Life, facts, curiosities, art! - Visit Tuscany · Life, facts, curiosities, art! e’’s one of...


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“”Sandro Botticelli: Life , facts, curiosities, arts!”


Life, facts, curiosities, art!

e’’s one of the most important Italian painters of all times. He’’’’’s one of the symbols of the E arly Renaissance . He’’s the Florentine who gave birth to some of the most famous works of art in the world.

He’’’s Sandro Botticelli.


e started as an apprentice in the workshop of Filippo Lippi. He became an artist of great renown, under the patronage of Lorenzo de 'Medici: paintings and f rescoes of great beauty, innovative visions, prestigious assignments, Dante's Inferno and two of the most famous paintings in the world. (Florence , 1445 – Florence , 1510.)

Where in Florence


Uffizi Gallery Pitti PalaceAccademia Gallery Ospitale degli Innocenti Santa Maria Novella Church Ognissanti church


Adorazione dei Magi, 1475

Uffizi Gallery

Primavera, 1482

Uffizi Gallery

Nascita di Venere , 1485

Uffizi Gallery
