Let's play - AIESEC JLC Sri Lanka



Let's play is a GCDP project focused on sports. We hope to bring in 15 sports personalities to Sri Lanka from all around the globe to spend 6 weeks with the sport they love the most

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Let’s Play

Why Let’s play ? Sport is a viable and practical tool to assist in the achievement of the youth. Engagement in play and

sports gives children opportunities for natural self-expression, self-confidence, relief of tension, achievement, social interaction and integration as well as for learning the spirit of solidarity and fair play. Team games and play promote positive social integration and facilitate the development of social skills in young children and youth.

Schools have a unique opportunity to provide adequate children an international expirience through this sport initiatives. The project "Let's play" will provide a forum to learn new sport cultures, tactics, skills such as discipline, confidence, tolerance, cooperation and respect. Children and youth will also learn fundamental values of effort and how to manage essential steps in life such as victory and defeat

Mainly focused sports Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Rugby, Tennis, Table tenis,

Badminton, Swimming, Hockey, Boxing, Martial Arts


About Let’s play “Let’s Play” is a sports initiative where sports personalities around the globe get together in Sri Lanka to spend 6 weeks of their lives with Sri Lankan youth.

Goal : promoting children & youth participation in sport and physical activities geared at providing many health and social benefits inherent in sporting activity and form a greater sense of empowerment that will expand beyond sporting arena into everyday life.

Objectives :

1. To increase children and youth participation

opportunities in sport, recreation and physical activity

in a sustainable manner.

2. To build capacity of school trainers and local youth

to enhance provision of sport and physical activity


3. Providing the necessary encouragement to motivate

the youth towards sports

Realization: First 2 week of March

Locations : Schools, Universities, Sports clubs

Audience : School students, Undergraduates,

Club players, Youth organizations, General public

Facilitators : International Exchange

Participants, AIESEC’ers in University of Sri


Our impact

15 EPs

10+ countries

1500+ direct audience

School Sessions

Sessions would be conducted for students in 6 schools around Colombo on,

• The importance of sport and physical education

• Improving mental skills • Success and achievement

stories • Enhancing motivation,

organization, leadership and interpersonal skills

In addition interactive activities would be organized in line.

Play for a clean beach

Feeling the romance while contributing to the environment !!

At Mount Lavinia Beach

With 15 international exchange participants, 50+ university students, 200+ school students, higher educational bodies & other youth organizations.

Play for a smile

Lighting up their silent world !!

2 Events

At an orphanage & an elder’s home

With 15 international exchange participants, 50+ university students, 200+ school students, other youth organizations &AIESEC’ers

Global play ground

15 foreign interns from 12 different countries will organize an exceptional event at Sri Jayewardenepura university premises to share their cultural sports with other participants.

This will be a full day of glamour & entertainment to share cultural experiences, cherish memories & to network and get to know personalities from different cultures, backgrounds and capacities.

AIESEC cricket fiesta

100+ foreign interns along with AIESEC’ers from 4 universities will organize a 6 side cricket tournament parallel to the “Global play ground” to strengthen the network of university students and AIESEC’ers.

Thank you for your interest in Let’s play ! At Let’s play you will have countless opportunities to show your talents, make a positive impact on children and youth while representing your country through your favorite sport.

If you think you are right person, send your CV today itself to grab the experience of lifetime in the island of paradise. BuddhikaLiyanage | Organizing Committee President – Let’s play | 0713629112 | buddhika.info@aiesec.net

AkalankaHettiarachchi | Local Committee Vice President Global Community Development | 0711313272 |akalanka.h@aiesec.net