Kool Blast Gas Guideline



Kool Blast Gas Design Guideline

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KOOL BLAST GASSuspendisse in mi turpis, ac molestie diam. Vestibulum facilisis dignissim nisl, sit amet lacinia leo tincidunt tempus. Cras velit dolor, euismod eu euismod non, condimentum quis dolor. Ut a dui vel lacus dignissim laoreet in vitae erat. Phasellus molestie pretium porta. Aliquam nec arcu vitae tellus feugiat mollis nec nec urna. Donec porta erat elit, eu luctus quam.

Quisque nulla felis, posuere et bibendum eu, sodales vitae nulla. Maecenas augue diam, placerat id scelerisque a, porta sed nibh. Maecenas id erat eu neque venenatis eleifend a eget tellus. Morbi ultrices vestibulum pulvinar. Nulla feugiat dictum nunc, eu volutpat metus hendrerit cursus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque nec enim ut odio vehicula commodo non id erat. Curabitur malesuada, sem ac cursus molestie, nisl mi feugiat mauris, vitae laoreet sapien augue ut tellus. Suspendisse tempor nulla et neque tincidunt nec convallis massa luctus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi non rutrum metus. Ut metus velit, aliquam a rhoncus id, vestibulum eget augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt magna vel tortor iaculis id.

Nulla et orci risus, ut tincidunt nulla. Sed ac nisl vel ipsum euismod viverra. Nunc magna nisl, dignissim sit amet feugiat eget, interdum ut mauris. Aenean porta odio vel libero tempor tincidunt eget vel risus. Cras accumsan nulla et est malesuada vitae molestie ipsum ornare. Nunc rutrum libero sed justo interdum sodales. Aenean dapibus diam et ante convallis suscipit.

Nulla semper egestas fermentum. Donec id diam vel enim tincidunt interdum. Aliquam nec fermentum tortor. Cras mi nibh, lobortis vel pulvinar non, viverra eget dolor. Donec vitae risus et nisi lobortis pharetra ac et odio. Praesent nec turpis et nisl mattis gravida. Nam et porta metus.

Owner Name60 DiscoveryIrvine, CA 92618T. +1.949.768.5665F. 949.486.0586W. www.koolblastgas.com





BASICOur logo is made with basic shapes. It resembles the shape of cloud, which is one of the image we think of when we hear blast. Our logo shows the whole concept of the company and identification.

01 This is the basic form of our logo. This flat color cloud shape is used for mainly print use. It portrays a simple and clean look, thus giving its professional feel.

02 This logo is a variation of the previous logo, where it uses gradient to express a different feel. This is mainly used for digital purposes and it is not used for print purposes.







LOGO USAGEIn order to keep our identity consistant, we must use our lost with respect and honesty. There are few simple rules that we need to follow to keep this possible.

01 Using white background is very common and it is acceptable. Most prints will be in this format.

02 When there is more saturated background, it is fine to invert the logo into white with an outline of background color. 03 Using a color logo on top of color background is fine as long as it is in our color palette.

04 Using a color outside of our scheme is no tolerable.

05 Placing the logo on top of an image is not allowed. This only distracts the essence of our logo.

06 The logo must be fixed in certain angle it was created. Turning it around ruin the consistancy of our designs.

White background with black figure.

Black background with white figure.









wORD mARK LOGOThere is an option of using our logo with our company name. This will be used in most designs and it will be the primary design to represent our company.

01 The logo can be shown with our primary blue on top of white background

02 If the background is more saturated, then the logo must be changed to white filled shape.

03 The logo can be shown with our primary blue on top of white background

04 If the background is more saturated, then the logo must be changed to white filled shape.

Original word mark logo for print works.


01 02







AaMyriad ProABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 (!@#$%^&*)


AaMyriad Pro SemiboldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 (!@#$%^&*)

AaMyriad Pro BoldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 (!@#$%^&*)

AaMyriad ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 (!@#$%^&*)

Most of the black body texts are shown with 70% black. By lightening the intensity, it can provide easier feel for the viewer, while still keeping essesnce of our business.


Aa Aa AaAa Aa AaAa Aa AaAa Aa AaAa Aa Aa


TYPE USAGEHaving the right type use is essential in terms of keeping our identity consistant. There are simple rules to follow to make this happen.

All texts are not shown with 100% black. In order to keep our friendly and professional look, it is rather shown with 75% black (CMYK / 0:0:0:75).

01 The body texts are always shown with 70% black. Also we need to use Myriad Pro in ten or eleven font.

02 Our company name is shown with primary color. Also it is shown with Myriad semibold.

03 The other information such as phone number, address, and e-mail will be shown with regular Myriad Pro font.

04 Our logo must be always shown with using our primary blue. Only occasion it does not use the primary blue is when the text is white and the background is the primary color.

05 Our logo should never be outlined. This only makes our logo unprofessional and seperate from out whole identity.

Suspendisse in mi turpis, ac molestie diam. Vestibulum facilisis dignissim nisl, sit amet lacinia leo tincidunt tempus. Cras velit dolor, euismod eu euismod non, condimentum quis dolor. Ut a dui vel lacus dignissim laoreet in vitae erat. Phasellus molestie pretium porta. Aliquam nec arcu vitae tellus feugiat mollis nec nec urna. Donec porta erat elit, eu luctus quam.

Suspendisse in mi turpis, ac molestie diam. Vestibulum facilisis dignissim nisl, sit amet lacinia leo tincidunt tempus. Cras velit dolor, euismod eu euismod non, condimentum quis dolor. Ut a dui vel lacus dignissim laoreet in vitae erat. Phasellus molestie pretium porta. Aliquam nec arcu vitae tellus feugiat mollis nec nec urna. Donec porta erat elit, eu luctus quam.


Kool Blast Gas, Inc.60 Discov eryIrvine, CA 92618

T. +1.949.768.5665 F. 949.486.0586W. www.koolblastgas.com

Dear Customer,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras adipiscing quam in odio blandit egestas. Proin dapibus dui et felis cursus nec dapibus ante commodo. Quisque malesuada justo euismod est accumsan dictum ac quis nulla. Quisque dapibus lobortis libero, non porta nisi volutpat nec. Suspendisse vestibulum turpis ac lorem commodo consectetur a ut elit. Fusce sagittis arcu in augue elementum suscipit. Nulla facilisi. Ut at magna sed mauris aliquam dignissim a vitae orci. Cras lacus sem, feugiat quis fringilla vel, sodales ut libero. Vivamus congue leo id eros facilisis a sodales libero pharetra. Fusce pretium pulvinar nibh et imperdiet. Donec quam erat, pharetra eu convallis ac, aliquam vitae purus. Maecenas a est mauris, eu venenatis eros. Etiam ac elit odio. Mauris ante arcu, feugiat vel suscipit eu, adipiscing eu tortor. Curabitur mattis lectus aliquam purus ultricies bibendum. Quisque vel lacus leo, ut tempus arcu. Aliquam aliquam, nisi quis elementum faucibus, lectus

Kool Blast Gas Kool Blast Gas

Kool Blast Gas




04 05





COLORSThe company must have a set color palette in order to create a consistant identity. Our colors are mainly shown with cool temperature color to give off clean and professional feel.

PANTONE P 106-15 UCMYK 86/45/0/11RGB 0/112/175HEX #006FAE


secondary colors

PANTONE P 112-4 UCMYK 49.79/9.1/0/0RGB 117/192/234HEX #73BFEA

PANTONE P 121-6 UCMYK 72/0/21/0RGB 0/189/205HEX #00BCCC

PANTONE P 115-7 UCMYK 83/0/0/0RGB 0/183/241HEX #00B7F1

PANTONE P 20-7 UCMYK 0/44/88/0RGB 249/159/56HEX #F89E39



Kool Blast Gas, Inc.60 Discov eryIrvine, CA 92618

T. +1.949.768.5665 F. 949.486.0586W. www.koolblastgas


01 Our logo is always presented with using the primary color.

02 Frames of every layout are shown with our primary color.

03 In print all print materials, the name of our logo is shown with our primary color.





04 Other texts such as address, body text, and shipment prints are shown with 75% black.

05 Back of all layouts are shown with our primary color.

06 These secondary colors are rarely used. They are used only in highlight-ing other texts or indicating space for specific guidance.

07 This secondary color is used most often with the primary color. It is used to divide space and show the distinction between shapes or space.





SHAPESThere are couple of shapes that we must use to keep our consistant identity.

This cloud is a shape of our logo with filled color. It is used in most of our layour designs and it is an essential element for our company.

This element is a shape of an atom cloud. It relates to our association with chemical products. It is never used as major element in out layouts.



This shape is shape is never used as major layout decoration. We need to keep our layouts with same shapes thus keeping it consistanct.

In any circumstances, a text should never overlap a shape. One of our theme is to keep everything simple and easy to look. This only distracts the context of the text and the whole layout.


Nulla semper egestas fermentum. Donec id diam vel enim tincidunt interdum. Aliquam nec fermentum tortor. Cras mi nibh, lobortis vel pulvinar non, viverra eget dolor. Donec vitae risus et nisi lobortis pharetra ac et odio. Praesent nec turpis et nisl mattis gravida. Nam et porta metus.


Donec vitae risus et nisi lobortis pharetra ac et odio. Praesent nec turpis et nisl mattis gravida. Nam et porta metus.

This shape is used on bottom bars of most layouts.

In end of every passages, this shape is used to indicate that it is over.





FRAmEIn order to keep our identity organized and fixed, we need to keep a consistant layout that can be recognized as our corporate.

Having a round edges on the bottom of every layout must be kept in all designs. This characteristic identifies our company and adds an interesting asset.

Our basic frame must be presented with round bottom edges

The round edges must be placed inside the border or the layout. The layout itself cannot have round edges because this breaks our consistancy.



In back of all of our designs, we have color backgrounds. As expected, we have specific rules to on this, but it’s really simple. You must create an white border line around the solid primary color ground. How do you mesure the width? There is a guidance for those on right below.

Using a blue frame instead of white frame is prohibited. This does not connect to our identity.

There are set measurement for standard layouts.

01 Letterhead, envelop, brochures, and anything within the size 15’’x15’’ ~ 5’’x5’’. — 0.2in02 Business cards — 0.15in03 Anything larger than 15’’x15’’ — 1/80 of width of the layout



‘It’s cool, it’s fastIt’s Kool Blast’

It’s cool, it’s fast It’s Kool Blast

It’s cool, it’s fastIt’s Kool Blast

It’s cool, it’s fastIt’s Kool Blast

Our tagline is not used in every design. It is only used in stationary designs such as letterhead, envelop, business cards, brochures, and packages.

Myriad Pro (regular)No larger than 1/200 of the layout size



The white frame always surrounds the picture

The round bottom edges are kept in the picture.

Kool Blast Gas, Inc.60 DiscoveryIrvine, CA 92618

T. +1.949.768.5665F. 949.486.0586W. www.koolblastgas.com