JERNY ES (MUEORA), Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is...


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NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON) Editorial Address s-

8 Whitethroat Walk E!rcbwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 6PQ

Editors JERNY RANDLES (MUEORA) Cover Designs JOHif WATSOB {CHRYSIS) 1981 Snbeoription rate £3.60·. for 12 issues

N0�1r=IEHN UFO H�wS,


Edito�i'?-1: "Only when you laugh"

.. , • !

·.··.c. '.J

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NO.RTH�R�� UFO ��-:D��IS ISS\J� s_5' .!

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Often enough I have spoken a �ai�st _the ufolo_sfcal thirst for :?U\)lici ty � .·-.· · .. -. _ : · . Recently I was .tq.ken to task by one �roup for what a newspaper - claim-�q· I :had :.· · - :-. said.In my ne�t b0ok (UFO STUD¥) I spell out ·the ·warnin �s · y_et a�ai;n .So· t t mi._�ht- -�· seem much 'like double standarrls that in late · I1ay_ I found myself en30ged in Gne: .. of the bi �gest sin�:; le-handed publicity <i.ri ves ima_;inc:tble·:.forc a uf6l;) .;ist �I cah, ... offer no excuses. It wculd be reasonable.- to complain • . ·. . . . -

t ·• · .. : -!

Nevertheless, there are times when such a,n inteffcice is· ne�essary'� 'fdr with� j- . • :· ,. Gut it we ·w9uld nover .-set our messa-_:se a�ross·.J�.lso ;; if one i� thrust int;o ::t conr .. _:_._ -: .r :. -frontc:tticn with the media the best policy is boldness, truthfuiness 0,nd ·honesty� . .- r .�.�_'. Th:tt way..,at le:1st some of the reality mi��ht emer:;e .. thrcu·:h _the filier of·ridi;..:.r..rr::':-) cule. To run away (if sure of ones fcntin:s) }'fould se'rve. no purp:;se 9 because Mr.:··. , · . -;;�: rL;dia Man would only find someone else too willinr; to talk (.and,. pr·�}bao.ty: .faJ;·��� , , J·:: �:: more silly than. yourself) .In aJldi tibn, .it must lJe remembered that I am ·a·· fulli..+ ,_C .. v ;,. time writer. To live I must sell bcll}ks. T() :sell books people. must know .-they oiZ:ist-.c...·,_


So i� my publishers arran;e interviews r hc:tve to-obli:_;·G, I am no diff� . .-:·,,r.:·r( erent from anyope else.A shopkeeper adver'tises his_produce,doos'he not? . -'-"· ·

But I c-lo not .seek ,1ublici ty'�Thcse at, the JJUFOHA con_�res8 will pqrhap·s. kn61-t.c,e ·V·...- ­how avoidin-; the merl.iA- was almost like·· <1.voidin :r "le<)ple. They were· everywhere;':·: 1 _· .L� and most' of us ·_sot cau:�ht by somebody • .But. I m�n'a.·�ed to deftlyt swi T-8h m6st of ·:· · ,--·._,_ r.,. the �V,rad:tQ anii. newspa'0er men onto som�one else,for by then I had done my duty to Robert,Hale,and I �as tired,Tired �f�lo�i�t� tend to say thin�s they rG�rGt.

My pre-publication tour cf promotion. took �··.in· one TV spot ,five mz1jor neHs}Daper interviews and no less than sevent\3en n?-t;iona::L and local ra(lio slots· ( 21.11 in· the space of ei·�ht days!) By I\1ay 26 I was en my ·knees, but could look back' -a-L. &c�me �ood -thin:ss I had achieved (and not just' for me ·and my book I shou:J..j.··add) ;r .

I mane a concerted effort before I be::;�n to· agree upon a "message'!· T 1-fculd strive t(: .. put over. This concentrated on shcwin� that uf·)lG ;ists kJ:eW'_., 9·0)� of the data was spurious. Tryin?; to clear up _f:?('me r-f the simple misict�nt


errors ::;ec1ple make .. Stressin; we ha<i. no direct evidence that .alie!ls exist (des- .. pi te the assumptions), but that we did have. evidence that a real,physi-cai ·phen� -· omenon exists (with various examples,acco:r;din; to the audience)' This_ cuuld stop car en�-;ine�, or burn witnesses, 0r lea vo m<lrks on the -�rou;1d and tnay · well'. be quite natural,once it is understcod.Finally,th:-lt the contacts seeme•l different and. ·.i

basically subjective.But that whilst it wauld,be easy to dismiss them as _just hallucinations this ·simpl_e answer was not ·probable because the witnesses �in�\)1-ved were mn.inly sane, sen·sible folk without any· history of psycholoj;ical di.?t-' .· urbance.Each time I went through my "messa�e"- which,I h�pe you wiJ,.l .. a:�reepdo�·;S· both justice and ?. service to serious ufr'lO'J;Y .In . . most cases ,I believ,el:J:.>was� · · _;_· reasonably successful in put tin:; some (or all). of;· it across.

... ·-· THe BDC TV slot wn.s excellent.I was able to stress· the ·above and : .. ;i ve exn.m-

0les cf the difficulty in analy.sin� UFO photo-sral;hs.A Radio One pro-jrrtmme saw me expln.inin·; misidentifications to youn �er listeners, rts ·well as the :best way to report UFOs ("Tts a cc:tse of sortin.� oi t . . your ·uFOs from your IFOs" ,Ha·_:;-�ie P!fil"Jin perceptively anncunccid-) An :LBC childrens· phnne-in brou�ht some very­intelli:-;;ent. questi ··rs and a chance to· discuss UFOs and natural atmospheric ph.:;nomena. Very often I was asked ·in int·erviews why. I was interested in UFOs since my a tti tucle and my book mac le it clear I was politely scepticrtl. This was just

what I. wanted.It �save me cho.nce to say, "Of course I am sceptical. That is the only sensible ap�1roach t� take. There·. is · a hu3e mystique which surrcuncls th.:; UFO, c;rften perputrated by your lot '(the medict) .U;F.Os. and spaceships are rebarded as one qnd the·s�me.Wheras all I ·am-certain �f._is. that a mystery exists,which in some cases is wit:10ut doubt physical ancl reai.I 9-m .·searchin3 for the ·truth.;&ncl .I believe the public have the rt._�ht ,rind the in'ty lli.�;ence to hear that truth·," ·It was worth all the effort,and. the criticism,to say that a dozen or so times� and n.s many pro3rammes were li ��·it .. w·as not' even cut� ..

Of course, there were �illy spc;ts. The LIV.8BPOOLt�CBO reprinted a LONDON NEvl STANDfillD article which procl<1imed "Where have ·gll· the� UFOs -:son0?", but the mickey·· take was mild and the und8rlyin:3 quotes from Lord. Kin:�s-Norton and myself dir­ect and honest.Thc· SUN had more fun with "Face to face. with the little ·_sreen

. � -:· ., .. .... -!. \ ' ...

trouse:r,--1rabbcrs" This refered to an interview with Stuart C1mpbell about the Livi ngston _case, but I suspect he rec;rets none of whr1t he wac� qur)teJ. as say�ng_, just as I· was treated very fairly and mean it when I said, (�..), . . "·"It's almost certain that -there .. is life Ol!t there in the universe . Th e trouble is that all the witnesses describe beings who match -·mir -··conq·e.ptrons .. n.nd ·Hho .ar.e. human-:like .

The whd>la thing toush�.s ., d�?ep Gmotions in all of Js� 1>/e d'esperately want to 'be.lie�e 1n alien&." HEf.CI.VY ��o�ne; for tho SUN, but I think it s�ms up.t}].e contacteG para­dox,altho.Ugh .. It .does no·f explain· th0 mystery of course.The i)iece ·was . . typi'cal mass-media ufology.I saw people· stariri!, in horror at· ��1es no( $o io�s !,q;i·�·�t :· mi.�ht h�ve done, ?u� the truth is . appa.rarit ·only.·wh�n .. you . ) .�w;h , as : ' I qid�·(?ecause it really was quite :-:c od fun.Cl0sc encc)unters· c,1re .funny (p,E?rhrlp�: by'�d·esf.jri), and· it m.ust seem i:no;rcdible to a· poor SUM journalist that· whils .i " h� 8.n(l' his ·:reaJh::r·s believe in �lien.s many ufnlb:�ists· take life m.or,e se�ious,t'y and ·are tiqt', as· y'et'{ convinced ·of this.I r1m sure more than· <t few -will se·� 'below the sur·f.q,be Ff -the SUNs silJ_y froth and ��asp the true message.· of the., ;��ti·��le .'I+> is 9like- aJl the·� rest,a vindication of uf,:.logy .Des�)i·te all t{le efforts to turn it into a� earn...:''--i val; there. is a great my�te�y here. One th;1t ste1.�d-s firm and

.-.rlemanrls answers. - .. .

--As a fin1.l· anecdo·tq .. I mention· one journalist who-·.;,pp���cqed me at the �; (having been sent by a certain loc::tl .�roU')1wl1om:):_sh<1.lJr . .not.)iame) "I hear you · are- rather �ontroversiA.l',n.nd believe t,·;a t .UFOs n.rEr.�·syc,hi\�� phe :omen;-t" "O,h':; ·

really?" :I st:1red back , "1 didn't know that" and. I pro.cecied to tell him ·wh·A t T · ...

did think (the full blast of my "messa-;e'·') He n:ulped .iri S01]18 air' and' 'iooked: -:. rather distressect.."Oh," he inuttered.Then �'Oh'' a,;C}tn�·'.'th�t' s not very excftin:�/' He sl)ook his head and then n.dded,poi�nantly,"'I�m·really. iookin.:; for someone silly, you knnw what I mean �" I had to say·. 'Yes' and po�nted va'�uely in

· the direct-ion of the exit,whilst wonderin; whr1rt this suppose�ly serious group ht1.d. thousht they wer,e .do in__; for ufology by unleashl.n� .. m� (as :'someone silly' ) " ento this n�ti0nal newspaper.An hcur l�ter I saw· hi�_sat f9rl9rniy in n. chair,· · recorder primeci,lookin._) .lonely· and disheartened..Ten minu��s late:c he was ·_iOrie. I don't think I regret a m ;meJ1t of my battle· with t.h�·· med:i,a;,:thou.,.;h I am not kaen to _;o ·through it a;:;ain as soon as I misht have to ,Dosjl t·e the frivolity A, lot oi saneness d-id seep throu _:h.So criticise me

' mD:st o i can take it., .But I rl.irt what I though� was righL.;in the best interes.ts of our subjec�.

- - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·� �·- � - _. ·_ � ·-. �. j'

'N-EWS ** No articles whr:tt's9e,;.er have been received for 'the;;; "'qar Stop" theme

of the JULY issue, so for the ·:first time I am goin.�s to riav�· ·to, trrrc_Yw it open"· f0r you to .submit articles on any topic.Please submit 9E3Ior� JUNE 28o .

I o \ o ' \ • j •

** Plans are af(,ot to brin.s you a better deal for 1982, with the morg.\.;r .. of NORTHERN UFO NlDWS with the hi �hly respected UFO rtESEARCH R.tDVIEW •. TJ;�.i�. wjJ_l :.:;i ve you a better quality monthly product without" loss of. C'tl.;t news · Qr, r�port . .. P,u1Jlication format (added to the REVIEvls exc ellent . article ·content) It w.ill r:tlsr �ive freedom to offer (after, a break of. some years) re::;ular "Detaile�. Case Sturlies" o·n selected hic;h interest cases, issued, as; ,-1s;epi;rrP.. te supplements. Your

_:views on this move (still in· dis·c�ssiori·· _st;,_G·e:s) would be appreciatc;d .

**· Lynne & Tony Halsall have re� the

.re_;ion and· h�ve

rtlrea·ly made their· mark bY.. plarinints a one day ev2nt which s�ould interest yr;u all.t:Gntitled ·"Symposium of Extraterrestrin.l ·Experience" 1t will be a unique - · bl·end of UFOs, psychic contact and other art-form expressions , all on the theme of extraterrestrial life.Auct.ience participation will be anticipated along·side a full pro�ramme.The event will be .on SATURDAY, JUNE ,27 (11am to .5pm) El.nd is 8-t: The BELGrtAVE HOT�� City Road CH.;i;ST&t:L Entrance· £1,�50. Details from: 8 The Ric1.::;eway Northop Hall Clwyd North Wales CH? 6JR· (Dec 816116)

*.f A new rl.iscussion �roup . has formed on lVIerseyside called the I��ZRSEY,. OPEN HIND FELLOWSHIP.It. meets fortni._;htly, 'on· 'Sundays to discuss a v;ast ranse of. topics from UFOs through rnyst·i�ism tq s<;i�fi.It is r·elaxeJ.,.-infOI'fflA.l,has · vfde9 tapes,rocordin.3S,and orgc,tnises visi t:s to pla�es· o'f in'terest,Sounds fun. Contact : Alan Hyde 126 Glad$tone Ed .Edge }}ill 'Liverpool 17 lQq

** T�o new directories to {.eC(�rd·. u�o · �ET\vQBK . h?-;e ''their .�8� _direcjmry

.·of stran.�e p�epomena gr;oupe and. magEl.zines at .£? . frQ!Jl:" 39, �.irkbe?k 'Rd London., NW? · Loan-while PICUR (the· provision<=tl International Comm.� tt�e- forme�l at the· 79 .·.·.

con�ress) has launched a useful di±ectory of ufolo .. �ist? ·a�dre�s�.s.'r':n h�t� xou will finrl 213 people from all over the· world (includin:; people like Hyrte.k: , . ·· Vallee,Keel and so on) Phone· sometir;1es. too.I.t is well worth 50p + post from : Peter Hill 47A Easter Bankton Hurieston Livin<-Sston ·scotiand EH54 9BD

, ELSk��HERE THIS MONTH a MAGONIA 6 has appeared ( still at tr,e fantastill1 valuG of a £1,75 sub for 4 issues) Ja.mongst other thin:?;s it featurGs a fascinatin ·; re-appraisal of Lawson' s "ima_;inary abductee" work, seomin��=-Y destroyin(� his conclusions,and a HOAX MIB event from the North West that :_s illuminatinG"! BUFORA JOUR!�AL 10-2 usual sightine;s,reviews ,a lot of correspondance on the COS�10S 1068 affair and a UFO vrossword. that is fun • • • UFO R�S:8.hRCH H�VIJ..G\·l 6-3 has a len 3thy piece reviewin_:; UFO STUDY in terms of "mysticlsm" . • 3LLNCOLNSHIR.tE DHAGON ( i.iay) Dra.-.:;on legends,Lincolnshire leys and levi trttion • • • NORTHEl{N E"H1'H liYSTERIES ( IYlay) has lejs, meditation/OOB.i:G brain states,EVP (electronic voices ) and more, announcing too a new address (15 Convent Court Hull HU5 2UJ) UFO INSIGHT 2-2 is interestin.:;, with a detailed run down on FUFORs methods of investisation,a scathin_s review of THE JANOS PJ£0PLE by Stu;nrt Camp.'nellJ Hilary Evrtns on French 1model" makins and an exposee of the UFO conspiracy myths • • • PROBE Report 2-1 in its nice r;lc ssy forinat,as ever , has rtn intercstin,.:.; photo ID case <tnd a report on an investi.j<l. tion into a sighting by yours trul:y. last September (Paul and I fully endorse the conclusions PROBE reach on this) Finally, a most interestin� newcomer UFO INTERNATIONAL.It is the work of PICUR (pronounced,as Paul put it, like medicin8 for some of my cooki��!)(Get it?) This is in fact the first internation�l UFO journal,with names like Hynek. on the editorial b0ard (re�resentin !, seven count ries in all ) The first issue is modest with just 8 pa �es of international new�, but in future expansion is planned an d Bertil Kuhlemann will edit.Issue i costs 50 p (£2.80 for 4 issue sub) from·: Peter Hill 47a Easte r Bankton Murieston Scotland B::H54 9BD · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Seekin:� Common Ground, . . . .. The fi;rst issue of n.n exci tin�� new ma�azine concept was lrtunched in May .:illnti tled CO!vH·lON GROUND (" Studi�s at the frin�e '? of hum�n experience") it is not out to reach the public or make a proffit . But it is in a well produced,tishtly packed, small .type , 28pp litho format with a �reat cleal of "meat" . The concept brin,:;s together many of the top .. riames in pc:.ranormal research. in the UK; ufolo. �ists, psychic researchers, fortean experts and so on.The n.ctive participants is a veritable Whos-Who.One of its re._;ular features is ( and will be) abstracts of current jourr1als in a diverse set of fields and. this issue carries some intriguing artic-les viz: Hilary Evnns blowin� open the myth of the Dyfed enicma after a�erson�l in depth study of it on site (the Welsh triangle coll��ses and becomes no more than a dot) , JR on comparis0ns between som� UFO contact and polter�eist cases plus hints thflt it may all be sociclck�icrtl n.fter all, Sue Blackmore (full-time doctor rtnd parapsychology resen.rcher at Bristol University ) on hall�6-fn::tti·r.:m .. and illusion and their links with OO.JEs,and Alan Cleaver critically analY,sin3 the electronic voive phenomenon.It� meant to show whRt we �an teach each ether by combininc; our skills and it certainly does that . 36 crn.mmed pa:::;es promissed next time,Qnd its well edited by Kev�n M�Clure.Well worth £1 (£4 for one year ) :- 14 Northfold Road Kni�hton Leicester. ·

BUFORA ,·s SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRl.!JSS ... . . Al thougf:l expensive ( at £15 for the

two days, just to �et in) this event was the hi�hlight of most ufoloc�ist ' s calenders (althou�h many well known faces were not there).Like the 1979 event it w�s· an e�hausting, but enjoyable,experience,very well put to�ether by the new BUFORA chairman Les Bayer, and introduced with a fine exe�plerary talk by Lord Kin_ss Horton ( who is the new JUFORA President).His call for open-mintled scepticism was reflected by most of the p tpers. There were few "bit:; names" this time, but if anything the quality of presentation improved for this.Highli_;ht for me was an excellent naJer from Bertil Huhlemann on the link betwe en science and the UFO ( with �ome positive ideas for .�what w� shouid do about it) o The send up of this in N�W SCIENTI ST was horrendous, unjust and at tim0s close to libellous,Would tnat more ufolo ists had the approach B ertil . displayed &

Stl' _at Campbcll save an excellent illu�tration of case investi�ation Hi th his in-depth study :-:f the Li vin:;ston CIB2 .Des11i te· media present<1 tion · he is not "S•'ld" on the ball-lic_;htnin(� hypothesis,and whilst he suE?;gested _this as a ·1lausable solution his talk centred on all the. t is .�ood in the new breed of B ritish case investigator.•J3I1!Ge ... . Naccabee from the' US11 talked fo:e two hours on the New Zealand movi� films,sho�in� them in their entirity and playing the "as it ha-opens" recotdin.�s from the witnesses. J·oaquim Fernandes from Portugal has reinvestir,atcd the famous Fatima incict.ent;· (al)-d a ·book of his on tho topic is comin·:: soon) It now ·looks even mere like the first classic Ci:4,All in all the event was a ··-�reat success, cert:ligly·· in my · ··�·{ew ···the ··b-�;t,,,of rece:n . .t JUFORA. conferences.The next is scheduled for March 13 1982 in.Ect.i;nbutf:;p�I hcpe this­time BUFORA ·find a way of cutting' costs so fewer will ·be put _.q.ff by huze feeso

t ·. � . ·I � �� ·� . ' -� ·�- ,.... · . �-v . •)'j ;:: .fJ 1 r· � t: � •• ·��-,�- • '"-� ,J , ,1'1LJ�-��fi.�18<�,·rr· .. · ··., , -. : · · ...... J,f�:II�·:;xs Gr c�"v'r ,,. - �"'� · . ' . I . . ... , ' __ L,:.-L .)·r r e· � · If ('0 r -1- • , · � �·'-· .... .l:CJJC I.·�- ;'1 -�-;: ... - j '.)

,.. 2-J "" J'r'lf r, r '- ·'- � r.;:�, _,_ e -.L.) ""·JC'' •) ,..V r f• r '-!- '1 '· "· ,, .· ' - . C.:r � ' '--' . - . , • ;':JJ8(.' '·('(' •r-J t' :.>t · _ r, 1 . - • ' • -'· __ ....._ ,:lfiv -'- , yf:.r_rJ,. -[j"r)r . ·-r-) h ·- -�. . .. , . . .. - . '":· V '-:--- l.w --L::;� J.:::.._rf.f -.�,{.-..r "'f . • -t· .J-. • � - - ... ·� c:. -� !. , J.J·-n,.r: < . .. ·- --:C. Y: '.J r; ! t1 � (- r' ' . r.- - ' ' ' ' . � .• : , .. _[ r,._. ', I,. I. L- r J ·�[ q ,.J t ;:.., . 11 r [ 'I • • • __,_ • ....1 \ � � .. • • l - I . -- •\.. �� . ...... ... J h J. L ' � I � (?".:f:j .... ....J ' T,"r L ,..,-,"\.." .._f r: - ;_ "-·.l.. 'J J lJ _!.\J.; (>r(\ Jrrr+("• r-. ..... f r + 11" - -''-· t .. (...., '• • • -' • ,; .J •• H 1 1 /i 1- ,.... J • q- · - '· v -�'-' ! • 0 1'1 .� � [ .r . •

.._r'j .r v · · ;- r I · · --_ - � �- · JJ.C.JU �.r!J !.1•,;:-.zl:. �··!..)Cf.:��)D•-1'1' -:. ;JJ . ... i ..... ,),_' c;.�_J; _rr".LJ-�·J..�2_ �.L'�8.J.r,Ir· i.r· .-;!�r;_':.:' -l···r/',- :!:T .. "':_(,Jf�-�� �rr;:�s:j· fLt �'i' 1;., ; _[';.;;.rle vr• � t,_· : �· ·��c.L .J � C:\'f� i ,;.�pJ-,8 rfai!i'.If.:· • • ,, ...J..\ " � '· • .,G_. .'Tcfr "r· . ":i ..,.. f/1"'£' - - t . • ':L.�i t:' .�v . _,!', r .: · n,!";if.A�\ 1 '3-'l " .--ft HOoTS· rMbN!-�1-iERE -�01\'IES, SU�PN .-. J�,_, 'T}l� 'S�biti% 11� f!Ne�(�1c.i(Inow.. �--J1ls\;J �OtL �n<§ci·:·: the �s���n��rf�ll�'L sys-ttenr -�s.) �:¥d �r�d�9�� (��- .��f� :�th� -JJ�.rollhd!rftt f�aJsi<���l�� ;� F��ci

fir� �fc:_n �ih"tu;ta.'!Qtil;:e, ��·e� .. --J!lB!p���,S v8;.n4. Ji�-� � \�_�ncfl'EYd' ffs'L±fi:!l$'�1 nl�jc(�i:n<a :i!ff.15tr,_18 r: j· 1�:pP:!_:rth'? _ __ f'<?_r-mc:1t ��rsinii��a:f'Jt�,c�!G�fil{\;� ���,���N>Dp tS�{Jff'TlrSH j:UJtO.•·iB%.�������-w:t:ll '·no# �e p.ublli!shed;. �b�r-mq��hl�Ai��a7�� ��- -�a -�·co�������ort.;beFn ··U:0� �ru€'tr§6o-x(J1;:: ;J _ North�rn Ufology �or the comhtry .SUFON ·itself f�/� iml:laf �Cf@FON: fin:'il11Dm9il1�EfJ but WJ.ll _work to UFOIN guidelines, u�ing the agreed t for qase reports e Since there are almost no Scottish UFO 3roups it was decided this was the best policy an�,thus,SUFON will have indiviaual membership,It will purely be· con­cerned with_. investfgation ,.ooo:rct.in8.tins all effo:ets in this larg.e part of the . UK.Membership, is . . £5 (and oui:rsidors>:·c_an · _t_o six issues· of thG Huiletin forth� same,_ffgure).At �re sent , . pendirr·� .the'formati�n--of a Scottish HQ (the . _-, _ equivalent of Nottillbham-) all.;re:;?orts will. be filed with .NUFON for addition-.:·:.··. to the files at Meadow Lane. The veili�ure is rnos:t welcome. and certainly cles:Brves your support . So if YC:U ·know .any inv�sti.sators in Sd)�larla put -them in touch . . : with SUFON ( which will henceforth . be responsl,.bl.e fpr "ail NUFON/UFOIN case �;·--:,:-- ' , investi;�ation north of the bordt?r) �.or; lf 'you.· j'·�·:W<-i:ht'dto, keep ih �mfch 1t·d th ... _ . : · what -rs<».es on up there then the ,Bulletin· ( wtth its pr9f� s-sio.nal format and y_f}ry· · smart cover lo�o) is ·well scein·.�· SUFON is contacta'ble via:


7b Prestwi ck Court · Ai-dler : .D.undee .- DD2 -3SH. "

N c w that ·wo have _V1AUFOG �co:ordif!� tAP.:� . do�therl'\ :·sroups ;NUFON-;. ��ri;: th�--f!�:i?;t,�: �d:�-, -.. SUFON ·

:-n -�c-otl>�� -�all·":��Y iclosG�:X: ���p\e�) ,:0�-��s . �h,? . Ir�.s9_. tJ��··R:;s.ea#p :·.·.

· .,[�:: Centr� doJ.n; ·a:- sl.nfllar. J0b ,¥1 thatLCOlfntr�, -:t}le: 3�t':tsrr �oc,1tl · �oup- .. s�ene r·��. ' . .-2r _. lo6kih3 Jf�'ait_hyj 'beycmct -the �-.wildest , dre?Jll�ii. ,W1 �h '-pl��s·--forJ'a;"·,�j'oi'nt · C:<Jl}f:�=£qn.c�J c-.:·�­in the autunin·· (it :ts expected -�.p ,Worge ster) ; a�ct: with the rBUFQRA ''Natiqn�l'� , . . � event il;l ·Edinbureh naxt . March;w� could in -yp�l�r_ �· yeat :have :the basi,p _ of_ a .... ��'-. close-¥ni t' British UFO system , I scmQthin:� wcr have1·all, noped . fer - for- a:; lpng�-�;timebl

r � � '- -1. .· • �! - . .· • � : ,

(J.VlAUfcG (No· publicatis�nt ea� ··be · cq·rita6ted.s 9a: �ea-tr�iG!e ;:�t . �' s!Wi, �$1\�n � SN2 1BE)_:: · (tURC �1>ublis��d· Irisl;l1 UFO ����) " " . '·' ·'·: 19··;C9-i.��srri.11�·��� lP,��c;rs�b- �BJ"S. ��R}'· ;�� -�;�Tio; �N���iG�T;�;/ �: ;- ·�:,f� : _:; .'-�� �, �� .�; '"· i,' � ·: ·� ��· ��::�'}}: .:::· Ref 1, . ·:Qate ·Time Lqcati�-n- ! � .,r. _ , '• . .r !.; · -:: .s >··c! Grbup ' · :' , - t�,vel r-

6(26' . Summer ·yr_ .. . ?? 1 ·PDrf�t!rick ; Sc�tl�d :·., .. .. � .�·� ·; i�. SuFDN (Gfbboris)._,)i3 .-:t·

Coastguard saw lsil.�e):. . object "like --ea therl!.ne ·-whee:t.� ·. ?.PP:t?ac:h: fro"m , 6rv�r _' ����·� · ··· '.

· . -, V t fast from west.J:GstJ.mated 250' long by 30' de.cp IJ3.SSi!4-; over a:t 500t ·apprdx�­Noved off Nrl: after being in view 10 mins .A very clear s:i£de viyw o,f t�e d.;tsc was had n.nd from below it looked like a circular objec·t with spokes from a central wheel to a� outer rim (see �eloW'} No identification hA:s been_ made, 79-150 Jan 24 19.45. Stranraer, Scotland 'SUFON (Gibbons) B Woman putting cl&thes away in bedroom s�w·�ar with pointed ends "floatinrr by".Gr·ey,ahout 30' lon.:-;,6-10' _deep,with oran�e portholes .-in side3lovecl slowly ( 19 MPH) over rq�ftoiJs. a:rrd away inside several minutes; Windnw opened but no_: sound.A female �:r::iend ana her two young boys were c2.lled and saw it . RAF denied any Cl.ircraft ;-were iri 1the area�w;ttp.ess wa.s_. so excited

• ! . b_y sighting she did not sleep for two night·s·! Insu;ffi9i"cnt d�a:tr1. . ·

6726 .

�.., 79-150· 8112 ' ' --· · � .. - -�-; '0·�---:w�t- }' --- · - __.............. - · �-L!.-- .. l �-.- -L-. --; : .:) �- c -� e' o et�. .. _ _ '·V�-¥,-"�q!\�

. .,. .�·-:: =- - ------� . t -· i .. � ..... � . . l['1 .· . - · -·� __ ,.,

8067 · Apr 2 21.30 Kircolm , Scotlan d . · ·' - ., I '_.';SU�ON (G�bbons ) B .25 yr· old carpet fitter lettin� ct.og into gar,den (dog riC)t ''3.ffep��_d) .Saw·lar��e reel ov3.l surrounded by six small oran:.�e li�hts flashin� .-Wl?cr·tiilg glow came r �

from object and lit up_Loch over which it hovered.It theq·moyed and ho.vcred by tr09 close to wit,1,1ess.No sound.Calle� wife and she saw i��''too �eforG after 7 minute s it shot _ a�ay�Two men nearby (Newton StweariJ saw:. 6':: lights that st:�me ni-11-. .. __,, and an associa.ted orange ball .. Rolice tre�ted it-;El.� 1f41:,joke. �nsuff data� . .·' �068 Nov 25 06.40 No:rth Sea (Thanks to Ebb Rickard_, editor of

. . Fortean Times, for this report) . r

An entry in the log of th�.NORTHERN (an off:_shfu-re oil·riG)(QON 54' 21::83» .- · lE 25' 16.46 ) in the Ninian field,Nort���e.a.A lar-;e .orant-;e ball of fire _,was seen to mo�e and hover over the rig. It was lar·:�se · enough to be seen by anothe:r:

...... ---- ---l���·:.,�,..\.(a� +.h-t.Y\ld l':'l•� it a di.stress

,. · ,. 81 12 Apr 14 oo . oo Stafford , Staffs �3UFO.flA (A ):��rkin ) C An elderly couple in bed , talking , saw a di sc shape which movs d ver:y .slowly & _ . : rotated travel E to � wi thout making · any sound . I t poured ou·t li._sht ancJ: -·was � ; _ surrounded hy " spikes" of various colours ( red , ire en , yellow , white & blue ) • . __ _ . .. . _ _ --Apparant size was estimated as " tenni s hall" and' i t was in --;iew ;for "about .� . . " .- ... �:� L . 1 0 minutes . Insufficient data. ( Via Transi en t Phenomena Lo; ) · · · · · ·

.. , .. ;- \ 81 1 3 Apr 26 00 .]0 Stretton , Chesh:lre HUFORA ( J Rand�es ) B · Woman and husband saw "brilliant star" hovering over houses , Wound down car window & saw triangular shape , hovering or movins slowly , in sg . Made sound like (li stant ensine . Suddenly shot off E and was lost . M/Cr airport is 6 mi les S� and had several fliJhts in area at time , includins a jumbo . MUFORA beli eve thi s was an a/ c seen turnine ·to land after flyi!lG roughly a·way from witness . C LOS.ill 1"NCOUNTER WITH A PEEPING TOM I nv : Norman Collinson (HUFORA ) You might think that CE3 cases are either/or situati0ns .Misiaentifications are rather implausabl,J , but thin,k again . Case 8111 refers to a siJhting made on April 2 at Newchurch , Lanc s . Two .t�enage "boys say that they saw a �v LITS in the sky stre�k to earth and . sink into i t . 2 0 mins later in a nearby lan e an entity with a 1)ul�ing head sprang out at them and they fled ! Norman � as a police officer , checked the case , and found ( despite what i t mi::;ht seem ) the boys were quite seriou s BUT . The area has had ;a �_igh incident rate of UFO sightings and media mentions are frequent . One local ufq�o�i st insi sts there have . been hundreds of TRUE UFOs seen there recently ( a .'fn.ct fv!UFORA seriously doubt after len-sthy investir�ati on of the phenomenon de scribed recrent ly in UFO INSIGHT ) � Norman found that the lane in question is a

· haunt for a peepin ; tom who has _frequently pla:;u.ed Girls who use the lane on Thursda;1 !1 ights returning from badminton se ssions .Apri l 2 � a Thursday and thi s case can readily be explained as first a meteor , then excitability , plus the �eneral UFO climate in the area j follm·red by the tom , mistaking them for ·girls ; leaping out in hi s · hooded anarak e Sinco the lane i s dark this i s .qui te plausable , � but at least one local ufolo(Si syt i·s not �oin� to · agree with that ! But it doe s show how difficult evaluation cah be ch superficial check ( which · a · non'e police-trained inve stigator might h< -·con- ·:-. ducted ) would not have · uncovered this key ' information whic h so lved 'the case a

THE CALL OF THE UFO ( PilllT TWO ) I nv: Jenny R andle s ( MUFORA ) 77/JJO R Insuff In the last i s sue a .Scotti sh case was mentioned where a man woke and walked to his landing to obse�ye three balls of light , observinG them under a kind of · hypnotic spell . They shot . . off and he " snapped out" to find his mother and fathe!-' · there too , having had the same experi ence .A remark?-bly simi lar case vras found " coi nciden�ally" . by cTR whi lst bein[S interviewed by N+ T ( a journali st Hith a Lc:-ncashire ?ew-spa:per ) . " I ' m c;oing :to tell you somethi;g(!� I � v� only ever told my w1fe" he sn.1d . In ·October l977 , at abou t 6 . 00pm he wap � dr1v1ng onto the Jvi6 at U pholland , near Wig$.n , r.eturning home , when to the W h� - sa}'[ 3 whi te balls of li�ht in a line over open land towards Skelmersdale .They hovered for 1t mi ns "· S he slowed and watched , then l.ined into ?1 loo se :triangle and shot off at an l.ncredible speed ( cf ·previ ous case ) . Two qays _ later , whi lst on the nevrsroom and -_ i scov?rin l some other UK sighti ngs in the_ 77 · wave , he . sudden�y " rer_nembered" someth1ng \ he has no idea how or why he completely for.sot th1 s dur1ng and immedi:=ttely after the sighting) . He had known he was . goin.� to see the UFO s , and up tn the si�htin� his drive had been full of expecta t:loh , but then he saw theni·.: and for3ot this c lear " precognition" . " I cannot explain i t , " · he said . " I t sounds crazy but it ha;Jpened" . I told him of· the Scotti sh case and othGr example� . of witness e s ' knowinG ' a sightin� would OG�ur and he was amazed . ·


S�tmrday in July 1978 18 yr old gardner at · Ma�sfi eld , N otts was talkinG to : ' · '

mother in bedroom , Time 9 • .30· on - warm , very c lear· everiing . I.Io suddenly' saw an · : 'i : ·· orn.nrse ball of �i;-_;ht over rooftops opposite in ·. the · SE .-I t· w�.s: the apparant

. -' ,j


si ze of a football and moving , very slowly ac:to·ss tfte sky , a:.t an ('tn._�le of· about 45 degrees hertding in the direction of· NW . He attra:c.tedr 'hi s mothers n.ttention and aopened . the window but there was no so�nd • . Jli ?. father heard the commotion as they. excitedly discus sed what the obj ect co'uld not be � He . came upstairs , saying· the TV s�t- . had .. been flickerii',lg wi th bad interfe'r.enc.e , He looked thrr)ugh the. boys bedroom l?lit .saw nothing then came .into the :toom wi th them ana saw the orange sphere slowly ri si n:g . He said it ·:was . headip.� : towards three . tiny pin pricks of light , but the boy could only see one . I t is however qui te rsasonn.ble to _suppose these were stars as the sky �·ras by now

- . � ' f·� ; � J' : . I

,jrowin. ; quite dark .Af.ter being in view abo�t 30/40-. minu.tes.

i he object vani shed suddenly . The possibility of this being a �alloop reflecting sunlight seems quite feasible 1.nd in the apsence of other evidenc e accecpt: ble �.- Insuff rlata � ALL :N THE LINE OF DUTY A new Briti sh C�4 Inv s Normap Collinsori & Harry Harris A full report on this c�se will be featured in FSR shortly . " I t ccncerns Alan D a 33 yr old West Yorkshire _ police office:r . rwo separ.1.te incicL-ents are in�olved p which may or may not have any -connection . ·. · : t ·

O n June 11 1980 a body wa? found i n Todmorden·. I t _was o n a t1.ll pile o f coal and had not been there long ( as the tip was . in?)8Cted in the mornin� and there was a busy rai l line yards away from which the body could easily have b.een seen) . Yet the man had di ed 8-10 hrs previ ous ( the inquest revealed ) � of a heart attack ( which it was concluded may well have been caused ._by. severe fright ) . He had a burn on his head al').d kneck from a corrosive liquid - but this did not c ause death and was 2 days. old . There was . no indic�tion of how his body had been put on the tip ( ext�emely difficult) or why ( hardly : the b�st way . of sisposimg of a body as it was found fn broad daylight at 3 . 45 pm ) . The inquest and police investigati ons revealed the man was a 56 yr c·ld miner who lived 30 mi les aHay in Wakefield . He had vani shed 5 days earli er . after saying he was just coing out to the shops . Harry Harri s , MUFORA member and solici to·r , investigated the case for us ( and the mans widow) but no reason fo·r · disappearance or moti v<3 for ­murder was found . The case· is qui te. inexplicable . It was seriously sug::se stc�d at the inquest that the only obvioys way the body could have · got where i t got was from the air ! The roan ' s name was Zygmund Jan ADAMSKI �

... . . Alan D was involved in the above case and .very :pu�zie�L by i t ., He of course . saw no possible UFO corre latlon _ in it , havin� no in�erdst in �he su�j ec t � Th6 • story ( supri sin.�ly ) only aroused . the attention of the loc<1l ..tmedia a On November "'28 198C ( just 7 days after the Kendal CE4) lilan '·D was. ca1lod to an e s.tate in the town to inve stigate a herd of cows said to be roaming a'tiomt e He searched bet1-reen 1 �nd 3 am but found riothing .At 5 . 15 he was heading back there a3ain . on the A 646 when suddenly he saw a well lighted - objec t ahead . of · him . He tho�3S·C it was a bus or lorry . He drove up to it and was confronted by a very str�ge pheri ·

omenon . I t was oval with a more ro�d�d _ _ :gase_ than top . Had · _ flourescent whi te light pourin s · from above and seueral dark " windows" · in a. �li-ne below thi s . The lower hallf: - -rotated. _ .( clock ·

wi se as seen from above ) ,In size i:t w�s 20 ' - acr:;oss and .about 1 2 ' deep . W e know this accurately as i t spanned the .�oad between two -sodium streetliJhts , was about � � ctbove the :

surface and reached to wi thin 2·' of the top of the lamps .,A�so the- officer came within 100 ' of it Md hact. the ·pre sence ,of mincl to prop his c-lipboard anu }!cvd ag�inst . the windscreen and sketch the thing whi l st it· hover�d . He noticed th�t ­his car· headlamp beams reflected - off i t . That tree s adj acent trembled ( although there was no noticn.ble breeze ) . That the ground underneath was dry and blotchy ( althou�h elsewhere heavy soaked the road ) . He tried to radi o base but both UHF and VHF channels were totally si lent . But he does poi nt out . thoru are rn.dio black spots in the area and thi s could be qui te explicable , There i s now · a dramatic continui ty break . He found hims elf further d.o�m �h� road past where the obje!Ct itself had been , lookin::; back to find the obj oc 7, g �.n; a H e has no idea how h e �ot there . or where the obj ec_t went .His ent;sine had bec.1 . . running r1ll the time . He then hearct. a distinc t voic e sa:y to him o • • ' ; r oll s::,:-- J.ld not �e seein@ thi s . I t i s not for your eyes D • • ( surname } . You Hill forget it -: '; H e drove back , but r1s he is n0t sure of the exac t times involved the len ; �:.1 of time lapse i s unknown but was no more than minutes .

C learly thi s i s a " classic" and ·inve.sti �a:tion is still' proceedinG . He envi:J�-- �8 condu ' tin� a re!:sression hypnosis experim-ent to , see wha� · might emerse , t ,rt. oZ course any such memory would be of a dirferent ;urder to hi s consci o�s mc�ory which is why the objective story ·is pr .;sented at . this stage for considc::..·J.·d_on ,:

We would like to hear your views on this c�se and pos sible suggestions _ fo� further work (D • • is a pseudonym as he wi shes (ll.nonymity ) . I wi ll just point . ou t the close pA-rallels between thi s case and the Herb Schrimer event - in tho USh � Again a lone polic e officer , in a car , who had �ncredibly been investiga}i?lg cows misbehavine , met a: " truck" on the ·!'oad and lo st tinie t R egre ssion here revealed an appar�t CEJ memory .Alan D c laims not to know : of this - case o

... . .
