Kaskus S00 LISTUPDATE 1410 - boskucingdvd.com · 03.Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis 18 CD 150,000...


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 UPDATE OCT‐14 (1)



 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

AUDIO06.IQ Boosting 1 CD (Seharga 198rb) 35,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Cara Saintifik Meningkatkan IQ Dalam 5 Menit Sehari)AN.Aquarius Note - Learn More In Less Time

AN01.First Step to Excellence 30 MP3 + PDF 100,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Dijual di www.30HariMembaca.com seharga 497rb )

01.The Element02.Brain Power03.Goal Free Living04 The Power of Giving04.The Power of Giving05.The Power of Receiving06.Beyond Positive Thinking07.The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence08.Do It!09.Unlimited Power10.Awaken The Giant Within11.E is For Exceptional12 The Power of Focus12.The Power of Focus13.Rip it up14.The Education of Millionaires15.7 Personality Types16.Thinking Fast and Slow17.No Excuses18.The Power of Less19.Be Excellent at Anything20.Drive20.Drive21.Predictably Irational22.Sway23.Talent is Overrated23.Talent is Overrated25.Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting26.Six Thinking Hats27.Attractor Factor28.Secrets of the Millionaire Mind28.Secrets of the Millionaire Mind29.The Practicing Mind30.Time Power---------- 0000 ----------

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (2)


VIDEO237 Jika Dia Mencintaimu 7 AVI 10 000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

237.Jika Dia Mencintaimu 7 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

238.Cinta Lama Belum Kelar 7 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

239.Pilih Ibu Atau Pacar 7 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

240.Emas Lama Berlian Baru 1 7 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

241.Emas Lama Berlian Baru 2 7 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

242.Jangan Belagu 7 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

243.Cemburu Dengan Masa Lalu 7 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

244.Bersabar Dalam Bencana 4 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (3)


AUDIODini Savila Lucid Dream 1 CD 10 000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

Dini Savila - Lucid Dream 1 CD 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈(Seni Meningkatkan Potensi Diri)

Izadian Zaini Fahroji Winning Dynamite 1 CD 10 000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈Izadian Zaini Fahroji - Winning Dynamite 1 CD 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈(13 Hari Menjadi Apa pun yang Kamu Inginkan)

Putu YudiantaraPutu Yudiantara01.Winning The Inner Game of Power & Mastery 1 CD 30,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈


01.Kerendahan Hati 1 VCD 25,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

Billy Boen - Young On Top : Kalau Bisa Sukses Di Usia Muda Kenapa Harus Nunggu Tua53.Kita Bisa 3 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

54.Nama Besar Orang Tua 3 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

55.Terbang Ke Atas 3 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (4)

56.Hilo Green Ambassador 2013 3 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

Phaidon L Toruan - Anti Aging Lifestyle Doctor01.Natural Anti Aging 5 DVD in 5 AVI 150,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Penuaan Dan Dampaknya)

Your Money - Manage Your Money49.Hati-Hati Penipuan Investasi 3 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

50.Ask Your Money 2 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

51.Investasi Emas 2 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

52.Beli Atau Sewa Rumah 2 AVI 10,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (5)

PC CDDewa Eka Prayoga - 7 Kesalahan Fatal Pengusaha Pemula E-Book (Seharga 60rb) 15,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈(Jangan Dulu Buka Bisnis Sebelum Tahu Hal Ini !)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

Jefferly Helianthusonfri - Keajaiban Menulis E-Book 25,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈(www.KeajaibanMenulis.com seharga 150rb)(Panduan Jitu Menghasilkan BANYAK Uang dari Menulis Artikel)(Panduan Jitu Menghasilkan BANYAK Uang dari Menulis Artikel)

Panduan Jitu Menghasilkan BANYAK Uang dari Menulis ArtikelSukses Menghasilkan Uang dari Menulis BukuSukses Menghasilkan Uang dari Menulis BukuCara dan Tips Menulis Kata Pengantar BukuCara Membuat Daftar Pustaka yang Baik dan Benar

All Update Oct-14 Motivasi Bahasa Indonesia Collection 550,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (6)



 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

AUDIO12.How To Use The Dynamic Principle 10 CD + Manual 100,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈


AUDIO10.The Change your Thoughts Change Your Life Live Seminar 6 CD 75,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Living The Wisdom Of The Tao)(Align yourself with Spirit and start living a balanced and peaceful life today with the help of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)


AUDIOMichael Lee - How To Be An Expert Persuader In 20 Days Or Less 20 CD 100,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Giving You The Unstoppable Power To Put Anyone Under Your Control, And Make People Do Almost Anything You Want Them To Do!)

Robert August Masters - Knowing Your Shadow 6 CD 80,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Becoming Intimate With All That You Are)

Robert Ringer - Action! 7 CD 80,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Nothing Happens Until Something Moves)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (7)

Steve G Jones03.Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis 18 CD 150,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈("Super-Educated, Hypnotist To The Stars Reveals The Mind-Blowing Secret Techniques That Enable You To Control Virtually Every Move and Decision That Others Make By Simply Talking To Them!")

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

You To Control Virtually Every Move and Decision That Others Make By Simply Talking To Them!")Content :01.Introduction02.Outline and History 03.Representational Systems04.Pacing 05.Embedded Commands06.Eye Accessing Cues07 Anchoring07.Anchoring08.Pattern Interrupt09.Suggestibility Tests10.Dating Part I11.Dating Part II12.Self Hypnosis13.Physical Health14.Spiritual Health15 Sales Negotiations15.Sales Negotiations16.Sales Mastery17.Review18.Openers & Continuers---------- 0000 ----------

VIDEOBigThink - Leadership Channel 15 MP4 150,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Cultivating Leadership in Your Business This channel prepares users to lead people in a diversity of contexts-all(Cultivating Leadership in Your Business. This channel prepares users to lead people in a diversity of contexts-all calling for real character and dedication to a cause. The modules present processes for changing minds resolving conflict rallying teams engaging customers and inspiring others to action. Without leadership organizations drift)

01.Ed Norton - Overcome Obstacles02.Jim Collins - Articulate a Vision03.John Mackey - Raise Your Emotional Intelligence04.Daniel Goleman - Lead with Compassion05.Teresa Amabile - Catalyze Innovation06.Brian Robertson - Let Tension Be Your Teacher07.Malcolm Gladwell - Master Your Craft08.Dan Shapiro - Create a Positive Work Environment08.Dan Shapiro Create a Positive Work Environment09.Steven Pinker - Negotiate Effectively10.Julia Galef - Disagree Productively11.Daniel Kahneman - Control Irrational Tendencies12.The Leadership Challenge Part 1 - Course Correct to Maintain Alignment13.The Leadership Challenge Part 2 - Adapt Your Management Style14.The Leadership Challenge Part 3 - Coach Your People Toward Alignment15.The Leadership Challenge Part 4 - What Does a Leader Do

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (8)

Dr. Sue Morter01.BodyAwake 2 DVD in 4 MP4 + MP3 + PDF 60,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Learn to neutralize unresolved emotions through Morter HealthSystem B.E.S.T)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

Essential Skills - Artful Anchoring 2 DVD in 2 MP4 50,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

Mark Mason03.Masculine Power Now 17 AVI + MP3 50,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

01.Anxiety and Defence Mechanisms01.Neediness Self Worth01.Science of Attraction02 Vulnerability v202.Vulnerability v203.Demographics03.Happiness as our metric04.Masculine Power Now---------- 0000 ----------

Rob Brinded - Code of the Natural 8 DVD in 24 AVI + PDF 250,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

01-01.What To Expect01-02.Dan Norman - Conditioning specialist02-01.Week 1 & 2 Zone Exercises02-02.Week 1 & 2 Foam Roller03-01.Week 1 & 2 Thoughts On Nutrition03 01.Week 1 & 2 Thoughts On Nutrition03-02.Week 1 & 2 3D Stretching04-01.Week 3 & 4 Fasical Stretching - Eldoa04-02.Week 3 & 4 Kum Nye05-01.Voice Dialogue Clearing Limiting Beliefs05-02.Week 3 & 4 Mandala06-01.Week 5 & 6 Kundalini Yoga06-02.Week 5 & 6 Functional Strength Training07-01.Week 1 & 2 Workout A07 01.Week 1 & 2 Workout A07-02.Week 1 & 2 Workout B07-03.Week 1 & 2 Workout C07-04.Week 3 & 4 Kun Nye07-05.Week 3 & 4 Fascial stretching Eldoa07-06.Week 5 & 6 Kundalini yoga07-07.Week 5 & 6 Functional Strength Training07-08.Body Building Exercises Q & A

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (9)

08-01.Posturology Advice08-02.Posturology Assessment08-03.Flex Walk08 04 Using Your Energy

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

08-04.Using Your EnergyRon Louis & David Copeland - Make Her Pursue You 15 DVD in 15 MP4 300,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(The Advanced Bad Boy Training Course. The DVD program Make Her Pursue You is an Advanced Bad Boy Training Course from Ron Louis and David Copeland of the dating company How to Succeed with Women)

Classroom DVDs :- Exactly what Disconnecting with a woman is, and why you must do it, or be stuck alone.- The different types of Disconnection, and when to use each one.- How to use Disconnections in approaches with women, step by step.- How being a Hard to Get/Disconnecting Man is The secret to bad boy success...- How to use Disconnecting, Hard to Get bad boy actions to make women work for YOUR approval.- How to break The beauty trance once and for all- How to break The beauty trance, once and for all.- How to use intensity to seduce women. If you've ever been criticized by a woman for being too intense, you'll be very interested in this way to use intensity to your seductive advantage.- Most normal guys smooth themselves out around women. That is, they try to be all things to all women, and to not put a woman off in any way.- How to turn interactions into events.- How to have a conflict with a woman in a way that makes her think she can't have you, & thus want to pursue you- What to keep in mind while having a conflict so you don't lose your cool, and- How to ride through a conflict with a woman and Get to The make up That happens on The other side of it- How to ride through a conflict with a woman and Get to The make up That happens on The other side of it.

Russ Hudson - Enneagram As A Tool For Your Spiritual Journey 4 DVD in 10 AVI 100,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(The deep study of the Enneagram shows the importance of Grace and the awakening of the soul. Gaining clear self-knowledge is a crucial step in this process of becoming fully human. The Enneagram helps us in this journey)

Steve Chandler - How To Be A Time Warrior 1 DVD in 1 MP4 25,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (10)

Steve L Slezak - Advanced Investments 24 DVD in 24 WMV + Guidebook 400,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Investing can be a valuable part of being able to achieve your hopes and dreams)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

01.Investment Decisions and Goals02.A Framework for Investing03.Mistakes Investors Make04 The Characteristics of Security Returns04.The Characteristics of Security Returns05.The Theory of Efficient Markets06.Evidence on Efficient Markets07.Valuation Formulas08.Bond Pricing09.The Term Structure of Interest Rates10.The Risks in Bonds11.Quantifying Interest Rate Risk12 Value Creation and Stock Prices12.Value Creation and Stock Prices13.Present Value of Growth Opportunities14.Modeling Investor Behavior15.Managing Risk in Portfolios16.The Behavior of Stock Prices17.The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)18.How to Exploit Mispriced Securities19.Performance Evaluation20 Market Making and Liquidity20.Market Making and Liquidity21.Understanding Derivatives22.Using Derivatives23.Pricing Derivatives24.Trade Opportunities or Risk

PC CDDean Cortez - Facebook Seduction System Platinum Pack + Bonus 100,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(How To Find & Filter Fuckbuddies on Facebook!)(How To Find & Filter Fuckbuddies on Facebook!)

All Update Oct-14 Motivasi Bahasa Inggris Collection 2,050,000All Update Oct 14 Motivasi Bahasa Inggris Collection 2,050,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (11)



 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

VIDEOHandoko Tantra - Seni Menjadi Pedagang Online 11 Video + Bonus 50,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Strategi Marketing Terbaik Untuk Pedagang Online)

01.Intro02.Seni Menjual Online03.Tunjukkan Value Kepada Pelanggan04.Otentik, Responsif dan Real05.Fokus Pada Branding, Bukan Jualan06.Manfaatkan Social Media07 Relationship07.Relationship08.Yakinkan Pelanggan Anda09.Jadilah Pemimpin di Niche Anda10.Kejujuran11.Berikan Cuma-CumaBonus 1 : How To Install & Use ZenCart (A Free, User-friendly, Open Source Shopping Cart)01.Install02.Config03 Payments Ship Taxes03.Payments Ship Taxes04.Themes Modules Plugins05.Defining Pages06.More Settings And Site Cleanup07.Products And Categories08.Finishing UpBonus 2 : Set Up Your Own Dropship Store01.Install Wordpress02.Site Setup02.Site Setup03.Dropship Source04.Adding Products And Testing05.Finishing UpBonus 3 : How To Set Up A Secure Digital Product Store01.Install Wordpress02.Theme And Plugins03.Store Backend Setup04.Finishing Up04.Finishing Up

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (12)

PC CDAgus Sakti - OLShop Online Marketing 13 Video + Bonus 50,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(www.OLShopMarketing.com seharga 347rb)(Panduan Jitu Memasarkan Toko Online melalui Media Sosial)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

(Panduan Jitu Memasarkan Toko Online melalui Media Sosial)

MODULE #1 : Online Shop & Media Sosial01 Online Shop Dan Media Sosial Sebuah Pengantar01.Online Shop Dan Media Sosial Sebuah Pengantar02.Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan Toko OnlineMODULE #2 : Rahasia Olshop Marketing01.Rahasia Online Shop02.Riset Sederhana Studi Kasus03.Seni Mencari Supplier Studi Kasus04.Pemasaran JituMODULE #3 : Tweet Marketing Sakti01 Konsep Dasar01.Konsep Dasar02.Rahasia Mencari Follower03.Manajemen Twitter Dan PromosiMODULE #4 : Cara Jitu Menghasut Konsumen01.Menjaga Komunikasi Konsumen02.Membangun Kepercayaan KonsumenBONUS :01.Cara Menginstal Emulator Android02 Cara Menginstal ES File Manager02.Cara Menginstal ES File Manager03.Proposal Kuitansi MOU Kumpulan Kata-Kata BijakBONUS SPESIAL :Video List Building Untuk Toko Online Dari Maulana Malik

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (13)



 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

VIDEO09.Invisible Offer (With Ryan Deiss) 29 MP4 + Bonus 200,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(This offer consists of Frank giving away all 7 promotional blueprints that he uses and teaches his private VIP clients. He has documented all 9 strategies and created templates and process maps of their structure and archived swipe files for each of them)

01.The Invisible Offer Campaigns02.Advanced High Ticket Persuasion03.Getting People To Ask You To Sell To Them04.Bonus Amazing Promotions That Worked Like Crazy

PC CDBrian Oliver - The List Building Formula 40 MP4 + PDF 30,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(Explode Your List Today)

00.Fast Start01.The Essential Elements02.Grab Those Subscribers03.Case Study 104.Case Study 205.Case Study 306.Personal Branding06.Personal Branding

Jeremy Kennedy - 2 Weeks 2 Profit 9 Video + Resources 30,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈RECOMMENDED≈(How To Pull Money From Thin Air)

00.Introduction01.Overview02.Getting Started03.Create The Product04.Build Your Funnel05.Piradi

All Update Oct-14 Internet Marketing Collection 350,000All Update Oct 14 Internet Marketing Collection 350,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (14)



 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

VIDEO13.Vital Trade Management Strategies 1 DVD in 1 AVI + Manual 25,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈


VIDEODoug Sutton

01.Technical Analysis Made Easy 2 DVD in 2 AVI 25,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

FXEvolve02.Forex Trading Course 201 5 DVD in 5 AVI 200,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

Rob Booker04.Trading Divergence the Simple Way 1 DVD in 1 AVI 25,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

Rob Roy - Power Channeling Using Options 1 DVD in 1 AVI 25,000 ≈NEW≈ ≈GREAT≈

All Update Oct-14 Options & Forex Collection 280,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

 UPDATE OCT‐14 (15)


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 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com

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 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ BosKucing@gmail.com
