Learning. What is Learning? A relatively permanent change caused by experience –Learn about events...


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What is Learning?

• A relatively permanent change caused by experience– Learn about events themselves– Learn about relationships

• Permits adaptation to an ever-changing environment

• Simple forms of learning are shared with other animals


• Habituation (less responsive to an event over trials)

• Sensitization (more responsive to a event over trials or more responsive because we are aroused)

Associative Learning

• Pavlovian/Classical (learning about the relationship between a signal and a biologically potent event)

• Instrumental/Operant (learning about the relationship between our own responses and their consequences)

Pavlov’s Apparatus

Classical Conditioning

Changes Over Timein the Strength of a CR

Stimulus Generalization

Signaling of Biologically Potent Events

• Is the CR always similar to the UR?– Answer: CR not always a copy of UR

• opposite (drug tolerance)• unrelated (freeze)

• Basic features– automatic and effortless, incremental, usually

beneficial (expected versus spontaneous sex)


Drug Tolerance and Conditioning

Initial Response to Drug:relaxation, pain reduction, warmth, peacefulness,constipation

Compensatory CRs

Learned Response to Signals for Drug :agitation, pain, hypothermia, aggression, diarrhea

Overdose Death

Response to large dose unopposed by learned compensatory response causes death

Siegel’s Result


Benefits of Expected Sex

Karen Hollis Link

Benefits of Expected Sex

Benefits of Expected Sex


• Timing (aka “when”)

• Predictability (aka “whether”)

• UCS Intensity

• CS Attention

• Biopreparedness (aka “marriage”)– e.g., conditioned taste aversions

• Higher-Order Conditioning (aka “guilt by association”)

“Guilt by Association”

Some Applications of Classical Conditioning

• Phobias– Intense, irrational fears of objects or

situations.– Systematic desensitization uses classical

conditioning principles to extinguish fears.

• Taste aversion and chemotherapy

• Enuresis

• Advertising

Garcia’s Experiment

