L12d Eruption



Lesson 12 vocabulary January 3

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e·rup·tione·rup·tion (noun)- An eruption happens when something bursts through a surface. A violent and sudden flowing out; outburst: The volcano’s eruption produced a lot of ash and smoke.Synonyms: explosion


What might you see and hear during the eruption of a volcano?


depthdepth (noun)-The part deepest down or farthest in: I would like to explore the depths of the sea.

What might an explorer find in the depths of the ocean?

Depth of KnowledgeDepth of Knowledge•Recall •Skills•Critical Thinking •Extension

Which of these events happens gradually – a pond warming up in the sun, or a bolt of lightning striking a

tree?grad·u·al·lygrad·u·al·ly (adjective)- slowly; in small steps: The phases of the moon gradually change from new moon to full and back again during its 29 day lunar cycle. Synonyms: slowly, progressively. Antonyms: rapidly, quickly, suddenly




re·vealre·veal (verb)- To make visible; show: Fossils reveal events of past geological eras. When something is revealed, it was hidden but can now be seen. Synonyms: disclose, divulge, expose. Antonyms: hide, conceal,

How could a puppy hiding under a blanket be revealed?


con·tractcon·tract (verb)- To draw together into a smaller space: When you use your muscles to lift something heavy, they contract. Synonyms: decrease, shrink . Antonyms: expand

What might cause a snail to contract into its shell?



con·stantcon·stant (adjective)- Happening over and over; endless. If something is constant, it happens without stopping. I could not finish my chores because of constant interruptions from the telephone. Synonyms: steady, continuousEven through the darkest phase, be it thick or thin, always someone marches brave here beneath my skin constant craving has always been maybe a great magnet pulls all souls towards truth or maybe it is life itself that feeds wisdom to its youth constant craving has always been craving ah ha constant craving has always been constant craving has always been constant craving has always been craving ah ha constant craving has always been has always been has always been has always been has always been has always been

What constant craving do you have?

What is an example of a constant sound?


im·me·di·ate (adjective).

Done or happening without delay; at once: I would like immediate relief from my sore throat. An immediate event is one that happens right away. Synonyms: instant, instantaneous.

How would you feel if you said “Hi” to someone and did not get an

immediate response?