Jedi Specializations - d20 Radio art/Force Revisions - Jedi Career.pdf · The Jedi Career should...


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The Jedi Career should only be used in an era when the Jedi Order was strong and viable. If you allow the Jedi Career in your game, you should remove the Jedi Initiate Force-Sensitive Specialization. The Jedi’s eight career skills are Athletics, Cool, Coordination, Discipline, Leadership, Lightsaber, Perception, and Lore. He may begin with a single rank in four of these skills, and it will be easier to attain ranks in the others by spending experience.

The Role of the Jedi The Jedi are an ancient order of Force-Users dedicated to serving the Republic as protectors of peace and justice, and guardians against the Dark Side of the Force. Living an ascetic lifestyle, the Jedi dedicate themselves to the Jedi Code, which teaches knowledge, compassion, and serenity. Despite this, the Jedi are known as capable warriors, trained to using their signature weapon: the lightsaber. Coupled with the gift of the Force, a Jedi is a powerful individual who evokes respect – and sometimes fear.

Jedi Specializations The specializations are covered in greater detail in the following sections, and represent specific areas of Jedi instruction. They should serve to guide your choices for your character, in terms of the role you see your Jedi playing. Each specialization in the Jedi Career has a Special Ability that provides the character with a Force Rating of 1. However, a character cannot raise their Force Rating by purchasing additional Jedi specializations or Force-Sensitive specializations; characters will need to purchase the Force Rating talent in order to increase their Force Rating.

Consular – A Voice of Reason The Jedi Order has obvious need for negotiators and members of the order who excel at using words to settle disputes and resolve difficult situations without resorting to violence. Consulars are the members of the Order who strive to

exemplify these principles, augmenting their social training with the power of the Force.

Understandably, the Consular’s need to communicate with the various cultures across the Republic leads him to gain Charm, Cool, Negotiation, and Education as his specialization skills. Of these four, he may begin with a single rank in two of them for free. Consulars prefer to use words whenever possible, believing that most problems can be solved without physical violence or the threat of it.

Guardian – Master of Combat Although the Jedi Code teaches peace, the Order understands that sometimes a strong defense is needed to maintain the peace. Most Jedi are trained in martial combat with their signature weapon: the lightsaber. But some are so adept at this training that lightsaber combat becomes a primary focus in their lives.

The Guardian’s martial bent is represented by his four specialization skills: Coordination, Lightsaber, Resilience, and Vigilance, of which he may choose two to gain a single rank in for free. As Jedi, Guardians never seek violence, but are ready to respond to it with fearsome prowess if needed – especially in the defense of the innocent and powerless.

Sentinel – Hunter of the Dark The Jedi Order is dedicated to the Light Side of the Force, and seeks to combat the Dark Side at every opportunity. From this need, the Order trains some of its members in techniques to root out Dark Side Force use.

As an investigator and watchful protector, the Sentinel’s four specialization skills are Coerce, Perception, Stealth, and Streetwise. Of these four, he may begin with a single rank in two of them for free. Aside from hunting the Dark Side, Sentinels are often called into criminal investigations and matters of espionage, which sometimes leads them to walk a difficult line in keeping with the Jedi Code.

: Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Coordination, Discipline, Leadership, Lightsaber, Perception, Lore Consular Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Negotiation, Education Bonus Ability: Gain Force Rating 1

Kill with Kindness Page #95

Researcher Page #97

Sense Emotions Page #98

Uncanny Senses Page #100 5 XP

Grit Page #93

Kill with Kindness Page #95

Kill with Kindness Page #95

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent) 10 XP

Nobody’s Fool Page #96

Natural Scholar Page #96

Overwhelm Emotions Page #97

Build Lightsaber (New Talent) 15 XP

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent)

Strong in the Force (New Talent)

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Force Rating Page #93

20 XP

Deflect Blasters (New Talent)

Force Rating Page #93

Dedication Page #92

Sixth Sense Page #98

25 XP

Key Passive Force Ability Activated Force Ability Passive Ability Activated Ability

: Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Coordination, Discipline, Leadership, Lightsaber, Perception, Lore Guardian Bonus Career Skills: Coordination, Lightsaber, Resilience, Vigilance Bonus Ability: Gain Force Rating 1

Toughened Page #100

Lethal Blows Page #95

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent)

Toughened Page #100

5 XP

Intense Focus Page #94

Jump Up Page #95

Burst of Speed (New Talent)

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent) 10 XP

Lethal Blows Page #95

Natural Duelist (New Talent)

Lightsaber Expert (New Talent)

Build Lightsaber (New Talent) 15 XP

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent)

Superior Reflexes Page #100

Force Rating Page #93

Deflect Blasters (New Talent) 20 XP

Defensive Stance Page #92

Force Rating Page #93

Dedication Page #92

Sixth Sense Page #98

25 XP

Key Passive Force Ability Activated Force Ability Passive Ability Activated Ability

: Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Coordination, Discipline, Leadership, Lightsaber, Perception, Lore Sentinel Bonus Career Skills: Coerce, Perception, Stealth, Streetwise Bonus Ability: Gain Force Rating 1

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Quick Draw Page #97

Sense Emotions Page #98

Uncanny Reactions Page #100 5 XP

Grit Page #93

Street Smarts Page #99

Sense Danger Page #98

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent) 10 XP

Uncanny Reactions Page #100

Burst of Speed (New Talent)

Sense Emotions Page #98

Build Lightsaber (New Talent) 15 XP

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Deflect Blasters (New Talent)

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent)

Force Rating Page #93

20 XP

Master of Shadows Page #95

Force Rating Page #93

Dedication Page #92

Strong in the Force (New Talent) 25 XP

Key Passive Force Ability Activated Force Ability Passive Ability Activated Ability


: ( )One of the key abilities of the Jedi Knights, proficiency with a lightsaber was a mark of distinction in the days of the Old Republic, before the Dark Times and the Empire’s active suppression of the Jedi Order and their beliefs. This skill follows the same rules as attacking with a melee weapon in Chapter 6: Conflict and Combat, except that the wielder does not add their Brawn to the damage result.


The talents which comprise the new Force-Sensitive Specializations are a mix of existing talents in the Edge of the Empire Beta Book, and new talents presented here. For each Force-Sensitive Specialization Talent Tree, listed talents that are pre-existing are referenced on the tree with their appropriate page number in the Edge of the Empire Beta Book, while new talents listed are given the “New Talent” descriptor, and are detailed in this document. Build Lightsaber Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Consular, Guardian, Jedi Initiate, Sentinel The character is now able to construct a lightsaber. This task requires basic components worth at least 1500 credits, and takes a number of days equal to 7 less the character’s Force Rating to complete. Burst of Speed Activation: Active (Maneuver) Ranked: No Trees: Guardian, Jedi Initiate, Sentinel The character rolls their Force Rating when using a

maneuver to Move (pg130), with each generated providing one maneuver’s worth of free movement. Dark Side Adept Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Dark Side Devotee The character no longer suffers Strain damage

when using results on their Force Dice to activate a Force Power. Special: A character with this talent should be considered prime candidates for becoming Dark Side Force-users (pg179).

Deflect Blasters Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No Trees: Consular, Guardian, Jedi Initiate, Sentinel Once per round, the character can activate this talent when they are actively targeted by an opponent. The attacker’s difficulty is replaced with the character’s Lightsaber dice pool. If the attack fails, the character can choose to deal the weapon’s base damage to a single target within Medium range. The character must be actively wielding a lightsaber in order to use this talent. Force Talisman Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Dark Side Devotee, Force Mystic The character has imbued a single small, portable object with the Force, creating a talisman that provides them with a single extra Force Point when activating Force Powers. Fortified Body Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Force Mystic When the character makes a Resilience check, upgrade a number of dice on the check equal to their Force Rating.

Jedi Training Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Jedi Initiate Discipline and Lightsaber are now career skills. Lightsaber Defense Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Consular, Guardian, Jedi Initiate, Sentinel When the character is actively wielding a lightsaber, add a number of setback dice equal to their ranks in this talent to all combat checks targeting the character. Lightsaber Expert Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Guardian, Jedi Initiate The character can spend a Triumph to activate the Sunder quality of a lightsaber they are actively wielding, which instantly destroys the targeted object.

Natural Duelist Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: Yes Trees: Guardian, Jedi Initiate Once per game session, the character may re-roll any one Lightsaber check. Path to the Dark Side Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Dark Side Devotee Coerce and Discipline are now career skills. Student of Mysteries Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Force Shaman Discipline and Knowledge (Lore) are now career skills. Strong in the Force Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No Trees: Consular, Jedi Initiate, Sentinel Once per session, the character can spend a Light

Side Destiny Point to generate one additional when activating a Force Power on that same turn, provided the Force Dice result generates at least

one normally.


:Once per scene, a Force-user can attempt to probe the Unifying Force to determine if a particular course of action will have favorable or unfavorable results for them, typically limited to within the next several minutes. The Force-user declares what actions they are trying to sense the repercussions of and makes a Vigilance (Hard) check, with a success allowing the Force-user to know if they have a good or bad feeling about their proposed course of action. Failure indicates that the Force-user wasn’t able to sense anything, and any Advantage or Threat generated can be used as normal to reflect the character’s fore-knowledge of coming events or lack thereof.

-Three additional Force-Sensitive specializations are now available: Dark Side Devotee, Force Mystic, and Jedi Initiate. Each of these is considered to be “universal” specializations as per the Final Beta Update, and provides the character with a Force Rating of 1. As per the Edge of the Empire Final Beta Update, a character cannot raise their Force Rating by purchasing additional Force-Sensitive specializations; characters will need to purchase the Force Rating talent in order to increase their Force Rating. The Jedi Initiate Specialization represents a character with Jedi training in an era devoid of a strong Jedi Order. It represents a Jedi student, who perhaps has access to a lone teacher, or ancient Jedi knowledge. If your game allows for the Jedi Initiate Specialization, the Jedi Career should be disallowed from play.

Force-Sensitive Bonus Ability: Gain Force Rating 1

Uncanny Reactions Page #100

Path to the Dark Side (New Talent)

Convincing Demeanor Page #91

Uncanny Senses Page #100 5 XP

Grit Page #93

Plausible Deniability Page #97

Plausible Deniability Page #97

Nobody’s Fool Page #96

10 XP

Intimidating Page #94

Confidence Page #91

Soft Spot Page #99

Intimidating Page #94

15 XP

Overwhelm Emotions Page #97

Uncanny Reactions Page #100

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Intense Focus Page #94 20 XP

Force Rating Page #93

Force Talisman (New Talent)

Dark Side Adept (New Talent)

Dedication Page #92

25 XP

Key Passive Force Ability Activated Force Ability Passive Ability Activated Ability

Force-Sensitive Bonus Ability: Gain Force Rating 1

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Student of Mysteries (New Talent)

Insight Page #94

Uncanny Reactions Page #100 5 XP

Grit Page #93

Sense Danger Page #98

Touch of Fate Page #100

Grit Page #93

10 XP

Resolve Page #98

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Uncanny Reactions Page #100

Resolve Page #98

15 XP

Balance Page #89

Intense Focus Page #94

Rapid Recovery Page #97

Fortified Body (New Talent) 20 XP

Force Talisman (New Talent)

Force Rating Page #93

Dedication Page #92

Overwhelm Emotions Page #97 25 XP

Key Passive Force Ability Activated Force Ability Passive Ability Activated Ability

Force-Sensitive Bonus Ability: Gain Force Rating 1

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Confidence Page #91

Jedi Training (New Talent)

Uncanny Reactions Page #100 5 XP

Jump Up Page #95

Balance Page #89

Build Lightsaber (New Talent)

Burst of Speed (New Talent) 10 XP

Uncanny Senses Page #100

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent)

Intense Focus Page #94

Uncanny Reactions Page #100 15 XP

Sense Danger Page #98

Natural Duelist (New Talent)

Lightsaber Defense (New Talent)

Strong in the Force (New Talent) 20 XP

Lightsaber Expert (New Talent)

Dedication Page #92

Force Rating Page #93

Deflect Blasters (New Talent) 25 XP

Key Passive Force Ability Activated Force Ability Passive Ability Activated Ability

:By far the most insidious use of the Force, this power focuses on causing direct harm to the Force user’s enemies rather than using external force, as is the case with the Move power. Unlike other Force Powers, Injure requires the negative energy of the Dark Side in order to function; characters that are not Dark Side Force-users must spend a destiny point and suffer Strain in order to activate this power. Basic Power The user spends and makes an opposed Discipline check against a single non-vehicle target that they are currently engaged with. If the check succeeds, the target suffers 5 Wounds plus additional wounds equal to the remaining successes. Bonuses to the target’s Soak Value provided by armor are not counted when resisting the damage inflicted by this power. Upgrades This power’s upgrades are mostly centered on inflicting greater pain at greater distances, though some upgrades do expand the Force user’s options for causing pain and suffering to their opponents.

Control Upgrade: When the target suffers damage from this power, they also suffer the effects of a Critical Injury.

Range Upgrade: Spend to increase the range band at which the character can target an opponent, however they must have a direct line of sight to that target. The Force user may activate this upgrade multiple times, increasing the range by this number each time. However, remember the Force user must still spend Force points to activate the power’s actual effects.

Strength Upgrade: Spend to increase the Wound damage by a number equal to the number of Strength upgrades purchased.

Magnitude Upgrade: Spend to increase the maximum number of targets affected equal to the number of Magnitude upgrades purchased. The Force user may activate this upgrade multiple times, increasing the number of targets by this number each time. However, remember that the Force user must still spend Force points to activate the power’s actual effects.

Basic Power: Spend to make an opposed Discipline roll versus a single non-vehicle target the Force user is currently engaged with, causing 5 Wounds if successful. 0 XP

Strength Upgrade



Magnitude Upgrade 5 XP

Strength Upgrade



Magnitude Upgrade 5 XP

Strength Upgrade

Control Upgrade: Inflict an automatic Critical Injury on the target.

10 XP

Strength Upgrade



Magnitude Upgrade 10 XP

:Though rare amongst members of the Jedi Order, the ability to mend the ills and injuries of others is one of the purest manifestations of the Light Side of the Force, the antithesis of the corrupting influence of the Dark Side. Basic Power The user spends to allow one living creature the character is engaged with to recover 5 Wounds. A target can only benefit from this power once per day. The character with this power can recover their own Wounds with this power. Upgrades This power’s upgrades are centered on increasing the effectiveness of healing through the force, in both single and enhanced multiple uses of the power.

Control Upgrade: In addition to recovering Wounds, the target recovers 2 Strain.

Control Upgrade: In addition to recovering Wounds, the target heals a single Critical Injury.

Duration Upgrade: Spend to increase the number of times per day this power can be used on a single target by the number of Duration upgrades purchased.

Strength Upgrade: Spend to increase the Wounds and Strain restored by a number equal to the number of Strength upgrades purchased.

Magnitude Upgrade: Spend to increase the maximum number of targets affected equal to the number of Magnitude upgrades purchased. The Force user may activate this upgrade multiple times, increasing the number of targets by this number each time. However, remember the Force user must still spend Force points to activate the power’s actual effects.

Basic Power: Spend to restore 5 Wounds to a single living create the character is engaged with. The target can only benefit from this power once per day. 0 XP

Duration Upgrade

Strength Upgrade 5 XP

Control Upgrade: The target also recovers 2 Strain.

Control Upgrade: The target also heals one critical injury. 5 XP

Duration Upgrade Duration


Strength Upgrade

Strength Upgrade 10 XP

Magnitude Upgrade

Strength Upgrade

Strength Upgrade 10 XP