Junior AthleticsAthletics - Hillview Christian School · Dear Parents. TOMORROW is THE DAY for our...


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Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins, CHCH 8022

Phone: 332 6923 Fax: 332 6922 Office email: office@hillview.school.nz Principal’s email: principal@hillview.school.nz

A Ministry of South City C3 Church

Our Vision: To grow young people who love God and impact others through service and leadership.

Our Mission: To provide a quality education in a Christian environment where children can develop their God-given abilities.

Junior Junior AthleticsAthletics

We had a great day at the Junior Athletics. We are so thankful to

God for wonderful weather and the great support all of our students

received from family and the wider Whanau. Congratulations

to SNELL on a super House Relay win!

T4 W7 24 Nov 16

Whanau – Through unity is strength “How good and pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters) live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1 24 November 2016

Changes… Dear Parents. TOMORROW is THE DAY for our 2016 SCHOOL FAIR! The Home and School Association (HSA) along with staff and a large number of parents have been working extremely hard to put this event together. I would like to honour the HSA for the HUGE amount of time and effort they have invested into this wonderful occasion. Not only does it bring great excitement to the children, it also provides a rare opportunity for the entire Hillview Whānau to gather together and enjoy each other’s company. I look forward to

seeing you all there. This week I would like to bring to your attention two changes that are happening. CHANGE ONE: About 5-6 years ago we made a decision to mix classes at the end of Year 6 (moving into Year 7) and Year 8 (moving into Year 9). The Year 4 classes (moving into Year 5) were already being mixed up. There were a number of reasons behind this including:

Frequently monitoring the make-up of the classes academically, socially, and emotionally

Ensuring the class did not become too “stale” having the same pupils from year-to-year

Opening the door to making new friends and establishing healthy relationships with others from that particular year cohort

Growing resilience in the children as they learn to adapt to change on a more regular basis

Strengthening the unity across both classes Having enjoyed several positive discussions with parents and reflecting carefully as a staff (in particular Y0-3) we have decided to trial mixing the Year 2 classes (moving into Year 3 in 2017) at the end of this year. Currently it is possible for a pupil to stay in the same class for 4-5 years before being mixed with another group of pupils and that is not always necessarily healthy. This will also provide us with two “evenly” mixed classes with a range of ages and friendships rather than one older and one younger class. It is not uncommon to mix classes and I know of several schools who do this every year for the reasons stated above. At this stage we prefer to do it every two years to give time for the classes to solidify friendships. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact either Mrs Vosslamber (Y0-2 Team Leader of Learning) or myself. Thank you for your anticipated support and co-operation with this trial.

CHANGE TWO: The proprietors (South City Christian Centre Education Trust: SCCCET) have had to change the method of when Attendance Dues are paid each year. Unfortunately, the reason for this is due to the increase of the number of families who have not paid the full amount on time. Sadly this has meant that past and present families have had to be chased up costing enormous amounts of time, money, and energy. It is important to note that the proprietors have extended a lot of grace wishing to remain loyal to the cause of making Christian Education accessible and affordable. However, they cannot continue to ignore these debts especially when they wish to keep furnishing the school with quality facilities for the pupils to enjoy. Therefore, commencing from January 2017, ALL Attendance Dues (for each child for that year) will need to be paid up by the end of WEEK 4, TERM 4. The only exception to this are families who choose to pay by automatic payment (consistently) throughout the year giving the proprietor confidence the total amount due will be paid up before the 31st December. I am disappointed that SCCCET have had to make this decision but when grace is taken for granted, it ends up affecting us all. If you have any questions surrounding this decision, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Many blessings, Steve Frost (Principal) NB: TIMELINE OF INVOICES SENT OUT Term 1 Attendance Dues invoice Wk2 Term 2 Attendance Dues invoice and T1 School Activities invoice Wk2 Term 3 Attendance Dues invoice and T2 School Activities invoice Wk2 Term 4 Attendance Dues invoice Wk2 T3 & T4 School Activities invoice Wk8 Give thanks for:

The variety of achievements by the pupils Our gymnasium can be used by others The unity we enjoy as a school Christian Education in New Zealand

Please pray for:

The Year 10 pupils as they transition from Hillview to Senior College

School Fair: good weather and all the organisation

Prayer meeting in the AV room Tuesday 2.40-3.00pm All welcome.

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. Romans 12: 4-5.

Prayer Requests

Verses to Learn

Term 4

Assemblies Next Week

Tips for writing By Claudia Pennell, Head of Hillview Learning CentreYear 3-6

When your child is editing their work have them read it aloud. This may help them identify if they have left any words out or whether their writing makes sense.

Discuss how your child can make their sentence more interesting. Have them use a highlighter pen to mark all of the verbs they have used. Talk with your child to see if they can think of a more interesting word to replace it with. For example , Kerry walked along the footpath could change to Kerry trudged along the footpath.

Read to your child regularly. Young writers benefit from hearing language patterns and structures, and from exposure to new vocabulary. This is also an opportunity to share and discuss opinions about what is presented in a text.

Year 7-10 Assembly: Wednesday 30 November 1.30pm in the gymnasium.

Year 3 -6 Assembly: Wednesday 30 November 2.15pm in the gymnasium.

Year 0-2 Friday 2 December - 2.30pm in the Junior staff room.

[This week’s flag is Fiji. Next week’s flag will be China]

1.1 Friday 25 November – Hillview School Fair, 5pm -8pm, senior campus.

1.2 Monday 5 December – Year 5 Beach education day 1.3 Tuesday 6 December – Y0-2 Concert and awards

1.30pm Gymnasium. Doors will open at 1.15pm. 1.4 Thursday 8 December – Y3-6 Concert, 7.00pm in the

gymnasium. 1.5 Wednesday 14 December – Y7-10 Concert, 7.00pm in

the gymnasium. 1.6 Thursday 15 December – Y0-2 Picnic Day. 1.7 Friday 16 December - Final day of school for 2016, 12

noon finish.

2.1 Searching for a Year 7-10 Spanish

Teacher: If you know of anyone who is an outstanding Christian Spanish Teacher and may be interested in teaching in the Y7-10 area of the school for 2017, please contact Steve Frost as soon as possible at principal@hillview.school.nz

2.2 Pupils in Rooms 8 & 12, will be visiting Chatswood Retirement Home, 60 Hawford Rd, Opawa to sing carols to the residents on Tuesday 13 December 10.30am (pp date Wednesday 14). We would love parents to join us and help swell singing voices. The children and teachers walk, leaving school at just before 10:00am.

2.3 Year 9 Parents - Please note dates for Year 10 Camps 2017 This year's 9XE – will attend camp on 7-11 February and this year's 9RG; 13-17 February. Cost is $170. Permission slips have gone home with students and are due back to teachers by Friday 2 December. Payment is due at the

office by Friday 9 December. Please email Mr Luke Buxton if you have any questions. l.buxton@hillview.school.nz

2.4 Parents from 9XE and 9RG Last call for parents to join us for Year 10 Camp 2017. Please email Mr Buxton on l.buxton@hillview.school.nz if you would like to be part of the team.

2.5 Can You Givealittle to Make a BIG Difference? The Henderson’s are a Hillview family who would be grateful for support as they struggle with Mum Rachel’s degenerative health condition. With Christmas fast approaching and the holidays nearly upon us, this would be a great time to bless this family. www.givealittle.co.nz/donate/cause/hendersons

2.6 Exam Support Hillview is looking for parents who can support a group of Year 9 and 10 students who are using special accommodations during exams. If you are interested in lending a hand, it would involve acting as a reader/writer for a 2 hour period on 8-9 December. Tasks will vary for each student but may involve reading questions aloud to the student or acting as a handwriting scribe. Please contact the school if you are able to help.

2.7 Year 4-8 Canterbury Athletics Team – Wednesday 7 December. We have 38 children qualified for the Primary Sports Canterbury Athletic Champs in Ashburton. The team will travel by bus and school vans, accompanied by Mr McKenzie's class, who are hosting the event. The team will leave at 7.00am and return at 4.30pm approximately. The bus cost will be added to term activity fee.

2.8 Y0-4 Swimming Lessons: All Year 0-4 students will continue to have swimming lessons next week. A timetable is on the Sports Blog and with your child's teacher. Children may bring googles and swim cap. Please ensure togs, clothes, towels and goggles are named. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY SUNSCREEN BEFORE LESSONS - we have some to put on after.

2.9 Scholastic Books - New brochures have arrived at the school office and they have a special Christmas bonus with them for all orders. Orders close 9 December 2016 and make great Christmas presents and helps our school library at the same time.

2.10 Uniform Shop will be open next week on Monday (28th) from 8.30am until 3.30pm; and also Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30am and at 2.30pm. Orders can be emailed to uniform@hillview.school.nz and will be left at the office for you to collect.

2.11 Uniform changes: From Term 1 2017, Year 7-10 boys will be required to wear navy dress ankle socks in the summer (instead of white). The navy socks are available now at the Uniform Shop.

SCHOOL FAIR 2016 25 November

5pm until 8pm, Senior Campus Starts promptly at 5.00pm, no presales.

We can’t accept any more donations for white elephant. Thank you to all who have generously donated items.

Bring your picnic rugs and enjoy dinner at the fair. EFTPOS will be available, but bring cash too.

If you can spare 1 hour, we still need more volunteers to work on stalls.

Remember your reusable shopping bags to carry away your goodies.

Bring friends and family and enjoy a great night out! Check out our facebook page for updates:


A Huge Thank you! Thank you to our school community for the wonderful donations of clothing, shoes and accessories. We have been blown away by the quality and beautiful presentation of the clothes. Claudia Pennell & Philippa Becker.

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Assemblies Next Week

Tips for Learning Assemblies Next Week

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