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    ”’3“ .ill 36%. El 4:42 pm

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    In a certain loaded transformer, the secondary

    voltage is one-fourth the primary voltage. Thsecondary current is

    A. one-fourth the primary current

    B. four times the primary current

    C. equal to the primary current

    one-fourth the primary current and equal tothe primary current

    Answer: Option B


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    A certain transformer has a turns ratio of 1 and a

    0.85 coefficient of coupling. When 2 V ac isapplied to the primary, the secondary voltage is

    A. 1.7V

    B. 0.85‘v’


  • ”flail 37943. [21 4:35 pm


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    2. A string of five series resistors is connectedacross a 6 V battery. Zero voltage is measuredacross all resistors except R3. The voltage across

    R3 is

    A. 0V

    B 1.2V

    C. 6V

    D 0.6 V

    Answer: Option C


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    3. A series circuit consists of three resistors with



  • all“ 37% D 4:35 pm

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    + Series Circuits - General Questions

    Series Circuits - True or False

    1. When a fourth resistor is connected in series with

    three resistors, the total resistance

    A. increases by one-fourth

    B increases

    C. decreases

    D remains the same

    Answer: Option B


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    2. A string of five series resistors is connectedacross a 6 V battery. Zero voltage is measuredacross all resistors except R3. The voltage across


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    resistance is

    A. less than 120 n

    B. the average of the values

    C. 720 L":

    D. 120 Q

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    4. A certain series circuit consists of a 1/8 Wresistor, a 1/4 W resistor. and a 1/2 W resistor. Thetotal resistance is 1200 Q. If each resistor isoperating in the circuit at its maximum powerdissipation. total current flow is

    A. 27 mA

    8. 2.7 mA

    C. 19 mA

    D. 190 mA

    Answer: Option A


    Tn’rnl P : P1 + P? + PR : TIRw

  • 3.1il37'3-233El 4:37 pm

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    10. All the voltage drops and the source voltage added

    together in a series circuit is equal to

    A. the total of the voltage drops

    B. the source voltage

    C. zero

    D. the total of the source voltage and thevoltage drops

    Answer: Option C


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  • ””3“ All 339:"; El 4:55 pm

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    B. 50%

    C. 1%

    D. 100%

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    8. A 20 kHz pulse waveform consists of pulses thatare 15 p. 3 wide. The duty cycle

    A. is 1%

    B. is 30%

    C. is 100%

    D. cannot be determined

    Answer: Option B


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    9. If the peak of a sine wave is 13 V. the peak-to-peak

  • ’5‘“ all 36% El 4:39 pm

    3. The output of a certain voltage divider is 12 V withno load. When a load is connected. the outputvohage

    A. decreases

    8 increases

    C. remains the same

    D becomes zero

    Answer: Option A


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    4. A certain voltage divider consists of two 12 k n

    resistors in series. Which of the following loadresistors will have the most effect on the output


    A. 1M!)

    B. 24 kg

    1"" 1OIJA


  • ”4“ ..rl 33% a 4:57 pm

    B. 9384-5130 k0.

    C. 180 4-38.3° k0.

    D. 19.2 /_/-38.3° k!)

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    10. In applying the superposition theorem,

    the sources are considered one at a timeA. with all others replaced by their internal


    B. all sources are considered independently

    C. all sources are considered simultaneously

    the sources are considered one at a timeD. with all others replaced by their internal


    Answer: Option A


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  • ”flail 34% El 4:52 pm

    C. less than 5.5 mH

    D. 5.5 mH

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    4. A 5 mH, a 4.3 rnH. and a 0.6 mH inductor areconnected in parallel. The total inductance is

    A. 9.9 mH

    B greater than 5 mH

    C. 9.9 mH or greater than 5 mH

    D less than 0.6 mH

    Answer: Option D


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    5. The voltage across a coil when di/dt = 20 mA/ p s

    and l. = B u H is

    A. 16mV

    B. 160 mV


  • ‘5?“ .lil 35% El 4:47 pm

    C. -60°

    D. 480°

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    In a series RC circuit, 12 Watts) is measured across

    the resistor and 15 V(rms) is measured across the

    capacitor. The rms source voltage is

    A. 3V

    B 27V

    C. 192‘»!

    D 1.9V

    Answer: Option C


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  • ”’3‘? .iil 33% E] 4:53 pm

    a. 14uHc. 2.2 pH0. 155 pH

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    23. When the current through an inductor is cut in half,the amount of energy stored in theelectromagnetic field

    A. is quartered

    B. quadrupies

    C. doubles

    0. does not change

    Answer: Option A


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  • ’5‘“ .1ll 359%.- D 4:45 pm

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    5. When the current through the coil of anelectromagnet reverses, the

    A. direction of the magnetic field reverses

    direction of the magnetic field remains3‘ unchanged

    C. magnetic field expands

    D. magnetic field collapses

    Answer: Option A


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  • ‘3 .ill 36% [II 4:41 pm

    6. The primary winding of a transformer has 110 V asacross it. What is the secondary voltage if the

    turns ratio is 8?

    A. 8.8 V

    B. 88 V

    C. 880 V

    D. 8800 V

    Answer: Option C


    V2/V‘l = NZ/N'l

    Turns ratio = N2/N1 = 8.



    V2 = 880v.

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  • ”flail 37% E] 4:36 pm

    Exercise :: Series Circuits - GeneralQuestions

    4 Series Circuits — General Questions

    Series Circuits - True or False

    6. When one of three series resistors is removed

    from a circuit and the circuit is reconnected, the


    A. increases

    B. increases by one-third

    (3. decreases by one-third

    decreases by the amount of current throughthe removed resistor

    Answer: Option A


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    7. The total power in a certain circuit is 12 W. Each of

  • ””51“ .ill 369i. El 4:43 pm

    Exercise :: Magnetism and Electromagnetism- General Questions

    Magnetisr‘n and Electron‘iagnetism - General-. Questions

    Magnetism and Electromagnetism — True orFalse

    1. When the speed at which a conductor is movedthrough a magnetic field is increased, the induced


    A. increases

    B decreases

    C. remains constant

    D reaches zero

    Answer: Option A


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    2. The induced voltage across a coil with 250 turns

  • ””3“ .iil 37% El 4:37 pmAnswer: Option A


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    The total power in a certain circuit is 12 W. Each ofthe four equal-value series resistors making up thecircuit dissipates

    A. 12W

    B 48W

    C. 3W

    D 8W

    Answer: Option C


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    8. The following resistors (one each) are connected

  • ”flail 34% E] 4:52 pm

    Exercise :: Inductors ~ General Questions

    4. inductors — General Questions

    Inductors - True or False

    11. The winding resistance of a coil can be increased

    byA. increasing the number of turns

    B. using a thinner wire

    C. changing the core material

    increasing the number of turns or usingthinner wire

    Answer: Option D


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    12. An inductance of 0.43 mH is smallerthan

    A. 43 pH


  • ”flail 35% El 4:45 pm

    B. 111 At/Wb

    C. 11 At/Wb

    D. ‘l At/Wb

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    A coil of wire is placed in a changing magnetic

    field. lfthe number ofturns in the coil isdecreased, the voltage induced across the coil will

    A. increase

    B. decrease

    C. remain constant

    D. be excessive

    Answer: Option B


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    What is the flux density when the flux is 5.5 u Wb

    and the cross-sectional area is 6 x 10-3 m2?


  • ‘5?“ .ul 36% El 4:44 pmHp ana ion:

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    The induced voltage across a coil with 250 turnsthat is located in a magnetic field that is changingat a rate of 8 Wb/s is

    A. 1,000 V

    B 2,000 V

    C. 31.25 V

    0 3,125 V

    Answer: Option B


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    For a given wirewound core, an increase in currentthrough the coil

    A. reverses the flint lines


  • ’s‘j All 37'3'22': El 4:38 pm

    20. if a 24 V and a 6 V battery are series opposing, the

    total voltage is

    A. 30 V

    B. 24V

    C. 18 V

    D. 0V

    Answer: Option C


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  • ”is“ 359:"; D 4:48 pm

    B. ‘IUD mA

    C. 282 mA

    D. “I41 mA

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    14. An ac circuit consists of a resistor and a capacitor.

    To increase the phase angle above 45“. thefollowing condition must exist:

    A. R = Xc

    B. R >XC

    C. R< XC

    D. R = 5X3

    Answer: Option C


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    15. What is the angular difference between +j4 and -


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    D. 9.7 T

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    9. The unit for reluctance is

    A. tesla

    B At/Wb

    C. At/m

    D Wb

    Answer: Option B


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    10. lfthe steel disk in a crankshaft position sensorhas stopped with the tab in the magnet's air gap,

    the induced voltage

    A. increases


  • ””3“ .nl 34% [21 4:52 pmrate of 150 mA/s. The voltage induced across thecoil is

    A. 1.8 mV

    B. 18 mV

    C. 180 mV

    D. 1.25 mV

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    15. When the current through an inductor decreases,the amount of energy stored in theelectromagnetic field

    A. increases

    8. decreases

    C. remains the same

    D. doubles

    Answer: Option B


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    4. If the cross-sectional area of a magnetic fieldincreases, but the flux remains the same, the fluxdensny

    A. increases

    13 decreases

    0. remains the same

    D doubles

    Answer: Option B


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    5. When the current through the coil of an

    electromagnet reverses. the

    A. direction of the magnetic field reverses

    direction of the magnetic field remainsunchanged


  • 593.1“ 3891:. D 4:33 pm

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    B. 38.5 L"!

    C. 3.1 Q

    U. 31 f1

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    2. If750 M. is flowing through 11 km of resistance.what is the voltage drop across the resistor?

    A. 8.25 V

    B. 82.5 V

    C. 14.6 V

    D. 146 V

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    3. The formula to find i when the values of V and R

    are known is

    A. I = VR

    B. if = R/V

    C. V=IR

    F. I It!!!


  • all“ 36% El 4:39 pm

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    The parallel combination of a 470 n resistor and a1.5 kn resistor is in series with the parallelcombination of five 1 kn resistors. The sourcevoltage is 50 V. The percentage of the load currentthrough any single 1 kn resistor is

    A. 25%

    B. 20%

    C. 100%

    D. 50%

    Answer: Option B


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    A certain Wheatstone bridge has the followingresistor values: R1 =10 kn, Fig = 720 n, and R4 =

    2.4 km. The unknown resistance is


  • 6‘ All 32% a 4:57 pm

    B. 43.7/_”68.6o Q

    C. 43.7421.4° 0

    D. 12.9468.6° Q

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    15. In order to get maximum power transfer from acapacitive source, the load must

    A have a capacitive reactance equal to circuit' resistance

    B have an impedance that is the complex' conjugate of the source impedance

    C. be as capacitive as it is inductive

    D. none of the above

    Answer: Option B


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  • ”’5‘" .ill 35% [It 4:46 pm

    Exercise :: Magnetism and Electromagnetism- Genera! Questions

    Magnetism and Electrontagnetisni - General+ Questions

    Magnetism and Electromagnetism - True orFalse

    21. An electromagnetic field exists only when there is

    A. an increasing current

    3. decreasing current

    C. voltage

    U. current

    Answer: Option D


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    22. When a solenoid is activated, the force that moves

    the plunger is

    A. an electromagnetic field


  • ”$.1ll3faia E] 4:40 pm

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    Exercise :: Transformers - General Questions

    .4. Transformers — General Questions

    Transformers A True or False

    1. What We. rating is required for a transformer thatmust handle a maximum load current of 8 A with asecondary voltage of 2 W?

    A. 4 kVA

    B 0.25 kVA

    C. To kVA

    D 8 kVA

    Answer: Option C


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  • ‘3 .1ll 369:3. El £1241 pmC. 6,250 5'!

    0. 62,500 :1

    L] View Answer Q; Discuss 2:»,

    5. A certain transformer has 400 turns in the primarywinding and 2,000 turns in the secondary winding.The turns ratio is

    A. 0.2

    B. 0.4

    C. 5

    D. 25

    Answer: Option C


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  • ..II ..II 1.?3KBIS’3. p power mode

    X Voltage, Current a... SH AREwwwindiabixccm

    D. repel

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    8. The conductance of an 8 ohm resistance


    A. 12.5 ms

    B. 8 m8

    C. 12 S

    D. 125 m8

    Answer: Option D


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    question. Let us discuss.

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    O Flnr'l'rnno. in than nllfnr nrhif an: #9“a

  • ..II ..II UDZKBESE‘ Low power mode

    X Voltage and Curre... SHAREwww.mdiabixcnm

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    42. A short circuit will have:

    a small current flow

    a large current flow

    no current flow



    some current flow

    Answer: Option B


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    Us.l_ I

    43. The basic difference between a fuse



  • Emil 389%. D 4:33 pm

    D. l=V/R

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    A resistor is connected across a 50 V source.

    What is the current in the resistor if the color code

    is red, orange. orange, silver?


    B. 2.2 mA

    C. 214mA

    D. 214mA

    Answer: Option B


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    Approximately how manyr milliamperes of current

    flow through a circuit with a 40 V source and 6.8 kn of resistance?

    A. 27.2 mA




  • .:: ‘E: El 4:43“. pm

    15. The primary winding of a power transformer

    should always be









    Answer: Option D


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  • ’5‘" .ill 33% E] 4:53 pm

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    Exercise :: Inductors - General Questions

    + inductors — General Questions

    Inductors — True or False

    21. The inductance of an iron-core coil decreases if

    A. the number of turns is decreased

    B the iron core is removed

    0. the length of the coil decreases

    D none of the above

    Answer: Option A


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    22. The following coils are in parallel: 75 i1 H, 40 i1 H,25 i1 H, and 15 H H. The total inductance is




  • 5. Which of the following is a non-polar dielectric ?

    (A) Polystyrene

    (B) Phenolic plastics

    (C) Plasticized cellulose acetate

    (D) Castor oil.

    6 g The impurity In liquid dielectric which hassignificant effect in reducing the breakdown strength,is

    (A) dust

    (B) dissolved gases

    (C) moisture

    (D) ionic impurities.

  • 25. The angular velocity of geo—stationarvr satellite is

    Equal to the angular velocity of earth.Less than the angular velocity of earth.More than the angular velocity of earthNone of the a hove.

    26. The batteryr operated ore—amplifier with a consumption of 10Watts can work on battery of12 volt, 100 AH having efficiency,r of50% for

    120 hrs.60 hrs.100 hrs.10 hrs.



  • In the 3-phase inverter circuit shown: the load is balanced and the gatingscheme is 180°—conduction modeAll the switching devices are ideal

    F ...................... 3

    s. x 3m 35L: 1 1 E_+__ L ' " R an) n;

    ...._ p—-— :

    I VII 1

    s. a so. 3.. l.. i

    j-pliase invtrtcr 5.3;Eh£$.h!§flfirfll‘?99ni

    Ans: 3

    [7] The rms value of load phase voltage is [GATE2012}a. 108.1Vb. 141.4Vc. 212.2Vd. 282.8V

    Ans: B

    8] If the dc bus voltage VfBDOV. the power consumed by 3—phase loadis [GATE20121a. 1.5kWb. 2.0kWc. 2.5kWd. 3.0mr

    Ans: D

  • Till iTll 12:41? PM

    3. A good dielectric should have all the followingproperties EXCEPT

    {A} high mechanical strength

    [3] high resistance to thermal deterioration

    {C} high dieiectric loss

    (D) freedom from gaseous inclusions.

    9. The variety of paper used for insulation purpose is

    {A} blotting paper

    [3} rice paper

    {C} craft paper

    [0) mill-board.


    1 0. Which variety of mice is hard and brittle ?

  • [14] Voltage drop is the:(a) Maximum potential(b) Difference in potential between two points(c) Voltage at the end of a circuit(d) Voltage produced by a sourceAns: BAnswer I

    [15] A 240V, 60W lamp has a working resistanceof:(a) 1400 ohm(b) 60 ohm(c) 960 ohm(d) 325 ohm

    ; Answer I

    Solution Hint:[1] UnitsEnergy - Watt-hrVohage-voflsPower - watts[2] Current = Charge in coulomb/ Time in sec[3] Conductance = i/Resistance[15] P = VZ/R

    Thanks for reading.


    45 questions

  • Question 9 : When a UJT is used fortriggering of an SCR,the wave shape of the voltage obtained from UJT circuit is a

    Option-1 : '-._.-' sine wave

    Option-2 : a!!! sawtooth wave

    Option-3 : '._.-' trapezoidal wave

    Option-4 : square wave

  • 10- The number 3.2 x 10-5 A expressed using a metric prefix is[A]. 32 pA a[B]. 3.3 M[e]. 320 me.[D]. 32:30 mA

    Answer: Option A

  • [14] For an inverter Gp—alTlp; what will be the equivalent output resistance?(a) Zero(b) Infinity(c) Relative forward resistance(d) Same as the input resistanceAns: AAnswerl

    n . II P: “I - flfiJ All


  • 4. The maximum output voltage or a certain IOW—pBSS filter 15 15 V. The output voltage at the critical frequency 15

    A. D V

    B 15 V

    C. 10.501!

    D 21.21V

  • [1] In a uniform electric field. field lines and equipotentialsa) Are parallel to one anotherb) Intersect at 45 degc) Intersect at 30 degd) Are orthogonalAns:D

    2) Another name for Beta is A) Current amplifying factor, B) power amplification factor c) voltage amplification factor

    3) In a certain series resonant circuit, VC = 125 V, VL = 125 V, and VR = 40 V.The value of the source voltage isA. 125 VB. 250 VC. 290 VD. 40 V

  • 4) For a given wire wound core, an increase in current through the coilA) reverses the flux linesB) decreases the flux densityC) increases the flux densityD) causes no change in flux density

    5) Approximately how many milliamperes of current flow through a circuit with a 40V source and 6.8k of resistanceA) 5.9mAB)59mAC)124mAD) None of above

    6) What Are three Basic Electrical QuantitiesA) Resistance, Voltage, CurrentB) Inductor, Resistance, CapacitorC) Power Voltage CurrentD) None

    7) Street Lights Are Connected inA. ParallelB. SeriesC. Series-ParallelD. None

  • 8) Conductance is reciprocal ofA. ResistanceB. capacitanceC. inductanceD. none

    9) Half watt is equal toA. 500mWB. 5000mWC. 50mWD. none

    10) In two input NAND gate, both input are high, output will beA. LowB. HighC. BothD. None

    11) Resistivity unit isA ohm-mB ohm/mC ohmD none

    12) In a certain transformer, the input power to the primary is 120 W. If 8.5 W arelost to the winding resistance, what is the output power to the load, neglectingany other lossesA. 111.5WB. 120WC. 8.5WD. none

  • 13. Which kind of motor is used in Ceiling fan A. capacitormotorB. Shaded PoleC. UniversalD. None

    14. Input impedence of op amp isA. highB. lowC. mediumD. none

    15. which one is not characteristics of osscilatorA. negative feedbackB. no InputC. Sine OutputD. none

    16. 300 Joules is consumed in 15 sec. power isA 20WB 30WC 40WD none

    17. Diode can be used asA. frequency multiplier (Correct)B. Some other options

    18. Dielectric strength of mica isA. 500KV/mmB. 50MV/mmC. 2500KV/mmD. none

  • 1.30db power gain equivalent amplification factor?

    2. electromotive force is provided by

    3 two terminal variable resistor? rheostat

    4 energy is needed to do work

    5 TXCO osscilator is more stable than LC, but for high freq LC is used

    6. pinch off value of jfet is that value at which current becomes constant

    7. butyl rubber is not used for high freq applications

    8. polar dielectric are used for DC and power freq

    9. nylon is polar dielectric

    10. corona - faint voilet glow

    11. van de graff generator

    12. tesla coil is high resonant transformer

    13. breakdown strength depends upon

    14. liquid dielectric strength is 50KV/cm

    15. vaccum insulation is used in all except (EHT of color TV)

    16. transformer question repeat

    17. When the frequency of the voltage applied to a series RC circuit is decreased, the impedance

    18. how much continous current can be drawn from 60ah battery for 14 hours?

    19. a resistor of 50kohm has conductance of

    20. V=3v, R=68ohm, power is? (132mW)

    21. n type have minority (holes)

    22. what is pinch off voltage in JFET

    23. Transformers contribute to radio interference due to(A) corona discharges in air(B) internal or partial discharges in insulation(C) sparking(D) any of the above




    1. Doab mean?

    2. Where the mother of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W buried?

    3. Synonym of waive

    4. PAIDAC garden to Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W

    5. pitras bukhari was writer of which language? (urdu)

    6. they felt humilited because they (have been, had been) cheated

    7. in addition (to enhancing thier skill, thier skill to enhance)

    8. man and the man and man and superman is written by bernard shaw.

    9. Cataract is (water fall, Rush of water, both, all of the above)

    10. old testament is (zabur, torah, injeel)







