Kare For You Testimonials



14 week weight loss program. You lose fat, not muscle! Expect to release 15-30 pounds. When you're ready to lose your excess weight for the last time and want to do it easily, gently and safely give us a call!

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Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced


Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced


Kare, I am really impressed with the first Phase of your system – detoxification. In the first week alone I lost 9 pounds! You helped me learn something that has had doctors puzzled for years. With your simple candida test I now know why I always had cramps after eating and this gain of 20 pounds. It’s due to a constant urge to eat sweets! Now after Phase 1 I have lost those cravings. I never thought that would be possible and I am really happy! No more cramps or feeling bloated. Thanks so much Kare. You are a great support!

Cathy Clark Coaching with Cathy

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced


Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

I began Kare’s program with a healthy amount of scepticism mixed in with great resolve and enthusiasm that her program would finally mark the end of my weight loss “yoyo” game and I soon became a true believer that this program really works! Aside from the 31 pound weight loss (so far after only 7 weeks), there have been so many other wonderful benefits – such as no more cravings, no more heartburn (literally, not once when I used to eat antacid like candy!), no more headaches and even no more nasal congestion! This experience has been an eye opener as to how much I have been abusing my body with the unhealthy foods I’ve been fueling it with and now, I feel so much lighter and healthier than I’ve ever felt! I will be continuing with Kare’s program until I reach my target goal weight and won’t even consider doing anything else anymore – the results speak for themselves where all the other “weight loss” programs I’ve tried ended up failing miserably. Susan Friesen eVision Media

Susan has since reached her goal and lost a total of 62 pounds!

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced


I started Kare~For~You Holistic Weight Loss on February 9th and I am now on Phase 2. In 11 days I have lost a total of 7 pounds. I weigh less than what I did in high school and even with all the dieting I have done over the years I have never been able to get down to this number. Since the beginning of the diet I have lost a total of 11 pounds. I look forward to the next 2.5 weeks for the results. Because of the daily loss of weight it is keeping me on track and I have not and will not cheat. I am doing this for myself and not others and that makes me feel good. Thank you Kare, you are awesome! Andra Mermaid’s Delight Hair Extensions freewebs.com/mermaidsdelight

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

S. M.

Eleven months ago my husband and I attended an information session with Kare and listened as she presented us with information that sounded too good to be true. Were we sceptical? Absolutely! Were we excited about the prospect of what her program had to offer? Absolutely!! For almost 20 years I had tried every diet on the planet… or it seemed I had… from being wrapped in some kind of wet cloth and then wrapped in plastic, to shots given by my doctor, to Weight Watchers. All these diets were so tedious and so slow that I soon lost sight of my goal and the desire to lose the weight. Every Monday I told myself I'd start another “diet”!!! Do you know how many Mondays there are in 20 years?

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

There was something about Kare and her presentation that made my husband and me feel that there was an honesty here and we felt that Kare and her Holistic Weight Loss Program might just be the answer to what we had been looking for. One month later we started on her program. We knew she was as committed to us as we were to the program and although this has been a journey that was at times difficult, we knew that success was around the next corner. We felt with Kare we were not just another client, but real people who have struggled with the desire to lose weight for a very long time. She really understood our mindset because she has been there having has gone through her own program. Knowing that she was and would be there for us on an individual basis, made us feel that someone really cared whether we succeeded. My husband had fewer pounds to lose than I and lost 20 lbs in the 14 weeks. I think he looks great and he certainly feels a whole lot better. I have lost a total of 40 lbs on the program! This has been a journey, but each and everyday has been worth it. I feel that having the different phases worked so well because I knew that each goal was very near and always within reach. With other weight loss diets I felt deprived and the diet was simply “never-ending”. The wonderful thing is, I have kept all the weight off! Recently I went to my doctor for a complete workup of my blood – the whole range of testing. The results that came back were so excellent for someone of my age, the doctor was quite amazed. He is also pleased with the significantly improved results from tests one year ago. Most days my husband and I walk about 25 minutes twice a day, weather permitting. We are very happy to have developed this activity because prior to our starting on Kare's program we had no energy to do anything in the way of exercise. Today I am sure we even have a lilt to our step, it feels so good to be out in the fresh air. Kare was with us every step of the way to give support, advice and encouragement… but most of all she cared. She “cared for us” enough to help us through this journey so we would arrive victorious. Thank you Kare, for your strength and your unwavering commitment to us on this very special journey. Hugs, S. & M.

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced


Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

I’ve followed many other diet programs and lost weight, but have always gained it back plus more. It’s been 7 months and I’ve kept the 41 pounds I lost, off – I’ve gone from a size 26 to a size 22! This system isn’t hard to follow and Kare was there to provide all the guidance I needed. It was very convenient to have everything included in my personal kit. No running around to different stores looking for what was required for the program. I’m looking forward to continuing my weight loss and how wonderful I’ll feel when I’ve lost my next 40 pounds. I would recommend this program to anyone who has weight to lose. Thank you Kare! Marion is proof that at 89 years young you can still achieve your goals. She has a very active social life and her goal was to lose weight so that there would be less stress on her knees. It would then be easier for her to move around and she could be more physically active. Marion has lost 41 pounds so far and will be doing the program again in January to release another 40 pounds… Congratulations Marion, you’re half way there!

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced


Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

One has to be ready and committed to losing weight to follow a diet such as this but if a person is, it is magical. I loved the cleanse because within a very few days I was feeling both physically and mentally much healthier. In Phase 2, the pounds just fell away which was motivation to stay with the diet. I lost all cravings for sweets and now eat so much healthier in general. I even eat much fewer wheat products than before I started the diet. I loved it!

Copyright 2010 Kare For You Holistic Weight Loss May Not Be Reproduced

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when you’re ready to lose weight for the last time.