Cixilce.light vealers-to '58.00. PlsiSa heavy calvei saleable dow n to 53.50. .

Sheep: 300.*Early offerings lim ­ited to medium lambsi None aold. Good-choice f a t 'lam bs quoUble fully a teady ' o t *0.28-0,50. Year- liaga- 50.50-7.60. -Ewea aroundj 54.00-4.S0.;


(Uia—Hog»: 823; ixsoatly lOc low- e r; few ligh t vrtlgb ta o f f m ore;' load 100 to 210 lb. Calif.' 510.30, :top:~few 100 lb .. l ig h ts .*10; ba lf- load aas ib . w ta. 50-00;- odd lo ts 240 to .S3S )b. averagea 50.80;

■teady; odda"5?;

in , „ Hcllllrl \C *a, , , . . ‘J. I. Ca.'.,,oc*,C lil., .\Ui........

'.•:,'f''.;Chry/,l.'rI ’iiiil * I'nclilo

Coci.Commereliil Solvi-at-t .........Coinin<inwealtli Sotithrni. ContlnentJil Oil of Onawarc

(Corn Prt»iuci;i ,

...•■vitl n.'n-..u.-<iy to.lny. ‘ jl’rlcr.i t'-nil.'il lower la lli-. iifl.r-

a fte r an early r-c o v n y Krail- 2 7 ';if(I by oil i.harr-n.

i 011a wcr.. active w ith i,.-vcr;'.l at JidllU cn a)-21c. cli.-.-li!. l!*c. ' ^iiM’rUir, Uarn.Miall, .Staiular'l <

iclirina .-ind T l.lr W ater A;.r,oc ;flaln.-i r.mi;c<l lo a jvilnt a:i.I 11

ttu-Mi w ere lii'lcl. j I{al1r<«id ahurcn wcali'n"<l nciir ihe <;l<.p.o with I'J

7,c...'" '< 'r'e lh;in a iH)lat.111 atipnxlmat.'.l 2,l.:c.f,aoJ(il:;ir.i-.n coiiiiiareil with V.lcn.OnO

* l.iharea yrj.tcrJay. Curb r.il'r- ,'44r.,00O n liana compared w,lh

•.0"4 000 aharrji yeatenlay.Dow Jone.i [irellnilnnr.v clcisln;;

3 '"* lavinim -s «ho«viil Inclufiti'iul H l .H ,J,'° 3.5(). r.’i.‘Jn).-i/J i0 .7 i' t:.',' OT,i,

' iu lllily off 0.3.V

Markets at a Glance

2.1V. 2.-)-H2(1’;, 2l>!'i 27.4 27%,27li.IS-'h; 48 48>-j

30% 50-4


'■* I.NaMi -Vloiorn .'K om ccxitt Copper ................

i*'-» I,o<'v.’'.-i Inc...............................M ontgomery W anl ............

«*?i Nalloiml Dairy r’loilucl.i...,N iifl DliillIl'T.'i ...................

i !Ni:w 'Vork C en'.ral........ .l>*‘i ' racltarcl M otor;'..................

rictucoH.......Pemia. R. 11..........................

Pennuy Co...................Pur.- Oil......... ,.......................Radio C orp ...........................Rndlo Kcltli Onrfieum.;.......Uevnolda T oj.itco H.........Saiewviy StoTcii.......... .........Schrnley Dlatlllcrfl ,...........:.Seara Roebuck......................'shell Union....................I Simmons Co..;.......................ISocony V acuum ..................ISoulhern Pacific .......... ......is tan riard Krawin.......... ......I S tandard OH of Calif.........Stiuwlanl Oil of N. J .........

jS'A-lft. nnd Co........................|Teiuia Corp............. ;.............Tnuis-A m erlca ....................Union Carbide & Carbon.,,.

.•Union 'P ac ltlc ........................I United A lrcrafL ............... ..lUnlUd Corp..........................U. S. Pipe .............................U. S. Steel, com.................W arner Bros.......... ;......... .W estern U nion.....................W estlnghouse nicctrlc ......- W. Woolworth.-Co........

UondK IrrcKuliir In i

, SA N F U A N aS O O SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 12 (Ul*l

—B utter: 02 score, .34c; 01 ocore. 00 score, 33c:.-80 scorc, 32c.

1: Large, 27>^c: medium, small, 24^c,

lets, 18c.- Foncy flats, 18i,ac; trip .;

Iflrsts 28«ie;. cu rren t recta 2C-20c; 6W highs, including I’uro Oil, Su- B u tter m arke t eary. rccelpta

14,870 tubs. E x tra flrsU 32-32i4c;' 'ex tras .a2-xc;' flrsLT 31-311.^ ; sec-. :omls 30c; speclab 33i.;-33^e;! '3t4i'hdftrUo.33c: cehlrulisc'd '31>,c. ,

;Cbeese: Twins 18-18:^;; daisies; 1 8 iio -ia5 ;c : longhorns IHH-lOc-


of Hancock county hasn 't, a single, home on his , 280-aerc farm . A foriaere Implement deoler, he be- Ueves'ln trac tors. H e ’doeji have a team o t m ules.-but horses— "Why, 1 don 't need any ."' ho explained.

ROUGE IN CHURCH DECRIED -. .H A TIF A X N. S . IIM!)—W earing o f m ake-up by women In church la on "Insult," Rev. Jo n a th an Go- iforth, reUrcd blind Presbyterian, :mbiUter, told the M aritim e Synod] jc f the Presbyterian church Inj

Fund. T rust, A'.,.Corp, T ru .n .........Q uar.Juc,......\.......

I-OTATOFJJJan . Dellv. ........:...............S1.7.^.1.85jM arch Dcllv.......... .............52.03-2.2r

Greenland, la cplte o f Ita ell , jmate. Is th e homo o f jn o r c than 1400 apecies of flow ering plan ts .


___ ,.,7 5 ..-C a ttle : '280; a teera acaree; qtiotr,

able f i r m : ' good^ under 1,000 lb.! ateera quoted 58 to jw aalbly,58.23;' aha -BtocJt' active; a tead y ;. abort le a a med.*,: 1,032. lb. J« ev . ro n g cf cowa »8: Jow n i t t c r i a a d - t t j t u ra : m ainly 53 t p . *3.79; few dow n to 52JW ;.-bulla aearce; f e w . *5.28: down; steady . • ' )• Calvea: i0 0 ;-a o a i l j s a l - c h o ic e '

.. . . ,.-ulnn: WiioaL !il(;li' i-;• r.; unrlunii.'cil lo cen t lower;■ - laml rye lilj:her.• I Call money of 1 p.-r c-iit■ I Kori'lcn exchange: CIolil <;ti• clc.i hlclicr.• Colton 4 lo 10 po1nt;i liiKh.■ ‘‘ '" I Itublwr M<';ifly,• i .Silver: U:ir a t New Vorh

Local Markets j

^Jj^ ',E ven ln s '.T lm L a .aad_ rcp rcsrn t.lhQ _ ‘ lavem ge prices paid, according to “ ' the beat available inform ation. Tba

prlceo arc subject lo change w ith­ou t notice by tlia deolcm. however. Rcadem aro urged to w atch th e national m arkets w ith which these local m arkets will rite and falL

n irv iN G PKiCh-s OrultiK

•.S? "* Soft w heat .....................................f'7c" Sos. Oatfl, a hundred ..................... ...,W e• — ^ Barley, a hundred ______ ____,.00c

«*-» licansS O. N. No. 1...................-...J2-3nS, G. N. No, 2.......................j;i,lKl

'Sm all Reds No. 1 ---------------51..I0‘ ‘ ‘k ;S m airR e.ls No, 2 ....................51,:.0? = :? !r in to s ...........................................Sl.l'O•'3*1 l'o ta to «

R ussels No. 1— bulk, to grow er .

- „ Russets, No. 2—2!al bulk, lo g r o w e r ..................30-35C

........ 75-eW .N. .V. CURB EXCHANGEA m erican Super' Power.......Cities .Service, com................ . . . .E lectric Bond and Share....... 3 5 '; l Onions . .F ord M otor Ltd.'..................8 U | (Loaded Cars) 1

'V alencias. 2 lo 3 In., cwL..... 51.05


«udleri,WegcnOr A Company <£U n B lde^ j^ rbone 010

). cwt...

Coloreil hens, over 4 l b s . ------- 13j;Colored hens, under 4 lb s .------lO iLcglwm hcna _____________ _ ,l t i t

iCalorcu roaslera, over 4 lfc.i.....I LeghornLeghorn brollefti, l«,i

, Colored broilers IColorc-d fryers , over 2 lb.n,.. fold cocks„_ ....

iNo. 1 old hen.v... 'No. 1 old tom s ._

FF.MC 3 Pet......................... ,5101.25|

. ' M lN IN tf s t o c k s ' -. C ity C opper...... _._..53.85c C ity Consol.................... 20-27c|

_ . . . j r K ing Coalition ............511.50:Sunshine Mltlen .................510.378,'T lntlc Slandarfl-....S.......... *5,78-5,00


p rice 'o f b a r ellver.lrf New Y ork to­day w as fixed a t 01 ;; cents ;in ounce, o ff 1 cen t from yesterday 's quotallon.


.8 r w aa fixed a t .26'% penco * ' ounce—ojulvaleo t lo B0.G2 cents fine onnco o t curren t exchange— today, & decline of % penny from tho price eatablljbed-ycaterday.

I ’roduceINo. 1 h u l le r fo t .......- ........No, 2 b u lte rfa t .............

I E ggs, sp e c ia l.- ----- ...........E x trasW hites, medium ...... ......... .— 21cStandaK ls .................—.............—23?Bakers

Cholco ligh t butchers, 180 to, 210 pounders ............50.00

O verw eight butchers. 210 t o ' !230 p o undera ........................ _*8.50'

O verw eight butcbera, 250 to:300 pounder* ...... ...... .........58.00

U nderw eight butcbera, 123 lo - 1 100 pounders — — -ifl.OU"

Packing, aows ,„----------- --------*6.M- r s ....... .. , ,„:...>4,00-'SO-CO

er« -------S3.00-5500


,D A )—TJpper-vtillcy. Tw in RiUs- iB urley-aection ; R ussela ' caab to jg row crt, BUlk I « r L'WL, U .-a . No.i 1,'-70C to 80c; U. S. ,1 0. 2, 80



itoeat. S u p p ly moderate!' demaasd; ve ry alow; m arkc t.du ll w ith r* th ‘ ,

;e r .w eolc.underten& .Zdabo ruaaet JjB iirbaaka *L79 to *L80; V . ^ 0.' i2 *LS9; BUsa trium phs coaola rouod wbltea n.lS 't^-SL SO ; M ich igan 'g reen motintaliia-*1.4S: M lnae«otg.and N orth Dakota- Cob- W ert e a r ly Ohl6«.S1.25.t«S 1 3 7 W :-C o lo re d o -M c ao re f^ * ~ '“ ' .:o »L60;. Wyoming BUaa-Wu .

' ArrivUa'TO-MTloadas . o i i : ! ! ^ ^■ I4i'«hjpmeirtji',462.'

« ■' • 'o N I O J T M A B k p .c ^ c A G 0 , : © e t ': 2 3 3 p a » ~ 5 ^ . rtcw (00 lb.-adc)a}t,wcartem-Tft* nelaa’* L U : S I . 3r8Uowa^SJM>a.OO:

..e a ttr a w hltek-4L90;'acleIt.:.yal> | )owa'-4X8-L0Or 2uL'i7 ^ 1o w s:9A h |

>;Hu:-abaIU.-eC<^tba';dBir^B«ttt» aBzuBf a t ttaft p«Kk f U ^

,.o u h B d « a a a t& S : t t - M 'm U ( x ,^ A out^tw fM th a t

u p .. ._ l#

3 SI.


Mill FeedsB ran , lOO Iba.^:----- -----B ran, 600 Iba. ------S tock food. 100 Iba. .S tock food. COO Iba. .

S e o d a / (O ao.D oalor.Q uolea:) .L _ '

_____ « a a lfa lfa — «1<1-M,R ed .clover--------:— _ _ - » l f i .M .,G rimm....;^.___ ----------------^-^18.0?

Mxiseum Mtfvesi 'LO NDON TWrly-flTfl mea-i.

w ho have a ln a d y moved the~lm - p ir ia i-W afU u ae u m t w ^ a r a TKr. .. p u l a e to a o r e I t oaea w iirjaoT tt 10,000-p tec e» W fl* h ln g v a bout.800 toji8.-But.' aa tliey .M y .- they ,ha»e dona I t ■ o 'oftea;tiw y o r* .., c o t t la r t ia r t - tb l t - , .

Pag# Twelve IDAHO EVENING TIllES.'T^ViN FALLS, IDAHO TliurBjny, December 12, 1Q3S.

DEBAiEnriDAHO D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E- Miss Eunice E w er Announces

Schedule in Rcd-W hilo T oum anient

Jun ior hlffh nchool ilcbntc oc tiwl- iiIcB for Uw annual R«I-Whito tournam ent of Ihc ncljool hnd been aifnounccJ today by Mlfls Eunice

• E w er, dcbato coach of tho nchool. W hite flchcJule Jnciudcn dcbatca

by Mnry Sue SecorU nnd Betty Spsricfl, and D ick Sallnday and

'M arltn Swcelcy, n t noon tcdayi I tobert rcnco and Alien P n rro tt,

■ and Vera M otyncaux nnd Evelyn UcH, a t 3:X3 p. m. today; nniJ Max Pe»;rflen and Colllnn JJclmr. H arry B enoit and E dw ard Chapin, a t > p.- ni. today. I n the nccond round

- c .' the lo iim atnen t v/iil bo Edwin Doden' and Milo Fenmon, by b y u ,

Tn tlio Red ncctlon.- Jnm ea Powell and K ay Jo rdan . A dda M oy B rack­en and Jlclcn Thomiui debate a t noon Friday : Lllllnn Laubenhelm a tid M arilyn - Web.iter. Pa tric ia O aubncr and Dorla A nn.Shrrw ood debaUn^r today n t 4 p . nj. F rank Brackcn nnd Urlcc Evanfl bavo en­tered tho flceond round o f tbe tournam ent on byes.

Monday noon, Loulne B a rr and " V io le t Bell, o f th e Reds, a n d La

Dean Stokeii nnd ,L«ona . Rae Hunbea, of the W hiles, lire debat-

, inKle e llm lnntion U bclnff used ■ In~nJo 'tou rnam en t. Which hod to -j)c.jajcti<3lja<-d J u d | ^

a re aeorRO fin llnday ,. E d Bek-ttt. ' D orl* ' LelKhton, V cm a Bcua and • Leonard l^'lclda.

' Hagerman LibraryAdds New Books

' H A CEnM A N , Dee. 12 (Spcclol) — ElKbtecn new lib rary booka v — ptircboiicd tUo p aat week and now on tho nlielvcs, . They ••Blue Window." Bnllcy; "Vein of Iron ," Glaa;^W i "Aii tho E arth T urns," C arro l: "Spi-lnK Came

‘ Forever," A ldrich; "Farew ell A rm s." llem ln j^vay: ••Daffodil

^M urder,•’'•'W nllacp:-"A Il-tho-K lng'« - H om cii." .w lddcm cr: "ComradcB to

Stom i,' K yno; "Tvvo Make a W orld," K ync: ‘'G irl From Mon- lunu','' £fl»: ’’Xlamona.^' Jackson; "Mon of the Forcnt," G rey ; "Alas* Uun." Curw ood; “Forlom Illvcr,

....••FlamlnK Wlldcmeafl." Cullum;

S -

HOME BURNEDW ENDELL. Dcc. 12 < Special)—

Tho home of M r. and Mra. Kenneth riobln*on wa« dam af^d ihla week

In an e ffo rt to find hU coat. Cloth- Iner In tbe elMeti >7nlUd ond cauaed 0. la r^e bloxe,- which- woa noor broucbt under control by tho Won-

' ilell flro departm ent, Fu rn itu re was (lamsKC'l.

• <iET R D r r u E S h i p l a n eNOME. A laokn. 0!.ni—Miners a t HAinbow Cam p. In the Nufa>«t

. G ulch 'nrea, will rec tlve th e ir «up- piles by a irp lane tiil« year, dropped irom aloft. Planes will m ake pe-

food. r auppllea. ■

F lra t come f ir s t »erved. C ar t»rKB<n» th a t will a t t r a c t n'fae buyer*. G et here f irs t nnd pet ft.barsa>n Jn a blch {."mde car.

•30 M arquette Coupe,aide m ounU ...................... S128

•30 Plym outh T udor Sedan J130 ■20 F o rd Tow n Sedan.

•20 Pontiac Coupe ..........5130'30 D fSbto 6 Sedan ............5200•33 a ie v r o le t Sedan ............J305•34 V-8 D eLuxe Tudor,

motor, now C-plyGeneral tlrca ....................$<70

•.■JO D eSoto 8 Sedan ......._...5200•31 Ford Coups .............'28 O akland Sedan .......'31 Fo rd T udor Sedan .’S8 PonU


'M Ford •57' Bulck •30 F< •

Sedan .....5175.............75


•34 V-8 D cLuxo Timer. . beater,.new Urea, very, yood c

•SI F o rd T n ic k - .......---------5250>U F o rd T udo r Sedan,

new a 'o t o r .................... _.4305

p f h o r T cm ia yo iw Ford ’ z ^ e r U H eadquarte rs fo r

•-•;?jM n6m iefll-Trria!]ionaU iM r


. D ealer '


C H R I S T M A S S P E C I A L SWill Be Offered in the Men’s ^Dep’t

Friday Morning, Dec. 13



D ^ E S S m O T E S 9 8 xRegular $1.29 Id $1.49 Values i

I t look n. personal vi.sit by one ot otir own Imycrfl 16; tKS factory in Iowa to obtttin

. llic.so values on a cash p iiruJinso 'nllcr Uie season.


- ^ r a y a — ---------- T an i-------------------- MaboffauTH-------------

S lip-O i and Snap W ris t Stylcn — Slaes 8 to 10»/a .

Jla iiy tlir if ty Chri.stmns Hlioppers have been aHlcIng ua n lo u t th is Qloyo E vent. Hero

i t is. You get a obaueo to pureltusQ a more expcnstvd priea of

9 8 ^ 5

From Idaho^s Largest Toyland

- t o y l a h d — — T O Y L A N D —


.■Well made littlo pianoa w ith , d oar, bell-lilio cblmca ..................... I O ' '


C H R I S T M A S S P E C I A LIn The Main Floor Shoe Dep*t


P a i r o - - Sheep Wool Lined

Men*8 and Women’s. H O U S E S H O E S_____ ___A-Eactory_CloaeiOut_of_Sainple»_Running_in^aluei to_$l.29___ _____ _

A very fiiic lot o f samples. All d iffe ren t Icinds. The seama aro well bound. JJancj; leather h ow .and pom-pom trims. Jlo.'it of .these fine slippers have doublb 8010.9. . • ' • .

- ^ T O Y L A N D — .

. American Flyer


$ 3 . 1 9-A-Reff.-$4;BOBet'Tla-LiBt«d-in-the-Oatftloffl-


60 NOVELTY BED LAMPSExquisite Satin ,niul T affe ta Bed Lamps, bcaiitiCiilly lace trim m ed. M any of-these lamps have miiiiaturQ figiirc.s. T h ii Rroup is offered in a largo assortm ent -of' Btj’lca and Hhnpcs. Tlicy a rc decorated in Bubdued paste l colo^ingfl.

Bought anil "bold back fo r this B ir ChrJfitmas Prom otiou, wc aw urcd ourficivea f ira t .• th a t they were really $1.29 to $1A0 'lam pa. This means w orthw hile flavings to you,

A Begjilar $1.29 f l 4 9 Q aa lltj

F reigh t tra in w ith stcam .typo locom otiv? three fre igh t cara and a coal ear, 8 pieeea o f cnrvc'd tfiick am i a $3.19

■ 30 Mickey Mouse SAFETY BLOCKS

W f!Round corucrs and w atcr*proo( barm loai colors. L ots of pictures of f i O f *

•SIiokoy_Mouse ......................

- T O Y L A N D —

3oys' Real Long Hair COWBOY CHAPS

Mado to look’lilco the real chapa. Tlio boys a re all crazy about O Q f * them".................................... .;...........

^ X O Y L A N D i - i

Boys’Long Fur ' COWBOY VESTS

Made to mnfch tho chaps. A real b t i y ................... .......... 59c

■ - T O Y L A H D —

' 2-IN-l HOME MOVIE m a c h in e s

■ _Has Both V iewer and -P ro jo c to rt

Uses reg n la r 1C Jf. SI. aafety 'film . A rcgu- larg $1.00 toy th a t wo obtained ' - * 7 Q C ifi a big to y closciout....................... ■ V V



1 8 0 F i n e K a p o k S T U F F E D T O Y Se l e p h a n t s . HORSES - DOGS - DOLLS

. ■ ■ EcgnlBr B8p to'70o V alM »r. ' . E very Piece Is Enclosed in CeiloplianoTJicy are larW -sucd and covcrcd-w itli b righ t colorcd and fast colored percale and ^ n g liQ U i.p ri iU « . • • •■ . • ' ■ • • '-ilTheso are Ilusb ton toys, and yon know .w hat th a t means. R ushton toys are nation* ., . ally IcnowD as p laythings of tho higiievt quality lo r Jittlo folks. Very smaU boys I o r g irls are hard people’to , sclect ChriHUims pre.<icnlij fo r. They ^probably have ,atuffed animal? already. N o w Iicro is a dhancc to g e t tliem som ething differen t ~ ' E A C H som ething TCiy cute and ve ry sm art. - ^ ^

— T O T L A N D - - '

Flat Fibre Doll Carriages

These.caba are IC inches long.

tir?d an d havo. .

adju8tablo:,lioods ___

They arc rubber


. ~ T O Y .L A N D — .

FOLDING CARD TABLES - d Two Folding Chairs

To Match

The iablo . m easures' .25x25x21 inches' higli'./TlTey aro alL m etal fram es w ith fine cdmposition' tops. T h ls iln o se t u a closc'but i^otn a S alt Lako jobber a n d 7 0 believe th a t i t represents - Q Q

~ 5 T 0 Y L A K D — ;


.31 Inches Long _ .

98cGood strong sleda w ith stool A Q n 'rwwcr*. They Btc<T,Tery.»!My_i. J f O V .-


% S I
