Leicester League of Heroes. The Big Bang How the project came about Through baseline findings...


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Leicester League of Heroes

The Big Bang

How the project came about

• Through baseline findings• Through community

engagement• Through engagement with

local groups, charities, schools and organisations

• Through real stories from people working in the frontlines

Subject Area Facts for Highfields

Unemployment Within 5% of most deprived in the country

Education Within 25% of most deprived in the country

Poverty 30 & 39% for Stoneygate and Spinney Hills

Health and Wellbeing

Within 5% of the most deprived in the country

Baseline information

Leicester Child Poverty at 35.3%

Are there any similar projects?

No, there are no projects like this in the city although many voluntary and charity organisations may post updates as to needs or surplus on their own websites.

Although some may seem similar, non of them have the streamlined functionality or connectivity this project has.

Addressing some of the aims and objectives of the Leicester Child Poverty Commission

1. The Commission will address Leicester's specific challenges, identify best practice and devise effective policy solutions and establish relationships and working practices to implement these.

5. The Commission will identify new approaches to improving the life chances of children and families in poverty in Leicester and breaking cycles of deprivation through the deployment of public services and public, private and voluntary sector partnerships.

• Portal which can be accessed by everyone within the city where poverty needs can be found and addressed in one place

• A portal for bodies around the city to connect to so they can collectively help within their capacity

• A portal where LCC can update and share policies and initiatives

• A project which has a fresh and proactive approach that encourages Leicester residents to take the initiative to get engaged with poverty problems.

4. The Commission will advise upon best practice examples of evidence-based early intervention initiatives to identify and address child poverty, its causes and effects.

Key tools / resources the portal will offer

• Directory of bodies around Leicester and what services they provide

• Facility for bodies to alert the public what is needed and residents to respond

• Facility for bodies to alert residents and other bodies if they have a surplus of any basic goods that may help others

• A portal that LCC can use to update residents on policies surrounding child poverty and children

• Option to highlight a local cause and offer option to donate e.g. child incubator unit

• The potential for residents of Leicester to highlight needs, but also address them.

Strategic Plan




• Consultation• Research

• Developing website, apps and materials

• Securing funds• Securing partners

and patrons

• Marketing and promotion

• Launching project• Disseminating

Cost and timescalePlanning Development Delivery Total

Cost 0 £3290 £25000 £28290

Timescale 3-5months 12 months

Note: The above costs include the website, apps, staff (p/t and f/t), posters, leaflets, and training workshops.

Why the superhero theme?

• Superhero culture and ethos• Responding to alerts• Empowering the residents to help tackle

poverty• Creating a positive and helpful trend• Accessible to all old and young, individuals

and families

Who is on board?

• St Peter’s Community Centre• FMO• Christians Aware• Surestart Centres in Highfields• Medway Primary School• Islamic Relief• Sparkenhoe School• Eat ‘n’Meet project• St Philip’s Centre• ACCF• Madani High School• CAPTA• STRIVE• Various Youth Workers• St Martyrs• Many more

Key Outcomes

• Delivers on 3 out of the 7 aims and objectives of the Child Poverty Conference

• Easy to access portal for all bodies

• Online directory with information as well as hub for all bodies

• Unites the people of Leicester to tackle poverty together

• Creates a new trend/culture of tackling poverty together in Leicester

• Addresses real poverty needs
