Living in the City Has Both Advantages and Disadvantages



advantage and disadvantage

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Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages . For the advantages, city is a modern place for all people , it has a lot of tall buildings, schools , hospital markets , super markets and other places which are very beautiful and very modern.Also,side it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don''t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all ,city life is full of bustle and variety and you never feel bored. However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well-paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city-dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all despite all the crowds, it possible to feel very lonely in a city. In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don't mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of the City are as follows:Advantages or Merits of City:(1) The city offers opportunities and facilities for making full use of ones abilities and talents.(2) It can make life joyful and comfortable. Major Service agencies are centralised in the city to satisfy various interests of the people such as work, education, recreation and politics.(3) It encourages new ideals and inventions.(4) It quickens social movements and enlarges social contacts. Social mobility becomes easier.(5) There is less social distance being kept among people of different castes, races and religions. Hence there is more tolerance towards others.(6) The city is dynamic.This dynamism contributes to social changes.(7) The city has liberated women from the exclusiveness of domesticity. It has made women to stand on an equal footing with men.(8) The city provides various means of recreation. In a city there is scope for personal advancement. The multifarious associations of the city cater to the multiple needs, interests and tastes of the people.(9) That is why, as Quinn says, the great civilisations of antiquityMesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman,were cradled in cities, that urban communities typically have led in the creation of art, the advancement of science, and the dissemination of learning.(10) The city functions as a laboratory for human genius.Disadvantages or Demerits of City:The city has its dark or the ugly side too.(1) The city makes life materialistic and mechanical. It takes away from man his human aspect.(2) Secondary relations are dominant in the city. People are indifferent towards one another. Superficial forms of politeness and manners are commonly found.There is lack of intimacy and privacy in the city.(3) The city has made the people to become individualistic, selfish, rationalistic and calculative. Relations are commercialised. All relations are means to means and to no final ends.(4) The city has posed a challenge to family. The urban family is in doldrums. Individualism is ripening within it. Divorce, desertion and separation are increasing. Joint family has disappeared. The family is cut to size.(5) Social control is complex and less effective in the city. Instances of social deviance are more in the city.(6) The city has made the life to become uncertain, insecure, and competitive.(7) The city is said to be the centre of economic insecurity, mental illness, gambling, prostitution, drunkenness, crime, juvenile delinquency, etc.(8) Concentration of people in the city creates problems of housing, water and electricity facility, over crowdedness, insanitation, etc.(9) The cities are condemned as abnormal seed-beds of sin, scepticism, greed, crime, misery, filth and congestion. It is branded as the centre of corruption, vice and misery.The Uses and Abuses of Advertisement.A glance at any newspaper ordain reveal hundreds of advert. People and firms advertise for all sorts of reasons. We nominate look at about job vacancies, new products, home services and others.The uses of advertizement argon undisputed. Large companies depend heavily on advertisement to make their products known to the consumers. These companies play a major enjoyment in the development of sports in our country. Without them acting as rat we would not be able stage international white events.Most magazines and periodicals survive because of advertisements. The people or firms that advertise light through the necessary finance to keep these magazines running. Both parties benefit. The publishers get to tamp down on their business and the advertisers get to sell their products. However most magazines seem to lose their original propose after a while because they have too many advertisements.For an employer looking for workers, advertisement provides one of the most efficient methods of getting them. How else can an employer let job-seekers know that there are jobs available? Through announce in the newspaper, the whole country can be efficaciously reached and the best of the job-seekers selected.It is the same when people want to sell or buy houses, cars and other things.Through advertisement they can come in contact with people not normally met in normal daily life. Again the best buyers or sellers can be picked out and the most suitable bargains reached. In niggling advertisements enable people to widen their choices and chances in whatever they attentiveness to obtain or discard.As useful as it is, advertisements are also sometimes abused by unscrupulous people. In the midst of an international sports, we see the omnipresent sign of a popular brand cigarette and alcoholic drinks. Everyone knows that smoking does noting goodly for ones health. Yet these advertiser blatantly trend the facts and promote their products nonetheless

Modern life is a very complex one. So, man has discovered many means to survive. There are many manufactures that produce essential goods. So it becomes necessary for them to keep the purchaser well-informed. The makers do it through advertisement. It is an art to reach the prospective buyers.Today advertisement plays a very vital role in our daily life. This art is based on the principle of human psychology.Needs and wants are the guiding factors. So, the businessman adopts such methods in order to attract the customers to his product. The advertiser also tries to create demand for the product, if there exists none.Actually what we see is that good advertisements are the matured and ripe fruits of some clever thinking done by very sound and crafty brains. If the article is advertised again and again in a catchy and tasteful manner, it becomes very difficult to check temptation to buy it.Uses-there are many uses or advantages of advertisement. It is a very effective means of publicity and propaganda.We can get all the necessary information needed by us from the advertisement column of a newspaper. Advertisement can be done through many agencies. Newspaper is one of them. Other means are the radio, T.V. and handbills.Another very important function of advertisement is that it has helped in stabilizing the production, keeping the standard of quality and preventing the fluctuation in prices. It has also helped in promoting trade and in creating demand. It has become a necessity in this age of science and technology.Abuses-But there is another side of advertisement also. Some crafty people try to cheat the purchaser through this media. It rather becomes very difficult for a purchaser to discriminate between the genuine and spurious goods. It is a pity that in such cases the general public has to suffer. Even then no body can deny the usefulness of this media.Some common medicines have become a household name through advertisement alone. Hence, it becomes essential for the government to keep an eye on this powerful media so that undue abuse may not be practised by tradesmen.

While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth]it is not without social costs.Unsolicited commercial e-mailand other forms ofspamhave become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden oninternet service providersAdvertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child exploitationIn addition, advertising frequently uses psychological pressure (for example, appealing to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which may be harmful.Many]even feel that often, advertisements exploit the desires of a consumer, by making a particular product more appealing, by manipulating the consumer's needs and wantsDemerits of Advertising (criticism)Several objections have been raised against advertising and some people criticize advertising as a social waste.The following are the demerits of Advertising for which it is criticized;1. Higher Price:It is argued that large amounts spent on advertising increase the cost of distribution which is transferred to customers in the form of higher prices. This objection may be true in case of inelastic demand, when advertising merely transfers demand from one producer to another. But effective advertising often creates demand and increases the scale of production. Large-scale operations result in lower costs and lower prices. In developed countries, businessmen have reduced costs and prices while spending millions on advertising every year.2. Wasteful Consumption: Advertising multiplies the needs of people and encourages unhealthy consumption. By exploiting human sentiments, it persuades people to buy products which they do not need or cannot afford. Advertising promotes artificial living and extravagance and creates demand for trivial goods. This allegation may be true to some extent but it is based on the assumption that satisfaction of psychological needs is not as important as that of physiological needs. Moreover, new tastes and finer emotional experience of life are necessary for the progress of civilization. By itself, advertising cannot force people to buy things which they consider unnecessary.3. Misleads the Consumer: It is said that advertising is often deceptive and misrepresents facts to the consumer. Exaggerated or tall claims and flowery language are used to dupe unwary consumers. They are induced or defrauded through bogus testimonials and false comparisons to buy goods of doubtful value. There is no denying the fact that some firms indulge in false and misleading advertising and unscrupulous use of advertising by them destroys public confidence in advertising. But just because a few people misuse advertising, it does not mean that advertising itself is bad unnecessary.4. Creates monopoly: Advertising creates brand preferences and restricts free competition. Large firms which can afford huge amount of money on advertising eliminate small firms by creating brand monopoly. Advertising thus encourages the survival of the mightiest rather than the best. But advertising creates only a temporary brand monopoly as after some time other brands offer competition. For instance, 'Amul' brand butter enjoys monopoly of brand but has to face competition from 'Vita' and other brands of butter.5. Wastage of National Resources: In order to make use of advertising, producers create trivial differences in their products. Valuable resources that can be used to create new industries are wasted in the production of needless varieties and designs. Appearance, design and style have become more important than the physical utility of the product. Manipulative and combative advertising leads to criminal wastage of resources. The natural resources, capital equipment and labor energy which go into the production of new items to take the place of the discarded ones amount to waste when measured in terms of social well-being. Valuable stationery, time and energy used in advertisements go waste as most of the advertisements either escape the attention of the people or are ignored by them.According to the critics, advertising has the following disadvantages:(1) Adds to Costs:An organisation has to spend large amount on advertising. It increases the cost of the products. To meet this expenditure, price of the product is raised. No manufacturer pays for the advertising expenses out of his pocket. Advertising, therefore, leads to unnecessary rise in prices. In this reference it is said that advertising costs are passed on to the consumers in the form of high prices.(2) Undermines Social Values:Advertisement is a sort of day-dreaming for the people. These days it is taking the people away from reality and into the realm of artificiality. Through its medium people get information about new products.Only very few products are of any use for them. The brilliance of new products really gets on their nerves. They want to buy them but have no resources at their command. Consequently, they start feeling upset with their present status. Taking it as a social evil, it can be said that advertisement undermines social values.(3) Confuses the Buyers:Many a time distorted version of reality is shown in the advertising. Believing in advertising, consumers buy the product. On its use, they feel cheated.They come to realise later that the information given in the advertisement was something else whereas the actual product was quite different from it. Thus, people lose confidence in advertising because of wrong presentation. In this reference it is said that advertising confuses rather than helps.(4) Encourages Sale of Inferior Products:Every manufacturer projects his product as superior one in the advertisement. Therefore, the buyer is unable to decide as to which product is really good.Consequently, it is difficult to get good quality product even after paying a handsome price for it. If a seller gets good price for some inferior product, it becomes a habit with him. It affects other sellers also. Therefore, it is said that advertisement encourages the sale of inferior products.(5) Some Advertisement is in Bad Taste:Many times, foul language and objectionable pictures are used in advertising in order to attract a particular class. They may be insulting to a particular class. It causes decay of social values.Such kinds of advertising are generally opposed by the people as it hurts their feelings. In this reference it is said that some advertisements are in bad tastes.


The major advantages of advertising are: (1) introduces a new product in the market, (2) expansion of the market, (3) increased sales, (4) fights competition, (5) enhances good-will, (6) educates the consumers, (7) elimination of middlemen, (8) better quality products, (9) supports the salesmanship, (10) more employment opportunities, (11) reduction in the prices of newspapers and magazines, (12) higher standard of living!The benefits derived from advertising are manifold. It is one of the most important components of the marketing process.This is beneficial to manufacturers, traders, consumers and society as a whole. Advertising offers the following advantages.(1) Introduces a New Product in the Market:Advertising plays significant role in the introduction of a new product in the market. It stimulates the people to purchase the product.(2) Expansion of the Market:It enables the manufacturer to expand his market. It helps in exploring new markets for the product and retaining the existing markets. It plays a sheet anchor role in widening the marketing for the manufacturers products even by conveying the customers living at the far flung and remote areas.(3) Increased Sales:Advertisement facilitates mass production to goods and increases the volume of sales. In other words, sales can be increased with additional expenditure on advertising with every increase in sale, selling expenses will decrease.(4) Fights Competition:Advertising is greatly helpful in meeting the forces of competition prevalent in the market. Continuous advertising is very essential in order to save the product from the clutches of the competitors.(5) Enhances Good-Will:Advertising is instrumental in increasing goodwill of the concern. It introduces the manufacturer and his product to the people. Repeated advertising and better quality of products brings more reputation for the manufacturer and enhances goodwill for the concern.(6) Educates The Consumers:Advertising is educational and dynamic in nature. It familiarises the customers with the new products and their diverse uses and also educates them about the new uses of existing products.(7) Elimination of Middlemen:It aims at establishing a direct link between the manufacturer and the consumer, thereby eliminating the marketing intermediaries. This increases the profits of the manufacturer and the consumer gets the products at lower prices.(8) Better Quality Products:Different goods are advertised under different brand names. A branded product assures a standard quality to the consumers. The manufacturer provides quality goods to the consumers and tries to win their confidence in his product.(9) Supports The Salesmanship:Advertising greatly facilitates the work of a salesman. The customers are already familiar with the product which the salesman sells. The selling efforts of a salesman are greatly supplemented by advertising. It has been rightly pointed out that selling and advertising are cup and saucer, hook and eye, or key and lock wards.(10) More Employment Opportunities:Advertising provides and creates more employment opportunities for many talented people like painters, photographers, singers, cartoonists, musicians, models and people working in different advertising agencies.(11) Reduction in the Prices of Newspapers and Magazines Etc:Advertising is immensely helpful in reducing the cost of the newspapers and magazines etc. The cost of bringing out a newspaper is largely met by the advertisements published therein.(12) Higher Standard of Living:The experience of the advanced nations shows that advertising is greatly responsible for raising the living standards of the people. In the words of Winston Churchil advertising nourishes the consuming power of men and creates wants for better standard of living. By bringing to the knowledge of the consumers different variety and better quality products, it has helped a lot in increasing the standard of living in a developing economy like India.