Laurinburg Presbyterian Church


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Laurinburg Presbyterian Church

600 West Church St. Laurinburg, NC 28352 September 5, 2021 15th Sunday after Pentecost

Our Mission: To Be The Word In Action

Founded 1859

Rev. Dr. Sue Hudson, Stated Supply Pastor José Rivera, Director of Music

Lee Harris, Organist


Eleven o’ clock 15th Sunday after Pentecost

Please pass the Friendship Pad found at the end of the pew and return it to its starting place. If you are worshiping with us for the first time, we invite you to leave your address on the pad. This will give us the opportunity to share with you the work and witness of our community of faith- and to welcome you into our midst! Gathering Music Ethan Sevigny Welcome and Announcements Prelude Variations on "O Day of Rest and Gladness” arr. Wood Chorale - Adagio - Allegretto (based on Hymn #393) *Call to Worship One: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!

All: I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to God all my life.

One: Put your trust in the God who created all that is around us. All: Let us put our trust in the One who calls us to worship in spirit and


Hymn We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations

Prayer of Confession God of Grace, as the mountains surround Jerusalem, You surround your people. Forgive us for failing to trust in your promises and for turning aside to our own crooked ways and self-absorbed activities. We ask forgiveness for not paying attention to your commandments and forgetting the mission you have entrusted with us: to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. In your mercy, hear our prayer.

[Silent Prayers]

Assurance of Pardon *Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. Passing of the Peace

Time for Children Old Testament Lesson Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

New Testament Lessos James 2:1-10 (11-13), 14-17;

Mark 7:24-37 Sermon The Formation of a Wise Community Anthem Gathered in God’s Name Michael Burkhardt *Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell;

the third day He rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven

and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints;

the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body;

and life everlasting. Amen. *Hymn # 716 God Whose Giving Knows No Ending Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer Offering of Tithes, Talents and Treasures Offertory Jesus, Lord and Precious Savior Manz Prayer of Dedication *Doxology

*Hymn #726 Will You Come and Follow Me (The Summons) *Charge and Benediction The ushers will come forward at the end of the Postlude to assist in an orderly departure. If you need to leave during the Postlude, please slip out quietly. Thank you. Postlude Improvisation on "Rejoice, the Lord is King" Callahan

The Session Moderator: The Rev. Dr. Sue Hudson

Clerk - Bob Dyer Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023 Bob Dyer Lynn Massey David Harling Dick Newbold Betsy Massey Leslie Sellers Bradley Williams Virginia McCormick John McRae Emily Womble David Bounds Susan Hartwell Bill Purcell Jimmy Stubbs John Clark Earl Bowling Susan Wentz Fred Mabry Jamie Sutherland Larry Schulz Gus Purcell The Deacons

Moderator: Phillip Eshleman Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023 Dawn Sellers Carol L. Coughenour Jane McLaurin Lee McCanna Martha Fulton Miriam Bounds Sam Fulton Meredith Bounds Kirsten Dean Maggie Wells Linda Simmons Beverly Bowling Phillip Eshleman Angell Buie Amy Sloop Betty Jackson Gray Sellers Leslie Brunnet

Cooper Sutherland (Youth Deacon)

Presbyterian Women Moderator: Virginia McCormick Vice-Moderator: Leslie Sellers Secretary: Julie Carmichael

Treasurer: Delia Muse Historian: Martha Floyd

Moderator of Search Committee: Phyllis Breeden


Staying Safe… and Staying Connected

The Session is recommending that we resume wearing masks in the sanctuary and at in-door meetings, as the Covid-19 numbers continue to rise. Our hospital is near the breaking point, according to Greg Wood. We are also asking that people continue social distancing by sitting in every other pew, rather than every pew. We will begin passing the offering plates with the assistance of our ushers and will encourage people, particularly visitors, to sign the Friendship pads.

We are longing for this to pass, but it is also our responsibility to protect those who are most vulnerable among us. We will be holding each other in prayer. May our medical professionals, educators, children and families be uppermost in our minds as the new school year gets underway. Let’s be respectful to each other, as we seek to love God, ourselves, and our neighbors. In lieu of flowers this Sunday, a donation has been made to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund in memory of Frances Jernigan, Mary Crowell and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Davis by Hal Jernigan.

Grace Groups After careful consideration, the Grace Group Committee has decided to delay Grace Group meetings due to the ongoing COVID crisis in our county. We regret having to make this decision but feel it is the right decision at this time. Please take care of yourselves and each other. From the Nominating Committee: Please send your prayerful nominations for Elders and Deacons to Elder, John Clark ( by Today! The Nominations Committee welcomes your suggestions and will be prayerfully considering how to fill these eight openings with those persons whom God is calling/nudging to serve! RALLY DAY :SEPTEMBER 12 CN&E is announcing two new Sunday School classes that will begin on September 12!. SALT and LIGHT, a NEW Young Adults Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 12 at 9:45 am in room 209 (upstairs). This is geared for ages 30+ (all are welcome), so if you do not currently attend Sunday School, and are looking for one, please feel free to come sample this class. It will be taught by Angell Buie, with drop in teachers along the way. Lots of open discussion, and deep dives into theological studies and apologetics. Our first lessons will be pulled from a series called The Answer to Your Deepest Longings: 40 Days Through the Bible by Lysa TerKeurst and Proverbs 31 Ministries More details about how to stay involved in class on DAY ONE! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Angell at (910)384-8805. We are meeting in person, but ask that (for now) everyone wear a mask. Thank you! Sue Hudson will be teaching a class for our children. The class will meet in the newly renovated children’s classroom beginning at 9:45. We plan to ask the youth and adults to assist her. The third graders will receive Bibles during the 11:00 service on September 12. We also would like to invite the children that received Bibles last year because we were not meeting in person during that time. The Men’s Sunday School class will begin the Fall 2021 “Present Word” Bible study series on September 12 also. They are meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Blood Drive The Deacons are hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, September 14 from 12-4:30 pm. We still have appointiments to fill. You have the opportunity to save three lives with your one pint of blood! To register, visit or call Lisa at 910-276-0831.

SEPTEMBER VOLUNTEERS: Deacon Greeters/Visitors: August 29-Sept. 4 Gray Sellers September 5-11 Kirsten Dean September 12-18 Miriam Bounds September 19-25 Jane McLaurin Sept 26-Oct. 2 Beverly Bowling Sanctuary Committee: *Celeste McRae Pat Ellis Charlotte McLean Sis Thomas Lucy Sojka

Opening/Closing Church: Jamie Sutherland Usher Team 3: Hal Jernigan Phil Eshleman Allen McLaurin John McLaurin Penny McLaurin Gus Purcell Jackson Purcell Gus Purcell, II Gray Sellers Anne Sprouse Jimmy Stubbs Philip Wilkinson Clint Willis

2021 Stewardship Update Budgeted Pledges 2021 $298,050 Total Pledges Received Thru 08/29/21 $256,128 Pledge Difference Thru 08/29/21 $41,922 Percent Received 86%

UPCOMING… Monday 9/6 Church Office is Closed for Labor Day Thursday 9/9 5:30 pm Communications Committee Meeting 5:30 pm Nominating Committee Meeting Saturday 9/11 2-5 pm Tears of Healing Workshop Sunday 9/12 2-5 pm Tears of Healing Workshop 9:45 am Adult and Children’s Sunday School Begins 11:00 am Worship Service [Nursery Care is available] 5:45 pm Youth Group

People to Hold in Your Prayers

Terry and Kevin Patterson and family, upon the death of her mother, Carol Fleming. Bill Fleming, Terry Patterson’s father, upon the death of his wife. Sara Tezzi, granddaughter of Linda and Sammy Simmons, needs prayer for upcoming surgeries and for pain relief.

John Massey, who is undergoing cancer treatments.

Molly Lowry, wife of Jerrod Lowry, Stated Clerk for the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina, who is immunocompromised and is currently hospitalized with COVID-19.

Jane McLaurin and her family, upon the death of her sister, Marie Wood. Bear Hughes, who is recovering from gallbladder surgery. Ryan and Kristen Anderson’s 6th grade daughter, Annie, had a serious surgery, and did great, and we are celebrating! Rose Concepción needs prayers for healing. Rev. Russel Mase, who recently underwent heart surgery. Virginia McCormick, who is home recuperating after a hospital stay. David Dyer, brother of Bob Dyer, who is undergoing serious health concerns. Marty Sutherland, who is at Scottish Pines for rehab. Beth Newbold, as she undergoes chemotherapy. John Decembrino, who is dealing with health concerns. Lloyd Newsome, Jr., as he continues to recover after some health concerns. Ron Crossley, as he recovers from a stroke. Virginia McCormick’s brother Ray, who is dealing with serious health concerns. Annette Morgan’s brother in Florida, who is battling cancer. Scotia Village Skilled Nursing: Louise Wester, Mackey McCormick, Emma McInnis, Anne Ramsay Melton, Virginia Williams Scotia Village Assisted Living (Heather Glen): Elizabeth McIntosh, Lou Presler, Daphne Gaw, Meredith Hudson, Mary Frances Fitch, Ann Hatcher
