NO S is published monthly (in series th NOR LO) the Nohe Network (N) toal Address s- 8 tetat Walk rcood Warrinon Cheshire WA3 6PQ tors J () Cover Desis JO WAB {YSIS) ption te £3.<·. for 12 ises

JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

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Page 1: JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON) Editorial Address s-

8 Whitethroat Walk E!rcbwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 6PQ

Editors JERNY RANDLES (MUEORA) Cover Designs JOHif WATSOB {CHRYSIS) 1981 Snbeoription rate £3.60·. for 12 issues

Page 2: JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

N0�1r=IEHN UFO H�wS,


Edito�i'?-1: "Only when you laugh"

.. , • !

·.··.c. '.J

-1_ -· ·-- ··- ·- - -'

NO.RTH�R�� UFO ��-:D��IS ISS\J� s_5' .!

r: . -., -. ':

Often enough I have spoken a �ai�st _the ufolo_sfcal thirst for :?U\)lici ty � .·-.· · .. -. _ : · . Recently I was .tq.ken to task by one �roup for what a newspaper - claim-�q· I :had :.· · - :-. said.In my ne�t b0ok (UFO STUD¥) I spell out ·the ·warnin �s · y_et a�ai;n .So· t t mi._�ht- -�· seem much 'like double standarrls that in late · I1ay_ I found myself en30ged in Gne: .. of the bi �gest sin�:; le-handed publicity <i.ri ves ima_;inc:tble·:.forc a uf6l;) .;ist �I cah, ... offer no excuses. It wculd be reasonable.- to complain • . ·. . . . -

t ·• · .. : -!

Nevertheless, there are times when such a,n inteffcice is· ne�essary'� 'fdr with� j- . • :· ,. Gut it we ·w9uld nover .-set our messa-_:se a�ross·.J�.lso ;; if one i� thrust int;o ::t conr .. _:_._ -: .r :. -frontc:tticn with the media the best policy is boldness, truthfuiness 0,nd ·honesty� . .- r .�.�_'. Th:tt way..,at le:1st some of the reality mi��ht emer:;e .. thrcu·:h _the filier of·ridi;..:.r..rr::':-) cule. To run away (if sure of ones fcntin:s) }'fould se'rve. no purp:;se 9 because Mr.:··. , · . -;;�: rL;dia Man would only find someone else too willinr; to talk (.and,. pr·�}bao.ty: .faJ;·��� , , J·:: �:: more silly than. yourself) .In aJldi tibn, .it must lJe remembered that I am ·a·· fulli..+ ,_C .. v ;,. time writer. To live I must sell bcll}ks. T() :sell books people. must know .-they oiZ:ist-.c...·,_


So i� my publishers arran;e interviews r hc:tve to-obli:_;·G,In.th:Ls I am no diff� . .-:·,,r.:·r( erent from anyope else.A shopkeeper adver'tises his_produce,doos'he not? . -'-"· ·

But I c-lo not .seek ,1ublici ty'�Thcse at, the JJUFOHA con_�res8 will pqrhap·s. kn61-t.c,e ·V·...- ­how avoidin-; the merl.iA- was almost like·· <1.voidin :r "le<)ple. They were· everywhere;':·: 1 _· .L� and most' of us ·_sot cau:�ht by somebody • .But. I m�n'a.·�ed to deftlyt swi T-8h m6st of ·:· · ,--·._,_ r.,. the �V,rad:tQ anii. newspa'0er men onto som�one else,for by then I had done my duty to Robert,Hale,and I �as tired,Tired �f�lo�i�t� tend to say thin�s they rG�rGt.

My pre-publication tour cf promotion. took �··.in· one TV spot ,five mz1jor neHs}Daper interviews and no less than sevent\3en n?-t;iona::L and local ra(lio slots· ( 21.11 in· the space of ei·�ht days!) By I\1ay 26 I was en my ·knees, but could look back' -a-L. &c�me �ood -thin:ss I had achieved (and not just' for me ·and my book I shou:J..j.··add) ;r .

I mane a concerted effort before I be::;�n to· agree upon a "message'!· T 1-fculd strive t(: .. put over. This concentrated on shcwin� that uf·)lG ;ists kJ:eW'_., 9·0)� of the data was spurious. Tryin?; to clear up _f:?('me r-f the simple misict�nt


errors ::;ec1ple make .. Stressin; we ha<i. no direct evidence that .alie!ls exist (des- .. pi te the assumptions), but that we did have. evidence that a real,physi-cai ·phen� -· omenon exists (with various examples,acco:r;din; to the audience)' This_ cuuld stop car en�-;ine�, or burn witnesses, 0r lea vo m<lrks on the -�rou;1d and tnay · well'. be quite natural,once it is understcod.Finally,th:-lt the contacts seeme•l different and. ·.i

basically subjective.But that whilst it wauld,be easy to dismiss them as _just hallucinations this ·simpl_e answer was not ·probable because the witnesses �in�\)1-ved were mn.inly sane, sen·sible folk without any· history of psycholoj;ical di.?t-' .· urbance.Each time I went through my "messa�e"- which,I h�pe you wiJ,.l .. a:�reepdo�·;S· both justice and ?. service to serious ufr'lO'J;Y .In . . most cases ,I believ,el:J:.>was� · · _;_· reasonably successful in put tin:; some (or all). of;· it across.

... ·-· THe BDC TV slot wn.s excellent.I was able to stress· the ·above and : .. ;i ve exn.m-

0les cf the difficulty in analy.sin� UFO photo-sral;hs.A Radio One pro-jrrtmme saw me expln.inin·; misidentifications to youn �er listeners, rts ·well as the :best way to report UFOs ("Tts a cc:tse of sortin.� oi t . . your ·uFOs from your IFOs" ,Ha·_:;-�ie P!fil"Jin perceptively anncunccid-) An :LBC childrens· phnne-in brou�ht some very­intelli:-;;ent. questi ··rs and a chance to· discuss UFOs and natural atmospheric ph.:;nomena. Very often I was asked ·in int·erviews why. I was interested in UFOs since my a tti tucle and my book mac le it clear I was politely scepticrtl. This was just

what I. wanted.It �save me cho.nce to say, "Of course I am sceptical. That is the only sensible ap�1roach t� take. There·. is · a hu3e mystique which surrcuncls th.:; UFO, c;rften perputrated by your lot '(the medict) .U;F.Os. and spaceships are rebarded as one qnd the·s�me.Wheras all I ·am-certain �f._is. that a mystery exists,which in some cases is wit:10ut doubt physical ancl reai.I 9-m .·searchin3 for the ·truth.;&ncl .I believe the public have the rt._�ht ,rind the in'ty lli.�;ence to hear that truth·," ·It was worth all the effort,and. the criticism,to say that a dozen or so times� and n.s many pro3rammes were li ��·it .. w·as not' even cut� ..

Of course, there were �illy spc;ts. The LIV.8BPOOLt�CBO reprinted a LONDON NEvl STANDfillD article which procl<1imed "Where have ·gll· the� UFOs -:son0?", but the mickey·· take was mild and the und8rlyin:3 quotes from Lord. Kin:�s-Norton and myself dir­ect and honest.Thc· SUN had more fun with "Face to face. with the little ·_sreen

. � -:· ., .. .... -!. \ ' ...

Page 3: JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

trouse:r,--1rabbcrs" This refered to an interview with Stuart C1mpbell about the Livi ngston _case, but I suspect he rec;rets none of whr1t he wac� qur)teJ. as say�ng_, just as I· was treated very fairly and mean it when I said, (�..), . . "·"It's almost certain that -there .. is life Ol!t there in the universe . Th e trouble is that all the witnesses describe beings who match -·mir -··conq·e.ptrons .. n.nd ·Hho .ar.e. human-:like .

The whd>la thing toush�.s ., d�?ep Gmotions in all of Js� 1>/e d'esperately want to 'be.lie�e 1n alien&." HEf.CI.VY ��o�ne; for tho SUN, but I think it s�ms up.t}].e contacteG para­dox,altho.Ugh .. It .does no·f explain· th0 mystery of course.The i)iece ·was . . typi'cal mass-media ufology.I saw people· stariri!, in horror at· ��1es no( $o io�s !,q;i·�·�t :· mi.�ht h�ve done, ?u� the truth is . appa.rarit ·only.·wh�n .. you . ) .�w;h , as : ' I qid�·(?ecause it really was quite :-:c od fun.Cl0sc encc)unters· c,1re .funny (p,E?rhrlp�: by'�d·esf.jri), and· it m.ust seem i:no;rcdible to a· poor SUM journalist that· whils .i " h� 8.n(l' his ·:reaJh::r·s believe in �lien.s many ufnlb:�ists· take life m.or,e se�ious,t'y and ·are tiqt', as· y'et'{ convinced ·of this.I r1m sure more than· <t few -will se·� 'below the sur·f.q,be Ff -the SUNs silJ_y froth and ��asp the true message.· of the., ;��ti·��le .'I+> is 9like- aJl the·� rest,a vindication of uf,:.logy .Des�)i·te all t{le efforts to turn it into a� earn...:''--i val; there. is a great my�te�y here. One th;1t ste1.�d-s firm and

.-.rlemanrls answers. - .. .

--As a fin1.l· anecdo·tq .. I mention· one journalist who-·.;,pp���cqed me at the �;ongre.ss (having been sent by a certain loc::tl .�roU')1wl1om:):_sh<1.lJr . .not.)iame) "I hear you · are- rather �ontroversiA.l',n.nd believe t,·;a t .UFOs n.rEr.�·syc,hi\�� phe :omen;-t" "O,h':; ·

really?" :I st:1red back , "1 didn't know that" and. I pro.cecied to tell him ·wh·A t T · ...

did think (the full blast of my "messa-;e'·') He n:ulped .iri S01]18 air' and' 'iooked: -:. rather distressect.."Oh," he inuttered.Then �'Oh'' a,;C}tn�·'.'th�t' s not very excftin:�/' He sl)ook his head and then n.dded,poi�nantly,"'I�m·really. iookin.:; for someone silly, you knnw what I mean �" I had to say·. 'Yes' and po�nted va'�uely in

· the direct-ion of the exit,whilst wonderin; whr1rt this suppose�ly serious group ht1.d. thousht they wer,e .do in__; for ufology by unleashl.n� .. m� (as :'someone silly' ) " ento this n�ti0nal newspaper.An hcur l�ter I saw· hi�_sat f9rl9rniy in n. chair,· · recorder primeci,lookin._) .lonely· and disheartened..Ten minu��s late:c he was ·_iOrie. I don't think I regret a m ;meJ1t of my battle· with t.h�·· med:i,a;,:thou.,.;h I am not kaen to _;o ·through it a;:;ain as soon as I misht have to ,Dosjl t·e the frivolity A, lot oi saneness d-id seep throu _:h.So criticise me if.you

' mD:st o i can take it., .But I rl.irt what I though� was righL.;in the best interes.ts of our subjec�.

- - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·� �·- � - _. ·_ � ·-. �. j'

'N-EWS ** No articles whr:tt's9e,;.er have been received for 'the;;; "'qar Stop" theme

of the JULY issue, so for the ·:first time I am goin.�s to riav�· ·to, trrrc_Yw it open"· f0r you to .submit articles on any topic.Please submit 9E3Ior� JUNE 28o .

I o \ o ' \ • j •

** Plans are af(,ot to brin.s you a better deal for 1982, with the morg.\.;r .. of NORTHERN UFO NlDWS with the hi �hly respected UFO rtESEARCH R.tDVIEW •. TJ;�.i�. wjJ_l :.:;i ve you a better quality monthly product without" loss of. C'tl.;t news · Qr, r�port . .. P,u1Jlication format (added to the REVIEvls exc ellent . article ·content) It w.ill r:tlsr �ive freedom to offer (after, a break of. some years) re::;ular "Detaile�. Case Sturlies" o·n selected hic;h interest cases, issued, as; ,-1s;epi;rrP.. te supplements. Your

_:views on this move (still in· dis·c�ssiori·· _st;,_G·e:s) would be appreciatc;d .

**· Lynne & Tony Halsall have re�antly.moved.to the

.re_;ion and· h�ve

rtlrea·ly made their· mark bY.. plarinints a one day ev2nt which s�ould interest yr;u all.t:Gntitled ·"Symposium of Extraterrestrin.l ·Experience" 1t will be a unique - · bl·end of UFOs, psychic contact and other art-form expressions , all on the theme of extraterrestrial life.Auct.ience participation will be anticipated along·side a full pro�ramme.The event will be .on SATURDAY, JUNE ,27 (11am to .5pm) El.nd is 8-t: The BELGrtAVE HOT�� City Road CH.;i;ST&t:L Entrance· £1,�50. Details from: 8 The Ric1.::;eway Northop Hall Clwyd North Wales CH? 6JR· (Dec 816116)

*.f A new rl.iscussion �roup . has formed on lVIerseyside called the I��ZRSEY,. OPEN HIND FELLOWSHIP.It. meets fortni._;htly, 'on· 'Sundays to discuss a v;ast ranse of. topics from UFOs through rnyst·i�ism tq s<;i�fi.It is r·elaxeJ.,.-infOI'fflA.l,has · vfde9 tapes,rocordin.3S,and orgc,tnises visi t:s to pla�es· o'f in'terest,Sounds fun. Contact : Alan Hyde 126 Glad$tone Ed .Edge }}ill 'Liverpool 17 lQq

** T�o new directories to {.eC(�rd·. u�o · �ET\vQBK . h?-;e ''their .�8� _direcjmry

.·of stran.�e p�epomena gr;oupe and. magEl.zines at .£? . frQ!Jl:" 39, �.irkbe?k 'Rd London., NW? · Loan-while PICUR (the· provision<=tl International Comm.� tt�e- forme�l at the· 79 .·.·.

con�ress) has launched a useful di±ectory of ufolo .. �ist? ·a�dre�s�.s.'r':n h�t� xou will finrl 213 people from all over the· world (includin:; people like Hyrte.k: , . ·· Vallee,Keel and so on) Phone numbe.rs· sometir;1es. too.I.t is well worth 50p + post from : Peter Hill 47A Easter Bankton Hurieston Livin<-Sston ·scotiand EH54 9BD

Page 4: JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

, ELSk��HERE THIS MONTH a MAGONIA 6 has appeared ( still at tr,e fantastill1 valuG of a £1,75 sub for 4 issues) Ja.mongst other thin:?;s it featurGs a fascinatin ·; re-appraisal of Lawson' s "ima_;inary abductee" work, seomin��=-Y destroyin(� his conclusions,and a HOAX MIB event from the North West that :_s illuminatinG"! BUFORA JOUR!�AL 10-2 usual sightine;s,reviews ,a lot of correspondance on the COS�10S 1068 affair and a UFO vrossword. that is fun • • • UFO R�S:8.hRCH H�VIJ..G\·l 6-3 has a len 3thy piece reviewin_:; UFO STUDY in terms of "mysticlsm" . • 3LLNCOLNSHIR.tE DHAGON ( i.iay) Dra.-.:;on legends,Lincolnshire leys and levi trttion • • • NORTHEl{N E"H1'H liYSTERIES ( IYlay) has lejs, meditation/OOB.i:G brain states,EVP (electronic voices ) and more, announcing too a new address (15 Convent Court Hull HU5 2UJ) UFO INSIGHT 2-2 is interestin.:;, with a detailed run down on FUFORs methods of investisation,a scathin_s review of THE JANOS PJ£0PLE by Stu;nrt Camp.'nellJ Hilary Evrtns on French 1model" makins and an exposee of the UFO conspiracy myths • • • PROBE Report 2-1 in its nice r;lc ssy forinat,as ever , has rtn intercstin,.:.; photo ID case <tnd a report on an investi.j<l. tion into a sighting by yours trul:y. last September (Paul and I fully endorse the conclusions PROBE reach on this) Finally, a most interestin� newcomer UFO INTERNATIONAL.It is the work of PICUR (pronounced,as Paul put it, like medicin8 for some of my cooki��!)(Get it?) This is in fact the first internation�l UFO journal,with names like Hynek. on the editorial b0ard (re�resentin !, seven count ries in all ) The first issue is modest with just 8 pa �es of international new�, but in future expansion is planned an d Bertil Kuhlemann will edit.Issue i costs 50 p (£2.80 for 4 issue sub) from·: Peter Hill 47a Easte r Bankton Murieston Scotland B::H54 9BD · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Seekin:� Common Ground, . . . .. The fi;rst issue of n.n exci tin�� new ma�azine concept was lrtunched in May .:illnti tled CO!vH·lON GROUND (" Studi�s at the frin�e '? of hum�n experience") it is not out to reach the public or make a proffit . But it is in a well produced,tishtly packed, small .type , 28pp litho format with a �reat cleal of "meat" . The concept brin,:;s together many of the top .. riames in pc:.ranormal research. in the UK; ufolo. �ists, psychic researchers, fortean experts and so on.The n.ctive participants is a veritable Whos-Who.One of its re._;ular features is ( and will be) abstracts of current jourr1als in a diverse set of fields and. this issue carries some intriguing artic-les viz: Hilary Evnns blowin� open the myth of the Dyfed enicma after a�erson�l in depth study of it on site (the Welsh triangle coll��ses and becomes no more than a dot) , JR on comparis0ns between som� UFO contact and polter�eist cases plus hints thflt it may all be sociclck�icrtl n.fter all, Sue Blackmore (full-time doctor rtnd parapsychology resen.rcher at Bristol University ) on hall�6-fn::tti·r.:m .. and illusion and their links with OO.JEs,and Alan Cleaver critically analY,sin3 the electronic voive phenomenon.It� meant to show whRt we �an teach each ether by combininc; our skills and it certainly does that . 36 crn.mmed pa:::;es promissed next time,Qnd its well edited by Kev�n M�Clure.Well worth £1 (£4 for one year ) :- 14 Northfold Road Kni�hton Leicester. ·

BUFORA ,·s SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRl.!JSS ... . . Al thougf:l expensive ( at £15 for the

two days, just to �et in) this event was the hi�hlight of most ufoloc�ist ' s calenders (althou�h many well known faces were not there).Like the 1979 event it w�s· an e�hausting, but enjoyable,experience,very well put to�ether by the new BUFORA chairman Les Bayer, and introduced with a fine exe�plerary talk by Lord Kin_ss Horton ( who is the new JUFORA President).His call for open-mintled scepticism was reflected by most of the p tpers. There were few "bit:; names" this time, but if anything the quality of presentation improved for this.Highli_;ht for me was an excellent naJer from Bertil Huhlemann on the link betwe en science and the UFO ( with �ome positive ideas for .�what w� shouid do about it) o The send up of this in N�W SCIENTI ST was horrendous, unjust and at tim0s close to libellous,Would tnat more ufolo ists had the approach B ertil . displayed &

Stl' _at Campbcll save an excellent illu�tration of case investi�ation Hi th his in-depth study :-:f the Li vin:;ston CIB2 .Des11i te· media present<1 tion · he is not "S•'ld" on the ball-lic_;htnin(� hypothesis,and whilst he suE?;gested _this as a ·1lausable solution his talk centred on all the. t is .�ood in the new breed of B ritish case investigator.•J3I1!Ge ... . Naccabee from the' US11 talked fo:e two hours on the New Zealand movi� films,sho�in� them in their entirity and playing the "as it ha-opens" recotdin.�s from the witnesses. J·oaquim Fernandes from Portugal has reinvestir,atcd the famous Fatima incict.ent;· (al)-d a ·book of his on tho topic is comin·:: soon) It now ·looks even mere like the first classic Ci:4,All in all the event was a ··-�reat success, cert:ligly·· in my · ··�·{ew ···the ··b-�;t,,,of rece:n . .t JUFORA. conferences.The next is scheduled for March 13 1982 in.Ect.i;nbutf:;p�I hcpe this­time BUFORA ·find a way of cutting' costs so fewer will ·be put _.q.ff by huze feeso

Page 5: JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

t ·. � . ·I � �� ·� . ' -� ·�- ,.... · . �-v . •)'j ;:: .fJ 1 r· � t: � •• ·��-,�- • '"-� ,J , ,1'1LJ�-��fi.�18<�,·rr· .. · ··., , -. : · · ...... J,f�:II�·:;xs Gr c�"v'r ,,. - �"'� · . ' . I . . ... , ' __ L,:.-L .)·r r e· � · If ('0 r -1- • , · � �·'-· .... .l:CJJC I.·�- ;'1 -�-;: ... - j '.)

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fir� �fc:_n �ih"tu;ta.'!Qtil;:e, ��·e� .. --J!lB!p���,S v8;.n4. Ji�-� � \�_�ncfl'EYd' ffs'L±fi:!l$'�1 nl�jc(�i:n<a :i!ff.15tr,_18 r: j· 1�:pP:!_:rth'? _ __ f'<?_r-mc:1t ��rsinii��a:f'Jt�,c�!G�fil{\;� ���,���N>Dp tS�{Jff'TlrSH j:UJtO.•·iB%.�������-w:t:ll '·no# �e p.ublli!shed;. �b�r-mq��hl�Ai��a7�� ��- -�a -�·co�������ort.;beFn ··U:0� �ru€'tr§6o-x(J1;:: ;J _ North�rn Ufology �or the comhtry .SUFON ·itself f�/� iml:laf �Cf@FON: fin:'il11Dm9il1�EfJ but WJ.ll _work to UFOIN guidelines, u�ing the agreed for.ma t for qase reports e Since there are almost no Scottish UFO 3roups it was decided this was the best policy an�,thus,SUFON will have indiviaual membership,It will purely be· con­cerned with_. investfgation ,.ooo:rct.in8.tins all effo:ets in this larg.e part of the . UK.Membership, is . . £5 (and oui:rsidors>:·c_an ·slfbs.cr:ib.e. _t_o six issues· of thG Huiletin forth� same,_ffgure).At �re sent , . pendirr·� .the'formati�n--of a Scottish HQ (the . _-, _ equivalent of Nottillbham-) all.;re:;?orts will. be filed with .NUFON for addition-.:·:.··. to the files at Meadow Lane. The veili�ure is rnos:t welcome. and certainly cles:Brves your support . So if YC:U ·know .any inv�sti.sators in Sd)�larla put -them in touch . . : with SUFON ( which will henceforth . be responsl,.bl.e fpr "ail NUFON/UFOIN case �;·--:,:-- ' , investi;�ation north of the bordt?r) �.or; lf 'you.· j'q.st·�·:W<-i:ht'dto, keep ih �mfch 1t·d th ... _ . : · what -rs<».es on up there then the ,Bulletin· ( wtth its pr9f� s-sio.nal format and y_f}ry· · smart cover lo�o) is ·well wor.th scein·.�· SUFON is contacta'ble via:


7b Prestwi ck Court · Ai-dler : .D.undee .- DD2 -3SH. "

N c w that ·wo have _V1AUFOG �co:ordif!� tAP.:� . do�therl'\ :·sroups ;NUFON-;. ��ri;: th�--f!�:i?;t,�: �d:�-, -.. SUFON ·

:-n -�c-otl>�� -�all·":��Y iclosG�:X: ���p\e�) ,:0�-��s . �h,? . Ir�.s9_. tJ��··R:;s.ea#p :·.·.

· .,[�:: Centr� doJ.n; ·a:- sl.nfllar. J0b ,¥1 thatLCOlfntr�, -:t}le: 3�t':tsrr �oc,1tl · �oup- .. s�ene r·��. ' . .-2r _. lo6kih3 Jf�'ait_hyj 'beycmct -the �-.wildest , dre?Jll�ii. ,W1 �h '-pl��s·--forJ'a;"·,�j'oi'nt · C:<Jl}f:�=£qn.c�J c-.:·�­in the autunin·· (it :ts expected -�.p ,Worge ster) ; a�ct: with the rBUFQRA ''Natiqn�l'� , . . � event il;l ·Edinbureh naxt . March;w� could in -yp�l�r_ �· yeat :have :the basi,p _ of_ a .... ��'-. close-¥ni t' British UFO system , I scmQthin:� wcr have1·all, noped . fer - for- a:; lpng�-�;timebl

r � � '- -1. .· • �! - . .· • � : ,

(J.VlAUfcG (No· publicatis�nt ea� ··be · cq·rita6ted.s 9a: �ea-tr�iG!e ;:�t . �' s!Wi, �$1\�n � SN2 1BE)_:: · (tURC �1>ublis��d· Irisl;l1 UFO ����) " " . '·' ·'·: 19··;C9-i.��srri.11�·��� lP,��c;rs�b- �BJ"S. ��R}'· ;�� -�;�Tio; �N���iG�T;�;/ �: ;- ·�:,f� : _:; .'-�� �, �� .�; '"· i,' � ·: ·� ��· ��::�'}}: .:::· Ref 1, . ·:Qate ·Time Lqcati�-n- ! � .,r. _ , '• . .r !.; · -:: .s >··c! Grbup ' · :' , - t�,vel r-

6(26' . Summer ·yr_ .. . ?? 1 ·PDrf�t!rick ; Sc�tl�d :·., .. .. � .�·� ·; i�. SuFDN (Gfbboris)._,)i3 .-:t·

Coastguard saw lsil.�e):. . object "like --ea therl!.ne ·-whee:t.� ·. ?.PP:t?ac:h: fro"m , 6rv�r _' ����·� · ··· '.

· . -, V t fast from west.J:GstJ.mated 250' long by 30' de.cp IJ3.SSi!4-; over a:t 500t ·apprdx�­Noved off Nrl: after being in view 10 mins .A very clear s:i£de viyw o,f t�e d.;tsc was had n.nd from below it looked like a circular objec·t with spokes from a central wheel to a� outer rim (see �eloW'} No identification hA:s been_ made, 79-150 Jan 24 19.45. Stranraer, Scotland 'SUFON (Gibbons) B Woman putting cl&thes away in bedroom s�w·large.ci�ar with pointed ends "floatinrr by".Gr·ey,ahout 30' lon.:-;,6-10' _deep,with oran�e squn.re portholes .-in side3lovecl slowly ( 19 MPH) over rq�ftoiJs. a:rrd away inside several minutes; Windnw opened but no_: sound.A female �:r::iend ana her two young boys were c2.lled and saw it . RAF denied any Cl.ircraft ;-were iri 1the area�w;ttp.ess wa.s_. so excited

• ! . b_y sighting she did not sleep for two night·s·! Insu;ffi9i"cnt d�a:tr1. . ·

6726 .

�.., 79-150· 8112 ' ' --· · � .. - -�-; '0·�---:w�t- }' --- · - __.............. - · �-L!.-- .. l �-.- -L-. --; : .:) �- c -� e' o et�. .. _ _ '·V�-¥,-"�q!\�

. .,. .�·-:: =- - ------� . t -· i .. � ..... � . . l['1 .· . - · -·� __ ,.,

8067 · Apr 2 21.30 Kircolm , Scotlan d . · ·' - ., I '_.';SU�ON (G�bbons ) B .25 yr· old carpet fitter lettin� ct.og into gar,den (dog riC)t ''3.ffep��_d) .Saw·lar��e reel ov3.l surrounded by six small oran:.�e li�hts flashin� .-Wl?cr·tiilg glow came r �

from object and lit up_Loch over which it hovered.It theq·moyed and ho.vcred by tr09 close to wit,1,1ess.No sound.Calle� wife and she saw i��''too �eforG after 7 minute s it shot _ a�ay�Two men nearby (Newton StweariJ saw:. 6':: lights that st:�me ni-11-. .. __,, and an associa.ted orange ball .. Rolice tre�ted it-;El.� 1f41:,joke. �nsuff data� . .·' �068 Nov 25 06.40 No:rth Sea (Thanks to Ebb Rickard_, editor of

. . Fortean Times, for this report) . r

An entry in the log of th�.NORTHERN (an off:_shfu-re oil·riG)(QON 54' 21::83» .- · lE 25' 16.46 ) in the Ninian field,Nort���e.a.A lar-;e .orant-;e ball of fire _,was seen to mo�e and hover over the rig. It was lar·:�se · enough to be seen by anothe:r:

...... ---- ---l���·:.,�,..\.(a� +.h-t.Y\ld l':'l•� it a di.stress

Page 6: JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

,. · ,. 81 12 Apr 14 oo . oo Stafford , Staffs �3UFO.flA (A ):��rkin ) C An elderly couple in bed , talking , saw a di sc shape which movs d ver:y .slowly & _ . : rotated travel E to � wi thout making · any sound . I t poured ou·t li._sht ancJ: -·was � ; _ surrounded hy " spikes" of various colours ( red , ire en , yellow , white & blue ) • . __ _ . .. . _ _ --Apparant size was estimated as " tenni s hall" and' i t was in --;iew ;for "about .� . . " .- ... �:� L . 1 0 minutes . Insufficient data. ( Via Transi en t Phenomena Lo; ) · · · · · ·

.. , .. ;- \ 81 1 3 Apr 26 00 .]0 Stretton , Chesh:lre HUFORA ( J Rand�es ) B · Woman and husband saw "brilliant star" hovering over houses , Wound down car window & saw triangular shape , hovering or movins slowly , in sg . Made sound like (li stant ensine . Suddenly shot off E and was lost . M/Cr airport is 6 mi les S� and had several fliJhts in area at time , includins a jumbo . MUFORA beli eve thi s was an a/ c seen turnine ·to land after flyi!lG roughly a·way from witness . C LOS.ill 1"NCOUNTER WITH A PEEPING TOM I nv : Norman Collinson (HUFORA ) You might think that CE3 cases are either/or situati0ns .Misiaentifications are rather implausabl,J , but thin,k again . Case 8111 refers to a siJhting made on April 2 at Newchurch , Lanc s . Two .t�enage "boys say that they saw a �v LITS in the sky stre�k to earth and . sink into i t . 2 0 mins later in a nearby lan e an entity with a 1)ul�ing head sprang out at them and they fled ! Norman � as a police officer , checked the case , and found ( despite what i t mi::;ht seem ) the boys were quite seriou s BUT . The area has had ;a �_igh incident rate of UFO sightings and media mentions are frequent . One local ufq�o�i st insi sts there have . been hundreds of TRUE UFOs seen there recently ( a .'fn.ct fv!UFORA seriously doubt after len-sthy investir�ati on of the phenomenon de scribed recrent ly in UFO INSIGHT ) � Norman found that the lane in question is a

· haunt for a peepin ; tom who has _frequently pla:;u.ed Girls who use the lane on Thursda;1 !1 ights returning from badminton se ssions .Apri l 2 � a Thursday and thi s case can readily be explained as first a meteor , then excitability , plus the �eneral UFO climate in the area j follm·red by the tom , mistaking them for ·girls ; leaping out in hi s · hooded anarak e Sinco the lane i s dark this i s .qui te plausable , � but at least one local ufolo(Si syt i·s not �oin� to · agree with that ! But it doe s show how difficult evaluation cah be ch superficial check ( which · a · non'e police-trained inve stigator might h<1.ve -·con- ·:-. ducted ) would not have · uncovered this key ' information whic h so lved 'the case a

THE CALL OF THE UFO ( PilllT TWO ) I nv: Jenny R andle s ( MUFORA ) 77/JJO R Insuff In the last i s sue a .Scotti sh case was mentioned where a man woke and walked to his landing to obse�ye three balls of light , observinG them under a kind of · hypnotic spell . They shot . . off and he " snapped out" to find his mother and fathe!-' · there too , having had the same experi ence .A remark?-bly simi lar case vras found " coi nciden�ally" . by cTR whi lst bein[S interviewed by N+ T ( a journali st Hith a Lc:-ncashire ?ew-spa:per ) . " I ' m c;oing :to tell you somethi;g(!� I � v� only ever told my w1fe" he sn.1d . In ·October l977 , at abou t 6 . 00pm he wap � dr1v1ng onto the Jvi6 at U pholland , near Wig$.n , r.eturning home , when to the W h� - sa}'[ 3 whi te balls of li�ht in a line over open land towards Skelmersdale .They hovered for 1t mi ns "· S he slowed and watched , then l.ined into ?1 loo se :triangle and shot off at an l.ncredible speed ( cf ·previ ous case ) . Two qays _ later , whi lst on the nevrsroom and -_ i scov?rin l some other UK sighti ngs in the_ 77 · wave , he . sudden�y " rer_nembered" someth1ng \ he has no idea how or why he completely for.sot th1 s dur1ng and immedi:=ttely after the sighting) . He had known he was . goin.� to see the UFO s , and up tn the si�htin� his drive had been full of expecta t:loh , but then he saw theni·.: and for3ot this c lear " precognition" . " I cannot explain i t , " · he said . " I t sounds crazy but it ha;Jpened" . I told him of· the Scotti sh case and othGr example� . of witness e s ' knowinG ' a sightin� would OG�ur and he was amazed . ·


S�tmrday in July 1978 18 yr old gardner at · Ma�sfi eld , N otts was talkinG to : ' · '

mother in bedroom , Time 9 • .30· on - warm , very c lear· everiing . I.Io suddenly' saw an · : 'i : ·· orn.nrse ball of �i;-_;ht over rooftops opposite in ·. the · SE .-I t· w�.s: the apparant

. -' ,j


si ze of a football and moving , very slowly ac:to·ss tfte sky , a:.t an ('tn._�le of· about 45 degrees hertding in the direction of· NW . He attra:c.tedr 'hi s mothers n.ttention and aopened . the window but there was no so�nd • . Jli ?. father heard the commotion as they. excitedly discus sed what the obj ect co'uld not be � He . came upstairs , saying· the TV s�t- . had .. been flickerii',lg wi th bad interfe'r.enc.e , He looked thrr)ugh the. boys bedroom l?lit .saw nothing then came .into the :toom wi th them ana saw the orange sphere slowly ri si n:g . He said it ·:was . headip.� : towards three . tiny pin pricks of light , but the boy could only see one . I t is however qui te rsasonn.ble to _suppose these were stars as the sky �·ras by now

- . � ' f·� ; � J' : . I

Page 7: JERNY ES (MUEORA)noufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published... · NORTHERN UFO NEWS is published monthly (in series with NORTHERN UFOLOGY) by the Northern UFO Network (NUFON)

,jrowin. ; quite dark .Af.ter being in view abo�t 30/40-. minu.tes.

i he object vani shed suddenly . The possibility of this being a �alloop reflecting sunlight seems quite feasible 1.nd in the apsence of other evidenc e accecpt: ble �.- Insuff rlata � ALL :N THE LINE OF DUTY A new Briti sh C�4 Inv s Normap Collinsori & Harry Harris A full report on this c�se will be featured in FSR shortly . " I t ccncerns Alan D a 33 yr old West Yorkshire _ police office:r . rwo separ.1.te incicL-ents are in�olved p which may or may not have any -connection . ·. · : t ·

O n June 11 1980 a body wa? found i n Todmorden·. I t _was o n a t1.ll pile o f coal and had not been there long ( as the tip was . in?)8Cted in the mornin� and there was a busy rai l line yards away from which the body could easily have b.een seen) . Yet the man had di ed 8-10 hrs previ ous ( the inquest revealed ) � of a heart attack ( which it was concluded may well have been caused ._by. severe fright ) . He had a burn on his head al').d kneck from a corrosive liquid - but this did not c ause death and was 2 days. old . There was . no indic�tion of how his body had been put on the tip ( ext�emely difficult) or why ( hardly : the b�st way . of sisposimg of a body as it was found fn broad daylight at 3 . 45 pm ) . The inquest and police investigati ons revealed the man was a 56 yr c·ld miner who lived 30 mi les aHay in Wakefield . He had vani shed 5 days earli er . after saying he was just coing out to the shops . Harry Harri s , MUFORA member and solici to·r , investigated the case for us ( and the mans widow) but no reason fo·r · disappearance or moti v<3 for ­murder was found . The case· is qui te. inexplicable . It was seriously sug::se stc�d at the inquest that the only obvioys way the body could have · got where i t got was from the air ! The roan ' s name was Zygmund Jan ADAMSKI �

... . . Alan D was involved in the above case and .very :pu�zie�L by i t ., He of course . saw no possible UFO corre latlon _ in it , havin� no in�erdst in �he su�j ec t � Th6 • story ( supri sin.�ly ) only aroused . the attention of the loc<1l ..tmedia a On November "'28 198C ( just 7 days after the Kendal CE4) lilan '·D was. ca1lod to an e s.tate in the town to inve stigate a herd of cows said to be roaming a'tiomt e He searched bet1-reen 1 �nd 3 am but found riothing .At 5 . 15 he was heading back there a3ain . on the A 646 when suddenly he saw a well lighted - objec t ahead . of · him . He tho�3S·C it was a bus or lorry . He drove up to it and was confronted by a very str�ge pheri ·

omenon . I t was oval with a more ro�d�d _ _ :gase_ than top . Had · _ flourescent whi te light pourin s · from above and seueral dark " windows" · in a. �li-ne below thi s . The lower hallf: - -rotated. _ .( clock ·

wi se as seen from above ) ,In size i:t w�s 20 ' - acr:;oss and .about 1 2 ' deep . W e know this accurately as i t spanned the .�oad between two -sodium streetliJhts , was about � � ctbove the :

surface and reached to wi thin 2·' of the top of the lamps .,A�so the- officer came within 100 ' of it Md hact. the ·pre sence ,of mincl to prop his c-lipboard anu }!cvd ag�inst . the windscreen and sketch the thing whi l st it· hover�d . He noticed th�t ­his car· headlamp beams reflected - off i t . That tree s adj acent trembled ( although there was no noticn.ble breeze ) . That the ground underneath was dry and blotchy ( althou�h elsewhere heavy rn.in soaked the road ) . He tried to radi o base but both UHF and VHF channels were totally si lent . But he does poi nt out . thoru are rn.dio black spots in the area and thi s could be qui te explicable , There i s now · a dramatic continui ty break . He found hims elf further d.o�m �h� road past where the obje!Ct itself had been , lookin::; back to find the obj oc 7, g �.n; a H e has no idea how h e �ot there . or where the obj ec_t went .His ent;sine had bec.1 . . running r1ll the time . He then hearct. a distinc t voic e sa:y to him o • • ' ; r oll s::,:-- J.ld not �e seein@ thi s . I t i s not for your eyes D • • ( surname } . You Hill forget it -: '; H e drove back , but r1s he is n0t sure of the exac t times involved the len ; �:.1 of time lapse i s unknown but was no more than minutes .

C learly thi s i s a " classic" and ·inve.sti �a:tion is still' proceedinG . He envi:J�-- �8 condu ' tin� a re!:sression hypnosis experim-ent to , see wha� · might emerse , t ,rt. oZ course any such memory would be of a dirferent ;urder to hi s consci o�s mc�ory which is why the objective story ·is pr .;sented at . this stage for considc::..·J.·d_on ,:

We would like to hear your views on this c�se and pos sible suggestions _ fo� further work (D • • is a pseudonym as he wi shes (ll.nonymity ) . I wi ll just point . ou t the close pA-rallels between thi s case and the Herb Schrimer event - in tho USh � Again a lone polic e officer , in a car , who had �ncredibly been investiga}i?lg cows misbehavine , met a: " truck" on the ·!'oad and lo st tinie t R egre ssion here revealed an appar�t CEJ memory .Alan D c laims not to know : of this - case o

... . .