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February 2020

Thank you for being part

of our Ladybug family.

Ladybug teachers are

pleased to create this

monthly newsletter for

you because you are im-

portant to us and we truly

appreciate you. Please

feel free to share this

newsletter with friends

and family.

Happy reading!

Mark Your Calendars!

February 14th-No School Shakopee School District

February 17th–

Ladybug Closed for Staff Training Day


At Ladybug Child Care Center, our mission is to

provide a joyful learning experience for your family that empow-

ers your children to reach their

educational and personal potential while lovingly nurturing their self-confidence and self-



Educating and Car ing For Your Chi ldren For More Than 3 5 Years

How to keep your child healthy this winter

Make sure your child washes his hands

Regular hand washing is the simplest, most effective way to get rid of cold

and flu bugs. Teach your child to wash his hands with soap and warm water

after he uses the toilet, before meals and snacks, and as soon as he comes

home from school, the playground, or a friend's house.

You wash up, too, especially before preparing food and after wiping runny noses. No need to pay

extra for fancy antibacterial soaps — any soap will remove germs from the skin's surface.

Teach your child not to touch his eyes or nose

At any given moment, the unwashed human hand is covered with thousands of germs. When a child

rubs his eyes or nose, he's depositing those germs directly onto his mucous membranes, where

they're rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.

So in addition to having your child wash his hands frequently, remind him not to touch his eyes or rub

his nose. Instead, teach him to use a tissue — or at least a clean sleeve — to dab at teary eyes or an

itchy nose.

While you're at it, teach your child to use tissues when he sneezes or coughs — or to "catch" his

coughs and sneezes in the crook of his arm. This won't prevent him from getting a virus, but it will

help keep him from giving one.

Check into the "sick-kid" policy at your child's school

Make sure your child's school has a reasonable policy on keeping sick kids away from healthy ones.

Most facilities require a child with a fever, the flu, an upper respiratory infection, vomiting, diarrhea,

an eye infection, or a rash to stay home until these symptoms subside.

Make sure your child's vaccines are up to date

You can help protect your child from some viruses and bacteria simply by making sure his vaccina-

tions are up to date and that he gets a yearly flu shot.

Do what you can to boost your child's immunity naturally

Offer your child a variety of healthy foods so he gets the nutrients he needs. Make sure he gets plen-

ty of sleep each night as well as lots of physical activity every day.




CENTRE 1610 Lusitano Street

Shakopee, MN 952-657-5681

Management Team

Stacey Knickrehm

Corporate Office Connie Kraus—President

Michelle Kraus- Vice President Stephen Kraus- Vice President

Julie Kauffmann - Accounting Associate

Katie Klover- Client Services Administrator

At Ladybug Child Care Center, we will prepare your child’s heart, mind, and body to ensure

their success as a life long learner.
















Homemade Valentine’s Day Slime

STEP 1: Add 1/2 cup of clear Elmer’s Glue to your bowl

STEP 2: Mix with a 1/2 cup of water

STEP 3: Add food coloring, glitter, and red confetti hearts as desired

STEP 4: Stir in 1/4- 1/2 tsp baking soda

STEP 5: Mix in 1 tbsp saline solution and stir until slime forms and pulls away

from sides of the bowl. This is exactly how much you will need with the Target

Sensitive Eyes brand, but other brands may differ slightly!


Reminders Please make sure to let us know via Tadpoles if you little one is not coming.

If your child’s feeding schedule changes please let us know and we will update your diet sheet.

Ladybug will be closed on Monday, February 17th, for a staff training event. Sorry for any inconven-ience this causes.

Be My Valentine (sung to the tune: Mary Had a

Little Lamb)

You’re a special Friend of mine, Friend of mine, Friend of mine. You’re a special Friend of mine.

Be my valentine!

Valentines, Valentines (sung to the tune: Jingle


Valentines, Valentines, Valen-tines

For you. Valentines, Valentines Red and pink and blue.

Valentines, valentines, valen-tines

For me. Valentines, valentines,

Pretty as can be!

This month is an exciting one for a few our little ones because they are ready to move on up

to the Playroom. Lena, Alicia and June we are going to miss you but we know you are going

to have a fun time over there with the big kids.

Over the last month all of our little one have made some big strides. A few of us are trying out

sitting unassisted and our tummy time is getting better and better everyday.

“I love you”, “mommy”, and “daddy” are

the new signs we will be working on this

month along with our please and more.

We really do encourage the use of sign lan-

guage as it helps the little ones communi-

cate their wants and needs to their caregiv-



For The Love of Children~ Miss Anne

We are super excited to have a few new friends coming up to the playroom from the nursery.

June, Alicia, and Lena are ready to come over n join us big kids and we are more the have

them join us!

Even though it has been super cold we have been having a blast in the playroom most of us

are trying out our sea legs and trying out this standing thing and in some case even trying to

take some step. We have been exploring some new things with our sensory bottles and of

course we love to look out the window at the fun white stuff that floats and makes every-

thing white it’s like magic!

Last month we had a lot of fun learning about the snow and cold weather. We learned how to use the signs girl boy and hug. We also had some fun making snowmen and bears too. This month we have some exciting new things to experience and learn from. Here are some of the high lights:

Sign Language: this month we will be using the signs for Mommy, Daddy, and I Love You. We will demonstrate these signs throughout the day for the children to get used to and learn to use for themselves.

Art: We are going to be making heart of all shapes and sizes for you to take home and display. We will be using stickers, paint with marbles, and even some conversation hearts. Of course, we will use our hands and feet to make some hearts too.

“I’m a Little Valentine”

I'm a little Valentine

red and white.

With ribbons and lace,

I'm a beautiful sight.

I can say I love you

on Valentine's Day.

Just put me in an envelope,

and give me away.

• If your little one is not coming to Ladybug please make sure to let us know via Tadpoles or by phone.

• Once you child turn 12 Months we can start offering them whole milk at lunch and some-times breakfast. If you would prefer to try a non-dairy option please let me know. Whole milk is provided by Ladybug however non dairy options need to be brought from home and can only be used for seven days after opening.

• At 12 months , if you are and they are comfortable with it we can start getting used to sleeping on a cot.

“Our Red Day”

(Sung to Mary Had A Little Lamb)

Today is our red day,

Red Day, red day.

Today is our red day,

Let’s all sing a song!

It will be a fun day,

Fun day, Fun day.

It will be a fun day.

Fun day all day long.

Toddler A

For The Love of Children ~ Miss Nicole

February Goals & Concepts


Young toddlers will be introduced to basic, simple counting skills.

Older toddlers will be counting objects in the room, at group time, and other times throughout the day.

Toddlers will be introduced to the heart shape, and the colors red and pink.

Language Arts

Young toddlers will practice sitting and listening at group time.

Older toddlers will repeat colors, words, numbers, etc. after I say them.

Personal and Social Growth

Young toddlers will learn to feel emotion-ally attached to oth-ers and their sur-roundings.

Older toddlers will begin to develop self help skills by process of trial and error. i.e. putting on their socks, mittens, hats, etc.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wow! A brand new year and it is already February. Where did the time go? Hey, as long as it keeps on moving along and gets us closer to Spring and Sum-mer – the beautiful, warm months – I will be just fine with that!

Throughout January we spent lots of time learning about snow. We weren’t able to go outside most days due to cold weather. The little ones also loved to put on the winter gear that was in our dress up area, like boots, jackets, gloves, mit-tens & scarves. Please continue to still bring winter gear each day, maybe February will have some nice weather!

In February we will be learning about

“Fingers and Toes” the first part of the

month, along with hearts for Valentine’s Day.

The last part of the month we will learn

about items “At my Home”. February will

have us looking at the colors red and pink,

and the heart shape.

Goals and concepts that we continue to work on throughout the day will be learning to start simple counting. 1, 2, and 3... Let’s see if we can count to 5! The younger toddlers will still be learning to sit for group time and listen to

the stories and songs. Our older toddlers will teach the younger ones that are moving up from the playroom what a good job we do! They will also be working on feeling emotionally attached to others and their surroundings. The older toddlers will be working on repeating colors, words and numbers up to five.

They will also be working on developing some self help skills.

Feet, Feet, Feet (sung to: Three Blind

Mice )

Feet, Feet, Feet, Feet, feet, feet. They’re so neat They’re so neat I love to march, I love to stomp. I Love to walk, I love to romp. I love to slide, I love clomp. Feet, feet, feet

Two Little Houses

Two little house Closed up tight. (Close fists)

Let’s open the windows and let in some light. (open fists)

Toddler B

For The Love of Children ~ Miss Maggie

There are so many things to learn during our themes in February!

“ F i ngers and Toe s ” and “At My Home” .

Fingers and Toes- Toddler B’s will begin February with “Fingers and Toes” My

friends will learn to count how many fingers they have on each hand and how

many toes on each foot. We will have lots of sensory fun while making different

hand & footprints with paint!

At My Home-The second part of the month we will focus on our homes! We

will discuss the ways families help each other and we will also look at pictures

of different houses around the world!

Goals and Concepts

Math Identify the

color pink (review white and red).

Introduce classifying objects.

Identify the shape of a heart.

Language Arts Show interest

in books and stories.

Music Be exposed to

many differ-ent music types.

Personal and Social Growth Practice using

indoor voices while inside.

Use appropri-ate manners: please and thank you.

Play with oth-er children ap-propriately.

Review all body parts.

Physical Practice pour-


Exploring with manipulatives.

Classroom Reminders Please continue to label all of your child’s belongings

If there is food that we provide that your child cannot eat, please remember to

bring in a supplement.

Cold lunches need to include a protein, grain, fruit and vegetable OR TWO


Please, please, please take home any art or extra belongings in cubbies everyday

During the month of January, the Toddler B’s enjoyed learn-ing about bears & their furry friends! They had fun looking at pictures posted around the room of different animals like owl’s, racoons and birds!

My friends also mastered getting one mitten on by them-selves during our Hats & Mittens theme! We tested our matching skills by matching the different designs on mittens and we had fun using glitter and glue to make winter scenes.


For The Love of Children

February Goals & Concepts

The Proddlers will:

Math: Pattern objects into A

-B-C segments.

Review squares and triangles.

Be introduced to the shape of a heart.

Language Arts: Discuss love in our

families and other relationships.

Discuss how others make us feel.

Review their own name.

Discuss what special things we can do for one another.

Music: Experiment

with different musical instruments.

Personal & Social Growth: Practice pouring.

Practice buttoning.

Learn to gallop.

Use appropriate manners.

Other: Use their large

muscles for balance.

Practice catching a ball or a beanbag.

We have a fantastic month coming up. We have one week full of “Featured Authors”, like Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss. We have

one week of “Be My Valentine”, where we will get ready for Valentine’s Day. We will also have two weeks of “I’m Special”, where we will learn more about each other and our families.

Don’t forget:

Ladybug will be

closed on February

17th for a staff

development day

We have a lot of fun projects that we will be doing this month. We will make, eat, and graph if we like green eggs and ham or not. We will make a Cat in The Hat headband. We will make a butter-fly and caterpillar like Eric Carle’s book. We will do a heart hop and heart hunt in our room. We will make an edible Valentine out of graham crackers, frosting, and conversation hearts. We will play the game Pin “The Arrow On The Heart”, and do it blindfold-ed. During the last two weeks, we will learn some good and healthy habits. We will learn about healthy meals and brushing our teeth. We will get to practice brushing teeth with a tooth-brush, and we will make some toothpaste to bring home. We will discuss feelings and make our feelings known with feelings toast with jelly and raisins. Some fun sensory activities we will do are finger painting with pudding and making silly putty.

A few goals we have for this month practice pouring. We will have some indoor water days with measuring spoons. We will continue to

work on manners, with asking for, passing, and thanking for items. We will continue to work

on our names, parent names, and sibling names. We will work on our balance by having tape

lines on the floor. We will also have fun trying to catch bean bags tossed to us!

• Please remember to check your “little bugs” cubby daily for artwork! We sure love doing our art-

work to chare with moms and dads!

• Did you know you can communicate to your teacher through Tadpoles? Just sign in to your Tad-

poles account prior to dropping your “little bug” off in the morning. This is a good way to com-

municate with your “bug’s” teacher!


For The Love of Children ~ Miss Ashley

Tidbits and Reminders: We go outside every day, if weather permits. Please make sure your child has everything they need to play comfortably out-side. Show and tell days are Fridays. Your child may bring in one toy to share with the class; this toy needs to be able to fit in their cubby. We will be having a valentine exchange on the 14th. Watch your child’s cubby for more information on how we will ex-change Valentines with all of our friends!

Lot’s of learning….Ton’s of FUN!

We can’t believe it’s already February, where has the time gone? January was full of folk tales, fables, poetry, sight words, and fairy tales! We had so much fun writing our own poems, playing sight word games, and acting out our favorite folk and fairy tales! We are

so proud of how much the children learned and impressed at how many sigh words they knew at the end of the week. We will start February off with our Featured Authors unit. During this week we will focus on Eric Carle! The second our unit is Be My Valentine! We will learn all about Valentine’s Day and what it means, and we will celebrate the end of the week with our Valen-tine’s Day party. More information to come about that! For the last two weeks of the month our unit is I’m Special. In this unit the kids will be learning all about how to take care their body, feelings, and emotions!

February Goals and



• The children will be able to

compare subsets of items

sorted according to their at-

tributes, and will be able to

make records of these rela-


• The children will know that

graphing is a problem solving

tool used to show relation-

ships of attributes of different


• The children will know that

graphs are symbolic repre-

sentation of relationships.

• The children will know that

most graphs are based upon

the concepts of more and


Language Arts:

• The children will speak in

complete sentences

• The children will use

pronouns correctly; him, her,

it, them, they etc...


• The children will be able to

perform music expressively

using the concepts

loud-soft, fast-slow and lega-


Personal & Social Growth:

• The children will work

towards being able to solve

their own problems in crea-

tive and appropriate ways

• The children will work

towards being able to work

and play cooperatively with

their peers, both in small and

large groups.



Flashback to January!

Adventure Center families,

I hope the first month of 2020 was great for everyone! This past month we created New Year’s resolutions (check the art boards if you would like to see your little bug’s resolution), colored a lot winter themed coloring sheets, and spent many of our warmer afternoons outside. We also enjoyed our no school days where we got to go sledding and bowling! I had a blast seeing the kiddos have so much fun!

Coming up in February...

In February we are going to be celebrating Valentines Day and learning the history of how the holi-

day came to be! The themes we will cover include: “Be my Valentine”, “President’s Week, and

“Northern Exposure”. We are looking forward to the fun-filled month of February!

“for the love of children” -Miss Kayla

Valentine’s Poem:

"Laughing Along with You"

A friend is someone you can count on

To tell you what you need to hear

A friend can give encouraging words

To help you get over your fears

Friends will stay right by your side

Even when others give up on you

Friends can laugh when you screw up

But you’ll be laughing too!

-Blake Flannery

Classroom tidbits

Non – School days for

this month are Feb-

ruary 14th and Feb-

ruary 17th

Please remember that

Ladybug is closed

Monday, February

17th for Staff Devel-

opment Training!

Don’t forget to please

call and let us know

if your child will not

be coming to Lady-

bug after school.