Lesson 9 Intro to 10 Commd. God’s laws are…? How God gave his law 2. He wrote it on two tablets...


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Lesson 9Intro to 10 Commd.

God’s laws are…?

How God gave his law

2. He wrote it on two tablets of stone at Mt. Sinai.

1. He wrote it in man’s heart at creation (the conscience).

Understanding the Law VS. Gospel is very important!

The Law The Gospel

“Do”“Don’t do”Demands

Shows our sins

“Done”“Will be done”Promises

Shows our SaviorFear Peace

Love God! God loves!

2) Ceremonial – How Is worshiped

1) Civil- How Israel governed

Understanding these 3 divisions is important.

3) 10 Commandments- How Israel follow the Moral law

Time Line

Moral For all people

Civil, Cer & 10 Command

Only the MORAL Law…

Rom 2:15

3. From our conscience we know about the Moral law written on our hearts.

The need for God’s law!

Why God Gave his Law

1st use: club

2nd: mirror / S.O.Sins

3rd: guide

Why God gave his law

2. To teach us how we can serve God in thankfulness after we are brought to faith.

1. To remind us of our sinfulness and our need for the Savior.

James 2:10

Why obey God’s Law

Justification = Sanctification =How does God see me? How can I thank God?

Thru law... Thru law...

Thru gospel... Thru gospel...

I’m condemned!

I’m forgiven;I’m His child!

God guides me

God equips me,and empowers me!

What God’s Law emphasizes

1. Love God

2. Love your neighbor

Rom 13:10Love is the fulfilling of the law.

What God’s Law emphasizes

2. love your neighbor as yourself

2. Faith in Christ= 100% Save

4. Thank-apples

1. love God

We are stopping here for now

Good Work!

To be continued.
